If it's just 100 we won't need any additional personnel, ... It just depends on how they fall out grade wise.

I recognise that any sentence I impose will not bring Triston back or give any real consolation to his family.

Some people think we'll end up keeping in the neighborhood of 50 percent of them, ... As they (parents) are enrolling the children, it's with the understanding they'll be here for a while.

We are really not sure how it's going to affect the calendar, ... Depending on the state level, it may be weighted where we don't have to make up the time.

Our major concern right now is any side effects from just going through the trauma, ... We are really trying to get our counselors and teachers aware and sensitive to those type of things coming up.

Any deviation will affect us somewhat, ... But we don't think it would be significant enough to affect it tremendously.

All of our employees have really stepped up and helped out, ... We have had to increase the hours of those workers, but we've been told to keep track of expenses to be reimbursed.

This killing was gratuitous, unprovoked and premeditated.

The majority of ours are good, and the majority of them are good, ... I can't really say (the fights) are because they are here.