My boss supports it. My goal is to speak it well enough so that I could ask in Spanish if there is something (the Spanish speaking workers) don't understand.

Scott Knowlen

Insurance is good for children and construction workers. If a child's phone breaks, the parent pays for repairs, if it's repairable. If not, they're faced with buying a new phone, which now costs $225 instead of the original $19.95 contract price. With the average cost of insurance set at $5 month, it could be well worth the investment.

Jim Cannon

We are all peaceful, just hard workers, and just want an opportunity.

Miguel Garcia

Employers are trying to give workers vehicles ? such as lifestyle funds ? that make diversification easier.

Lori Lucas

At the time, there were very few foreign names in the press and they were all factory workers. I thought I'd never get a job at a university with a foreign name.

Carl Rakosi

These natural and human tragedies provided the headline news; they also provoked a quite remarkable humanitarian response. It has been clear that in the course of this year relief workers and financial support have come from members of every faith and from every corner of the world.

Queen Elizabeth

The most significant challenge, the No. 1 issue, is hiring skilled workers.

Sara Hart

This [report] is a step back, a lot less looking at the trees than at the forest. It helps workers to make a comparison about what they earn relative to other areas.

Charlotte Yee

Denver is like Washington, D.C.. We've got so many government workers that labor is really expensive. That's why we are in Tennessee.

Jack Weil

You get out of it what you put into it, and those guys are hard workers. They're just reaping what they sow.

Nick Jones

I've been to Africa many times in the past 20 years, but I can't believe this is the first time since the very first Red Nose Day, that I've been back to Ethiopia. The last time I was here was just after the famine and it was crazy, there were people all over the place, kids without families, aid workers, camera crews.

Lenny Henry

Your effort in meeting Tree Line USA requirements -- training your workers in quality tree-care practices and helping your customers to plant appropriate trees near utility lines not only helps to provide beautiful trees for the future, but also results in long-term operational savings for you company.

John Rosenow

Governor Taft has presided over a Republican culture of corruption in Columbus that includes pay-to-play schemes with lobbyists and workers' compensation funds being funneled to the president's re-election campaign.

Josh Earnest

We take a very realistic approach to what it takes to retain workers.

Michael Richards

They had a tent city set up for the workers to stay in, and there were probably about 100 there that first night. But by the time we left, there were probably 500 people staying there.

Scott Norris

There will be tough competition for workers in 2008, (200)9 and (20)10 and this gives Echelon a really good edge in attracting the very best employees.

Andrew Zarnett

I'm going to stay at this plant as long as I can. I care about the lower pay, but someone needs to help workers here understand what went wrong and the message of unionism.

Todd Jordan

We all agree that eight percent is nothing to the low-paid security workers, similarly, 11% is just nothing.

Cavis Tshabiso

Dennis Rivera has been a close friend . . . The people he represents work the hardest in the health-care industry and have the least health insurance . . . The only conversation we are having is about giving all workers in this city the right to decent health care.

Freddy Ferrer

We had one Marxist history teacher who taught a straight Marxist view of history, ... I remember he once asked where diamonds got their value. Someone said, 'because they're beautiful'. He said, 'no, no'. Someone else said, 'supply and demand'. He said, 'no'. Someone else said, 'from the sweat of the workers in the mines!' And he said 'right!'

Victor Navasky

The Wilson County Partnership for Children is proud to be a part of this major child care community effort to bring such a high-quality conference to our area. This event reflects the hard work of several local agencies, and will provide benefits to a large number of child care workers who attend the workshops.

Jim Hawley

The issue is giving the workers the right to choose whether they want to engage in collective bargaining.

Antony Dugdale

Transportation Workers Union (TWU) officials are not only holding New York City and its economy hostage to their self-serving demands, but they are potentially jeopardizing the jobs of New York City's 30,000 mass transit workers.

Stefan Gleason

We're something they might not be used to yet. We're not babysitters, we're not day care workers - there are plenty of other people who offer those services. We're just a place where students can come to get a leg up on life.

Ron Mccormick

In late February, early March, the hiring season will start to blossom again and what that means is more workers. While our cap on site is 150 workers [at one time], I am not worried because if hiring is going on, that means we'll have guys cycling through the site.

Bill Threlkeld

This joint effort will result in strong representation for all workers at the newly merged airline, ... As the industry endures continued economic uncertainty, this agreement will ensure that nearly 10,000 workers are united in their fight for fair treatment and job security.

James R. Hoffa (jimmy)

Trust and reputation are universal qualities that clearly benefit every professional, small business and corporation. Now individual workers can benefit as well.

Scott Pitchford

Unions are upset that this happened. I know [the Ramada] has received a lot of letters of support to the general manager asking them to hire back the workers.

Rita Leckie

There's a general view that farmers just want to hire cheap labor, and they could find plenty of workers if they were just willing to pay better wages. But the wage data show that the average farm worker already makes nearly twice the minimum wage, with benefits on top of that.

Patrick O'brien

Although some workers retired at 55 because of failing health, these results clearly show that early retirement is not associated with increased survival. On the contrary, mortality improved with increasing age at retirement for people from both high and low socio-economic groups.

Shan Tsai

Workers and their families should not have been kept waiting. Payment now should be speedy to prevent further hardship.

Adrian Ross

Many are actually stealing workers from each other.

Beth Busch

I was concerned for everybody else, my co-workers.

Diane Morgan

The effect of bankruptcies is to give all the workers so much of a hair cut that they are still willing to come to work, but they are just willing to come to work.

Douglas Baird

Emergency workers from around the world began showing up immediately after the storm.

Terry Steed

We think his policies are totally contrary to what we want for Latin America and are promoting genocide, domination of workers and their communities and the plundering of natural resources.

Juan Gonzalez

Chinese workers working in Chinatown are quite vulnerable. For them to be willing to come file a lawsuit in their names shows they are not only outraged, they are ready to stand up.

Peter Kwong

To a certain extent, the people in the Workers Party despise the give-and-take of the democratic process. They found it was a lot more expedient to simply buy people off.

David Fleischer

It looks like these illegal workers were hired by contractors and not directly by Wal-Mart. Is this really bad press or slightly bad press? I think it's the latter. If Wal-Mart was hiring from sweatshops, that would be much worse.

Mark Mandel

The report was surprisingly weak and highlights the reality that, until forced to do so by ever-increasing demand, firms will not commit to new workers.

Joel Naroff

These lower-premium plans can mask hidden costs for federal employees, ... The cheaper premium is usually coupled with higher deductibles, meaning federal workers will simply pay higher out-of-pocket costs or avoid visiting the doctor.

Colleen Kelley

The vote expands health care for workers, stops large, profitable companies from shifting their health care costs onto taxpayers, and makes sure all large, profitable employers pay their fair share for health care.

Paul Blank

The corporation ... didn't want to share it with the workers.

Bob Chernecki

From our perspective, temporary-worker programs, in their very structure, limit their workers' rights.

Sonia Ramirez

We are in the process of issuing smart cards to all airport workers and installing iris scans around the high security areas.

Pamela Kuypers

What you see at the top of our list is that the companies have roughly a 65/35 ratio of white workers to workers of color. That far outweighs the labor pool in this country.

Luke Visconti

For years, Microsoft Exchange and Outlook shared calendar users have been attempting to use the free/busy status to indicate the availability of co-workers. This has not proven successful as users do not typically enter lunch times and personal appointments in their shared calendar.

Mark Werner

Perhaps some people, for bad reasons, don't want to be monitored because they're not the most productive. Even good workers could take some offense to being monitored, as if maybe there is a lack of trust in what they're doing.

Russell Walters

It makes it easier for workers to make a fair choice.

Candice Johnson

We are extremely concerned for our workers and want nothing more than to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. It is unfortunate that Mr. Stern has allowed this risky situation to continue when he has the power to intervene and negotiate a solution.

Cristin Brown

The Department of Labor is committed to getting benefits to eligible workers and their families as quickly as possible.

David James

The U.S. postal service has more workers in big cities where there is more mail. Our land management agencies deserve the same treatment. Imagine if a piece of mail sat for six months before being delivered.

J. Larry Nichols

Money buys a lot of things. The fact that foreign workers would have access to how the United States screens various containers for nuclear material and how this technology scrutinizes the containers _ all those things allow someone with a nefarious intention to thwart the screening.

Robert Sheridan

They're doing it to appeal to the younger workers.

Gary Chaison

Rescue workers are trying to find survivors feared to have been trapped under the ruins.

Lutfullah Mashal

Support from family, friends and co-workers is an essential part of successful quitting and staying smoke-free.

Rez Seyedin

We should further advocate the spirit of model workers to influence hundreds of millions working people in the country.

Wang Zhaoguo

In the next three years, 75 percent of corporate workers will be mobile at least 25 percent of the time. It is not going to be a one-size-fits-all Wintel (Windows/Intel) monopoly like its been in the past, its going to be a real hodgepodge and that's not a bad thing. It creates innovation. But convergence is not going to happen in the traditional sense.

Jack Gold

We can?t keep waiting to have affordable health insurance for our families. Health insurance premiums at Brittany Farms cost workers over $300 a month; so, many go without family coverage. It?s time to start moving forward at Brittany Farms.

Sheila Ramirez

The study reveals the highly collaborative relationship between managers and support staff. These roles have become increasingly interdependent, particularly as administrative workers have assumed greater responsibilities. Both groups are willing to go the extra mile to create a healthy, productive dynamic that enables them to meet business and professional goals.

Diane Domeyer

The biggest challenge is how to help injured workers and smooth the transition back into the workplace.

Steve Mahoney

This is something to ease the pain. Our goal was to obtain the highest level of benefit for the workers.

Mark Glyptis

We know it will be an uphill battle. Establishing a state minimum wage higher than the federal wage will actually hurt job creation and the very people it's supposed to help, the entry-level workers.

Farrell Quinlan

Firing these bosses may be a drastic action — instead workers need to provide their bosses with feedback about what will make them better leaders. Poor people skills may not cost the boss their job, but it is costing them the confidence of their teams.

Rich Wellins

I knew right from the start that those who carried me on their shoulders will hurl stones at me one day. How was I to tell the workers 'now you will all be jobless'? But we had no choice.

Lech Walesa

When the worker's safe, the resident's safe. But when the workers are unsafe, it's only a matter of time before a resident gets injured.

Wayne Young

On the most basic human level, it's been a tremendous success. It's put a lot more money in the pockets of some 9,000 workers.

Carol Oppenheimer

We're off to a great start in 2006 for broadband events, first with this year's Olympics, and now with March Madness. CBS had a great opportunity to stream out-of- market content to office workers during a high point of the college sports year, and managed to take advantage of the confluence of high consumer interest, great content and the inability of office workers to leave their desks.

Jon Gibs

We obviously need the workers for a lot of jobs.

Karl Benson

They have opened up the parsonage as sort of a staging area where they give food and supplies to the many workers who have come.

Craig Nichoson

My job is to grow this business. We've got programs with great opportunities and that's what I want workers to keep focused on.

Lee Williams

Each (market) caters to a little different buyer profile. Columbia is more of a local business. Bluffton is a good mix of locals and people moving in. Greenville, we are seeing Florida (transplants), some retirees, manufacturing (workers and executives).

Jeff Meyer

If it wasn't for union workers and labor unions, there would be no 40-hour work weeks, eight-hour work days, pensions or vacations.

Dr. Thomas Graham

We in Washington, D.C., are experiencing the best of times but yet the worst of times. The number of jobs is rising, but so is unemployment. Go to these construction sites. You'll find that a majority of construction workers are not District residents.

Marion Barry

It's a huge increase and unfortunately it's not a surprise. It's all tied to the cost of health insurance. It's either employers dropping coverage, which we haven't seen much of, or employers raising the cost of coverage to workers, so they can no longer afford it.

John Mcdonough

I think we've passed an inflection point. We're seeing an end to the golden period of extremely low-cost labor in China. There are plenty of workers, but the supply of uneducated workers is shrinking.

Hong Liang

You knew some catch-up was going to have to occur on the wage front after two years of wage compression for the public sector workers.

Keith Collister

The retirement of the baby boomers and a lack of qualified job candidates are threatening the ability of manufacturers to replace skilled workers and add more jobs, even as their business prospects improve.

Peter Gioia

[The Transport and General Union (T&G) launched the employment tribunal case on behalf of about 5,000 workers.] Workers and their families should not have been kept waiting, ... This proves that workers must become priority creditors, and administrators should consult with unions before laying anyone off.

Adrian Ross

Short of building an electrified border, we cannot stop the flow. We have to form laws so we can control the flow [of immigrants] in a rational way, but also match the supply of these workers to the demand there is for them.

Maria Juega

In our last conversation, Angel told me that she was exhausted but was going to celebrate her co-worker's birthday. She loved her friends and family and was always looking to celebrate their accomplishments even if it meant sacrificing a few extra hours of sleep.

Amanda Davis

Our biggest challenge will be to attract our food service workers back -- to get them to return to New Orleans. The biggest problem at this point is for the restaurants to get employees. The situation provides an opportunity for new people to get a position at a great restaurant, where openings rarely had been available.

Tom Weatherly

The migrant workers shall have the same rights as the local residents in terms of their participation in the management of municipal affairs. In the future, they will have more channels to advance their opinions and proposals.

Wang Zongyan

Since we are on the front lines and have undocumented workers, it (legislation) will point the way for businesses to come here. They will not have to worry about a potential illegal workforce. They will have a legal workforce.

Farrell Quinlan

For the most part, we are still a service economy. But I see a lot of new businesses with a need for higher skills moving into the market, and I think that will naturally spill over into other applications and create more need for skilled workers.

Andy Katz

Our strong preference is to have our striking workers return to work.

Bud Grebey

There's a critical need that construction firms have for new workers.

Keith Woods

I believe America's aerospace industry is gravely threatened by the aggressive subsidies and support that Europe showers on its domestic industry. Our workers and our economy will pay a high price if we don't wake up to this threat and take action.

Patty Murray

Seniors provide us with a background of knowledge and experience that in this booming economy, where you can't find workers, they can fill the gaps and make companies whole again.

Sam Johnson

Maybe the driver was foreign and new to the area. Workers who have been here some time will be aware of the problem.

Fred Brown

The part-time issue is an absolute red herring. Our part-time workers are doing the same work they've done at UPS for the last 30 years.

Dave Murray

This is not for social code violations. This resolution addresses problems with maintenance workers.

Jared Fine

The governor has serious concerns about the unanswered questions about privacy, cost and the consequences of turning motor vehicle workers into de facto agents of Homeland Security.

Pamela Walsh

These aren't the kind of records to put on a shelf and brag about because they spell bad news for American industry, workers and families.

Sherrod Brown

To help strive for zero accidents, workers are often given jackets, shirts or other rewards.

Commissioner David Maple

On a practical level, the design creates a new direct link to Governors Island for both tourists and Island workers from both Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn. The system is very light, using only three supports, none of which stands in the water, so the shipping channels are left completely open.

Santiago Calatrava

The problem in agriculture in Florida is, every year we have 15,000 to 20,000 new workers who enter and all those new workers are undocumented from Mexico and Central America.

Rob Williams

I have the support of the law enforcement community, I have the support of my co-workers, I am blessed with a group of friends and family who will work hard for me and I promise to work hard for them and all of the people of Saline County.

Ken Casady

[According to PPS, one of the keys to employee satisfaction is performance-based advancement and rewards.] Workers should be treated as individual professional public servants, not as bureaucrats, ... We tend to give everyone the same raise whether they're a fantastic worker or a mediocre worker.

Clay Johnson

I just wish there were more labor workers here. With the way conditions are, we don't have more labor. Hopefully, Toronto will have us back here next year and more people will come for the entertainment.

Mel Clark

It's had a big impact on the economy, especially as conventions have had to relocate. But by the end of the year, I think we are going to see recovery workers leaving and more venues opening up. I don't think tourists are going to give up on the city for long.

Cathy Keefe

I've lost three of my buddies. Three of them died, and I'm the one who survived. They weren't just co-workers, they were my friends.

Jeff Bridges

As technology improves, you need less space and less labor. That also means workers need to be much more skilled.

Weston Sedgwick

With the labor market tightening, particularly for people with college degrees, it makes it increasingly difficult for companies to find highly skilled and talented workers.

Mark Marcon

Racism, in the first place, is a weapon used by the wealthy to increase the profits they bring in by paying Black workers less for their work.

Angela Davis

Media workers, accountants, business leaders, overweight residents and people at high risk of contagious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, are most vulnerable to sleep disorders.

Liu Yanjiao

CBC management is punishing these shows for a decline in ratings - a decline clearly brought on by its own brutal decision to lock out 5,000 professional workers last fall.

Stephen Waddell

We have truckers. We have construction workers, we have fence companies who have already offered their services free of charge, who want to get involved in this project.

Carmen Mercer

We expect that the large majority of employers, because of the education involved, will understand, and they will not punish or retaliate against their workers. We are confident that they understand this is not only affecting their work force, but themselves.

Sandra Sanchez

You could say this election is a victim of its own success. The poll workers were overwhelmed. But the good news is, people were motivated and not scared.

John Merrill

We ought to have a seat at the table so we can protect the interests of workers.

Chuck Collins

The program is very bureaucratic. Commonly, a producer has to contract with an outside consultant in order to hire guest workers, and there's no guarantee the work force will be available when you need employees. Also, the program is seasonal in nature, so it doesn't benefit agricultural operations such as dairies that need labor year-round.

Megan Wheaton

Pushing to import more than 200,000 foreign workers a year to take good American jobs.

Spencer Abraham

We support the legislation introduced by Senators Jim Ritchie and Scott Richardson along with Rep. Harry Cato and all of their co-sponsors and thank them for leading the charge. The dramatic cost increases are hurting the state's business climate. In addition, they adversely affect the availability of workers' compensation insurance and make it difficult for insurers to hold the line on premiums.

Robert Herlong

If they strike, there's the potential that the workers will bring Delphi down and bring GM down along with it. Do they want to be responsible for that, and at the same time lose all their jobs?

Bruce Belzowski

There was clearly a workers comp policy here.

Robert Watson

We have received expressions of interest from a large number of Continental fleet-service workers and customer-service agents.

Joe Tiberi

It's put us like five weeks behind. It's frustrating for the workers who want to be done and the people who live out there who really want it opened.

Melanie Coon

Workers in larger companies don't worry about being educated, they just assume that IT handles everything. Big company employees just don't see security as their responsibility.

Bob Hansmann

It became so stressful because a lot of the workers couldn't understand what I was saying.

Jennifer Smith

What really galls me is the fact that – even with the $150 million, even though we're going to be subsidizing those jobs between $30,000 and $40,000 a year – the company is still looking for concessions from the workers out there.

Gerry Reid

Two workers were sent to hospital but we confirmed they were not exposed to any radiation.

Naoki Kumagai

Historically, nonprofits are working on a shoestring. These organizations are desperate for workers and will to take anyone to work. Some of the people we send won't be very helpful. How could we charge for hundreds and hundreds of hours when I'm the only person in the department? It would be a nightmare to bill. I don't think it's realistic.

Nancy Keating

It's a major problem when workers don't show up. There's not a lot of 'fluff' in many businesses any more. Products aren't made, products aren't shipped, projects aren't done. It's a big problem for businesses.

Nancy Kaylor

Today, the logic is to say that we must do everything to prevent unemployment, so companies should not be able to lay workers off. But the real question should be how do we make getting a job easier?

Laurence Parisot

The best investment we can make for our future is investing in our current and future workers.

Roberta Gassman

The majority of people there could have easily been my parents, or they were elderly. Nick and I were by far the youngest people there, besides the workers.

Josh Taylor

If the idea of the borough was to make the workers disappear, that failed completely. We now have the workers in downtown in many corners.

Mahonrry Hidalgo

Older workers are not as motivated by income but by meaning.

David Delong

We faced one of the most difficult challenges in bargaining that we have in a good many years, ... the Ford workers probably knew that more than anyone, given the amount of downtime they've had, given the uncertainty, the media speculation of workplace closures and layoffs.

Buzz Hargrove

Many workers who are closer to retirement can be tempted to consume rather than save.

Lori Lucas

Employers should encourage workers to take breaks throughout the day ... overqualified employees will get bored in their jobs much quicker than those who find their work more challenging.

Hernan Daguerre

We don't think these temporary workers have the commitment and training to do their jobs properly. People's lives could be at risk if they receive the wrong medication or dosage.

Jack Hammond

Sharon Wilson is one of the hardest workers in Ector County. It's a shame what has happened.

Gene Collins

Your bond rating is not so high, and you have a lot of government workers. That's not a good thing for us.

David G. Tuerck

We cannot have these lower wages dragging everyone else down. We've got to bring Connecticut workers up.

John Dugan

Creating voluntary personal retirement accounts for our workers just entering the work force are a good idea that Congress should examine.

Mel Martinez

The flows are getting bigger. We're sending more workers and we're sending more teachers compared with entertainers. So when they remit, it's bigger.

Jonathan Ravelas

Commissioner Coyle said later that he voted for that [motion] because it was the best he could do to give the [Fort Monmouth] workers some time.

Rush Holt

We are definitely one of the bigger employers in Coventry. We have someone for everything - med techs, nurses, food service and social workers.

John Gage

Of those who said their co-workers act like monkeys, 47 percent plan to change jobs in the next two years. If your boss acts like Tarzan and your workplace is a zoo, it may be time to join these workers in moving on to a better job opportunity.

Rosemary Haefner

The last round of layoffs were directly related to natural gas prices. This last round was a group of workers I didn't want to let go, but utility costs forced us into a position where we had to.

Dave Mccullough

The trend in the last couple of years has been a decline in unemployment. I'm seeing certain occupational sectors showing signs of strain where they are not able to find enough workers.

Shelley Allen

This tragic week should serve as a wake-up call to all employers and workers. We know from experience that the overwhelming majority of deaths and workplace injuries can be predicted and therefore prevented.

John Merritt

This contract is a major victory for patients. It is unfortunate that these workers had to strike for 7 days and get locked out in order to win better patient care standards. But now standards at Eden are finally in line with those at every other Sutter hospital in the Bay Area.

Sal Rosselli

Everyone is proud of the dedication and focus the ride-out crew displayed. Since Katrina, I have seen this same dedication and focus displayed daily on the work being done on external tanks despite the personal issues most of our workers face.

Patrick Scheuermann

We're already straining to fulfill demand. If (construction workers who are here illegally) are removed from the workforce, the housing business will suffer tremendously.

Michael Fink

It has to do with some of the scare tactics being used by members of the American Postal Workers Union locally in Sioux City. They should know better. In fact, they do know better.

Richard Watkins

We are fighting for justice and dignity for the farm workers who put food on your table and the maids who clean your rooms.

Jaime Martinez

Some of (my former co-workers) lost their houses and their cars. Some were in a lot worse financial shape than I was. Fortunately, I had help from my family and my spouse and her family, so I was able to manage.

Tim Geagley

Senator Clinton was out there, making sure that money that was promised to New York for medical monitoring for firefighters, for police officers and all healthcare workers ? all rescue workers and recovery workers ? was not forgotten about.

Peter Gorman

We're not mad at anybody, but we believe that we have to build a labor movement that focuses on organizing unorganized workers who want to be unions, on partnering with employers who want to work with us and on integrating immigrants into our society.

John Wilhelm

Many representatives of workers that are willing to talk will be at the table. The bonus is not part of the talks.

Jorge Sanhueza

To be able to have the opportunity to provide these workers representation, we're just very excited about that.

Arturo Rodriguez

Joe and Pat were longtime workers there.

Rita Leckie

One misconception is that we work for insurance companies or the Division of Worker's Compensation. We're doctors who take care of patients the same as anyone.

Dr. Mac Johnson

Coal production will not resume at the Sago Mine until our internal investigation of the accident is completed and we can share those findings with the families and co-workers of those lost in that tragic accident. We hope to conclude those efforts in the very near future.

Bennett K. Hatfield

And one could argue that a high quality of patient care also translates into a higher quality of life, making it easier to recruit and attract workers and businesses.

Kent Gardner

It seems quite clear that while a lot of left-wing intellectuals, opposition politicians, social workers and journalists were offended by these terms, the man and woman in the street was not in the least upset.

Pascal Perrineau

Workers are afraid they will not be asked back if they complain.

Mark Heller

Native workers are not stupid, they move to where there are higher wages and fewer immigrants.

George Borjas

Anyone captured after this, as will surely be the case, will not be so lucky. These oil workers will soon understand that they don't stand a chance relying on the promises of safety by the Nigerian government and military.

Jomo Gbomo

AIDS could ravage China's working-age population. Sick workers don't produce and there will be tremendous discipline problems as people become desperate.

David Bloom

Our society's culture and mentality have got to change, away from the idea that all average workers are second-class citizens.

Raul Vera

I do not support raising the minimum wage, and the reason is as follows. When the minimum wage is raised, workers are priced out of the market. That is the economic reality that seems, at least so far, to be missing from this discussion.

John Sununu

The idea that 11 million here illegally are going to sign up for a program that is going to (eventually) result in their removal is unworkable. Most won't sign up. The good news is that (Bush) continues to address the issue and he hasn't backed down from the point of view that temporary workers need to be part of it. But politically, they've made a mishmash of this issue.

Frank Sharry

Ending mandatory retirement would allow workers to retire based on lifestyle, circumstance and priorities.

Chris Bentley

This is not a labor dispute. This is negotiations. Pemco has declared war on the workers.

Bob Wood

These migrant workers are just poor people who, by no fault of their own, become illegal.

Shevy Korzen

The bottom line is to protect the rights of workers and value lives.

Xi Jianguo

I think workers are increasingly going to be on their own as they plan for retirement. They are not going to be able to rely on their employers and on the government as they have in the past.

Dr. Richard Johnson

We take labor for granted. Look at the people, the firemen, police and medical workers who are working around the clock in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Many of them are union members and they are showing what we do for our fellow man.

Jim Casey

And, as crews fly together and overnight together in far-flung lonely hotels, harassment from co-workers is again more likely to happen. Jobs that require endless travel and time away from home and family are a painful challenge.

Russ Ricci

The jobs numbers will be less reliable. If they are stronger, people will say it's because people had to hire more workers because of Katrina and it's only temporary. And if it's weaker people will also say that it's Katrina-related, ... The Fed's job has just gotten harder.

Bill Davison

They got the money, have them push it this way. Put it to the workers and keep the money in Colorado. Why send it out of state?

Yvette Salazar

I mean, we're trying to protect the interests of working families and these attacks in several different areas have been directed at workers.

John J. Sweeney

The company wants to have the right to do what they want with the worker, make them hit the road. We know the testing is good, but the workers know the risks in the field. The workers know not to use brute force to lift things.

Casimiro Alvarez

[In the technical industry, there is concern about losing workers in highly technical jobs, such as engineering and science.] The concern is if you have a large proportion leaving at the same time, ... how is that knowledge being captured (transferred)? Many companies are looking at how to do this through phased retirement.

Deborah Russell

The Communist Workers Party had a racial and economic analysis that was all too true. We've seen this with what has happened with Hurricane Katrina.

Joyce Johnson

It is worrisome if health care workers are not alert and taking specimens if they suspect an influenza-type illness.

Hans Troedsson

There's a clear consensus that we should give (undocumented workers) a path to citizenship. There's bipartisan support.

Mark Dicamillo

We are worried about the safety of our remaining workers there and concerned about the fate of our programs.

Gordon Weiss

We are short somewhere between 290,000 and 350,000 IT workers, but no one knows for sure. It looks like it's both a shortage of people and a mismatch of skills in the marketplace that produce vacancies. But it doesn't matter what the cause is if you can't fill jobs that support income and revenue for your company -- the effect is there.

Howard Rubin

Three died on the scene and were confirmed dead by medical workers and three others died in Kenyatta hospital.

Jaspher Ombati

Impressions from these people's close friends and co-workers are also crucial to our investigation.

George Huang

The over-regulation of banking sector can be avoided because they affect the entry into the market of poor migrant workers. The remittances give a lifeline to people in poor countries.

Dilip Ratha

We have hard workers and good attitudes. We have depth in all the events.

Kristi Frye

Trenching accidents are a major cause of job-related injuries and fatalities in Michigan. Workers can be trapped or killed when decisions are made to shortcut safety.

David Hollister

Employers have identified existing workers who can upgrade their skills.

Jim Wall

I was raised with American values, that good companies take care of workers. Wal-Mart is changing the rules. We're at a crucial point where society needs to decide whether we're going to follow them on this race to the bottom, or not.

Craig Cole

We're hard workers. We're risk takers. It's part of our culture. If we work hard, we'll be successful is what we've learned.

Harry Garewal

The increase will see well over a million low-paid workers with more cash in their pockets, many of them women working part-time.

Brendan Barber

Migrant workers are central to the economy in Florida and the rest of the country. We are the ones who pick the vegetables, clean the hotel rooms and work in the restaurants. If we stop for one day, everybody, including President Bush, will notice.

Gloria Hernandez

[It's] a victory that happened because of your support, the workers' courage and the university's willingness to meet with us.

Tanya Aquino

The numerous convictions of ... fathers and day-care workers based on memories fabricated by neurotics and therapists, or on coaxed-out lurid fantasies of pre-rational children, testify to the destructive effects false knowledge can have, particularly when it cloaks itself in pseudoscientific jargon.

Bruce Thornton

People ask what specific bills in Congress we support. But we are not endorsing any bills. We are just gathering support for the full rights for immigrant workers.

Sharon Black

Private sector users have the same security and critical operations issues as government workers. Shutting down the RIM network for anyone seems like an extreme measure.

John Halamka

The bottom line is physicians and all health care workers are in a unique position to determine if inappropriate relationships exist and intervene very early in the game.

John Nelson

We believe that the binding policy is one of the main reasons migrant workers are abused. These workers are entitled to the basic freedom to choose their own employer.

Shevy Korzen

State intervention just helps to establish discrimination and stereotyping of sex workers as victims. Society should be mature enough to make these choices without the state intervening.

Ana Lopez