Non-gamers thought the price should be lower but gamers thought it should be higher.

Jim Merrick

Who would give a law to lovers? Love is unto itself a higher law.


Her scoring potential would be a lot higher.

Lori Enright

The higher the oil price, the greater the demand for more fuel-efficient aircraft. We should encourage airlines to buy new aircraft to replace those which are 15 or 20 years old.

Gustav Humbert

You can say that's a higher-than-normal number of challenges being filed, but by the same token, there's a higher number of folks seeking election, too.

Brian Mcdonald

The histories of mankind are histories only of the higher classes.

Thomas Robert Malthus

This time around she's running pretty good so the hopes are higher.

Mario Toussaint

Higher gas prices will be our ally, ironically.

Gloria Bergquist

The gap is likely to go up in the future as consumers weigh in on higher gas prices.

Ron Tadross

Clearly, it's more complicated. Because you have higher potential for engine damage.

David Kortum

The Bank of England will be concerned higher interest rates elsewhere will put pressure on the pound.

James Carrick

Yvan carried the torch so high, he brought it even higher than I did. I never expected this to happen for me, but I'm really honored.

Dickie Moore

We're a lot more comfortable. More than that, we have higher expectations. We know that we are capable of more than we thought we were last year.

Karen Cook

The recruiter really needs to go to the higher levels of the company and get the truth.

Tim Mckegney

Many hot water heaters are pre set much higher than needed, at about 140 degrees. On average, you don't need higher than 100 degrees or 110 degrees.

Bill Prindle

It's not really a problem for higher ed. So why go to all this expense for so little gain?

Patrick Burns

We're looking to bring all of these properties up to higher levels.

David Pearson

I was surprised. Typically, the fences are higher. Maybe I got extra points for that.

Toby Dawson

We will include in the budget submission an estimated 70 billion dollars. The actual figure, when we finalize, may be slightly higher or slightly lower than that.

Joel Kaplan

Prices are really cheap today and they need to go a lot higher, and they probably will go a lot higher.

Matthew Simmons

Charlotte and Hendry are both higher than us. It is becoming a bit of an embarrassment since we're the biggest county of the four.

Donna Mutzenard

The first quarter is history. The focus is on what are prices going to be going forward. When they're down, there's less (confidence) that they're going to continue to go higher.

Gene Gillespie

Commodity prices are going to go higher. We're not going to see a lot of the economic benefit of the reconstruction because of the prices.

G. Logan Jordan

We were surprised at the incidence rate. It was higher than anyone expected.

Peter Francese

The conversion of 'I think it's unique' to 'I will buy it' is much higher for HD-DVD.

Steve Nickerson

Virtually all of the rating changes at the higher end of the rating scale have been accompanied by one or both of these factors.

Michael Kaplan

What's happened can be explained by the higher cost of crude oil, the difficulties in building new refineries and the disaster that cut right through the heart of the industry.

Bob Slaughter

Rise in inflationary pressures caused by higher energy prices.

Alan Williamson

My return is 70 percent higher in Grand Central.

Scott Stein

We've invented a better mousetrap. This is a new way to capture the higher growth rate of developing countries.

Robert Lovelace

The average residential customer can be seeing bills 50 percent or more higher.

Alicia Dixon

I think people are adjusting mentally to higher fuel prices.

Joe Phillippi

If we offer a higher amount that might require some public access.

Christopher Merdon

I would rank her a lot higher.

Craig Shermer

They may want to make a higher offer, but they haven't contacted us yet.

Jerry Cooper

It is a symbol of a higher standard, and they want their customers to see it and continue to see it in their facility.

John Ramirez

The main economic factor that drives densification is when the cost of the land is higher than the cost of the building on it. Then, the building should be demolished to give way to a new one.

Liz Sibindi

VCA runs freestanding, larger facilities that are probably running a higher level of health care.

Ryan Daniels

Were it not for that we might have expected gold to be $10 or even $15 higher than it currently is.

Ross Norman

These maturing contracts are likely to be renewed at much higher rentals, probably 30% more.

Daniel Chan

Even with $12-per-ton prices in the Powder River Basin and higher, it still is cheaper than East Coast prices.

Stephen Doyle

Women think of heart disease as an old person's disease and a good way to die, ... But heart failure is every bit as bad as cancer, and the death rate is higher.

Martha Hill

Everyone is smarting from higher gas prices.

Melinda Pierce

I think it'll be discussed, ... but it'll be discussed by higher-ups than us.

Pat Kelly

The complication rate is higher with an open appendectomy than it is with a laparoscopic.

Dr. Leon Pachter

It was a very impressive quarter. I would expect fourth-quarter numbers to move higher.

Marianne Wolk

In any case, it will be higher than 800 million.

Carolina Milanesi

Higher oil prices will raise material costs and that is a blow to the U.S. economy. Exporters are the most vulnerable.

Atsushi Osa

The election commission is headed by the head of the supreme court in Egypt, which is much higher ranking than the administrative court, so they are not bound by that legally.

Ahmed Nazif

The trend for commodities is higher, which underpins Canada's economy and supports the Canadian dollar. Fundamentally, I see a stronger Canadian dollar.

Linda Jespersen

If it gets colder than expected then we could see interruptions and prices could go higher.

Andrew Morris

This would be unfair as those who have a higher declaration of their actual connections will have to suffer more.

Ravi Singh

To be affordable, we need higher density (of buildings), and people don't want that.

Randy Russell

It gives us the opportunity to convey the importance of higher education to society.

Randa Safady

We're hoping for a higher turnout.

Rod Blackstone

A year from now, when the rates are a percentage or two higher, the math will be a little more difficult.

Bill Mccubbin

As I lived up to the highest light I had, higher and higher light came to me.

Peace Pilgrim

The higher spending only explains a third of this reduction.

John Mcmillan

We do have some concerns. As debris flows downstream here, it's going to continue to back up and it will eventually get a lot higher. Hopefully, it will be cleaned before that happens.

Charlie Wilson

This is a very mainstream issue that should be raised to a higher profile.

Steve Andrews

The higher a man gets, the smaller he seems to those who cannot fly.

Friedrich Nietzsche

It's energy prices that are holding up inflation and may be pushing it higher.

Stephen Webster

Some of the higher peaks I would imagine could see 2 1/2 feet.

Justin Lane

It's gratifying to know for our funding we're not out of character with other higher-education efforts.

Linda Johnsrud

I can't even fathom how a lot of this could have been done without higher knowledge. And, definitely people approved these documents and approved these changes.

Alice Lee

There is a higher law: to love thy neighbor as thyself. And thy neighbor may not have a green card.

Richard Goodman

The numbers on the southwest border are much higher.

Jarrod Agen

More rural states tend to have higher fatalities.

Susan Ferguson

I think we learned we can compete at a higher level, and can be successful at a higher level.

Jenny Owen

The district thought to hold Bok Academy to a higher code than it holds itself.

Robin Gibson

I think that what we continue to learn is that the hurdle rate of the FDA has gotten higher.

Tony Butler

Companies are willing to pay a higher price to be in those locations.

Chuck King

The challenges in higher education come to us, we don't have to look for them.

Mary Lyons

This is a big amount of cash to be giving back. The figures will be even higher in 2006, when the increases in dividend work through.

Guy Deslondes

We know that mercury builds up in fish, especially fish higher up in the food chain. Mercury bio-accumulates in the tissues.

Jason Barbose

The rates we are proposing are of course higher than those currently given to employees.

Lee Cabrera

We do have a lot higher expectations. When we were freshmen going in, we were just like so scared and it was just amazing to get there. Now all year we've been expecting to get this far and it's finally here, so let's just do it.

Courtney Wilson

They're bad for investors (and) result in higher compensation for brokers.

Mercer Bullard

The organizers of this bank are sophisticated, so they have a higher probability of success than most.

John Carusone

I rank myself no higher in the scheme of things than a policeman - whose utility would disappear if there were no criminals.

Lord Salisbury

We don't want the higher input costs from commodities to prevent us from investing back in our brands.

Roger Deromedi

Countries where women have access to professional life are also those where the birth rate is higher.

Claude Martin

The employment growth was slightly higher than anticipated, so it's a slight pleasant surprise.

Stephen Halmarick

We are certainly seeing the influence of higher oil prices on the U.S. economy.

Koichiro Suzuki

If Savy was 5-10, 5-11, 6-foot, we wouldn't be talking about him. He wouldn't be in this league. He'd be in a higher league. It's obvious.

Paul Cabana

Considering the deep pocket Dubai has with higher oil prices, it's not an easy game for PSA.

Michael Chan

There is greater competition to hire people, so pay is higher.

Charlotte Yee

The crude and gasoline numbers are a significant step higher in inventory.

Timothy Evans

Compounding the problem by chasing higher inflation through higher wage demands would be the ultimate folly.

Danny Mccoy

The bar is set higher this year, but we're working toward it.

Christine Mcdonald

Where airlines are not competing with Delta, they'll still keep full and higher prices.

Terry Egger

It will become a battle for who gets the funding. The solution should be around how to promote higher education, not how to strangle it.

John Corlett

I think we'll definitely be a lot higher this year.

Chris Palacios

The longer-term trend for the dollar is higher for the balance of the year. The economy is doing fine.

Jeff Gladstein

The cost of higher education is a concern everywhere and of course books are a big piece of that.

Yvonne Hubbard

I'm pleased to serve on this new advisory board and to help improve communications and understanding between higher education and the FBI.

Gregory Geoffroy

We expect the death toll to be higher than anything we've ever seen before.

Jim Pollard

Women who tend to have more fat deep inside are at higher risk for heart disease, diabetes as well as cancer, ... Fight Fat After Forty.

Pamela Peeke

Guidance is below our previous estimate and implies higher expenses.

Richard Repetto

It feels good to get back after losing by two points. My goal has been to get back and place higher than I did two years ago.

Aaron Sandel

There's definitely a deal to be done there between the two businesses. It will probably get done at a slightly higher price.

Andy Lynch

It made me make my goals a lot higher now that I can see where I can go with this. It boosted my confidence, but it also makes me want to do it more and added to my determination.

Carly Szmyd

We should see higher profits and sales again this business year.

Takeo Miyamoto

From a global health perspective, if you can give a vaccine at birth, a much higher percentage of the population can be covered.

Ofer Levy

If you have any kind of cut or a neutral bias, the markets will move higher.

Phil Dow

Yields should be heading higher. There are plenty of signs of stronger economic growth globally and Europe is benefiting from that.

Tony Dolphin

It was a good defensive battle between two defensive teams. Whoever had the higher free-throw percentage was going to win, that's why they are in first place.

Kerry Koonce

There is a higher rate of depression in caregivers because of the stress -- they need to find a balance in their life.

Cindy Gordon

When economies do well, stocks do well so people have higher prices to use as currency.

Joel Gomberg

Selling out Higher Ground is pretty amazing. I mean, some bands don't even do it.

Alison O'connor

The odds of death go up dramatically among babies who use adult beds. The numbers are gigantic, much higher than I had thought. It's the best data available right now.

James Kemp

C-section complications are definitely higher than vaginal delivery. A greater risk of bleeding, a greater risk of infection, a greater risk of having a clot in your blood.

Dr. Laura Riley

Higher interest rates are holding back the markets.

Philippe Gijsels

Equities remain ready to run even higher if the metals allow them to. Otherwise a correction is due.

Peter Spina

In Guatemala, there is a large indigent community, ... That's why you see higher death rates.

Anne Foster

The numbers were astonishing. Much higher than we expected.

Tim Cranton

It had 822 calories and 32 grams of fat. So the calorie content was much higher than the bacon double cheeseburger.

Margo Rodriguez

We now need to look beyond our immediate future and aim higher and farther.

Paul Biya

We have higher standards for teachers. We should have higher standards for teachers.

Jane Reynolds

It's a little higher than usual.

Melanie Arnold

This year, those relays will be even higher.

Francie Renfro

If your expenses are higher than your income, you need to find ways to cut back - which can be painful at first.

Beth Kobliner

There are good growth prospects in the provinces. They are likely to get the higher demand going forward.

Koji Uchida

The higher the job protection, the higher the obstacles to job creation.

Klaus Baader

The name (World Headquarters) had a higher level of importance than was felt appropriate.

John Dern

If people find these ads more valuable they will bid higher. It will simply be market driven.

Dominic Preuss

When you give people the option and make it easier on them, you find that people will recycle on a much higher level. Convenience is really the key here.

Lynn Brown

No one wants to pay higher fuel costs and Americans don't want to be told what to do.

Bill Fleischli

Any bets on dollar weakness will be a bet that higher energy prices will divert consumer spending, which has been the motor for the economy.

Jeff Gladstein

I'm glad they're setting higher standards for us.

Ashlee Smith

That's a very magnanimous gesture. I wish that higher education could be affordable to anyone who wants to pursue it.

Robert Ekstrand

I think we'll have to push the higher ed piece.

Sarah Macquiddy

When you sell the cattle at the end, you probably have the same overall feed intake, but your average daily gain won't be as good and your feed conversion will be higher so your feed cost to gain goes up.

Robbi Pritchard

Climate change will have its greatest impact at the coastlines, ... and the risk will go up higher than people think.

Robert Muir

Higher education has lost its way, but we've all lost our way.

David Longanecker

Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go any higher than what you think.

Benjamin Disraeli

You end up saving by buying higher quality. The higher quality hats are more durable.

Diane Bishop

The House energy bill is a blueprint for more nuclear waste, higher gas prices and a continued dependence on fossil fuels.

Shelley Berkley

Overall the earnings have been very solid. It gives the market confidence to go higher.

Quincy Krosby

And as rates go higher, that should go higher, too.

Scott Berry

Because we have 100 percent, you can't get higher than that. So out of the 58 counties that have jails, the worst we can do is tie. We are the best.

Steve Warren

We have a much higher weighting in technology now than we did in the beginning of 2000. We play in areas where there is negativity.

Scott Barbee

Higher oil prices are all we'll look at in the future. No way is this going to be like 1982 or 1987, where the market collapses and we'll be back to $1 for a gallon of heating oil.

Dick Hill

Oil could help (stocks) a little, but more than anything else it is how the S&P is up for the year and the Dow is teetering. There's some incentive to see the Dow close higher.

Mike Viracola

Obviously the weekend in our business have higher volume than weekdays.

Robert Desalvio

The passion of craft-brew drinkers is far higher than that of normal beer drinkers. They feel like they're helping out their local brewery.

Paul Gatza

The biggest factor is income. The higher the state's per capita income, the higher the percentage that goes into the pot.

Bill Ahern

It's a lot tougher a business, but the profits are a lot higher in the urban market.

John Mcilwain

Unfortunately, he went beyond his authority and he should have contacted someone higher up.

Scott Ishikawa

The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level.

Norman Mailer

We did really well. We added a little bit on to our time, but we came up a lot of spaces. We wanted to get higher than 22nd and we did. We were all really happy with that.

Kate Marschner

Across the board, the scores were higher. The pin placements were tough, the greens were light and fast, but the course is the same for everybody.

Glen Ewing

People may say, 'My phone bill or cable bill is higher,' but they're getting a lot more than just basic service.

Craig Knutson

Interest rates are going higher. We've had higher energy prices and now we have to cope with higher interest rates as well.

John Herrmann

We want to underscore our commitment to helping students achieve their higher-education goals.

Tracy Grooms

The longer a child was in the intervention, the higher their score. There was evidence that a child's IQ could be improved with early intervention.

Jonathan Fox

He's never been afraid to try things higher and higher, even when he was young and dwarfed by the size of the ramps.

Tony Hawk

In a quarrel, the higher voiced person will win. .

Japanese Proverb

A top-four finish [out of 12 competing teams] would be pretty good and it would be great if we could finish higher than that.

Debby King

At a time when the entire country believes we need to make higher education more affordable, Congress is trying to balance the budget on the backs of students.

Jasmine Harris

We generate higher selling prices on eBay because of our experience with merchandising.

Scott Richardson

They add a lot of value to the crops that are typically sold in through the fall and actually bring in a higher income for the farmer.

Tony Ends

That's still at the higher end of where most of my clients are, but I don't see any real indicator here.

Don Rahn

This was a tough decision, but it was driven by our need for higher temperatures. This is not a cost-cutting measure.

Ian Mcewan

No one can have a higher opinion of him than I have, and I think he's a dirty little beast.

W. S. Gilbert

We do not condone the sale of Kentucky Derby tickets for higher than face value.

John Asher

I can't do anything about the water at the No. 3 tee, ... It's because the water level at the creek is higher than the groundwater and you can't drain wetlands.

William Mitchell

The higher the classification [of secrecy], the quicker you will report it.

George P. Shultz

Digital sales are growing quite nicely, and that's beneficial because the margins are higher.

Nick Bertolotti

It's already in the city council budget to build a new, higher building.

Mayor Del Britton

If you have someone with great potential, if you can start them off a little higher, you get better success. The old adage is 'you get what you pay for.'

Bill Drake

The benefit of that is it opens up our labor force to be groomed for higher-level jobs.

Lisa Dominisse

We had to come out here and this is their home field. We're the higher seed, but this was the only field that was available.

Rose Antonio

Your true baseball fans appreciate the higher level of play.

Jay Miller

The economy can withstand the impact of higher rates better if you have strong employment.

John Llewellyn

It has two new V-6 engines. Both have higher horsepower, but are more fuel efficient by about 20%.

Kerry Christopher

Obviously the higher gold price is going to be beneficial for the mining industry.

Joshua Cohen

It's divergent because we have rapidly rising interest rates and higher tax rates in the same year.

Thomas Summer

The monthly increase of 0.4 percent is much higher than expected, and means we'll have annual German inflation of two percent in April.

Stefan Muetze

The irritation level is just a lot higher.

David Stempler

The stakes are much higher than they used to be.

Michael Butler

If they put all the MS drugs, and all the cancer drugs, and all the HIV drugs on the same cost-tier plan, they're really not discriminating against one disease group. They're discriminating against anyone who must depend on higher-cost drugs.

Laura Caruso

There's the belief that foreign goods are still higher quality.

James Mcgregor

There's a higher burnout rate among young people who are new to the work force.

Julie Munsell

Accommodations in Higher Education Under the Americans with Disabilities Act: A No-Nonsense Guide for Clinicians, Educators, Administrators, and Lawyers.

Michael Gordon

A monopoly is good for shareholders. You get a higher return on your investment than you should have.

Martin Reynolds

Stocks are not expensive. There's no reason to believe we can't go higher. I don't see inflation as a threat at all.

Doug Sandler

We want to do it better, higher and cleaner.

Steve Shephard

It was a good result considering the environment of higher costs being faced by miners.

Jason Teh

There are areas of weakness. It seems growth is difficult for banks, which I would attribute to a flat yield curve and higher funding costs.

Mark Batty

All those things combined, it's hard to see where the market's going to move higher.

Peter Doyle

Even with oil, the expectation seems to be that higher prices are something we have to live with for now.

Michael Carty

There is always more misery among the lower classes than there is humanity in the higher.

Victor Hugo

Microsoft does a great job of arguing why the cost of Linux is higher and it is on the first device.

Peder Ulander

If you don't have much in other deductions and thus your itemized deductions aren't much higher than your standard deduction, then it's not really helping that much.

David Foster

She is excited to run the higher hurdles. It's a new challenge for her.

Maureen Heath

This isn't higher education studying itself.

James Hunt

That's higher than it got on the charts the first time.

Rod Argent

Without a doubt, he's taking it hard. Not to mention the fact that he was going with the fourth group, and in his heart his skills were definitely higher, above that. But things happen for a reason.

Joe Horn

That's why the revenue is significantly higher [in August], it's because of that sale.

Mike Heffernan