234 quotes about monitoring follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The Baghdad Monitoring and Verification Center has resumed full-range activities.

Caroline Cross

This [Sony] is the company of Walkman fame. The last thing they want is some monitor maker stealing business away from them.

Mark Hardie

Most companies have a policy that says if you use our computers you consent to our monitoring.

Mark Rasch

We talk to people about monitoring calories daily, about monitoring their exercise daily. ... If we're asking them to do those ... on a daily basis, then why not add this other recommendation?

Jennifer Linde

The only way a vendor can find out that you are violating the terms of their license agreement is by monitoring your use. It [seems like] Big Brother.

Skip Lockwood

This sends a message that we should be monitoring this as a nation, and we don't do it. States have no idea about the knowledge and skills of their college graduates.

Joni Finney

Like all companies, we are closely monitoring the economy, but what we see at this time indicates we can hit our target for full-year revenue growth.

Ivan Seidenberg

It's a new way of monitoring volcanoes now, but this is going to be kind of the standard way of doing it.

Chris Waythomas

We're certainly monitoring the situation.

Cindy Maloney

The Healy's mission is to monitor the waters of the Arctic. It makes sense to homeport the vessel in its mission area.

Courtney Boone

What we really would like to see is lifetime supervision and GPS monitoring.

Laura Ahearn

Like the family, we are monitoring developments concerning the possible arrival of Juan Miguel Gonzalez in the United States. The Department of Justice and the INS have approached these discussions in good faith, and we hope to continue to move forward on Monday.

Robert Wallis

The thing I found most striking in monitoring eviction cases was that judges didn't adjust anything (rent) for hurricane damage.

Courtney Anderson

We'll need to monitor all weekend.

John Koskinen

Her back blew up down there. She was in hospital. Since then we have been monitoring it constantly.

Terry Gyde

I doubt it. I'll be monitoring more than anything else.

Bill Derryberry

What we plan to do is to take each of those affordable and effective interventions and every two years monitor how many kids are getting them. If the numbers don't go up. We will ask why.

Dr Jennifer Bryce

We monitor that on daily basis, though as of now, everything is looking clear.

Dan Johnston

It's important that we monitor these miners with problems. The intent is good. It needs to be thought through very carefully.

Bill Caylor

We're monitoring the situation. We have an inspector dropping by every day.

Guillermo Cole

Once completed, it (China's monitoring and evaluation system) will be one of the most extensive functioning M&E (monitoring and evaluation) systems in the world.

Bruce Murray

Most of our false alarms come from new customers, so we like to monitor it for a few days first.

Dave Simon

The two brothers are a very interesting finding that may for the first time give us a chance to monitor the human response to the disease.

Dr. Guenael Rodier

We're going to monitor to the best of our abilities. But there's only so much we can do before getting into privacy issues.

Rhonda Tubbs

In our effort to improve service we are monitoring all late deliveries. Our target is to get our deliveries completed by (5 p.m.) but no later than (6 p.m.).

Mike Cannone

We monitor hundreds of rooms but we don't see all the operators. These people go from one forum to another. It's a growing problem.

Dan Clements

The SEC has been pretty strict about monitoring conversations between investment counselors and their clients.

Larry Tabb

We're basing our negotiation on what the company is providing us, ... We're continually monitoring the books and their bookings.

George Price

Part of the problem is with our monitoring people moving around the country, ... This is and has been a concern for them.

Gerald Bourke

We'll strive to ensure all villages will have monitoring and reporting workers.

Jia Youling

We monitor all the injury reports and look at what happened in the game. We will contact clubs and ask them for an explanation.

Steve Alic

We monitor their grades throughout the season, and provide a (mandatory) study hall.

Shane Voss

Those rules are important in monitoring the integrity of the election.

Jonah Brown

Nobody is minding the store. If you don't have any agency monitoring and no enforcement, people think they can get away with it.

Bob Stern

Remember, Voyager was just a flyby, Cassini is in orbit. We have the opportunity for monitoring them and their behavior, their comings and goings, how they evolve, when they appear and disappear.

Carolyn Porco

We will continue to monitor the marketplace and make appropriate modifications to our benefits programs that maintain our competitiveness.

Paul Thomas

In our case, we monitor both our internal and external traffic, and found that if we installed it on one of our internal network switches, we could monitor the traffic from both.

Rich Ackermann

This equipment allows us to monitor the water quality every 20 minutes 24 hours a day up to 30 days in four different cave systems.

Brad Pobst

All they do is monitor water issues. They're not interested in all of the other scenarios out there.

Larry Mires

French authorities should be encouraged for reporting this so quickly and this allows them, as well as local farmers, to take extra monitoring precautions.

Alex Thiermann

It is very difficult to monitor the poultry in the backyards.

Henk Bekedam

The purpose of this memo is to advise you to closely monitor personal financial information -- including personal credit reports -- in the wake of these disturbing developments.

Carl Forti

There's a lot more attention being given to board leadership than there was a couple of years ago. We've seen with the corporate scandals and crisis in investor confidence an increased attention to the monitoring function of the board.

Beth Young

The city remains concerned about several events that have occurred at the Hudson Duster, and we'll continue to monitor the situation.

Jeff Buell

Three to four percent (of employees) will actively monitor what's happening with their accounts.

Richard Carpenter

I think it's very important the FDA continues to monitor this.

Nancy Green

We dispatched the Lyondell Air Monitoring Team and Harris County Pollution Control (HCPC) was almost immediately on the scene.

Aaron Woods

It's a good way to keep monitoring the work, check that everything's on schedule, and raise any problems.

Chris Blyth

There is something going on and we?re trying to find out what it is. We certainly have concerns about the river and we have been doing our own water quality monitoring.

Don Kain

This is such a pervasive problem. The Department of Juvenile Justice simply fails to adequately monitor or maintain their facilities.

Dennis Higgins

It can certainly change in a few hours, that's why we're monitoring storms.

Mark Goodman

There will be constant monitoring of internal developments in Turkey -- political, economic, human rights.

Cristina Gallach

This is a significant bet from a serious source and we will be monitoring the market carefully to see if the gamble gathers momentum.

Simon Clare

His rehab from the knee has gone along excellent, ... He's running now, and we'll continue to monitor the situation.

Charley Casserly

AQMD will continue to monitor air quality at this site to ensure that there is no threat to public health.

Chung Liu

We're just going to be watching and monitoring.

John Huber

We are monitoring. That's our duty.

Generoso Senga

We will continue to monitor the market on a daily basis and look for ways to offer savings in the future.

Laurence M. Downes

We do listen to the feedback quite a bit, ... We have at least one or two full-time people who are monitoring fan sites. ... That has an impact on everything we do.

Bruce Shelley

What we're trying to do is monitor the group as best we can, ... We had a group that was getting pretty rowdy and we needed to check it a little bit.

Charles Ramsey

We believe the service measures addressed in this Colorado quality of service settlement cover many customer issues and will appropriately monitor our electric service quality and customer service.

Fred Stoffel

We want to monitor concerns (to see) whether the problem is getting larger. We want to track exactly what's going on.

Greg Hudnall

Testing and monitoring of more than 300 close contacts failed to detect any further cases.

Maria Cheng

Tivoli was a good fit because it's already monitoring and managing our internal environment, ... We know that if we get alarms that someone is trying to hack into our environment, we already have the [Tivoli Enterprise] infrastructure in place that does centralized alarming, alerting escalation, and paging.

Jim Haney

Some streets don't have curbs, it's not easy to monitor. That's one of the gray areas.

Chad Wampler

The amount of control that we have over the construction of a project varies on a case by case basis. But we do see the project every day, whether it is through weekly construction meetings or having a consultant monitor.

Chris Paladino

Reforms are clearly overdue and we believe an independent monitor along with the federal investigation are the catalysts to provide them.

Ivette Mendez

It shouldn't affect our condemnation effort; that was filed over a year ago. Our attorneys are monitoring it.

Andrew Fulghum

Duke University is monitoring the situation and cooperating with officials, as are the students.

John Burness

I can be in my office monitoring it on the Internet or I can be on vacation.

Jim Kelley

One person can monitor about 10 video feeds for only about 45 minutes before losing concentration.

Steve Russell

The birds should be caged in a certain area instead of being allowed to run free and, in transportation of poultry, there has to be strict monitoring.

David Li

We were monitoring that system for days and days and days.

Lixion Avila

The costs of social uncertainty about covert monitoring are simply too high to justify Carnivore in its current form.

Jeffrey Rosen

We got clearance from Labor and Industries to go back to work and we're continuing to monitor the building.

Laura Prisc

[Trauma is] a huge issue, ... We know what they're seeing, and when they come out of the field, we will very closely monitor their situation on the medical front.

Jack Womack

After we work outside, then we come in and help with monitoring the cafeteria.

Marvin Taylor

Investors will continue to monitor what happens in the economy because once the economy picks up, earnings will improve.

Peter Cardillo

We're monitoring the hurricane and we continue to be in contact with both the Chiefs and Dolphins.

Steve Alic

We're continuing to monitor the judicial proceedings. The governor also continues to review Mr. Baird's clemency request.

Jane Jankowski

At this point we're monitoring to see what the outcome will be, and we'll take it from there.

Maria Brous

They said we could move two monitors or move one and get one new monitor. A new monitor brings in new equipment to the community and gives up an opportunity to start fresh.

Michael Bahtiarian

It will go through their server, and they will monitor our system. We won't need to call them if there is a problem, they will call us.

Carol Branham

It's a beautiful day outside but we know the weather is going to change. Our meteorologists are closely monitoring the weather conditions. We recognize that just a few degrees difference in either direction will make a difference in what kind of precipitation falls.

Dayle Stewart

The board of directors has great confidence in them (the internal auditors). We work closely with them to monitor activities and what they do.

Diane Evans

They're selling hormones over the counter now, self-prescribed, self-dosed, no medical monitoring.

William Jarvis

This isn't Hollywood, ... This isn't glamorous work, sitting behind a computer monitor 8, 10, 12 hours at a time.

Roy Mitchell

I got a laptop over the last two weeks, which helps me monitor any district or school needs that arise.

Ron Hirst

He's on top of things. He's monitoring the situation, and he will ensure that any person and every person who can be fed, who should receive clean water or medical care does so in a very fast manner.

Alfred Mutua

If they aren't able to be out on the floor, they are able to monitor what's going on in the school.

Mark Black

We seem to have inherited our own Loch Ness monster in terms of being able to find this monitoring.

Jon Adler

A technical team from UNSCOM (the U.N. Special Commission disarming Iraq) has gone out to maintain monitoring equipment.

Caroline Cross

Administrators can monitor traffic patterns to see if there is a spike in any certain type of traffic.

Mike Gallagher

I'm going through what exercises there are, monitoring exercise and what intensity to work at. I will also talk about getting different results for different people.

Lauren Smith

They should have been monitoring this and informed people all the way to the top, then they should have warned people.

Ivor Van Heerden

Doctors were hovered around, watching his every move and every monitor. There were so many, they had to stand in the corridor.

Grainne Owen

What they call monitoring leaves a lot to be desired. There is no way to monitor these guys 24 hours a day.

Barbara Blaine

It's out of sight of many adults who might possibly be around the kids or monitoring them, ... We try to keep them in the open.

Connie Collins

We obviously monitor consumer confidence as an indicator of how consumers are feeling about the broader economy, but we also look at a number of other indicators.

Matthew Fassler

We have not been vigilant enough in monitoring fraud in the program. I think it's an important program to continue, to show good faith to our customers, but it's not going to be a giveaway.

Daniel Grabauskas

The monitoring of people with incredibly low does uses huge amounts of resources and does more psychological harm than good.

Fred Mettler

The fact that companies monitor e-mail is not a secret.

Lewis Maltby

We need to make sure not to create a bottleneck there. So the city will continue to monitor that area.

Beth Leytham

That's going to make the situation certainly very serious. We're going to be monitoring the situation.

Thom Berry

We put all departments on notice to monitor fuel consumption and limit abuse like unnecessary idling of cars.

J. Murphy

For now this tight capacity remains an issue and we are monitoring the situation closely.

Melissa Mchenry

We are monitoring the weather condition and preparing for equipment to go out.

Seth Gitell

Of course, you monitor. You want to know. It's natural. You can't control what they're going to do, but you can monitor them.

Alfee Reft

We continue to monitor market developments to see if there are opportunities to fit in with our growth strategies. But we are focusing on organic growth plans for now.

Rick Pudner

Monitoring the wells after the plant is in operation will be too late.

Martin Koczanwics

We have no volatile memory, so the tag can go to 'sleep' and still monitor conditions.

Lisa Payne

We're monitoring the equipment. As soon as that's done and the weather breaks, we'll be up there.

Sadhu Johnston

We are monitoring the situation literally day by day, ... We will review the funding in the light of this work.

Patricia Hewitt

We have to do some modeling and evaluations to figure out what is going on. It only takes one monitor to sort of mess up the whole basket, if you will.

Chris Roberie

It is also an affirmation of state's authority to monitor regulate and determine legitimate medical practice.

Robert Kenneth

They are all receiving close monitoring and appropriate treatment.

Dr Ganesh Suntharalingam

He was taken into custody because we wanted to put him on an electronic monitoring device.

John Dipko

We will monitor all of them. We will review their cases, including their medical examinations.

Dante Jimenez

It's not our job to watch people. It's our job to monitor traffic.

Bruce Dressel

In the event that we successfully negotiate a contract, we will monitor their performance, as we do all programs.

Cynthia Lorenzo

Our latest Shoppers Advantage Catalog has a full line of televisions in each of the four technologies. We are especially excited about our featured 37-inch LCD monitor with a member price of just $1,799.

Michael Lombardo

Nonetheless our mission will continue to monitor the situation.

Ronnie Mamoepa

We're still obviously closely monitoring this. At this point, we still don't know exactly what's going on.

Melaney Arnold

We are monitoring the case through our legal department. Incentives are a natural part of economic development.

Michael Olivier

The guidelines that now exist are very weak and operate at the margins. They lack monitoring, and, for the most part, they lack teeth.

David Rothman

This may be a good board for monitoring the financial status of the company, but it lacks experience in marketing and manufacturing and innovating in those areas.

Ralph Ward

It's an intensive treatment and monitoring regimen, so we're looking to find people who are highly motivated.

Lisa Mahnke

It's too soon to take this and say the Japanese economy has recovered, ... We must cautiously monitor economic conditions.

Taichi Sakaiya

With our new infrastructure, Cole Haan can closely monitor its cost of goods sold and have better control over its bottom line.

John Barron

This is good information for monitoring, but we already alert people -- especially women, infants and children -- that bass is in the high category for mercury, ... These levels wouldn't change our advisory.

Dave Stone

We've been monitoring what's going on in the limousine marketplace, ... The darn things just keep getting longer.

Harry Thompson

The Ministry of Justice is part of the Executive, and is one of the bodies the Commission is expected to monitor.

Mburu Gitu

We don't do the pill because we don't have any way to monitor what they are taking every day.

Yvonne Smith

In a couple of weeks I'm going to throw down a challenge to journalism schools to monitor the balance in the coverage -- particularly in this city.

Peter Kent

We want to adopt this road if possible. I just don't know who to contact to monitor this road for illegal dumping. We're here to help.

Angel Castillo

At current prices, even first-tier companies barely break even for monitor and notebook panels.

Jeff Kim

We have cameras all over the place. They're all part of our monitoring system.

John Bray

A monitor like this is almost $300.

Nina Rioja

They chose to monitor it, but they've now shifted gears. They are very concerned that the disease could make its way into the elk feeding grounds (near Jackson Hole), and they don't want that to happen. Neither do we.

Tim Feldner

We wanted a tool that was not intrusive and was able to monitor the end-to-end experience.

Rich Ackermann

We looked at a video of Mount St. Helens, and one thing we looked at is how technology has changed from monitoring Mount St. Helens to monitoring this volcano.

Suzanne Haines

The federal government has made it clear that the computer system belongs to the employer and the employer has the right to monitor all e-mail transmissions and all Internet activity.

Nancy Flynn

We also hope the media will also represent a kind of monitoring over these elections.

Fareed Ayar

We will certainly be monitoring things closely during the tests there.

Ramsey Poston

We had an excellent apnea monitor program, but looking at national and local competitors, we really couldn't compete. We had to look at profit margins and profitability, so we made the decision to divest out of the apnea monitor program.

Gayle Devin

We will have to monitor to see if typhoid and cholera occurs.

Andrew Kumbakor

We've been doing surveillance of the refineries. So far what we see is minimal damage and we hope that holds, but we'll continue monitoring that to make sure that we can get those refineries back on line as quickly as possible.

David Paulison

An index tracker is a simple and cheap way in for people who want to buy equities and not monitor their investments too closely.

Darius Mcdermott

I still think that inventory is high and we'll continue to see how they will monitor working that off. But Intel is trying to bring costs down. If end demand continues to hold up and inventory comes down, that will bode well for the company.

Tai Nguyen

The elevated floor allows easier servicing of the drying machinery, regardless of whether grain is in the bin or not. Even when the drying bin is full, you can monitor and service everything conveniently.

Clay Mitchell

For those who monitor market charts, a pull-back to around 6,400-6,500 points, or the 72-day moving average for the benchmark index, seems increasingly possible.

Alvin Teng

We can only monitor incidents like looting.

Alexander Ivanko

Concerning Mr. Lee's family, I was misquoted totally. I don't monitor anything about his family, I pray for them, I have absolutely nothing against Mr. Lee, and I never said anything bad about him. I pray that God blesses him in every area of his life.

David Berkowitz

The players deny the criminal allegations. We continue to monitor the situation and will respond accordingly to further developments as the facts become known.

Joe Alleva

We're monitoring the situation, and we'll decide if there's anything that should happen on the Guard side.

Randy Harris

We are constantly testing and monitoring our two sites.

Gary King

The only way across is by boat. They have been doing that, but the only reason is to monitor the area. They aren't able to bring any more sandbags in. They've done what they can for the north area.

Richard Kent

We've been monitoring the online bulletin boards and responding with e-mail messages. But, to be honest with you, our overtures haven't lead to any kind of concrete contacts.

Marcus Courtney

Coach is aware of the situation and will monitor it. He will allow the legal process to take its course, then decide if he needs to apply any additional discipline.

Kent Brown

With uranium, it's much easier to put in safeguards to monitor the atmosphere and instruments.

Paul Ingram

It gives you better tracking, and monitoring of your whole operation.

James Crosby

When we're monitoring, we take a very holistic approach. We do a lot of biological monitoring by looking at the creatures that live in the water: the fish, the bugs. If the critters we expect to be in the stream are there, the stream is in pretty good health. If they're not there, then something is going on.

Mike Edmondson

We monitor our birds, we test our birds even if they appear healthy. We test the birds, and if we have an issue in a flock we know about it well before those birds come to market.

Dan Lennon

The first step was providing monitoring and then moving what was done in the field and on-site to off-site.

Kevin Laughlin

Why is the FBI conducting surveillance of a bookstore, monitoring the persons who gather there, and keeping files with lists of license plate numbers?

Mark Silverstein

Our medical director is monitoring it and leading the creation of the business continuity plan.

Lynn Brown

The new well is strictly for Ms. Booth's use and replaces her existing well, which we will properly abandon when we have finished investigating it. We have not worked out any arrangements to use the new well as a monitoring well in the future.

Gail Rymer

(We'll) ensure that we do put in place a mechanism for monitoring gas and home heating fuel prices in the months ahead.

David Emerson

We'll be the first to bridge the gap between the identity and security systems. E-Security has real-time monitoring and management.

Richard Whitehead

We will continue to monitor the volume. If appointments have to be extended, we will extend the deadline.

Adele Fasano

We are closely monitoring the film and the reactions of patrons in our theaters, but as of today we have no incidents.

Greg Dunn

We are monitoring the situation, and no decision has been made.

Dan Kane

We're going to be monitoring people so we know what kind of employment they are looking for.

Gretchen Laffoon

Tempe needs its own noise-monitoring system.

David Swanson

What we are really asking for is to stop monitoring altogether.

James Bickley

It's not a growing plume. It's that, as we were able to install more monitoring wells, we were better able to delineate the plume. We feel confident that we've reached the edge of the plume.

Gail Rymer

We will be monitoring the situation with Matt overnight.

Andy Robinson

The danger is that we can access less information to decisions government is making, and we can't monitor if these decisions are made in our best interest.

Sandra Chance

It is another interesting way to look at viewer opinion, and we are going to be speaking with these companies about doing business with them, but my concern is whether or not what they monitor can be manipulated.

Alan Wurtzel

IAEA teams have gone out to monitor sites as usual.

Caroline Cross

Some are installing more GPS (on delivery trucks) to monitor stop-and-go action.

John Dumais

Frankly, no newspaper is set up to monitor for cheats and fabricators.

Howell Raines

We are monitoring the health of the elephants on a regular basis.

Michael Briddell

Belarus created the legal and organizational environment needed for monitoring the vote, which indicates that the election was open.

Vladimir Rushailo

Luke is nursing a calf injury, but we will monitor his situation closely.

Mark Davies

We will closely monitor the new authorities' moves. We will define our relations with them according to their acts.

Foreign Ministry

We monitor it at home from our computers. If something breaks down, we get a phone call, log on, and we can figure out what the problem is.

George Ferguson

The forecast may suggest weaker-than-expected computer monitor demand.

Frank Wang

We have to monitor the situation to see whether resistance becomes a big problem or not.

Keiji Fukuda

The diabetes market desperately needs a non-invasive glucose level monitor. A non-invasive device approved by CE and the FDA will be easily sold in very large quantities worldwide.

Avner Gal

We have recognized that our churn rate was too high, and we have been monitoring the credit.

Chase Carey

Banks are increasingly monitoring profitability. If you have borrowed a lot of money or have tens of thousands of dollars in a money market account, they won't want to lose you.

Stephen Brobeck

I've got to monitor his progress and fitness. The good thing is we can slowly bring him on.

Omid Namazi

[The bottom line, according to the story, is that Jess got the gig because of her bottom.] She showed up in Daisy Dukes, ... I looked at her through the monitor and she was glowing.

Jay Chandrasekhar

If women are in a high risk category and they are found to have breast volume asymmetry, maybe this will alert people to monitor them more closely.

Diane Scutt

I think the U.S. does a fantastic job of monitoring and inspecting fish.

Art Frazier

From them submitting a Part I application, they are confident they can do this and monitor groundwater in the future. It will be up to our department to evaluate that report.

Mark Braswell

Our program's principal areas include outreach, monitoring, and compliance.

Ray Jaindl

A heart-rate monitor can help you to run a smart practice or a smart race, especially in adverse conditions.

Sarah Rice

We're making sure the language in the bill doesn't have an adverse impact on the metropolitan CIDs. So far, there's nothing to alarm us [in] how the bill is proposed, but we're still monitoring.

Yvonne Williams