The car was in compliance. There was no speeding or improper passing or whatever they make up out there. It is racial profiling. There is no doubt.

This report validates recent studies that show teachers to be the most critical element in instructional technology, ... Teachers must have access to both quality professional development and technical support if they are to unleash the power of technology to improve instruction.

Good people, but unfortunately they didn't seem to have the management skills or the determination, the fortitude and the discipline to do the things that had to be done to get us back into a period of fiscal stability.

We had a very good landing.

My ultimate goal in life is to have my own insurance company. I still want to play basketball at some level after college.

As usual we have done plenty of preparation but as in the past we face strong competition from the other states who are fortunate enough to have the majority of their boys playing golf full-time whereas our boys all hold down full-time jobs.

It sounds like we've got to get in shape, or stay in shape. It sounds like a pretty good deal.

The structure of the farm bill should be maintained, ... This would include current eligibility rules and payment limit provisions. The budget process should not be used as a vehicle for rewriting farm policy.

If it goes well we can commit to the project.

They touched down very gently. They were very close to empty (on fuel). They had to land today. There was no question of going another night It was a very tight window.