Every time you pull the trigger without protection, you are damaging your hearing. Each and every shot adds up.

Using my listener database and RadioStudy has allowed me to get into the listener's head: What they value, fear, desire, etc.,

The foam unit that fits inside the ear blocks the maximum amount of damaging sound with a noise reduction rating [NRR] of 29 decibels [dB] to 33 dB.

If you shoot right-handed, the Game Ear works best in the left ear. Many guides and active shooters use two Game Ears to better pinpoint sounds such as a gobbling turkey.

We try to invest in companies that are putting together environmental programs and working to improve their overall social and environmental self.

A foam ear plug or good ear muffs are the key to protection.

Knowledge is still power -- but today you've got to make sure you know more about your listener than their favorite song.

This decision by the FDA is very, very disappointing to us. It's the most effective treatment available to poultry producers.

In the old days, I'm ashamed to say I recommended not wearing hearing protection while hunting, ... We felt it was more dangerous not to be able to hear a rattlesnake, a warning or another hunter. And we wanted to be able to hear the steps of a deer or the gobble of a distant wild turkey.