He acts and sounds like anything but a golfer.

Scott Becher

We want the same money appropriated to the health screenings as last year. That's $16.5 million. That sounds like a lot of money if you're just talking about the Iowa ammunition plant and Ames. But we're not. We're talking about lots of people in many states.

Paula Graham

Sounds like they're going after the container operations. So it wouldn't affect us at Port Canaveral. We're not in the container business. We don't stuff our exports into containers. We just load oranges, juices, and grapefruits and cars right onto the freighters. And our security procedures here are excellent.

Pat Lee

A pulse in the eternal mind, no less, gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given. Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day; and laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness, in hearts at peace, under an English heaven.

Rupert Brooke

It sounds kind of cheesy, but I told our kids that the main part of my job is to teach life skills and life lessons. That's what we tried to do when the season wasn't on. I told them that someday when they have a family they would understand. No matter what you're doing, your family has to be the No. 1 priority.

Zac Chatterton

Virtually a living recording of the musical sounds heard hundreds of years ago.

Hans Davidsson

I just think it's fascinating to think that people in Cheboygan did these things back then, ... especially with Labor Day coming up. It was the times, I guess. That's how people lived in those days. It sounds like a lot of fun.

Sharon Thompson

The doctor listens in with a stethoscope and hears sounds of a warpath Indian drum.

John Mcphee

Jake and I are beyond the point of telling each other what we want to do. I know it sounds strange, but we just know each other.

Derek Feltner

Since the number has been stated as not out of line it sounds like someone is trying to play this down.

Jason Calacanis

We believe it will be a softer market this year, ... I would say 350 to 400 orders sounds about right.

John Leahy

They played all kinds of stuff, and we liked that. With us, anything that hits our ears and our hearts and sounds good is an influence, new or old. Music we gather true meaning from is that old school. It's an oldies-rule-forever kind of deal with us Lonely Boys.

Henry Garza

I know $250,000 sounds like a lot of money, but in a capital murder case, bail that low is virtually unprecedented.

Greg Moeller

Lumber prices should decline slowly, but a settlement of the trade dispute would be a much larger positive for profitability. The U.S. sounds fairly serious about finding a resolution, now that its appeals are nearly exhausted.

Mark Connelly

We're pretty pleased with how it turned out. To Garbage fans, it sounds like a Garbage song. And to Bond fans, it's a Bond song.

Butch Vig

All my concerts had no sounds in them; they were completely silent. People had to make up their own music in their minds!

Yoko Ono

Mom always tells me to celebrate everyone's uniqueness. I like the way that sounds.

Hilary Duff

I know a girl who cries when she practices violin because each note sounds so pure it just cuts into her, and then the melody comes pouring out her eyes. Now, to me, everything else just sounds like a lie.

Conor Oberst

This sounds like a broken record. We are being totally dominated.

Darryl Sutter

To be honest, I'm not nervous, ... It sounds silly. This is totally different to me in some respects. But in others, I have been racing for too many years and Fontana is a track that I know.

Adrian Fernandez

The sounds of the words are music in a way.

Sandra Boynton

There are all kinds of different opinions about this, but it sounds like they kind of have an idea of what works now. It makes good business sense for them.

Jeremy Schwartz

It sounds simple but it's actually quite complicated when you have to do it at 3,000 feet below the sea. It's never been done before.

Frank Glaviano

The doctors said that more stimulation from familiar noises and sounds may help, so they're just going to have to handle it.

Brent Nelson

I know it sounds overused, but truthfully, each department is interdependent upon the other. You couldn't have done it without physicians, hospital board and staff members, city council — all different stakeholder groups consistently working together.

David Abercrombie

It sounds like a diverse and excellent group.

Bill Relyea

On the face of it, this sounds like a positive piece of news for Cairn, however, we think ONGC are most likely to look to a acquire an additional stake in Cairns 70 per cent owned Rajasthan block, rather than a full blown corporate move.

Merrill Lynch

I build the songs up from scratch. Sometimes I start off with just a click, then add a drum beat, bass line and guitar sounds. When I've got the groove going, I'll eventually go into the song and sing it over the top.

Thomas Dolby

It sounds silly but at times I have not allowed myself to play well through being too tough on myself. So I'm trying to just let it go, being more accepting of my bad shots.

Mark Foster

It's not as ominous as it sounds.

Tucker Tonkel

My beloved Africa, the fauna, flora, sounds, and smells which you will hold in your memory for years to come.

Katie Lee

It sounds like what this does is confirm the need for water by 2012.

Troy Larson

All that stuff about heavy metal and hard rock, I don't subscribe to any of that. It's all just music. I mean, the heavy metal from the Seventies sounds nothing like the stuff from the Eighties, and that sounds nothing like the stuff from the Nineties. Who's to say what is and isn't a certain type of music?

Ozzy Osbourne

We talk about eventually getting some kind of pedal that I can hit to make different sounds. For Tilly 2007 maybe.

Jamie Williams

It really sounds like somebody she knew. It's just kind of a bizarre thing, but then again, this whole thing has been bizarre. We're just waiting to see what comes of it.

Anita Gattis

It sounds as if they are combining technical expert discussions with highly-placed diplomatic efforts. They are making their best efforts on both sides and I take that as a good sign.

Rose Gottemoeller

Certainly sounds like a quid pro quo.

Bill Allison

He sounds to me like the kind of person Nortel needs. A new Nortel CEO should be top-line, sales oriented to sell to people who may be reluctant to use Nortel because of their reputation.

Robert Callander

Even if it sounds odd, it's true that -- given the current regulations -- Germany is dependent on illegal employment of foreign laborers.

Thomas Straubhaar

It sounds wonderful. We've been using the old schoolhouse, but it really limits the amount of people you can have at a meeting.

Gordon Wardell

It sounds like they are positioning it more and more to be split up at some point in time. Whether or not they do it is still in question.

Shannon Cross

When you think of certain sounds and music representing certain communities, you can get into some pretty interesting critical commentary when you put music together. Serendipitously, these songs signify each other.

Wayne Marshall

It both included things from the studio and the real world of the studio right into the realm of pictorial creations. And that step -- even though it sounds simple and looks very humorous and benign -- it was so radical at the time that it forever changed the history of 20th century art.

Ned Rifkin

The club night was an extension of making the record. We've written it over the past couple years, but we just need to tighten up the sounds a little bit.

Bob Mould

I know it sounds like a broken record, but don't take anything for granted. That's when you get beat.

Peter Garza

He kept running from her bedroom and running back to the other side of the house; which is where the fire originated. But we didn't know at that time. He kept making very bizarre sounds that she never heard before; mourning almost. And she thought something's not right.

Janelle Berry

The tocsin you hear today is not an alarm but an alert: it sounds the charge against our enemies.

Georges Jacques Danton

Can't you just hire someone who sounds good?'

James Mangold

I know this sounds crazy, but everybody finally, seriously, took a real look at themselves. All season, everybody had an excuse or a reason for why we weren't getting a particular thing done.

Mariota Theodoris

It sounds pretty simple, but to get there is not.

Rusty Cunningham

They (WBLF) have got a good signal, and it sounds like they have a good programming concept, ... So they could make the marketplace very interesting.

Bob Zimmerman

The reason I like hockey is, I like pressure. That sounds weird. I don't like the hard work, I like the satisfaction of the solution.

Riitta Schaublin

At this age, most of my friends have had a voice change. I probably would not be able to broadcast all the games. But after 50 years, I think it still sounds the same.

Bob Blackburn

Sounds like the blues are composed of feeling, finesse, and fear.

Billy Gibbons

The unidentified sounds and unusual climb rate are the focus.

Kay Yong

Sounds like a good idea, good plan, I'm glad to hear that.

Alice Newman

This sounds like the way to go. If there is a new way to extract value from a book, then the author and the publisher should share in this income.

Paul Aiken

I was listening to the first record the other day, and it sounds remarkably contemporary.

Chris Bailey

It's not something that immediately sounds familiar. On this album, it's its own creation.

Janet Weiss

Mara has a personality that can handle that because it changes every single day. Lots of designers think it sounds exciting, but it's very high pressure.

Mary Zimmerman

Oh, this sounds so obnoxious, ... I'm not planning anything out. I'm just trying to be funny. I don't think any of it's particularly deep. It's just what interests me.

Sarah Silverman

We were diagnosed with 'unexplained infertility,' which sounds good in one respect, but on the other hand you almost want something wrong so there is a problem so you can fix it.

Cindy Margolis

Bond investors are discounting a slowing economy in the months ahead. Equity investors see a rebound ahead, and that instead of acting as a brake on the economy, the Fed's continuing hawkish stance is likely to serve as a sign that all is well, ... If you ask me, it sounds like at least one group of investors has been smoking something.

Michael Panzner

The loud noise is very scary, and if you have a dog that's very scared of a gun shot, thunder sounds very similar.

Jennifer Clarke

It sounds like a company line, but he's progressing and moving forward. Is he better than he was last week? Yes.

Allard Baird

When Alessandro whistles, 90 percent is sound and 10 percent wind. It's an incredibly pure whistle. It sounds like a special effect, but he was born with it.

Sir Christopher Frayling

There are four guys that I've always listened to and admired and have great respect for. I think they're just about the greatest for what they're doing. That's Benny Carter, Coleman Hawkins, Johnny Hodges and Hilton Jefferson. Jeff sounds beautiful. The way he treats a note - he plays so pretty.

Ben Webster

Though it sounds absurd, it is true to say I felt younger at sixty than I felt at twenty.

Ellen Glasgow

The Hi-Fi sounds good and can definitely fill a room, It's kind of ho-hum.

Dennis Lloyd

You got to play the flute as a flute, like that. You can't play like a tenor concept on soprano; it sounds wrong. But some guys do it, and they think it's O.K., but not so!

Jerome Richardson

It makes the Greek system look really bad and it's already looked down on. It's weird why she didn't go to the police. If it happened to other people I think they would file a report. It sounds like a prank, maybe by someone who's anti-Greek.

Juan Martinez

The sounds I had heard seemed worthy to mingle with this bright and perfumed atmosphere, and to thrill the beautiful scenery around me.

William Cullen Bryant

It sounds wonderful. It sounds like it's too good to be true.

Ralph Stewart

The card should eliminate some of the frustration that occurs when an individual who is slow to answer or sounds slightly different needs to interact with someone for the first time.

Linda Wells

I don't see this as a crushing delay, but it certainly is embarrassing. It sounds like a four- to five-month delay, and that's not a disastrous day for Intel.

Jonathan Eunice

I could become a free agent. I'd have to go to an American League team, like the Mets. That sounds funny, doesn't it?

Paul Molitor

That sounds pretty good. My grandmother always told me a little bit of money is better than none.

Richard Collins

Put your child in my child's coffin and tell me if two years sounds like enough.

Tom Yates

I think it's a strange decision, but it sounds like the decision's been made. I don't know that there is a usual way. ... The jury determined they have a chance to get one round in tomorrow and maybe not two, so they're letting the first round stand.

Luke Bodensteiner

What we see on many of these schemes is that word of mouth kind of helps spread them. People hear, 'Hey, I've got this accountant who saved me a lot of money last year.' They end up making decisions that can ruin them financially. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Chris Kerns

The third time you say a thing it sounds like a lie.

Harrison Ford

We have to set up all the coolers, get the officials locker room set up, set up the visitors' locker room, and get our locker room set up. Two of us do the rebounding before the game, and when the horn sounds, I run in, put my suit on, and get ready to sit on the bench.

Will Landreth

It's a great accomplishment for the players and coaches. We can't feel sorry for ourselves. As trite as it sounds, we've got another game to prepare for. We'll go over every inch of film for the mistakes. I'm a believer in film. It usually doesn't lie.

Bob Ladouceur

What happened to Eli could have happened to us just as easily. Our place at state isn't a sure thing until the final gun sounds. All it takes is for your top two guys to go down and then it's up to the bottom four to make up the points.

Joe Humasti

There must be fish. You have to put out the fish but you either don't eat it or you have to leave some, because it sounds similar in phonetics to a phrase which means you have savings.

Ding Lan

That sounds to me like an activist judge.

Debra Marcus

It sounds like a helicopter landing, so my neighbors must really love me. But there's nothing I can do a couple nights a year.

Terry Robinson

We have no preconceived notions about what this is going to look like or be like. It sounds as though there are people in the community interested in having some input. Hopefully, they will come.

Barbara Clements

Evans makes sounds on the trumpet that are unbelievable. When I heard Nate play, it sounded like electric guitar, and he wasn't using a processor. This is where we have hope, with people who challenge the aesthetics of music. When they get up and play, it's very powerful.

Jon Nelson

It sounds like a good idea. It's a well-reasoned, well-thought-out approach.

John Watts

It sounds stupid, but we doubled what we did last year. We have some momentum going into next year.

Andre Carter

In other words, it's the perfect experiment. I mean, you blow something up and then catch every particle and explain where everything went. It sounds like an impossible thing!

William Mccurdy

I'm not really familiar with it because I have just heard of it from my mom watching the news. It sounds interesting, and I want to learn more.

Greg Williams

These guys are just so dumb they have no sense of place or history. If anything it sounds to me like they were defying authority and had a sense of hostility to religion.

Jonathan Bass

It sounds odd coming from me, but I realize what I say and how I look has a great impact.

Ayumi Hamasaki

That to me sounds very Lance-like. It leaves things open and the motivation seems pretty clear. He is immensely proud of his reputation.

Dan Osipow

This isn't as crazy as it sounds. I think of it as the business model that's waiting to happen.

Rich Lefurgy

I like the natural sound of a room. All the rooms have their own sound, so it's a matter of putting it where you like and seeing what it sounds like.

Jeff Lynne

Sounds French, it is known to be British, but in fact it is 100 percent owned by McDonald's.

Simon Anholt

Vibrating my vocal chords and producing multiple overtones with deep sounds while chanting the mantras is the specialty of the album.

Ngawang Tashi Bapu

It sounds like we've got to get in shape, or stay in shape. It sounds like a pretty good deal.

Brandon Cameron

It's a very sensitive issue obviously because you are monitoring the globe and you can hear relatively small sounds, and so countries are very sensitive about having that information openly released.

Maya Tolstoy

It sounds like you are jumping through all the right hoops, ... You're headed in the right direction.

Patricia Sanders

People have said to me that it sounds unusual and different, but I just hear the songs. That's all I'm really interested in. Writing good songs and making them sound as fresh and timeless as possible. You know, if you stumble on something new along the way that's great. But I'm not into new sounds just for the sake of it. I'm a songwriter.

Paul Weller

These people are attacking us. They are killing us. It sounds morbid to say that we would protect those who would kill us.

Prince Saud

That sounds like music to retailers' ears.

Andes Cheng

A sculptor is a person who is interested in the shape of things, a poet in words, a musician by sounds.

Henry Moore

Sounds awesome. He's going to do nothing but help us, and hopefully he'll get back to his old form. Hopefully it'll be like the Shannon Stewart trade.

Joe Nathan

It sounds like a mood lipstick, ... (It) doesn't sound particularly unique.

Paula Begoun

Sounds like you giving this speech.

Daryn Kagan

It sounds so clich to say this, but all we have to do is take one game at a time. We can't worry about anything other than that.

Jason Michaels

People are always saying 'Dude, he sounds like Kip,' ... That's because I frickin' played him.

Aaron Ruell

It sounds like a single desk for the wheat board and that got them into trouble.

Gary Dufour

Lots of soap operas, ... Both English and Irish. It sounds cheesy but we also ate a lot of potatoes while I was staying with them. We had stews and breads too.

Kristi Johnson

If that guy sounds like a criminal in there, I'll eat my hat.

Rusty Hardin

I usually make my free throws more under pressure. I was thinking, 'This game is over.' That sounds kind of cocky on my side, but that's what I've got to put through my head in that situation.

Jaclyn Thoman

It would be great to get the Christmas number one. I suppose we could even write something special for Christmas. I think Santa Loves Franz Ferdinand sounds pretty good.

Alex Kapranos

It sounds good, which makes for good politics, but it doesn't make much difference.

Clayton Ruby

Nothing ever guarantees you anything-that's my rule. My other rule is never believe anything that anyone tells you, and then you'll never be fooled. It's not as cynical as it sounds; it's just that people always say something for a reason-maybe a nice reason, maybe a devious reason-so on that level, you can't take things at face value.

David Hyde Pierce

Now that sounds like a lot but its not a lot when you think of how many a day. I submit about 200 a day and that is not 200 contests - - that's 200 ballots.

Carolyn Wilman

In some cases it's not exactly known how animals make these sounds, and what they use them for. It's speculative.

Billy Spitzer

It sounds stupid in hindsight, but they had a really good plan. It's working for a lot of other companies.

Jeremy Smith

It sounds mercenary and it smacks of rats leaving the sinking ship, ... But get real, when everyone is bailing out, you don't want to be the last man standing.

Robbie Fowler

It sounds ideal, a sort of beach childhood. But it wasn't really. I didn't use the beach very much at all.

Miranda Richardson

That sounds really good. The auditor model is the way to go.

Sam Walker

As impressive as that sounds, in terms of the general pet population it is still less than 1 percent.

Brian Iannessa

Look at some of the names on this club: Ryan , O'Brien , McNeil , Leahy , Sweeney ... sounds like a law firm.

John Mcmanus

Off the top of my head, $1.3 billion sounds like a lot of money. I think it will be a billion dollar drug but it will take some time.

Jason Napodano

We've got to go past words and numbers and get to sounds and sights.

Paul Flessner

I don't have an English accent because this is what English sounds like when spoken properly.

James Carroll

Anything that keeps us in the loop so we can track these jobs would be good for the city. It sounds like an idea whose time has come.

James Bennett

I walked ... up to his room and saw it and I was frightened. Because I thought, how did this happen? It's bad. It's cockroaches on the wall. It's human feces, the smell of urine, and the sounds. You can never, never get enough night's sleep -- your sleep deprivation increases because there's crack deals going on.

Michael Pritchard

Basically if an idea sounds like a project that will help people with mental illness, and has no apparent downside, we find a way to accomplish our goal.

Bob Harms

I do have some anger. I'm angry that they would have so many citations, and it just sounds to me that people knew it was dangerous. I'm angry about that.

Tambra Flint

It kind of surprised me because I didn't think [the sounds] were that bad. I guess the umpire saw things differently.

James O'brien

Everybody is talking it up ... it sounds like we're going to have a good turnout.

Cliff Holdread

I found that so poignant. It certainly sounds like she was in good spirits. The next thing anyone knew, she was just gone.

Pat Whalen

If you shoot right-handed, the Game Ear works best in the left ear. Many guides and active shooters use two Game Ears to better pinpoint sounds such as a gobbling turkey.

Bob Walker

A group called Toxic Audio would be the last place a person would expect to find the types of a cappella sounds that our group creates.

René Ruiz

The song sounds like it was recorded inside 'Animal House.'

Dave Marsh

A lot of this sounds like we're talking in circles, but we have to get through phase one, ... There's nothing that's not fair game when we get to phase two.

Bill Elliott

One always has to remember these days where the garbage pail is, because it's so easy to make sounds, and to put sounds together into something that appears to be music, but it's just as hard as it always was to make good music.

Robert Moog

That sounds pretty good for the time being. But you can't really think about that because we've got a job to do. They're throwing the football to us, and, fortunately, I'm catching them.

Cato June

I know the sheriff and his administration. It sounds like a turf battle, but I'm prejudiced because I know the sheriff wouldn't allow anything unprofessional or illegal in his shop.

Commissioner Paul Elizondo

I never consciously said, 'I want to be an actor.' It sounds stupid, but it's kind of like being a painter or something. You don't say, 'From today on I'm going to be a painter.' It's not something conscious - you've just been painting pictures all your life.

Franka Potente

This work has opened a new frontier in optics and optical technology whose final implications we cannot yet guess. That sounds like hyperbole, but I think it's true.

Daniel Kleppner

Push yourself again and again. Don't give an inch until the final buzzer sounds.

Larry Bird

That sounds just like Doug.

Vernon Mcgaw

Peter (Hyams) -- and these are his words, it sounds a little self-serving, sharing them from me -- his suggestion was that Gabriel and I could lend a credibility, acting-wise, to an otherwise big, sloppy studio action film.

Kevin Pollak

It sounds like the gas situation has caused this to become a blossoming industry nationwide.

Chuck Seel

He sounds surprisingly good, strong, like he had gotten some of his fight back. I think just shutting the engine down for a couple of days has helped him immensely.

Frank Keel

Some people might think that sounds a bit pessimistic given that much of January has been in the $530s and $540s. But, I think many would see the market's ability to sustain prices comfortably above $500/oz as something of an achievement. And we're not ruling out further, possibly hefty, gains later in the year.

Philip Klapwijk

Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you're generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make.

Donald Trump

I remember really bonding with the first generation kids, the Chinese Canadian kids, and in high school bonding with the Latin kids and the East Indian kids. It was very interesting because it made me open to lots of musical sounds.

Nelly Furtado

That sounds like a no-brainer, but it may not be one.

Mark Kantrovitz

It's a hidden slice of life. It's part of Albuquerque you don't always pay attention to. It's easy to overlook sounds going on around us.

Kevin Paul

I've played this thing as long as I can remember, I guess. I'll tell you what ? this building sounds a lot better than the other one.

Alan Jackson

I really went for a kind of raw sound so that when people listen to it, especially if they're listening to it on headphones, it sounds like I'm just singing, like I'm in the room singing.

Noah Grant

Just hearing all the parts come together just making one sound, sounds beautiful.

Casey Hoeft

Sounds like a good argument. But the problem is that it is a free over-the-air signal if you want to receive it free over the air. But if you prefer to receive it in a more convenient fashion (via cable), you pay for it. Right now, we don't get any of that money.

Barry Faber

It sounds extraordinary but it's a fact that balance sheets can make fascinating reading.

Mary Archer

That sounds great to me. I want that. I want to show what I can do and showcase my talent.

Aundrae Allison

It sounds as though they've come down on the side of competition here.

Blake Bath

The last big noise that (neighbors of the power plant) heard from the plant was the explosion that happened at the gas line. So we just didn't want the residents to get nervous when they heard the new sounds. ...These are good noises. It's just showing that the equipment is working, and we're testing it and we're getting ready to resume operation.

Jill Smith

(Lewinsky) doesn't sound crazy. She sounds fragile, as if she is in an extremely difficult spot.

Clinton Case

It sounds like shopping was fun. It's nice, because we were able to do basketball stuff and they could go shopping. If I took (Michael) shopping, he'd be ready to go home now.

Tim Maple

It sounds like a broken record, and it's boring. It's something we definitely don't want to keep rubbing in people's faces. But it goes to show that diversification works.

Scott Kahan

Those numbers have the potential to cause negative impacts. But it sounds to me like additional ameliorating efforts could be made to keep them from having too much of an impact.

Joe Lawrence

This sounds like a legacy budget for the governor. He's trying to set a tone that's not confrontational in hopes of getting it through the Legislature.

Blair Horner

Sounds like we need Judy here to argue in favor of a tax increase.

Jim Oberweis

It sounds like this incredible Cinderella story, ... but it didn't surprise me at all.

John Herrera

I found one that is less obtrusive than some. It sounds more like a wind chime than a regular ring tone. Of course, any ring tone, however subtle, is going to get on your co-workers' nerves if you leave it on.

Jacqueline Whitmore

[Hollywood] always sounds glamorous when you're young.

Patricia Neal

He went into the studio and recorded the sounds here, in New York.

Jennifer Perry

Canadian musicians are currently producing some of the most consistently interesting, stylistically diverse sounds in the world. This from a nation of 32 million.

Brent Grulke

It sounds to me like he just has a guilty conscience.

Scott Riggs

Even though he sings the same songs night after night, he never disappoints, ... He always gives 100 percent, and no matter how old he gets, he always sounds like Johnny Mathis.

Johnny Mathis

The guys want that blessing. They say they are going to ride it on errands or to work, but it remains to be seen if they really do. It sounds good to the wife, I guess.

Steve Armstrong

He sounds a lot like Conway Twitty.

Lonnie Guy

It sounds like he's gone nuclear. That puts pressure on all other programs to keep up — and they'll try.

Robert Frank

Sometimes, it sounds better coming from a player.

Janet Heyman

That sounds like a lot of line, but for specter-fiber, 35-pound test is about like monofilament, 10-pound test.

Mark Noble

I can't imagine where a comment referring to someone's race would be appropriate, ... It sounds like a personal judgment being applied there ... .

Jennifer Warren

It sounds like the president has an interesting range of candidates before him. Which one of them he'll settle on no one knows, but we do know he has promised nominees who represent his judicial philosophy like Justices [Antonin] Scalia and [Clarence] Thomas. No president in recent memory has done such a great job of choosing jurists who are faithful to the Constitution.

Wendy Long

[Then there was Palmer, who not only melded egos deftly, but as corny as it sounds, also was a source of inspiration.] We were all thinking about how A.P. would play out there, ... Would he hitch up his pants and go forward? You bet he would.

Mark O'meara

It's fine to play on. It sounds strange to us, but if it's properly configured and not too moist, it's fine.

Tommy Tucker

What you will hear in his words is that Brian was not only the musician who was most influential in driving The Beatles in a more artistic and advanced direction musically, but that the 'Sgt. Pepper' album in particular was a direct outgrowth of Brian's productions of 'Pet Sounds' and 'Good Vibrations,' .

David Leaf

You know, getting on a bus or getting on a plane and doing whatever, that will just - it just kills me. I know it sounds stupid, but it's exhausting. You know, and then you've got to go back through customs and that's too much.

Meat Loaf

It sounds like Microsoft is going to take steps to make this easy for developers to actually implement.

Jeff Snyder

To begin with there was the comparisons to David Gray and Damien Rice because they were singer-songwriters. But what's funny is that if you listen to those two they don't sound anything like each other. It's so weird I should be compared to those two, but people need some association. But I'm really glad I've been given a voice by my parents that sounds different. I'm very lucky for that.

James Blunt

Kids will say whatever sounds good, and you guys print it or whatever. They've gotten together on things before, and it hasn't made a difference.

John Chaney

Despite coming up short today, it sounds like the boys have had an amazing week.

Andrew Flintoff

It strikes me that after all the archbishops and politicos and true believers have their say on the ethics of the matter of euthanasia, bare fact sounds very compelling and very challenging.

Thomas Lynch

Sam Mazzola continues to flout federal regulations and expose the public to very real danger. Bear wrestling is as ludicrous as it sounds, and it's high time that it was relegated to the dustbin of history.

Debbie Leahy

It sounds to me like he's hit rock bottom and he's asking to be disciplined.

Tony Banks

It's difficult to say because it sounds like you're knocking the press but he likes being away from it all. He likes to be away at a tournament and not have to deal with too much of the other stuff.

Mark Petchey

Although it sounds simple, it adds up.

Tom Snyder

It sounds like a bad editorial decision. It's not something we would have wanted.

Will Pinkston

If he had said, 'No, let's pack it in for the year,' I would have said, 'That sounds good to me.' But I'm happy we both decided to hop on that Southwest flight out here Tuesday morning.

Rich Beem

This sounds an extraordinary statement to make, but in fact all truth is very ordinary.

Brian Perkins