If anyone has sold a vehicle of that description, if anyone knows of anyone -- a neighbor, a friend, someone who lives down the street -- who has sold a vehicle matching that description we would ask them to contact local law enforcement.

We don't have any idea where they are. They could be anywhere.

It is supposed to be used when vehicles leave the facility.

There is no search area now because we don't know where they are.

It doesn't make any difference how well you know the person who is going through a gate or a checkpoint, that person is to be treated in accordance with department policy.

If there somebody talking to Toby about the weather in New Mexico or anywhere else, if somebody heard Toby talking about a good friend living somewhere else, they should call us. In isolation it might seem insignificant, but in terms of a pattern, it could give us another substantial lead to pursue.

This was a well-planned effort. They could be anywhere, pretty much, by now.

That's certainly under review at the present time.

Every security policy at every facility is there to be followed, and it doesn't make any difference how well you know the person who is going through the gate or a checkpoint.