We built a model based on all the different things they're browsing to predict what should be the content of the message.

Catherine Paschkewitz

The message from DOT is that everything looks good. They've had the plans for awhile and there are no red flags.

Judy Breselor

My message to you today is, to stay healthy, have a good meal, stay fit and begin working out because you'll feel better afterward.

Kristin Haynie

In his few days with us here in Berlin he has impressed us with his courage and his message: never give up.

Moritz De Hadeln

Yeah, people that don?t know him. If someone calls and asks to speak with Hank, we take a message.

John Strong

The message from officials is that the impact from Katrina will be limited.

Ian Stannard

The reinvestment in our infrastructure in shopping is an important and powerful message to the Japanese travel industry and consumer.

Dave Erdman

It is a great day for artists and anyone who wants to make a living from music. The loud and clear message to anyone involved in the illegal online music business is to get out of it, get legal.

Michael Speck

Gateway needs to change their message from price and performance to application and lifestyle.

Brett Miller

Changing the rules and dramatically increasing taxes on prior investments and future investments sends a chilling message to any company considering investments in Alaska.

Daren Beaudo

I'm not a candidate. That's message-board stuff. They've got me going everywhere this year. I'm a Georgia Tech guy.

Charlton Young

He believed that there had to be a message to start with, that in the beginning was the Word. Otherwise, he said, "all you have is a lot of wires and lights in a box."

Alexander Kendrick

Hiya kids. Here is an important message from your Uncle Bill. Don't buy drugs. Become a pop star, and they give you them for free.

Love Actually

I had planned to send them in, but I didn't know what to expect. I told them to think about what would be a good message.

June Wozny

This is definitely the time of year to get things started. For some people, it's a bitter message. There are things that you don't like doing. But they have to be done.

Barry Armstrong

These ads get the message across that many of the cultural elements are intact.

Angele Davis

That was his message at halftime and what he kept saying on the sidelines. Things don't always go your way in the game. You cannot lose your mind and you cannot lose your composure.

Victor Abiamiri

Americans are overwhelmed with the complexity of health information. We have hit a point of information overload and the public health message is being diluted.

Richard Carmona

IT managers will have access to the key for any message.

Richard Bliss

If Parliament votes the cuts, it will be a message that they think La Scala isn't important, that film isn't important.

Gaetano Blandini

This is so realistic, the message hits home so quickly. They'll remember this.

Lisa Saunders

The message from this study is that there is no easy escape from this acoustic snooping.

Doug Tygar

My message wasn't, 'Don't use drugs, they're bad for you,' it was don't go out to parties where you are going to get drunk and lose your inhibitions and try drugs. Because once you try them, you will like them. Don't put yourself in that position.

Daniel Brown

It's a sad day when airline officials feel they can boot someone off an airplane because of a political message on a T-shirt.

Doug Honig

We have to hear that message, and we have to respect it.

David Paddock

This is the simplest way to confine a campaign to the message of the two candidates. The two campaigns are totally responsible for the message that's out there, and they control that message. That's the way it should be.

Christine Iverson

A lot of people voting for Pat Buchanan say they are doing so to send a message. Apparently that message is, 'Hey, look at me, I'm an idiot.'

Dennis Miller

Only half of all parents are reading to their children every day. My message to parents is to read, read, read. It makes a powerful difference.

Richard Riley

We talked before the game about sending a message that Lower Merion is for real.

Ryan Brooks

When they say men should take responsibility, they really mean men should take control ... that men should be heads and masters of their families, and women should take a back seat. That is a very bad message as far as I am concerned.

Patricia Ireland

The clearest message we can send that that's not the case is to get out and get out now. We have to extricate ourselves.

Kent Kanoy

Then we basically wreck it and then we put it back together, ... And we have a nice environmental message in the thing.

Pauly Shore

This country helped me. It takes in anybody. I want to send a message to the world that we are all one.

John Wynn

Uncle Sam is going to ride to the rescue. That's the message to every city as a result of Katrina.

Jack Weiss

If the President cannot convey this message during his visit, it would be better for him to cancel. There is no use visiting Myanmar without this message.

Djoko Susilo

I just think it's a mistake to add this in. I think it sends the wrong message.

Tom Fiorentino

The logical inference from that information is that the first day of the system's activation helped carry the message to motorists that they have to be mindful of their speed.

Jay Heiler

My son was on the balance beam, so I couldn't pick it up right then, ... But I got the message soon after, and it confirmed what I had been thinking.

Chris Doering

This sends such a message that we should think ability before disability.

Cheryl Fey

This is another example of excellent police work coupled with excellent medical intervention and evidence. It sends a powerful message to those who injure a child ? any child ? that Clay County will hold you accountable for your actions.

Daniel White

My message to Israel is to put an end to the occupation, and then there will be no fighting.

Aziz Dweik

I think the state accidentally sent the wrong message.

Dave Ross

We want everyone to be welcome to Beth Zion. That is a big message of Messiah.

Marlene Rosenberg

Advertisers have to find another way to deliver their message. Because of the decline in traditional media, they have to make themselves more interesting.

Peter Sealey

We've tried to emphasize that a little bit in some of our communications materials -- apparently not enough. We have plans to get that message out.

Derek Hall

We feel that the message of this poster can be interpreted as if we are a racist company. I don't know if that's what's intended, but it's definitely one way of interpreting it.

Charlotte Simonsen

That's the most important message being sent. These people are no longer hiding. Their voices are being heard.

Al Rojas

It's a redeeming film and it has a positive message.

Rachel Blanchard

This is the one that accepts the message. It switches off a civil war and it gives the party the summer to get over what they have just gone through.

Peter Mccormick

It's important we can convey our message through the media and to the fans. I think for a long time, the fans and the media perhaps felt that hasn't always been the case.

Bob Castellini

We want people to understand our message is one of peace and not one of hate.

Megan Challender

We have done what we can to alert people to the fact that one measure is on the back of the ballot. But I'm sure there will be some folks who won't get the message or who will forget and will miss that item.

Kathryn Reith

We're in good shape, but the message is we have to be vigilant.

Dr. Jessie Wing

The message has gone out very clearly to everybody that we're going to be efficient, we're going to cut through red tape, but we're not going to cut though the laws.

Michael Chertoff

It sends a good message to the rest of the country that we have a good, strong business environment.

Lynda Weatherman

Two-thirds (of SG) is Greek. Two percent is Hispanic. What message does this send?

Jared Hernandez

At best, this message is misleading, and at worst, downright deceptive.

Brian Bailey

Maybe the message is getting through.

David Friedman

It is important this campaign be waged on a higher level of dignity and character. We will continue to move forward with our positive message for Pennsylvania.

Lynn Swann

I have a message for the cowards. There is no place you can hide. There is no place safe for you. The loss and anguish you caused this community will never be forgotten.

Auday Arabo

The message we were trying to send was not effectively communicated by us.

Ross Liscum

What we're seeing is a clear message that they're angry about this. The best movie of 2005 was 'King Kong,' but the Oscars snubbed it because they had a message.

Tom O'neill

We thought we would probably get the benefits because the cuts (Northwest sought) were so extreme, ... The guys are going to have to get other jobs. That will be our message to them.

Ted Ludwig

We just want to become as musically perfect as we can and leave all our audiences with a positive, emotional message.

Jonny Moroni

You're sending a message about what the state's transportation priorities are.

Damien Newton

But it marks, to some degree, a failure on our part to communicate the message.

Joe Garcia

What we are doing is making children more insecure as our alarmist message becomes part of everyday life.

Frank Furedi

The message we've received from Fed statements lately has been quite consistent. I don't expect what he says to depart very much from that.

Michael Prell

We knew it would be close, ... was able to spend a lot of money. They were able to get out their message and convince people to vote no.

Patrick Doyle

I hope this sends a message that voters are not going to put up with exorbitant tax increases. You can't tie community needs with wants.

Rod Benfield

We will work diligently to determine who left the message. And the discipline will be severe.

Diane Ostrowski

We have come here with a message of love and brotherhood.

Laloo Prasad Yadav

Desperate candidate without a message.

Kate Murray

It's very important to get across the message that the movement is a neutral movement.

Yonatan Yagadovsky

The mayor has got to send a message here, and this would be the meeting to do it. It's an important opportunity for the city to speak.

Michael English

We still have to get our message out, but fundraising will not be as active.

Kevin Faulconer

It's a clear, clear message that every time we have certain steps forward, somebody would like to make us backward.

Nassib Lahoud

I think that the most important lesson is to be yourself, and that you can't change yourself for anyone else, ... I think a lot of girls try to do that for their boyfriends or their parents, so that's a strong message in this film.

Amanda Bynes

The message we're getting from you in the business community is right now, training is kind of secondary to finding the bodies.

Rusty Skinner

She is a good PR for America. All of America's power and arrogance were neatly covered because of her ability to deliver the message through a sympathetic way.

Agung Laksono

Her message to the fans is [for them] not to worry about her because she's doing very well.

Claire Espina

The cuts to Williams are a wrong message to send.

Roc Arnett

We have to send the message that this is wrong.

Kevin Christian

It's a bad message to be sending.

Duff Conacher

It's a dramatic message that will have a dramatic impact.

Todd Butler

We don't really know. That's why we want to continue to get the message out to the general public.

Roma Taylor

If you call people heroes, the message is that we can't do what they've done. I want to make everyone aware that you and I can do exactly what they've done.

Jeff Steinberg

I can't get the message out strong enough.

Cheryl Mclarney

If a patient does not like the message, go to another doctor.

Charles Douglas

There's a fire everywhere, the interest in the Mother, wanting to know her message, wanting to know more about her.

Sister Nirmala

Non-Christians may also welcome Benedict's message.

Thomas Tryon

Certainly, the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board has made it clear that diversity is an important element of any license application. It seems to me that all of the applicants have received this message.

Joseph Weinert

I just hope that this sends a message, and that other oil companies will step and help also.

William Delahunt

Brattleboro has a good heart. The message sometimes doesn't resonate as strongly as it could. And I hope to bring some of that to the community.

Jerry Goldberg

That's a powerful message for kids.

Nalo Hampton

It's just a matter of San Antonio getting the message of what this game does for so many kids.

Jim Garcia

I think expansions send a great message to the community.

Gary Ferguson

I'm not trying to send any kind of message or anything like that. That kind of stuff doesn't matter to me. I'm just here trying to place like every other kid.

Aaron Wilcox

We weren't concerned about what GM was doing. We were concerned with what the consumers were doing. This is one of those great rivalries — two sports cars coming out — and we thought the best way to get our message out was to offer a comparison.

Don Romano

The message is that we would like an opportunity for these folks. Maybe (illegal immigrants) did not come in the proper way, but they came to work, and they paid their dues in those fields.

Margarita Romo

He never really got traction on the central message that Paul Elizondo has to be replaced.

Andy Hernandez

His career delivers this message: It can be wiser to follow than to lead. Let the innovators hit the beaches and take the losses; if you hold back and follow, you can clean up in peace and quiet.

David Gelernter

It's kind a dual threat and opportunity message.

Peter Lee

The people coming out from the speech, the ones who were inside listening to Bush, are the folks who need this message -- the suits, they're the folks who need to know.

Lori Lane

What children need from their parents is to get a very clear message that no is no.

Michael Eisen

We think we have a unique research design that hadn't been done before. The take-home message is these laws have impacts and they change kids' behavior.

Ted Joyce

The U.S. was sending a message that the status quo is best for everyone.

Philip Yang

I think color is important. The subject matter expresses the message, the imagery ... expresses the message, the text expresses the message -- but so does the color.

Janeen Koconis

They hear that message all the time from people in the educational world.

Chris Simpson

This is a dastardly crime as far as I'm concerned...It's the type of cruelty we absolutely have to send a message on, ... This is just not acceptable in this jurisdiction.

John Conte

After I went to the parade, I just noticed that there wasn't anything in the parade that had the Christmas message in it -- which was about the birth of Christ.

George Morrison

You can't start too early with the young ones to let that message really get inculcated into them and let 'em understand how they can be a part of change.

Ken Hall

The primary message will be the corruption in Washington and needing to change Washington.

Tessa Hafen

CEOs of many corporations have begun to get the message that if the federal government continues to cut back on research funding, then this innovation is not going to happen any more, because these companies cannot afford to fund all the basic exploratory research that's needed at the front end.

Neal Lane

The message we want to give them with the torch relay. ... we get that message back in our face. It's very dangerous.

Gilbert Felli

The billboard conveys to students a disturbing message actively promoting gun violence, criminal behavior and gang affiliation.

Michael Antonovich

We expect lots of developers to continue to build things on the Palm OS and we will allow these applications to run on ALP. The message to developers is to continue doing what you're doing, and the investment won't be lost.

Albert Chu

The intent is for this to be a clear and concise message.

Bill Powell

It was absolute silence in that room. Everybody was blown away by his message.

Mark Macdonald

There's a clear message that men are also affected greatly by involvement in the family and particularly by whether they have children. This has real policy implications.

Jerry Flanzer

Sun is sending a message to the industry that the problems associated with power and cooling are just as important as keeping up with performance.

Vernon Turner

I hope this sends a message out to anyone attempting to do this that we are actively looking for cigarette smugglers, and the courts are on our side.

Michael Golden

When you're choosing a lace, think about the subtle message. It's not about an age; it's about a mind-set.

Barbara Lipton

My urgent message to all the refugees in the camps is, 'Don't come back yet, it's not safe,'.

Dennis Mcnamara

Everyone had really good things to say and came out with the message that we were trying to convey, which wasn't about being straight or gay, but about being a human.

Doug Schultz

We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum.

Aiden Wilson Tozer

It sent a message to America, because bombings were the only way Americans would listen.

Abigail Perkins

Students got the message that they had their chance to be heard and they were.

Jay Dillon

It was a pretty resounding message, It has a finer grain, finer texture.

David Grant

The Government said that, if there was a common message, it would listen.

Paul Ennals

We have made an effort to get the message out there. But we're not working in ideal conditions here.

Kristen Meyer

If you saw a neighbor's house on fire, you'd run over, wouldn't you, to warn her. That's how we feel about our message.

Lisa Riley

I think we got the message.

Jim Lewis

What it ended up being was a restriction not on the message but on the messenger. If the messenger was an Indian casino, they got to deliver the message.

James Rogers

It's an opportunity to get across a message: stop the violence.

Victoria Snelgrove

The court's ruling sends a pretty clear message that there's a process to be followed.

Jeff Mikulina

This is really sending a bad message to the public.

David Beard

The main goal ... is to bring the message of the Gospel to America's young people so they might receive Christ and become His disciples.

Tim Wildmon

I think it's inevitable that Governor Fukui will indicate we're that bit closer to the end of quantitative easing but I still think the message will be one of relative caution.

Derek Halpenny

Eric Dietz, director of Indiana Homeland Security, validated that message by saying each county will be on their own. The state and federal government won't be coming in and bailing us out.

Bill Gosnell

We're not doing anything different, but it's being done in a different atmosphere, an environment in which people are acceptable to our message.

Jeff Cogen

We got the message loud and clear, and did what we were supposed to do.

David Morehouse

One message we get is that the stocks people buy when they're scared -- basic materials, beverages, foods -- did not do as well. Investors are more optimistic about the economy.

Hugh Johnson

This sends a clear message to customers that they can be confident when booking low fares.

Mike Rutter

I got the message. That's not Sanford for the most part.

Neal Thigpen

There may be an interaction between the long-term thing and more recent (events). A lot of their message is to not lose sight of the long-term stressors.

Bruce Herbold

There is a greater emphasis on advertising and a greater interest in media events over which the candidates have the most control of the message.

Peter Clark

I am sure that the Japanese government will be very pleased that message and image are being sent out.

Makoto Watanabe

That is the message at this point.

Rep. Dave Wolkins

The JFK message of 'ask not' is not good enough for this generation. What you really need is something that offers up the opportunity for doing good, but also doing well.

Max Stier

Any plant that wants to be at the top of our plant closure list should engage in industrial action as a way of sending that message.

Steve Miller

They did the heavy lifting and sent the company a strong message.

Mark Blondin

The demystification of art is very important to me. To try and make it snobby, to say, 'We understand it, you don't,' is the last message that we want to give.

Aaron Young

It sends the wrong message to put (illegal immigrants) ahead of people who have come here legally.

Norm Semanko

To get one message across to everybody took a week. It was an absolute nightmare for the management.

Brian Mcclennan

We're starting to get the message across.

Chester Jourdan

I don't think anyone can convey or express my message more succinctly than I can.

Russ Thomas

It's necessary now. The message has to not only be presented, it has to be accepted.

Gerald Meyers

The means have changed, but the message hasn't.

Tony Moore

It sounds like aggressive message testing.

Brian Sanderoff

Middle age is when you drink wine.... That combined with the health message means that you get a lot of aging baby boomers with coins in their pockets that are out to buy better quality wine.

Jon Fredrikson

My overall message for labor members is... that we understand that the benefits of trade are clear, but the disruption and the dislocation are painfully concentrated and we can't ignore them.

Alexis Herman

We have a message to suggest there are ways to maintain these costs.

James Mchugh

It was an upbeat message that basically said I'm the person you're looking for.

Jack Edwards

Our game plan is always to stay five-on-five, and they did a good job of taking us out of it early. But we kind of sent the message back a little bit.

Dave Stilley

If the message has been needed or something isn't getting done right we would reinforce it and that's what we did. Just because it's provincials doesn't mean that's going to change. So we've done that before.

Loren Jacula

We use wrestling as a format for ministry. We believe God's word holds the answers. ... This is just a different vehicle to give that message.

Bill Adkins

How could we go into market and create a product for children that encourages them to taste the taste of marijuana? What is the message? 'Use drugs, that is okay?'

Margarita Lopez

Despite its birth as a basic agricultural company, ADM has sent a message that its future lies in products surrounding energy, based on agricultural technology.

Leonard Teitelbaum

The message is being heard. We're just not getting the answer people want to get.

Kyle Dippery

That's the message the employer wants.

Chuck Stewart

We are excited about the turnaround, but we know we are not reaching all of our customers. We think our message needs to get out not only to our existing customers, but to the new customers.

John Irving

When it comes to gifts of God, ... we are so blessed that there are really 365 Christmas days when one wants to reflect on it. I think it will help to bring this message home.

Larry Meyer

The proposed amendment will send a clear message that the criminal exploitation of Maine's homeless citizens will not be tolerated.

Attorney General Steven Rowe

Bottom line, it was just flat-out effort. They wanted to send a message and they did that.

Charles Zanders

We need to send a message to the federal government that they cannot leave the city of Houston alone.

Adrian Garcia

In 2006, the veil of competency that they pretended to have, the illusion of security they ran on, is no longer there. This is an election where the message is 'stand and deliver,' and they've not been able to stand and deliver.

Robert Zimmerman

Off-the-cuff changes in the prizes certainly keep us on our toes, but what a great recruiting message. We really do enjoy treating our employees well.

Wendy Ward

The left is trying to send a message to the White House: Don't send us anyone more conservative than this.

Manuel Miranda

The message for employers is that they should not expect huge increases in participation rates just as a result of offering more generous matches.

Stephen Utkus

We want to have a consistent look, image and message.

Bill Kibler

People just think fat is the devil incarnate, and that's an incorrect message.

Abby Bloch

The Senate compromise may have fallen apart, but not everything is lost. The only way we're going to get ahead is to send a stronger message.

Jose Lagos

It may seem incongruous, but it's just a different way to get the message out.

Jamie Trowbridge

The problem is the traffickers are very good at controlling their victims, ... They don't have access to TV, their ability to learn English is restricted, so getting the message directly to the victims is difficult.

Wade Horn

Right now, employees just leave a message saying they won't be in today.

Richard Herrington

The people are watching and they'd better get our message or we're going to kick them out.

Domingo Garcia

The message that a well-administered pay-for-performance system articulates is clear: It pays to be a high performer.

Jim Long

Tony had a message to deliver to us and he did it in a very mature, rational way. He's a two-time champion. When he comes to us, we're going to listen to him.

Jim Hunter

They had a clear message and used creativity to bring that out.

June Wozny

The message we have to give out is one of calm. All of this will change very quickly and as the season has just begun, we have to see where we finish the season, not how we start it.

Julio Baptista

We talked about how we could use the power of the message.

Kevin O'donnell

But when you're talking about smoking, the message doesn't change; it stays the same. Elimination of smoking will reduce lung cancer incidence.

Christopher Haiman

Let the message go out that in this country, when a police officer kills an innocent victim, he will be held accountable.

Sanford Rubenstein

The message was certainly delivered in forceful terms that this was certainly not a useful thing.

Jonathan Frenkel

We weren't so much sending a message as we were just trying to fight for our spot. We had our own fate in our hands and we took advantage of it.

Ryan Getzlaf

It is a message that special interests can close off legitimate avenues of scientific inquiry.

John Wiley

This is a clear message that we intend to do something about it.

Lynn Dziad

Microsoft's message to consumers, PC makers and the government is: We own the desktop, and there's nothing you can do about it.

John Buckley

Black Friday is about sending a message. It is about establishing a reputation for the rest of the holidays.

Jeff Stinson