They already have the numbers.

Ricardo Puno

We've already got that money, we're already seeing those 700 patients.

Cathy Emanuel

I've already sent my Q-school entry in.

Hunter Haas

We've already been working on this issue.

Justin Stoner

I'm surprised they identified him already.

Mindi Koehler

We are already profitable.

Chris Hughes

I'm already writing my Oscar speech.

Mike Diamond

This is in addition to what you already get.

Andrew Adamson

The only thing we could do is acknowledge it or pretend it wasn't there. But what could we do that would be more powerful than what the Health Department already does?

Gary Gordon

We already have teachers asking whether there will be a follow-up.

Cynthia Miller

It's good to be here and have him with his familiar surroundings. He's already perked up.

Dyan Grant

We don't want him to get any more injured than he already is.

Dan Winzenried

She has come up huge many times already this season.

Jason Mathenia

The only fear I have is coming back and falling back into the same rut I'm already in.

Frank Westgate

We had already scored one run, and he scored three to break it open.

Jack Sturgeon

I already thought the race was over.

Jorg Bergmeister

He was already kicking my butt before [the injury].

Andy Roddick

I'm already so wet that if I stay, I'll end up in the emergency room.

Susan Johnson

The world is gonna miss Joe Moakley; I already do.

James Mcgovern

We already have some helicopters involved.

William Simmons

When we admitted her the condition was already bad.

Ilham Patu

They absolutely ruined the race. I was already a little bit tired yesterday.

Martin Tauber

It might add a little urgency to efforts that are already under way.

Dean Mccarron

They're already indirectly paying for Lacey.

Steve Swift

He's pre-empting any opponents by saying he's already leaving.

David Taras

Anything you could ever want or be you already have and are.

David Russell

We've already been discussing that. It will probably go to two shifts a day before it goes to that.

Patrick Smith

TI has their foothold in lots of these markets already.

Idarose Sylvester

I have already spoken to him about Bayern.

Roy Makaay

There's nothing more that consumers should be doing that they aren't doing already.

Richard Lobb

You're forcing it into the creek, ... Leave the creek alone -- it's already got problems.

Michael Cox

I walk Downtown and I know the area already.

Helen Wilson

It already seemed highly likely. It now seems a near certainty.

Doug Elliott

These are people who have healthy lifestyles, and these are people who already do what you really want to do.

Cherri Croghan

If you want a quality, act as if you already had it.

William James

You already have zero privacy - get over it.

Scott Mcnealy

Two of the team's five members are already at work.

Adel Lamy

We have already let the people vote almost 800 times.

John Giles

To fly as fast as thought, you must begin by knowing that you have already arrived.

Richard Bach

I miss him already.

Tony Parrish

I've already gotten a bunch, so I'm hoping it will clear up a bit.

Tim Duncan

I am confident in the staff we have in place already.

Dennis Mcgeehan

We've already started to put up the fence around the site.

Bruce Brownlee

There was already an order from a customer in Maryland.

Lucy Postins

We are already late and need to concentrate on accelerating the process.

Sofjan Wanandi

We already have offers on some of the units.

Laura Puchowicz

That's outrageous. They're already paying for it.

Jon Coupal

It's a lot of nothing. They already have the authority to do what they say they want to do.

Bill Powers

Learning is finding out what you already know.

Richard Bach

It would remove some production from an already tight market.

Ian Synnott

A lot of what was going on was already against the rules. There just wasn't any enforcement.

Mary Boyle

We've seen some nice fish already, that's for sure.

Martha Smith

He's on the radio, so I think that he already has a listening audience.

Mike Donald

Our community has already been asking for this.

Alison Banikowski

I'm already booked up through next holiday.

Tim Alan

She wanted proof why a Mac would be better than the Dell I already had.

Ball State

I have a children's book already out and my autobiography.

Della Reese

They're trying to squeeze a sponge that's already pretty dry.

Ben Miller

We're already at 800 for September and the month's not over yet.

Marsha Williams

We're over it already. We played well enough to win but couldn't put the puck in the net.

Scott Jacko

It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning.

Claude Bernard

They've already been observed mating. I was not here, but I have been told.

Cinnamon Williams

It poisons an already poisonous environment.

Judith Kipper

I came into a program that was already very good.

Roger Svennson

She was already hiding what she did that day.

Steve Koester

You already have something that is good and bad going for you. A reputation.

Drew Moneke

The market has already priced in an imminent move.

Takahide Kiuchi

If you can demonstrate and prove that that gas already has a similar fee applied to it, then you won't have to pay again.

Becky Carroll

I always wanted to be a dad. Now I'm already a granddad!

Rich Robertson

Iran has already said it's not going to use oil as a political weapon.

Lee Fader

It's already confusing enough. Now that they can make changes, it'll be even more confusing.

Bob Matthews

We are at the point where all the obvious things we tell Microsoft to do, they already do it.

Dan Kaminsky

We've already had somebody from Oregon who wants to produce it on stage.

Dan Eggleston

They're already on to the next generation.

Jonathan Taplin

Even as a ninth-grader, he was so strong. And he already had a mustache.

Kelly Guempel

Don't bother looking at the view -- I have already composed it.

Gustav Mahler

Those who say it can't be done should get out of the way of those that are already doing it, ... This can be done and it would make a huge difference.

Gil Gutknecht

It was already available, it doesn't change the picture at all.

Carlos Hokama

We debated whether we could take on this new thing on top of all that we were already doing.

Crystal Morrell

In 2000, I was already taking eight different medications.

Reyes Hernandez

It should have been written already.

Bret Easton Ellis

The horse has already bolted.

George Speight

They're running at full capacity pretty much already.

Steven Arabia

Don't order one for the road, because the road is already laid out.

Flip Wilson

We put a trainer with them, in their head and in the gym that they already work out in.

Alex Levine

There have already been 12 deaths.

Krzysztof Mejer

Act as if you have already achieved your goal and it is yours.

Dr. Robert Anthony

The Jones Motor Group is already in a new building.

Mary Flagg

The damage is already done.

David Dismukes

He didn't have to do that, ... He's already heavy enough. Good gracious.

Alonzo Mourning

I'm already here and I already have my businesses. I can stay here one way or another.

Dave Cook

This is tremendous improvement on an already good record.

Kirk Thompson

I already know I'm about to be a waterfall of tears.

Deke Thompson

It reinforced what we were already doing.

Caryn Kaufman

We've already failed one challenge. Not so much on the scoreboard, but the way we performed that day.

Kirk Ferentz

We already own the land. That way, nobody can kick me out.

Richard Kennedy

I have enough attention already. More, I don't really need.

Chris Noth

This type of thing doesn't really surprise us, and it's not something we're not already prepared for.

Ron Reier

I've got to catch up with my friend. She's got a lot done already.

Natalie Davis

There is already mold, ... There was one small window broken.

Ricky Gutierrez

We are already tapped out in terms of volunteers and staff.

Joe Mathis

It's nearly sold out already. So if you want tickets, you'd better get them quick.

Jeremy Cunningham

We had a lot of students already hurting.

Margaret Jablonski

You don't want to shortchange the new kids. You don't want to shortchange the ones already here.

Terry Smith

There already are safeguards for these folks.

Chris Fogg

My outcome is already determined.

Andrew Fastow

I already paid for college.

Noah Matthews

It's something that you can't teach. It's something they have to already have.

Kenny Harrison

The flooding hasn't started yet, but we are already prepared.

Angel Gonzalez

He already paid his pittance to us long ago.

Charles Ramsey

I'm already a winner, all of us are.

Stacy Keibler

There's a bit of chemistry there already.

Mike Williamson

The way I look at it, the playoffs have already started.

John Fox

It's already happening. You can't find a hotel room along I-75 and 275.

Larry Gispert

We're already in a situation that is far from acceptable and could get worse.

Normand Laberge

If something's already cooked in a bag, it definitely helps.

Adam King

We don't want anything worse than we've already gotten.

Ann Hartman

That means it's already a critical time.

Li Fan

Pharmacies are opening up in already saturated areas.

Julian Solomon

These kids are already much sadder, and they get sadder yet when the parents go through the divorce.

Lisa Strohschein

Oh no! I should do something....but I am already in my pajamas. [Farnsworth].


Here we are approaching the end of July and already resources are thin.

Amy Teegarden

This was my little guy, and whoever did it, they're going to get caught, I already know it.

Michael Williams

We've already used it.

Andrew Brooks

If you attend summer VPK, you might already be 5 (years old).

Matti Friedt

There was a bit of a run-up before the results. They were good results, but the turnaround is already in the price.

Jonathan Ross

Future Fed tightening is already discounted in the dollar.

Robert Sinche

He did not begin making demands until she was already here in Texas.

Brandi Grissom

They said the second guy had already started to fumble when I hit him.

Brian Wallace

From the city perspective, we already have a lot on our plates.

Anne Sinclair

Sorry, Buddy. We've already got three.

Dean Martin

What can the insurgents do that's worse? There are already car bombs every day.

Farid Ayar

It actually motivated me more. It was an intense match already, but that made it even more intense.

Brandon Low

We already have classes without teachers.

Judy Jeffrey

All of the things we are talking about are already under way.

Scott Borg

Mentally, they're already beyond college.

Joseph Kyle

Two wins in two years and now we already have two wins this season. It's a beautiful thing.

Dan Nobbs

We bring in a decent enough crowd already.

Bruce Laroque

I was already behind when I came to camp so I had to catch up.

Jamil Walker

There is hunger and surely already malnutrition.

Christiane Berthiaume

We are not re-inventing anything that has already been invented.

Mary Robinson

They couldn't do a drugs story on me because I'd already done one on myself.

Norman Cook

We are in spitting distance of recession, if not already sitting in it.

Brendan O'donovan

We already have serious air quality problems, here.

Chris Carney

About 80 to 90 percent of the things mentioned were already in motion.

Mayor Kenneth Boswell

School's a rerun. I already know everything.

Danielle Jones

We are not afraid of change ... the worst has already happened to us.

Michelle Miller

Pre-production vehicles are already in the test phase.

Burkhard Goeschel

What was missing was something that I knew he already knew was missing. I told him, 'You can't not go there.' And that's how it got longer.

Anne Collins

Any woman who is a playwright is already a feminist.

Sarah Ruhl

I'm probably already in the red on the budgeting allotment for utilities.

Roger Knight

I knew I liked him already. And I figured he liked me, too.

Stacie Sato

There has already been some demolition done, ... And it should be finished up soon.

Barbara Young

Spring training is fun and this should be a lot of fun. We've already had a lot of fun just talking about it.

Joe Hegler

Some firms have already moved ahead.

David Victor

We think they should be covered by the law. If they think they should not be covered, they (already) have a process they can follow.

John Trasviña

I tried to dive over the guy, but he already got it and put it in the net.

Kellen Briggs

It is a step for further advance to see what has been won from chaos already.

John Chipman Gray

We've got six kids going to state already.

Mark Dutro

They're already talking about adding on or building a new one.

Todd Abbott

You've already decided the process.

Don Mclean

We're already moving dirt and concrete.

Roderick Drew

We've already discussed it, and it's a good possibility.

Neil Howard

I couldn't believe it when they called. I was already thrilled to have won just one award.

Kris Frostad

He's published already; we know he can do it. This was our chance to shine.

Sarah Reed

We had already made a lot of progress on the project. It was nearly finished.

Gerard Mestrallet

They've basically killed the season already.

Joe Mantua

That list is already in my mind.

Guus Hiddink

It's hard to fall any more if you're already on the ground.

Robert Macintosh

You could already tell a week after our took a lot out of her.

Julie Foglesong

They really hit the heck out of the ball. Before you knew it they were already up four.

Bob Brewster

We've already received a ton of criticism.

Rick Muntean

He should be certified any day now. He's already been fitted for a uniform.

Robert Hernandez

The mayor and council did not retract what they already have done.

Ted Strickland

This one guy told me that if he had known that, he would have already taken care of it.

Bill Wright

I want to go to Vancouver in 2010. I already want to win the gold.

Taylor Chace

I've been on the road since I was 17, ... and I'm 52. It's enough already.

Linda Ronstadt

I've made a couple of mistakes already.

Carol Murray

You can not inspect quality into the product; it is already there.

W. Edwards Deming

We are already in a high state of readiness.

Debby Reynolds

We continue to layer functionality on top of what's already there.

Brian Wirth

Most of us don't become what we can be because we can't see it's what we already are.

Carl A. Hammerschlag

We won't have to pat them down for guns, because we already know they've got them.

Saint Jones

Many things that I am experiencing I already remember.

Karl Kraus

It is a very cumbersome process for the public already.

Reed Morris

He already has the change order before the council approved it.

Bill Gillette

I didn't want to make a movie about what we already know.

James Mangold

We're not going to put more emphasis on it now. We should be doing that already.

Dominic Raiola

It felt like a commercial - and advertisers already do that well.

Jonathan Prince

One could almost call it a low-level civil war already.

Sir Jeremy Greenstock

I had a 7-year-old daughter I was already raising by myself.

Penny Sue Candelaria

Why do we need another station where everyone has a gun? We already have BET.

Greg Giraldo

You know he's talking trash already.

Patrick Turner

I had already put my arms up.

Evgeny Artyukhin

Well, I already knew that.

Keevan Miller

If we had accepted the accord as is, CAFTA would already be in place. But we are still debating.

Enrique Lacs

The veterinarian has already ordered the poultry to be culled.

Elke Reinking

Whatever I know how to do, I've already done. Therefore I must always do what I do not know how to do.

Eduardo Chillida

How can you beat someone that's already lost everything?

Eddie Guerrero

You don't have to be Magic to be special. You're already special, you're you.

Earvin Magic Johnson