And then here come the Janjaweed on camel or on horseback, ... They come rolling into the town, shooting and torching the village, often bringing women to the side and raping women indiscriminately. And in order to ensure that the destruction is complete, the government either sends ground forces to oversee the operation, or the attack helicopters, which often are the most deadly things.

A government-made hurricane hit Darfur ... using these Janjaweed militias, ... And the human debris has washed up on the shores of Chad.

Having a strong African leader, with the confidence of regional governments, who's backed by high-level envoys from countries that matter.

I think this is a tremendously important step forward in getting that peace deal for southern Sudan, but there is still much more negotiating to go.

Garang's death impacts the peace process in northern Uganda because he was a strong advocate for a comprehensive solution for the north.

Every time we have offered incentives to the government of Sudan, they've pocketed those incentives and continued on with their policies.

Been subjected to one of the most brutal campaigns of ethnic cleansing that Africa has ever seen.

The diplomatic coalition should work for change in Zimbabwe.

The Janjaweed are like a grotesque mixture of the mafia and the Ku Klux Klan, ... These guys have a racist ideology that sees the Arab population as the supreme population that would like to see the subjugation of non-Arab peoples. They're criminal racketeers that have been supported very directly by the government to wage the war against the people of Darfur.