We no longer have to worry about outdated equipment that may fail.

It was a very smart thing not to give me a scholarship because I work my butt off for things, and I love to work my butt off for things. As I view it, I'm working right now to get a job. Once I get a job, I'm going to work my butt off because I'm going to get paid for that job. I'm not going to slack off. I wasn't brought up that way.

Once our side of the story comes out, Frank will be exonerated. There are some patently untrue statements in the indictment.

There was a decent amount of red. I'm not out to impress the crowd. I'm out there to impress my team, and do my team honor. (Opposing fans) can talk as much as they want, but I'm not a big listener.

There's no hazing or anything like that. Coach Jones has created an atmosphere where we're a family. He's like the dad telling the older siblings not to pick on the young ones.