It has nothing to do with ability. Because of weather and bus rides, we thought it made sense to start him in warm weather and where there are very limited bus rides. We don't anticipate him being there a long time.

Mike Arbuckle

I played well today and hit a lot of great shots. My warm-up routine was great so I had a lot of confidence going into the round.

Spencer Levin

It was an excellent warm spirit from the moment they drove up. It's been an outstanding reception and I can tell the choir is excited to be here. I am thrilled and excited to say the least.

Terry Gosa

Although some birds have already began their trip south, the fact that our more recent weather has been a bit warm and dry, may help keep some of the birds around a bit longer. I think hunters will see a good number of doves this year.

Dean Mitchell

The climate's warming more rapidly in summer than previously thought. The warming in Alaska is mostly due to an increase of the snow-free season. This is going to profoundly influence anything that is limited to the snow season.

Terry Chapin

We're delivering a lifestyle 100 percent. That's what they're here for -- to have a place that's comfortable, warm, exciting and full of energy.

David Vitek

I really just want to be warm yellow light that pours over everyone I love.

Conor Oberst

It will be nice to play on a consistent surface in warm weather, as opposed to here. We are going to play some nationally ranked teams, but we can beat anyone -- we just have to be confident when we step on the court.

Lesley Sheehan

I know all about you. You're the people waiting on the shoreline with the warm towels and the hot chocolate after the woman swims the English Channel.

Gwen Moore

The Administration should never have walked away from the Kyoto Treaty. Global warming is real and it is here today. The facts aren't the issue. The policy is the issue. I think the Administration's policy on global warming is dead wrong.

Ted Kulongoski

We're not sure if [slow sweatshirt sales] are due to cost or the warm weather.

Amy Currier

While there were signs of improvement in the state's economy in January, they were not enough to support the sharp decline in the calculated unemployment rate. Patterns that are outside the norm, such as the unusually warm weather in January, can exaggerate the impact of seasonal adjustments that are part of the rate calculation.

Barbara Riley

Since the earthquake struck in October, these helicopters have been crucial in transporting food and non-food items, like medicine and warm clothing and they have helped to prevent many deaths.

Amir Abdulla

The people in the country were unbelievably warm and welcoming. They were gracious and kind. If they only had one chair, they'd ask you to sit there.

Tori Rosenthal

It's tough, especially when you sit through an entire game and then you have to go in and hit, but I don't mind it. I was kid of shocked, really. I was warming up to pitch and then I got called to hit.

Lindsey Greer

Users generally like having [audio] as a way of warming the experience up, making it more human. The main focus for us is to humanize the Web, to enhance the experience so it's not a secondary experience as opposed to going to a branch office.

Craig Martin

Throughout North America and Europe, we're seeing kids have less ice time and fewer cold days. It's time our governments drop the gloves on climate change before global warming ruins our national sports.

Mike Hudema

This winter makes global warming seem more real.

Bud Gehring

Everybody gets a legitimate warm up. It's even to the point where the guys come over and ask if they can get some warm-up time.

Lele Forood

[As for nuisances the town already has from its present immigrant detention facility, the mayor said the majority of those problems are not the inmates, but the operations, such as buses warming up and air conditioners coming on.] We need industrial space, ... ... and this is not much land.

Tom Rankin

Because of these feedbacks, there are lots of reasons to think that this warming will continue.

Terry Chapin

We know the chief sources of the warming — fossil fuels and, in the tropics, the burning of trees for cooking — but we haven't moved to stop it, ... It really isn't that difficult to begin reducing carbon emissions, as Europe and Japan are doing already. We could certainly put a cap on the quantity of greenhouse gases industry can emit.

Peter Goldmark

It's been a very warm winter in the U.S., so prices are pressed to fall as inventories build and demand slows down. I agree that growth in production capacity this year will be a bit higher than demand growth.

Francisco Blanch

We're an energetic, young team, and we were excited to go out and play lacrosse. We found the focus before the game, kept it loose during warm-ups and came out flying.

Mary Key

We just happen to be in a stretch of really dry air. It brings us really low humidity and pretty warm temperatures.

Gary Campbell

One secret act of self-denial, one sacrifice of inclination to do is worth all of the good thought, warm feelings, and passionate prayers in which idle men indulge themselves.

David O. Mckay

But it's tied to extraordinarily warm temperatures in that part of Canada, not drought. That's like all the forested area of New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado combined.

Tom Swetnam

Of course it's difficult to attribute any particular hurricane or hurricane season to global warming. But there's reason to believe there may be a trend here, and we ought to study it more.

Jim Lawrence

I played here last year in the cold and wind, and it was a nightmare. I think I shot 80 the first round. It's nice to come out to the desert and get some warm air and no wind.

James Driscoll

His knowledge of the background permeates his work and we know he's not like that (in real life). We know he's a fine person and a very warm person and very easy to work with.

Dan Grimaldi

I think our offensive performance was absolutely horrible today. We had no intensity during warm-up, we didn't come here ready to play and we entered the game offensively with a very defensive mindset.

Terri Laux

It was kind of hard to deal with, especially the humidity after. I thought I was going to be cool and it was pretty humid out there. It seemed like the first inning I threw two or three innings warming up.

Rodrigo Lopez

Ticks become active as soon as the weather begins to warm up.

James Howell

Family means so much, that's another reason why I'll never go back. The warm weather is nice but family is much more important.

Loretta Dahl

After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, oil companies were asked to help Americans in need. We are happy to respond, by offering people here in Philadelphia help this winter, and we hope that no one has to make sacrifices to stay warm.

Felix Rodriguez

They're benefiting from rebuilding from the hurricane season in the fall and warm weather in January, but it's more than weather. The business just has been good. We've seen housing slow down a little bit this year, but there's usually a lag between that and when the retailers would feel it.

Bryan Keane

The people here are so wonderful, generous and warm-hearted, ... They've given so much. I can never thank them enough.

Joyce Smith

The best thing you can do is install a programmable thermostat, (though students) would want to talk with their landlord. Students can also purchase a kit from a local hardware store to seal the window frame and thus save cold air from coming into the house and keep warm air from going outside.

Nathan Prior

One kind word can warm three winter months.

Japanese Proverb

That is clearly an indication that as summer progresses and we get into the warm summer evenings, people will come out and enjoy a night out at the ballpark, ... The Bend Elks continue to excite the fans.

Jim Richards

Natural-gas prices have been hovering around $7, which is much closer to their long-term average. More warm weather in the near future will put even more downward pressure on natural-gas prices.

Ben Weagraff

Now, when we face a problem like global warming, and you understand that the biggest impacts on global warming come from business and industry, I think business needs to take a leading role.

Jerry Greenfield

Lots and lots of decorative pillows piled on the bed will give in a warm and inviting feel. I like to prop four sleeping pillows upright to serve as the backdrop for all the decorative pillows.

Deborah Carpenter

Warm the pot first, please, then put two heaping teaspoonfuls in the pot-no bags-in boiling water, and when it's in, stir it. And when it comes here, I will stir it again.

Lynn Fontanne

Their A side has been strong for quite some time. They will be good warm-up games and give us a decent measure of where we are at since the Indian series.

John Bracewell

Right whales don't typically go into real warm water. Being in the Gulf of Mexico in March and April, we knew they had to go south [to warmer water] before they could go north. But lo and behold, those animals made it out of there and later were seen where they were supposed to be.

Barb Zoodsma

In the last month, with the warm weather we've had this winter, those prices have lowered a bit, and we've been able to reflect that on customers' bills.

David Park

This unfortunate incident is certainly not indicative of our destination, as we are known for our warm hospitality.

Jessica Taylor

They are warming up and doing what they normally do in the hallway while the audience files into the seats.

Betsy Head

That was because it was the last event of the day and it was an entire lap around the track. Your not jogging that lap either. I could never rest. I was never finished until the bus was warming up.

Rudy Morrow

Lots of us expected the ice would go out today. While it hasn't been very warm, all the movement caused by the wind and the water rushing in from brooks, continued to melt and shift the ice until it finally moved enough for the clock to stop.

Jane Brown

What we know now as extreme heat will be considered normal if global warming continues.

Amy Leurs

It looks like it's going to be fairly warm on Monday, but there've been April snowstorms.

Karl Jungbluth

She is a warm and considerate woman. We knew she would nurture our children. I'm unable to understand why a competent teacher was removed at this critical time.

Lisa White

One of our missions is education. I've been at a lot of their performances, which are really heart warming, to see these kids use their talents.

Peter Doherty

Began to transform her public persona from the warm, fun-loving 'Queen of nice' to a self-proclaimed '(expletive)'.

Paula Zahn

It's just to let people in Lexington ... know what's going on ... in the surrounding communities and what's going on with global warming.

Nancy Nolan

Maybe we should all be praying for a warm winter because that might ease the pain.

Brian Bethune

These are the wintering birds from Canada — they think this is the warm spot.

Tedor Whitman

It got cold in December and stayed cold. Temperatures have been relatively warm since January, with not a lot of fluctuation. We've had a negligible number of potholes to this point. But remember, we've made a lot of improvements to our roads.

Valerie Petersen

It has hurt the organization that he didn't stay there, ... but Habitat the corporation decided that it was just too dicey even if there wasn't enough in the allegations to substantiate them. Also, I think Millard and Linda Fuller, the entrepreneurs didn't feel warm and fuzzy about the move to a corporate approach to a not-for-profit entity.

John Wieland

Basically, the warm spell we've had will continue through Tuesday or Wednesday.

Josh Nagelberg

Every job is a job that we're going to celebrate. But we think this has been too long in coming. The weather is getting warm and the construction season is getting ready to start in an election year, and the governor is getting ready to make up for three years of mismanagement on roads.

Matt Resch

What we had here was a duty to warm people, to give them the evidence so they can make an informed choice. That doesn't mean it's an easy choice.

Jim Murphy

I am an Island boy so, I can relate to the warm weather!

Michael Kennedy

We know when the sea level was that high in the past, and we know how much warming is necessary to get that amount of sea level rise from both Greenland and Antarctica.

Jonathan Overpeck

Warm summers have opened up gaps in the vegetation because some things die off, and these orchids fill in the gaps.

Michael Braithwaite

He's a wonderful addition to the community. Michael is a very kind and warm person.

Nancy Shirk

When a glacier recedes, it means that it is diminishing, which is an obvious sign of global warming.

Robert Corell

There's been a long-term interest in why it is that high latitude climate seems to be warming more rapidly than the rest of the world. Basically, I thought that maybe vegetation would be having a large influence, but the bottom line of that paper is that snowmelt swamps the vegetation.

Terry Chapin

It's hard to imagine why we're wanting to rebuild if we're going to allow global warming.

Jonathan Overpeck

Getting in. Before that, you're warm.

Ron Stevens

I just wanted some warm food.

Marcelo Ferreira

But I don't expect a major warm-up.

Paul Yeager

It's increasingly difficult to argue against the notion that at least part of what we are seeing in the Arctic, in terms of sea ice, in terms of warming temperatures ... is due to the greenhouse effect.

Mark Serreze

If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.

Lucy Larcom

Some people have said that maybe global warming is good because it's heading off the next Ice Age. This points out that the next Ice Age is not imminent.

Richard Alley

We can't rely on future volcanic eruptions slowing ocean warming and sea level rises.

Peter Gleckler

For example we use the word, 'Hot,' then on the back of the item will be a description about the effects of global warming.

Joan Maloney

This year, our spring, our night temperatures, did not warm up as quickly as normal. Our crop was delayed somewhat in terms of maturity.

Martin Eubanks

It's like Stephon said - you almost feel guilty. We're here, warm, and we've got water and food. Those people have nothing. We're in this thing all through the rebuilding.

Antonio Davis

In the winter you have warm, moist air going through the HVAC system coming out of a cool metal diffuser on a surface where it can condense and that can create an environment where it's possible for mold to grow.

Russ Oaks

It's the closest ever. It might be the best year, too. The conditions were great - it was warm and the snow was soft. I had more fun this year than I've ever had.

Dave Penney

Pittsburgh is a very friendly arts town. By the attendance, by the warm encore, it showed there's an audience for this music.

Colin O'donohoe

I want to offer the newest and the cutting edge, ... and I want to keep a warm relationship with tradition.

Peter Boal

Instead of being this tiny player, (ozone) can be more like 30 or 40 or even 50 percent of the cause of warming that we're seeing in the Arctic now. It's very dramatic.

Drew Shindell

People are finally catching on. It's a chic look that's really practical. It allows for different temperatures. You can take the hat off, take the scarf off. On warm days you can just turn your collar up.

Bruce Pask

I think that this seems to point toward Mars being warm enough and wet enough to allow standing water.

Bruce Jakosky

Global warming and rising temperatures in the Arctic jeopardize the polar bear's very existence. Polar bears cannot survive without sea ice. Polar bears could disappear in our lifetime if we don't take action.

Melanie Duchin

The large amount of text messages sent at New Year confirms that most people see text messaging as a warm, personal and cost-effective way to greet their friends and loved ones on special occasions.

Mike Short

When, full of warm and eager love,I clasp you in my fond embrace,You gently push me back and say,"Take care, my dear, you'll spoil my lace."

William Wetmore Story

As has been widely discussed, February sales were likely hurt by a record- breaking snowstorm that hit in the middle of the month and by unusually-warm weather in January, which likely pulled some early-spring sales forward.

Patrick Mckeever

You're cold and hungry and you want to go home. I like snow, but ... I was thinking it would be nice to play volleyball where it was warm.

Lauri Hakala

But paradoxically, the losses of harlequin frogs were taking place in unusually warm years.

J. Alan Pounds

It's cyclical. If there are changes from human-induced global warming, they're so small we can't detect them yet.

Chris Landsea

It can't just be a warm body ... it's got to be somebody who commands respect.

A. Johnson

With the weather still relatively warm, the market is unlikely to sharply focus on the bullish heating oil market that is in the works. Refiners are making gasoline late in the year.

Antonio Szabo

The haze may have masked the effects of global warming across large parts of China, particularly in the central and eastern regions, where daily high temperatures have actually been decreasing. This may seem like good news, but any success China has in curbing emissions will accelerate the effects of global warming in those areas when the cooling mask is lifted.

Yun Qian

We just didn't come ready to play; I could see it when we were warming up. We were there physically but not mentally, and we had a long talk after the game.

Gary Apodaca

Be warm and personal by backing it up with examples, stories and anecdotes that the person on the other end of the phone can relate to and understand.

Karen Friedman

[He initially clashed with the autocratic director.] One day he chewed me out in front of a lot of people, ... I lost my temper and I went for him. Later I discovered he was a charming social personality and very warm, and I was surprised to learn that he was a life member of the NAACP (the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).

Brock Peters

It's a nice crop of apples out there. The apples are a little smaller because of the lack of rain, but maybe a little sweeter because of the warm dry weather.

Isaac Horst

It's going to feel very cold, 'cause we're used to this warm stuff.

Art Lester

So the world's warming up. What happens now? There actually are, strangely enough, there are benefits. I'm going to try to show both sides and let people make up their minds.

Ron Galloway

INTERREGNUM, n. The period during which a monarchical country is governed by a warm spot on the cushion of the throne. The experiment of letting the spot grow cold has commonly been attended by most unhappy results from the zeal of many worthy persons to make it warm again.

Ambrose Bierce

This is a great tire. Some guys were throwing out some great shots (in testing) when the weather was cool, but I knew that when it came to race day and it got a little warm out in the middle of the day, it would be a challenge, and that's what we worked on in testing.

Aaron Capps

We expect warming to cause more precipitation to fall as rain rather than snow. And snow will also start to melt earlier in the season.

Michael Dettinger

The results suggest the threshold is close to the end of this century, and it could come sooner. The Arctic is already warming much faster than we thought it would. To think we're not going to get 4 to 5 degrees warmer in another 50 years is wishful thinking.

Jonathan Overpeck

We had a real shortage of rooms. [Monday], everybody is back on their way home to the frigid north and hopefully they'll return real soon to warm up.

Nicki Grossman

The two biggest contributors to global warming are power plants and motor vehicles. If you deal with them, you deal with more than two-thirds of the problem.

David Doniger

There are so many people that go through their entire lives trying to experience happiness. And we have gotten true joy out of being able to do something so simple as to keep a little bird warm to get it to a bird rehabilitator.

Mary Kindred

He was driving his motorcycle. It was a warm evening.

Suzan Spadaro

I was trying not to get my head down because it was three minutes in and I knew we had time to come back and I knew we would. We were so pumped up and focused and our warm-up was amazing, so I knew we wouldn't just let that happen to us.

Lindsay Thompson

Global warming will significantly affect the reduction of rainfall in Phoenix and the amount of air pollution in the summer. It will go up, because a lot of the air pollution is created by the sunlight interaction with very warm polluted air that will produce smog.

Alan Thorpe

Coral is bright without being intrusive. We associate it with the sea and nature. It's lively and warm and flattering to every skin tone.

Dixon Bartlett

The baby was a little bit warm -- I mean, fair to say, because of the sun -- but the baby was fine.

Carlos Negron

No exciting story here, ... I've been doing some extra conditioning when I'm not kicking. I want to keep that up, and it helps me to warm up. I figure most kickers don't look like they do much, so I want to get more done so I don't lose track of the shape I'm in.

Shayne Graham

Even though it snowed quite a bit, it was a relatively warm winter down low, so the snow line goes from a lot of snow to no snow very quickly. So, some of our low-elevation sites are below average.

Jon Lea

It's no longer enough for a fireplace to warm the room. Consumers want a fireplace that warms the soul.

Jeff Cleveland

Investors have started to warm to Japan again as an investment market.

Douglas Eu

The demand for uranium is very strong, and countries are trying to diversify away from oil and coal which contributes to global warming. It appears Australia is happy to sell it to China, or anyone else, so long as they abide by specific guidelines.

David Thurtell

That was one of the highlights of the year, really. That dramatic warm spell in September and October is very unusual.

Paul Head

It is quite possible people will want to travel more this fall with the unseasonably warm weather we've been having, ... When oil prices fall, we pay less. Plus, most of the problems at refineries that were damaged during Hurricane Katrina appear to have been resolved.

Nancy Cain

People generally don't get lost on warm sunny days. They get lost because it's cold, snowing and the visibility is reduced. They get in trouble when the cold causes impaired judgment.

Mark Hahn

They got a couple of clutch hits - that's the way it works in baseball. It's not like we were playing in cold weather and they were playing in warm.

Riccardo Ingram

We had a mild pattern. The cold air that usually comes down from Canada stayed put. We [in Boston] are influenced by a lot of different patterns, and they converged to give us a warm January.

Tracy Mccormick

Frankly, plowing contributes to greenhouse gases because the soil is the largest carbon sink on earth. If you turn the soil you release the carbon in the soil into the atmosphere and contribute to global warming.

Duane Grant

Global warming has really taken off since the 1970s. The warming in the past several decades has been more than it was the whole previous record, which is about 100 years before that.

Drew Shindell

They could have easily been thinking about a warm room or a warm bed, but they focused and got the job done.

Tommy Ramos

Home heating assistance is necessary for many New Jerseyans to keep their homes warm this winter. Congress needs to act now in order to avoid a crisis.

Rush Holt

It's best to try and get it when the river's coming down a bit. When it's warm enough for the fish to move but not warm enough for the snow to melt, the fishing can be fantastic.

Adam Grant

We absolutely support all these efforts (by the police), especially when we're coming into warm weather.

Pete Witte

Is there some hint that global warming is the reason? Maybe. Or is it sunspot cycles? Is it fluctuations in solar activity? We don't know enough to make an absolute answer.

David Vallee

If some plan removes that water and we no longer have that warming effect, we're in a real pickle.

Al Kalin

We played our best game of the year, and hit some balls out of the park which was good to see. It was a warm day and there was a little carry to the ball, and we got solid pitching and defense. I'm proud of Matt, he had a big day, and he's been through a lot to get to this point. All our hitters are swinging with a lot of confidence right now.

David Perno

We are seeing dramatic changes in the weather systems. To be honest, we don't really understand what are the potential impacts. If you look back in history, there have been warming periods that have gotten back to normal. But we don't know if that will happen this time.

Jerry Conway

We are going to restructure. We'll let the warm weather pass. It is supposed to be cold Saturday night. We will have the (snow blowers) on, and we will be back up to catch Sunday and Monday. Hopefully, we will have a great weekend.

Bob Ford

The Anglo-Saxon has established himself in climates totally diverse - Canada, South Africa, and India - and, through several generations, has preserved his essential race characteristics. He is not, of course, superior to climatic influences; but even in warm climates, he is likely to retain his aggressive vigor long enough to supplant races already enfeebled.

Josiah Strong

I can't imagine what the cost was to keep that old school warm.

Andy Wilson

I was immediately struck by her warm and welcoming personality. Regardless of social status, she treated everyone with equal engagement.

Willie Pearson

All of the oceans have been warming for the last 40 or 50 years, at least. That's not natural variability, where some (oceans) would get warm and others cold - they've all warmed.

Tim Barnett

Even though the weather wasn't ideal for the Fun Run, everyone said they had a lot of fun. We had warm weather last year, too. Hopefully, the third time will be the 'charm' and we'll have great trail conditions in 2007.

Mary Becker

Prices for all kinds of heating -- natural gas, fuel oil, electricity and propane -- have all risen since last year. But thanks to a warm winter and higher inventory levels, the price of natural gas is continuing to decline. We're pleased to pass along these savings to our customers in Miami-Dade, Brevard, St. Lucie, and Indian River counties.

Charles Rawson

While many people attempt to connect this season's unusually strong hurricane activity in the Gulf of Mexico with global warming, this is simply not the case.

Patrick Michaels

Growing and developing fields performed as well as expected for this time of the year ... The warm growing conditions made it more difficult for these fields to have optimum growth and development.

Mark Hudson

It was nice to see some warm bodies and have a deeper bench. It was nice to have everybody suited up and give some kids some rest.

Dennis Melcher

It is a very controversial thing because there is a fine line between what's appropriate and what's not. Our committee didn't have an easy job. One person interprets 'air ball' and 'warm up the bus' as very positive and a fun thing. Another person says it's offensive and our kids get their feelings hurt.

Laura Haase

We are delighted for them. It really will be a life-changing experience. They really will be getting a warm welcome on the streets of London.

Dan Kirkby

It is going to be a really warm, cozy, home atmosphere.

Tammy Anderson

I remember that I could look at whatever I wanted to look at and go pretty much where I wanted to go. I found the whole experience to be inviting and warm. Of course, you can take a mulligan at Winged Foot, but I would never think to do that at Augusta National.

Paul Dillon

I think I have a shot at being in the Top 20, ... Gambill has served like a demon and behaved like an angel. He has punished opponents with deep and penetrating double-fisted backhands, while all the time endearing himself to the British crowd with his warm and pleasant nature. Not being the ugliest man ever to walk the planet doesn't hurt him either.

Jan michael Gambill

It was heart-warming to see in a hands-on way what it can do for people, ... It's very different to witness (the effects of the hurricane) in person than to see it on TV.

John Mitchell Mason

The team is warm and familiar, and what's more I get appreciation from the complete crew for my job: Not only, I did qualifying of the car, I will also start the Courage tomorrow afternoon.

David Hart

As a reliever, she comes in more prepared. Maybe it's because she's warming up so much.

Bob Coolen

I am pretty confident we will do great. We will use the match to fix or catch up on a few things before we meet Stanford. It should be a good warm up.

Bojana Bobusic

We are just abusing ourselves with our schedule this year. But with the way the weather has been, I'm glad we're leaving town and going where it's warm.

Craig Lambert

We improved significantly as a team today. Although the times reflect the warm windy conditions, it was our best overall performance of the season.

Diane Hento

It's not bright white. It's not ivory. The diamond white is flattering to warm and cool skin tones. And away from the store, during the wedding, everyone thinks the bride has on white.

Cami Hester

For the last couple weeks we've had a block over western Canada which has kept warm winds from coming in off the Pacific. Cold weather has come down from the north and this has spilled into the U.S.

Joel Burgio

This trend in sea surface temperature that's sort of relentlessly rising and the hurricane intensity that's relentlessly rising (means that) it's with some confidence we can say that these two things are connected and that there's probably a substantial contribution from greenhouse warming.

Judith Curry

He was just a wonderful person, a jokester, professional at his job, a great partner and teammate. We were partners on every mission. (I remember) his warm heart and his excitement to be at work every day. He always had something new for you when he walked in the door of the office.

Tim Baldwin

It usually takes him a little warm to get warmed up. He started throwing his fast ball in the third inning.

Jeff Torborg

We just wear our long johns and sweatshirts and socks and stay warm however we can.

Richard Collins

I felt it important to involve them. Its a warm, nice wrap-up to the album.

Janji Vince

We became good friends fast, ... She was so warm and so inviting that you couldn't help but love her.

Sally Sullivan

He acted like a little kid and when someone acts like a kid, I treat them like one, ... I didn't put up with any guff, and because of it, we had a very warm relationship.

Jane Withers

Greenland is the canary in a mine shaft alerting us. In the U.S., global warming is a tomorrow issue. ... For us working here, it hits you like a ton of bricks when you see it.

Robert Corell

The good news is that the global warming benefits of these advanced forms of ethanol come along for the ride, even if you only care about oil savings.

Jason Mark

Warm weather and a post-December rebound in new activity will likely boost construction payrolls. Retail employment should also enjoy a post-holiday boost.

Joseph Abate

These studies each quantify, in a variety of ways, the risks we are already dealing with in the global warming that is clearly well under way.

Gary Yohe

The period of forecasted warm weather in the United States has been extended to the first four weeks of the new year. This has driven the price of all energy commodities down.

Dariusz Kowalczyk

When they're still on a ventilator and under a warming blanket.

Lana Thompson

You just need to warm up again. You dawdled over dinner.

Christopher Navin

When you get a warm spell like this, they will periodically get up, but they will bed back down again. You'll see things like groundhogs, raccoons and skunks out and about.

Regis Senko

This match took longer to warm up then it did to play. The tougher matches are definitely coming up quick, but everyone got to play and played well tonight.

Tori Fowler

For the last week or so, we have had some really strong southerly winds bringing warm temperatures to western New York.

Tony Ansuini

We do a long warm-up. We also do just drills across the floor and then at the end of the class the students get the opportunity to train one on one. They practice everything they've been training with.

Angelique Marquand

We've been in this warm pattern for the better half of the last month, the average temperature for Melbourne this time of year is in the 70s.

Matt Bragaw

This warm weather will get the bears up and moving.

Larry Herrighty

We rode after all four. I was fine. I would say it was probably a little bit tougher on the animal. It was a warm day. They need to catch their breath before they run out again.

Chuck O'donnell

If you don't follow that advice and eat raw oysters, you definitely should not be doing it in the summer when the water is warm.

Alex Bradbury

One point stands out above all others, and that is that a modest global warming may put Earth in the danger zone for a major sea-level rise.

Michael Oppenheimer

It's like looking at a toddler and trying to figure out what he'll be like when he goes off to college. You really can't tell until he's 18, ... There is demand for nanotech but other companies whose primary assets are intellectual property will not receive a warm reception.

Matthew Nordan

Some processors up north are being helped by conservation clubs, ... We're all in the same boat, regardless of who the processor is. Costs have gone up and if the season is warm, I'll have to rent extra semis to hold the deer. I have five semis of my own, but that may not be enough. Just the paper and double wrapping the ground venison is costing more.

Gary Craig

Our likely team will also not be revealed when we play the Cats the following Wednesday in our final warm-up. Obviously we are going to have a few surprises and we would like to keep those to ourselves.

Dick Muir

There is in fact no serious disagreement among scientists that human beings are playing a major role in global warming.

Andy Crouch

Volcanoes have a big impact. The ocean warming and sea level would have risen much more if it weren't for volcanoes.

Peter Gleckler

I just feel bad for the whole situation. Leavitt?s had a really bad season. Golfers always wish for warm weather and skiers always want snow. This year, the golfers won out.

Jon Brayshaw

I hope it gets cold pretty quick. I'm getting calls from people in Ohio and Indiana who usually come up to Saginaw Bay to fish this time of year, but I'm telling them to wait a couple of weeks. It looks pretty warm for the next 10 days, but by the end of January it should get a lot colder.

Doug Deming

He's gotten a very, very warm reaction from the left-liberal wing of the party.

Thomas Schaller

The public needs to know what car companies are doing to reduce the threat of global warming. We know what they're against. The question is, what are they for? This document begins to outline at least some of what Ford Motor Co. is for.

Jason Mark

Oh, but Ingrid Bergman is a woman's woman. I mean, she is everything a woman should be. She's the kind of woman men aren't afraid of because she's so warm. She has a real quality. It's too bad she isn't queen of some country.

Goldie Hawn

Some people call it global warming; some people call it climate change. What is the difference?

Frank Luntz

For this early in the season, his long jump was very impressive. I think if he can progress and we get some warm days, he has the potential to break a couple school records in the 100 and the long jump. Those numbers are very impressive, not just in our conference but around the state.

Norm Thombs

It's starting to warm up a little outside and I think our bats are about to come around a little bit. Our bats have struggled at the plate and that's no secret. So it's always good when it's warmer out because the swings look a little freer.

Greg Mcvey

She has a nice warm bed and had a nice warm bath. She's doing well.

Yara Bingham

Americans are truly warm-hearted and wonderful people.

Marcia Powers

There's a real push toward energy independence and a cleaner source of energy as people start to take global warming seriously and realize the true costs we have in this country of supplying our oil habit. People are willing to pay a premium as a way to do their part, as a way to help solve that problem.

Tim Woodward

It's important to transition away from fossil-fuel vehicles because they do cause global warming, although our homes put out twice as much gas as vehicles.

Peter Kelley

It's got similar characteristics, except it's just a little lower in latitude. The issue is what happens when it gets out over the very warm waters of the central Gulf.

Frank Lepore