In many respects, you've left fundamentals land and have entered expectations land. Fundamentals can improve and the stock can trade off if expectations aren't met.

Mark Mahaney

Unprecedented levels of unfairly traded imports continue to flood our markets. We renew our request that the Administration fully enforce our nation's trade laws and support recently introduced legislation intended to restore a level playing field in steel trade matters.

Peter Kelly

A lot of today's trade is based off the stock market.

Jeff Palma

Goodbye and good riddance, ... The IFC will not stand on the hallowed grounds of the World Trade Center site.

Vito Fossella

It can get lonely right out of high school going to the tour, especially if you are not winning. In college, you are part of a team, which is nice. It's an invaluable experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Mark Knowles

The ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas [and] the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

In addition to recognizing the design elements and enhanced security features of the new 10-dollar note, it is important for the public to know they will not need to trade in old notes for new notes. Older-design notes will maintain their full face value.

Michael Lambert

Safety and health regulations should not be second-guessed by trade officials.

Jean Halloran

We now have an explosion of new trade and investment incentives - currently 15 under implementation, close to 10 signed, more than 20 under negotiation and at least 16 more proposed.

Haruhiko Kuroda

It is not hard to appreciate that this provides a significant boost to incomes and spending. With exports representing about a fifth of GDP, each 10 percent increase in the terms of trade adds about 2 percent to the value of national income.

Malcolm Edey

We need to step back from the day-to-day rhetoric of the negotiations. We're on a slippery slope if we put protection of sectors ahead of an outcome that expands trade.

Dennis Richardson

Until both trade superpowers get serious about their promises to make this a development round, deadlines will come and go and a deal that helps the poor will remain elusive.

Luis Morago

Charging consumers for bogus collect calls is stealing. The Federal Trade Commission will not tolerate crooks who cram unauthorized charges onto phone bills.

Lydia Parnes

We had some early fund buying this morning. And we had some midday trade buying.

Dave Meger

President Bush did not do well, ... He received an underwhelming reception both on U.S. security and trade issues. His leadership has clearly been weakened.

Bruce Bagley

Tax reform and expanded trade are going to be so important to the economy of Illinois, particularly the 11th Congressional District, which is a major manufacturing and a major agricultural district.

Jerry Weller

The improvement in the trade gap is always welcome but the continued high level is always a concern. Strong exports (are) a confirming sign that growth is picking up in the rest of the world.

Alan Gayle

The Pacific Gateway initiative is very important for the country when we talk about the changing economic border where China and India are becoming much more dominant, ... Canada is very strategically positioned when we look at the west and the ability to move trade through our country. A Gateway strategy right across this country is going to be an important initiative.

Tony Valeri

We wanted to make sure we're not compromised by a trade agreement. We're not at the table.

Chris Warner

After work began on the Sino-ASEAN free trade zone on July 20 last year, leading to tariff reductions for approximately 7,000 categories of goods, China and ASEAN have entered a new stage in terms of economic cooperation and trade ties.

Yi Xiaozhun

Plunging business confidence and easing consumption should suppress import growth. Should the economic slowdown be more pronounced than expected, the trade deficit may have benefited.

Tim Bowring

I would trade playing five or six more games down there for the experience of coming up here any day, ... You can't come up here at 20 and expect to play every day.

Ryan Zimmerman

A growing percentage of trading closed-end funds is occurring electronically and away from the exchange floor. NASDAQ is well designed to trade closed-end funds. NASDAQ's electronic trading is efficient, translating into excellent retail investor access. And NASDAQ Market Makers are well qualified to address the nuances of trading closed-end funds.

Bruce Aust

The major European indices are seen opening close to flat this morning, given the lack of movement in international markets, with no trade in the U.S. overnight.

Rob Wallis

We're not telling you if you're making the right decision. If you truly day trade, approximately three out of 10 people will ultimately be successful at it.

Harvey Houtkin

We will continue to consult with the Chinese government to find a solution that will permit the orderly development of textile and apparel trade.

Jim Leonard

It's an offer that will never be taken up. Other countries are not likely to drop their trade barriers any time soon.

Greg Mastel

We've had such a quick run here in the first quarter, to see the market trade sideways or taper off a little bit wouldn't be that unusual.

Bart Barnett

If it sells well, our hope is McDonald's will embrace this across their entire system and all 13,000 stores will convert to Fair Trade in the next year or two. With McDonald's, I think that sends a very powerful signal to the entire industry. Fair Trade is here to stay and mainstream Americans are concerned with fairness and they are willing to buy it.

Paul Rice

We want to expand the bases of support for a free trade agreement with the United States, and therefore we have to talk with the Democrats.

Alejandro Toledo

We are highly dependent on Australian products such as live cattle. We have no alternative sources if the trade is halted.

Thomas Darmawan

I do not believe that the UAE knowingly permits terrorists to use its territory. But its desire to make itself the major hub for international trade means that Dubai's maintained an open door policy. We know that even in the most democratic societies, it's hard to close the door to those who would do us harm.

Theodore Kattouf

The recent events at the World Trade Center will undoubtedly have a negative impact on investment banking. Although economists believe a U.S. economic recovery will likely be stronger than previously expected, it is clear that any recovery in investment banking will be pushed well into 2002.

David Viniar

It is a beautiful area for albatross, on a protected ridge overlooking the ocean with trade winds needed for their first flight in a few months.

Brenda Zaun

We're not doing the Towering Inferno - Titanic version, ... two policemen who survived the towers' collapse and were rescued from the trade center ruins after 22 hours.

Michael Shamberg

We had a great season. I'm very proud of my kids. I wouldn't trade them for anyone.

Marty Reid

Bank of America's ... technology and enhanced functionality provide all supply chain participants with greater visibility into the cash flows associated with trade payables, which in turn drives reductions in working capital requirements as well as finance and operational costs.

Dan Scanlan

Insecurity, commonly regarded as a weakness in normal people, is the basic tool of the actor's trade.

Miranda Richardson

It's very difficult to see how China can decrease its trade surplus in the short term. China is very self- sufficient in terms of consumer goods and electronics and while they can buy more Boeing and Airbus jets, they are already doing that and still recording a surplus.

Tai Hui

The fact that nearly half a million cattle under 30 months were exported to the US in the second half of 2005 suggests that the Canadian-American trade in cattle and beef will likely return to its high levels before the BSE crisis struck.

Alexander Moens

The past record of standing back and allowing trade and investment to easily trump the human rights concerns can't stand.

Alex Neve

If terms of trade are declining and you really are playing a volume game not a margin game, that means you don't have pricing power and you will look to keep your currency weak for a while.

Bhanu Baweja

We have very good business practices in terms of trade-in policies, in terms of putting side by side systems, so you can try out an Integrity box while you still have your PA box.

Richard Marcello

I just don't see a whole lot out there that could push us a lot higher. The most positive thing we could see over the next few weeks would be for stocks to trade in a range.

Joe Sunderman

Lumber prices should decline slowly, but a settlement of the trade dispute would be a much larger positive for profitability. The U.S. sounds fairly serious about finding a resolution, now that its appeals are nearly exhausted.

Mark Connelly

The publishing of Singapore's trade statistics could benefit us, especially as regards starting an investigation into illegal trading with that country.

Toto Dirgantoro

High crude oil prices had the biggest impact on the trade balance. Exports also grew but their growth was offset.

Tatsuya Torikoshi

That's not to say that the deficit isn't a concern. In the end, the desire is for this to balance out and bring up India and China and the wages there so their ability to purchase goods and products will increase and as a result these trade imbalances won't become so one-way.

Matthew Kazmierczak

This should be yen positive, as the trade surplus argument always favors the yen.

Takehiko Jimbo

Macroeconomic policy can never be devoid of politics: it involves fundamental trade-offs and affects different groups differently.

Joseph Stiglitz

As firefighters raised our American flag in the rubble of the destruction that was the World Trade Center, they came together from all over the nation to serve. With their camaraderie, they brought dignity and honor to our country.

Karen Marks

The general feeling here is that the trade deficit does not really come at the U.S. expense. The U.S. makes money at every stage of Chinese production.

Jia Qingguo

Let me take you to some reality. We're all spoiled. We like to keep it that way. ... This is a trade-off, and that's what we're telling you about.

Varoujan Hagopian

. . . what a burning shame it is that many of the pieces on the subject of slavery and the slave trade, contained in different school books, have been lost sight of, or been subject to the pruning knife of the slaveholding expurgatorial system!

Robert Purvis

In general, the twin deficits (trade and federal) will be an ongoing source of volatility in the dollar and interest rates.

Alan Gayle

Investors are keen on China enterprises because talks on China's entry to the World Trade Organization are imminent.

Antony Mak

There are some guys that come off bad, but sometimes those people need you to come off like that. Sometimes they force you to come off like that, because you may tell them four or five times to go on, and they'll come back with their cap turned backwards and try again. Those are all tricks of the trade.

Ozzie Smith

He's a guy in the Elite League who's been able to produce numbers. We'll see what training camp is like for him. You're always looking for that little extra piece in a trade and take a chance on somebody. We'll see what he can do.

Larry Pleau

The principals felt that (professional development) was a good use of time, but the trade-off of kids going home early was lost teaching time. They wanted to make sure we had an opportunity for better balance.

Mike Watty

The political situation has come to a deadlock that not only hurts investors' confidence, but also is likely to hurt the economy by delaying government infrastructure projects and free trade talks.

Pichai Lertsupongkit

Paul may not have scored (much), but I wouldn't trade (that). He dominated the inside.

Bruce Larner

The US textile industry will file as many safeguard cases as it takes to halt these job-killing trade practices.

Auggie Tantillo

Canada's quest for gold has shuffled the market to a standstill, ... Only the Americans are left to trade the market because their game doesn't start until later.

Tom Green

These locks and dams are in such poor shape that any big problem with one of them and the river is shut down. It really affects corn prices and barge trade.

Rob Elliott

There was never a point that I was thinking I wouldn't be part of the next wave (of pitchers) over there (in Atlanta). The trade was something that was a surprise.

Matt Belisle

The consistently elevated level of trade surplus continues to put pressure on officials to allow further yuan appreciation.

Grace Ng

Some people think we just show up on the beach and that's it. But it's trade shows, city commission meetings, planning boards. Everything to make it better. Just the pleasure of seeing it all come together makes it rewarding and worthwhile.

Dick Catri

The deterioration in the trade balance appears to be being arrested -- a lower currency and weaker domestic activity will go a long way to improving the current account situation, but it will take some time to show through.

Brendan O'donovan

With long-bond volatility , the dollar all over the map, and the Dow swinging from one extreme to the other based on perception of macroeconomic numbers, the question becomes how much (of) Latin equities do you want to trade in that kind of environment?

David Chon

Funding can never replace the value lost from trade and the euro190 million does not really offset that, offset what we would lose.

Brian Mcdonald

Given that it is a highly contagious disease, we were sure it could spread from one region to another, either through wildlife or through trade and movements of products. So this happened and we are not surprised at all.

Joseph Domenech

He's got something he wants, if he has in mind a land trade.

Brad Little

The US is aggressively targeting bilateral trade agreements around the world with countries that represent over 30 per cent of Canadian wheat export markets and over 45 per cent of Canadian barley export markets, and Australia's also pursuing bilateral support.

Maureen Fitzhenry

[The Brewer company is considering whether it should pursue legal action against Hallowell for the] know-how, intellectual property, technology improvement and trade secrets that he took with him to a new company, ... We're exploring how we will respond to that.

Brandon Lewis

Tech might get a little direction from how people trade Cisco today.

Marc Pado

The TSE lacks awareness and alertness when the market is open. If something happens, there needs to be someone to make a decision. They should have halted that J-Com trade.

Yoji Takeda

Every coach is biased about his own kid, but I wouldn't trade Kevin for anybody. He accepted not making the Dandy Dozen as a challenge. A lot of people, including some colleges, looked over him because of his height, but his size makes him play harder.

Clay Norton

About 60 percent of trade remedy investigation cases against China have come from developing countries like India, Turkey and South Africa.

Wang Shichun

I think at the moment what they are trying to do is limit yen strength, given the fact that Japanese corporations are still facing a lot of deflationary pressures. Japanese trade data showed another fall in exports, which is a byproduct of the yen strength we've seen over the past few months.

Allison Montgomery

(Australian Foreign Minister Alexander) Downer must now do everything in his power to end the increasingly violent situation in Fiji, including the use of trade sanctions.

Sharan Burrow

The golden frog is already endangered because of habitat loss and collecting for the pet trade. It was one of the species we found dead and infected with the fungus at El Cope. As far as we know, every species at the site was probably infested with it and died.

Karen Lips

The front end of the curve tried to rally a little bit and there was a trade down in the belly of the curve. We expect the Fed to cut rates another quarter-percentage point in January and for federal funds to be at 1.5 percent in the middle of 2002. We're looking for a recovery in the third quarter of next year.

Dominic Konstam

Free trade is no panacea -- for Colombia to fully benefit from this deal it will need to accompany the agreement with sound economic policies that boost competitiveness.

Jeffrey Schott

The dollar will trade with a downward bias. The market is pricing in an ECB rate hike Thursday and strong GDP report Friday.

Dave Gilmore

There were a number of older grocers serving that trade area. But we saw a need for a first-quality grocery store.

David Watson

What we learn will strengthen our English business. We're the only group with exposure to all three sectors in Scotland -- the free trade, as well as managed and tenanted pubs.

Rooney Anand

Trade is very helpful to people. It provides lots of opportunities, it provides more markets. Our trade authorities, the U.S. trade representative, are in discussions with Uruguay about these issues.

Clay Lowery

The only thing the stock could trade on would be phantom news, news from the construction site, whether or not it's on budget or if there's going to be a delay.

Daniel Davila

I could never challenge Donald Trump for power and influence, but I would never trade that for a pretty day on the rock. It's so intellectual and Zen-like for me.

John Baumann

On the other hand when you are someone who records their own songs you are basically stuck writing for one voice and for one style that can stifle you a bit. It's a real trade off.

Cynthia Weil

The Feb. 26, 1993 attack on the World Trade Center was an act of terrorists, for which terrorists alone are responsible.

Marc Kasowitz

Given the still relatively robust domestic demand and an anticipated pick-up in fixed investment spending, the trade balance should continue to trend weaker.

Kevin Lings

It is impossible to put an exact figure on the drugs trade.

Stephen Ward

Literature nowadays is a trade. Putting aside men of genius, who may succeed by mere cosmic force, your successful man of letters is your skilful tradesman. He thinks first and foremost of the markets . . .

George Gissing

Following the accident, there's downside risks to exports in January, so the trade deficit may be wider than we expect.

Joseph Capurso

There are already some critics who say this bill is a good idea but it may not go far enough. The bill gives the [Federal Trade Commission] the authority to enforce this law, but it does not give users like you and me the right to sue.

Doug Isenberg

The trade-off is they are going to have scars. You are trading scars for body shape.

Jeff Kenkel

We've got a capable point guard running things. I wouldn't trade Andre (Miller) for anybody.

Marcus Camby

Maybe we should trade in our supervisor for somebody up in Seattle.

Sam Singer

You have to deposit the check in (your) bank. A friend of yours can't come to New York to trade checks for you. We have to send your money in the mail.

John Matthews

While much work remains to be accomplished to level the international playing field as it relates to international trade, passage of the anti-counterfeiting bill is a significant step in the right direction towards a fair trade situation for the Commonwealth's manufacturing community.

Richard Lord

It's fairly safe to say that the trade deficit may have peaked now that oil prices are falling and the U.S. economy is showing signs of slowing down.

Bernard Baumohl

I was there before the second plane hit [the World Trade Center] and I will speak about what happened, my experience there, and just encourage people that they be ready for eternity.

Rob Moore

He's kind of a curmudgeon, but in many ways that's what's so endearing about him, ... I'm going to miss him in the trade.

Brian Morrison

Trade associations have a history of running successful publications. The AARP publishes AARP and the Magazine and the Society of Human Resource Management has HR Magazine. We have a statewide audience we can tap.

Jennifer Kluge

For the really controversial issues of non-trade items, like environment and labor, I would suggest we go around them very cautiously. I don't think we should have them in the negotiations.

Supachai Panitchpakdi

You have no right . . . to ask a worker whether he or she belongs to the trade union movement or which trade union. That is a person's fundamental right . . . and it is a United Nations basic and fundamental human right. No employer has any right to ask a worker about it.

Sir Roy Trotman

Our success at implementing strategic initiatives such as re-entering the Northeast market and entering an alternative trade for the single-hull tanker Allegiance will also serve the company well.

Jonathan Whitworth

We need to keep an eye on Japan's trade number. Also, the country's monetary policy is very loose, pointing toward a weaker yen.

Shahab Jalinoos

I was pretty surprised by the trade, ... I found out on Wednesday that something was going on. I guess [the Red Sox are getting me to face the Yankees]. I'm throwing the ball pretty well, and Boston is a great place to play.

Mike Stanton

The yen's weakness against the dollar in Tokyo has been inherited from overseas trade on interest rate differentials.

Nobuo Kihara

Liberalizing trade by itself is not enough to generate growth and to fight poverty. While the World Bank has done the right thing in promoting more open trade worldwide it has not done everything right to help generate the payoffs.

Vinod Thomas

He's already been here, unfortunately, and [Toronto] decided to trade him. Who says he's going to stay there? You never know. ... I have two years left here, and things could change. I could be here for a lot longer.

Vernon Wells

Stuart is still learning his trade but I can see him becoming England manager in the future. He needs to carry on the way he is at the moment and he probably feels he has to do well for a few more years, but I can't see him turning it down because he is so patriotic.

Andy Cole

Much more well-rounded as a result of the trade.

Milwaukee Brewers

The new combined company is going to be trading at something like 20 to 22 times 2007 earnings. So, it's very much at the high end of the asset management peer group. Most asset managers trade at that sort of multiple on this year's earnings, not next year's earnings.

Chris Meyer

Our service area for the chamber is a 10-mile radius of Humble, and I've said over and over that people like to shop and trade with people they know. I truly believe that if you need a product or a service, you can find it in the service area of the chamber, and if you can't, then we need to find those folks and get them into our community.

Mike Byers

We were expecting the yen to gain towards the end of the week, given that Fukui will speak tomorrow and with the U.S. trade data coming up on Friday.

Hideaki Furumaya

People were somewhat focused on the trade surplus numbers. Japan is ultimately an exporting country and those exports are getting more expensive.

Robert Sasaki

Trade-offs have been with us ever since the late unpleasantness in the Garden of Eden.

Thomas Sowell

I am sure I am staying here after I graduate, following in my siblings' footsteps. Regardless of what I do though, it's been an awesome experience, both coming here as an international student and what I've done here. It's a double-edged sword, but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.

Chin Kuo

It's an amazing feeling to end my four years like this. I love my team so much. I wouldn't trade my four years at Incarnate for anything.

Felicia Chester

This is not trade based on comparative advantage. We are confronted with an economic crisis in the U.S. steel industry, stemming directly from the structural mismanagement by several governments of their economies. Neither the U.S. government, nor its steel industry, can afford to wait for the trade law process to take its course.

Keith Busse

In an environment where trade spend costs are rising faster than sales, charting a path to higher impact trade programs has become a strategic imperative for most foodservice manufacturers. Our customers look to us for foodservice expertise and the technology solution required to enable their trade spend initiatives.

Anthony Wilson

Unfortunately, this decision goes far beyond just a death warrant for sea turtles. The precedent this decision creates puts all of our environmental protections that may come into conflict with so-called free trade police at risk.

Todd Steiner

Washington is the only state with a positive balance of trade with China, something we are very proud of.

Holly Armstrong

Overall market is expected to trade flat with a bullish undertone. The oil and gas, power stocks should do well.

Sachin Chavan

The January survey results imply that trade conditions may not be as vigorous as they were in 2004 and 2005, but expectations are still quite high. Fewer new orders and a slow down in supplier delivery negatively affected trade conditions in January.

Richard Downing

If the APEC economies can't collectively come up with forward movement on trade and open markets, that would be unfortunate for the global trading system. It's absolutely critical for the leaders of these 21 countries to come out with a very strong statement on trade.

Myron Brilliant

We're calling for some slight improvement in the weather by early next week. We're still looking for a return to light trade winds but still a wet trade winds pattern for next week.

Derek Wroe

Mr Blair has made history and no one's more pleased than me that we've got a Labour prime minister in for a third term. No-one's more pleased than me. We put our money, and our people and our efforts, where our mouth is. We've done that as a whole trade union movement not just the T&G.

Tony Woodley

The point is -- ad we know this from history -- that if currencies remain way out of line, trade protectionism follows.

C. Fred Bergsten

They didn't guarantee me anything, but the vibe I got from them from what they said to me was that they weren't going to trade me any time in the near future. That's relative to whatever you think the near future is, but I thought it came pretty quick.

Bronson Arroyo

It's a significant and dynamic trade relationship.

Pierre Pettigrew

Crude is back above $61 a barrel -- something that will buoy the likes of Shell and BP -- and in turn give the FTSE some support in early trade, but once again the implications this news has on industry as a whole may yet weigh on broader stocks in the days ahead.

Matt Buckland

Small presses are really an amorphous market. There is a range of companies from the Fortune 500 to information and technology to trade associations down to specialty areas, and they have a loyal following.

Jeff Hayes

Is that the type of vote that we would like to see? No, ... Do we understand that vote? Yes, we do. Property rights are a very big issue for him. These are trade-offs that are difficult, but they are the trade-offs that exist today.

David Wilmot

Despite uncertainty related to Katrina and other economic conditions, we remain optimistic about global trade and expect continued economic expansion in the U.S. and in the international markets.

Frederick Smith

Peter Forsberg is one of the best players in the game. We signed him knowing that he puts us over the cap and we will have to trade some guys now.

Bob Clarke

Our view is the entire World Trade Center is a sacred precinct, a place of dignity, a place of aspiration, a place of contemplation, and of hope and memory.

Richard Meier

I'm disappointed that I got injured and I'm disappointed in the year I had. I'm not upset over the trade.

Corey Koskie

They're set there. I think they will and should take Reggie. You just can't pass up on a somebody like that. He's such a great athlete. You're going to kick yourself if you trade that spot.

Scott Ware

It's not the busiest area in the whole of town, but we always have a lot of people in here so do a good trade.

Peter Morgan

There is no room for error ... we have to ensure the next few weeks are in fact about the intensification of (the trade) agenda.

Trevor Manuel

I don't know why people are writing the Cubs aren't in it because they have to trade Sammy Sosa first.

Scott Boras

It works out well for everybody. It's a good trade.

Howard Cramer

This discovery provides historians with the first look at an actual wreck from a key era of trade in the Black Sea known previously only through written records.

Bob Ballard

In front of 2 World Trade, he told the driver, 'Let me off here. I think I can make a difference,' .

Joseph Crowley

The convention of the cross-Strait forum on economic and trade affairs is essential and pressing, as cross-Strait economic cooperation and exchanges have been developed for more than 20 years.

Chen Yunlin

At the conclusion of the season, we agreed to work with the Red Sox in exploring potential trade possibilities. We have never withdrawn our willingness to cooperate in that process and remain open to discussing trade possibilities.

Greg Genske

Because Canada is so open to world trade and finance, we need to understand these changes so that we can manage our economy appropriately and take advantage of new opportunities.

Paul Jenkins

As of now, we don't even have required reporting in this country of greenhouse gas emissions. The program would work much in same way as cap-and-trade we have with the acid rain program that controls sulfur dioxide emissions in this country.

Vicki Arroyo

I still have friends who play on the team now, and I don't think that's a great deal. I don't think that guy is helpful. He's just now coming back from a suspension, and this is how he reacts, demanding a trade. You should be happy to be playing if you're really rehabilitated and have it out of your system.

Maurice Evans

If you add up the students who plan to attend a two-year school, go to work, go in the military, or to trade school, that's half. Only half plan to go to a four-year school.

Mike Carson

We can be working on a trade beyond opening day. It's not something we need to have done by that date.

Bill Bavasi

It was an amazing experience, I wouldn't trade it for anything, ... But if you asked me 'Would I do it again?' I'd say no.

Tom Murphy

Upon closer inspection many of the allegedly negative implications of rising international trade and investment for jobs, wages and living standards are belied by the evidence.

Joaquin Almunia

We never wanted to do any business with the Soviet 'evil empire. We embargo Cuba, we don't trade with North Korea, but with China it's O.K. I just always argue, why is it? Why do we single out China?

Harry Wu

Some of what we achieved in the trade sessions We received excellent inputs to create a more balanced world.

Mukesh Ambani

We have an Iraq war going on right now in which the media coverage is strictly limited. There is no coverage, for example, of the bodies of American soldiers coming home. Footage of the World Trade Center is pretty well suppressed now in the media. You don't see the planes hitting the building, and the footage of the actual victims themselves is very, very, very rarely shown.

Stephen Prince

Every day, every practice, every game I feel more comfortable. It was a little difficult at the start (after the trade), but the guys have been real receptive.

Wayne Primeau

It's always a tight game with them. It seems like both teams trade leads and then it comes down to the wire. That's what makes our rivalry great.

Bart Eddins

I ain't saying I should be starting, but I think I deserve some minutes. That's all I'm saying. It's not a situation where I'm saying I demand to be traded. I'm in a peculiar situation myself. I'm in a contract season. They made a trade for me, and I want to play, I want to compete, that's all.

Chucky Atkins

All classes of society are trade unionists at heart, and differ chiefly in the boldness, ability, and secrecy with which they pursue their respective interests.

W. Stanley Jevons

The real story is the dramatic growth of used trade books through online channels.

Jeff Hayes

They have had no incidents there. They trade with everyone. They've traded with the Islamic republic in Iran since 1979 when it was created. They trade with the Saudis of course. So they trade with everybody and do it extremely efficiently.

Robert Springborg

With stocks running out of steam late yesterday afternoon we suspect that the market will continue to present itself lower in early morning trade as higher oil prices grabbed far bigger attention than the M&A activity.

Neill Pickering

One hundred calories is a nice trade-off between a reasonable amount of calories and a satisfying snack.

Jeff Swearingen

In 2003, Taiwan and Panama signed an FTA. One year after that (pact) was signed, the trade volume (between those two countries) more than doubled, or grew 112 percent.

David Hong

We merely want to live in peace with all the world, to trade with them, to commune with them, to learn from their culture as they may learn from ours, so that the products of our toil may be used for our schools and our roads and our churches and not for guns and planes and tanks and ships of war.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

We started bucking it, and it was an instant success. It tore up every boot in the trade show.

Sam Reeves

You can see what the drug trade has done to this area.

Bonnie Summers

We cannot understand why Canada would trade its winning position that should end the duties under NAFTA for a deal that imposes border measures. If press reports on the leaked proposed deal are correct, it also involves manipulating the market through government-set prices for lumber, and the fluctuating value of Canadian currency.

Susan Petniunas

We've been hearing from Mayor Giuliani, pretty much just play-by play, describing exactly what it was like at the World Trade Center that day.

Christie Coombs

Anytime you get a player of Christopher's value, you have to give up a player of equal value. We wish Ryan the best of luck in the future. In the end, I think this is a trade that can make both teams better.

Kevin Hartzell

I've never seen a time when there's been such a blow-up of the kind of risk to the U.S. economy. We've taken a 2 percent trade drag for the first three quarters of 1998 and yet we're still averaging a 3.25 percent growth rate for these first three quarters.

Wayne Angell

We are having a negative bout in stocks, especially U.S. stock markets, and that is making investors a bit more cautious. With Brazil's trade surplus being driven by commodities, the drop in prices there is also hurting us.

Alexandre Vasarhelyi

We should as an industry ... look at ways we can better work together. There is an enormous amount of overlap in the work [IT trade groups] do.

Robert Hoffman

The list for exotic anoles or lizards found in Florida is increasing yearly. Most of these animals have pet trade connections, with additional entry opportunities due to cargo stowaways, plant industry and freight shipments and hurricanes.

Chris Koeppel

Africa is poor because Africa hasn't grown. And it can only grow when it is allowed to trade freely and openly and fairly. That means these trade distorting subsidies must be removed by 2010, but we are nowhere near that.

Niall Fitzgerald

To a great extent, this is what they think about when they're in the shower or alone in their car. What trade can I make? What lineup alteration can I get involved in? I would describe it as on one end, obsessive, on another end, it's just simply the background rhythm of life that this group of people has decided to occupy their physical time and their mental energy with.

Don Levy

We know how to slow down the job loss due to free trade: Turn it into fair trade. We know how to better protect pensions in the bankruptcy courts: Change the code so that pensions are higher up the list. That's the quickest and most efficient way to fight this back.

Mark Gaffney

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do then by the ones you did. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

With the physical trade still quiet because of the summer slowdown, the markets seem to be at the whim of the funds, so more exogenous issues such as the equities, oil, bonds and the dollar, or any other event that impacts the funds, needs to be watched closely.

William Adams

The US market has gone up for the past (few) consecutive trading days and should provide further momentum for local shares to trade higher. There are no local news (leads) that may dampen trading mood. The focus will remain on H shares because of the yuan, with second-liners also drawing some attention from investors.

Conita Hung

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

Sun's complaint is based on its desire to gain access to our technical trade secrets.

John Frank

They (the British) are appalled to hear we have transient parking under a facility like the World Trade Center.

Peter Goldmark

Unlike (the NASA) robots, Beagle 2 won't be going sightseeing. It is intent on discovering where there is or was life on Mars. It is happy to trade measurements for mobility.

Colin Pillinger

We are going after foreign trade now.

Wellington Vasconcelos Fontes

The pickup in imports is in line with the sense we had that the slowdown in the U.S. economy is close to its bottom, ... To some extent, last month's trade balance seemed surprisingly narrow, and this number is more in line with our basic view of the economy. We continue to see a U.S. economy that is growing slowly, but definitely growing.

David Roberts

We're back to expecting a rate cut on December 11. Meyer changed people's thinking by essentially saying there's no limit as to how low (the federal funds rate) could go and today we're getting an added boost from the (weak) stock trade.

Chris Rupkey

The data suggests the big momentum positions which had mirrored carry trades have now been cut back to much more neutral levels, which should provide a good backdrop for carry trade rebuilding in the new year.

Daniel Katzive

We're getting tied up in too many things. We need to get that bunch that bombed the World Trade Center first.

Thomas Murphy

We need these measures because we need to be able to evaluate the trade-offs involved and the alternative methods of solving the problem, ... To do that, we have to take the full fiscal imbalance into account.

Jagadeesh Gokhale

It was too hot there, but the people are great, so I guess it's kind of a trade-off.

Richard Lies

That's what Ireland needs now, early-stage investment. We have a lot of large companies that are not going to raise funds but are growing to exit [either through flotation or trade sale] in the next 12-24 months. But there's not a lot of companies looking to raise 10-20 million to go to the next stage.

Ulric Kenny

For the time being it's put a top on the market. It'll be difficult to trade above $30 in the short term. Longer term, the jury is still out.

Nauman Barakat

We knew they'd been struggling. They hadn't won. They'd made a big trade, and they probably got their [butts] kicked after the last couple games. But we didn't match them, and we've got to find out why.

Matthew Barnaby

Smaller companies tend to just put workers out there. You have so many new people coming in and out of this trade and many companies don't train you.

Mike Howes