We recognize we could be dead wrong. But when we look at the fundamentals of supply and demand, we see an awful lot that points to the supply side.

We don't know if the decline is going to be a gradual decline or a sharp decline.

The federal government is basically saying that the price of gas could go up slightly through Labor Day weekend. It could be another couple of cents between now and next weekend. Maybe as much as four or five cents.

We strongly advise everyone to make sure they have a well-charged cell phone when they evacuate. But you should make sure that all the regular maintenance, all the stuff you tend to put off, is taken care of. You don't want to be calling for emergency road service during an evacuation because of a tire.

You always hear criticism that when wholesale prices come down there always seems to be a delay when the retailer follows suit.

Refinery levels are not up to where they were before Katrina. We'll probably see prices edge higher in the next few weeks before they start going down.

You will save an average of 35 percent on generic medication and 15 percent on name brand medication. ...This way it reduces their out-of-pocket expense.

This is not uncharted territory. As much as we dislike it, we are not as alarmed. You are not going to find anybody who will tell you they are going to cancel their travel plans.

One of the ministers from Kuwait said that just the specter of negative news out of the Middle East adds about $9 to a barrel of crude oil.