96 quotes about slacking follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

When Randolph comes back, we're going to be a better team with him. When he's not here, we'll just hold up the slack until he comes back.

Shagari Alleyne

Credit remains widely available for both consumers and businesses despite higher interest rates. However, consumer borrowing is likely to slow as housing markets cool. Business borrowing should take up some of the slack.

Robert Mcgee

She dominated. She killed us from inside and from the free throw line. We couldn't drive the ball, and the one thing that kills us is when get unbalanced in our scoring. Amanda was proving us with a lot of points in the first half, but when they shut her down in the second, we didn't have anyone there to pick up the slack.

Fred Thacher

The oil system, both upstream and downstream, is being run close to sustainable limits and the tensions created by the absence of slack are now the key driver of prices.

Barclays Capital

He expects the most from you. You better be ready to come to the field and give 100 percent and be professional, or you'll suffer the consequences. He's not going to let you slack. He's going to hold you accountable.

Mark Redman

We're making sure the unit commanders here can still conduct their missions without the folks from Keesler, ... There are about 18,000 airmen in the theater, so we can pick up the slack.

David Small

We miss our families, and my little fellow started kindergarten this week, and my wife's having to pick up the slack, so it's tough being away, ... But all of that pales in comparison to what these people are going through.

Brendan Murphy

Our hitting was slacking. Today we picked it up. I'm proud of the kids. I've been barking at the kids all week and tonight they proved they could hit.

Chris Schuster

Guys get hurt and other guys have got to pull their weight and pick up the slack. We don't make excuses. Obviously we are better when everyone is healthy.

Adrian Griffin

It was a very smart thing not to give me a scholarship because I work my butt off for things, and I love to work my butt off for things. As I view it, I'm working right now to get a job. Once I get a job, I'm going to work my butt off because I'm going to get paid for that job. I'm not going to slack off. I wasn't brought up that way.

Daniel Kelly

Phillip does a good job taking up the slack when Michael's not in. He can score down inside and can do a lot of things.

Laverne Knox

I think when we really focus and dig down and pay attention, I think we can do some great things to teams. Then we seem to slack off. It's just a focus matter.

Marcus Williams

Something in human nature causes us to start slacking off at our moment of greatest accomplishment. As you become successful, you will need a great deal of self-discipline not to lose your sense of balance, humility, and commitment.

H Ross Perot

I can't explain it - I really can't. We just shot really well tonight, and this is something we have to do more often. I think we've been slacking off in shooting.

Steve Barnes

I was proud of our guys for picking up the slack on that play. That was a huge play that really could have been a momentum change.

Todd Abbott

I feel like Canada's punishment from the US is over. They realize they've been choking our economy and with the new leader in Canada they're going to cut us some slack. People from the US are going to realize for the first time where Ottawa is and that it's the Capital of Canada.

Connie Adams

He made me a lot better actually, having someone to go through this whole thing with you is a lot better than going through it by yourself. You can't really slack because I know he's going to be working and I'm going to be working, so basically it helped me raise my game so I can compete at the next level.

Wayne Ellington

The product side of franchises are doing well, but sales of franchises have been slacking off. Just about all franchises are working to generate leads for business.

Terry Hill

It felt really good to win and it was really a team effort. I hope we can get a couple of wins in a row. The bench has to bring it every night and if the first team's adrenaline isn't rushing the second unit needs to get in there and pick up the slack.

Marcus Banks

When it comes to writing this kind of a book you have to cut yourself a little slack.

Kenny Salwey

I think the players that we have right now are very good. But one thing we don't have is that big-time scorer. We're going to be missing Piazza, but somebody's going to have to pick up his slack.

Jack Ferraro

I think what we did was slack up on a lot of it, and that's what caused the problems. So when we rededicated ourselves, we went back to doing all of the things that made us a success in the beginning.

Theresa Adams

Every quarter against West, they're going to come out ready to play. It's a matter of matching their intensity and getting the momentum. If you don't come out and play every single play, you slack for even 2 minutes and game's over.

Ben Anderson

These models save businesses a lot of money, but when something goes wrong there is no slack in the system to handle it. Businesses should be investing some of their savings from e-business models into contingency planning.

Jim Norton

[Tracy McGrady said publicly what we all knew: He didn't always try his hardest last season when he played for the Magic. McGrady told Sports Illustrated that he was so defeated mentally by the losing that] some nights I did slack off. ... Really?

John Weisbrod

It was very, very difficult. They have an All-American candidate (Crystal Langhorne). And if she steps off the court, they have another big girl coming in and picking up the slack.

Jasmine Walker

It's definitely good to know that when I'm getting shut down we've got a team that can take up the slack.

Amanda Radovich

Our bench really stepped up today. The came out and not only scored, but gave us solid minutes. They came in and picked up the slack.

Brian Zoubek

You can't hide under the radar and slack off.

Jason Standiford

It's very hard. You see the score and you want to slack up. But you can't because Cal is on the sideline getting after you. He wants the intensity up at all times. I can see why, but it's pretty hard to stay focused.

Rodney Carney

We need to step up our defense as a team. Our defense has been slacking. We've been too focused on our offense. We need to get back to setting the tone defensively, and it starts with me.

Jason Petrimoulx

His sister picked up a lot of the slack for care of his mom. His nephew, Daniel Miller, helped keep an eye on the farm. Steven and Nicholas helped with feeding and caring for the dogs.

Amanda Smith

Maybe I'm a little too critical. They are playing great ball, don't get me wrong. I just want them to continue doing that and not slack.

Terri Swaney

You can't slack off of good shooters. We let our guard down a little bit and it cost us.

Terry Jarrett

Even before the hurricane there was no slack in the refining system, ... Now it's at breaking point. Those refineries will take months to come back online.

Paul Horsnell

Nobody is being accommodating. Our power has gone off and on, our registers have been down. People were polite yesterday, but now? Come on, folks, cut us some slack.

George Brooks

We talked about staying focused on the offensive end. I think we did a good job of coming out sharp; the ladies did a good job of not slacking off.

Jim Porter

He actually made a big difference, because their defense had created problems for my offense. It wasn't running the way I wanted it to. When we brought him in and made a slight adjustment to how we entered our offense, it changed what they did. He picked up the slack.

Hugh Roberts

We do have a comfortable cushion. Even if it does get cold, inventories will be able to pick up the slack.

Chris Ovrebo

There's still quite a bit of slack in the economy, and you can't push through prices until you eliminate that slack.

Richard Berner

We've been in a nationwide blood appeal for June and July. When you think of our blood supply being already fragile, this is the area we need to pick up the slack.

Melanie Mcdonough

When we get the lead sometimes, we just lose control. We get a little thick-headed and that we're allowed to stop playing. We got that big lead and started slacking off. But when they came back, we were ready to play hard again.

Mookie Jones

The rate of decline for both the flash memory and communications business in the second quarter could be more dramatic than the overall top line, leaving it to the microprocessor business to pick up the slack.

Joe Osha

That's the important thing with having two good backs. When one of them is not doing well, the other one has to pick up the slack. I'm expecting a lot of big things from both of them this year.

Billy Hite

Being a caregiver is the most thankless role in the world. Everybody gives the patient some slack, as they should, but the caregiver has the stress of life and then you put a catastrophic illness on top of it, and the stress goes through the roof.

Marcia Wallace

As long as the growth is taking place in a slack economy, with a high unemployment rate and a low capacity utilization rate. That growth is not likely to be inflationary, and not much reason for us to worry about it.

Robert Mcteer

One of the top three should probably win the tournament, but if the rest of us bring our A-game and they slack up, we have a chance.

Warren Lawrence

I'm always afraid if I slack up or give in, I'll get lazy.

Violet Stark

Donald and Nathan will have to pick up the slack this week. We have to be able to control the clock by running the football and keep Lloyd's offense off the field.

Marty Jaggers

Last time we played Rutgers we beat them 6-1, but we came out with a lot of intensity. We'll need to do that again because Rutgers is definitely not a slack team.

Trent Hagan

Whether it's now Prime Minister Stephen Harper or whether it has been other prime ministers in the past, we need to cut the prime minister a bit of slack.

John Manley

We all knew that was something that just wasn't supposed to happen. We should have played better, and we can't slack off like that for any team.

Dennis Davis

Our main goal is to get into all of the music shops because the music shops have now found this as the ideal replacement for a very slack market they've had over the last year with very poor video rentals and no new music phenomenon coming out.

Dave James

He's a great guy, he's a great coach, and we miss him. But it's part of being a team; you've just got to pick up the slack and move on and hope the best for him to get him back here next week.

John Howell

WIth football you can have up to 28 guys you consider starters, and if they can pick up the slack when some aren't playing so well, you don't have to turn those two game losing streaks into six-game losing streaks.

Tom Brady

Because we dispersed the workload over all of the defensive coaches — everybody has picked up some slack — it has gone very, very smoothly. We all have a little increase, but it's not a whole lot. Because Ray was so organized anyway, we just kind of plugged things in and away we go.

John Marshall (football Coach)

We can't afford for next year's growth potential to stop and slack up too much.

Tim Wyrosdick

This is a concern for Australia's growth outlook. We've been depending on better exports to take up some of the slack in the Australian economy as consumer spending cools. So far, that transition hasn't been very smooth.

Jarrod Kerr

We can't slack off in practice this week, we have to stay focused. Now we've got to work even harder.

Alex Hertenstein

The world abhors closeness, and all but admires extravagance; yet a slack hand shows weakness, and a tight hand strength.

Thomas Fowell Buxton

We always feel we're fighting for respect. People don't cut us any slack. We like that. We don't have anything to lose.

Frank Davis

There hasn't been any of that. Nobody's going to feel sorry for us, and we're not going to feel sorry for ourselves. We know we're not as good a team without those guys. We know that every guy has to pick up a little slack because of it. Bottom line, we're hanging in there. We're right there without them.

Scott Hatteberg

We've got to do better than that, we've got to be able to pick up the slack when we come on the floor. Or if they're rolling, we've got to keep them rolling.

Travis Walton

Undoubtedly it's a dollar-negative report. This pace of job creation shows there is still slack in the labor markets.

Alex Beuzelin

It was big for our confidence, and everybody contributed. We didn't really have one guy that had to pick up the slack. We had a lot of guys pick up the slack.

Jeff Lebo

They're all going to have to pick up the slack. We're just so limited, especially inside.

Jeff Lebo

We are really busy in January and February, and I see people starting to slack off around May when summer hits and kids are getting out of school. They will go on vacation and miss several classes, and this is really when you don't get them back.

Stacy Nicolas

We'll have to pick up the slack.

Justin Schommer

There appears to be some possibility that the recent trend toward disinflation will continue, primarily because of the potentially large amount of economic slack in the system.

Ben S. Bernanke

It's a big blow for our defense. However, we will still play football on Sunday. Injuries happen all the time. We've got some other guys that have to take up the slack.

London Fletcher

I think our guys our over-pitching. They know that the offense isn't coming through, so they feel like they need to pick up the slack.

Billy Sellers

Until we can reach and sustain job growth of at least 150,000 every month, there will be growing slack in the job market. And until that happens, we are unlikely to see the kind of healthy wage and income growth that can sustain a strong recovery.

Lee Price

I'm going [Thursday]. For me, it's just a tradition, ... I had heard that many people weren't going due to the safety issues with many of the rides, but I think we should cut them slack since it's the company's first year doing it.

David Page

I used my bat as a cane to get off the field. I took some slack for that.

Jacob Cruz

The police will show these gangs no leniency, even though some are under the protection of local governments, who expect the stealing would boost the slack local economy.

Ma Weiya

We started out really good and were just pounding them, going straight down and having some quality passing, and intensity was high, and then we started to slack off, but then the last 15 to 20 minutes of the second half we started checking and working together.

Andrew Kerr

That was a huge loss. The show must go on. We've picked up a couple of football players, and they've learned enough to help us. We still have four seniors, so we're able to pick up the slack.

Jihad Muhammad

In the short-term yields may increase. Slack is decreasing in the economy and that is leading to inflationary pressures.

Yoshihiro Ishida

While we certainly encourage donations to worthy relief organizations, NOW is the time when we need help in order to 'pick up the slack' as more than 100 U.S. Border Patrol Agents have been reassigned from Arizona and New Mexico to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina, ... Click Here to help with your best contribution now!

Chris Simcox

I can't fault either one. We're going to have to do a lot to pick up the slack.

Jim Yanko

I wouldn't be the player I am today if he cut me any slack.

Justin Upton

I guess tonight showed everyone we have more than one player. We know we have guys that can come in and take up the scoring slack when Mike's not in there. Tonight we had three or four guys who did that. They really picked it up tonight.

Mike Evans

Even if the economy recovers smartly for the rest of this year and the next, the ongoing slack in the economy may still lead to continuing disinflation.

Ben S. Bernanke

I have to continue to go out and give 110 percent effort on punt returns every time I go out on the field. I can't get lackadaisical and say, Well there might be a flag' and slack off a little bit. That will hurt my game. Every time I go out there I'm going to try to return that ball to the house.

Dennis Northcutt

Everybody gears toward stopping No. 22 and with everybody focused on Shelly Paige, it lets our other post player pick up the slack. Ashley did a good job tonight.

Beth Williams

We have an understanding with our parents - schoolwork can't slack. Academics are definitely something we pride ourselves on. We'd be upset if we didn't do well.

Amanda Gonsalves

That's a lot to replace, but it seems like we've picked up the slack. I don't think we'll have one person who will do all the scoring. It will be distributed among about five guys and that's probably better.

Don Ideran

Slack just had a tremendous, tremendous tournament. He showed people he's one of the best forwards in the country.

Jay Herkelman

It doesn't take them long to figure it all out. There's no slacking. If you slack off, you're done with this class. It's an elective class. All of these kids want to be here.

Bill Lombardi

Given the huge nature (of the disaster), it is inevitable there would be areas of failure. There are a lot of areas we can look and say could have been done better. But if we look at the overall dimensions of the thing, we have to cut some people some slack.

Bob Bennett

The guys feel bad that he cannot have the senior year he worked so hard for. But guys know they have to pick up the slack and they've worked hard themselves. They're not feeling sorry for themselves. If anything, they are focusing on picking up the slack and doing the job.

Brian Bowers

Last time, the market could handle uncertainty as there was a lot of slack but now because prices are so high, the market is not equipped to handle unplanned events.

Tony Nunan

Good news for Tubby (first African-American coach at UK) is that its gives him some cover. Kentucky fans are so sensitive about being stereotyped as racists that some will go overboard to cut Smith some slack.

Billy Reed

It's nice that we have a lot of people that can contribute in different spots and pick up the slack. We are not generating a greater volume of shots, but a better quality of shot.

Guy Van Arsdale

We've been expecting exports to pick up some of the slack of the easing domestic demand and we're not seeing this to date. So clearly there are capacity constraints out there that remain.

Jarrod Kerr

Critics are usually kinder to cheaper movies than to those they perceive to be big Hollywood releases. They cut you a lot more slack if you spend less money, which makes no sense.

Ethan Coen