Accommodations are more like those of a dormitory than a hotel. These hotels are operating with few staff members, as a majority of hotel workers were among the thousands of people ordered to evacuate. Those hotels providing temporary shelter today will require significant refurbishing in the future before resuming normal operations and welcoming the traveling public.

Patrick Ford

It's a much cleaner atmosphere. It's much better for children. We're a family restaurant. We want to encourage that for our clientele. It's just better for workers. It's a lot more pleasant, to be honest.

Lance Skidmore

Every workers should be honored, every worker should be respected.

Paul Lopez

The global market is one big swimming pool. Tomorrow the workers go on strike in Nigeria, and we pay the price here although we don't import oil from Nigeria. The story is that global oil prices are rising and there is nothing we can do about it.

Fereidun Fesharaki

This proves that workers must become priority creditors, and administrators should consult with unions before laying anyone off.

Adrian Ross

Crashes in work zones are causing too many deaths and injuries of Missouri workers who are simply doing their job trying to make our roads better and safer. There is no excuse for not slowing down in construction work zones that are clearly marked, many times miles in advance. That is why we must make a concentrated effort to get drivers to slow down.

Sen. Delbert Scott

They want to pay the older seniority people to betray the lower seniority people and the workers in general. I'm afraid that if I accept this offer, I'm going to hurt the person I work next to because I'm going to abandon them.

Gregg Shotwell

You often find that if you look at a company and you see a better-than-average 401(k) plan, fewer than average part-time workers, various indicators of this nature, (you are looking at a) strong, forward-looking management in a high quality culture.

Amy Domini

Our intention is to show those who write our laws that we value our workers in this land, a land made of immigrants.

Nelson Hernandez

It's tough to find technically skilled workers, as well as workers motivated to work at all levels of industry. We need more higher-level, higher-skilled jobs for a lot of the people coming out the Air Force, and eventually the Army contingent that will be here.

Pete Mulford

The governor has said he will not balance the state budget on the backs of government workers, but he has also said that all across the state, families are doing more with less and they expect their government to do the same. Faced with a $6 billion deficit, we don't have a choice.

Anthony Coley

We are extremely pleased to announce that Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. and the United Steelworkers of America have reached tentative agreements on three contracts covering 8,000 workers at nine facilities in eight states.

Christine Karbowiak

This report confirms from several vantage points that outsourcing is not necessarily the best option. Agency workers suffer from high turnover and rarely have the benefits of working with drugs over long periods of time or having front-line access to internal company information and employees.

Jon Hess

I found one that is less obtrusive than some. It sounds more like a wind chime than a regular ring tone. Of course, any ring tone, however subtle, is going to get on your co-workers' nerves if you leave it on.

Jacqueline Whitmore

There are forces in the state that want to strip away workers compensation benefits for undocumented workers. Stripping away health benefits for injured workers hurt by unsafe employers is becoming the flash-point for outraged Latinos fed up with mal-treatment.

Barbara Clark

We are humanitarian workers, we are apolitical, impartial. We hope to be successful in our dialogue (with Pyongyang) so we can have a phased end to the program.

Jan Egeland

Too often, economic development is thought of simply as recruiting big business away from other states. This report is a reminder that states must also focus investments on workers, education and business.

David Buchholz

We had some maintenance workers in the area working on the dam this morning and they observed the body and they quickly called us to come out.

Dr. Sara Murray Jordan

Building a sound patent portfolio is part of our overall growth strategy that we believe adds considerable value to the company. It also furthers our goal of maintaining a leadership role in the development of innovative next-generation MRM products and solutions that are designed to help businesses effectively manage their mobile workers and their work while optimizing service delivery.

Leo Jolicoeur

For any of us, think about how unstable your life is if you don't have a place to live. You can't develop effective treatment for the chronically homeless unless they are stable in housing first. You know you have a broken system if you are spending large amounts of money on county health workers and nurses looking under bridges to treat them.

Alonzo Plough

I think one of the things we're interested in looking at is, we've talked about some of the contractors providing shuttle service for their workers.

Mayor Helen Klanderud

These new enterprise-class enhancements… will empower IT professionals to deliver higher productivity, lower IT management costs, and greater ease of use throughout their organizations. Gaining rapid access to more relevant, up-to-date, and action-oriented search results will enable information workers to make better, faster decisions.

Christopher Payne

I'm glad it's over, but I say fire them all. Fire every one of those workers.

David Martinez

There's just no excuse for them to be demanding concessions from these workers at a time when the economy in B.C. is booming and their excuse about competition just doesn't hold up.

Andy Neufeld

Companies need to see a talented pool of workers who understand how to work with creativity and innovation. Those are the companies that are fastest moving, that are providing the best jobs. And we want those companies here more and more.

Noah Keteyian

Change to Win wants to grow and that means recruiting service workers and non-professional white collar workers, who are often women and minorities. Those people are going to be concerned as much about the value of what their wages are going to buy as about the wages they make.

Robert Korstad

Blaming the smoking ban for the struggles of one business is disingenuous and another attempt by a few tavern owners to undermine a city policy that is working to protect the health of workers and customers.

Gary Poulson

Workers deserve a fair share of the economic pie.

Gil Mcgowan

A tough 24 hours. I think everybody today, they support Lear, they support all the union workers and they're just glad it went this way.

Pattye Stevens

The increased absence rate may be another symptom of the pressure on workers due to overall staffing shortages, and so this must be sorted out as a matter of urgency.

Shona Robison

The daytime workers will all help [restaurant and retail] business owners.

Tom Keating

It's good to see the increase, but more needs to be done. The diminution of workers' rights, and the decline of their wage and living standards, has great consequences for everyone.

Larry Dorman

Some of the workers were still busy in the factory, but none of them got hurt.

Malcolm Midgley

I think all workers who work in this field deal with high-risk factors. We know errors can have fatal consequences.

Brandon Thomas

Employers are to do that at their expense, they're the ones employing the workers. They're responsible for protecting them, they have control of the workplace.

Don Hurst

CRRA isn't known for its concern for workers. They base their decisions on the bottom line.

Neal Cunningham

He's awesome. He's one of the hardest workers on the team and he keeps everybody focused.

Anita Leveke

We were tipped off about this from a complainant who came in to file a wage claim, and said that a co-worker was injured, and he knew that they didn't have workers compensation.

Dean Fryer

These young guys are hard workers and because of that hard work I see a bright future for all of the spring sports. Our time is coming to be on top in the district.

Mark Heaton

We've exhausted all diplomatic measures to try and stop the plan. Now the caregivers are on an all-out campaign to expose this plan for what it is -- a plan to save money on the backs of health-care patients and workers.

Jim Sanford

Disengaged workers don't have traction. They're not accomplishing the same amount of work that they used to. The person has pulled his or her heart out of the work.

Renée Arrington

The members find it gross and disgusting that United executives are going to benefit from the workers' sacrifices.

Joe Tiberi

We want to acknowledge the good deeds of Good Samaritans -- from professional rescue workers to passersby and everyday people -- who helped save the lives of people very close to us.

Jim Donahue

They knew that their only protection was in the power of the love of God and of their Iraqi and international co-workers.

Doug Pritchard

The population shrinks due to fewer children being born and a continuing rate of out-migration. The oil industry, especially offshore, needs lots of capital but it doesn't need a lot of workers.

Doug May

This is an active, not a passive, RFID system. It tells workers what to do with the vehicles and when.

Gary Latham

Employers are all too eager to exploit workers. This is no time to make that easier. What a double tragedy it would be to allow the destruction of Hurricane Katrina to depress living standards even further. Taking advantage of a national tragedy to get rid of a protection for workers the corporate backers of the White House have long wanted to remove is nothing less than profiteering.

John J. Sweeney

Workers are really feeling it.

Bo Brewer

Privatizing Social Security will take dollars out of young folks' pockets. If this proposal moves forward, workers today will not only see their benefits drastically reduced when they are ready to retire, but they will also bear the brunt of trillions of dollars added to the national debt because of this plan.

Max Baucus

She did not treat the people in the other camps, the workers and the key leaders, as adversaries. I think that was real important.

Larry Gibson

The workers have gone without a pay increase for three years. The workers will decide whether the deal is good enough for their families.

Dave Minshall

If a driver has left and a customer calls, they can trickle the request to a cellular network over the device. Instead of warehouse workers pulling inventory from the warehouse for delivery using one device and drivers out of range using a cellular phone, each could use the integrated device, and the enterprise would only have to maintain a single infrastructure to support that.

Jacob Christfort

It's sad. It's unfortunate that workers in every profession make very bad decisions, but hopefully people will see it's not everybody. I just hope people think priests are approachable. There are priests who are here to do the right thing. I will be faithful. I want to change people's views.

Richard O'donnell

The number of people around the world that are really qualified to substitute for American workers is much smaller than people believe.

Martin Baily

Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains.

Karl Marx

This is pretty much a whole new team. We lost about 13 guys from last season so we're still trying to figure some things out. The good thing is these guys are hard workers and they'll give everything they have.

Shawn Cunningham

Nobody motivates today's workers. If it doesn't come from within, it doesn't come. Fun helps remove the barriers that allow people to motivate themselves.

Herman Cain

This sends a strong message to growers that the law will not tolerate requiring workers to work off the clock.

Tom Lynch

But that transformation is not about improving health care. It is about saving money on the wages and benefits of workers and on lower quality care.

Sharleen Stewart

If women can be railroad workers in Russia, why can't they fly in space?

Valentina Tereshkova

There are 28 million people that went to work this morning who make less than the poverty level, ... Fifty percent of the workers in America used to draw defined benefit retirement plans when they finished their working careers. That number is down to 17 percent. More and more Americans face their old age without adequate financial resources to enjoy that retirement in dignity.

Bruce Raynor

Businesses will be adding workers, so productivity growth will stay modest in 2006. The increase in unit labor costs is something the Federal Reserve is aware of, and it adds to the case they're going to continue raising rates.

Michelle Girard

The minimum wage initiative speaks to whether we value work. Raising Montana's minimum wage to $6.15 an hour will allow more workers to support their families, more families to make ends meet and more Montanans to go to work instead of going on welfare. That saves taxpayers money.

Jon Tester

We park there all day. County workers park there everyday so it does concern us a little bit with the shape of it.

Jessica Wood

Such a step will affect 153 workers and there is a possibility that 120 of the workers will have to be laid off.

Reint Dykema

All the workers wanted to stay. They had nowhere else to go. Their future depends on this factory. So I started looking for work for us.

Conceicao Pinhao

Workers should be treated as individual professional public servants, not as bureaucrats. We tend to give everyone the same raise whether they're a fantastic worker or a mediocre worker.

Clay Johnson

I see it with college grads and older workers. Both think they've proved themselves and think they deserve a job.

Kate Wendleton

What we are seeing is an unraveling of the way we finance healthcare in the United States. It is coming apart at the edges, and those edges are small business and low-wage workers. The levees are breaking.

William Custer

It really is a last resort. This is something our workers don't want to do. But we really feel we're being boxed into a corner.

Matt Nerzig

There are a million anecdotes that show that the College hasn't given students fair warning about work that is being done to their rooms. Students have said that several times there have been two knocks on their door and it opens without warning. Others have experienced workers peering into their windows.

Matt Loesch

Workers recognize that humor can make an office a more pleasant place to work and while acknowledging that humor sometimes can be negative, they still want a workplace atmosphere where people can joke and have a good time.

Christopher Legrow

Reality speaks and it says that, absent Hispanic workers, we could not process chicken.

Tom Hensley

Everyone's making living wages, nobody's earning less than that, and they work with respect and dignity. We've done everything possible to show other restaurant owners how things could be better for them and for their workers.

Saru Jayaraman

The workers show up five days a week and work from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.. My absentee ratio is one in every three months, and that is usually due to a doctor's appointment or a serious illness. Half of them get here by themselves on public transportation, and we bus the other half here on state vans we get through grants.

Sherrie Briggs

Job growth is expected to continue for the healthcare sector in 2006, driving an extraordinary labor demand. As a result, the search for qualified workers is becoming increasingly competitive with the shortage of registered nurses, physical and respiratory therapists, radiology technicians and other positions.

Rosemary Haefner

I really like this group. Every single guy is very serious and very focused and, knowing my personality, that's big. They all work hard, almost like blue-collar workers, no nonsense, they get after the task and get it done.

Jim Leavitt

We don't want to go from being poor, undocumented workers to being poor, documented workers. It's not going to give us health care; it's not going to give us the overtime employers are not paying us.

Jorge Mujica

We have agreed that all the sacked workers return to work as we sort out other issues.

Issa Wafula

This is a more militant union that most public sector unions. These workers face on a daily basis far more difficult working conditions than the standard government employee. The workers as a group feel management is too heavy-handed. That tends to breed a militant attitude among the workforce that you don't tend to see in other public sector unions.

Richard Hurd

We sent out an e-mail to every school, to every principal, and made sure that they know they are not to be talking about the bond election, obviously with regards to having poll workers there and voters coming in.

Dan Hollar

While the prospect of firing your boss may be amusing, these are responses from frustrated workers. Bosses need to take a look at where they are falling short and make some changes in how they relate to their teams.

Rich Wellins

Gov. Romney's education reform plan addresses the single biggest challenge for our state's economy, which is supplying the pipeline of skilled workers that technology employers need for sustained future growth.

Christopher Anderson

If he was trying to protect the integrity of his co-workers, he would have taken the computer to the proper authorities. I question his integrity.

Randy Livingston

Aid workers are becoming increasingly concerned about the plight of the poorest people and their ability to acquire food from the markets ... There is a total scarcity of food.

Mike Huggins

The workers took matters into their own hands, using a blunt instrument to beat the rat into submission. The rat was DOA.

Dave Humphrey

We learned there was existing law in West Virginia about requiring documentation for workers, but there was no teeth to it.

Andy Mckenzie

[The strikers are on their own against] a very determined employer and a large pool of replacement workers, ... If things remain the same and continue on this path, then the strike would be doomed.

Gary Chaison

Home office professionals should be applauded. They demonstrate a great amount of initiative, ambition and perseverance - it's not easy to succeed in a work-from-home environment. At CEM, we've specifically designed services to assist home office workers - including administrative and marketing programs.

Tracey Crockett

As the Industrial Workers of the World said in 1905 "The Working Class and the Employing Class have nothing in common."I will accept Capitalism when we start counting Social Capital and Environmental Capital.

Michael Gowell

Dr. King stood for not just persons of color, but he also stood for women. He also stood for workers. He stood for unions. He stood for auto workers and all of those things, plus others.

Pat Clark

You're talking about affecting not just the hotels and farmers, but also the construction industry. A lot of the farms have already lost people because workers figured they could make more picking up a hammer than from picking crops.

Richard Oliphant

High oil prices are hitting costs and forcing manufacturers to look at how they can streamline their operations. Manufacturers are still shedding workers despite seeing output and orders increase.

Chris Williamson

It is time (for the government, workers and employers) to sit down together and discuss each other's aspirations.

Faisal Basri

It took a mammoth effort to prioritize patients and put a plan into place. Our home aid workers can't afford to take car services from one side of the Bronx to the other, so we booked microbuses, vans and town cars when we saw this thing coming.

Lyle Churchill

We believe that American workers are facing a historical crisis, ... There are 28 million Americans that went to work this morning who made less than the poverty level.

Bruce Raynor

We have strengthened our investigative capacity, extending investigations to include workers at the airport who we believe are facilitating the movement of drugs at the airports and on to aircraft.

Ssp Wilson

Without initiative, leaders are simply workers in leadership positions.

Bo Bennett

It is a very choppy market. The earlier hurricane threat did impact the U.S. oil market. Refinery runs were being reduced as workers got evacuated. Now Emily looks to be approaching.

Keiichi Sano

The key for McKinney is the mobility of our citizens. We're a big exporter of workers to areas south of here and if we can get people off (U.S.) 75, get them to park their car and ride into Dallas every morning, that would make a big difference in how we handle transportation.

Barry Shelton

Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes & dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, 'It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than to be selfish and worry about my liver.'

Jack Handey

Many people just think of illegal immigrants as workers, people who don't earn a high-school degree or people who are ignorant. But there are many students like me who want to be able to go to college and work.

Laura Castro

We are producing more jobs than the labor market has workers for ... we're desperate for immigration.

Joe Volpe

It is a borderline situation, and more and more children are slipping into this category. Aid workers told me the numbers are rapidly going up.

Bob Mccarthy

Although the governor has proposed putting a dent in the difference between New York and other states, even if workers comp reform and tax cuts were enacted tomorrow, it's going to take time for the benefits to flow. Unfortunately, a job growth projection behind the nation's rate seems realistic.

Matthew Maguire

Half of America's workers have no sick leave.

Jeffrey Levi

One man sent his girlfriend a huge bouquet of balloons to her office. Co-workers wanted to know who sent it and spent time trying to figure it out. She was embarrassed.

Barbara Pachter

Rescue workers found hundreds of dog carcasses chained to trees and posts where their owners had left them before fleeing the floods six months ago. Scores more of the poor animals died in veterinarian's offices and shelters that became flooded. I wonder if these animals realize how lucky they are.

Dennis Canning

They were hard workers and some of our top producers. These were low-key guys.

Jim Newell

Most of the guys recognize this is like staring a new business ? we need time. And, it's not a great time to start a business for workers because there's not a lot of work due to the weather.

Bill Threlkeld

It seems to us that the biggest security threat is coming from the outside, and not from the workers who live and work in those communities.

Steve Stallone

Former workers are most at risk for asbestos exposure.

Charles Green

It seems like consumer demand goes up and goes down. It does not track up and up each month, which would give employers confidence they can hire workers and have the work to sustain them.

Philip Kirschner

I think we're a working group, ... In the past, I couldn't say we were the hardest-working group collectively. You had individuals who worked hard, like Aaron and myself. Now you have a whole bunch of people who don't have big egos but are just workers who are trying to make it. You can't say we're not the hardest working group (on the team) anymore.

Kabeer Gbaja biamila

Statistics have revealed that the country is not able to cope with the rising number of workers employed in government jobs.

Shaikh Ahmed

I think it's unconscionable in this time of prosperity for [real estate owners] to demand a wage freeze and cut into long-existing health care plans for the workers.

Matt Nerzig

We feel this partnership really extends the whole value proposition for our customers who are information workers. It allows us to collectively deliver high-volume content to our mutual customers.

Bernard Robert

I'll say it will hurt minimum wage workers the most.

James Collins

They are coming in and making a very good reputation as highly skilled, highly motivated workers. The U.K. is pleased with the way it's progressed over the first 16 months, and we're confident it will be a beneficial relationship for both sides in the future.

Christopher Thompson

My job is to support our workers that are out there providing the services to the clients and to make sure that they've got the tools and the knowledge to do what has to be done.

Tim Settles

We publish for eight of the 10 fastest-growing professions in the U.S., because of the explosion in health-care workers.

Randy Charles

This plant makes money. They told us that they were making more tires than they ever did before and productivity's been the highest it's been at that plant for as long as they can remember . . . and today they dumped the bomb on those workers and their families.

Wayne Fraser

There is no place in our democracy for faulty voting equipment, long lines at the polls, untrained poll workers and any forms of chads.

Donna Brazile

There just aren't enough workers to replace the baby boomers.

Barbara Hall

Mayor Bloomberg has led the way for making New York City more business-friendly, and these grants are another great resource for the city's businesses and workers, ... Today, new technology can cause industries to change overnight. In order to stay competitive, businesses need highly-trained employees with a flexible skill set.

Robert Walsh

When we strengthen our cooperation and help workers in the same industry unite, everybody wins.

Andy Stern

If the workers took a notion they could stop all speeding trains; every ship upon the ocean they can tie with mighty chains.

Joe Hill

We can only provide workers to non-profit organizations. We have about 13 people place in Crawford County right now but would like to see more organizations open their doors to our workers.

Betty Johnson

Small businesses are an extremely important source of new jobs in California, and I am heartened that they are set to increase their staffing level this year. As those companies begin to hire additional workers, however, they are likely to find it more difficult to locate the best-suited individuals for the positions available, because the California labor market is becoming increasingly tight.

Keitaro Matsuda

There isn't going to be a big change in the number of U.S. IT workers, up or down, due to a number of reasons.

Kate Kaiser

I would say the vast majority are not in a day labor-type scenario. Contractors and employers have a need for good workers, and once they find them they keep them.

Jose Gonzalez

[Workers] are gravitating toward places of their choosing, ... Twenty years ago I'd say, 'I can't eat the scenery.' Today I can.

Larry Swanson

As an employment hub, the flow of workers into Ames is quite strong.

David Swenson

From New Hampshire to New Mexico, the Teamsters will continue to fight any bill that weakens the rights of workers or makes it easier for unscrupulous businesses to take away their benefits. Anti-worker groups think they can implement their national plan one state at a time, but the Teamsters will be there every time to oppose them.

Jim Hoffa

David did a lot of networking. He gave his card to everyone we came across, (even) insurance agents and utility workers. We trapped cats and whenever we heard a barking dog, we went for it.

Hilleary Bogley

We acknowledge we should have had better safeguards in place to make sure our (floor-cleaning) contractors hired only legal workers.

Mona Williams

Just as railroads and interstate highways shaped development in the past, the migration of knowledge workers will shape prosperity in the future. Cities that disregard this basic fact do so at their peril.

Joseph Cortright

A lot of these industries are having difficulty finding reliable workers with the skills they require.

Jerry Rubin

I am confident that the leaders will take the assurances to the workers. I am also confident that they will be able to solve the stalemate and full normalcy restored in the next few hours in the airports.

Praful Patel

The number of former Anaconda workers has really thinned out in recent years.

Frank Thompson

That is an insult to transit workers and an insult to every person in this city who depends on our bus and subway system.

Roger Toussaint

And quite frankly, if we look at the makeup of the House and the Senate and the White House, if we don't have bipartisan help, it's almost impossible to see any program that benefits workers.

Cecil Roberts

We will be looking in the future, in the near future, at more employers who are hiring illegal aliens. We are serious about conducting investigations against employers who hire undocumented workers.

Scott Hatfield

The decision to join or not join a service union, political party or other organization should be left up to the individual. No such organization has the right to take money out of the pockets of state workers without their proper consent.

Matt Blunt

The new data are particularly troubling for working people, showing backward movement for most workers. In short, the census data provide new evidence that, as in 2002 and 2003, the recovery was neither robust nor broad-based.

Robert Greenstein

This is the most important advance in public health since Sir Richard Doll identified that smoking causes lung cancer 50 years ago. Today's vote will protect thousands of workers and save many lives.

Alex Markham

Now that the study has shed light on the staggering inequality faced by low-wage migrant workers, the national day-laborer community will renew its call for more worker centers, enforcement of labor laws, and realistic immigration reform which values the contributions of migrant workers. We call all responsible members of our society to support the day-worker community in these endeavors.

Pablo Alvarado

There are 2,400 workers out there. They can't all get to the mayor and ask questions.

Denis Finley

It's also a special place for [Easton] Town Hall and library workers. The employees often take their lunch to the park and walk here on their lunch hour. How many places around here can you walk across the street and do that? Not many.

Carolyn Battaglia

We know about workers [with permits] to work inside Israel, and one day these people [have] their work permit confiscated because they refuse to collaborate with the Israelis.

Bassem Eid

Why would you let ASC build the car when you've got an empty plant there and workers you pay?

Brett Smith

Denying all possibility of settling in the UK to lower skilled and unskilled migrant workers could create a workforce ripe for abuse by exploitative employers.

Habib Rahman

Jersey City Heights has become like Hoboken west. For people like firefighters, policemen and city workers [in Hoboken], it difficult to pay these rents.

Sean Fallon

But the contract stipulates that the workers must receive a daily wage of 3000 FCFA.

Faure Gnassingbe

We have a strategy to train workers to rebuild their communities, ... We must learn from this tragedy and help these workers start over. We must help our fellow Americans build new communities and new lives.

James R. Hoffa (jimmy)

We had had several mine disasters where workers, some of the workers were rescued. It was, you know, who was lucky and who weren't. Some would find the air pockets But, in this one, bam, it was just, everybody was gone and it greatly depressed the state.

Richard Grimes

We're here, along with a lot of other organizations, to say that the World Trade Organization is essentially writing the rules for a new global economy that really don't incorporate the concerns of workers, environmentalists (and) consumers.

Chuck Collins

[It's a situation no one likes--not GM and not workers like Taylor.] I'm getting an opportunity to help out, and my community is getting free labor, ... But I enjoyed my job, and I hated to see it go. I want to be in the plant, working.

Ida Scott Taylor

These mega-companies, they don't care. They act as if these workers are disposable.

Nina Sachs

Our products are safe and have always been safe, and Ag-Mart stands behind its commitment to its workers, retail customers and consumers.

Leo Bottary

It was lunchtime and we saw the workers there leaving, including Childress.

Rich Morone

It will take among other things changes in government to make workers feel secure enough to exercise this right.

Louis Malizia

It will help retain workers that we have and hopefully attract new workers to the system.

Greg Bird

We're just going to do the best we can to. I just hope it's not too late and we lose our workers now. It's hard to get workers down here in the summer time.

Vernon Guthrie

We had seven workers from our district who were on this assignment. To their memory, the highway had never been closed for snow removal before.

Troy Bowers

People grumble about Hispanic employees being here, but they're the only workers we can get. They take jobs that no one in this country wants.

Doug Holland

Workers have returned and started the evening shift. The blockade was opened voluntarily, and the protesters have given their demands to Freeport and the local administration. We will continue discussing their demands.

Siddharta Moersjid

This judgment proves that the workers must become priority creditors and that administrators should consult with unions before laying off any workers.

Adrian Ross

Both parties have a genuine desire to resolve their differences. They have agreed to resume negotiations while the [Transit Workers Union] takes steps to return its membership.

Richard Curreri

Burnout is prevalent at all levels of the professional hierarchy from low status positions, such as call centre workers, to teachers, those in the social or medical fields and middle management in general.

Peter Richter

It just adds to the total vibe of the show. We're supposed to be construction workers.

Tim Varney

It's a good thing we found him tonight instead of tomorrow when one of the workers came in.

Ralph Pollock

Workers making more than $100,000 in yearly salary.

Cynthia Morgan

The project is in agreement with the environmental and technical government requirements and is expected to offer employment opportunities for 130 managerial and trained workers.

Ali Karimi

I am not sure farm workers are any better off today.

Cruz Reynoso

Only workers can decide whether or not there will be a strike Monday morning. The workers hope it doesn't come to a strike. This is a tough call for workers' families.

Dave Minshall

With gas prices so high, it takes away from what health care workers like myself can take home every week.

Lisa Reed

This is not a time for pride. Allow yourself to accept help from others to help you get back on your feet. Help can come from many places, such as governmental and nonprofit agencies, friends, family, neighbors, churches, your employer and co-workers, even strangers.

Lynn Lawrance

All of our employees have really stepped up and helped out, ... We have had to increase the hours of those workers, but we've been told to keep track of expenses to be reimbursed.

Anthony Morris

These centers have taken off because we're seeing an increase in the number of workers in precarious employment situations.

Janice Fine

What is certain to me is that the medical workers are going to eventually be released. But that will be a result of a political deal.

George Joffe

The important role of union organizations must be admitted: their object is the representation of the various categories of workers, their lawful collaboration in the economic advance of society, and the development of the sense of their responsibility for the realization of the common good.[source].

Pope Paul Vi

Is it the employer who controls whether an employee gets to take comp time or overtime or the employee? ... When unions hear 'flexibility' they hear employers (not workers) get the flexibility to schedule the work.

Thomas Kochan

In the last few years, various laws protecting farm workers were approved in California, thanks to the UFW. The Times doesn't make it clear that the constitution was changed in order to include those who work in agriculture-related fields, like packers.

Tanis Ybarra

You're obviously going to be at a disadvantage if you are going to recruit workers that might not look at a company that doesn't offer benefits like that.

Jen Jorgensen

After looking at all of the 500 pieces, I think they were either some sort of game pieces or were used for trading by Chinese workers. I lean toward the game pieces, though.

Jim Bowers

There's a real demand for workers in developed countries, and excess population in many developing countries, so migration is showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Mark Weber

It's all about the level-and sincerity of employee appreciation. Workers who feel taken for granted will not stick around when they have other choices.

Joyce Gioia

How many more must die? We are not negotiating or asking the Government for something. We simply want an Act that has been passed in Parliament to be implemented for the safety of all workers.

Robert Giuseppi

We as a nation lose if workers aren't healthy, ... It's an investment in workers' health and productivity to make sure they get the medical care they need.

Karen Davis

We're hopeful this turns into something that becomes a standard for performance in terms of how you treat your workers and train them. For businesses making decisions, we don't want Florida farms left out because of labor practices.

Ray Gilmer

The strike has begun. I believe it can have an effect (on production) because we have workers across sectors.

Danilo Jorquera

We will do whatever is within our powers to try and get rid of this disease for all of our friends and family...[s]o that our friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers will never have to know what it's like to be so young without a mom to go to for advice or a simple hug.

Julie Foglesong

Using your Web log to trash or embarrass the company, our customers, or your co-workers, is not only dangerous but stupid.

Sun Microsystems

You could order these guys back to work, but the question is what kind of productivity you're going to get out of those workers, ... Slowdowns can be almost more disruptive than flat-out work stoppages.

Robin Lanier

It is vital that accurate information on workers underground are available if mine accidents occur so rescue teams can immediately ascertain who is trapped underground, who has been saved and in what sectors of the mine people are still trapped. Rescue teams can waste valuable time in finding out who is trapped underground or by looking for people who have already been brought to the surface.

Jans Wessels

We are hopeful that the two governments will be able to reach an agreement in the near future that will be beneficial to U.S. cement producers and their workers.

Joe Dorn

I am delighted. I think the failure of the injunction is good news for today and for the future. Of course, the only bad news today is casino workers who aren't covered.

Regina Carlson

The governor is playing politics with the lives of riders and workers. By leaving workers no alternative to strike, he opened the door to more privatization.

Yvette Salazar

A number of the Andalusia Leisure staff was awarded at the banquet, they represented the City of Andalusia very well. That shows that the City of Andalusia has a lot of professional and well skilled workers.

Dianne Jones