If we do that, it would take three hours to get down the line.

Stephan Thomas

Don't forget to stop by our downtown stores. The stores will have extended hours for 'Taste'.

Connie Tabor

For two hours, she had to listen to him brag about how he killed my family.

Linda Young

It's at crest, but that crest is going to take several hours.

Greg Gust

The fitness center will be open 24 hours a day and features a flat-screen TV to make exercising more enjoyable.

Brandon Snyder

Allowing gambling 24 hours a day in Delaware is not going to stop anyone from going to Harrah's in Chester.

Claire M. Dematteis

[James Coburn made an appearance at the Miramax celebration --] The partying begins, for a few hours, and then we're going home to bed, ... Affliction.

James Coburn

There were some people that hit 60-hour weeks in December. We've had some carriers putting in some very long hours.

Jacque Stingley

People like a library with more services and more hours ....

Pam Collins

We will try to increase the hours as our numbers increase.

Dan Peters

The rig is operating 24 hours per day, seven days per week, until we get down to our total depth.

William Henderson

We'll also have extended hours.

Bill Leach

I think it's been great to have the fans around. There's no reason to make them drive three hours (to Macomb) to go see us.

Adam Timmerman

I probably have 45 to 50 hours in it.

Carolyn Harvey

He takes another one. By the time he's done that for a couple hours, he's taking four or five times what he should be taking.

Charles Walton

The death toll now stands at 746. There were 25 deaths in the past 36 hours.

Anoop Singh

You don't have to spend all day, but come for a few hours. The first thing you have to do though, is get all the stuff out of your own yard.

Sam Knight

Twenty-four hours after the ball drops, it'll sail.

Chris Bonura

Jamie probably spends 15 hours a week at the course on top of what we do as a team.

Kris Reinert

A man must be master of his hours and days, not their servant.

William Frederick Book

A laptop might run two to four hours on a regular battery. But with one of our cells that could be 10 or 20.

Larry Markoski

It's an art gallery open seven days a week, 24 hours a day and can be accessed from anywhere around the world.

David J. Dean

You're talking about a span of about four hours, so probably it's mostly the same people.

Sean Walker

If he can make it here 24 hours earlier, I'm hopeful, but we shall see what happens.

Steve Mcmahon

I've talked with victims who've logged 500 hours.

Beth Givens

The Indian authorities requested more time to gather more information on the cases, and another 48 hours have been granted.

Matthieu Reeb

It's a lot easier than waiting tables or working as a cashier. I only stay out for four hours.

Tamara Carter

We needed effort, desperation. Those were the two biggest keys we talked about in the past 24 hours. If anyone didn't come out and give it their all, they must have been deaf.

Cory Sarich

He was easy to work with. We finished that song in one night - a couple of hours. He's a lot of fun.

Mary J. Blige

Most of them take around 72 hours. You mail it to a lab and they do an analysis.

Liz James

Angelina Jolie may get him [Antonio Banderas] in bed for eight hours on a movie set, but I get him in bed everyday.

Melanie Griffith

According to my calculations we have about 470 chill hours now in this area. My records indicate that, on average, we should be at about 600 hours at this time.

Roger Duncan

It's going to be a pretty tense 24 hours. We're geared up for it.

Jim Loftus

It took us two hours to get 12 miles. We decided to turn around and go back.

Robin Milano

There is a standard for measuring snow that you can't measure it more often than every six hours. Because the more often you measure it, the more you get.

Kelly Redmond

We cover police 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We cover the courts, all the courts.

Paul Zimbrakos

She's bright but more than anything she is very dedicated. She spends endless hours preparing labs and is always interested in the cutting edge.

Brian Doherty

I love this idea that music could break the idea of war for a couple of hours or days. For me, it is good news that art broke the war.

Christian Carion

Since it was within 24 hours, he may or may not be prosecuted.

Bob Merrill

If you watch him in Porridge and Open All Hours you can't believe it's the same person.

Barry Cryer

Whether they [the tracks] are 12 or 24 hours old we can't tell.

Steve Hayden

The pain feels like someone is taking every bone in your body and breaking them continuously for eight or nine hours.

Gary Peterson

It's really been effective. It's unbelievable. You don't have to have office hours. Someone rings up, and they sit down and talk about building a collection.

Julius Friedman

We have another 24 hours for her to feel better before the game, and we will go as far as we can go with her this weekend.

Terri Laux

We didn't have time to thrash our bodies as much. We practiced compulsories 41/2 hours a day.

Brian Boitano

Less than 72 hours ago, and we responded to the bug reporter in 20 minutes. Of course this will be a priority for us.

Chris Beard

Even after 3 1/2 hours (spent) my calendar is not cleaned up. I'm waiting for others to make the change.

Michael Case

Some people are spending 10 to 14 hours a day away from home.

Don Hurlbut

We evacuated the employees, but we were able to reopen the office several hours later.

Rick Swagler

Confidence comes from hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication.

Roger Staubach

They are equipped with breathing apparatus that lasts for approximately four hours, although we rarely go anywhere near four hours.

Marshall Hamilton

The negotiations are progressing well and we expect them to be released in the coming hours.

Nasser Ba'oum

I'm the roadie. If they have a gig, it takes a couple hours to pack up and load.

Nancy Christensen

It will be easier when we're out there trying to get a European carrier to explain we have the facility in place to handle them. If you have a facility where it takes two hours to get through, they've already had a poor experience when they get here.

Fred Piccolo

They will come from hours away.

Jane Carbonara

Those boys liked the whole idea of it, especially the flexibility of being their own boss and making their hours.

Jeffrey Mccormack

When it gets to be 15 below, we check them every two hours or maybe even more. They either need to be born inside or brought inside immediately.

Rick Van Dyken

They've got to travel at least five hours, play the game, and then travel back to the coast.

Dennis Hogue

During the first few hours of the storm, four stars were lost.

Bernhard Fleck

There are no survivors here. It happened more than 48 hours ago. They are dead.

Mario Cruz

Our caretakers' regular hours are from 6am to 6pm. Calls during other times are emergency calls, and the clients will be charged double.

Wang Hui

We'll make up the hours throughout this week so it won't hurt their pay.

Les Leech

There is no such thing as an impartial jury because there are no impartial people. There are people that argue on the web for hours about who their favorite character on "Friends" is.

Jon Stewart

She slept for nine solid hours. She was emotionally spent.

Holly Derrick

I don't even look like Elvis. My hair is brown and curly. I wear a wig and sideburns that I glue on. I don't look like Elvis 24 hours a day.

Mike Albert

Everyone gets weird hours sometimes.

Steve Williams

Food is now available 365 days a year, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. It's everywhere all the time.

Mary Bush

If the volume is up to over 100 decibels, even one and a half or two hours of use can cause damage.

Christine Albertus

I'm with my kids 24 hours a day when I'm not here. You do what you need to do for business, but you make sure your kids are No. 1.

Cynthia Lockhart

We weren't in full operation at that point, ... We were back to normal business hours (after the incident).

Cathy Miller

We are essentially hostages of the embassy at the present time now. We've been here 48 hours without being able to leave.

James Sasser

People can call me at all hours. All roads lead to Delmont.

Walter Bossart

Did they ever look at why the hours weren't used?

Sharon Anderson

I would have expected the rally to continue tomorrow, but I think this after-hours news may put a break on it.

John Pickett

It could be hours, or it could be days.

Steve Milligan

I want to be a Texan 24 hours a day.

James Dean

We can, if we wish, put our minds to paralyze this country in a matter of hours.

David Mcnarry

If something catastrophic happened, there are five counties we know can respond in hours.

Dave Ellis

We're really proud of all the hours they put in to be good performers.

Chris Jenkins

Things are back to normal after about two hours of special security activity.

Roland Herwig

I'd say it's seven hours. But I have a lot of family in Utah. I've been to BYU.

Travis Wanzeck

He's on at 11:30 p.m. He could stick around for a couple more hours. He'd be fun.

Jane Clayson

He's living football 24 hours a day. I assume he'd like to talk about something else.

Bill Weatherford

On a daily basis we're blocking thousands of attacks that would otherwise result in data compromise. All of our clients are under attack 24 hours a day.

Phillip Zakas

That's the most important new benefit, ... the additional technical support hours and the elimination of some of the caveats and restrictions on support.

Paul Degroot

We had people show up as early as 12 o'clock that day, and we had a couple of guys who had driven seven hours.

Paul Conroy

They were just supposed to be gone for 24 hours.

Char Seward

That will come from the software company you used to file within 48 hours.

Carrie Resch

Every builder should spend 24 hours in a wheelchair in their own home. They would think differently about building homes that would be more friendly to people with disabilities.

Melvin Fowler

She was so tired of all of it, being hooked to a machine for hours ... and never feeling any better.

Paula Meece

Those kids spent nine hours out at Wal-Mart with us in the hot sun, busting their butts.

Kristy Schneider

It's amazingly uncomfortable, ... Wearing it for more than a couple of hours gets to be really annoying.

Cassandra Peterson

Two hours after the earthquake has occurred, the wave is spreading out from the Bay of Bengal.

Thorne Lay

We can see the Pirates, and they are gaining very quick. From a small dot on the horizon two hours ago, to a sizeable boat.

Bouwe Bekking

We haven't got a clue why he died. He'd only been there for two hours.

Ruth Sasser

I knew when I married him he was a neat freak. Our house is clean 24 hours a day.

Allyson Darnell

Unfortunately, it is three hours away, but I'm pretty happy who we picked up.

Randy Simmons

A lot of people don't get to go up there see me five hours away. So getting to come home and play in front of them was a blast. I've been looking forward to it ever since fall ball.

Tom Kohl

You don't have visiting hours anymore.

Rick Wade

I already spend 23 hours a day in class. When am I going to have time to apply to other schools?

Ben Weinberg

Everywhere you move, there's something to do. We encourage people to spend the entire day or several hours there.

Helayne Stillings

We don't know when it happened. It could have been anywhere from 28 to 48 hours ago. We hope to find someone out there.

Ryan Doss

It is two hours of fun aerobic exercise for some, or two hours of learning hot dance moves for others.

Natasha Spears

We're absolutely opposed to an extension of the hours.

Bob Poole

It should only be closed during the daylight hours.

Joe Blankenship

It's a nice weight off your shoulders. And you get to enjoy it for about two hours.

Mike Heimerdinger

The best way here for all parties is to have an agreement and I'm hopeful that will happen in the next 24 hours.

Richard Caborn

I probably get 15 to 20 calls a day about him. But I won't be bothering him every two hours about something. ... It's not his priority now that camp has started. It's important he's allowed to be an 18-year-old kid.

Pat Brisson

What though my wingèd hours of bliss have been, / Like angel-visits, few and far between?

Thomas Campbell

Everyone knows we work the longest hours in Europe.

Brendan Barber

When we were asked to go down there and help, the city only had four hours to make a decision, ... They said at the time that they couldn't send the men or the truck because of budget constraints and I respect that decision.

Tom Jordan

We got a call hours before the fight and he said he had a family situation.

Murray Walker

[The delays were hard on the CBS crew too.] People say, 'Boy, you guys didn't have to work too hard,' ... But it's brutally difficult to create three hours of programming.

Jim Nantz

Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; And every little absence is an age.

John Dryden

A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.

Milton Berle

My cast comes from as far away as Fort Wayne and Toledo; they're willing to make the hour's drive just to be in it.

Joe Barton

These were tough cases. We worked a lot of hours.

Ray Belgard

We've come to realize that we spend a lot of time with our kids. We're with them 24 hours a day.

Jon Weiss

Many grocery stores are open 24 hours, but the pharmacy closes at 7. Consumers are frustrated with that.

Linda Pinney

Gold that buys health can never be ill spent; nor hours laid out in harmless merriment.

John Webster

The storm fell on a weekend - two days long - (and) required a lot of extra hours.

Adam Liegeot

We had sustained 70 mph wind for six hours and peak gusts of 117 mph.

John Jadrosich

Within two hours, we had rescued more than 200 people.

Michael Trosclair

All I know is I could bend for two hours.

Lyndsey Medders

It literally has taken me hours and hours and hours to figure out who can do what with regards to these relationships.

Matt Ryan

Greg told me about the call and said we had a couple hours to make a decision. I've always trusted his decisions. He's never been wrong.

Theresa Mcdermott

I went back to the drawing board, went back to the range for a couple of hours and found something.

Simon Dyson

He came back in the room after two and a half hours and said to me, 'Have you fallen in love?' and I told him I had.

Jon Taylor

Twenty-two hours a day in that cell -- a life sentence -- is probably going to punish him more.

Brack Jones

He held that IV bag up for two hours straight. He just stood there with a blank look on his face.

Michael Bonnette

Well, Roberts bought Rove all of what, 24 hours? I hope he got some sleep in, because he's got no reprieve.

Markos Moulitsas

You have to be in New Jersey in two hours. You have 10 minutes to pack.

Robbie Ftorek

I was amazed at how easy it was to install. It's fun to see what comes up next, no commercials, and you can listen for hours and don't have to get up to change the CD.

Jan Runyon

Analysts are worried about the next 12 hours; climate change is way too long-term for them.

William Andrews

We have not located any large earthquakes or aftershocks in recent hours.

John Minsch

Between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m., the facility is completely locked down. We now have the ability to secure the facility.

Allen Perry

After six or seven hours with an attorney, he'd be out more money than he lost.

Julie Wheeler

I don't know what to say; I did not expect this. We practiced for about two hours and we all got along with each other. It was a real fun event.

Danielle Davis

The long hours are definitely hard. I've never worked more than 40 hours a week.

Luke Bostic

Who takes 11/2 hours to watch 60 Minutes?

Anne Robinson

The lamb will get to 131 in 30 minutes, where we can hold it for about 10 hours, which is when it's at its best.

Nathan Myhrvold

The games should take two hours, start to finish.

Mikal Duilio

That he dedicated to me so many hours ? and this was extraordinary ? I am happy that this was possible.

Hans Kueng

His condition continues to be critical. More tests and investigations would be carried out in next six to 10 hours.

Anupam Verma

It took hours before they could go in. Hours and hours. I agree you have to assess what's going on underground, but come on.

Tim Flint

We are working on the details of the agreement, which may or may not be finalized in the next 24 hours.

Richard Katz

I don't think Henry Kissinger would have lasted 48 hours at Old Trafford.

Tommy Docherty

Wagner is a composer who has beautiful moments but awful quarter hours.

Gioacchino Rossini

It depends on how much rain we get. A light thunderstorm will dry up in a matter of hours.

Benny Gray

The hours he puts in are mind-boggling.

Billy Volek

It is horrible. Because you have to get here two hours early just to find a place to park.

Melissa Allen

The greatest challenge during our deployment has been the need to temper our aggressiveness. There has been a great demand from our agents for the ability to turn around a quote in 24 hours.

Michael Clifton

I've got to make some decisions in my life and I'll be making them in the next 24 to 48 hours.

Nasser Hussain

Sometimes you would wait four or five hours between rings, ... we had to switch the damn thing off.

Jeffrey Citron

We've received, over the last 24 hours, nothing less than a bomb.

James Bailey

We depend greatly on the help we get from volunteers. We have up to 20 volunteers helping out every year. Last year, they put in 4,000 hours. They are a very dedicated and well-trained bunch.

Kurt Cunningham

The nice part about it is those cameras are on 24 hours a day.

Andrew Brooks

We worked so hard to bring it back to life, and it has been destroyed in 72 hours flat.

David Seaman

I'm going to be anxious to play. It's going to be a long three hours.

Jessica Davis

I"m either shooting nine grams of coke a day or spending two hours at the gym. There's no middle ground.

Dave Navarro

I wear a bowling glove 24 hours a day. When my wrist bends it hurts, so I don't want it to bend.

Rose Taylor

I was sitting at home watching five hours of television every afternoon.

Betty Richardson

I'm ready to go. It's seven days a week, 24 hours a day. You're always thinking about it.

Ron Allan

Lisa called me here in Alabama and told me about this. And, I'm only about 3½ hours from Hattiesburg, so I told her to fly to Birmingham and I'd pick her up and then we could drive down to Hattiesburg together.

Jodi Collins

The next twelve hours will tell us, is this going to be big, or is it just going to go away in the next couple of hours?

Joe Hartmann

This has been the best 24 hours of my career, no doubt.

Ben Rudolph

We were able to open within 24 hours.

Carolyn Brookter

For about two hours, we had no communication in the county.

Gary Galloway

I'm very proud of our legislators. It's been a lot of hard work. It's taken a lot of hours.

Amy Milliron

They said, at 9:30 a.m., when I could finally leave the scene, that it may take eight hours to clear the track.

Bill Willman

What you're looking at there is my arm, going into the rock... and there it is - stuck. It's been without circulation for 24 hours. It's pretty well gone.

Aron Ralston

The first 24 hours after surgery are the most dangerous period, for the microsurgery may cause blood-vessel damage.

Zhang Hui

It'd be nice. The hours that we spend, to get recognition for that.

Alyssa Johnson

It's like one big family down there. Nobody cares if you have to wait two hours.

Susan Mundy

We expect continued benefit from extended hours as more restaurants shift to 24-hour service.

John Ivankoe

We all work together so well. And the rest of the club jumps in at the final hours to get it all together.

Traci Daniels

These things, when you ball it up, you're talking about a lot of work, a lot of hours.

Kelly Vorse

I've been hit there quite a few times and generally it's really painful for 24 hours and then it eases pretty quickly.

Marcus Trescothick

It makes sense, because where you do have available hours of daylight you should try to use them, ... That's all this does.

Howard Hampton

It's all very well organized. The whole set-up process takes about five hours.

Anita Santiago

They said it lasted 15 seconds. It was hours.

Charlie Ebersol

It's associated with laziness. People sit around for hours chewing.

Omar Jamal

After hours we have to secure the facility.

Sheriff Rick Flores

We didn't want to do 10 hours. No way.

Lisa Peters

If you talk to him for a couple hours, you'll probably know more about them than I ever did.

Everett Rice

Information gathered from a customer immediately after an event is 40 percent more accurate than information gathered 24 hours later.

Esteban Kolsky

It's very casual, fun atmosphere geared a lot towards the happy hours.

Eric Schilder

They are saving on average seven hours a month from beating traffic.

Eric Meyer

It's a simple project. It doesn't take a lot of hours, it's just donating what you have.

Erin West

Once the concrete goes in, we need to let the concrete set and harden for another 24 hours.

Eric Takamura

The increase is going to cause some small business owners to cut back hours or just not make that extra hire.

Ellen Valentino

I sit here and field 20 or 30 calls every few hours. Every coughing dog out there is not canine flu.

Edward Dubovi

People in New York think Connecticut is five hours away.

Edward Seymour

We hope that in the next few hours, or thereabouts, we will get more concrete information about these hostages.

Edilberto Adan

I have a hard time feeling really sad or upset about the game. What I'm going to feel in a couple of hours is an emptiness because it's over.

Ed Feller

They've got his itinerary and everything now. We'll know for sure in 24 hours if he was in Iraq.

Ed Schulz

More hours of television than anyone else in TV history.

E. Duke Vincent