This partnership provides us with the opportunity to extend the reach of SelectionSage ™ and realize its potential for employers as well as venture into new geographic territory.

This partnership provides us with the opportunity to extend the reach of SelectionSage™ and realize its potential for employers as well as venture into new geographic territory. It's a logical next step for Valtera, and we're excited to take that step with Bond International.

It's possible we're going to see shortages here and there.

Small business owners go to the people they consider their trusted advisers.

There was more haywire in the Superdome than there was standing in the water. Kids were getting raped.

[But by staying within this] comfort zone, ... Let's make sure the small business owners don't shortchange themselves.

The stakes are much higher than they used to be.

User interaction is way too complex and he's made it transparent.