We're not going to drive them and drop them to the side of the road.

Glaciers are slow-moving, melting and receding. As they move ... remains often times will melt out and become exposed.

Seasonally, that's the right time to do it. Winter in the airline business is long and cold, and, with these fuel prices, it will be especially long and especially cold this year.

Everything that Mr. Brown needed in terms of resources or information from the state, he had those available to him.

We're hoping that he's well preserved, and that the ID will be rather easy.

[Copes' note says] it's been a long time ... Republican Party apparatus . . . that becomes more organized, more belligerent, and more nakedly partisan by the day.

The majority of its time and effort in policing New Orleans and restoring law and order.

The National Guard is quickly hoping to turn its mission to more law enforcement.

She doesn't want to see one single building demolished that doesn't need to be, ... We will be very soon developing a very comprehensive program dealing with housing needs and what to do with structures of historic significance.