I was just talking to the guys telling them I haven't had a 10-tackle game.

Jamie Sharper

For us at Northeastern, we haven't been in a static environment. The incoming classes have changed in academic ability.

Malcolm Hill

For some of these athletes who haven't been in a World Cup, and won't be in one this winter, this is their chance to maybe go from not being in the World Cup to going to the Olympics.

Jeff Wintersteen

I haven't run into any trouble. Everybody's a Bettis fan, so that's great.

Shawn Gray

Considering we haven't had anything here, we'll take what we can get.

Nick Petro

If there isn't an element of absurdity in a session, you haven't stretched your client enough.

Lisa Parker

It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily. "So it is." "And freezing." "Is it?" "Yes," said Eeyore. "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately.

A. A. Milne

I've competed pretty well, but I haven't been myself getting ahead of guys like I should be.

Taylor Buchholz

I haven't taken it seriously. Whatever his explanations are as to what he said, he's got to clean up his own house.

Kenny Williams

We haven't been able to create turnovers all season, and defensively we did that. We were able to take advantage of things offensively.

Casey Cavanaugh

Let's face it, it's an election year, and ... if you haven't got anything else to go with in South Carolina ... go with crime and punishment.

Neil Thigpen

We just haven't experienced that.

Douglas Zipes

That's going to be hard for them. It's not even business as usual now, and we haven't walked off the property yet.

Ted Ludwig

I would give it to all of my friends and patients who are 60 years of age or over and haven't yet had shingles.

Michael Oxman

It's gonna get better, ... It can sort of be expected that we'd struggle a little bit because we've got a lot of young guys playing for us that really haven't had any game experience.

Charlie Johnson

In the beginning it was difficult. I haven't been playing well.

Nadia Petrova

The lack of creative has really hurt them. They just haven't found anything that seems to communicate who they are.

Bob Goldin

I really haven't felt any effects from it. My leg just has to get stronger. I'm going to be fine.

Rashad Anderson

They've been thrown off their game, ... and they haven't found their way back on again.

John Truscott

We've absolutely been existing day to day. We haven't bought any equipment. We haven't filled full-time jobs.

Walt Dabney

They were playing hard. They have some talent on that team. They haven't given up. They were very aggressive defensively. That got them back in the game. The good news is we found a way to win.

Brian Winters

Television is a device that permits people who haven't anything to do to watch people who can't do anything.

Fred Allen

I don't aspire to direct like many actors. I would aspire most likely to do some writing, but I haven't had a chance to do that.

Stephen Root

The great thing about this team is that their attitudes haven't changed much from being 1-8 to being 9-8. They've been even keel and they've realized we haven't done anything yet.

Mike Sevier

It hasn't been that we haven't played well against them, but more that the puck didn't go our way.

Bruce Plante

Regarding our textbooks, the (policy) has been consistent. There haven't been any changes.

Wang Xuming

That money has been allocated to us, but we haven't been able to apply for it yet because HUD hasn't set the rules.

Sean Reilly

I haven't seen it in any clubhouse that I've been in. Never. Never ever.

Joel Pineiro

It's not surprising that in four years we haven't seen real changes.

Christopher Cross

I haven't done that for a while, ... That was kind of one of my trademarks.

Brent Brown

I haven't seen the document yet, but I believe it is consistent with what we already do, ... The only thing we haven't covered is the official wellness team.

Robert Hale

Why panic now? We've been gripping it tight. We haven't found ourselves yet.

Tony Amonte

I've been feeding them for over 20 years. ...To my knowledge, I haven't killed one yet.

Stratton Pollitzer

I haven't slept in days.

Harry Connick Jr.

We haven't talked about it.

Derrick Campbell

We've got some guys who can throw. They just haven't been put in big situations.

Todd Boyd

We haven't announced pricing yet, but I think it's compelling given the alternative. It will probably be about 10 cents to the dollar when compared to replacing radios. That's a bargain.

Charles Giancarlo

It's not as straightforward as what we do in a flood or what we do in a fire because we haven't done it before.

Cam Hunter

We won both throwing events. I'm really proud of those girls. We haven't done that in a meet in a while.

Don Knapp

We haven't really had any game where we've just exploded in the running attack.

Jordan Gross

It's the grandchild we haven't had yet.

Jack Faris

We haven't seen it yet.

Jim Desler

I haven't seen this since college.

Jason Michaels

We haven't considered that issue yet.

Bob Muller

Am I (going) straight? I haven't driven in three years. My parents won't let me.

Scott Owens

We are finding things that haven't been found before and we think that adds value in many different ways.

Martin Sabarsky

I was one of the first to bring up that question, and I still haven't gotten an answer.

David Pelletier

I just haven't given up hope yet.

Mary Schindler

They go hand-in-hand... we haven't put up a good defensive and offensive game together.

Linda Sayavongchanh

We've been included in the governor's emergency declaration, but we have not heard from FEMA the Federal Emergency Management Agency yet. We keep asking, and we haven't heard.

Dinah Phillips

We haven't played with the intensity on that end that we need. That's where we'll put our emphasis.

Tim Wise

What I have crossed out I didn't like. What I haven't crossed out I'm dissatisfied with.

Cecil B. De Mille

He'll probably be effective, because those guys haven't seen a 68-mph fastball since Little League.

Paul Azinger

Biologically, it's time to remove them as an endangered species. From our standpoint, they haven't been endangered since 1999.

Jody Millar

They were found regularly a decade ago, but they haven't been found here for four years. It's kind of a shame.

Brian Shema

People are dying who haven't had that opportunity to say yes to the Lord.

Michael Scott

I haven't found it hard work. I actually find it pleasurable. I now get a very good feeling from the building, it feels at peace.

John Beavan

We haven't been in the Top 25, hopefully this will help us get there.

Graham Brown

We had to do a lot of up-front setup. Companies can go out of business if they have a fire and haven't prepared themselves.

Brad Becker

We haven't made any decision about an expansion there or anywhere else. We're a growing company, so we're always looking. We don't discuss what we may or may not be considering.

Anne Crowley

They may want to make a higher offer, but they haven't contacted us yet.

Jerry Cooper

It's horrid. I just got a headache. I wasn't this angry before I came. I haven't been this angry since March 21st.

Barbara Brun

We've haven't heard or felt anything at all; absolutely nothing.

Kai Nielsen

We haven't really found anything of the magnitude of this – certainly not in Dallas. We're fully capitalized and will be starting all the construction on the site.

Tod Ruble

You haven't lived until you've died in California.

Mort Sahl

Let me take a good look at you, ... I haven't seen you in so long.

Bernard Williams

We haven't had rain for three weeks and everything is dry so they should be very careful.

Bob Farrell

We've been really devastated. We haven't had an income.

Karen O'brien

He's a ball of fire and I'm sure they haven't wrestled someone like him all year.

Paul Duvall

We are not a campground and haven't claimed to be. Being able to have R.V.'ers park overnight is simply a customer convenience.

Sharon Weber

I haven't yet decided on my team, there's still a bit of deliberating to be done.

Alex Mcleish

We haven't been to the conference semifinals in two years. A conference championship is still our goal, though.

Mike Ruane

We haven't decided where to hang this yet, but we are going to hang it out front where people can see it. It's not going to be hung in council chambers and not be seen.

John Hayden

Free State played well in the Standard Bank Cup and peaked then, but we haven't peaked yet.

Alan Dawson

Cal is playing the same defense it always has, but offensively it is much more dangerous. The post game they have is something we haven't seen.

Bev Smith

I haven't heard anything about it. But who wouldn't want to be coached by a legend?

Jameson Curry

I have lost all those years of my children's lives. I haven't been with them for their birthdays or Christ-mas.

Pauline Hulme

The labs that are staying in business really have had to adjust. If they haven't adjusted by now, they're probably going to go out of business.

Joel Brann

I can't say anything about it because I haven't seen it. I don't think Michael has seen it yet either.

Bridget Boyle

So you haven't admonished them at this point?

Nina Tassler

I think it's so new that people haven't heard about it yet.

Denise Wilson

The EU should not be allowing consolidation in markets like energy where we haven't even established competition yet.

Jeremy Nicholson

I haven't collected memorabilia. I am not a person who lives in the past.

Yvonne Craig

Last words are for fools who haven't said enough.

Karl Marx

We haven't seen it a lot, but it is starting in the marketplace.

Michael Schaefer

If the people think I haven't done a good job, then I'll run again.

William Mudge

We are encouraged by very strong 1Q06 trends, which indicate that these concerns clearly haven't materialized.

Gregory Badishkanian

The government is supposed to guarantee our lives, take responsibility for our lives, and they haven't.

Susanna Dudiyeva

It's a very, very tricky situation. I haven't said yes to either of them.

Brigitte Nielsen

We haven't been given authority to print it.

Nicholas Haysom

Many customers have commented they can't believe we haven't raised our rates yet.

Carrie Smith

Someone asked me the other day if it was easier breaking into rap or rock, ... I don't know, I haven't broken in on either one, you know.

Citizen Cope

I haven't seen any signs of complacency on this team.

Mark Simoneau

We are aware of the investigation that is going on, but we are not conducting an independent investigation at this point. We haven't been asked to conduct our own investigation.

Sherri Lawson

If they haven't been able to attract an investor for the last year, I don't see how they can now.

Raymond Neidl

We're still waiting to see the growth story from buying all these applications, and so far we haven't seen it.

Bruce Richardson

Imax has 'The Matrix' in its format. But it is an R-rated movie and we probably wouldn't do that but we actually haven't built all our criteria yet.

Toby Mensforth

It's hard to explain if you haven't been through it, but even when we were down, we just had the type of feeling that only we can have.

Terry Francona

We haven't seen a hard-candy company expansion or new factory for many years.

Rob Hoffman

We really haven't decided everything we are going to do. None of it will be occurring at ratepayer expense.

Catherine Bowie

We've got to keep it going. I haven't lost to them. I can't start.

Max Black

We haven't had any indication from UEFA of any complaint, ... A far away, quiet place.

Simon Greenberg

I haven't talked to him much about it but if we lose him someone has to step up. Whatever we have, we'll make do.

Stephen Tulloch

At this point, we haven't drawn any conclusions with respect to cause of death.

Warren Thomas

We haven't received a dime of that.

John Gonzalez

We really haven't had a situation like this.

Russell Dynes

Don't go home and tell your constituents you did anything for them. In truth, you haven't.

James Mcgovern

He's right, too. We haven't had any discussions.

John Cornish

There's an awful lot out there who they haven't found and never will.

Robert Adams

I haven't found any servants in this house. Just me. That's it.

Jane Shaw

The 'tone' is terrific but the dollars haven't caught up with the music.

William Dunkelberg

I don't think so. I haven't even thought about that.

Neil Doese

But I haven't accepted any donations from developers.

Richard Ferreira

Not that I haven't had those kinds of jobs.

Hugh Dillon

I haven't got a ticket but anyone who knows me knows how desperately I want to go to that concert.

Conrad Smith

I haven't seen a tiger yet. But then I would be happy just to see a devil.

Peter Douglas

It comes down to what is an M&M, and you haven't the foggiest.

Jack Trout

If we're going to put that kind of crap on film, let's do it now. Hopefully this is a wake-up call that we haven't arrived, we haven't done jack.

Bryan Robinson

It was good to get some guys who haven't played very much a chance to play.

Rob Salter

I haven't got to meet him in person yet. I would probably be a blubbering idiot if I did.

Rose Bergquist

Please, ... don't indicate that I brought this up at all. ... Besides smiling about it, I haven't taken it further.

Cammi Granato

The detours are working well. We haven't had any complaints at all.

Jeff Breen

That's what he requested but we haven't given a final response.

Steve Noyce

They have been crucial for us in the playoffs. Teams haven't been able to pressure our guards, and they haven't handled our pressure.

Art Thomason

We've won some heat races and had some decent finishes but we haven't been able to get the luck to win a feature.

Charles Barkley Sr

The goals he's scored this year haven't been the ones that make you go, 'Wow,' because he's gotten himself into the right place where they really become very easy shots.

Graham Whitehouse

There have been some offers back and forth, but we haven't accepted anything at this point.

Steve Levine

Part of the problem is that they haven't practiced any of that, and we do.

Jeanne Johnston

It sucks that we haven't gotten a medal yet. Good thing we've got the guys.

Catherine Raney

We had to win two more games, but you can't get caught looking ahead. We've won a couple of games lately, but we haven't been sharp. Everything is off a little bit.

Rhonda Rompola

Up until today we still haven't changed our minds.

Haposan Sihombing

It's incredibly encouraging that our viewers haven't gotten hung up on the race thing.

Shonda Rhimes

It's been a conscious question among some of our folks, so they've been on the lookout for something. But they haven't seen anything.

Lance Clem

We haven't locked down on any one location.

Pam Coleman

We have all along, and we haven't wavered from that policy.

Julie King

I haven't seen them. But I know they're going to give us everything we can handle. We're going to have to be ready.

Mike Aronson

There's always risks when you haven't seen the clinical data.

Jim Mccamant

To be honest, I haven't felt this thrilled in a long time.

Sadaharu Oh

For us (former) players, it gives a chance to see guys we haven't seen in years, ... We have a lot of fun. Sometimes, it's hard to tell who has more fun.

Chris Codiroli

He's played great for us this year. We haven't talked to the doctor yet so we'll see what happens.

Kelly Kisio

We haven't heard anything about that.

Kathleen Johnson

First of all, I haven't been asked to do next year.

Gilbert Cates

We had a lot of success with the suicide squeeze this weekend, and that was great because we haven't been doing it that much.

Stacey Sullivan

In the last six months, we haven't had that many big projects.

Robert Schenck

If we haven't educated people like this young man.

Jane Goodall

The market has adjusted since then, but they haven't.

Lewis Goodkin

Teams are going to bring their best effort and try to give us our first loss. We can't get complacent being 4-0. We haven't accomplished our goal.

Tony Lee

The fact that we haven't had a contract for 13 months was eventually a factor.

Brian Holland

A lot of people still haven't heard of Albany. Well, now a lot of people will hear about it.

Bob Ford

I feel very good about my delivery right now. I really haven't felt great all spring, but tonight is as good as I've felt.

Shawn Estes

I haven't had a lot of chances (to drive runs in).

Josh Rabe

One has to assume that because we haven't seen them they have actually left the bay and the Corpus Christi Ship Channel and are back out in the Gulf.

Tony Amos

I am very happy with the way we have played. We haven't played great in all aspects and have given some games away.

Luther Bramblett

It's not my idea, nor is it a new idea. I will say this: I haven't had anyone locally tell me its a bad idea.

Dave Tilford

I really can't answer you because we really haven't gotten into it yet.

Brian Spaid

We haven't really focused on Plan B.

Karl Benson

If I were a betting man, I'd bet radio would work before light. But we've done that for 20 years, and we haven't explored much with light.

Paul Horowitz

They haven't said much on what we could expect. This could be as good as it gets. But they never expected this.

Allison Avrett

We haven't just relied heavily on one or two guys.

Mike Vellucci

I got my life back together and I haven't looked back.

Glenn Loury

You didn't see anything you haven't seen the last 10 years here.

Roy Mccauley

What I'm looking at is this. If there were six or seven accidents at that intersection, I'd say we have a problem. But there haven't been any accidents.

Cliff Bronstad

We came in last night, and I haven't heard of any violence.

Leslie Roberts

We have a few good cards to play and we haven't been called to play any of them, so we'll see what happens.

Steve Noyce

What happens now, I haven't the slightest idea.

Mario Pescante

It's a good breakfast. It's really fun, and it's enjoyable. It's great to see a lot of people that you know that you haven't seen in a while.

Chris Chase

I've made appointments with the board because I felt they haven't been strict enough.

Patty Sheehan

I felt it hurt when Fischer didn't play. The last two games we haven't been able to finish.

Todd Tripp

We haven't seen a noticeable drop out of Asia, Asia accounts are probably going out a little further on the yield curve.

John Radwanski

I still haven't come to grips with the fact that he would be unavailable ? because he's always been there. But we're not going to put him out there and put him at risk if that's going to be the case.

Mike Sherman

Apart from their goals, Norway haven't scored.

Terry Venables

We needed that one. The girls really came out and dug hard and we were all five on the same page defensively, which has been something we haven't done very well the last couple of games.

Tina Yates

These puppies go anywhere from $500 to $1000 -- whatever the market will bear -- and they haven't put much money into the puppies so they aren't out a lot of money.

Dawn Danielson

From that day on, I haven't seen him as recharged and excited since he retired.

Mike Barnett

It's more likely William and Harry have one. I haven't got one.

Martin Uden

They haven't got the gold medals around their neck yet.

Norma Plummer

It was pretty frustrating. We haven't been down by that much against Southern Conference teams this season.

Brendan Winters

Maybe I haven't hit my best, yet. If this was good, I know I'm capable of more. The worlds are coming up in another month.

Joannie Rochette

As soon as they try, the alarm goes off. It's not a silent alarm. It screams. We haven't had a break-in since.

Kathleen Boutin

The cyclone is basically very close and there are extreme winds and a lot of danger. If people haven't evacuated by now, it's probably too late.

Jim Cahill

They ran really well, we weren't sure what they had since they haven't run yet, but they looked good.

Clint Chamberlin

We're not conceding anything. We haven't pled guilty to anything.

Patrick Cotter

That I haven't paid attention to it. My wife brought this one to my attention. I choked.

Jim Price

We haven't lost this game in a while.

Greg Goodwin

We haven't come in here expecting to take business from everybody. We're coming in and offering the Virgin brand...and we're offering a different experience onboard.

Andrew Fyfe

I was shocked as I haven't been feeling the best all week.

Leisel Jones

I don't think they're going to try to slow us down, and we haven't tried to slow anybody down all year. I don't think we'll change what we're doing.

Josh Nauman

Some others (in baseball) haven't gotten scholarships yet, but if we do well this year, maybe it can happen for them.

Tom Zurliene

I haven't made it to be a celebrity dancer, but I am touching people's lives.

Haleema Ford

Our shots haven't fallen. [Lewisville] has shot the ball well. A couple buckets here and there; it could have been a different game.

Cleve Ryan

We haven't seen anything close to that in the last four years.

Randy Hiltner

I'm pleased to finally win - I have been in four of the last five finals and haven't won one of them. So this one is very special.

David Palmer

We haven't put all the pieces together.

Robert Sullivan

We haven't found any eureka, or smoking gun so far.

John Chapman

I haven't played very well this year. I haven't putted very well. If you don't putt very well you can't win.

Gil Morgan

That isn't true at all. We haven't received one call criticizing Gene for how he's handled this.

Carl Francis

We haven't been outside much.

Mike Shannon

It's so new. We haven't played any of the songs live yet, but there's some really good ideas floating around.

Pelle Almqvist

They seem happier with new faces around who haven't gone through the same experience.

Anwar Ul Haq

The Premiership is the only club competition I haven't won since I joined Liverpool. I'm desperate for us to do it.

Dietmar Hamann