The message is that all things are connected. We have animal aspects, anthropological aspects, plant-animal aspects.

John Dee

I think Coke's shareholders are trying to send a message to their new CEO.

John Mcmillin

This is a major public relations issue, and it's incumbent on both the government and industry to get the message to [health] consumers that they are aware of their concerns, that information will be confidential and that they will have control over who gets to see that information.

Marc Holland

Basically all schools in the county were invited to attend to hear this message of abstinence and safe sex.

Monica Ramirez

She is coming from so far to give us a message about unity and sovereignty among all nations.

Caroline Stasulat

David Cameron is the message. His ability to communicate with the wider public is part of his appeal.

Lord Heseltine

This phenomenon is a celestial sign, a message for our people and our time.

Holy Synod

We worked very hard to get our message out even though there were a lot of distractions. We kept on message and kept our message positive, ... The campaign starts tomorrow.

James Harrington

We have a message from Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, to the world: We are against these caricatures and condemn them.

Victor Batarseh

We don't want to abandon the salt message, but we want to expand upon it and say that there are other things that are important, too.

Chris Rosenbloom

I think now that [free agents] see a guy like B.J. Ryan who's going to be our closer, it will send a message.

Paul Godfrey

The photographic image... is a message without a code.

Roland Barthes

Everything you do sends a message about who you are and what you value.

Michael Josephson

If we do win, it will send a message for change across the country.

Francine Busby

We wanted to move people emotionally, not intellectually. There's no message in the film except that life is hard, and that's universal. You cannot get away from the fact that it's two men, but we've all been in love; we've all felt these things. Life is hard, whether you find love or not.

Diana Ossana

People still want to know what their message is.

Gregory Rocha

The whole message of Christianity is in the resurrection of Christ. The message of salvation is more clearly spoken in his death and resurrection.

Rev. Bert Cramer

The message is think laterally about what would be acceptable to the market.

John Gellatly

Now if he said to me, 'I want you [to] tell them the blood shall flow and you must attack them,' I would not have delivered that message.

Lynne Stewart

We've formed a coalition of 27 Bay Area organizations and community groups. The message to other activists is to concentrate on San Francisco. We anticipate 100,000 people.

Ramon Cardona

Abstinence-only is the only realistic message. It's the only thing that works. Now, the subject of contraception could be mentioned but only in the context of marriage. The abstinent message needs to be given a chance.

Don Mcleroy

Obviously, his message is not resonating with voters, and Kathy's positive message is.

Jason Heffley

What Georgi did was create the 'nuclear e-mail message,' .

Richard Smith

I've been there and I've gone through what I am trying to relate to them, as far as what kind of message and doing your all, just things like that, so those are the things that I can gain from lacrosse to give back to the kids.

Ryan Ward

It's hard getting a message out in three weeks.

Mike Harrington

The best way in the world to deceive believers is to cloak a message in religious language and declare that it conveys some new insight from God.

Charles Stanley

People are finally getting the message. There's not a heck of a lot they can do to affect the price of gas. There is a heck of a lot they can do to affect their use of gasoline.

Mike Right

Just making the effort to get kids outside is the take-home message.

Nancy Wells

It reminds us whether we're Catholic or another denomination, or whether we don't have the gift of faith, that we're connected to a facility and system that firmly believes in the message of Jesus, which is to heal. We each do that in our own way. We don't have to believe the same, but we're connected in our system and values.

Dave Baker

The idea is that where disorder occurs ... that sends the message that this area is not being monitored.

William Kelly

The voters have spoken, and I trust their judgment. My message did not resonate.

Richard Feinberg

Everyone has input on offense, although Charlie (Weis) is the general and I'm the captain. I deliver whatever message Charlie wants to get across.

Mike Haywood

I feel very strong and confident that we've sent a message that we're ready to do what we need to do.

Charlene Jones

In all games we've been getting fantastic support, ... It truly makes a world of difference to have this electric atmosphere. I guess my message to the fans is 'Keep coming.'

Brian Tompkins

The medium is the message.

Marshall McLuhan

The e-mail in-box is a potentially dangerous place. There is a tremendous need for a class of certified e-mail that can convey to consumers that a message is authentic.

Richard Gingras

The message is clear about the impact of energy. If by some chance the cost of oil were to reach $100 per barrel, the future for many small businesses would be uncertain.

George Cloutier

If that child is a message in a bottle, ... it has just washed up on shore.

Bruce Aylward

The clear message from Intel to Wall Street is 'Let's not get carried away.'

Sunil Reddy

The decision not to broadcast the full message was counterproductive.

Charles Hunter

I was resistant to it at first. But you couldn't ignore the message because of how it was framed and how it was being lived.

Doug Tanner

One out of two women are going to have, live with, and/or die from heart disease and stroke. It is amazing women are still not getting that message, and one has to ask why.

Martha Hill

Sabrina is delivering a great message to a specific audience, to young people.

Bernie Siegel

It's definitely a positive message. We're not obsessing over inner pain or anything like that.

Kevin Barnes

The message you sent to me was viewed by Ms. Miller as inherently 'mixed,'.

Floyd Abrams

Only if it's the wrong message. I know it wasn't wrong.

Marc Crawford

The message is that he has no respect for the people he is bargaining with. ... He should bargain in good faith and defend that contract to the public.

Colin Butler

By and large, I don't see Pontiac caring about children. That's the message I'm hearing - that you want us to leave.

Rachel Wright

You wouldn't let a salesman in, but the message was allowed in through the radio.

Marc Olivier

We should be a national destination, and we are not. And we are not because we haven't communicated the message to a national audience.

Brad Van Dommelen

This is to bring home a message to the new government that they have a mandate to make government more honest, more accountable and to make it better.

Gerry Nicholls

If companies are facing the competitive pressures, and not expanding, these are the things we can help companies with. If we?re helping local industry and they?re happy, we think that?s one of the best things that will send the message about our business climate.

David Mcfadden

My message is that disabilities are not limited to physical. They shouldn't stand in the way of success, there's no handicap to success.

Jessica Cox

The new Roberts court has sent a powerful and compelling message and that message is we don't give a damn about minorities in this country.

Barbara Becnel

I've left a message for Greg, but I haven't heard anything from Duquesne at all. I've gotten e-mails from Duquesne people and Pittsburgh people saying they would like to see me become the coach. I'd love to have [the job]. I want it.

Larry Harris

Seeing that message at the right time may deliver a driver to us.

Mike Russell

I hope this message gets through to the Alligator. I don't want to come back, because if we come back, we'll come back when there's people in there, and we'll go inside.

Sheridan Murphy

There are more teachers here than there were last year. We spread the message out a little bit more.

Carol Walker

Our message to health trusts is to look at all possibilities for holding the tobacco industry accountable for the cost of health care.

Bill O'neill

Maybe there is a communications problem -- that we have not gotten the message out to the leadership; it may be that there is no leadership; or it may be that they have chosen to fight. If it is the latter, that's probably the wrong decision to be making.

Mark Kimmitt

What they're left with is figuring out a better message around why broadband is worth it.

Joe Laszlo

We hope that the Secretary General's message was clear to the leaders that encouraging and maintaining violence is very serious... but I believe that the situation will change.

Pierre Schori

Our involvement in San Diego is ongoing. Our message is, if you are a foreign-born street gang member, we're determined to find you.

Serge Duarte

This clarity is going to be really helpful to Republican donors. Basically we can say, 'Come on in, the water's fine. Everybody into the pool. Let's go and really get our message out there.' .

David Keating

This (decision) sends entirely the wrong message. English football have lost the message that a footballer is an employee, it is more like the master and servant of centuries ago.

Graham Shear

I have one message for those cowards, the killers that actually did what they did last week: There's no place you could hide; there's no place in this region where it's going to be safe for you.

Auday Arabo

(The officers) may be racist and they may be bigots. I can't change their hearts. But we can control their behavior. In controlling that behavior you have to carry that message to the people in command. Biased-based enforcement will not be tolerated.

David Bradford

We have five locations, so it's important that we get the message out to each employee at the same time. These guys need to know that customer A has been to store A and already gotten a price, so we don't get into an internal price war.

Todd Barker

You need to be consistent with your message: you can do this.

Mary Morrison

These students have sent a message, and hopefully it has been heard in the ... White House. However, we are asking all the students, as well as all the parents, that this message has to be done in a more constructive manner.

Domingo Garcia

The bottom line message is we're committed to continuing service.

Lois Bollenback

The teachers are extremely frustrated, and they want to send a message that enough is enough.

Kerry Clock

I believe that the very message of me going up to accept the flag is a powerful statement about our city.

Sam Sullivan

Now, making payments is as easy as sending a text message.

Jeff Jordan

It's all about being in shape, tough as hell, on time and busting your (hump) every day of your life. You can't stop delivering the message. They're going to get that message as hard as they can get it.

Art Kehoe

She's got so much to offer. She's a Christian woman, a beautiful woman and a Latina, and she has such an empowering message to deliver.

Fred Sanchez

Part of what's happening is you have a lot of different communities affected by the issue, who don't always agree on tactics, and don't agree on the message.

Pilar Weiss

The response was very limited, and that was a clear message. Those top donors - and I called many of them - they just felt tapped out.

Fred Berkenkamp

At the end of the day, we still have a goal to get our message out there quickly to our core consumers, and television is still far and away the primary vehicle.

Gillian Smith

Despite the intention of the terrorists will be at the U.N. General Assembly to represent Iraq and deliver Iraq's message of peace, democracy and human rights.

Ahmad Chalabi

We need to keep getting the message out with days like today where we can try to keep kids from making bad decisions.

Kelly Hughes

People think it's similar to a CD, but it's not. The message for investors is to make sure they just don't believe the ads.

Barbara Raasch

There was a message that said something like 'Ryan couldn't wait'. I'm like, 'What does that mean?', then it clicked.

Karl Muggeridge

My job is not to send a message.

Tony Clark

In the patient symposium we will focus on getting the message through with patients.

Louis Denis

There's a bit of a message to the administration: 'Don't rush this. . . . We need to do this right, not fast,' .

Noah Feldman

Maybe the easiest way to get the message to them is to tell the media that Brian would sure prefer that they keep the message positive.

Brian Bilbray

People need to be mad as hell about this situation, but they aren't. We haven't gotten the message across.

Brad Ack

It's important that a message is sent to the players. They need to perceive that change is being made.

Doug Berry

It's important to have those eyes and ears out there. It keeps it going, it keeps it alive. It keeps it in front of the public, keeps attention on the case and sends a very clear message to the families and others that law enforcement will never give up on these cases.

Tim O'malley

Brian, this message is for you: Go work out. Stop playing racquetball and run some half-gassers.

Adalius Thomas

Those three things will help defend against most broad-based attacks. Certainly more consumers out there need to see that message.

Mike Reavey

This is the message of hope.

Gary Susser

Get the message out that limbs can be saved.

Frank Anderson

Every time I call I get the recorded message that service is out due to the hurricane.

Amy Miller

It was a serious message, and the kids are well aware of that.

Sebrina Brown

I was quite encouraged. The main message is that it is looking a bit better for the industry.

Chris Tarry

It will send a strong message that the kingdom is not acting out of sectarian interests, but in the interests of Iraq and the region at large.

Nawaf Obaid

When you stress the weight room, you have to be careful about your message.

Steve Struzyk

I am not a hip-hop fan, but I loved those two acts, ... They connected with the crowd and had a great message.

Steve Hill

The message was, the choices you make can have bad consequences. Everyone has the power of choice. Just like this kid had the power of choice to steal my car.

Caren Brady

It doesn't tell a preachy Christian message. I wouldn't be embarrassed to take anyone of any belief to see it.

Nate Saint

You're more interested in a political message than you are in solving the problem.

Sam Farr

I want to get this message out, because there's going to be a lot more hearing-impaired people.

Marilyn Chandler

The message is that it is the water of life.

Frank Warner

I think it's a little naive to think that the state Supreme Court isn't going to at least see this as a message from the Legislature.

Sen. Brad Benson

The most important part of the message is practice some good basic common health techniques.

Bob Harrington

You have just voted on a resolution which sends out a ... message. This message came through loud and clear to me.

Jacques Santer

We've been careful to stay true to the Bible. We didn't want to alter its message in any way and we never abbreviated any names.

George Rodriguez

I want to send a message to the fans of Dayton. We'll be better. That's a promise. That is the message.

Tim Naehring

I had called KEYZ and been live on the air, gun-ho to hit the hill. I was so up, so eager to this message out to people.

Phyllis Gronfur

Over 60 percent of all purchases are impulse in nature, and so if you can garner that last chance to communicate your message, you're going to be a heck of a lot better off.

Greg Gorman

I'd like to get to nationals and embody the message of first (place).

Lenny Haas

I've really enjoyed working with other artists. I prefer the focus taken off from me and put on the message.

Jenny Phillips

Maybe our message of encouraging people to seek flu shots is getting through.

Lola Russell

You can reduce the fear by knowing your message and knowing your audience.

Christen Brown

This sends a further strong message to the Islamic Republic of Iran, a message of concern ... and a continuing lack of confidence in Iran's nuclear intentions.

Peter Jenkins

Candidate evaluation recruitment. Message development and communication, ... These activities cannot be paid for with corporate dollars under Texas law.

Craig Mcdonald

My message is, school is a better place because of you. Thank you for everything you do.

Joy Torgerson

[The report's key message is] There are a lot more important reasons for merging than there are to stay apart, ... I think it's a good thing.

Kevin O'shea

It's clear that there's a message to the private sector. The message is, they want their broadband and will find a cheap way to deploy it. They will do it for themselves if the private sector doesn't do it fast enough.

Michael Gallagher

We should be ready to help one another whether we know them or not, ... That's the message I'm getting from this.

The Clarion ledger

The message to the industry is this: We have to do a better job of service after the sale.

Wayne Cowart

There were 80,000 people there that night, and just a handful of them wreaked havoc, ... How do we stop that? How do we get the message across?

Victoria Snelgrove

It sends a strong message to the administration that we can't just ignore this and take our time.

Cynthia Rezentes

You need to make sure the school board gets the message that the numbers need to be accurate . . . so we can all make intelligent decisions.

Jeff Stone

That's really a deceptive message. It confuses the public, and at this point it is just not helpful to add confusion.

Marcia Stefanick

We will be doing more to increase our sales and brand exposure. One downside is not being in total control of the message we are giving out. But this can be dealt with if brands involved set out objectives from the start.

Jeremy Osborne

I'll see what I can pick up for you and bring the message back for you. Let's hold on one second for an airplane.

Tukufu Zuberi

They become part of our everyday lives. You see an ad for medication the way you see an ad for shampoo, and the message is that it's just like an everyday thing.

Nora Volkow

As you listen to them more, you can make out the actual lyrics, and can tell they're usually pretty deep in message.

Carlos Morales

Select for you keyboard, just like doing a text message, so everybody who does text messaging on their cell phone, it's the same idea.

Jay Peteranetz

The message coming from Dave is absolutely spot-on.

Liz Nicholl

They're flexible now. I think they got the message.

Gilles Hallé

What we would like them to do is send them a message that this kind of hate speech which is designed to intimidate Catholics from engaging in public discussions can't be tolerated.

Bill Donohue

What the adults teach them is what they see. And so, unfortunately, if it's not an important issue to the adults in their world around them, then kids aren't gonna get the message.

Diane Riibe

The administration is on the wrong track and sending exactly the wrong message.

Michael E. Capuano

I think most Americans, whether they support Cindy's message or not, think it's about time we had a conversation about the war in Iraq.

Andrew Pearson

I don't know that there could have possibly been a session that could have sent a worse message to business.

Aris Melissaratos

The message was, briefly stated, that the political process is working.

William J. Perry

It conveyed a message to the jury that this is an especially dangerous person.

Barry Feld

Sends a message that cricket is alive and well in the Caribbean.

Baldwin Spencer

The message about Jesus Christ is for all people. The poorest people and the richest people. So we don't try to avoid areas.

James Russell Lowell

It is a big message to Washington officials that if you only would come clean you would probably be OK.

Paul Rothstein

They're reaching people we can't. We have no problem with that. They're only getting a good message out.

Lynda Scaggs

The Internet is a wonderful tool, but technology is increasing faster than the safety message is.

Pam Weaver

You will possibly get away with it. What kind of message will that send to America?

Michael E. Capuano

Kill the Pope; that's obviously anti-Catholic, but that's against the message of the other writings where they say 'no more war,'.

Jerry Ryan

It's a celebration of life over death. The whole message of Holy Week is the message of God to join him.

Glenn Duffy

Secretary McHale had a very militant message, which provided some interesting insight, especially for the civilians.

Justin Ossola

The message of NATO and the message of these demonstrators is very clear: Milosevic is a loser.

George Robertson

Had we not joined forces and brought these events about, our community may not even be aware of the kinds of resources (that are available). We've given them a message that we are here and that we are working on violence and substance abuse in their community.

Ann Mcbride

The message of this report is urgency.

Michael Leavitt

Our message between zero and .08 is a responsibility message. The message of .08 and above is an illegal message.

Chuck Hurley

How do we get our message out? It so easily gets portrayed that the Democratic Party is negative and the issue agenda gets controlled by the Republicans.

Ann Hughes

This sends a clear message to the highest levels at Westchester that we can't do business like this anymore. Every obligation they had, they breached.

Christopher Opalinski

I want to send a message that our industry is going to be able to get you gasoline after the skies clear, but we just can't get the ships in here.

Dave Mica

He went to Nineveh and gave them the message that God wanted them to change. And guess what? They did, ... Jonah learned, as I hope you learn, that there are things we have to do, good things we have to do even though they may be difficult.

David Fass

The stiffer the penalty, the greater the message is sent.

Lou Brock

I knew his simple message would translate to children.

Georgia Perez

The message on Darwin Day is this is one of the great unifying ideas in biology.

Kevin Padian

They've had four nights of unprecedented negativity. We are going to talk about our message.

Allison Dobson

He has a Blackberry and he?s on it all the time. Most of our conversations are by e-mail and every time I check my e-mail there?s a message from him.

Baker Dunleavy

We don't have 25,000 messengers to send our message out like the school district has .

Jim Auld

I don't have any message in the music. Music will be fine as long as you take care of yourself.

John Mclaughlin

Our message is that children should recognize and avoid certain situations, rather than certain people.

Nancy Mcbride

I kind of think it's a little bit of a message from my father.

Louis Frankel

The message bus lets us quickly tie in those technologies.

Richard Whitehead

You're trying to send the message down a different path.

Debbie Mills

What better message to send the community we serve and to the students that we believe and value what we are doing.

Bill Mulso

I'm hoping this also sends a message to the rest of the council of the importance of this election.

Chris Havill

The biggest message we're sending is we don't want governments to try and do this alone, we want to have partnership with neighborhoods from day one.

Marshall Foster

We feel like we have done really well in getting the message across.

Josh Robinson

Every online message encourages me and serves as new support for me to do better.

Zhang Hao

We believe that this signifies this is a warning message, and they feel they're obligated (to give) in the run-up to an attack.

Ben Venzke

It will send a very clear message to the U.S. that this is the way to go.

Peter Marcus

This bill is about sending a message to irresponsible dog owners, and not just jailing a bad neighbor. This bill is about ... closing a legal loophole--not merely exacting vengeance.

Larry Just

What kind of a message does this send out to the honest cop?

Frank Serpico

The media always covers these things, so another chance to get your message out is always good, even if it's only one quote in part of a story.

James Vaughn

The message of this election is that we'll have a long period of instability and a very short period for the next government, whatever it is.

Claus Leggewie

They wanted to send him a message.

Bill Renner

The goal is to convey the message to all in the county as often and in any way.

Harold Willard

There's time for business and time for pleasure. That's a good way to get your message across in Frankfort.

Marc Wilson

If every business that was sending out unsolicited commercial e-mail had to hear back from all the 300,000 people they ... (made angry), and they had to bear the cost of that, folks would realize it's not the most effective means of getting your message out.

Deirdre Mulligan

When I saw this message, I was shocked.

Rita Katz

The thing I keep coming back to with Eric is his attitude. You always hear that message about living every day; when you see somebody close to you, somebody young, in this situation, it really hits home.

Mark Macdonald

If you're trying to get at big oil, this isn't the way to do it. The message is gas caps don't work and price controls don't work.

Richard Parry

The best thing is for people to disclose. That's the message.

Karen Mall

It would be his last (message), because from that day he would be able, with great effort, to pronounce only a few phrases.

Stanislaw Dziwisz

Wal-Mart is listening to everything that we are doing. The message we put out must be consistent.

Dion Hardy

That's the message we've heard from our partners over and over again. Our hope is that this plan defines that.

Tim Moerman

We are 48 hours away from locking Indiana into a 75-year contract. My message to the governor is: I hope you know what you're doing.

Sen. Vi Simpson

Creating this alliance and getting a message out to the people and the consumers and these buyers that the vitality is strong and that their commitment and purchase here is going to happen.

Bea Goodwin

We are on track to bring in engineering work packages. Clearly, that's consistent with the message we have delivered.

Forrest Gossett

Our message to the government is that if you won't take responsibility to uphold the law, we will force you to do so.

Dror Etkes

We haven't gone out too early with our marketing message, and we timed our message with vehicle availability in our showroom. We are trying to manage our customers' expectations.

Matt Armstrong

The take-home message is that feelings of loneliness are a health risk, in that the lonelier you are, the higher your blood pressure. And we know that high blood pressure has all kinds of negative consequences.

Louise Hawkley

We have always held students accountable to all state requirements. We believed this would be a consistent message to the community.

Kelly Avants

We want to get the message out that is a serious alternative to any search engine out there.

Daniel Read

I would like to have said more. I think he got my message.

Ron Grantski