They use [how much] money they've spent as a measure of success because there's very little else to measure.

David Brinkley

We went through a lot of pain, and spent a lot of money just for data processing costs on some pretty routine discoveries. That got my attention.

Andrew Cohen

Several hundred hours were spent in the greenhouses where we had to shake the plants and record the various degrees of shattering. Even with all the advances in technology, a careful firsthand observation proves to be essential for biological research.

Tao Sang

Forty points was our first target and we have not got there yet. We need another draw and it is only when we get it that we will set another target. We have spent most of the season in the top six or seven and we don't want to start slipping now.

Chris Hutchings

Basically, with Born Innocent we gave ourselves the target of completing it in eight months. We've done the same thing with Restless Soul. In the past we've spent too long waiting for the inspiration to come and worrying about repeating ourselves.

Craig Reid

We don't know if any of it's going to be funded at all, and if so, we don't know what programs it will be spent on.

David Heil

We haven't come up with an exact plan of where the money will be spent. We have to weigh our physical plant needs and our program needs.

Jedd Gould

I've spent half my life here. And they've always given me a lot of space to do what I thought I needed to do. It's been a labor of love.

Jack Kozuchowski

Coming off conference you are emotionally spent. So we always come to Penn Relays with the idea that we are going to have fun. We run some relays that really aren't run that often because this is a chance for the kids to go into a relatively low-pressure situation and perform well simply in the name of fun.

Randy Bungard

Harry has done enough. He has spent much of the last two months going back and forth between Florence and Savannah. He is handling this exceptionally well.

John Wooten

Having spent so much time in a fictional world, I prefer to read about the real world.

Brent Spiner

Having spent several years on Wall Street specializing in mergers and acquisitions, Mr. Kim brings with him extensive trading experience.

John Kim

Some people have spent a lot of time on this proposal already.

Bill Bullard

It is an outrageous abuse of power and process for the minister to shut the project down at the last hurdle - after this community group has spent more than ten years and more than $1 million on it.

Nick Smith

We spent the last couple of weeks getting everything in order, checking out the equipment and the timing system. So, I think we're all set. I think everything is in great condition and we're ready to go.

John Zupanc

I have to believe people in Raleigh are shaking their heads as to the amount of money spent on a totally ill-conceived concept.

Bob Collins

So far, we have spent over $30 million to run the federal system.

Ann Kohler

Last year we were shocked that so-called Canadian private broadcasters spent four times more on U.S. programming than they did on original Canadian drama. Now we're appalled to learn that in 2005, they spent almost five times more.

Stephen Waddell

Consumers have spent the weekend with their family and they've been in the stores. They now have a holiday list going. And today is the first day that people are back at work in front of their computers.

Heather Dougherty

'Those who can't, teach' is the saying that comes to mind, and I know a lot about art but have not spent any time with a brush in my hand. I'm excited about this.

Lars Jones

Ken and Steve never connected today. With the opening of free agency, Ken spent most of his time on the phone. He hopes to speak with Steve by Wednesday.

John Hahn

If you can lower the risk factors by even a small percentage, then all of a sudden, that dollar you spent on wellness has turned into three or four dollars.

David Michel

What a credit to this horse as hard as I spent him in the first heat to come back and run the other horse down. At the top of the stretch, I thought if I could keep him straight he would win.

Dave Palone

As long as the space is a cot in a jail cell and the time is spent reflecting behind bars.

Jennifer Wilbanks

Because the U.S. conservation groups are participating, we are able to provide technical expertise regarding how these funds should be used and ... the most important places where they should be spent.

Meg Symington

I have spent most of my time worrying about things that have never happened.

Mark Twain

We spent longer than we had planned in Fort Lauderdale, which meant that the itinerary has had to be changed, and we do regret that sincerely and clearly we do recognize there's been a lot of disruption.

Carol Marlow

I think now he?s getting rewarded for all the time he spent this summer working out. He?s in great shape.

Howie Dickenman

I spent some time with a family friend in Plains, Montana.

Holly Johnson

That's where I spent of lot of my high-school years-in the closet. It wasn't too cramped, but you do get really hot.

Amy Lee

From the time I could read, I've been devouring these things. I had a $5 allowance growing up in Brooklyn and I spent the whole thing every week at the Nostrand Avenue Comics shop.

Brad Meltzer

That surplus is being spent on everything the government does from rutabaga research to the war in Iraq. If Congress is going to spend like a drunken sailor, take the bottle away from them.

Michael Tanner

We spent the whole night last night walking around the neighborhood, knocking on doors. We made posters.

Bruce Gallagher

We've been impressed and proud of the schools and students who have responded graciously and generously. Many students have spent their own lunch money and hard-earned savings to give to the victims of the storm.

Nat Harrington

Everything is coming together perfectly. Mr. Rosen has spent a full year getting all the necessary state and county approvals, and they're hard at work on roads, lakes and amenities.

Craig King

It refunds to them money they've already spent to buy gas you've already used.

Heather Murphy

These resolutions are an expression of the will of the people that is simply not being heard on Capitol Hill. This is direct democracy, and it gives average Americans a microphone to say 'I am frustrated, I want my tax dollars spent in my own town, I want our children back home.' It's a unique and exciting new avenue for regular people to make their voices heard.

Karen Dolan

We played well on defense, but we struggled offensively. The scoring drought that we had hurt. We're spent a lot of time on offense, so it's puzzling. It's definitely a source of frustration.

Quinton Dale

The extra money could be spent on more youth prevention programs and programs to help smokers who are trying to quit.

Donna Pasiechnik

Our schools spend about half of what is spent per pupil in New York City public high schools, [and] with dramatically better results. The problem is not the amount of money being spent. Spending in New York City has increased several billion over the last five years alone; the problem is how the money is spent.

Chris O'malley

I'm not going to stop being aggressive, ... I was very frustrated with our kick coverage Sunday night. That was a big play. I spent time with the coaches to see how we can be better and part of it is being down there to help out. If I'm back there on the 50, I don't see how that's going to help us get better. It might make matters worse.

Jay Feely

I think we were a bit tired and spent after playing York. We spent a lot of energy, and it showed.

Jeremy Paul

I'm proud of myself. People who spent time with me afterward said, 'You're such a humble person.' I'm talking about myself now, but in the game you don't get portrayed as you always are. I want to come away with more than a million dollars with my honor and integrity. And I did that.

Harry Smith

A multiplicity of authorities is leading to complications and we gave the minister a memorandum demanding complete statehood. It will cut down the time spent on passing an order or implementing a policy.

Praveen Khandelwal

And no, we have no obligation to come to Chicago, kneel before your throne and beg to freely exercise the rights that so many before us have died for. To be honest, Mr. Mayor, I think Chicago would be a much better place if you spent less time in front of the cameras and more time behind your desk.

Richard Pearson

Congress will pass a law restricting public comment on the Internet to individuals who have spent a minimum of one hour actually accomplishing a specific task while on line.

Andy Grove

Bellow is a very important writer for me, and the summer I spent reading him in Germany sparked my desire to dabble in fiction myself. So I'm especially excited to be recognized for my tribute to the late, great Mr. B.

Michael Griffith

We spent a lot of time in practice learning who he was. So we were ready for him every time he got the ball.

Vance Cooksey

We spent a lot of time just walking through plays.

Ryan Nece

They've worked their buns off, ... What wasn't noticed in all this was the preplanning we did kept a lot of the flooding down. We spent three days before the hurricane made landfall going through all the ditches in town, pulling out shopping carts, basketballs, leaves and trash. That helped a lot.

Jim Holt

Spent a lot of time in the off-season preparing, a lot of time in the pre-season.

Monty Beisel

You spent a bundle. Nobody wants to look like a fashion victim.

Valerie Steele

I wanted to be around my mother's family. It was really important to me. That was the place where she had spent her life.

Mandy Smoker

I think Dob has spent a good portion of his life here, ... and he was just anxious to spend time with his family and see what is out there for him.

John Orr

Because he's got some natural aerobic ability, he's been able to spend more time on other areas of his game. He's spent a huge amount of time on his kicking, and the other thing he's focused on is his strength - he's put on between seven and nine kilos in a year that's basically muscle. He's got a man's body now.

Stephen Schwerdt

It's high time the county council spent some money instead of using this school like a cash milkcow.

Clive Smith

We spent thousands of man hours tracking down the problem.

Mark Adams

I spent the most time writing and creating this project than I have on most. It has my best work and the deepest feel to it.

Jenny Phillips

If they prove this does stabilize Alzheimer's disease, they will have done a wonderful thing, ... If not, they will have spent a lot of money.

William Thies

Most of the big money is spent [by schools] on hardware, and it costs us money to develop software.

Stephen Uden

We believe that the endowments should be used for the benefits of current and future generations of students. There was a year in which Harvard spent one-eighth of its endowment earnings on its fund managers.

William Strauss

We have operators who have grown up in Santa Rosa, who have spent 30 or 40 years here. When somebody is confused and needs directions, they can give them - and they can pronounce the street names.

Gaetan Tamo

Everybody knew my father. He wasn't a troublemaker. My father was working. He didn't bother anybody. We should have spent Christmas with him.

Jose Servellon

Henry and Pam were under the impression that if you spent less than $250, you didn't need to file a waiver.

John Messina

But our waking life, and our growing years, were for the most part spent in the kitchen, and until we married, or ran away, it was the common room we shared.

Laurie Lee

Given the size of Nomura's business, it's not much of a surprise the earnings came in like this. I'm more concerned about whether Nomura can recoup the money it's spent expanding in investment banking, including overseas.

Hajime Yagi

I can remember that we sent a Flat Stanley to Australia and it came back and the people told us it had spent some time in a kangaroo's pouch.

Dale Hubert

We also spent a lot of time with our dealers to address their internet wants and needs. What we've created adds tremendous value to their franchise.

Jeff Cerefice

I gave a client a $15,000 budget for tile and she went and picked out what she wanted and spent $35,000. To have someone blow a budget like that. ... There's just an unbelievable amount of expression to be done with tile.

Vince Butler

Last year was a fluke. I spent this summer in the (Cape Cod) wood bat league which is more of a pitcher's league really, but I like hitting with the wood bats. It makes you center the ball and helps your swing.

Jake Dugger

Money spent on expensive and unproved magnet therapy might be better spent on evidence-based medicine.

Bruce Flamm

So what did this deeply depressed consumer do? She went out spent like there was no tomorrow.

Carl Steidtmann

So of cheerfulness, or a good temper, the more it is spent, the more it remains.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mr. Hunter spent four years in prison for potential illegal and unethical conduct from the district attorney's office. He should not be held in jail because the DA's office just doesn't get it.

Cheryl Coleman

Give me the money that has been spent in war and I will clothe every man, woman, and child in an attire of which kings and queens will be proud. I will build a schoolhouse in every valley over the whole earth. I will crown every hillside with a place of worship consecrated to peace.

Charles Sumner

We have spent hundreds of people hours up to this point and without even involving the teacher committees. It has been an expensive endeavor in terms of staff and faculty time.

Karen Wheeler

This is the most expensive six minutes I've ever spent in my life.

Betty Taft

I didn't go out that much or hang out with my friends too much because of my family. I really wanted to spend some time with them because last year I spent my time with the national team, so this year it was a chance to spend some time with them.

Ivan Radenovic

He grew up in New York and Chicago and liked the idea of an authentic Irish pub in Fort Myers. He spent a lot of time in Ireland and the family has a home there.

Paul Mccabe

I spent many years in [the bar scene]. There's just a better way. People use that to fill what they're missing or what they're looking for. It can be a waste of life.

Ben Bainbridge

The real focus is going to be on whether it's spent effectively. Obviously they (the government) feel that they have the capacity to do so.

Dennis Dykes

I really enjoy being single again. I spent a lot of time in a relationship and the nearer we came to the end, the more difficult it got. You don't see things clearly as long as you're still involved.

Dido Armstrong

The fact is, there are not the checks and balances to make sure the money is spent well.

Keith Ashdown

I spent four hours in an orientation learning about health and dental benefits. And I've spent a lot of time learning how the office works. . . . I still need to get my voice mail set.

Bob Toledo

Sure it represents a fair amount of money being spent on Itanium, but it's money those companies would have spent anyway. HP is the real key. It has the lion's share of the Itanium market, and, not that this is going to happen, but if HP walked away from the Itanium, Intel would stop development on it the next day.

Gordan Haff

If you're a teacher and you spent money out of your pocket up to $250 worth, you can deduct that on the front side of the form.

Raphael Tulino

Frankenstein's monster is so iconographic, so my creature designers spent many, many months designing him. I said, 'OK, he has to have a flat head, blots on his neck and Doc Martens on his feet, but other that - we can play with him'.

Stephen Sommers

We had a difficult first quarter, and we spent the rest of the year catching up. But our credit quality is as solid as it's ever been, and we believe we had built a solid foundation for continued success.

Scott Bauer

I think she spent three solid days on the phone.

Mike Elmore

The $5,000 or $7,000 will be money well spent, allowing us to get the best information out in the best way, which is through our kids.

Gaylen Banz

You're going to see more marketing dollars spent on baseball cards in 2006 than in the last 25 years combined.

Colin Hagen

It's clearly an abuse of taxpayer money and it's a program that needs to be thoroughly reviewed. Obviously, FEMA has spent a large portion of their resources in other parts of the country, the Gulf Coast region in particular. So it's not surprising this problem exists elsewhere.

Drew Hammill

We've got people out there working on this, they've spent an enormous amount of time on it already. I'm pretty optimistic what we craft will be better than what we have.

Mike Tranghese

We always expected that Beebe would reap the benefits of his many contacts with special interests in Arkansas. He's raised a lot of money but spent an inordinate amount of money doing that, so we're quite comfortable with where we are right now.

David Kinkade

This was the ethos of the intelligence analysis directorate during most of the 27 years I spent there.

Ray Mcgovern

So after 20 years we will have spent $30 to 40 million with really nothing to show for it.

David Blaska

I spent ninety percent of my money on wine, women and song and just wasted the other ten percent.

Ronnie Hawkins

We will have to spend money on advertising to let people know we have expanded. We have never spent money on advertising before.

Brenda Fritz

Where so many hours have been spent in convincing myself that I am right, is there not some reason to fear I may be wrong?

Jane Austen

They're importing those dollars that are being spent here, and that creates economic benefit.

Toledo Blade

I spent a lot of money and a lot of effort cleaning it up.

Bruce Krall

This man must have loved his wife so incredibly much because for a necklace and earrings he spent three hours with me hand picking every single detail and component of the jewelry.

Danielle Blumenberg

Companies like us have serious headwinds against us. We can't wait two years for a return on CRM. We spent a lot of time maximizing our back-office gain. We came to [SAP] with: 'How do I expose the back office to the front?' The enterprise 4.0 won't work. It's too heavy, too hard, too slow and expensive.

Michael Michlovich

The bottom line is I guess we got it done. We had a couple of kids who weren't in the rotation tonight and it really showed. We had some different groups out there that haven't spent a lot of time together. Overall, they (Oxbow) were a scrappy team and so we had to scrap. We got it done though. We have a big game on Friday, so now all eyes are on Randolph.

Mark Mooney

In 1988 I read about DNA testing, and since then I tried to get testing done. But it didn't happen until 1999, and it proved that it wasn't me. But I spent three more years in prison.

Wilton Dedge

If they do not shift their efforts to alleviate technology issues and improve customer service in the coming months, they risk losing the customers they spent so much to acquire.

Nicole Vanderbilt

The doves in this country and some of the media are the cause of fifty-some-odd-thousand Americans being killed and all that money being spent, and all that inflation.

George Wallace

Anything we can do to help impart knowledge of our Constitution is important. If we spent a day recognizing, say, presidents or particular people, this certainly is the one thing we share in common - our Constitution. It's the thread that holds us all together.

Rick Hardy

No outside contractor would've done that job [the way we did], because we spent so much time scraping down old layers of paint-there must've been 10. We spent two and a half of the four weeks on the project scraping paint.

Harry Schmidt

For the past 10 years I have spent nearly half my life here.

Sonia O'sullivan

I've spent a lot of time in the cage working on my timing. The balls weren't dropping in for me at the beginning of the year, but it all evens out in the end.

Matt Craig

We spent two weeks that I call two weeks of tears--my veil of tears.

Brock Peters

Even though they spent a good portion of the game on the bench, they both made huge contributions. They have the experience of playing in tournaments like this. We just need to be careful about staying out of foul trouble.

Steve Bado

It's a cost-accounting method to keep track of how the money is spent. It accumulates funding over time and that's where we the appropriations to get additional funding for fuel.

Thomas Bruun

We thought we could spin the news story of a Gregorian chant hit in Europe into something that would catch the attention of the media here, ... We put a big bet on the roulette table. We spent a great deal of money in buying some TV advertising. So, we got the message out there that this thing existed and our distribution company was right there with us and we got the initial distribution.

Stephen Murphy

It was staggering that he's already spent $47 million to get elected.

Gene Russianoff

It occurred to me that I have spent almost every working day of the past ten years living in a state of repressed fear.

Christiane Amanpour

After all the time spent developing a community plan, we don't want the rug pulled from beneath us.

Keith Simpson

We played like all five of us were sick. We were getting out-rebounded, out-hustled, out-everything, so I spent a lot of time screaming during our first timeout.

Bob Punter

I spent four hours at the hospital, they ran all the blood tests, all the other ones, and didn't find anything. I still don't know what it was. I feel better, but not back to normal.

Pete Fountain

This is more sort of about the daily driving we do or time spent in the car, ... It's work that's kind of contemplative. It deals with longing and alienation. But it's pretty fun as well.

Pamela Lewis

He has put a lot of time and effort into his game. He has made the most of his opportunities and put himself in position to perform. He spent hours working on his shooting, and when you see him in games it's paid off.

Steve Strand

He spent his most productive years in Cuba. It was here that he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel Prize in 1954.

Gladys Rodriguez

We only had about eight square miles of land. The Germans were up in the hills firing down on us. We spent four months under constant shell fire. One of those guns up there was on rails. Big! You could hear those shells coming. Of course, the ones you could hear were probably not going to hit you. It was the ones you couldn't hear.

Paul Stone

Until the day I die, I'll never be able to understand how I spent 25 years with that man and his family, and within 60 days of taking this position, he decides I'm a number of things.

Michael Ovitz

I enjoyed my times spent with Paul O'Neill and I appreciate his service, ... But we continue to stay focused on jobs for the American people, growing this economy, and the results are proving that the president's policies that he's been leading on are working.

Brandon Evans

Having spent prior years refocusing their business, banks have recently been 'investing for growth' once again.

Marc Rubinstein

They look like they had a wonderful time at Circuit City. They spent $700 there.

Patrick Reilly

He's spent about 100 of the last 300 meetings on the sidelines.

Des Gleeson

This is a new development, a whole new concept. This is based on implanting a device that paces the heart and improves cardiac function. The pharmaceutical industry has spent over a decade developing drugs to accomplish the same goal. Those have failed.

Mark Wathen

I told him, 'Those are probably going to be the best 30 days you've ever spent in your career,' .

Tom Mccraw

It's a very easy system. Drop everything for medical in one slot, everything for car in one slot then at the end of the year, you know exactly what you spent.

Carol Thompson

So here we are and we spent all our money. We had to have the lights changed into our names and we needed a $200 deposit but we got help with that.

James Delong

For many of these people, this could represent the most time they've ever spent in their lives focused on their personal finances.

Howard Dvorkin

It's been nice to have a break -- I've spent some time on a fishing trip with my wife's family and some friends in the Gulf of Mexico and generally just enjoyed being at home for a while.

Colin Edwards

We call on you to transfer all aid to the Palestinian treasury. We assure you that all the revenues will be spent on salaries, daily life and infrastructure.

Ismail Haniyeh

These figures do show how the tax take is going up. It shows how much extra is being raised and spent, and it comes over quite starkly.

John Whiting

I feel very comfortable because with the current interest rates we could make a considerable amount of money on interest before the money is spent. We should get a substantial amount to spend on the facilities.

Superintendent Lynn Whitaker

The tax code is not the only area where the administration is helping the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It has spent $155 billion for an unnecessary war driven by fear.

Dennis Kucinich

We remain supportive of the project. There's been a significant amount already spent... (Shaw has) performed admirably in all this. The challenge is moving forward with a financial plan.

Jim Pennekamp

As I volunteered more and more, I realized that I liked that more. That's where my heart went out. I spent a lot of time volunteering and being involved with the church.

Gladys Pozza

I am concerned that hurricane victims are not receiving the assistance they need and money is being wasted as these professionals remain idle, ... Congress acted quickly to make sure that FEMA had the funds necessary for the rescue and recovery effort. I hope proper precautions are being taken to ensure that relief funds are spent in the most efficient manner possible.

David Paulson

If you spent four hours listening to some of the most hateful things you can imagine... It is very difficult to disregard what these people said and just deal with how boats are unloaded and loaded. You are going to say this is not right and this is why the Gay Games are needed.

Kevin Boyer

A dollar that is spent on interest can't be spent on fixing the stores. They have to fix the business.

John Chamberlain

They're probably on the locker room floor right now because they're spent.

Greg Nossaman

I think it would be money well spent.

Joe Cayer

New Fairfield is on the other side of the lake, and there would be a lot of time spent just trying to stay organized.

Roger Szendy

Because there are only five of us and we've spent a lot of blood, sweat and tears getting the company to where it is, we really didn't want to give away part of our company.

Joy Cottle

There's no guarantee, particularly in Nigeria, that it (debt relief) will be spent on the right things.

Richard Dowden

We spent the day before with him, and even then he looked so peaceful, surrounded by love. George has left so many precious memories and moments in all our lives which will remain with us forever.

Ravi Shankar

Michael has a strong arm, and is getting better with his ball-fakes. He spent last year away from the position, so there's still some rust that needs shaking.

Al Way

They really created a very unique opportunity for people in Oneida and Central New York to support a relief effort in a very different way, knowing that the money was going to be taken and spent directly by these physicians.

Mike Healy

He's had a swirl of controversy around him for more than 10 years, and he has spent his time not so much on the needs of the people of the 22nd District but on special interests and building his personal power and his party's power. That's not why I went to Congress. I went to represent the interests of the people who elected me.

Nick Lampson

It was a change of scenery for me. I felt like I had spent so much time running on trails that I wanted to see what it was like running on the road.

Desbah Yazzie

We spent millions installing a modern water delivery system, sewage treatment facility and paved roads.

Kip Petersen

Dollars spent by travelers enhance our community.

Mary Craven

This is especially brutal to Jose after he spent more than three years in a military brig without charges.

Michael Caruso

I spent $1,200 in the last two months!

Justin Zimmer

We had been working on this for several years, and Barbara came in and simplified the process. She spent hours and hours working out the details. Her determination, creativity and installation of the program was so smooth. We haven't had to make any changes except in raising the enrollment fees.

Bessie Gruwell

Instead of money being spent on infrastructure projects, it has been spent propping up the pension system to the tune of billions of marks.

Jeremy Leaman

We've probably spent a total of $42,000 on that house.

Rev Otis Scott

I heard people express frustration over a variety of things, not necessarily just this particular incident. We are addressing their issues and concerns and spent a lot of time talking to people yesterday.

Regina Curry

The time can be better spent doing our jobs and getting on with life.

Brian Davis

I'd spent 10 years learning my craft, and I'm just a professional writer, and how I'm perceived doesn't matter to me in the slightest - because I don't live in L.A., I don't go to parties, I don't go to openings - I just keep my head down and do my job.

John Logan

There will be some real sharp pencils out on what is being spent.

Rob Davison

We also think online consumers spend more time looking at pornography than buying it, ... The amount of money spent on books and DVDs is far, far bigger than anything else.

Bhawani Singh

We really haven't spent that much time pursuing Canada as a market, and it's unfortunate for us, because it's our home, ... But in the financial grand scheme of things, it's a small market.

Tara Slone

It's a ton of money. And the amount of money that was spent shows just how important it is for wealthy interests in California to get policies favorable to them passed, both business and labor.

Ned Wigglesworth

So much of my life is spent just focused on driving race cars.

Jeff Gordon

We spent an afternoon with him and showed him what we had done with some other gaming properties and told him it would have been an honor and a pleasure to work with him. At the time he declined and said he wasn't interested in working with us.

David Demartini

While the judge is certainly within his right - given the length of this trial and the amount of resources spent on it - to really try to coax this jury into continuing its deliberation, there is a limit.

Andrew Levy

The taxpayers money is being spent on them.

Raghu Sharma

You can sleep at home, or you can sleep in the jail. But really, we appreciate all that you have done and the time you have spent.

Troy Hodges

Ken has gone through this transformation to show Barbie that he is a changed man. He's more than arm candy. He's spent time exploring the world and himself, so his look reflects that time spent on his own.

Phillip Bloch

Using PSA alone results in millions of dollars being spent on prostate biopsies due to false positive results.

Sudhir Srivastava

Doesn't that infuriate you? We spent a lot of money as a nation preparing plans, and then the obvious things that most of us thought were in place aren't there.

Robert Gallamore

Even for something as mundane as bathrooms, we spent a lot of time on the details.

Bob Holland

By the end of the evening, I showed them that they would need to have 600 people spending $7 per person, seven days a week, for them to make any money. They were ready to sign a lease, but they spent $800 for one night with me and walked away with their $1 million.

Isidore Kharasch

She spent a remarkable amount of time on the county. That was really her occupation.

John Weber

If you have not picked up the Freddie Mercury Tribute 'Killer Queen'...please do so...there are many great artists including my version of Bohemian Rhapsody. Most of my days are spent in meetings with writers & producers on the development of the 'Show'. And yes we've closed a development deal with ABC and we're very excited to be joining the ranks of 'Desperate Housewives', 'Lost' & 'Alias'.

Constantine Maroulis

I later spent... five to eight months in hospitals in New Jersey, always on an involuntary basis, and always attempting a legal argument for release.

John Nash

They spent how many millions of dollars on this when the end result is a lottery system instead of a waiting list? It would be OK if they labeled it a human resources plan. It's not a river management plan at all. The public is just being completely misled by the Park Service.

Owen Lammers

If we spent money and they close their doors 30 days from now, and if it's a loan, we owe them $150,000, and that's what I wanted to keep away from.

Michael Gibson

Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.

Will Rogers

You can't just assume that everybody is in the same situation. And with children we all have ideas about how money should be spent on them and it's not like there's an ugly thing in my life and between my friends it's just I thought it was a fun thing to write about.

Nicole Holofcener

There's a drain in the floor, with grease traps and sewage drains. We built this building first class, ... There's a full security system. We spent $85,000 to blacktop the parking lot.

Cliff Hall

The service is designed to be a celebration of David's life with tributes from a wide range of family, friends and contributions from groups David spent his life working with.

Helen Clark

Anyone who has spent any time at all on the Wild Coast knows the power of this place.

Marthinus Van Schalkwyk

I grew up alone, ... I spent a lot of time in my own imagination. I watched how (Winchell) reached out to these characters, and they would reach back to him through his imagination.

Dennis Daniels

Here's what finally wrong: A local dive club in Omaha, Nebraska, goes to a local lake and does a fund-raiser and proudly presents DAN with a check for three hundred dollars and twenty-six cents. Sure this impacts the mission, because that's money you could've spent on other things.

Michael Lang

Extraordinary funds are being spent.

Shellie Samuels

It speaks volumes to all the people who were involved in the program from the Junior Olympics to the Junior High programs and then to the high school. It's like a family accomplishment. There are a lot of people who spent time coaching. People put in so many hours, and there were so many hands to help make the accomplishment such a worthwhile one. It's something to be proud of.

Marc Billett

[Dennis] has spent so much time in the district he will be tough to replace. Nobody knows the buildings like Dennis does.

Frank Parise

A lot of money has been spent on the fight against AIDS in general... but we haven't put enough money into children.

Rima Salah

Those funds can be spent wherever there is a need.

Diane Phillips

Considering that we spent more on marketing in the digital media sector and set aside 1.3 trillion won in incentives for our employees after scrapping stock options, our actual operating profit should be around 2.8 trillion won.

Chu Woo Sik

We spent more than the president requested, and we were criticized for pork-barrel spending.

Bob Bennett

I was born in London, England, in 1938, a few months before the war, and spent the first years of my life there, although I was evacuated a couple of times for short periods. My schooling was very interrupted, both by frequent moves and by ill health.

Anne Perry

If I spent all of my time worrying about how I was going to live up to their standards, I don't think I'd be focused on the important things.

Cynthia Hinckley

I'm encouraged by all the church groups you see and the young people who spent their holiday helping muck out or gut and rebuild houses. The paper said two New Jersey colleges were coming in for spring break.

Leigh Crawford