This Bush administration has a growing credibility gap, maybe even a credibility chasm, on environmental policy. The President has lost the trust of the American people when it comes to the environment.

I was lucky to be able to call Christopher Reeve a friend.His passion for life and for improving the lives of all Americans serves an inspiration to all of us. He may have played the character of Superman in the movies, but he lived the role of a superman through his life.

There is nothing more important to our Nation's future, to our homeland security, and to our economy than ensuring we have a top-notch educational system that is the envy of the world.

I think it's been demonstrated by the recent travesty we've had and the horrible results of the tremendous damages that are going on right now, so I'm really re-evaluating our approach, because the thing has gotten so bad. There's no apparent desire to change. We're going to have to go to war.

This vote [Medicaid amendment] is a rare bright spot in what for the most part is a pretty dismal budget.

Looking ahead, I can see more and more instances where I will disagree with the president on very fundamental issues. The largest, for me, is education.

[The bill] will affect every American in some way, ... The impact of this bill will be felt for decades to come.

As fuel prices remain unstable and our nation's highways and airports suffer ever-increasing congestion and delays, Amtrak offers an invaluable alternative upon which Americans have come to rely.

Since the day he came into office, President Bush has worked to gut more than 34 years of hard work by weakening many of our Nation's standing environmental laws, some of which were signed into law by his father.