In the history of TSU, historically these expenditures have been allowed. Secondly, every dollar that was spent was the kind of expense that is an appropriate use of state funds.

Ron Franklin

First and foremost, I felt it was time that I spent more time with my family.

Chris Cairns

He spent hours and hours sifting through different sites.

Maxwell L. Anderson

The environmental community has spent a lot of time being right, but not winning.

Dan Sherman

Our kids have played hard from the get-go, but they just didn't understand positioning very well. That's what we spent the most time on, playing the angles and being in the right position to make plays. That's been the biggest difference.

Robbie Stancil

The American taxpayers have spent a lot of money on this report and they deserve the right to see it.

Charles E. Grassley

In general, you could say our freeways are in much better shape than they used to be. (The California Department of Transportation) has spent $6 billion since 1969. There's been a huge state investment.

Lucy Jones

I've spent my whole life being told I have a face like a horse. You are just what you are, aren't you?

Jeremy Paxman

No man pays double or twice for the same thing, forasmuch as nothing can be spent but once.

William Petty

Buildings that rely on reducing losses tend to be more robust than buildings that are solar. The basic idea about the passive house was to improve energy efficiency so far that the mechanics are simplified and you can get rid of radiators and save money, which can be spent on even more efficiency.

Jürgen Schnieders

I´m no Sexgoddess but I haven't spent my life in a tree ...

Ingrid Bergman

We executed better in the second half, and that's what we spent halftime talking about.

Maura Mchugh

Those who have spent time familiarizing themselves with the topography of Greeneland will have some idea of what must happen next.

Paul Gray

When I was 13 I was diagnosed with malignant brain cancer. I spent 13 weeks in the hospital getting treatment, and my parents had to mortgage the house to pay for it. I spent Christmas in the hospital. When I got out my father had bought me my first Lionel train set, a model Union Pacific line.

Delbert Teille

I spent a lot of time between bars like this.

Tammy Duckworth

We don't have such a policy. It is very expensive to increase reserves for the sake of it. The money can be better spent on other social needs.

Chris Hart

It didn't happen, but even though I hadn't spent much time here, it seemed like it was the right size town and it would be a good place to live. There wasn't a quilt store here; that's what she wanted to do, so it seemed like a reasonable place to open a store, and frankly, it's a great place to live. I love it -- I would never go back to the Tri-Cities.

Bob Arnold

And since that point, I've spent all those years away from a college program where I'm not covered by NCAA rules and am free to help athletes at all levels get better at their skills and also learn how to use those skills once they get them developed.

Carol White

I wondered if I would find the next few years as personally fulfilling as the first four I have spent as the president of NBC News. I also found myself missing the opportunity for the kind of creativity I've had in previous jobs.

Jeff Zucker

We didn't do Medicaid because we determined it would cost us almost as much to apply as we spent.

John Law

In this financial year we will be spending at least $1.5 billion on foreign aid and we cannot be sure that this money will be properly spent, as corruption and mismanagement in many of the recipient countries are legend.

Pauline Hanson

When I was a kid, Henryetta was 'town' to me. I helped build the Indian Nation Turnpike and spent many hours laboring in this area. I think Henryetta is a great place to be and I plan to stay here until I retire.

Dan Edwards

The purpose was always to return to Israel, but we spent four years in the States so I could receive certification as a teacher of autistic children.

Tali Berman

We're hoping to focus on the recovery and rebuilding of the sciences we have. We have spent tens of millions of dollars in building capacity in research. The challenge is not to lose that as we focus on new opportunities. It's a huge challenge.

John Clements

You not only have changes in personnel, but you have increased involvement from the division of administration as this moves up the ladder which is typical of most state contracts. We have a heavy burden on our end in terms of how this project moves forward and how the taxpayers' dollars are spent.

Richard House

I wanted to look at the upper-middle-class scene since the war, and in particular my generation's part in it. We had spent our early years as privileged members of a privileged class. How were we faring in the Age of the Common Man? How ought we to be faring?

Simon Raven

We spent that whole day with my mother, ... We had so much fun with her.

Victor Harris

I spent the last two weeks chipping harder than ever. I probably spent more time in the chipping green in the past nine days than I'd done in the first 20 years of playing.

Barry Lane

We have strongly held feelings about how we want to comply. ... The two years they spent hiding everything causes everyone to have concern.

Richard Grenell

We spent a little more money than we had thought we would. We did that because we wanted to get it done right the first time.

Mark Labarbera

I spent hours cowering in theater seats.

Tess Gerritsen

Death is that "Tomorrow" for which all our lives are spent waiting!Man is constantly building the "Image."It is an Edifice for the entombment of bones!Best to "Realize" the temporal nature of thingsand simply "Do and Die!

Irvin Kauffman

And I'm at college right now, so it gives me a chance to go home and spent more time with my sister and with the family, and that's the best reward.

Robert Whitney

[My father] had spent his own short time like a priest in charge of a relic, forever expecting the blessed blood to liquefy.

Mavis Gallant

I believe the money that is spent by the city ... in the long run will come back to the taxing entities as our property values go up.

John Lyons

I've spent quite a bit of time with the three bargaining units and with the different departments, learning the city's operations. I anticipate the negotiations will go well, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Bill O'brien

It's our tax dollars that are spent to educate them. And I'm very much against that.

Albert Barwick

I don't regret the time I have spent here because I have learnt a lot. If I retire it would be like losing my own children.

Vusumzi Kose

As much as 30% of IT budgets are spent on the support of applications that shouldn't have been approved in the first place.

Robert Handler

President Bush spent last night calling world leaders to support the war with Iraq and it is sad when the most powerful man on earth is yelling, 'I know you're there, pick up, pick up.

Craig Kilborn

Because we've spent so much time promoting the album, doing radio shows where you play one or two songs, and doing interviews, I'm all about wanting to get on the road and just play.

Rob Thomas

The funny thing about special teams is that you stress that they can make or break a game. We literally spent whole days working on special teams.

Ted Bahhur

He's spent his personal time cutting hay, stacking hay, and (transporting) hay … he does that and his business is to sell hay; he doesn't let the money get in the way of him helping the community.

Sara Isaacson

We think a lot less will be spent on battleships and a lot more on things like radar and the intelligence of defense. It seems like locating the bad guys is the hard part.

Kevin Landis

That was fraud. We had records that showed they spent this on personal expenses. That was in the record. We could prove that this was criminal activity.

Gail Griffin

If Ciro spent less time writing press releases and more time in that part of the district, he'd know (that).

Colin Strother

This trial is going to be a circus. I spent $850 on my cell-phone bill on top of the 1,200-minute plan I already pay for just answering phone calls.

Thomas Shaffer

They spent at least 24 hours at Narita. They slept on the floor. The airline gave them pillows and blankets.

Karen Pagoda

In the Senate, 60 percent of campaign expenditure is spent on television broadcasting. I've been told by both Republicans and Democrats that they are outraged the broadcasters get a publicly granted license without having to make time available for candidates.

Matt Keller

There is a much bigger [ad dollar] pie out there than the money already being spent on Hispanic television.

Don Browne

I personally feel we would be shooting a negative message to those parents with children with disabilities. Research is clear. Early intervention is money well-spent, particularly when you are dealing with at-risk populations.

Larry Meyer

It's important to recognize that charter schools are public schools, and that it is better for your tax dollars to be spent on innovative programs that equip children to succeed, rather than always sending money to schools regardless of whether or not they succeed.

Jeanne Allen

We had a very difficult couple of years; we were left with a bad economy and it took some time to get out from under it. The governor has said when more money was available, we're not going to go back to spending it how it was spent.

Dan Mclagan

We've shown the allocation of payroll across the team to be been sound. We won 100 and 105 games with it. I think we've spent a lot, and I certainly wouldn't call where we're at now inconsequential.

Bill Dewitt

At first, we all thought Paul was just nuts, but his passion for the game and his emphasis on doing the things the right way really resonated with his players. There is no question that he is the reason I, and thousands of others, have spent all these years in the sport.

Jim Duggan

Our officers spent Saturday night breaking up fights.

Mike Weber

Since 9/11, we have spent only $500 million to secure our mass transit system. That's a sum we spend every three days in Iraq.

Nevada Democrat

Corey spent a lot of time on his jump shot this summer, and he has a chance to be a great shooter. It's just a matter of hours in the gym.

Mike Bargen

Essentially, Congress directed airlines to pay TSA what they previously spent on screening of passengers and baggage. And those payments were based on a GAO analysis.

Andrea Mccauley

It's positive in the sense that the WTO members are moving forward. That's better than the alternative. But honestly it's kind of a minimal progress. We've spent a week here, and you can't say that it's monumental progress.

Mark Powers

Just giving away money doesn't help them learn where money is spent.

Matt Gillin

I spent almost one year looking at the greatest two rows of evil that anyone could ever imagine, evil in their eyes.

Vivien Spitz

This money doesn't go into the music fund and the drama fund. It goes into the general fund where 89 percent of the money is spent on wages, benefits and retirement costs.

Fred Birchard

We called both the music and the videos CKY because that's all we did. I recorded music all night and then filmed all day with those guys. So it made sense to call it CKY because that's what we always did — even though, really, they have nothing to do with each other at all! But it made sense to us because that's all we spent our time doing.

Jess Margera

Seriously undermine the effort to close the soft-money loophole for 527 groups which resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in unlimited soft money being spent to influence the 2004 federal elections.

Fred Wertheimer

I can remember back to 1982, and we were basically working 24/7 from July 4 to the end of the World Series, ... After the Series, I was totally spent. Someone asked me, 'Did you have any time to enjoy it?' And I said, 'Well, I'll enjoy the next one.'

John Barnes

The film has benefited greatly by the great quantity of rehearsals that all the actors gave, in fact insisted upon. Langella and I spent countless hours over three months exploring his character, and we needed every one of those hours, including the day before we shot the film. And when we started shooting Leonard Schiller walked in the door and Frank Langella was nowhere to be found.

Andrew Wagner

My main focus now is my grades. Lately, all my time is spent either on the court or sitting at home studying. If I'm not here on the court practicing, I'm at home doing homework.

Armon Johnson

We were dealing with the borough [council members] instead of a larger consortium, and the time spent working on a deal depends on the size of the group. We are reaching out to consumers and there really is no cookie-cutter approach. Borough council said it was to their advantage.

Sharon Shaffer

To date so far, the fire department has spent about $95,000 on overtime this year.

Don Hudson

My mom always said I spent more time upside down than right side up when I was doing gymnastics.

Kristin Fisher

I've spent the last year listening to Americans, and the state of the union that George W. Bush lives in is very different from the state that most hardworking Americans are living in.

Joseph Lieberman

I spent 20 years in Nashville and my Mom lives in Mississippi.

Gary Morris

Would I have spent a second-round pick on him? Absolutely not, ... To me, if your future's based on A.J. at this point, it's probably a wrong idea.

Sean Salisbury

I've known members of other bands who strongly recommended we call up Club Congress and check them out. I have a friend who spent a lot of time there when he was living in Tucson, and he just raved about it.

Chloe Day

It's obviously a grave day for David. He spent over a decade in that building, where today he's going to be arraigned. Everyone who knows David thinks the world of him.

Hugh Keefe

It really upset me. I have spent my whole career with that company. It just rubbed me the wrong way.

Fred Fetzer

Mahatma Gandhi spent his entire life denouncing and campaigning against non-vegetarian food and alcohol.

Raghu Sharma

This is not your typical math class. There is more activity and more engagement with the students, and a lot more time is spent.

Mary Conroy

Those middle-60 dollars will be spent probably at Target, Penney?s and Sears. They?re not competing with Meier & Frank, Chico?s or somebody like that.

Chuck Martinez

Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone

I spent my first twenty years in Morocco, where I coached the national team.

Just Fontaine

When I got to Ronnie [Pierce] at the head of the stretch he was working pretty hard and his horse looked spent.

Dave Palone

The last $17 million the board spent on renovations was in the Easley area, and before that the board spent $14 million in Clemson. The board has access to about $15.3 million now. It makes sense that Liberty and Pickens get a large chunk of that money.

Alex Saitta

The market has spent the day nervously awaiting the Argentine auction. There had been different opinions, so when it happened and results were in line or better than expected, stocks jumped up.

Renato Vercesi

These are our taxpayer dollars and they're being spent to push an initiative and it very well could have been illegal in this case.

Ned Wigglesworth

I spent a lot of time with a crown on my head. [On her beauty pageant days].

Al Bernstein

We are aggressively pursuing an end to the moratorium. We've spent millions towards that goal. I don't see how someone can equate that activity with being anti-growth.

Bob Ptacek

This has been a long-going project, but I would be surprised if that much has been spent since this agreement was entered into this past December.

Tyler Smith

We spent about a year negotiating with Hollywood. Wound up negotiating real seriously with three studios -- a big one, a medium one and a small one. Every one of them came down to the same thing, control.

Joe Camp

We spent a lot of time. I don't know how many hours but it was a lot of hours. It was a lot of work.

Bruce Harrill

These earmarks are authorized to be spent out of dedicated revenue - with highway trust fund money from gasoline taxes. That's one reason doing earmarks is such a good idea.

Roger Wicker

Thousands of man hours [were spent] in developing new techniques so that foam in part and other components of the flight vehicle do not come loose during supersonic flight in the atmosphere as the orbiter climbs to orbit.

Wayne Hale

That person has spent pretty much his entire life here.

Susan Mcbride

The people in this community have spent a lot of money on the buildings here over the years, and I think the maintenance and facilities here are as good as any in the state.

Michael Lambert

It's hard to explain to you how we feel as cat breeders. The amount of money we've spent caring for our cats and with vet bills, we lose money every year, even with the cats that we sell. But it's a passion for people.

Dan Shackley

Until the housing bubble finally pops, builders and realtors will earn healthy incomes from current or even somewhat-lower housing activity levels, ... However, actual stimulus from housing to U.S. economic growth is about spent.

Michael Bazdarich

To hear Dave protest his innocence, and to see it fall on deaf ears, was very difficult after we've spent three or four years of our lives defending him.

Katharine Liell

I'm told confidently by the person who did move the material over that the 9/11 commission received two briefcase-size containers of documents, ... I can tell you for a fact that would not be ... one-20th of the information that Able Danger consisted of during the time we spent.

Anthony Shaffer

Ninety-five percent of the money is spent outside the city. If we didn't, there wouldn't be anything done outside the city.

Pat Logan

Sean has spent his entire odds overcoming odds.

Phil Estes

It's hard to see the Itanium Solutions Alliance accomplishing anything major that the billions already spent by HP, Intel, and the rest haven't. You don't see an x86 Solutions Alliance.

Gordon Haff

They spent the money because it was important to them. I guarantee you they are happy with that angel.

Susan Little

She spent the whole weekend out here practicing, ... I've never seen anyone practice as diligently. She's going at it and really focused, not missing a beat, getting ready for Samsung.

Greg Nichols

Because of all the money that was spent, it got voters more interested. If it had just been candidates who couldn't self-fund, I think turnout would have been much smaller.

Jack Orr

The billing practices of the law firms and expert witnesses made it likely that billing attorneys for the law firms and the experts who issued invoices did not know how much time was being spent for any particular task or how much money was being charged to perform those tasks.

Scott Hansen

I spent my Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter without my sister, and from these days on I will never be able to spend those days with my sister again.

Mike Halbach

Much ink has been spent on the tale of getting the show to the screen, ... The proof is in the product, however, and we say without reservation it is a series that charts entirely new ground in terms of scope and ambition, yet remains rooted firmly in the fundamentals of solid characters and well-told stories.

Carolyn Strauss

I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.

George Best

Two-and-half million curies of mostly localized radiation were released in the Chernobyl accident, ... There are five million curies in Pilgrim's reactor and 25 to 30 million curies of radiation in the spent-fuel pool. Most of that spent-fuel pool's radioactivity would be released into atmosphere if there was a fire, or 10 times the amount released in Chernobyl.

Gordon Thompson

Right now, Congressman Gibbons is riding on name (identification). He has an advantage there because he's spent so much time in the spotlight. But over the next four months, we're going to get our message out, and we'll see that gap close and eventually disappear.

Andy Matthews

The years I spent at Pacific were some of the best of my life. I met my wife and formed lifelong friendships. The education I received while learning to play competitive golf became a foundation in my personal and professional life.

Jeff Brehaut

Many who have spent a lifetime in it can tell us less of love than the child that lost a dog yesterday.

Thornton Wilder

We've been getting better as we go along. We might be winning if we'd been able to get better starts. We've spent the week battling through the fleet. We've had very good downwind speed, which has enabled us to make up ground.

Russell Coutts

You're talking about $4.7 billion spent on Plan Colombia, and this is all we have to show for it?

Adam Isacson

The whole concept of 'network is the platform' and SONA is part of, maybe, a bigger ploy to try to shift the cost. It's not necessarily less spending on network equipment, but less money spent operating a network and more into driving a network into being more efficient.

Joel Conover

He is an American who has spent his professional life battling against government control over one of the most private aspects our lives.

Kurt Simon

Chimpanzees have given me so much. The long hours spent with them in the forest have enriched my life beyond measure. What I have learned from them has shaped my understanding of human behavior, of our place in nature.

Jane Goodall

We nitpicked the hell out of everything. We spent more time nurturing the songs.

Mike Wengren

When you have someone like him for four years and working like that, it's hard to see him lose. He spent a lot of hours preparing for this.

Allen Hughes

By this time another group of kids had come down from Nashville. So 22 of us spent the night in the Birmingham bus station with the Klan marching around outside.

Jim Zwerg

They're getting 184 million a year, and they are only spending about 6 million a year for maintenance. More of that should be spent to maintain the buildings.

Jim Auld

The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.

Mark Twain

It was just one of those things. You know, that's the way this game is sometimes. We spent a lot of energy out there today and it was a tough, tough game to lose. We just have to put it behind us and rebound. That's what good teams do.

Jim Simms

Compared to cash, it gives parents greater flexibility and enables them to see quite clearly what is being spent.

Jemma Smith

We spent a lot of time talking about this in our table work, ... It's a very important issue, and to be honest with you, it's not clear in the play.

Robert Cuccioli

We've complied with every rule and regulation of the Campaign Finance Board, and we've documented and disclosed every nickel that we've spent — unlike this mayor.

Gifford Miller

I was pretty disappointed today. I spent all of my time in the area where I caught my fish Friday because I thought it had more fish.

Luke Clausen

To have a president in a strapless gown, is that appropriate? We spent weeks and weeks on this. She is covered below her knees. There is no cleavage, and she wears gloves.

Mimi Melgaard

He knew that he had to get stronger. Charlie?s time was spent where he needed to ? in the weight room.

Bob Greenly

We spent a lot of time trying to understand the new FEMA rules. That has not been a satisfying experience.

Andres Duany

We spent a lot of time thinking India versus China and we're more comfortable with the Indian regulatory environment. India has a lot of positives on that score, and a long tradition of Democracy.

Prakash Melwani

This evening could have been better spent almost anywhere if you wanted to find your pulse rate.

Richard Stevens

We've spent eight years developing our craft, and now we have a troupe we're really happy with and we want to go further.

Josh Engel

He was a serious competitor. A good sportsman who spent a lot of his life working and building a business.

David Hathaway

This comet formed at very edge of the solar system ... out by pluto ... and spent all its lifetime out there until recently it came into the inner part of the solar system, where we could sample it.

Don Brownlee

She spent a lot of her own time working individually on her skills, her footwork, getting to the basket. In practice this year she put time in on defense and skills that she knew weren't as strong.

Amy Leonard

The wheels just came off early for us. Their big plays hurt us, especially on a couple of punt returns and kickoff returns when they got great field position. We spent the night with our backs against the wall.

Avery Cutshaw

It's good to see that there's less outright gift-giving, but we're seeing more and more dollars being spent by special interests to see favorable legislation passed. This only highlights the need to get more regular people involved in the political process to advocate for themselves.

Heather Taylor

The jury is out as to whether we look back in six months and say this money was well spent or not.

Randy Perkins

The senator has spent some of his campaign funds to raise awareness about an important Senate initiative to provide real and genuine property tax relief for the people of his district. At times, it is appropriate to use paid advertising to do that so you can provide a more focused awareness effort.

Duncan Davie

It was pretty much a fiasco. They ended up wasting a day that those kids could have better spent in class or doing what they were going to do at the park.

Steve Mulvenon

We went to the West Bank area community and spent equal amounts of time in both places (Israel and Palestine). We formed a partnership with the community.

Rev. Carleen Gerber

I think his first three, four, five years out of the league will be spent back home in Mississippi, watching his two girls grow up. He might get into high school athletics because his dad was a coach. I don't see Brett getting in the (broadcast) booth.

Doug Pederson

They both started out [as newborns] in a way that you thought they were never going to make it in the world. They both spent plenty of time in ICU and look at them now.

Carol Piccari

We want the public to know if money is spent to influence executive action.

Bob Phillips

For every dollar spent on IT equipment, $3 to $4 is spent on operating it.

Andrew Fanara

Those are the kinds of issues that I don't think people have spent a lot of time talking about yet.

Stephen Bounds

Clearly the focus is Medicare, including what their outlook is going to be for enrollment in 2006. The driver in the fourth quarter was principally what they spent getting ready for the Medicare opportunity in 2006.

Carl Mcdonald

People have to be accountable for their records, and what they did early in their careers is informative. Secretary Culver will have to explain the two years he spent in the employ of his client as a lobbyist.

Matt Paul

I'm going to get the cases moving in order to spend time on the cases that need to have time spent on them. It's just hard work to get to the end of it.

James Grady

She was a very devoted pediatrician who spent her life studying medicine and helping others. She gave free medications to her patients and went the extra mile to help those in need. She's my role model.

Ruby Ali

It's hard to see your teammates win the World Series. You spent your whole career there and left one year early. I didn't know they were going to win the World Series.

Magglio Ordonez

A formula for computing in the workplace: one third of the time is spent being productive. One third of the time is spent playing games. The remaining third of the time is spent trying not to get caught.

Don Rittner

We needed this one. I told my athletic coordinator (Orlando Garcia) before the game that this was probably the most time I've spent preparing a team for a game.

Jaime Gongora

I'd be committed to a balanced budget. I'd like to see exactly what money's being spent on, different line items in the budget.

Karyn Miller

She spent hours drawing on her own, trying to perfect her craft. And when she got into music, she had that same diligence in developing her own style as well as perfecting the craft of singing. I don't think that is part of the normal assumption of who she was.

Laura Joplin

We are a good group of guys and we play well together. We're very close. A lot of us have been here for three years, so we've spent a lot of time together.

Lance Watson

I am perfectly happy that people want to come and spend three or four hours in Cades Cove. But I think it ought to be spent doing something more enjoyable than watching the red brake lights of the car in front of them.

Dianne Flaugh

We could have spent thousands on corporate art and filled our walls with something that would be wonderful to look at, but it would be static. Our company is based on people and change and adaptability. What better than to have our very walls represent what we're about?

Janet Reid

Since the case began, the Aurora Police Department has spent every possible resource on this investigation. We have literally spent hundreds of a hours on this case.

Dan Ferrelli

I was surprised at the fact that AXA Financial had spent so much time and money trying to build DLJ, especially build its presence in Europe the last couple of years and now it's pulling the ripcord.

Michael Ancell

We have spent four years communicating that it will be cold. Dress for it and you're going to have fun. I'm praying for a nice, sunny 32 degree day.

Susan Sherer

We did spent a lot in the construction of stadiums and gymnasiums for 2008 Olympics. But they will all serve for ordinary people after the Games and should not be totally included in our budget.

Jiang Xiaoyu

At Lehigh, we gave out over $2 million in need-based athletic scholarships, need-based being the key, on our football team last year. We spent as much money as an awful lot of people do on scholarships and attacked recruiting in the very same way you would here.

Pete Lembo

We needed to determine the value of the resource before it was damaged, and what should have been spent to protect it.

Richard Carson

There are discussions going on, and there hasn't been a plan that has been agreed to. I think it's a complicated situation that is not just about one particular thing. It's about how this money is going to be spent and what is the best way to utilize it.

Dick Carelli

The time spent in overtime, drive time and the cost of renting a range, we can bring it to them and they can bring in their officers while they are on duty.

Mike Christoff

I was the one who spent time on the budget looking to say is this expense reasonable, is that expense reasonable. I asked questions that didn't tend to get asked.

Dorn Peterson

I spent two years? salary fighting the first fight, and that?s $36,000 a year times two. It?s definitely not any fun anymore. My funds are gone. This thing has wiped me out. . . . And I?m not going to dip into the kids? college fund.

Tim Nardiello

I feel very happy with the deal because we spent a long time negotiating and we avoided arbitration.

Jorge Sosa

We missed a lot of inside shots and a lot of them early. You've got to be able to make those and we didn't. They really crashed the boards well. My timeouts were spent talking about boxing out.

Ray Preston

I've never spent so much time with someone who is so fully present and conscious.

Alison Goss

(A)s the opposition party, ... Democrats have a responsibility to hold the White House accountable for the painfully high price we've paid in Iraq, the thousands killed and wounded, and the billions of dollars spent. But they must do so in a way that makes it clear they are rooting for America to succeed in Iraq.

Will Marshall

I've spent 15 years in arts marketing and arts management in the US and the Sydney Opera House really is the pinnacle.

Naomi Grabel

People have spent 10 years buying food here. We can spend one night giving it back.

Sandy Mccullough

I was lucky to grow up with parents who just did that. Nothing was thrown away until it was completely spent.

Jennie Rylee

We were pulled apart by so many outside forces that took us away from what we set out to do. By the end, I was spent dealing with all the egos, I needed some time off.

Keith Nelson

I am really pleased to have sorted everything out. I have spent the vast majority of my career at Leicester, my family are happy and settled and we have made a lot of friends here. Allied to that, we have an excellent young team here and there is a lot of potential to win some silverware in the next few years.

Andy Goode

I've still got a lot to learn about Washington. Thursday, I accidentally spent some of my own money.

Fred Thompson

It was with deep interest that my companion and myself, both now about to see and examine the beauties of a tropical country for the first time, gazed on the land where I, at least, eventually spent eleven of the best years of my life.

Henry Walter Bates

In comparison, Cuba spent about $1 billion -- or more than 35 percent -- on petroleum imports.

Robert Menendez

We own the film, ... We had negotiated all the material deal points with the agent and the producers in a hotel and spent four and a half hours on the phone so we have a deal.

Ruth Vitale

He also has spent millions on children with AIDS, ... We can drown them with examples of where Mr. Jackson has been so benevolent, so generous, so charitable, so giving for good causes, that it will make their theory look silly.

Thomas Mesereau

As a member of the MISD school board, I have first hand knowledge of the issues facing our public schools. Last year Ellis County spent $33 million on gambling. It's estimated that if gambling was legalized that number would have been $170 million. I think that money should be spent locally. There are many costs to gambling, including the moral and social costs. Don't let him sell us on gambling.

Duke Burge

I do believe that money could be spent somewhere else, certainly on all the utilities we're choking on.

Mary Mcgrath

We've spent more time at the tent than at the games.

Roger Wilson

We spent 60 of 80 minutes in their end trying to score. We got off shot after shot in the second half and couldn't score.

Guy Greening

We spent the first three years working on the inn, the gardens and developing that as a viable business. We feel like we're there, so now we're focusing our attention on this magazine, growing the magazine and finding new opportunities to serve our brides and the advertisers.

Carolayne Holley

We were devastated, ... We spent two years developing it. I had even flown to the NIH (National Institutes of Health) to do research on my own dime. So we could have sunk into a deep depression. Instead, we made a movie.

Greg Harrison

I noticed every time I spent a lot of time in the bathtub, I would just get fantastic realizations about myself, and they were so valuable and liberating.

Leonard Orr

We just ran out of gas. We spent so much energy in the third quarter to get back into it, by the fourth quarter, we had nothing left.

Tom Dowd

We have spent a lot of time working on our back four with different guys at those positions, trying to get that shored up and ready. We are pretty much business as usual in the rest of the field.

George Gelnovatch

I knew so many people had spent so much money coming out here to watch me and I didn't want to mess up.

Toby Dawson

Personally, I'd rather see the county resources spent on roads, parks, housing police - something no one else is doing.

James Kaskie

There were many people at All Pro who worked behind the scenes and spent a lot of time with the design process. So once we got there it ended up being a 'plug-and-play' installation.

Bobby Taylor

We are working to keep the system as reliable as we can and keep the price of electricity as affordable as we can. We do that through aggressive tree trimming. In 2005 we spent over $50 million trimming rights of way, more than $21 million in the southern region that includes Hendersonville.

Tim Pettit

He stopped to pick up his birds and spent several minutes looking, as the second bird was difficult to find.

Pamela Willeford

I challenged out team as a whole, and maybe we did a gut-check on our manhood so to speak. But basically, the majority of the halftime was spent with the defensive adjustments. And fortunately, the adjustments paid off for us.

Sam Harp

I have no inhibitions about smoking or drinking, but I think too much of my voice to place it in jeopardy. I have spent many good years in training and cultivating it, and I would be foolish to do anything which might impair or ruin it.

Jeanette Macdonald