401 quotes about rare follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Practical efficiency is common, and lofty idealism not uncommon; it is the combination which is necessary, and the combination is rare .

Theodore Roosevelt

Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.

Erica Jong

It's rare that you see an artist in his 30s or 40s able to really contribute something amazing.

Steve Jobs

Beauty is one of the rare things that do not lead to doubt of God.

Jean Anouilh

You do not know how much they mean to me, my friends, and how, how rare and strange it is, to find in a life composed so much of odds and ends… to find a friend who has these qualities, who has, and gives those qualities upon which friendship lives. How much it means that I say this to you -without these friendships - life, what cauchemar!

T.s. Eliot

The peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet common in our country. With a simple oath, we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings.

George W. Bush

I think that most people that are on those roads are familiar with them, and the rare instance that they aren't familiar with them, we do have two of these signs.

Bob Tipton

Rich and rare were the gems she wore, / And a bright gold ring on her hand she bore.

Thomas Moore

The tendency of old age to the body, say the physiologists, is to form bone. It is as rare as it is pleasant to meet with an old man whose opinions are not ossified.

Bob Wells

He leads by example. He's a very good passer. He sees a pass ahead. That's very rare for a high school player. He could easily average 25 points per game, but he knows it wouldn't make the team better. He has a great feel for the game.

Speedy Morris

Historically, cocaine was a fairly rare drug in Europe.

Paul Griffiths

Honesty is as rare as a man without self-pity.

Stephen Vincent Benet

The guy's at the top of his game. It's a rare opportunity to see a guy perform at this level.

Rick Carlisle

In the case of the wine cellar, it is so private and quiet, and it's away from the maddening crowd. There is nobody walking by. The atmosphere is tremendous. It is a very rare place to have a working wine cellar to have your dinner in.

Bruce Snyder

I've been around a lot of celebrities, and I've been fortunate to be around great artists. It's extraordinarily rare that someone is who you want them to be. Paul McCartney is that person. He's the guy we all dreamed of meeting.

David Leaf

This will be a Super-Rare Evolution C, featuring yet another series of looks for these characters. They will be sequentially numbered so only a small handful of these will exist.

Matthew Saunders

Readers are plentiful; thinkers are rare.

Harriet Martineau

It's a rare person who wants to hear what he doesn't want to hear.

Dick Cavett

How rare and wonderful is that flash of a moment when we realize we have discovered a friend.

William Rotsler

Snow leopard sightings are very, very rare.

Som Ale

There can be situations, but they would be rare, where if we felt the case was at risk, to not require registration.

Bob Ellis

In any event, 2006 should be the lull before the storm - a rare opportunity for the aviation sector to consolidate ahead of the challenges likely in 2007 as fleet deliveries escalate, new products enter the market and pressures intensify on manpower costs, competition, capacity and yields.

Peter Harbison

I think most people understand that tread separation is a very, very rare event.

Helen Petrauskas

In these very, very rare circumstances -- this tragic time -- we hope the gift will get some attention and inspire other people to contribute money and help our fellow Mississippians on the Gulf Coast.

John Grisham

Wart hogs should sue for libel. It is a terrible name and they are fine fellows [and] devoted family men and it is rare to see one by himself; the little woman and the kiddies are usually close at hand.

Ilka Chase

It was one of those rare things that happened, ... If anything is going to go wacky, it is going to go wacky in America.

Bob Ward

He's definitely got shelf life. He's one of those rare breeds that comes along once or twice in lifetime.

Henry Schafer

It's rare for us. We'd only do it with someone of his caliber.

Len Rhodes

Prudential's downgrade is extremely rare. In the last five months, despite the market downturn, ratings have been fairly optimistic. This is very rare, especially for a company as big and as popular as J.P. Morgan Chase. It's also a tricky scenario in which J.P. Morgan also covers Prudential.

Tom O'keefe

Photos of apparitions are very, very rare, but we can, based on evidence obtained, tell you whether you have spirit activity in your house.

Nikki Steward

It's nice to come down here and see everyone from the area. It's very rare that we get to see people like this, a big crowd like this. It's good for both teams to come out and see a good crowd like this.

Jon Smith

He had a passion for democracy, for people to make informed decisions so they can think critically, ... He was rare blend of science and poetry and social consciousness.

Ann Druyan

It goes back to the district court, where he has to decide whether to grant an injunction. Is there a single reason that he wouldn't? It's extremely rare that you don't.

Richard Turner

They can shake me off, but it's rare. It's pretty much in my hands.

Kyle Deines

[Before talking sequels,] you have to make a good movie, ... But certainly it's rare that you can make a film that transports you to another universe, that could have an afterlife, that can be made at this price.

Mary Parent

The first T-shirt with a rock likeness was put out by an Elvis Presley fan club around 1956, ... It's very rare and had a rendering of the famous Tampa '55 photo on it, colorized.

Howard Kramer

These albums are some of the most exciting and rare finds I have had in the 20 years I have been a book dealer - because they are personal collections that are completely unique.

David Clarke

Now that elms are rare, woolly apple aphids usually live on apples throughout the year.

Janet Murphy

It's rare that a group of us programmers will walk into a movie and walk out unified in our response.

Geoffrey Gilmore

It's an amazing, very rare admission. Republican pollsters have argued for the last couple of decades that the generic congressional polls always overstate the Democrats' participation.

Wes Anderson

Its pretty rare for companies to have a snooping policy, although it is getting more common.

David Ellis

The chances of a tornado coming near you are very rare. The event that happened here in Oklahoma City is something that even in the metropolitan area hasn't happened for probably 50 years.

Harold Brooks

A well-written life is almost as rare as a well-spent one.

Thomas Carlyle

He's a very quiet and humble young man. The kids rally behind him because he's a very rare athlete. He's one of a kind, really.

Mike Cobb

There's no question this has been a challenging month for CN but accidents are very rare in this railroad and in other railroads. I think that's why there's so much attention being paid.

Graham Dallas

It is rare to find a business partner who is selfless. If you are lucky it happens once in a lifetime.

Michael Eisner

Television is a medium because anything well done is rare.

Fred Allen

We had so much fun with that pony. He liked children. He just was good to us. We always knew he loved us. ... He was a rare guy.

Karen Shinkle

With housing being so rare these days, it's better to try and keep them where they are.

Howie Carroll

Women in general were rare in the science fiction field, and black women, ha.

Steven Barnes

In many places in Europe you do have a sense of intelligent development. That's rare in Colorado.

John Fry

All of the sudden, the president now has two openings. That's not unique, but it's rare.

Allan Wolf

Del Taco has cheap fries and tacos at the same place. That's rare.

Colby Heiner

As a player, he was very much perceived to be an intellectual, ... Some players speak in grunts. Some players speak in clips. Rare players speak in paragraphs. And Ken was the only player any of us knew who spoke in chapters.

Roy Macgregor

You've got to hand it to them; it's very rare you see a high school team put that many hits together in one inning.

Ric Sperling

Defense companies have customers that are healthy and have increasing budgets over the next five years. That's pretty rare these days.

Andrew Pratt

Such frequent high-level contacts between China and the United States are really rare in the history of their relations.

Fu Mengzi

[The pilot was not in his seat when the plane crashed, about 21/2 hours after the crew first radioed in air conditioning problems.] It's odd, ... It's a very rare event to even have a pressurization problem and in general crews are very well trained to deal with it.

Terry Mcvenes

When you see a bird, look at it carefully. Don't go to a field guide looking for a rare or unusual bird. It's most likely to be a common bird to the area.

Norm Lantz

Historically, cocaine was a fairly rare drug in Europe. Then in Britain, the Netherlands and Spain it became increasingly available in big cities and now it is very visible in national statistics in these countries and our concern is there could be further diffusion in Europe.

Paul Griffiths

Ties are pretty rare. I don't think I've ever tied anybody.

Natalie Coughlin

There ought to be a complete skeleton of T. rex in New Mexico, we just haven't found one. T. rex as a fossil is very rare.

Spencer Lucas

The opening of this telescope represents one of those rare moments in a field of scientific endeavor when a great leap forward is enabled.

Bruce Betts

In my experience, I would say it's rare, if not unprecedented. I think it sends a strong message.

Rachel Leon

They were, in the best sense of the word, enmeshed in each other's lives. As writers and people, they were one of those rare couples in which both people really appreciated in the other the things they appreciated in themselves.

Tim Rutten

There's so many rare documents that you may never get the opportunity to see again. Anybody that's interested in Texas ought to come.

John Blades

Curiosity is idle only to those who fail to realize that it may be a very rare and indispensable thing.

James Harvey Robinson

I think you can safely say that wolf attacks are rare, and fatal attacks are unknown. So this attack is really exceptional.

Paul Paquet

It is Bible-belt country. Our flyers are taken down pretty quick. But I've only had a face-to-face confrontation once or twice; that's pretty rare.

Sergio Ayala

This is the fourth Blue Star Banner ceremony that we have all participated in here in Pawling, and basically before, we have not had the soldiers with us, except in a few rare cases. It is very gratifying to see you here this evening, and to be able to thank you and your families personally for your service.

Dave Kelly

Everything she touches has been successful. Everything [John Ramsey] touches turns to gold. To some people, with a rare form of mental dysfunction, I believe that could so motivate them to be envious and jealous enough to want to destroy them.

Pamela Paugh

There are probably more (now) than there were 100 years ago. It's kind of neat that they've come back. (Decades ago) they were very, very rare -- anywhere.

Howard Stone

It's rare that we see them abscond and go completely missing.

Laura Ahearn

What this document gives us is rare insight into the imponderable process of decision-making by which this most complex of quartet movements is made over into a work for piano four-hands.

Richard Kramer

I wasn't really scared because it's very rare that this ever happens.

Matthew Alarie

The perfect normal person is rare in our civilization.

Karen Horney

The rare few, who, early in life have rid themselves of the friendship of the many.

James Whistler

They're from before the time of any western incursion. They're from a time when these cultures were intact, and that's very rare.

Stephen Little

When mining is down, we've seen the cycles that forestry has a tendency to be stable. It's rare that both are down. So we try to hedge our bets to be two companies in one by servicing those two diverse markets.

Sean Farnell

Blue trout are very rare. They're sort of a novelty.

Tom Greene

This is the first time that we've put together this collection of extremely rare documents for travel.

Patrick Cox

As you sort of go through life, you realize it's very rare to have a relationship as an actor with a director like I have with John.

Bruce Paltrow

I'm an ocean, because I'm really deep. If you search deep enough you can find rare exotic treasures.

Christina Aguilera

I've had more hole-in-ones. You don't see them. Very rare.

Jay Haas

That's the good thing about our team. A couple of guys have an off-night --which is very rare for Spencer and Dustin --and then we have other guys step in.

Joe Allaria

Phil has the rare ability to rapidly integrate new technologies into high-value products. We're thrilled to have a technologist and business leader of his caliber join AMD.

Dirk Meyer

This is a very rare event.

Tony Cristaldi

Everyone has heard of a diamond in the rough. It's rare to encounter those diamonds and know you are in the presence of goodness. He's a quiet individual ... but when things were hard and hectic and we had hurricane overload, he did his best to assist us.

Mary Wormington

It may not be possible to get rare roast beef but if you're willing to settle for well done, ask them to hold the sweetened library paste that passes for gravy.

Marian Burros

Perfect health, like perfect beauty, is a rare thing; and so, it seems, is perfect disease.

Peter Mere Latham

This is a very rare incident to happen. Mountain lions tend to be very elusive. Typically mountain lions don't want any part of people.

Tyler Baskfield

In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rare!


Mergers of equal partners are rare and difficult to carry out.

Juan Fernandez

These two features are rare in the condominium market and are highly sought after by buyers.

Brandon Snyder

One of the rare examples of a smooth change.

Joseph Yam

The whole conviction of my life now rests upon the belief that loneliness, far from being a rare and curious phenomenon, peculiar to myself and to a few other solitary men, is the central and inevitable fact of human existence.

Thomas Wolfe

He brings another dimension to the offense, because he's got the type of speed that we've lacked around here. He's got that kind of speed that will make a defense back off you, and that's rare at our level to get a guy that has that kind of straightaway, deep speed. They have to kind of know where he is on every play.

David Oliver

(Lead poisoning) does cause some neurological problems, but it's almost always in the extremities, in the arms and legs primarily. There have been a couple of cases of deafness caused by lead poisoning but it's very rare, so I think it's a long shot.

William Walsh

They are so rare in number. We are talking about, in typical blood that may have over a billion cells in it, we may find only 200 to 1,000 of these cells in that billion cells. So I believe that's why other groups have not found them yet.

Dan Collins

These are very rare events, but when they do happen, they are very damaging.

Larry Kessler

The blue-rinse warbler and her horn-rimmed mate are rare and overdue this year.

Alan Brien

We have chosen the normal kind of arbitration. Why they want this extremely rare and bizarre method, we don't understand except they want to have a winner and loser.

Ted Montgomery

If we get the full four inches that would be a rare event.

Chris Scott

It's a very rare occurrence that an entire corporate culture is responsible for the charges they're being held accountable for. The prosecution of individuals is a far more effective way to go about discouraging this type of activity.

Paul Hodgson

He loves to go North and South and lay the wood on you. It's very rare that you see him taking a hit. When he is hit, someone really brought the noise.

Mark Fischer

We saw a rare opportunity with Irrational Games, a development studio that has consistently produced creative and original games, 2K Games will provide additional resources and support to the Irrational team so they may continue to deliver cutting-edge games.

Christoph Hartmann

It seems like it's one right after another. But if people can enjoy the snow-covered peaks - it's kind of rare ... Just enjoy the uniqueness of it. It will go away and we'll be back to our California weather.

Shawn Weagle

It feels good to be at home because it's so rare.

Sue Semrau

A star of that size is very rare.

Bryan Gaensler

The [Morgan] fell into that rare 10 percent. We have not confirmed the evidence, we have to review it. But we have enough to go back for a full investigation.

Andrew Laird

This was a team that really loved each other. It's rare that you find a team that really pulls for each other, that really loves each other.

David Justice

Still, even in our best years, our hunter success rate for bears is about 3 percent. You have to hunt a lot of years to harvest a bear, and it's rare to get more than one in a lifetime. It's even more rare to get one that big, so it's quite an accomplishment.

Mark Ternent

Complications are extremely rare. The probability of a fire is 1 in 2.5 million. But you still need to talk about it.

Dr. Giuseppina Feingold

It used to be a rare occasion to have an elderly inmate. Five years ago it was a rarity.

Roger Webb

It's a very rare opportunity in history for us to get second chances to save an endangered species.

Ron Rohrbaugh

The property is rare. It reminds you of Camelot. It's just perfect.

Peggy Moriarty

I believe, especially now, defensive end is a premium position. It's rare to find someone that is a true defensive end that could actually get after the quarterback and make plays. I believe defensive end is rated right below quarterback.

Demario Williams

I knew it was going to be a different kind of class, but not a whole lot of reading -- which is rare for a history class.

Catherine Neale

It is one of those rare instances where government was able to operate like a private business and provide a savings to the taxpayers. The state got what it needed and, in the process, it provided what the airport needed for further development.

Carl Laundrie

There are some people who are so motivated that I know approximately what time it is when I see them in here. That's rare.

Bernie Vanmiddlesworth

These incidents are not as rare as one might think.

Brie Bickley

Common sense is as rare as genius.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's just so sweet, ... The meat comes out so lovely and rare -- it has a very interesting and wonderful flavor.

Michael Lerner

It's not very significant in our world. It's rare but every now and then we'll hear about it.

Ivan Johnson

Ethanol is a rare win-win for nearly all involved. Farmers get higher crop prices, consumers get away from imported energy, environmentalists get renewable and cleaner burning fuel and government gets to send less direct aid to farmers.

Stephen Volkmann

What's impressive is it's very rare that he gets tired. No matter how many events he's in, he always seems to have enough energy to do whatever we ask.

Stan Gabel

If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

It was doing poorly with the warning of rare liver problems and now with this other warning it's hard to say how much more weakness you'll see there.

Albert Rauch

This is a very special piece of property, ... It's rare to have a perfect balance of property development and golf in the same project.

Tom Weiskopf

I can't characterize the recess, but a recess in collective bargaining is not rare and is often called for various reasons.

John Arnold

It's very rare for a judge in California to reduce a death penalty verdict. (It's) even more rare for Judge Al Delucchi to do so. He gives deference and respect to the expression of the conscience of the community, as expressed by this jury.

Dean Johnson

The international community tried to go straight to permanent shelter because that's what local people said they wanted and this was a rare occasion when we had the money to do it.

Douglas Keatinge

It's a rare occasion when we see government assessing and making government small.

Kathleen Dixon

We don't normally publicize gifts. It's something we keep extremely private. But in these very, very rare circumstances -- this tragic time -- we hope the gift will get some attention and inspire other people to contribute money and help our fellow Mississippians on the Gulf Coast.

John Grisham

She plays post on offense and guards point guards on defense. That's a rare breed. She leads by example and heart. If I asked her to run through the wall, she'd ask me at what speed and should I do it more than once.

Tim Kohlbecker

The jelly - the jam and the marmalade, And the cherry-and quince-"preserves" she made! And the sweet-sour pickles of peach and pear, With cinnamon in 'em, and all things rare! - And the more we ate was the more to spare, Out to old Aunt Mary's! Ah!

James Whitcomb Riley

I contemplated during the race whether I should ease up and re-skate but I was skating so well, ... It's extremely rare to a get a faster time on a re-skate. It's really difficult to know how much the crossover problem affected my final time.

Jeremy Wotherspoon

[But] the bottom line is that IP telephony attacks are rare.

Lawrence Orans

It is a rare American who does not have some story about how music has made our lives richer and more interesting, how it has changed our moods, brought out the best in our character and even sometimes helped us earn a living.

Lamar Alexander

Michael's attraction to the edge, coupled with his high energy, passion and business sense, is a rare combination.

Cathy Baron Tamraz

I knew before I took the job, when I saw her as an eighth-grader, that she had clear D-I potential. The combination of her height and skills and athletic ability is really rare. She's the best player I've ever coached, and overall I think she's dealt with the pressure very well.

Craig Shaeffer

Half the team didn't shave, that's pretty rare. We've got some pretty good time drops ahead of us. (At least) you hope it plays out that way.

Mark Wagner

The evening advanced. The shadows lengthened. The waters of the lake grew pitchy black. The gliding of the ghostly swans became rare and more rare.

Wilkie Collins

It's easier to hire somebody with personality and teach them to be a banker than it is to hire a banker with personality, because they're pretty rare.

Greg Gibson

The violinist is that peculiarly human phenomenon distilled to a rare potency-half tiger, half poet.

Yehudi Menuhin

It's very rare to see a kid go undefeated during the regular season, especially a freshman. I've never had a kid with a better work ethic.

Ron Ledbetter

It's extremely rare to get that much rain in that period of time. This is an event that occurs probably once every 50 years.

Alex Sosnowski

It's a rare case that'll occur.

Russ Anderson

It is the rare fortuene of these days that one may think what one likes and say what one thinks.

Cornelius Tacitus

To some extent [price gouging] has happened, ... But my understanding is that it's been relatively rare and isolated.

Mark Routt

Avalon turned a profit in the first year. This is something rare in the hobby industry.

Chris Mappin

He's going to be a great foil for the guys on our show. Forest has always impressed me with his range. He's got an incredible sweetness and soulfulness but also strength. It's a rare combination for an actor and that appealed to me with this character.

Shawn Ryan

(I Found That) Essence Rare.

Gang Of Four

The most we gained from it is seeing Kennedy. Not the physical part, but the myth part. It was a challenge for us. It's rare to go out and win a game like that, especially the first game. They came back and took the next two games from us.

David Perno

What this document gives us is a rare insight into the imponderable process of decision making.

Richard Kramer

Readers are plentiful: thinkers are rare.

Anthony Burgess

Some farm implement places and feed stores (in cities) do sell sack corn. It's kind of rare, but I think it is catching on.

Jerry Burg

It's very rare to have a player his size that can do the things he does. Every game, he's been there for us and been consistently good all year. He's the best all-around player I've ever coached.

Joe Dawson

It's a rare thing to happen -- but ... if you want to protect, you step forward and do it.

Doug Janney

What Cobain and Nirvana did is extremely rare. There are plenty of great bands, but not all of them accomplish this.

Joe Levy

Real love is a pilgrimage. It happens when there is no strategy, but it is very rare because most people are strategists.

Anita Brookner

Fugitive slaves were rare then, and as a fugitive slave lecturer, I had the advantage of being the first one out.

Frederick Douglass

High-quality charters are competing for scarce philanthropic dollars, and million-dollar donations are rare. In Kendra you've got an educator with a game plan and a good track record.

Caprice Young

This could be one of the rare instances that investors can buy an IPO at a reasonable price in the aftermarket.

George Nichols

Rotavirus basically affects everybody by the time they are 5. If we took blood samples of all people, it would be rare to find someone who has not had rotavirus.

Paul Offit

Inmates say it may happen, but the conditions under which it happens are rare. It is unlikely all the stars are going to align properly for this to happen, particularly in prisons today. You're going to get caught.

Mark Fleisher

We definitely didn't play our 'A' game (against UND). But we only had five turnovers and just 10 fouls. It's rare to be able to do that on the road.

Dave Boots

I describe this as very much a rare occurrence, despite the fact that we've had a few incidences recently. We absolutely have safety as our ongoing top priority.

Caroline Boren

We often hear of important gatherings of the "great and the good." Sadly the great have not often been good. But the good have learned that it is better to be good than to be great. Rare is the person in this life who is both great and good.

Grant Fairley

I do not believe this establishes a pattern and I believe these are rare occurrences -- very, very tragic and unfortunate occurrences.

Michael Ryan

Aside from his obvious touring expertise and success, ... Arthur is someone that has the rare combination of strategic and creative processing, which is an invaluable combination in this business and something I tap into often as we continue to evolve our global business strategy.

Michael Rapino

A garden is a complex of aesthetic and plastic intentions; and the plant is, to a landscape artist, not only a plant - rare, unusual, ordinary or doomed to disappearance - but it is also a color, a shape, a volume or an arabesque in itself.

Roberto Burle Marx

We're tremendously excited because in particular these are pretty rare quality brands to make it into private equity ownership.

Lyndon Lea

How rare it is to find a soul quiet enough to hear God speak.

Francois Ftnelon

This new product will offer a much needed treatment option for patients suffering from this rare illness that, in some cases, has been found to progress to fatal forms of leukemia.

Dr. Steven Galson

He was a terrific guy. He always kept his word when he gave it to you - which has become more and more rare nowadays.

Bob Barton

I'm one of those rare birds that's in the Clearwater Jazz Holiday hall of fame, ... It's a great tradition. It's been great to watch it morph and grow.

Fred Johnson

Someone might want to buy a special bottle to commemorate an occasion. Or someone might want to roll the dice and hope to get a rare vintage cheap and be able to drink it.

Ted Brennan

It is a rare opportunity to work with a client whose product is so good, is willing to push the envelope creatively, and is this much fun -- we couldn't be happier to be working with the Checkers team.

Charles Rosen

He actually got a shutout the last game he played and has played very, very well. He's been playing great all year. This was not a rare performance for him.

Guy Gadowsky

These are the rare directors who come along, and you're lucky if you stumble across one as an actor.

Sean Penn

Her character does things that are not very nice, [but] we forgive her. That's a quality that's rare among actors. Jack Lemmon had it; we let him sin and then redeem himself. Tom Hanks has it. But women, as a rule, are not afforded the opportunity, or we don't recognize it as quickly in them. It's a great gift that she has.

Glenn Gordon Caron

Customers are very tolerant about the Dec. 20 issues, due to the service levels they've come to expect. Everyone now knows about what was a 2.5-hour outage over a 4.5-hour time period. What happened was a rare database error, and it has been fixed. We're running as well as we've ever run.

Phil Robinson

They're rare as hens teeth and quite valuable, ... But we prefer to think of it as rare, and not the monetary value.

John Griffin

This vote [Medicaid amendment] is a rare bright spot in what for the most part is a pretty dismal budget.

James Jeffords

This is an incredibly rare performance for Woody outside New York City, so we're thrilled to have him.

John Nugent

It's odd, ... It's a very rare event to even have a pressurization problem and, in general, crews are very well trained to deal with it.

Terry Mcvenes

If you have raw pace everything else can be worked on. It is a rare human who can propel a cricket ball at above 85mph.

Hugh Morris

This amount of effort is very rare. They're not getting overconfident.

Lester Funk

We almost never have an opportunity to sell any lots - it's very rare. We've had an incredible demand. With a lot, you can build what you want - within limits of design, square footage and caps. That appeals to an awful lot of people because it's not 'as is,' it's as you want it to be.

Tom Mccabe

It is rare that we are this optimistic this early. There is an abundance of water and the prospects for the water supply are excellent.

Pete Weisser

It's rare that we get blindsided this way. In this era of Sarbanes-Oxley, governance is a front-burner issue. I just hope that the scandal doesn't become more widespread.

Scott Black

It's rare to read a half-hour script that actually makes you laugh.

Jane Curtin

He's got one of those goals that's way higher than high school. He's so focused on making it to the Olympics. He's one of those rare kids that only come around so often. I absolutely believe he'll make it to that level. That's everything that he works for. That's the way he works out. He never trains for second place.

Bob Lieber

It is a rare happening. But it is nice to have it one step removed. The process worked very well for the county.

Audrey Kader

I hate to say it, but it's so rare a great player's talent matches his character. It's been a long road for him and I can't wait.

John Mcnulty

I'm a musicologist, and I know that this is very rare. As a matter of fact, it's unique in the history of jazz, this group that I'm performing with, this trio. No other trio does these kind of things. I mean, it's an experience you will only hear with this group. It's a one-time experience in life, if you don't come back and hear us again, which would be different anyway.

Sam Rivers

To be really great in little things, to be truly noble and heroic in the insipid details of everyday life, is a virtue so rare as to be worthy of canonization.

Harriet Beecher Stowe