Because it's based on JavaScript, it's easy to understand and build on.

Mini Peiris

It feels good. You hate to be in that position because we were up.

Jamal Crawford

But I might be partial because I'm a guitar player.

Jeff Cook

They will get better prices because of bigger volumes.

John Strand

I'd rather be in school because I don't want to make it up.

Travis Walton

I came tonight because Sara asked me to nominate her.

Jacque Whitsitt

It's not because the press is misogynistic.

Marie Wilson

Because when we are right there is not a band in the world that can touch us!

Don Ellis

We can never, never abandon Jerusalem because the dignity of Jerusalem is the same as the dignity of a Muslim.

Prince Abdullah

That's the game now. You can do those things because it's wide open.

Dale Hunter

It's unique because of that. It's a peculiar sound.

Troy Fisher

Because all the great names are taken...some of the names are made up now.

Jason Vines

It was a tough decision for me because I always wanted to go to college.

Tony Esposito

There is no search area now because we don't know where they are.

Bill Miskell

It's because the stuff we did, ... is stuff that will get you beat.

Robert Massey

You didn't feelsorry because they arrested the wrong man?

Stephen Jones

They are really at risk because they are starting to have health problems.

Amy Bernstein

Because we own the relationship with our customers, we know who [the bad batteries] were sold to.

T.r. Reid

Because we don't think about future generations, they will never forget us.

Henrik Tikkanen

They like my music because I rock.

Wesley Willis

I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it.

Jack Handey

You cow. You think you are so good because you've got it all with Jack.

Myleene Klass

One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.

Golda Meir

We?re going to throw him into the fire because he has a great arm.

Brian Crowley

Because they could never cure what she got in the hospital.

Howard Stark

We will do anything we can to help the Scots because that is the relationship we have with them.

Alan Phillips

I can't say anything now because the project should be approved by the State Council.

Wang Dongsheng

All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers.

Francois de Fenelon

But we will have to do with what we have because it is out of our hands.

Pitso Mosimane

This is a unique project because of the sensitive area.

Teri Banka

They're handling it real well because they're working so hard.

Tommy Galicia

I guess God was smiling on me, because they went in.

Danielle Orsillo

Some gains today are because of foreign exchange gains.

Manuel Pangilinan

He's a kid who can get back quickly because he is strong.

Chris Rodgers

I think it's because Lady Tottington and Victor are aristocrats.

Nick Park

It was frustrating because I thought I had some momentum.

Brian Ching

I've said no, ... It's precisely because it is dangerous that we should go.

Thabo Mbeki

It's going to be interesting because you'll see two different styles of basketball.

Tom Maurer

It doesn't mean much because it's not close to what they're paid.

Sue Curtis

I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities.

Whoopi Goldberg

Because she was very upset and I was trying to do the gentlemanly thing.

Walter Kirn

The NFL clearly is making an investment in this because we believe it's the right thing to do.

Roger Goodell

At the end of the day we'll lose a little bit of money. But it's OK because we know we're building something.

Carl Moretti

It was a big win because today we found a way to win.

Dave Auday

It's nice to have her in (the 2-meter) set because you know that if you get it in there she can do something with it.

Lexi Neste

A government is not legitimate merely because it exists.

Jeane J. Kirkpatrick

He must be from around here and we need to find him at all costs because it's disrespectful to the dead.

Michalakis Christodoulou

The problem is that we cannot bring in heavy equipment because of the mud.

Rosette Lerias

I don't know what the big deal is. I guess it's because of my age.

Muriel Saunders

Because everyone wants two things: games and portability.

Jay Peteranetz

You better not talk about anybody. Because they're going to be related to somebody.

Lana Hall

He's going to be chuckling a lot because he knows how loud I am.

Sheila Ferguson

It was really hard to sleep with it because you can't move at all.

Lamarcus Aldridge

Moving up is tough because no one is the favorite.

Lennart Maack

It is amazing to do this. It is such a big plus for the physician because they have it with them at their fingertips.

Virgil Kelly

I doubt it because we're going to be very clear in our literature for our applications.

Jane Gantz

If we can keep the game close, because of our system, we can get to them.

Bruce Shearer

I am here with these brothers because it appears Durham does not want to see the truth.

Jackie Wagstaff

It's interesting because it's unusual.

Gordon Anderson

He would have beat everybody because we'd have found a way to beat him.

Angelo Dundee

Mickey: Never say famous last words, because they could be.

Forget Paris

I write for the same reason I breathe - because if I didn't, I would die.

Isaac Asimov

I don't want this to happen to anybody, because it's not right.

Stella Goheen

I don't know what he was thinking, because I didn't see anyone around him.

Ab Rodriguez

It may have merit because we realize we will never fund this on admissions.

Jim Porter

She said because I want to be with my friends.

Deborah Mcfadden

We said you had to make money, because if you don't make money, you won't want to invest.

Bobby Shriver

From there, we all benefit even if we're not related to these apps, because they're now online.

Marc Andreessen

Because I wasn't going to do it. I'm just going for the crab cakes.

Linda Pierce

It's cool because we're the only ones.

Casey Hoeft

Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.

Thich Nhat Hanh

That just kept people away, because they couldn't get out of their own hometowns.

Patrick Kaler

To worry is a sin. Only one sort of worry is permissible; to worry because one worries.

Hasidic Saying

I know it's backed up because some of the help came in late.

Don Burns

Because there is so much new information in this report, we could be trading this for awhile.

Shawn Mccambridge

It breaks my heart because she could have been my niece.

Mark Vortice

Because we are not the only parties in this meeting, we can't predict the outcome.

Ahmed Hussein

I wanted to give back to them because they have given me an amazing experience.

Lisa Kelly

In Latin America, you don't do things for the money because there is no money.

Gael Garcia Bernal

We are on alert because we do not know at this time if [the suspect] was acting on his own or if he has accomplices.

Vidal Querol

Len Bias is a tragedy, because he's not around anymore, ... I'm a success.

Ray Richardson

You try to get your guys to realize what the challenge is because of what they're known for.

David Wilson

It was frustrating because things weren't going our way at the end.

Leah Rush

I can't say I was unhappy as a child actor in films, because I wasn't.

Roddy Mcdowall

I only am in this business because I enjoy it. I think that is the only way to be in the business.

Jake Lloyd

This is more of a theoretical issue because we don't believe this has actually occurred.

Andrew Weinstein

I had more fun ... You didn't want to miss a day because it was so much fun.

Bob Gould

Because they're so limited in time because of what we're asking them as athletes to do for us, they needed to have access to things.

Shari Acho

Because they were properly restrained they had minimal injury.

Kathy Harper

And it's not because of the 40 shots.

Linda Larson

We are going to be in every game because of our pitching.

Mike Phelan

It is because the people are citizens that they are with safety armed.

Joel Barlow

Our partners are thrilled because we're providing them with something they can't do on their own.

Susan Howarth

It's a real shame because there should be more out there – we need to get more on board!

Heather Williams

There was only one person I wanted to ask, because he is the best.

Max Isaksen

I take it as a compliment. I know they only did it because they love me.

Rachel Neal

We're doing a lot of things because they're expedient.

Jean Kelly

I apologized to the team on the sideline because I was making it about me, and this is a team.

Ramonce Taylor

We have customers that say they stay with us because of the training program.

Mike Phelan

That's a good win for us. That's a good win for our ball club because it tells us that we're getting better.

Colin Stevens

So when people tried to check this, there his documents were - but only because he'd put them there.

Bill Putnam

She impressed me because she knew even more than me about the character.

Fernando Meirelles

It's really hard to play from behind because then we can't make mistakes.

James Mogge

It's because of what was reported.

Laurie Aronson

He didn't want to go into a lot of details because he didn't want us to worry.

Mark Morberg

Giving the gift because it's coming from you and your heart.

Peter Post

Because you can die by it, too.

Michael Redd

It's a rivalry for us because we hang out a lot. It doesn't mean as much for the kids as it does to us.

Russ Witzig

If anyone thinks he has no responsibilities, it is because he has not sought them out.

Mary Lyon

It was nerve-racking because if you make a mistake, you're done.

Dominik Jakubek

It was an easy race for him, because he made an easy lead.

Bobby Frankel

Which is very nice, because they are a part of all this too. A big part. And for them to be able to enjoy it, that's a nice, nice feeling.

Virginia Robles

I couldn't make it because I've got a touch of the flu.

Louis Walsh

Never forget me, because if I thought you would, I'd never leave.

A. A. Milne

Do you really want a court that is afraid to act because of popular opinion?

Louis Butler

Because of that we cannot issue a building permit.

Connie Barron

I called him because I knew he would understand more than anyone else.

Gwyn Gauger

This kid can do both well. We really saved us a pick by taking him because he can do both.

John Abercrombie

I would never accuse Willie Brown of slowing down, because he never does.

James Richardson

The big questions have to do with moral development because there is not much research.

Linda Jackson

The biggest things are often the easiest to do because there is so little competition.

William Van Horne

I think it was not an accident because he doesn't smoke, and if they said it wasn't electrical, what could have happened?

George Wilson

There's no way we can do it because of the finances.

Carole Andrews

It's because of Marty that Pistol is still alive.

Steve Ricker

I urge you to approve these changes because they are nothing but positives.

Tom Cook

I refused to serve him because of the way he was acting. Besides, the bar was already closed.

Kevin Martin

He has been punished because of his celebrity status.

Salim Khan

We don't have any big numbers to report because of FEMA.

Bruce Hertzke

Because of the petroleum, they are up a little bit.

Chuck Olson

Because you have drowned others, you were drowned….

Rabbi Hillel

We never developed any rhythm and that was because of the opposition.

Michael Cheika

There's a feeling of 'buy it today or don't buy it at all' because you'll miss the market.

Susan Wachter

We were methodical tonight. We have a lot of athleticism, but tonight we didn't have to rely on that because we executed.

Malcolm Lewis

I was really nervous because I thought I can really hurt him. I was embarrassed a little bit.

Feliciano Lopez

It failed because it was bad policy.

Rex Frazier

Each year we have students that come back because they say it is less expensive.

Alan Hargrave

Everybody hates me because I'm so universally liked.

Peter De Vries

I called them because my car was taken without my permission. My baby was inside of my car and they turned it around and put it on me.

Krista Allen

Because the old rate, if you will, didn't produce enough profits.

Catherine Williams

I'm really happy for him because he's such a nice individual.

Billy J. Williams

It's an advantage because you have to get out of a van and then play 18 holes right away.

John Boragno

Was surreal, but in a good way, magical, but even more so now because, we did it.

Cameron Watson

You do anything you can to help the tournament director because he's helping you.

Ricky Barnes

They suffered because of it, ... They were fearful because of it. They were in need of counseling because of it.

Stephen Gillers

We wanted to come down before, but couldn't because of school and work.

Danielle Greene

It's devastating because of how kids were sold out today.

Claudia Vercellotti

Some things you do because you want to. Some things you do because of the needs of others in your family.

Real Live Preacher

Lindsay only has a chance because of her and John.

Michael Jones

I feel most at home in America, because everybody there is from another country.

Anthony Minghella

We don't want you not to have fun. We want you to think because we care about you.

Tim Fletcher

That has a lot of potential because, at this point, it's largely undeveloped.

Jacob Snow

Some people read because they are too lazy to think.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Just because I was mayor.

Jack Elliott

They like him for the simplest of reasons: One of them said to me, 'Because he's funny,' .

Howard Sounes

You can't allow yourself to be locked up because you're worried about who you're playing against.

Tyoka Jackson

I'm not a big fan of the ocean because I'm scared of what lies beneath.

Lake Bell

Filings are up solely because of the bankruptcy reform act.

Terry Miller

It's a better product for us because it's a higher margin.

Pat Shannon

If you take away Oates you take away everyone on the ice, ... But it's hard because he's so aware.

Trevor Linden

I tried to celebrate with the students because I'm a student, too.

Mark Tyndale

Andy asked if I would put stars on the ceiling because he's on his back most of the time.

Janet Young

Cricket has changed for the better ... it's because of what happened then, cricket is so strong now.

Richie Benaud

We think we have an advantage because they don't have very much rotation.

Debbie Brasher

Because we are not face to face, we have to be good at what we do.

Brian Myres

We've come to ask for the court's help because the elections were unlawful.

Somsak Kosaisuk

We didn't do Medicaid because we determined it would cost us almost as much to apply as we spent.

John Law

I left the ending ambiguous, because that is the way life is.

Bernardo Bertolucci

I did it because of that miserable, illegal war. That son-of-a-b---- never should have started it. I would say it to his face.

Marie Runyon

These deaths are huge because of the symbolism.

Louis Friedman

She (later) went on to Salt because one of her relatives.

Adnan Badran

No body, no blood, no DNA evidence. Barbara Asher is here because of a theory.

Stephanie Page

We can't let it go because it's escalated. It's like an epidemic right now.

Connie Baker

Be a lightning rod because of who she is.

Michael Reagan

It was very sad, because we live here.

Janice Olsen

Good-bye. I am leaving because I am bored.

George Saunders

If (Krause) doesn't get to the ball, it's because it wasn't possible.

David Berrier

Samsung needs to do something because its share is not growing.

Carolina Milanesi

Nature is the most beautiful thing we have. It's better than art because it's from the creator.

Olivia Newton john

This will help Alltel customers, too, ... because Alltel and Verizon use the same towers.

Brad Moore

This is purely because of pressure from the Australian government.

Lutfi Hakim

Because A-Day is so advice-driven it really plays into our hands, because we are an advice-driven brand.

Mike Wilson

A lot of people didn't make it because they didn't understand germ theory back then.

Marcia Leiter

It's good for the sport because every sport has favorites and underdogs.

Ricky Craven

This is big. I'm excited but I can't be too excited because I have another match to go tomorrow.

Scoville Jenkins

Counseling tells me I'm not supposed to do that, because it's all right for her to cry.

Jim Farrell

This does not make us happy because of the relationships we have had for years with our agents.

Tom Tierney

Kids are always interested in this because they can see the teeth.

Bernard Yokel

Never had any mathematical conversations with anybody, because there was nobody else in my field.

Alonzo Church

We are challenged because of the demographics.

Richard Cody

Somebody stopped because of the smoke and, of course, another vehicle hit them and another vehicle hit them.

Daniel Hawthorne

(The coaches) say that from what they see, Kali is better than the quarterback they have now because he's more mobile.

Wendell Say

I always wanted to go against hat grain because it was too restricting.

Donna Mills

The scholarship really helps. because if it wasn't there, I probably wouldn't be thinking about being a doctor now.

Keith Kitamura

Because the shuttle is docked, it wouldn't be able to go after them if they got away.

Tom Jones

We don't exclude people because of the way they look or smell. And that's why people come here.

Ralph Thompson

It's disappointing, period, because we had a chance to win it.

Henry Burris

Then all hell breaks loose because he accidentally sets them off.

Sharon Colman

I was happy about it, because now I could just throw everything in one big bin.

Heidi Adams

They were furious because I'd bagged a Beatle! It was so frightening.

Pattie Boyd

You are where you are today because you have chosen to be there.

Harry Browne