I have no doubt that there are things in the environment to blame. I don't know what they are, and nobody else does either.

Barbara Brenner

So the player tells the stewardess he didn't get enough to eat, either, and where was his $20.

Mark Franke

It turned out far better than either of us anticipated and we would definitely do it all over again.

Michael Kaufmann

We're at a very, very critical juncture. This contract could go either way right now. The bottom line is, we need you here.

Kerry Clock

Sometimes I think we're alone. Sometimes I think we're not. In either case, the thought is staggering.

R. Buckminster Fuller

No computer has ever been designed that is ever aware of what it's doing; but most of the time, we aren't either.

Marvin Minsky

We had an opportunity. They had an opportunity. This is one of those games where it could go either way. I'm definitely glad to be on the top end of it.

Guy Virgilio

Either way we have a certain amount of energy that we can use for drilling.

Suparna Mukherjee

With tennis, you're out there and it's just you. It's either all your fault or it's all because of you, and I like that.

Blake Powers

When you look at the quantity of antioxidants in coffee and how much is consumed, it really shines either way.

Joe Vinson

I hope it'll end in the courthouse. Either we own it or they own it.

Shirley Bailey

Either back us or sack us.

James Callaghan

We have not won at either place in my career. Hopefully this is the year we accomplish this.

Melanie Boeglin

I wouldn't mind coaching for Alabama, either. If he's reading one of these articles, give me a call, coach.

Lee Hays

Either define the moment or the moment will define you.

Walt Whitman

Bobby didn't know his killer either.

Diane Cook

When Death to either shall come -- I pray it be first to me.

Robert Bridges

Any conduct that violates either the law or Red Cross code of conduct is not tolerated.

Chuck Connor

They couldn?t explain it to us, either.

Anne Wallace

When you lose, you have to flick the switch -- either you're gonna get better or worse. And he wasn't gonna get worse.

Gary Worthington

A person without a memory is either a child or an amnesiac. A country without a memory is neither a child nor an amnesiac, but neither is it a country.

Mary Astor

One of two things is usually lacking in the so-called Philosophy of Art: either philosophy or art.

Friedrich Von Schlegel

There is one place in the park where you can see both, one on either side of the Clear Fork.

Steve Mckee

Cats need it; we don't. But it poses no harm, either.

Liz Applegate

I think it would've gone either way.

Brian Kapusta

It was heartbreaking. That call could have gone either way. They had the momentum after that, but we couldn't give up.

Beau Albrechtson

I'm pleased to have got the award, but I'm not too excited either. Nor do I think about it all the time.

Samaresh Jung

It's not the geese, either.

Bruce Fuller

Taxation WITH representation ain't so hot either.

Gerald Barzan

Virtue is defined to be mediocrity, of which either extreme is vice.

Rutherford B. Hayes

We either have to take it in, or refuse it. If we refuse it, it really only has one other choice, and that's the dog pound. Animal control won't adopt out pit bulls.

Martha Williams

It's either going to come together or it's not.

Doug Bingham

I received no acknowledgement of my letter from any of them, either by return letter or by telephone.

Anthony Blumberg

I think he (Zucker) would be happy either way. We're getting close to the deadline.

Bob Gibson

Both of those points could have gone either way.

Sean Mccarthy

We can either tell customers, 'It's our way or the highway,' or we can try to meet their needs.

Bill Hilf

There is no decisive lead for either side.

Koya Tabata

We were ready to play either way. We knew we had to play, it was the mistakes that cost us.

Luis Camacho

I had moved out of the Edison Hotel because I couldn't pay the bill and was living at the Lincoln Hotel, where I couldn't pay the bill either, but it was cheaper.

Allan Sherman

We feel you either have to fight this war right or get out.

Rosemary Palmer

You are either alive and proud or you are dead, and when you are dead, you can't care anyway.

Steven Biko

I thought it would either be really close, or if we could run, it'd be pretty much a blow out. We were able to run.

Caryn Jarocki

It's going to be a one-time pop, and it's not going to be much of a pop, either.

Kurt Barnard

We really don't have cheerleading in my school either. We have it with the athletic clubs in Germany, but I didn't know much about it, so I thought I would try.

Christina Petschke

It was either my mommy or my daddy. I had one brother they would trust me with.

Mary Leblanc

Last year, I kicked for both teams, so I ran either way, but this year was a little more competitive.

Brian O'connor

He's either working or running or at school.

Ken Brewer

We don't have to go to the back of the bus any more. But, most of us don't ride the bus any more, either.

Mildred Lamkin

One either meets or one works.

Peter F. Drucker

If you look on our air, you'll see two distinguishing things, either an NBC News ball cap or an MSNBC News ball cap. Either is fine with us. We'll advertise any way we can.

David Verdi

Either do not attempt at all, or go through with it.


They want to get back either home, or into a home, so their lives can continue on.

Ralph Johnson

It can be either of the two Fridays.

Karan Johar

They can either take a hit now, which they will with any other lousy job, or take a hit with a chance it will pay off.

Dan Brush

They said that David Letterman couldn't work at 11:30, either.

Robert Morton

I don't hold that against them. Most of them aren't doing their laundry, either.

Jeff Jackson

They're either the hero or the bum. There's no in-between.

Christy Grady

I am not the born; how can there be either birth or death for me?

Guru Nanak

You either sang on the corner with your friends or you were in a gang.

Ray Gipson

It really could go either way for May 1.

Larry Cieslik

In baseball, you're either moving forward or you're going backward. We're going backward.

Jim Brownlee

You cannot ask for a better eye witness. It's inscrutable. You can't mess with that. It either is or it's not.

Laura Campbell

I don't personally believe either would be a good leader on the court.

John Vile

Obviously, the two options here are either to renegotiate [the 1992 agreement] or bring a WTO case.

John Veroneau

600-metres from the end is not the time to be careful, but it's not the time to be too dangerous either.

Robbie Mcewen

He either believed or was led to believe he was more than a laborer.

George Green

There's no way to practice. You're either doing it, or you're not.

Steve Letarte

Third or fourth place isn't an advantage either way.

Phil Smyth

This is one of those cases where people have very strong opinions either way.

Robert Hirschhorn

You either fight or you get a reputation as a punk sucker.

David Gonzalez

He shot well. We weren't playing all that bad of defense on him, either.

Jay Frydenlund

Whatever one believes to be true either is true or becomes true in one's mind.

Gene Fowler

We were very lethargic and didn't play at either end in the first half.

John Naveaux

There must be room for collaboration in some of the things we do without changing the competitive nature of the market and without compromising either institution.

Fred Perry

We're not going to pick and choose. Either they all go or no one goes.

Brandi Ray

When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either.

Leo Burnett

Either they go or I go, ... If I'm acquitted, they go, because they know they'll never convict me. If I'm convicted, I will starve to death in prison, so I will go.

Jack Kevorkian

It's either that or we just get lazy.

Michelle Beall

They either like the money or they don't.

Bruton Smith

Russia could go down 50 percent or up 150 percent. Either they do it or they don't.

Roger Monson

If your business keeps you so busy that you have no time for anything else, there must be something wrong, either with you or with your business.

William J. H. Boetcker

We didn't have a good draw the first year. We didn't have a good draw last year either.

Jerry Hoover

If either of those two gets left off, something's wrong.

Lute Olson

There are so many inconsistencies between their data and their conclusions you have to question either their competence or their integrity.

Michael Caddell

Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean.

Christopher Reeve

Well, either side could win it, or it could be a draw.

Ron Atkinson

I am very confident about putting either of them in the game at any position.

Stephanie Aquila

I can wear a hat or take it off, but either way it's a conversation piece.

Hedda Hopper

You can either be exclusively faith-based or totally separate. Or you can find common concerns.

Rev. David Keck

I can't fault either one. We're going to have to do a lot to pick up the slack.

Jim Yanko

It's not an either-or choice.

Paul Strong

Depending on whom you ask, the technology is either beneficial or has negative effects on health and environment.

James Shanahan

A boom doesn't last forever and it doesn't go the other way for very long either.

Kurt Hellstrom

I think Dakota overcame a lot. It could have been either one of us, but I'm glad he got it.

Scotti Sentes

This commission ends one-party rule by either Democrats or Republicans.

Paul Dunn

I am running out of opponents. They are all either dying or getting hurt.

Allan Jones

We may release 300 to 400 more tickets either (today) or Sunday.

Ken Craig

In doing of either, let wit bear a stroke,/ For buying or selling of pig in a poke.

Thomas Tusser

If you hang up on a recruiter, forget it. These days, you're either a client or a recruit-from.

Lina Fafard

It ain't first, but it ain't last, either. We didn't embarrass ourselves.

Dean Carr

It was a shame either team had to lose that game.

Scott Aronhalt

We didn't lose the war, either.

Billy Henning

I just put it on net and it bounced. I don't know what happened, either.

Andrej Meszaros

In any investigation we've had, we've not found any wrongdoing for either of those schools.


We are very similar. I don't think their will be a lot of surprises from either team.

Tom Beach

It's very difficult to find either big benefits or big costs associated with raising the minimum wage.

Jeff Collins

No, I've never heard that. And I'm not the movie star either.

Dick Powell

You can cite facts from now until tomorrow on either side of the argument. It's all irrelevant.

Jerry Fisher

Either we are all free, or we fail; democracy must belong to all of us.

Dennis Chavez

Just about every plant is a memory of either someone we know or a place where we've been.

Sharon Lane

We're pretty evenly matched. On any given day it could go either way.

Kris Sanford

I decided that if I weren't willing to kill any animals myself, then I wouldn't eat their meat either.

Paul Moriarty

We need success early (in the year). I don't care who it has to be either.

Lane Larive

I don't talk about things. I don't divulge things about any meetings. I'm not going to comment either way on meetings. I'm not going to divulge who was at the meeting.

Curtis Myers

It's not going to be an easy match for either of us - it never is when you come up against somebody from the same country.

Tim Henman

I'm not going to speculate, either.

David Fay

It was either his helmet or his shoulder that hit my knee.

Brian Leetch

We probably could have either of (those) done by the fall semester.

William Hargrove

I wasn't gunning for him, but I definitely wasn't going to give up either.

Darin Vieira

They're either all in or all out.

Roger Hawk

The scenario right now is that either we win by a narrow margin or they win by a narrow margin.

Fabrizio Cicchitto

You either have to qualify for it through another tournament, or you have to pay $10,000 to enter.

Chris Mudd

It's not a thing you can build up to slowly. It's either riches or poverty.

Charles Mitchell

I don't think I lose anything with either one of them.

Greg Hampton

The theory is that her owner was either a truck driver or owns a diesel car.

Yvonne Hester

As you look at this campus, one thing it doesn't do is integrate with the community very well. Either you're on campus or you're not. We're looking to change that.

Jay Hood

I'm the only one who's not interested in either position.

Bob Elliott

This is either a snub to Mbeki or an indication South Africa is complicit.

David Coltart

Apple now has to either open up or close down [in France].

Alexander Ross

They may migrate in a direction, either up or down, depending on which bank becomes the lead on the consumer side.

George Albright

They're cheap for a reason. They're either very little, or they need work, or both.

Barbara Howland

Either she's got some lucky stars or some unlucky stars, depending on how you look at it.

Michael Hyman

Consumers don't have enough good information to make choices, either on quality or cost.

Jim Guest

It was either work in the coal mines or get a degree.

Cindy Miller

It's like making As available to all students, ... That's not good either.

Carol Allen

To tell you the truth, I had never heard of it, either.

Scott Gibbs

My disease is shared by many Americans, and you either understand it or you don't.

Allen Johnson

This game tonight could have gone either way. But we were able to get a couple bounces and get the win.

Dane Litke

People either give up on it or struggle with it.

Barry Crist

This has been a work in progress. Of the 250 acres, about 70 of it is either wasteland along Doyle Creek or developed for wildlife.

Robert Mcvey

To be honest, I don't see any players who really impress me from either side of the Atlantic.

Severiano Ballesteros

Let (British Prime Minister Tony) Blair hear it. We are not for the British bidder either.

Robert Mugabe

It was already priced into the market. I don't think either thing had much impact.

Stephen Murphy

It wouldn't be cheap to do. But having an asteroid hit us wouldn't be cheap either.

Michael Shara

. . . I don't think either of the Liberals or the Conservatives are going to plunge us into deficit.

Dale Orr

You can either ride the wave or suck the surf.

Joe Caruso

You can't coach that. You either have it or not.

George Fisher

Margins either must stop shrinking or we will have to close our business.

Peter Wang

No, I don't, never have. I didn't think that in the mid-1990s, and very few of our colleagues in local government thought that in the 1990s either.

Tom Mccabe

There's always a certain degree of physical attraction between people and the rest either happens or it doesn't.

Debbie Allen

He wasn't scared of us, either.

Ralph Pollock

We have to engage the world because for us we're either playing globally or not playing at all.

Irwin Jacobs

There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances.

Leon Trotsky

In most of our cases, the critical biological evidence has either been lost or destroyed.

Peter Neufeld

Either move or be moved.

Ezra Pound

The reason the audience doesn't see the twists coming is, we don't either.

Evan Katz

Definition of a Statistician: A man who believes figures don't lie, but admits than under analysis some of them won't stand up either.

Evan Esar

I didn't really know how to do it either until we took a class.

Ernest Moore

So I wouldn't have played me either, ... Not that you care.

Eric Karros

Everyone in New Jersey has either narrowly avoided an accident or been bothered because of potholes.

Erin Phalon

I've got no tears of disappointment from tonight. But I don't have any tears of happiness either.

Erika Holst

We didn't have much team camaraderie. … Either you want it or you don't. We didn't play Hylton ball.

Emily Faught

There was no formal notification that he has retained any legal counsel either here or (in Britain).

Emily Lagrassa

You're either part of the solution or part of the problem.

Eldridge Cleaver

Usually, there's no cell phones, either.

Elizabeth Ramsey

We believe that in either scenario there will be no residual equity value.

Elizabeth Parrella

You're either with me or you're not. And if you're not, you're out.

Eddie Perez

Today is either the beginning of the end, or the end of the beginning. Today we are making history.

Eckhard Pfeiffer

We weren't sharp on either end. We didn't do anything on offense; we didn't do anything on defense. You put that combination together and you get beat 9-4.

Ed Stephenson

Contrary to his assertions, Mr. Moore has had and continues to have every opportunity to either find another distributor or distribute the film himself.

Zenia Mucha