Usually, if we're going to use something long term, we buy it with Software Assurance, ... So the fact that they're doing a new product release isn't a significant concern to me.

Stan Johnson

Right from the transition, Fox had the point of view that he simply didn't want to run the risk of upending the apple cart. He had commitments to the private sector, and he was not able to separate that commitment - to avoid a crisis at the end of (his term) - from the idea of confronting the PRI.

Jorge Castaneda

People are snapping up medium-term debt on bets the BOJ will take its time raising rates after a shift in policy.

Norihisa Takao

Acute events are much more destructive if long-term planning hasn't been done, ... So it's in our interest to be concerned about controlling infections like TB even outside our own borders.

Marc Lipsitch

The political dilemma in attempting to invest funds, create regulatory programs, or other efforts to avert losses in the first place stems from the fact that the costs [or burdens] are up front, while the benefits are longer term and uncertain.

Peter May

Climate warming is a certainty for our future and ... the long-term prognosis is clear and very dire.

Tim Barnett

Given the current political situation, this business (Iran) will be less and less interesting for German companies in the medium and long term.

Jochen Clausnitzer

Steve has a good reputation for turning businesses around and creating value for shareholders. His short tenure is surprising and cannot bode well for the share price in the short term.

George O'connor

You should choose the same funds that you would invest in for yourself - if anything you can take more risk on behalf of children as the investment is over a longer term.

Ben Yearsley

Management continues to run the company for long term shareholder return.

John Lawrence

A business that has long-term growth prospects.

Wayne Pace

I don't think $65 oil is sustainable in the long term. There will be a reaction from either the supply or demand side.

Doug Leggate

However, we would expect short-term pressure on Suez's share price. Firstly, we believe that the group is likely to lose its 'bid premium', as the announced merger acts as a strong signal that the French government will fight hard against a foreign hostile bid.

Bertrand Lecourt

Of course, it will take a long time in history for the new socialist countryside to materialize in China. Formerly meant to be a vision to pursue and a direction for development, the notion is now deemed as both a long-term goal and an urgent, immediate task.

Chen Xiwen

Everything is on the table, including the continued independence for these three carriers, but in my opinion, that's not likely, ... There's an old saying that you have to break eggs to make omelet. The industry is looking for a new financial equilibrium. If you try to stay independent, in the near term you won't gum up earnings, but long term, I think it's an untenable situation.

Kevin Murphy

Our performance over the long-term will be driven by a disciplined focus on growing our core businesses, improving our cost competitiveness, and maintaining the strength of our balance sheet. By focusing on these priorities and staying focused on client relationships, we will be well positioned to deliver stable, sustainable performance over the long term.

Gerald T. Mccaughey

You have to look at it from a global perspective. As we advance baseball in other countries and some day end up with a real World Series, this is a great step in that direction. Hopefully it's a great step long-term from a revenue perspective for our industry.

Jim Bowden

We're still in a period of rising commodities prices. Even if they started to soften, the big mining companies have still locked-in long-term contracts which translate into a degree of earnings certainty.

Don Hamson

If we're going to have short-term pain, I hope he's talking about long-term relief.

William Dressel

We'll establish short- and long-term goals, and revisit the mission and the vision. Then we'll start receiving applications for funding.

Vicky Kaaz

It will be very difficult for the Navy to secure the kinds of increases it needs to afford the long-term shipbuilding program.

Paul Francis

We are leasing space and expect to be putting the facility up for sale. This does not mean we're moving out. In fact, we plan to have a long-term lease to back the space.

Meredith Libbey

The long-term goal is to develop new ways to evaluate a patient's asthma to allow us to design individualized therapy for that patient based on the type of inflammation in their lungs or the genes they have. We are a long way from being there, but this research is a start.

Wendy Moore

It's imminent that it's going to happen. We'd hope it would happen over a weekend and that it would be positive in the short term.

Bill Roe

The words 'stakeholder' upgraded China's status in foreign relations and the global system. The only uncertainty in Chinese circles is whether it represents the ideas of the administration. Does the key term 'stakeholder' also represent the ideas of Secretary (of State Condoleezza) Rice, or the thinking of the President himself?

Chu Shulong

The cost for the term and for living expenses and whether it's going to be granted the same amount of weight on my transcript and figured into my GPA is something I would want to know.

Megan Determan

All chronic conditions should be viewed as important by the healthcare community. By investing now in consistent, comprehensive treatment, we can prolong health, improve quality of life and save money in the long term.

Myrl Weinberg

When you talk about the glass movement in this country it's actually fairly young and it's at a time when Chihuly and the other forefathers if you want to use that term are still alive and working.

Joanna Sikes

We're real excited about that. We really wanted to get (residents') input, and now that we've got that information, that will help us as we set some long-term plans into motion.

Todd Redenius

We are very confident about the long-term outlook for our business, but believe that the immediate impact will be a further weakening in the operating environment and a delay in the economic recovery, ... However, given increased fiscal and monetary stimulus, we anticipate that long-term economic recovery should be more certain and vigorous than previously expected.

Henry Paulson

In our mind, he's ready to win. Is this the end goal? No. We definitely want to win this and we think he's ready to win, but the first Saturday in May is our long-term target, that's for sure.

Doug O'neill

When you looked at all those guys and their long-term potential, I always thought Kipper was the one.

Jeff Friesen

In our view, shares could face near-term pressure as the company works through high start-up costs associated with Red Rock, increases in promotional spending, and competitive responses.

Smedes Rose

This is the most comprehensive look at recent long-term care insurance claims data. The goal was to better understand what percentage of long-term care insurance claimants with shorter duration policies actually use-up or exhaust their policy benefits.

Jesse Slome

Polls show that voters still support the current term-limits law, but lawmakers aren't listening. We are buying them hearing devices that have powerful amplifiers, so they truly can hear the voice of the voters.

Max Linn

This transaction is a good fit for the long-term strategies of both BP and Apache. Though we are much smaller than BP, we share its desire to focus capital and talented professionals on assets that will provide the maximum return for shareholders.

Raymond Plank

This was a massive win for us, one that guarantees us a second term in the top flight.

Matt Bolton

We remain concerned about the company's long-term outlook and management's preparedness to address the challenges. Still, built-in expectations or valuation appear to be low, and 2006 should benefit from the structural elimination of Brazil and a year of disappointing results in 2005.

Mark Swartzberg

We feel the immediate improvement will be greater numbers of African-American students this fall. The long-term impact will be better recruitment and graduation rates.

Terry Allen

When we use that term and link it with something like wrestling, that's saying that the midget is part of the entertainment, so it kind of reinforces the legacy of people of short stature being used in entertainment.

Gary Arnold

We need long-term sustainable solutions.

Ryan Lippe

The shares have done a lot in a very short time. Share gains of 30 percent in two months, plus raw materials costs still rising, could mean some investors will look to take profit in the near- term.

Nick Sloane

Lucent knows that in the longer term, it's going to continue to win business and it can offer customers almost any major service, ... This is a way for it to broaden its product line. One of the things [Excel does] is help traditional phone networks connect to the Internet backbone.

Michael Neiberg

The highest points I give Rehnquist is for his sense of long-term judicial strategy.

Jonathan Turley

If the U.S. occupies Iraq, it will have the best opportunity in the short term to provide both law and order, prevent retribution and begin the processes by which Iraqis inside and outside can refashion their political system and move toward democratic reforms.

Phebe Marr

Such levels have typically coincided with a short-term contraction. After five years of stellar growth, the economy is now entering a more sedate growth phase, as is required to alleviate pressure on resources.

Cameron Bagrie

With the import side holding up more strongly than exports for now, the Reserve Bank is unlikely to respond with lower interest rates in the near term.

Michael Every

If high prices do continue much longer, they will certainly have a bite on GDP growth. At the moment, we are at the stage where prices are really driven by short-term factors that the market has been dealing with for the last few months.

Daniel Hynes

It goes a long way towards answering the critics on a number of counts. It shows we're planning for the long-term future and the owners aren't just in it for a quick buck.

Andy Anson

Isn't a short-term tack to drive sales. This is something that's important for us as a society to address.

Ben Cohen

With a CSA, the focus is shifted from responding to individual incidents to optimizing overall plant performance for the long term. Contractual guarantees place GE squarely in the same risk/reward position as the plant owner, creating a partnership that works toward the same business goals.

Magued Eldaief

Yesterday, you had a relief rally because the price of oil dropped so much, but I'm not sure how much of a factor that's going to be in the short-term. Prices are still near $40 a barrel, and the trend for the time being is up.

Brian Bensch

The large skew indicates that the market is bracing for short-term volatility in Harley Davidson ahead of its earnings report, and the defensive put activity seems to suggest that some traders are concerned that the volatile move might be to the downside.

Frederic Ruffy

We take very seriously our charge to tell the stories of this community. These numbers tell everyone at KARE 11 that we are connecting with our viewers and we will recommit to our long-term game plan of photography, storytelling and community.

Tom Lindner

Equity selection is based on a long-term view and there is no chopping and changing.

Neville Chester

Quality-enhancing programs like these are extremely important for consumers and residents in long-term care facilities.

Rick Carter

Markets are certainly focused on people who speak effectively about macroeconomic issues and the outlook for policy. The key issue here may be whether they choose to speak clearly and forcefully about near- term economic issues.

Brian Sack

This is a very important finding. It's likely to change the recommended care for patients. But we need to know more about the side effects and the long-term effectiveness.

Richard Gelber

I would not term it a suspension.

Kelly Hughes

Sympathetic cracks. A term frequently used by architects and surveyors in terms of ageing houses. I know what they mean.

Ted Dexter

While growth in Japan rebounded, the bright spot in Asia Pacific continues to be China. The combination of a healthy economy and increasing diagnosis and treatment rates make China extremely attractive to multinational pharmaceutical companies. Many of them are expanding their presence in China now because they recognize the significant long-term business opportunities that market presents.

Ray Hill

We took this whole vertical integration plan very seriously. There are some fundamental changes happening in our business, including a short-term shift in attitudes, a mid-term shift in technology and the long-term trend is a significant shift in who is buying the room. We know we now have to provide options to fill those shifts.

Jim Abrahamson

The German economy is on a longer-term path of recovery, helped by some gains in domestic demand. Germany may well be able to help lead the euro zone out of a period of fairly stagnant growth.

David Page

Surely the dollar makes pricing more competitive for U.S. companies. But it's more a noise factor than anything else on a short-term basis.

Sunil Reddy

Those who run cricket in this country, especially at the domestic level, are for the most part a self-serving, pusillanimous and self-important bunch of myopic dinosaurs unable to take any but the shortest-term view of everything.

Henry Blofeld

The company views market development in China as a long-term process and has very conservative near-term volume projections for China.

Bob Klein

Rising oil prices are not only affecting current inflation rates but they're also overshadowing next year, ... It can't be ruled out that risks for price developments will deteriorate that much over the medium term that we might have to expect the annual inflation rate to slightly exceed 2 percent.

Otmar Issing

This doesn't really change our long-term growth strategy. We'll continue to center around Seattle.

Bill Ayer

What matters is, number one, establishing a goal, number two, establishing a strategy that helps you reach those goals, and, number three, not changing that strategy based on the noise going on in the market, which is best left to the short-term trader.

Roy Diliberto

In terms of our appraisals, it's increased the value of our property long-term. That was news to me.

Susan Todd

We're going to spend whatever it takes to help the Guidant management team in cardiac rhythm management with this recovery. It is going to take a little longer. But the long-term perspective here has not changed.

Larry Best

You have to think of it as a long-term proposition. You need to take it in bits and pieces at a time. Don't try and absorb it all at once.

Richard Loth

Bond fund managers don't believe long-term inflation is a significant worry.

John Norris

We do not see a significant positive catalyst in the near term, so we think the shares are likely to mark time until better visibility emerges into fiscal 2006 results.

Gregory Smith

We expect further declines in 2006 and subsequent years as pent-up demand is fulfilled and as interest rates rise over the medium term.

Rick Egelton

With document applications, there are few choices, which could be a problem in the long term because there are no guarantees with proprietary software that older formats will be compatible with those developed in the future.

Michael Goulde

Our focus has been on having a hearing and putting the Senate in a position to move on the nomination prior to the expiration of Chairman Greenspan's term.

Andrew Gray

It's not clear that Qwest is a near-term candidate to be bought by anyone. I still think debt reduction needs to be a priority.

Jerry Paul

This action is consistent with similar steps American has taken during recent months to better align capacity with lower demand, ... This is a very difficult time in the airline business, and we see no near-term improvement. We will continue to evaluate further cuts in capacity and capital spending as conditions warrant.

Tom Horton

If you take a long-term view of the market, you sit there quietly and you believe that over time, (stock values) are going to be a lot higher.

Bob Schmidt

Our technology and expertise in molecular spectroscopy can play a supporting role in China's effort to crack down on the counterfeit drugs problem. We are committed to a long-term relationship with the Chinese government and are pleased to be able to assist the SFDA with its needs.

Qian Wang

A correction was inevitable given the market is facing three clear near-term risks: weak first-quarter results, a worsening foreign exchange outlook, and the uncertainty about U.S. interest rates.

Jason Hwang

One of the biggest challenges for the teachers is not having the satisfaction of seeing the long-term benefits of their work.

Kathy Freudenberg

Investors never like to see a company's name mentioned along side the term 'subpoena.

Benjamin Schachter

There's not a single long-term study which proves there are no risks.

Hiltrud Breyer

This struggle is really a long-term one. The enemy is in it for two or three generations, not for one political cycle.

Mark Hamm

Utilizing a tested composition of technical and fundamental analysis and refined modeling, Short-Term Discretionary Futures captures momentum primarily using index futures. The result is a well-executed program structured to exploit directional bias and manage position risk.

Irwin Berger

It looks like Houston and Dallas are going to be the sites for receiving long-term evacuees.

Anita Foster

Overcoming employer resistance to hiring long-term IB claimants may require greater use of direct financial incentives to employers, such as the offer of recruitment subsidies or low cost work trials for claimants.

John Philpott

While the television advertising market is currently subdued, the medium term outlook remains positive.

Gerry Murphy

What people are feeling is that Iran is a longer-term issue. The focus is on the now, and inventory rises continue to suggest an easing in tightness -- not just week to week, but also month to month.

Justin Smirk

Our long-term vision for the team, the current situation and our position on the log table has forced us to look for other options.

Farouk Kadodia

So, the longer-term story looks great for Applied Materials. It just may be a bit overheated here. If we were to get about a 20 percent pullback in this stock, I think it would be very attractive.

Terence Gabriel

I think that in the long-term care market all companies are fair game for mergers at this point. All of these companies are trying to get their cost structures down to cope with the changes taking place in Medicare.

Robert Gold

The work that we keep tells me that we are within a day or two of a short-term bottom. We are at very, very oversold levels, so the last thing anybody should do is sell tomorrow in a panic. The market should bottom over the next couple a days.

Harvey Eisen

That's a long term project though.

Ron Aiello

I think the public vetting proves that this guy is the real deal ? bright, knows the issues and can leave a long-term imprint on the court because of his youth and intellect.

Patrick Davis

It's going to be a long-term operation. We're talking many, many weeks, months.

Marty Evans

It's a pullback in commodities as well as a lack of data to fuel any sort of direction, and I think you're just seeing the continuation of a very short-term trend here.

Ted Gould

First-quarter inflation won't trigger a near-term rate hike. But the bank's statement on monetary policy in May will reinforce their inclination to raise rates, maybe even harden it up a little.

Stephen Halmarick

The worst thing that ever happened to Montana is term limits. It doesn't allow legislators enough time to learn and deal with the very complex problems they're faced with.

Tom Schneider

We need a different long-term vision for the Delta.

Lester Snow

This amounts to a total of $50 billion in new investments in high-leverage, innovation-enabling research that will underpin and complement shorter-term and mission-oriented R&D performed by other agencies and the private sector.

John Marburger

They're running for a term they cannot complete. That's a conflict in the charter we need to clean up.

Greg Roberts

We're still making improvements to the system and assessing it, but everything is being done with long-term use in mind.

Jennifer Post

Many builders appear to be taking a more cautious attitude because of uncertainties in the economy and this post-Katrina environment, particularly with regard to sales expectations in the near term.

Dave Wilson

The market was looking for some clarity ... which it got. The fact that they're not going to be doing any real tightening in the short term is also very positive.

Michael Coates

I think 10,000 points have become a base. The market should trade in a range of about 400 points in the near term.

Deven Choksey

Despite the cautionary language in our financial statements, I continue to be optimistic that our efforts to consolidate operations and improve efficiencies, together with our tremendous technological developments and contracts with blue-chip companies, will result in a stronger company with good long-term prospects.

Brandon Wright

While the stock could remain under pressure near term, we maintain our 'buy' rating on IBM owing to a compelling second-half story.

Andrew Neff

We believe this a long-term event, and potentially could last for a decade. It's a fundamental change in the demand for metals.

Greig Gailey

Issuing these types of bonds is a way for cities and school districts to take advantage of the relatively low short-term rates.

Jose Hernandez

Feedbacks in the system are starting to take hold. The consecutive record-low extents make it pretty certain a long-term decline is under way.

Ted Scambos

Being the long-term exclusive cable home for PGA Tour golf, it's a significant step forward. It continues to reinforce The Golf Channel's position as golf's home.

David Manougian

We are hearing that medium-term players are looking for 2 or 3 percent gains and trying to trigger $1.2150/55 to see if the euro can get up to $1.2175.

Tim O'sullivan

He had a lot to live for and, in the short term, he had problems, but he was not despairing.

Philip Russell

They were contracting prostitutes to make money out of it. This favors prostitution and is a crime, punishable by a jail term of between two and five years plus fines.

Marcus Neves

He has said he is going to stay for a full term and I think it is absolutely right that he does that.

Alastair Campbell

I think it is the best solution balanced for the short and long term.

Wes Monhollen

The company again is going through a longer-term growth strategy here. If they're able to bring in more client assets, in the long run this new pricing structure will be beneficial.

Seth Dadds

There are expectations that Japanese markets will rise in the medium to long term, but still, the recent rises were too rapid and too much.

Yutaka Shiraki

Whether you're on the budget bill or not, you're going to pay the same amount of money over the long term for your natural gas. Being on the budget bill takes out those peaks and valleys that you'd otherwise see.

Anthony Swinger

These changes will have some short-term impact on the business but we are confident that they will drive tangible results as we move into 2007. While 2006 is a transition year, we remain focused on our long-term objectives, which are to fundamentally change our business, enhance profitability and attain the financial goals we set out for ourselves by 2008.

Joe Mcgrath

India is a long-term structural growth story that cannot be ignored. There may be a few hiccups along the way, but it's an emerging market that's going to evolve into a mature market over time. That's the growth story that people can participate in by investing in India over the long term.

Sandeep Kothari

Traders are more focused on Hurricane Rita as this weather event could have a longer-term devastation on the infrastructure of our nation's oil industry's ability to provide energy to citizens.

John Person

But the overall economy is still sluggish. As a result, our near-term outlook remains cautious.

Brian L. Halla

Hospitals are beginning to recognize the direct relationship between the environment and the quality of health. By creating waste and energy reduction programs, offering organic and locally grown foods, healing gardens and more, hospitals are investing in the long-term wellness of not just their patients and staff, but the community as a whole.

Mindy Pennybacker

It's all geopolitical right now. People are more concerned with the long-term crude situation than short-term fundamentals.

Brian Kuzma

If we go to war with Iraq that will help the stocks but it doesn't change the long-term story. I'm not going to sell them if we don't go to war.

Rob Lloyd

In the near term, the markets will continue to strengthen and weaken with the weather, and crude and product prices will be range-bound.

Mike Wittner

The shares would be worth buying today if the company were to achieve its long-term targets of 7% revenue growth and significant margin expansion. However, we think there is too little evidence at this early stage to build the case that operating earnings are on the verge of sustained and rapid acceleration.

Jim Barrett

The hospital needs space. We have some short-term shortages in terms of acute care needs, and as we looked into the future, it was our assessment that the acute care needs were going to increase rather than decrease.

Jon Friedenberg

I think he's made a fairly obvious point that the next move in rates is more likely to be up than down, but certainly there is no near-term trigger for that.

Stephen Halmarick

All commodities have had a very, very strong run. A lot of people were waiting for some kind of correction. In the long term there is still an upward trend.

Mark Mathias

Corn ethanol can help in the short term, but it has serious limitations, and none of this is going to work if we don't dramatically improve the efficiency of our cars and trucks.

David Friedman

For lack of a better term, the Town Site.

Tom Harp

He has something and has worked hard and we will continue to assess his chances of a longer-term contract.

Charlie Christie

If not resolved immediately, this will have a long-term impact on our employees, our customers and the community.

Mary Irby

At this time, no member will be allowed to volunteer for any duty at the dispatch center. Until we have a full understanding of this short-term solution and a full comprehensive long-term plan in place, we cannot afford to accept the enormous amount of responsibility that goes along with such a plan.

Fran Capello

It's a cost, but it's a long-term thing. We don't want to be called just another developer.

Tim Gates

I'm sure we can all say that during our college years we change a great deal, and commencement is a recognition of that. Even the term 'commencement' - it means beginning, and yet we're ending. But it really focuses on how you're beginning a new stage in your life.

Caryn Asleson

All I know is Steve is a starter and he is one of the best quarterbacks in football. And if the Titans do in fact draft a new quarterback and they want Steve to stay around and be a mentor to him, then he needs to have a long-term deal. Otherwise it doesn't make sense for him to stay around.

Bus Cook

It could very well mean that he knows that Renault do not have long term plans for formula one.

Gerhard Berger

The most important thing is don't chase returns because somebody had good returns in the prior year. You want to focus on the team running a fund; the long-term returns; and understand the investing philosophy.

Michael Sandler

If you've picked up this book, it's probably because fad diets haven't worked for you or you're ready to let go of the quick fix. Instead of promising dramatic short-term results, the book provides lasting results by focusing on the big picture of lifelong weight management.

Cynthia Sass

The average short-term access costs less than $20 per day.

Bill Haas

Painless preaching is as good a term as any for what we do.

Curtis Mayfield

It's not about developing better patching mechanisms. The long-term answer is you just write better code.

Howard Schmidt

Just from a short-term technology point of view, it suggests that the over-sold lows we saw yesterday might be tested again at some point in the future.

Gerald Vincent

In today's retail environment, competition comes from every conceivable retail format. To succeed, we have to operate more efficiently and compete more effectively against players at all levels of the retail demographic. There is no question that this is a bold and exciting move, and one I believe will have a positive impact on competitive retailing for American consumers in the longer term.

John Dunham

We made solid progress during the quarter against our key priorities of maintaining and building business strength, improving productivity and balance sheet strength. Continuing to deliver against these priorities will allow us to position CIBC for consistent, sustainable performance over the long term.

Gerald T. Mccaughey

The long-term growth rate of Yahoo is not as good as some people thought.

Scott Reamer

I am confident that those who have entered the market over the long-term would benefit from capital gain.

Sheikh Mohamed

We've got about $5.7 million in lease obligations and long term debt.

Mike Shirley

One of her charges is to expand our current programs, examine what we've been doing that needs to be changed and also where we need to supplement our programs to assist victims in their long-term recovery.

Donna Farrell

We can't tell you anything about the short-term.

Tom Rockwell

These accords are a short-term measure that won't help solve the inflation problem. The inflation risk in Argentina is caused by an expansive monetary policy by the country's central bank, which is focused on keeping a weak exchange rate.

Pablo Morra

Goals help you overcome short-term problems.

Hannah More

The other half is the long-term average diet. It's like a tape recorder — it's locked in and doesn't change after that.

Thure Cerling

The long-term faculty will get the blame. They (administrators) hired people who were not qualified.

Ruth Needleman

Such long-term statistical forecasts, though useful to government planners, are not effective for taking near-term, damage-minimizing action. We are not able to stay alert every day.

Valeri Korneev

That's where the term 'trunk' came from.

Sherwood Moore

MSFT could feel modest selling pressure in near-term following 'shock value' of DOJ's proposal that Microsoft be broken up into two separate companies.

Chris Shilakes

We have already made great progress in reducing costs and enhancing efficiency. Today's announcement will further our efforts to create value for shareholders and better position Movie Gallery for long-term success.

Joe Malugen

Captions get cut down or rewritten. That's been a source of long-term frustration (for photographers). People like the audio because they finally get to tell what's really going on in the photo. The majority of photographers here really want to get that information out, and they are frustrated by not being able to.

Jen Friedberg

At Emerson we never use the term 'lobby,' ... We use the term 'educate.' Our management believes that if we can educate elected officials to the global challenges that American businesses face today ... that hopefully they will make better public policy decisions.

Robert Mcdonald

The voters have already decided that eight is enough. The people of Florida voted almost 77 percent in favor of term limits in 1992. The Supreme Court unanimously upheld that decision. The legislature's move to extend term limits is outrageous.

Max Linn

Five years ago no one would have cared. However, this differentiation is not sustainable on the long-term because all processors are heading towards similar power and cooling envelopes.

John Enck

The long-term legacy will be one of encouraging this research area. We need to find that intervention that will make a big difference.

Dr. Ross Prentice

It's not a simple strategy and one that apparently takes a lot of patience. It's long-term brand building.

Brad Moore

The completion of this facility increases the sources of long-term, attractively priced capital for Sonic. We believe this new credit facility provides us with a stable capital structure for the foreseeable future, and we can focus our efforts on successfully deploying that capital consistent with the more measured acquisition strategy we have previously communicated to the marketplace.

Jeffrey Rachor

And we took the term 'impact player' from the sports field and moved it into the sports and military field. And it's to honor our wounded heroes and connect them with heroes from the sports world.

Dick Lynch

There are signs that the long-term drivers of prosperity are weakening. The loss of our competitive edge is a continuing corrosive process, which threatens our economic well-being in the long term.

Alan Duncan

If we don't do something this session, we don't have a program set up to deal with this long-term. And the counties are then going to be kind of just sitting there, saying, 'Boy, if this stuff starts ending up in the ditches, what do we do? Who's going to pay for that? So it ends up on property taxes.

Rep. Dennis Ozment

The market is readying itself for a 50-basis-point rate increase. Shorter-term issues are reflecting that, while longer-dated bonds are gaining on expectations that next week's refunding announcement will be positive.

Jeoff Hall

It shouldn't be a concern short term, but I sure wouldn't plan my spring break around Delta or Northwest right now.

Dr. Matt Willen

What's been done here, we'll just be following up and let the local folks have some well-earned rest. Until you get a fire line all the way around it, containment's kind of a nebulous term.

Bill Sweet

While the credit environment remains challenging, we are beginning to see a slowing of deterioration in parts of our business, ... Although this is not expected to improve credit costs in the near term, it could lead to improvement in the latter part of the year.

James Dimon

But that's probably too academic a point of view. The reality is that investors, especially short-term investors and day traders, all gravitate to the most beaten-up names because that's where they get the highest bounce.

Drew Peck

A&L is obviously looking for some tie-up to secure its long-term future, ... but it's much more difficult to see how that will be achieved.

David Liston

Nobody gets results like this in the financial world consistently and over the long term.

Thomas Ferguson

The Fed comments are well received by markets in the short-term, particularly for retail shares, on which many funds are underweighted, because consumers might now get more money to spend.

Markus Steinbeis

It wasn't our preference and he had such a good attitude. It wasn't just a whim. This was a long term goal of his.

David Wagler

In the long term, certainly anything that the federal government can do to expedite the creation and ... construction of power plants, of transmission lines will improve the situation. In the short term, any conservation measures that they can help promulgate will help the situation.

Tim Gallagher

The process is indeed expensive, when you consider you're dealing with people with average incomes of around $200 (114.5 pounds) to $500 per year. However, the stability in prices over the long term is worth every penny.

Tim Schilling

Over the short term Treasuries yields will head higher and prices lower based on the fact that economic damage from this hurricane is not as great as the worst fears had priced in.

John Canavan

The longer-term goal is to see governments bring boat construction regulations on-line, and to see the enforcement of those regulations so that only good quality boats can be registered and licensed to fish.

Jeremy Turner

We've tweaked our lineup once again. We're still looking for the combinations we feel will be our long-term answer.

Laura Halldorson

Based on improving new product visibility, benefits from restructuring initiatives, and near-term volume boost from Medicare Part D supports our Attractive rating for the U.S. pharmaceutical sector.

Jami Rubin

We remain on track for your consensus earnings per share estimate for 2001, which is consistent with our longer term business model.

John Joyce

Sloth: Which current congressman uses the term 'Great Americans' as a codeword to ask his staff if the person he's speaking to is a big donor?

Brad Meltzer

Bipolar disorder is treated with medication, and we're gaining a lot of knowledge in this area. The fewer episodes patients have, the better the long-term prognosis is.

Melissa Delbello

Long-term rates are below the federal fund rate. That tells you the Fed's too tight. The reason the 30-year Treasury is so low is because people are expecting an economic slowdown, and that's not going to be good for earnings.

Michael Ancell

I think they finally figured out we're a good long-term place to be, in terms of our airport, our economy and our population.

John Huggins

Dell has more longevity. It's less focused on how to fix itself and instead on how it can sustain revenue growth in the long-term.

Melanie Hollands

We are starting with stocks fully valued and short- and long-term interest rates still hovering near four-decade lows. Large bull-market moves are generally accompanied by, or preceded by, declining rates, and we don't have that scenario today.

James Stack

Long-term these investigations [into accounting] will be positive, as we'll have cleaner accounting and more visibility, but short-term we're going to see a lot of bumps.

Matt Ruane

There has been huge demand everywhere. These people all need short- and long-term housing.

Al Mansell

We think it has long-term intrinsic value for long-term value investors, ... Under $30 would be [a good price to buy at]. I don't see a lot of down side risk from there.

Jill Krutick

Reality is a short-term solution. In the long run, there won't be a benefit. ... But the networks are looking for the most eyeballs.

Marc Berman