The disaster is looming large. We have thousands and thousands of very vulnerable people.

Rashid Khalikov

We don't see another rate rise, but we recognize that the risk is still there, due largely to oil prices -- the oil market remains vulnerable for both supply and demand reasons.

Lorenzo Codogno

It's not a religious play, but rather how they [Mother Miriam and Livingstone] play off each other and the affect people have on each other. They are just as vulnerable as anybody else. None of us are completely as we appear. We all have exteriors that hide an awful lot.

Jordan Smith

Far and away the worse toll is taken in the most vulnerable community, the African American community, where black women are three times more likely to have an abortion than their white counterparts.

Starr Parker

It does put a doctor or health-care clinic in a more vulnerable position. This was an important provision for them (CMS) to have. I think they will be as aggressive, if not more aggressive, in turning off the tap.

Alan Martin

For example, in a community where the housing stock was devastated, the Red Cross will work with other organizations to jump-start the rebuilding process. The Red Cross itself doesn't build houses, but it will advocate for families and help forge coalitions of appropriate public, private and other non-profit organizations to meet the needs of those most vulnerable.

Russ Paulsen

The Americans know better than anyone that their troops in the region and in Iraq are vulnerable. I would advise them not to commit such a strategic error.

General Yahya Rahim Safavi

I don't think leaving their customers vulnerable for another 3 months (or perhaps even longer) until the next CPU [Critical Patch Update] is reasonable especially when this bug is so easy to fix and easy to workaround. Again, I urge all Oracle customers to get on the phone to Oracle and demand the respect you paid for.

David Litchfield

The airports are very vulnerable because they don't want to spend the money it takes to screen the people that work at their facilities.

Tom Cash

We've had an increased amount of staff absent. The substitutes are often in different schools and in different school districts so they are sometimes more vulnerable because they work in a variety of places.

Teri Mowery

'All in the Family.' I loved watching Carroll O'Connor play this despicable character and make him so hysterically flawed and charmingly vulnerable to where he could get away with saying so many off-color things and yet it endeared him to you.

Jason Bateman

Our ports, the most vulnerable in the country because they've not been thought about as national security, are now being owned by foreign businesses. Republicans actively outsourced American jobs and now they're outsourcing our American security.

Karen Thurman

In the past our bettors have correctly predicted the outcome of television shows like American Idol, as well as world events including the Papal conclave and Presidential elections. If the betting trend continues, it could mean the end of the line for Uncle Junior or Christopher, who both have several risk factors making them vulnerable to being killed-off.

Simon Noble

Even if you don't believe you're in the path of a natural disaster, like Katrina, all people and businesses are still vulnerable to something like a tanker overturning or a major fire. You should not operate without a disaster plan.

Stacey Grissom

It is not automatically safer for our Iraqi staff. It's not just because they're working for a Western news organization, but because they have a job with income coming in and that makes them vulnerable to kidnapping and ransom.

Kathleen Carroll

We would like to see thunderous applause for the governor's visionary initiative to ensure accountability for our most vulnerable citizens before, during and after a natural disaster.

Dave Bruns

All politicians are vulnerable in an environment of anger. What you've got is this perfect storm: The president is low in the polls, the governor is low in the polls and neither of them is on the ticket. Given the criticism and the anger, somebody is going to be on the receiving end of those emotions.

Robert Schmuhl

Know that children are being advertised to and that they're vulnerable and susceptible to advertising.

Mary Story

The biggest hit was right there in the Glades. Western Palm Beach County had more planted and had the crops that were most vulnerable.

Ray Gilmer

Recent incentive programs have established lower market pricing that makes GM increasingly vulnerable to volume declines which could occur as a result of a decline in economic conditions or simply a sustained falloff following recent industry sales spikes.

Mark Oline

There is no more vulnerable human combination than an undergraduate.

John Sloan

We knew they were vulnerable, they had a tough loss the other night and we knew they had a new goalie. And with a team like that, you've got to jump on them early and that's what we did. We got the first goal and we just kept going from there.

Tom Poti

As we start neglecting sort of our stress hygiene, we then start to feel more vulnerable. This is what I think we have to be really collectively careful of.

Jerilyn Ross

Rapidly rising house prices can leave an economy vulnerable to a subsequent price correction with ensuing negative wealth effects.

Klaus Regling

These reports are deeply worrying. Asylum seekers are being treated as packages to be processed and removed rather than as very vulnerable human beings.

Maeve Sherlock

We are hoping to buy maize this year from within Zambia and Malawi -- to feed vulnerable people inside those countries.

Mike Sackett

Delphi alone will put them in an extremely vulnerable position.

Sean Egan

If full-scale civil war erupts -- and Iraq appears to be awfully close to that at this point -- even 134,000 troops could be in a highly vulnerable position, especially when you consider how many true combat troops we have there.

Ted Carpenter

Many are intense, sensitive and stressed by their own and others' high expectations and their ability, interests and behavior may make them vulnerable.

Jean Peterson

This is kind of a wake-up call to help people understand what's out there. I think consumers are increasingly aware of how vulnerable their data is in these databases.

Katherine Albrecht

These vulnerable seniors and people with disabilities had good coverage under Medicaid. Now they are in danger of dying because they cannot get access to their medically necessary prescription drugs.

Jeanne Finberg

Markets are slightly vulnerable in terms of current positions. Equity markets have clearly run relatively far in relatively short order.

Paul Niven

Small and medium-sized businesses are contending with a 'data avalanche', vulnerable to computer viruses or crashes.

Ron Riffe

I hope it doesn't happen on this train today. Everyone is vulnerable to an attack - everyone's got to keep their eyes open.

John Mcmahon

When you're running Windows on a Mac, you're as vulnerable as any Windows user. An interesting question is, would a malicious Windows program affect Mac files on the same computer? It's theoretically possible but extremely difficult to pull off and would reach a very small audience in the Mac market.

Larry Seltzer

Russia wants to play mediator between the West and Islamic world. But that won't bring any good because Russia is more vulnerable to Islam than the West.

Alexei Arbatov

Then when you talk about a group of people who lack health insurance and homeowner's insurance, when something like this happens, you know just who is going to be the most vulnerable.

Robert Bullard

Women in the United States feel personally vulnerable about the terrorism issue. Women have a tendency to be moved by these issues.

Sara Taylor

That kind of care allows very vulnerable people to needlessly suffer, ... The Bermuda College has a World Health Organisation geriatric aide programme. I believe it should be mandatory as training and I believe there should be a registered nurse in each facility.

Louise Jackson

Technology stocks could possibly come down more. I think they still appear to be vulnerable, including some of the Internet top stocks, including some of the stocks in the software field.

Richard Mccabe

Household confidence is very weak, suggesting household spending is vulnerable. We expect spreading weakness in retail spending as the year progresses.

Shamubeel Eaqub

The goal of Kremlin strategists appears to be a weak coalition government in Ukraine that will be more vulnerable to Russian economic pressure. One twin is looking to Moscow, the other to Washington. And they can't separate.

Masha Lipman

North Norfolk is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Norman Lamb

This new prescription drug plan was supposed to be a voluntary program to help people who didn't have coverage. All this is doing is harming the people who had coverage, America's most vulnerable citizens.

Jeanne Finberg

[Another browser, Opera, has also gained, especially in Europe.] The incumbents are vulnerable, ... Today, those are the juiciest targets.

David Cowan

During decompression of RAR files, Symantec is vulnerable to multiple heap overflows allowing attackers complete control of the system(s) being protected. These vulnerabilities can be exploited remotely, without user interaction, in default configurations through common protocols such as SMTP.

Alex Wheeler

You have to try to get yourself into the mind of terrorists: 'How can I attack a country like Singapore?' 'They've hardened their borders -- difficult to smuggle people and bombs in.' 'They've protected their vehicles, they've protected their ports. What is their vulnerable part? Possibly their computer systems,'.

Tony Tan

The Court is most vulnerable and comes nearest to illegitimacy when it deals with judge-made constitutional law having little or no cognizable roots in the language or design of the Constitution.

Byron R. White

It is the new and different that is always most vulnerable to market research.

Malcolm Gladwell

Before oil prices are raised, we want to make sure the most vulnerable groups in society will be protected.

Sofyan Djalil

There's a reasonable expectation that at some point there will be further consolidation and Lloyds, of all the high street banks, is probably in the most tricky position in terms of how it's performed and the size of its dividend, and for that reason it's more vulnerable.

James Leal

A population weakened and exhausted by battling against so many obstacles -- whose needs are never satisfied and desires never fulfilled -- is vulnerable to manipulation and regimentation. The struggle for survival is, above all, an exercise that is hugely time-consuming, absorbing and debilitating. If you create these ''anti-conditions,'' your rule is guaranteed for a hundred years.

Ryszard Kapuscinski

To make sure that we are needed, focusing on relevant activities that really do show a payoff, so that you are not vulnerable to extinction.

Danny Davis

Clay Shaw's going to need every dollar he can get. I wouldn't say he's the most vulnerable incumbent in Congress but I do think he is the most vulnerable incumbent in Florida right now.

Aubrey Jewett

I was most concerned about whether (the shark) was going to come back. You are in a panic mode. I'm losing fingers, I was bleeding all over the place and you don't know if you are going to be hit again. You are so vulnerable and if he took another hit, it would have been it.

Jonathan Genant

In that district, she is particularly vulnerable given her record. Voters have demanded an investment in education coupled with property tax relief. (Lawmakers) are going to have to face that in November ...

Amber Moon

The most important thing about the new law is that it will protect vulnerable consumers from getting caught in an endless cycle of debt.

William Mcnary

I'm thrilled about the idea of a statewide anti-bullying bill. However, the current language is so open to individual interpretation; I am concerned that LGBTQ youth would still be left vulnerable.

Angie Wellman

I would guess that the trend is to the downside for the time being. With oil up around $55 a barrel, the economy slowing, corporate profits slowing, I think the market remains vulnerable.

Paul Levine

With each passage of human growth we must shed a protective structure [like a hardy crustacean]. We are left exposed and vulnerable - but also yeasty and embryonic again, capable of stretching in ways we hadn't known before.

Gail Sheehy

We trash-talk, but then it's also the place where we let everything hang out, we're really ourselves. This is our time to talk to each other, and it's the time when we're vulnerable with each other.

Larenz Tate

The most vulnerable in society.

Ralph Goodale

Prompt action must be taken at anywhere terrorists are detected and are vulnerable to commit acts of sabotage like this.

Najib Tun Razak

At a time of terrorist threat, when for years we've been saying our ports are vulnerable, we should not be surrendering any U.S. port to a foreign government, let alone the U.A.E., with their background.

Martin O'malley

Large companies have at least thought about the legal liability issue. [Small businesses] are more vulnerable in that respect and the situation is worse outside the U.S.

John Gantz

Virgil Goode is vulnerable in a way he has never been vulnerable before.

Al Weed

A jury has found him guilty of conduct against one of the most vulnerable members of his community, an impressionable and immature girl.

Jonathan Williams

The White House and the Congress took off with the baton . . . but they haven't finished running the race. The fundamental job of the government is to protect and defend its citizens, and at this point, the United States is still very vulnerable.

Timothy J. Roemer

Now, we're saying, as soon as we know someone is homeless or vulnerable to being homeless, get them in housing, and then work on their other problems. So that's really the big shift, the big change.

Leslie Howard

I know that one film does not have the power to solve all problems. But still I believe it is necessary to build a better social framework to protect the rights of people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups.

Sumio Yamamoto

It has increased awareness of port security. Members of Congress are visiting a lot of ports. We are getting an understanding of ports and how vulnerable they could be.

Susan Monteverde

With cash, we will be able to buy commodities in the region to distribute to the most vulnerable hungry, poor Afghans. Without cash, the lean season will be also very bleak for many.

Vincent Charles

People look at me and go, 'You must have it made. You have girls. You have a great life. It's not true. I mean you pull the curtain away, and you see I'm just as insecure and neurotic and scared and vulnerable as anybody, you know.

John Stamos

Anytime you're going to move a million people from their drug coverage on one day, it's going to be rough. These are the people who are the most vulnerable with the most health conditions.

Stan Rosenstein

If you're running against a Republican in a vulnerable district, you've got Iraq, you've got Harriet Miers, you've got Katrina, you got Tom DeLay being indicted. You've got a lot of ammunition.

Gordon Peterson

There is a reduction in the diversity of breeds in order to have the fastest growth, and animals are becoming more susceptible to diseases because of the way they are bred and kept. The search for profits leads to animals and then humans becoming more vulnerable. Our current policies are encouraging farming that overlooks basic husbandry.

Caroline Lucas

Usually 10 days into a crisis like this, we don't feel this vulnerable. But right now we're really concerned.

Trevor Rowe

He uses the magic word - 'cure.' That's a serious statement for people who are vulnerable and desperate for some sort of help.

Theresa Santiago

The result is there are economies which remain vulnerable to event risk, to a more challenging global environment, or to populism.

Charles Dallara

This settlement serves as a wake-up call for Congress to ensure that all businesses that buy and sell our most personal information are held accountable, and that they protect vulnerable consumers from having their sensitive information stolen.

Susanna Montezemolo

The bottom line in all of this is coming up with ways to protect our most vulnerable citizens, and that's children.

Attorney Christopher Morano

Clearly this poll indicates that Nelson remains vulnerable.

Morgan Dobbs

Any target in Kosovo that's a military target will be vulnerable from these aircraft.

Charles Wald

The innocence that feels no risk and is taught no caution, is more vulnerable than guilt, and oftener assailed.

Nathaniel Parker Willis

This has really moved from a technological problem to a people problem. ATMs seem more vulnerable just because people are more aware of them.

Janet Eissenstat

Three to six months' worth of savings for living expenses is the minimum every household should have, no matter its income. Any less can leave people vulnerable to serious financial woes if they hit unexpected difficulties, like a job loss or medical problem. It's a good habit for all working people to put away a reasonable portion of their take-home pay into some form of liquid savings.

Alan Kopit

[But it wasn't enough. Alex's mother filled out a 12-page application for Social Security Disability Insurance for Alex.] Anywhere I could write, I wrote about Alex and his illness, ... When they interview you, they pretty much make you feel naked and vulnerable.

Jim Hanson

The Republican ROMP program is a group of Republican incumbents they believe to be the most vulnerable. Changing the rules halfway through is a lame way to explain their fundraising problems.

Sarah Feinberg

Higher oil prices will raise material costs and that is a blow to the U.S. economy. Exporters are the most vulnerable.

Atsushi Osa

That cannot be tolerated, ... He violated our rules of procedures. I consider it the most serious violation of rule and order to place a prisoner in your custody and not inform the dispatcher. You put that person in a vulnerable position.

John Gallagher

I would think that any disaster preparedness center would address the needs of those who are most vulnerable. That was not the case here.

Stephen Thomas

This is the most serious single event in two years of trauma for energy consumers. British Gas is not only the biggest supplier, it has the greatest number of customers using pre-payment meters and the highest number of customers on the priority service register, who are the most vulnerable consumers.

Allan Asher

The disappointing GDP means the Australian dollar will be vulnerable. This takes the Reserve Bank's finger off the rate trigger and confirms my expectations of no more rate increases this year.

Clifford Bennett

This would enable older adults to access medications regardless of ability to pay. It would also improve access to services for underserved and vulnerable populations.

Maria Silveira

If he doesn't do it, then his country will face sanctions and become very vulnerable. If he does do it, then he will immediately get international support. The crucial question is whether he has the support of the military chiefs.

Patrick Seale

During decompression of RAR files Symantec is vulnerable to multiple heap overflows allowing attackers complete control of the system(s) being protected. These vulnerabilities can be exploited remotely without user interaction in default configurations through common protocols.

Alex Wheeler

Shipping people back to Morocco is not an answer to this crisis. Protecting these extremely vulnerable people should be the Spanish government's priority.

Holly Cartner

It is quite clear that Gershon is beginning to bite but for all the wrong reasons. People are having to wait longer to get benefits and advice on finding a job. This is unacceptable because these are the services that the most vulnerable in society rely on.

Mark Serwotka

In most cases the community is best placed to identify families they see as the most vulnerable. We will work with the communities and use our house-to-house assessment to identify those families.

Rosie Jackson

Since windows are most vulnerable to break and let wind and rain in the building, we also have window shutters on hand.

Danny Daniels

As vulnerable as the Internet is, that is how vulnerable these companies may be.

Scott Kessler

In the patent world, the user of a product is responsible for figuring out which intellectual property obligations they have and how to meet them. They become vulnerable if infringing a patent under which they are not licensed.

Larry Horn

I continue to be humbled by the generosity of this community. With our donors' help, $2.8 million will go to Arizona agencies aiding some of our state's most vulnerable residents.

John Zidich

We're still vulnerable when we're not consuming that vitamin-rich diet. I think we're seeing it today in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. If you take away the fuel, the brain suffers.

Stephen Cunnane

One reason computers are so vulnerable to attack is that they are all the same.

Stephanie Forrest

It makes you vulnerable, makes you transparent to your brother. I mean, just think about what the world would be like if more people did this.

Rocky Twyman

These scams target very vulnerable people. They prey on people who are plagued by poor credit -- people who may be desperate to develop a clean credit history so they can get a loan, get a job or buy a car.

Jodie Bernstein

We felt it was a good move to enhance girls golf, but we did not intend to put the (Central Board of Control) in a vulnerable position concerning Title IX.

Dan Washburn

But kids who don't have positive real-world relationships will use online social communities to find those kinds of relationships. They're more vulnerable to the dangers present there.

Nancy Willard

Margins in China are razor thin and they may not be able to withstand much yuan appreciation. The export sector is vulnerable and the government is going to be very cautious in what it does and that's the message.

Jan Lambregts

New Jersey is simply more vulnerable than most other states.

James Saxton

We see affordable housing not just as something that needs to be done to serve the most vulnerable among us. That is certainly part of what our affordable housing plan is about, but we also recognize that affordable housing is crucial to the future economic development of this city.

Shaun Donovan

Satellites live and breathe in space; they are very vulnerable to solar activity. They affect our banking systems, our TVs and cell phones, all the luxuries of life.

Larry Combs

I would say we're looking at an incumbent who is probably one of the most vulnerable in Connecticut and in the Northeast. I do think it is a referendum on the war.

Gary Rose

Our incomes here are not four times higher than the national average, so we?re more vulnerable to the debt situation.

Michael Hutchison

The American people deserve a budget that invests in the future, protects the most vulnerable among us and helps to create jobs and economic security.

Carl Levin

While the HP story has been strengthened with Peregrine's asset discovery capabilities, the acquisition of most of its relationship discovery partners leaves them vulnerable.

Jasmine Noel

The openness of these networks makes us vulnerable to attacks by a hostile agent, ... Vulnerabilities are of such a magnitude that to ignore them would be a dereliction of duty.

William Campbell

Family Pride will continue to work with our partners, including Equality Ohio, to help defeat this anti-LGBT, anti-family measure. Nothing less than the lives of Ohio's most vulnerable children are at stake.

Jennifer Chrisler

Reinforces the view that we should pay even greater attention to preparing for the inevitability of future intense hurricanes striking vulnerable locations around the world. In the context of ever-growing coastal development, the costs of hurricanes are going to continue to escalate.

Roger Pielke

Children in this impoverished region were vulnerable prior to the disaster and are in an increasingly more desperate situation today, especially those in remote valleys. Many have had no access to basic health care and suffer from treatable ailments and malnutrition. We estimate that half of the 80,000 people injured in the quake were children.

Bruce Rasmussen

The race to provide suitable shelter in time is not lost yet, but the consequences of failure, resulting from the lack of relief funds, could result in the deaths of vulnerable people.

Jan Vandemoortele

There was definitely a conscious effort made in redefining the band. More experience makes you more vulnerable. It's just growing up.

Ryan Jordan

If we return to competing between institutions, we're not going to survive. We're too small and vulnerable to be competing with one another. We have to find ways to partner, and that partnership could be as simple as sharing resources.

John Clements

A small number of them bear a large part of the responsibility. They are vulnerable to legal action, and if we can change them, we can finally make a dent in the problem of obesity.

John Banzhaf

It appears to have operated much like a cult -- that is, they would pick on women who were runaways, who were estranged from their families, who they thought were vulnerable.

Michael Duggan

It exerts a lot of psychological pressure and undermines their perceived well-being. It makes you feel vulnerable. People start to question their future.

Michael Obuchowski

We're watching closely to make sure the vulnerable areas are OK.

Walter Maestri

Clearly this poll indicates that Nelson remains vulnerable. His favorable rating in the eyes of Florida voters remains well below 50 percent.

Morgan Dobbs

Europe draws important economic advantages from its good track record on energy efficiency and is hence less vulnerable to oil shocks than other parts of the world.

Stavros Dimas

A lot of our customers don't realize how vulnerable they are to this kind of hoax.

Brandon Jones

The emerging picture is one where slavery, oppression and exploitation of society's most vulnerable members have by no means been consigned to the past.

Juan Somavia

This is important because men treated for advanced prostate cancer are at great risk for losing bone density, which makes the bones vulnerable to fracture. Hip fractures are especially dangerous and can be life-threatening in older patients.

Christopher Ryan

This is the home of the most vulnerable patients at Lakeside.

Mark Lindsay

Katherine has wanted to run for Senate for quite some time. Bill Nelson is vulnerable in our polling, and she seems passionate about this and wants to do it.

Al Cárdenas

Dealerships are open to the public and anyone can come in, and you are vulnerable. It's a shame.

Charlie Gill

I tend to suspect that my female characters are, to quote a famous criticism of Hemingway, men with tits. I think it is among my weaknesses and I work harder on those scenes, I think, because I feel vulnerable.

David Simon

Share your M&Ms. There are bags and bags of them all over the place. If you give them one of yours, even one of the green ones, you will not be lacking. Honust Injun. Now apply this to Time, Concern, Touch, Interest and Being Vulnerable.

Hugh Elliott

You know, I felt very vulnerable.

Fran Drescher

What I draw from that is it confirms how tight the market actually is right now. To us, the big picture is we are in a situation globally and here in the U.S. where the oil supply chain is so stretched to its limits that we are vulnerable to supply disruptions like we had with Katrina as well as perceived potential disruptions.

Doug Macintyre

He takes hundreds of recent law graduates at their most vulnerable, dependent state and guides them, soothes them, suffers with them, flatters them, advises them, exhorts them, humors them and holds their hands over the last hurdle before they enter the practice of law.

David Margolick

This is the worst case of child molestation imaginable. I don't know if we've ever seen a case like it before where the victims were so vulnerable.

Laura Gunn

If you've got 300 sexual offenders, for example, who are out on bail or some other kind of condition, that's a small price to pay to ensure that those individuals are not near a school, not near vulnerable children.

Kelvin Goertzen

The very fact that we don't know how vulnerable we are to floods across this country ought to be worrisome, ... We need to find that out and then act to do something about it.

Gerald Galloway

There was no Democratic leader telling the American people the truth about how the war in Iraq is absorbing so many resources it's making our country more vulnerable and less secure.

Gary Hart

You perpetrated a vicious, sustained and dreadful attack on a vulnerable woman, alone at night in the concrete stairwell of a multi-storey car park.

Peter Fox

The North Carolina Medical Society Foundation is very proud of the work of the Community Practitioner Program in addressing the issue of access to health care for vulnerable North Carolinians. Since its inception, the program has become an integral part of the safety net in our state.

Bob Seligson

Traditional thinking dictates that most women, children and other vulnerable groups within the family accept physical and emotional violence as a normal part of life. It is not normal. It is a matter of power and a lack of accountability. This Family Response Unit should become a symbol of hope in the community.

David Saunders

[In addition, the Conference of Chief Justices of the States resolved unanimously that court-stripping bills were a] hazardous experiment with the vulnerable fabric of the nation's judicial system. ... failed experiment.

Theodore Olson

There's some wiggle room there. It means Lautenschlager might be vulnerable.

Wendy Scattergood

I think Bush takes a big hit. He's vulnerable on it, even if it's not totally fair.

Paul Light

[When we filmed Animal House, I] found John [Belushi] astonishingly shy and vulnerable. Rather than being a confident established star, he seemed nervous about meeting everyone, about fitting in.

Karen Allen

It's not insurmountable. Of course Jon Porter is going to have some cash because Republican leaders have recognized he is one of their most vulnerable sitting members of Congress. We could catch up very fast and that is what we intend to do.

Kirsten Searer

What you see is what you get. My God, I don't have the time nor the energy to live up to some persona... I understand what it is to be vulnerable, and I understand what it is to be strong. So anybody who bashes 'sentimental' is missing it. I've seen the toughest guys in the world cry. That macho thing is an old folktale. I'm not afraid of it at all.

Marc Anthony

We have lost a lot of supplies at a time when we were very vulnerable. How high prices go will depend on how quickly refiners can get back on.

Roger Diwan

The cargo -- consisting of 703 tons of maize, 108 tons of beans and 39 tons of vegetable oil -- was destined for the Lower Juba Valley, which is home to some of the most vulnerable people in Somalia, people who have repeatedly been affected by droughts and floods.

Robert Hauser

In our community we don't think of crime as being a big issue. We feel safe here. So this really shocks us that this would happen. And when you get that shock there are people who are vulnerable to having high stress or high anxiety in response to that.

Herb Freeman

The outpouring of opposition to cuts in services needed by vulnerable families shows that more and more people across the nation want Congress to back the right priorities. People understand that it makes no sense to cut education, nutrition, and other vital services so that the wealthiest among us can receive billions more in tax breaks.

Deborah Weinstein

We're very conservative for the fourth quarter because we don't want to be as vulnerable to the holiday season as we have been in the past.

John Eyler

It leaves us vulnerable to tips, but boys go down the lines so well, I felt we needed to adjust.

Amy Cooper

Who will want to teach the poor students, the students who don't speak English as well? ... This makes us vulnerable to the growing attacks by districts, school boards and our enemies.

Barbara Kerr

It's a small step in the right direction because longstanding preferences and erosion of preferences have appeared in the text which means we are going to limit erosion of preferences for small vulnerable economies.

Arvin Boolell

We're only looking at Glidden. Without (Randall) Walker, we're vulnerable. But we can still beat any team. But we're not looking past Glidden.

Don Moreland

To see his name smacked through the mud, so to speak, was a tremendous blow to him. He's very vulnerable.

Leonard Teitelbaum

I'm surprised, I'm disappointed and maybe even a little depressed that we did not do better four years after 9/11. It says we're still very vulnerable.

Halee Hamilton

If you protect children's health, you will almost, by definition, protect adults because children are more vulnerable. If there is a toxin in the air, a child will be exposed to more of that toxin simply because they breathe more pound for pound.

Laura Weiss

And it tries to strengthen procedural safeguards for the most vulnerable of children from contiguous countries, such as asylum seekers, and abused, abandoned or neglected children. That includes children who are too young to make a decision on voluntary departure, or children who are incompetent by virtue of mental retardation.

Christopher Nugent

One of the bogus reasons that George Bush gives for this invasion (and) occupation of Iraq is to make America safer -- and Katrina exposed that clearly he has made America more vulnerable through his policies in Iraq.

Cindy Sheehan

The bottom line ... is that weak or nonexistent controls leave the government vulnerable to substantial fraud and abuse.

Gregory Kutz

The governments in these five countries have grossly failed to uphold the human rights of these vulnerable people.

Ramesh Singh

I am as vulnerable and fragile as it is possible to be. I am shredded to the core. I am at the point where I am stripped bare.

Rachel Hunter

They know the victims are vulnerable; they are illegal immigrants.

Bill Butler

The whole thing was a complete fabrication. We are gratified with the Appellate Division's unanimous decision. This is a perfect example of how vulnerable celebrities are to the filing of lawsuits that don't have any merit.

Benjamin Brafman

[Somers' husband, former game-show host Alan Hamel, has glimpsed that cowering child in their 37 years together.] That stuff never fully leaves you, ... in her eyes that's very vulnerable. I'll know that she's not feeling really good about herself in that moment.

Suzanne Somers

If they were doing something that created the problem, or if there was something that was making them vulnerable to the problem, I just don't know.

Gary Gordon

The market is beginning to price in not only a significant recovery but a quick recovery. For that reason we think the market is vulnerable.

Todd Salamone

Together, we are making a positive difference in the lives of those most in need. The industry's support allows us to increase the number of homes we rebuild and provide a better quality of life for our most vulnerable residents.

Fred Silva

There is no such thing as failure, only feedback. We're all equally vulnerable … backsliding happens to everyone.

Palma Posillico

We would like to see greater focus on the awareness and enforcement regimes, particularly within vulnerable, migrant communities.

Paul Kenny

Obviously, we know this will be a tough winter for customers who are most vulnerable to these increases in natural gas costs.

Scott Simons

A lot of producers will intimidate you or leave it to the engineer when you're in the vocal booth. I'm at my most vulnerable when I'm singing, but he just had a great manner in the studio.

Robert Lamm

They exposed their vulnerable grandparents to the flu.

John Brownstein

These studies demonstrate that there are vulnerable patient populations and potential additional costs associated with surgery but suggest that surgical volume helps mitigate these risks and costs.

M. Wolfe

The effects of the earthquakes that have struck Turkey in the last year will remain for many years to come, but we are committed to meeting the long-term needs of the vulnerable and helping people rebuild their lives.

Thomas Doyle

Let's say you're coming here for surgery. You're going to become vulnerable because of the anesthesia or maybe because of some medication. People's expectations are that they're coming here and they want to be safe.

Bill Becker

Chen is irritating the island's biggest ally by refusing the U.S. government's appeal, making Taiwan even more vulnerable to political and military pressure from China.

Mike Shiao

The lack of spare capacity has made us vulnerable to any threat to supply over the last few years. It's important to keep in mind that the biggest single loss of oil output recently was in the Gulf of Mexico.

Frank Verrastro

She lived alone there, and that is what I think had made her so vulnerable. She was like the rest of us - she kept her doors open and lived a simple life.

Linda Shultz

The shares had enjoyed an extraordinary debut, much better than we expected, but they are very vulnerable to any disappointment, ... The City never likes nasty surprises and this is a difficult business model to predict.

Hilary Cook

There's no long-term relief in sight for Dow Chemical. It remains a big target. But it doesn't mean it remains a vulnerable target.

James Kelleher

They're predators, and they're predators on our most vulnerable members of society.

Rep. Clel Baudler

It's also a really significant part of that revenue from the standpoint that [new business customers are] very vulnerable to competitors and general churn. We have to pay special attention to it to maximize that percentage.

Tim Barnes

This will not affect people's legal status, but it's pretty terrible. It's the worst kind of preying on vulnerable people. This guy was just stealing their money and they were getting nothing in return.

Richard Fowler

Within weeks of signing federal legislation that siphons off more than $39 billion from essential health and human service programs including Medicaid, Child Support and Child Welfare services, the President released a budget that assures, yet again, that Pennsylvania's vulnerable citizens as well as state and local governments will be asked to shoulder an undue and growing fiscal burden.

Doug Hill

We need to restrict it to the group most vulnerable, based on the most recent research. I can not predict where this will go in the future.

Tom O'rourke

It does make people more vulnerable. The wires aren't there to be seen. ... Wireless networks are much less secure.

Sarah Hicks

Cities are centre stage. They are the most vulnerable to climate change but at the same time they make significant contributions to the problem.

Nicky Gavron

In modern biological forms, it's not essential that water be present for DNA to have stability. There are other mechanisms that now exist in biology to accomplish that, and complex biological processes are possible that don't always require water. But in its most basic form, we now know that DNA bases are not stable and they are highly vulnerable to UV-induced damage.

Wei Kong

Blitzing will only get you so far. We are a fundamental defense. Trust me, when you go blitzing, you're taking a risk. You put a lot of pressure on the DBs. That's like a haymaker punch. You better hit it. If you miss, you're going to be very, very vulnerable. It's better to stop them with our sound defense. It's consistent. You know what you're going to get.

Kabeer Gbaja biamila

Nobody wants to see anyone who has been there all their lives disintegrate. Dick has been always there and always young, and if he has a stroke, that means I'm vulnerable, too. Unfortunately, we all are.

W. Lee Grant