2,937 quotes about side follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.


Those who are faithful know only the trivial side of love: it is the faithless who know love's tragedies.

Oscar Wilde

There will always be dissident voices heard in the land expresing opposition without alternatives, finding fault but never favor, perceiving gloom on every side, and seeking influence without responsibility.

John F. Kennedy

Let him who expects one class of society to prosper into highest degree, while the other is in distress, try whether one side of his face can smile while the other is pinched.

Dr. Thomas Fuller

The chief reason for going to school is to get the impression fixed for life that there is a book side for everything.

Robert Frost

A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.

Robert Frost

If the world were a logical place, men would ride side saddle.

Rita Mae Brown

The great virtue of my radicalism lies in the fact that I am perfectly ready, if necessary, to be radical on the conservative side.

Theodore Roosevelt

I will follow the right side even to the fire, but excluding the fire if I can.

Michel de Montaigne

The human heart is a strange vessel. Love and hatred can exist side by side.

Scott Westerfeld

A note of music gains significance from the silence on either side.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

I would like to explore some side roads in life while I am still in good health and good spirits.

Charles Kuralt

God has placed no limits to the exercise of the intellect he has given us, on this side of the grave.

Sir Francis Bacon

The fact is that one side thinks that the profits to be won outweigh the risks to be incurred, and the other side would rather avoid danger than accept an immediate loss.


Time is on the side of the oppressed today, it's against the oppressor. Truth is on the side of the oppressed today, it's against the oppressor. You don't need anything else.

Malcolm X

An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard one side of the case. God has written all the books.

Samuel Butler

In the end, you'll know which people really love you. They're the ones who see you for who you are and, no matter what, always find a way to be at your side.

Randy K. Milholland

Forgiveness is one of the many horrible side effects of loving someone.

Randy K. Milholland

Every man thinks God is on his side. The rich and powerful know He is.

Jean Anouilh

Turn the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles.

Frank Lloyd Wright

On the plus side, death is one of the few things that can be done as easily lying down.

Woody Allen

A suspicious mind always looks on the black side of things.

Publilius Syrus

God is not on the side of any nation, yet we know He is on the side of justice. Our finest moments [as a nation] have come when we faithfully served the cause of justice for our own citizens, and for the people of other lands.

George W. Bush

We're not going to drive them and drop them to the side of the road.

Bob Mann

It was kind of humbling. It's fun with these type games. When you're on the winning side, it's fun. When you're on the losing side, it's terrible.

Matt Holliday

Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him.

Matthew Henry

We had the right person shooting the ball; he just missed it. Fortunately we got the rebound on the back side. That's what you see a lot of times on a last-second situation. Usually it's not the first shot that goes in, it's the tip. And that's what happened tonight.

Travis Hannah

He's under our watch now and we can monitor him. There are certain things we can work on with him on the conditioning side. The fact he can practice at a high level will help him.

Paul Holmgren

What is different now is the negative comments on the demand side, ... It indicates that Toll's high-end market has probably peaked and at best will go sideways.

Gregory Gieber

Policy-based controls are fantastic, but you now have a separate constraint coming in from the side which is compliance. More powerful management tools give you easier changes, but then you have to beef up the audit trail and show your managers and auditors the mapping between your stated policies and the measurements coming up from what's really happening.

Dave Clarke

When you wish to instruct, be brief; that men's minds take in quickly what you say, learn its lesson, and retain it faithfully. Every word that is unnecessary only pours over the side of a brimming mind.


We weren't really concerned with what their ERAs were. We were more concerned with them getting in their side work and improving throughout the summer. There's no question they did.

Chris Ledbetter

The contractor building from the Maryland side to the center of the bridge has a longer distance to go than those on the Virginia side and this has caused some slippage in the planned schedule.

Reed Winslow

It's been nail-biters on the girls' side. It's going to be another nail-biter.

Rich Gordon

All the teenagers I know are against it; all the parents are for it. I'm going to come down on the side of the parents because they do know best.

Damon Thayer

I'd rather err on the side of caution. He says he feels great.

Brent Kemnitz

Last year's Freedom 100 epitomized the racing of the Indy Pro Series. We saw numerous lead changes, side-by-side racing and a late shootout for the checkered flag. To be able to showcase that type of racing at a venue like Indianapolis is extraordinary.

Roger Bailey

If books were Persian carpets, one would not look only at the outer side. because it is the stitch that makes a carpet wear, gives it its life and bloom.

Rumer Godden

That's the flip side of this.

Jim Paulsen

There is still a huge amount of resilience in the consumer side of the economy.

Stephen Koukoulas

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.


One may discover a new side to his most intimate friend when for the first time he hears him speak in public. He will be stranger to him as he is more familiar to the audience. The longest intimacy could not foretell how he would behave then.

Henry David Thoreau

Everyone is pro-active and very interested in helping with this (situation), ... They realize this is a good place to work and they want do everything they can to police themselves and address issues on the labor side as well.

Chuck Cooper

Once we settled down we were good value for the win. He got trapped on the wrong side of the ruck, and there was a pretty long queue to give him a kicking I suppose.

Paul Grayson

The school bus rolled onto its side and landed in the bar ditch.

Tom Vinger

Any Israeli government must cooperate with us and must not ignore the Palestinian side.

Mahmud Abbas

The 'lighter' side of life deserves to be taken seriously when considering the facilitation of human success and development.

Matthew Gervais

There are always going to be critics sniping from the side. It's never been my way to focus on that -- you have to focus on the positive and trust yourself.

Jessica Rowe

We have the state line very close by, but it's charged on the Missouri side, ... The main body of what took place was on the Missouri side.

Todd Graves

It's just something that we wanted to do on our own. We're trying to err on the side of caution.

Dolan Eversole

Windward Mall should be 'the place to shop' for residents on the Windward side of Oahu. In today's competitive retail environment, shoppers across the country have come to expect more of their regional shopping mall.

Susan Todani

He's very talented and very bright, but I've rarely seen him deviate from the Democratic Party line. ... He's very effective for his side of the aisle, and if it's a partisan issue, he typically won't back down.

Peter Fitzgerald

They kept us at bay there for a little while and did a good job on the other side. They kind of kept the offense down for a little while, but the second and third trips through the lineup we did well.

Stuart Landreneau

For victims out there, there's going to be new help, ... The main thing for them is for them to feel that there is somebody on their side that understands what they're going through.

Gerard Kennedy

I was looking forward to this film because this was the side of Anakin's character that I was really looking forward to playing ... that sort of transitional phase of his life where he goes to the dark side.

Hayden Christensen

They killed the guy on either side of me. We walked for 78 miles. We ran out of C-rations and went hungry for many days.

John Richard

We've had quite a shining start of the year so the fundamental driver of markets will probably surprise on the positive side this year again.

Yves Maillot

We lost our last game in a shootout, so it was nice to be on the other side this time. I've heard a lot about Forest over the years and everything I heard was true. They have a great team and it was a privilege to play them.

Jennifer West

In student theater, you see a lot of political plays. But this piece sees things from both sides. On one hand, it gives this perspective of harsh, fascist law and how terrible that is, but it also shows the other side and their perspective. I respect that in a play.

John Byrom

I think I know whose side I'm on, and I'm sorry for him.

Thomas Schelling

When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, holler.

Al Gore

When athletes write poetry, it shows students (athletes) aren't all just macho - they can have a poetic side, too.

Lauren Manojlovich

Expectations for them are very low. Any improvement they can show on the merchandising side without compromising margins is a positive.

Arun Daniel

When we get a top side we are pretty good and we will have a chance to measure ourselves in the next six months when we play against sides such as Australia. Potentially we remain a very good side.

Chris Cairns

Then we may move to the south side of the summit to get a full resolution image of the basin to the south. We hope to study the peculiar feature, Home Plate, in the future, as well as get some good images of the possible pathway down the hill to the basin.

Larry Crumpler

The public is only receiving one side of the story as all of the charges in their most sordid representation.

Merle Smith

We don't think the retail market is really a driving market. The industrial side has always driven our markets.

Glen Anderson

Because I'm technologically able to find a like-minded person on the other side of the globe, I'm also more interested in making friends with my next-door neighbor.

Jeffrey Klein

Under any scenario, there is going to be a bucketful of cash being dumped into education this year. There's always something for every side. That's the way politics is played in Albany.

Brian Backstrom

We expect ABX to build liquidity and transparency in the synthetic asset-backed market, attracting global investors that seek exposure to this asset class, both on the buy-side and sell-side.

Kevin Gould

Our job is to put on the best possible service and make it available through cable to fans. We don't want to leverage fans into doing our work for us. The flip side to the pawn argument ... [is] if it wasn't for ESPNU, this game wouldn't be on television.

Burke Magnus

He feels that it is important for the parties to move away from the contentious, acrimonious issues and explore areas where they can send positive signals to the other side.

Rauf Hakeem

He has taken a great interest in the broadcasting side. He wants to have the absolutely best product out there.

Tyler Barnes

It is real important, being that it is Luke's back side and Luke likes to stay in the pocket. Me and Taylor, on the left side can hold out to get him the extra time to get the wide receiver open, and make the play.

Justin Okpara

A man's most open actions have a secret side to them.

Joseph Conrad

We hope vehicle manufacturers will come to the point where they are fitting all vehicles with a side-airbag package. In other words, front, side and head protection.

Jack Haley

I have no issue with someone that wants to do something on the side.

Patricia Joyce

They don't have to go on medications, which have side effects and a cost.

William Vollmer

I have to be honest and say it's somewhat disappointing. They have, of course, been preoccupied with the election, but the election is now over, and we'll be making it clear to the Kenyans that we'll be looking for a much more active involvement on their side.

Mike Sackett

Occasionally their New England roots make them a little embarrassed and awkward about showing that side of themselves.

Tom Rath

If the side effects of an antidepressant drug are hallucinations telling you to kill yourself, there is something wrong with that pill or drug.

Randolph Gordon

This site will make it much more convenient for people who live on the south side to donate.

Rebecca Fuller

The fact is, beneath the hype, Iraqis will soon appreciate American help and idealism far more than French perfidy. It is never wrong to be on the side of freedom - never.

Victor Davis Hanson

Though the (economic data) have been mixed, they've been more negative than positive, and the outlook for the risks the economy faces is distinctly on the downside. The Fed has more to gain by erring on the side of accommodation.

Michael Moran

And then here come the Janjaweed on camel or on horseback, ... They come rolling into the town, shooting and torching the village, often bringing women to the side and raping women indiscriminately. And in order to ensure that the destruction is complete, the government either sends ground forces to oversee the operation, or the attack helicopters, which often are the most deadly things.

John Prendergast

Has wielded a considerable supply-side stick, which accounts for the administration's aggressive tax cutting.

Jude Wanniski

What is benefitted properties of the lake? Is it just those that are adjacent to the lake or, as in Rice Lake, is it the Lake District, the entire city and properties on the west side of Rice Lake? ... Some municipalities may create a 1,000 foot bumper of properties adjacent to the lake and they would be the benefitted properties.

John Banks

The people that expect this run to end aren't on this team so they don't concern me. The only people who concern me are the people with the 'Gs' on the side of their heads.

Ray Gant

It's pretty nice when you buy a business and the previous owners are there working side by side with you. It makes it easier.

Cheryl O'bryon

The metal boxes will have keys and be located on side streets. It is a matter of safety with our carriers.

Debra Mitchell

The Fed is erring on the side of fighting inflation and is willing to risk slower growth.

Gerald Lucas

Men with the highest body mass index (BMI) were at greatest risk for death from front or left-side collisions, especially at high speeds. Men with the lowest BMI also had higher death rates than the lowest rates, which were found among overweight, but not obese men.

Shankuan Zhu

That's a small price to pay for 600 well-paying jobs and an opportunity to diversify our economy. And we're filling an empty office building, so it's a win-win on every side.

Wendy Mitchell

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.

Bishop Desmond Tutu

We want to give them some sense of normalcy, give them anything that doesn't look like a pile of debris on the side of the road.

Jeanne Brooks

What is important is all elements of the Indonesian side must obey what is written in the agreement.

Sofyan Dawood

So we made up our own recipe and people loved it. We would grill chicken and just serve it on the side in a squeeze bottle. They'd squeeze it on pork, they'd squeeze it on whatever, and they loved it. Then we started making pulled pork sandwiches.

Rich Allison

Most of the harvest, 18 of the 30, came from the west side of the range. We would have preferred a few more taken on the east side, but that's the way it worked out.

Brian Mastenbrook

They are a proud nation that I still feel are the number one side in the world, they know the conditions, will have the crowds on their side and it all adds up to a stiff test for us.

Jacques Kallis

When you're around him, he's one of those guys you want on your side.

Scot Mccloughan

As we have seen with oil and gas, the supply side impairment itself automatically puts upward pressure on prices. Simultaneously stimulating demand would only exacerbate those price pressures.

Anthony Santomero

We got a sense of renewal. Our kids go out there, all 15 guys, and nobody wanted to be the one to let the other ones down. They really have a 'One Team' concept, put their ego to the side.

Mark Mugiishi

We have got a lot of cricket in the next 6-12 months and we want to maintain some positive momentum. This series is as important than any other series we have got in the future. It is important we play our strongest side because we have a lot of respect for Bangladesh. They are an emerging side and improving all the time.

Tom Moody

It looked quite disturbing and fairly shocking. But I strongly believe that when we come out the other side, we are going to be pleased with our improved park.

Craig Montgomery

This is a drug that controls cancer with almost no side effects. So, for us in the world of oncology to have that is a huge breakthrough. It's a great drug, a great new discovery.

Harmon Eyre

Some people say accident. It may be an accident, it may be something else, ... very well equipped . . . the one I am flying all the time. I am not ruling anything out. Either the pilot panicked, or there was some side wind, or the instruments failed, or there was an external factor.

Yoweri Museveni

We'll miss him, but it creates the opportunity for someone else to come up and take his place in the side.

Mathew Armstrong

I found Brad to be a zealous advocate for his client and also dedicated to reaching a reasonable settlement. They're lawyers of great integrity, and I think it's a great asset to have them involved on the plaintiff side.

Andy Birchfield

This is the down side of the hot real estate issue we're experiencing. If the private sector could make a profit doing this [developing affordable housing], they'd already be doing it.

Christopher Williams

It's all well and good to say, 'We're going to run these things side by side, ' but that's a pretty costly way to proceed.

Jamie Selway

Hopefully, a message is getting out to students that they're developing their lifestyle patterns today. We certainly try and get that message out ... and we think it's important to take care of the physical side of things as well as the intellectual side of things.

Howard Taylor

This is a very serious incident, so the Chinese side has every right to carry out (an) investigation, ... The crew members are in China because the investigation is going on.

Yang Jiechi

This eastern side of the state is doing particularly well. There is a strong history, lots of plants, good transportation and a lot of progressive farmers over here.

Matthew Joyce

Our message is, no matter what side of the issue your are on, get out there and vote. We want a clear message. Absolutely.

Jennifer Allyn

I think it's always important to think about what the other side is going to do before you do something or how the other side is going to react, and he will be able to provide that to our thought process.

Fred Becker

We recognize we could be dead wrong. But when we look at the fundamentals of supply and demand, we see an awful lot that points to the supply side.

Gregg Laskoski

Greg Howard was one of the heroes on the men's side.

Janusz Bednarski

Whose side are you on?

Bill Bennett

Those Wellesley girls are very loud, very friendly and very supportive. One of the runners helped me out. He told me to get to the left side and plug your ears.

Michael Rosa

Active Directory, when it's in place, will be great. We don't have to have just one domain. Our clients are now requesting things from our system. From the accounting side, they want billing; they want to look at their billing [online]; they want us to be able to work on contracts immediately.

Steve Sommer

I have immediate plans to pursue a doctoral degree in education. That will be more convenient if I'm back on the other side of the mountains.

Ann Sims

I thought it was a dolphin. It just nudged my side and I looked around (and saw) just a big white mass.

Justin Rowntree

Remember when you drive through a construction zone to be aware of who is on either side of you and where you are going, and looking at the directions. There are going to be plenty of signs to show if there are going to be detours or alternative routes.

Norm Wigington

She should like getting back to Belmont. She's a quality filly and she never runs a bad race. She hit the side of the gate coming out in the Test and we've schooled her a bunch of times, so I think she'll be different.

Nick Zito

We on this side do not specifically oppose the amendment, but we have a number of concerns and questions that we would like to be answered.

Dwight Nelson

As the Office [2007] PC versions of those applications improve, we're tracking that on the Windows Mobile side.

Pieter Knook

In enterprises, this is starting to happen now, but in consumer side I would not expect a large uptake at least for a year.

Sarah Hicks

I would expect that both sides now are struggling to control the board. It may be that there are directors who were appointed by each side, but outside independent directors are not going to be loyal to someone if there is strong persuasive evidence that that person was involved in fraud.

John Coffee

Dodi Fayed's uncle, on his mother's side, is a well-known arms dealer, ... I'm sure they're extremely nice people, but it does cast a slight shadow over things.

Sarah Bradford

Predominant among these announcements is their enhanced capabilities on the business process side, as well as new capabilities for connecting business partners and enhanced modeling.

Ronald Schmelzer

The action is on the economic side of the argument rather than the price side.

Philip Barleggs

For us, it's important that people enjoy what they're drinking. Being a healthy product is kind of a side benefit.

Rusty Bishop

He understands the problems that you have and understands the situation you're in. He knows the practical side because he's been through it.

Ron Mcbride

But then he reminded us that there was only one guy who was on the right side both times. Him.

Brian Shaw

Sometimes a majority simply means that all the fools are on the same side.

Claude Mcdonald

He wrestled very well coming up the back side. He was behind in every match, but came back and won.

Jim Heinzler

It's been messy before, but it's in bad shape. We expect some of the worst conditions because it's still supposed to rain. We're going to ask the runners to err on the side of caution (when coming down).

Katie Watts

He slid all the way across the table and fell off the other side.

Jim Wagner

We have, in fact, two kinds of morality side by side: one which we preach but do not practice, and another which we practice but seldom preach.

Bertrand Russell

They don't want to me to rush. They want my weight on my back side longer, and they want to use my legs better. I feel good about what we have done. I won't really know until I use it in a game.

Reggie Abercrombie

Presumption means nothing more than as stated by Lord Mansfield, the weighing of probabilities, and deciding, by the powers of common sense, on which side the truth is.

Sir William Draper

Neither side wanted that to happen we didn't want any patient we didn't want any anthem member to be disrupted in any way and so we're please that all of that has been avoided.

Tony Felts

I would like to play in a World Cup-winning side but they have to have back-up for the future and this winter is ideal for looking at other players. Duncan says he needs two players for every position and England have just about got that now.

Darren Gough

He was on the right-hand side of the stage with a drum and a bell.

Motley Crue

Croatia can prosecute war crimes and those who committed crimes on the Croatian side, ... Partiality is now excluded. Croatia is implementing the reform of the judiciary.

Stipe Mesic

The government is trying to make it more difficult for us to cross the border, but they need to understand when we cross to this side it's not to affect anyone badly. In reality we are the ones helping, helping through jobs in agriculture that no one else will do, and now in construction.

Luis Ibarra

We're moving it up because the story is hot, and it's competitive. Jeff has some wonderful stuff on the Shakespearean decision of Bonds to go to the dark side.

Gary Hoenig

Intensive efforts are in progress to secure the safe return of the 11 British soldiers held by the West Side Boys.

Joseph Price

I played really well on the front side, made some birdies early and struggled through the back. Today I was very lucky that I made all of my par putts on the back side.

Troy Matteson

Baltimore is at the point Philadelphia was five years ago -- it needs something to pull it together on the tourism side.

Jim Mcdonald

The key to writing real characters is not to treat everybody like a real person and give everybody a good side and a bad.

Jon Favreau

We look objectively at the criteria, and there is still not the same density [of talent] on the women's side that there is on the men's side. For the moment, we are focusing on just the winners.

Stephane Simean

You name a county on either side of the Blue Ridge, and there was quite a bit of wind damage to the trees.

David Lawrence

Most of the beachfront lots are taken up, and some have bought property on the bay side.

Jerry Parker

We are really looking forward to it. Hopefully we can pick up a few players and strengthen the side.

Mike Hodges

On the numbers side of things, we're probably at the best in the numbers that we've had for quite some time.

Inspector Linton Robinson

He is working on all sorts of projects. Whether he wants to eventually get involved in the coaching side I just don't know. He is enjoying his time off.

Peter Tom

I saw him and talked with him, asked him if he was OK. He was pretty well shook up. The side of his face was burned a little bit and his hair was burned.

Stuart Stroud

These experiments are recorded side by side in his laboratory notebooks.

Bill Newman

Until you stop the supply side, it won't fix itself.

Mike Whalen

They hear one side of the story and they almost always indict. The next jury will hear the entire story ... We're surprised that anybody got indicted, quite frankly.

Bill Cotter

Faith and doubt both are needed - not as antagonists, but working side by side to take us around the unknown curve.

Lillian Smith

Every man wants a woman to appeal to his better side, his nobler instincts, and his higher nature -- and another woman to help him forget them.

Helen Rowland

There will also be more information about companies in the public domain, ... But the quality of that information may not be the same as before, simply because companies will be more cautious about what they say to both the buy and sell side.

Louis Thompson

Definitely I love the mental side of the game, too. And there's a lot of stuff people don't really work on. I want to get into people's minds as much as I can. I just want to offer as much as I can here.

Nels Omdal

There's a tremendous toll on the human side that start-ups take on people. And it just didn't seem like something that was being addressed.

Jeffrey Kaye

It's basically a grand march in the auditorium. The guys line up on one side and the girls line up on the other side and when they are announced as a couple, they proceed through an arch and down the steps.

Jennifer Wright

A lot of people (are) asking about Madonna on the media side. I understand that. She's a huge name.

Paul Tollett

We deserved a better result. We should have scored a second goal. We played pretty well throughout the second half. But Bordeaux are a solid side. It's difficult to upset their formation.

Didier Deschamps

The best thing on the guys' side was diving. That's one of the best scores in the state in a six-dive meet. Going into district, he should have some confidence.

John Coffman

You can never say there can't be (late) changes, but the side that we've picked, we believe can play in all weather conditions, whether it be fine or be wet, so at this stage, we wouldn't envisage making any change.

Robert Wiley

I thought I made some good points. I'm just glad I got to tell my side of the story.

John Mclaren

The reverse side also has a reverse side.

Japanese Proverb

I didn't play that bad [on the front side], I just missed two or three putts, ... I just kept patient, try to do the same thing I was doing all week.

Nicole Perrot

What Gore needs, to counter the anti-Clinton, anti-Gore sentiment that's out there for a number of Democrats, is strong labor backing. And this issue is a thorn in the side of organized labor. This is a headache. It's not yet the level of a migraine.

Norman Ornstein

Marriage is like a phonograph record. You get what you like on one side and take what you get on the other.

Ronnie Johnson

The whole family is going to be able to come. That's the plus side. Either way, it's going to be a great experience. I'm going to be around home so I'll have a lot of people come to support us.

Nikki Flores

I feel like the job is a nice stop along the road. It's a great break. I don't feel like the Emmy is a side effect of the job.

Terry O'quinn

The independence of the central bank is a requirement for any country belonging to the European Union. Pressures, what ever side they come from, are simply unacceptable.

Klaus Liebscher

I never really saw us winning the championship, but I think we've done enough this year to convince people that we are a good side and there will be a lot of teams that won't relish the prospect of playing us in future.

Frank Hadden

Broadly speaking, dollar/Asia still has some way to go on the weaker side.

Lim Su Sian

For unknown reasons he apparently pulled off to the side of the road and turned on the hazard lights.

Carrie Rodgers

We've got quite a diversity on our team this year. On one side-the boys-we have loads of talent and experience with all the guys back from last year. But the girls team is the most inexperienced group I've ever had.

John Watson

If we didn't have that stable of running backs last season, Allen probably would have started. (Knowlton) will be the halfback on either side. ... He looked good in our scrimmage and in practice. He's a very good athlete and knows our system well. I think he's ready.

John Mushtare

The biggest challenge is definitely on the currency side.

Stefan Bauknecht

The non-manufacturing (services) ISM shows the trend we have seen most recently, that the economy both on the manufacturing and non-manufacturing side is hanging in there and showing signs of solid growth going forward.

Ronald Simpson

God is always on the side of the big battalions.


If you look at what we've got represented now on both the men's and women's side, we have some of the better athletes from Texas. It's not rocket science.

Bill Byrne

The sweetest music this side of heaven.

Guy Lombardo

I just want to make sure that they feel comfortable that I am ready to take these folks on, that I am ready to be on their side, that I can do this. And that means listening to them and reassuring them that I'm not going to be afraid to say no to anybody in my party, anybody in the Republican Party or any lobbyist.

Claire Mccaskill

The stations of the cross in a Czech church run in reverse of what you would find in other churches. They start on the front left (facing the altar), Mary's side and the traditional women's side of the church, and proceed around to the front right, Joseph's or men's side, which is the reverse of what you find elsewhere.

Mary Rankin

We compounded too many errors together. On the flip side, R.A. Long fought pitches off, found the holes and banged some big hits.

Scot Meeker

The name was changed because we want to have branding recognition for the Hispanic side of the company.

Luis Polar

They do not want a truce unless it is from our side only ... they insist on continuing their Crusader campaign against our nation and to loot our wealth.

Bin Laden

We're hitting the lows right now but we'll definitely bounce back. We've got too many guys with character in our side. We didn't play well tonight, we made a lot of mistakes and that cost us.

Frans Ludeke

Making it more expensive on the west side just exacerbates the problem.

Frank Moro

The entire West Side is going to be outraged. These schools will not be built by 2008.

Robert Lucero

I've never been one to look too far ahead since I came back into the England side and I'm not going to change that view.

Graham Thorpe

I told them they would make a run - now that's it - the run is over. We didn't fold up and I was proud. My kids, when they are determined and confident, it's amazing what they can do. On the flip side, when things go wrong sometimes -- but they held up.

Annie Basic

I really didn't expect a whole lot of offense at 9:30 in the morning from either side.

Dave Trembley