It is simply about quality, it is about safety, it's about ensuring that the track record Qantas has continues.

Doug Cameron

There's been a lot of things that we haven't been able to do simply because we haven't had the appropriate space.

Rick Lawn

We are simply responding to consumer demand and choice in providing a product with fluoride.

Stephen Kay

It would have been a very difficult scenario for me to have voted against your nomination simply because you did not fulfill the requirements you were supposed to fulfill.

Sen. Louis Hill

We simply cannot afford any further delay in providing the IMF with the resources it requires to help contain the threat of further financial and political instability around the world.

Robert Rubin

It was locked up and secured, but we simply couldn't get to it.

Mark Clark

Simply use the other hash that's been available since [Notes version] 4.6 and you will no longer be able to perpetrate that attack.

Kevin Lynch

Nature is not cruel, pitiless, indifferent. This is one of the hardest lessons for humans to learn. We cannot admit that things might be neither good nor evil, neither cruel nor kind, but simply callous -- indifferent to all suffering, lacking all purpose.

Richard Dawkins

When we made the decision to remove the executive director position, it was a financial call. We simply could not make our budget.

Carolyn Smith

As much as we had hoped that our reseller checks would have been more encouraging, the fact is simply that demand continues to remain weak, with no imminent rebound.

Toni Sacconaghi

They simply had a bad night. They're not going to allow the loss here to intimidate them.

Bernie Williams

We believe it's hard to change people's habits and that the most practical solution is to improve the food they do eat. With a burger, for example, you would simply remove some of the fat and replace it with the seaweed extract, which is an entirely natural product from a sustainable resource. You'd have a healthier burger and it's unlikely to taste any different.

Jeff Pearson

There's some quick learning going on. Somebody realized that just simply ranting is not constructive, the UN is a place where you build from common ground.

Michael Doyle

I think the violence was quite simply about criminality, about people intent on seizing an opportunity to pick up on some of the tensions that had evolved during this week.

David Shaw

I don't just want to talk about goals. I know we can get there. We simply can't wait.

Becky Lourey

We really like the diagnostic part. We really think the ten-year plan offers us some opportunity. We don't think simply moving the test gains us any value.

Mary Tiede Wilhelmus

We gave up the ball way too many times. Too many of our turnovers were unforced. We were able to pressure them (Panthers) into several turnovers, but we simply didn't protect the ball.

Andi Ferris

It is a kind of a way to play games with monthly payments. Stretching out the mortgage maturity is simply a way to lower month payments and stimulate sales.

Dick Bove

Sometimes it might not be the club that came out No. 1 on the list, simply because the golfer doesn't like the way it looks or sets up behind the ball. If there's something very close and it looks better to the golfer, then maybe they're going to feel better with that. The thing is, you can't give the golfer 50 options because it just becomes too confusing.

John German

It took a little courage to set out and do something modern, but we were convinced that modern and high-design is the forward trend. We're very focused on our positioning and our image and the entire basket of goods, rather than simply having a hotel and putting residences on top.

Marty Collins

Don't get a dog you don't know anything about simply because it has blue eyes. We've heard too many times, 'I've always wanted a husky,' but they didn't realize the hair or it keeps jumping the fence. Talk to Siberian husky owners first. Make sure this dog will fit with your family.

Marcia Horne

It's hard to imagine what life is like when the person you knew as your partner takes on such legendary, mythic dimensions in society. To continue to function to be a beacon, it's a reminder that she was not simply an observer but an active participant who helped shape the movement.

Nadine Smith

We're definitely going to have our work cut out for us. (Corpus Christi) King, the defending district champ, is still pretty good and Miller is up and coming so simply put, we are going to have to take care of business if we want to get to regional.

Ben Johnson

Simply put, this is the worst case of child molest imaginable.

Laura Gunn

What's special is the great tradition in our program. To be in the same fraternity as Dave Gunther - and surpass him - is simply great.

Rich Glas

Quite simply, another shopping option.

Mike Berger

The biggest fear of cable operators like Comcast is simply becoming the provider of big dumb pipes. Comcast in particular has been struggling to build its portal business to give customers another reason to choose their service over a competitor's.

Jim Penhune

It was simply motivated by a desire to engage students more, and to make our education more relevant.

Calvin Baker

This is simply a guide for us to know what steps the counties have completed, what steps they still need to take and what we can do to help.

Gary Bartlett

Simply put, they (the donors) believe in what you do. They believe in what you do every day.

John Zidich

It appears from a review of the facts – there is no way to dress it up – that there was faulty legal advice at the origination of this project, ... I don't think this Legislature is prepared to set the example that . . . we will simply change the law to accommodate that advice.

Joe Dunn

We knew that Ranger was going to be tough simply because they had a good weekend last weekend. Their pitcher did a good job of keeping us off balance in the first game.

Tommy Ramos

We are going to have to handle their pressure. They are very athletic. We simply can't commit any turnovers.

Brandy Corbett

Most problems are simply missed opportunities. The flip side of every problem is a solution.

Mark Lakeman

If the ruling is simply that nothing in federal law prohibits mid-decade redistricting, that will not help them.

David Fine

We're big payers. We've seen some positive results come of it. There weren't as many teams looking to simply dump payroll last year. They were looking for young players in return. I don't know if that's going to change.

Bill Dewitt Jr

The claims that cosmetics companies place on their products is practically unrestricted. Some claim they're dermatologist-tested, but that doesn't mean the product has passed the test with a viable number of people. There's simply no guarantee.

Carol Aguirre

Our biggest problem is that the state of Connecticut's reimbursement has consistently lagged behind the cost of patient care on a day-to-day basis. It's a large gap that the diocese has filled to deliver a superior level of health care to our residents. But we simply do not have enough capital resources to keep up.

Michael Bird

When the dog bites, when the bee stings When I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things, And then I don't feel so bad.

Oscar Hammerstein Ii

People like to control things themselves. And so if someone wants to do that we're simply giving them the option of doing so and making things more convenient for them.

Jack Walsh

This is an issue we simply don't talk about anymore.

David Plank

[The film was completed by 2002 and screened at several festivals, winning awards in Atlantic City and Palm Springs, Calif. It had distribution offers, including one from one of the] classic ... simply had not had a good track record.

Bob Clark

They hate their phobias and want to get rid of them. But these women with anorexia simply think, 'This is the way we are.'

Walter Kaye

It was spread on pieces of paper I have seen myself, ... It said I made all these promises that simply weren't true.

Supachai Panitchpakdi

We have conceded 10 goals in six games and we simply have to defend better than that.

Gary Megson

While our performance was at the high end of our previous guidance, we clearly did not perform to our potential, ... Our focus is on improving our operational execution and expense management to more fully benefit from our improving sales mix. We simply have to get more money to the bottom line.

John Tyson

I can't stand cheap sheets. And I simply can't tolerate stiff pillowcases.

Phyllis Miller

Simply put, would you rather die of a heart attack or a shark attack? So what scares us, kind of enthuses or excites the media that it might be an exciting story that resonates with people. And, yes, they do play those stories up because of that factor.

David Ropeik

Many a man is praised for his reserve and so-called shyness when he is simply too proud to risk making a fool of himself.

Joseph Priestley

I think people are finding that BART is simply more economical than driving. When you consider that BART costs 20 cents per mile compared with driving for 69 cents per mile, you realize that BART is definitely the best buy in getting around the Bay Area.

Linton Johnson

These documents are going to make it more difficult for any scholar to simply say there was one German view toward the Jews -- that all Germans were willing executioners.

Richard Breitman

In answer to the question of why it happened, I offer the modest proposal that our Universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time.

Edward P. Tryon

We don't think anything like that is the case. She was simply heading into work this morning. She wasn't going to a call, she was just driving along and unfortunately this happened and it just happened to happen to one of our deputies.

Travis Defries

You'll never get mixed up if you simply tell the truth. Then you don't have to remember what you have said, and you never forget what you have said.

Sam Rayburn

How is one to live a moral and compassionate existence when one finds darkness not only in one's culture but within oneself? There are simply no answers to some of the great pressing questions. You continue to live them out, making your life a worthy expression of leaning into the light.

Barry Lopez

Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive and widely effective mode of saying things, and hence their importance.

George Arnold

The party simply says, 'Well, Hillary divisive, Hillary controversial.' We say that is an asset, not a liability. Nobody gets attacked like her, but on the other hand nobody has the support like her.

Bob Kunst

The game for us was like our game at Estacada — we lacked focus, intensity and toughness. And they simply beat us.

Chris Roche

The market is simply digesting those gains.

Katie Townshend

You should not see the desert simply as some faraway place of little rain. There are many forms of thirst.

William Langewiesche

I am not at all happy with the result. We simply could not convert our chances. It is almost ironic when you consider we had over 60% of the possession in the first half.

David Duncan

Think about breast cancer. It can take seven years for breast cells to go from pre-cancerous to cancer, to a cancer that's palpable. So these results may simply be too early.

Carolyn Runowicz

Closed politics cannot be a permanent feature of Chinese society, ... It is simply not sustainable.

Robert Zoellick

I don't think too many people in office are particularly enthusiastic about this legislation. I think they simply don't want to cross the NRA.

Robert Batey

Most of the talking was done by me. My aim was simply to educate him.

Donna Newman

We see some early signs of improvement in manufacturing, but the contraction continues. Today's report should simply remind investors the economy is not out of danger yet.

Paul Christopher

There would simply be too much information for network operators to store all the data. The government has to be practical.

Jeanette Chan

It's inconceivable to us who were with Don that night and the day before that there was any possibility he would do any harm to himself. We've simply dismissed that as a possibility.

William Evans

To suggest that I have in some way discredited Dr. King is simply the knee-jerk, apoplectic hysteria of those who find fault with anyone not espousing their leftist mantra of self-segregation and special rights. As a result, much of what Dr. King stood for has been undermined by their lies and pathetic misrepresentations.

Mychal Massie

A lot of them are simply upset and some are simply happy to see water, to take a shower.

Angel Sanchez

The wit makes fun of other persons; the satirist makes fun of the world; the humorist makes fun of himself, but in so doing, he identifies himself with people--that is, people everywhere, not for the purpose of taking them apart, but simply revealing their true nature.

James Thurber

A gentleman is simply a patient wolf.

Lana Turner

More and more Georgians are anxious about this kind of taking of property. I think more and more Georgians are going to demand that the government not be allowed to abuse their power, ... Simply put, government should be the umpire and not the player.

Jeff Chapman

We plan to develop a first-class resort at that site. This is not simply going to be a rebuild.

David Strow

That may be true. I guess I need to clarify that if we want this project to have legs, to go beyond just simply a gleam in people's eye of what they ultimately want to have, a local agreement will have to be in place. The department's ability to spend any beyond what had been earmarked isn't going to be there either.

Tom Beekman

When the law makes the offense simply a biological fact, of simply having a certain chemical in one's body, that steps over a line in the law that has been traditionally accepted.

Richard Bonnie

There is no way the department is responsible for the deaths of these children. This department is among the best - if not the best - social services departments in the state. That grand jury report was simply inappropriate and full of inaccuracies.

Andrew J. Spano

My impression is that these are constructive observations, not bow shots. I think they are simply trying to convey information.

Michael Hogan

The Fed is simply stopping at neutral; it's not shutting down a growth cycle. That's great for the market in 2006.

Bob Sitko

From about second grade through high school, being popular becomes important to many children, but friendship is the thing that endures. While not being in the 'in crowd' might seem devastating, encourage your child to simply make good friends.

Lawrence Cohen

They've got to be really messed up to do something like that. They simply were throwing the rabbits out of the window.

Nancy Laroche

Because 2005-6 will be the first year we're administering the tests in grades three to eight, it simply won't be possible to have our scoring completed before August.

Jonathan Burman

Simply put, we prefer that shock absorbers are used for shock absorbers ... not to be a spring assist or a jack or anything else.

John Darby

Quite simply, telecommunications competition is thriving in New Mexico.

Vince Hancock

But I think everybody was impressed with (France), simply because of the way he handled everything and the way he went about his business.

Keith Adams

We had some good looks and we couldn't knock our shots down. They came out to play and simply outplayed us.

Katie Smith

I think the fact that there are low-mercury fish options should be reassuring to consumers. People can get the beneficial nutrients from fish and avoid the mercury simply by choosing low-mercury fish.

Jackie Savitz

The novel can be read simply as a story which you can skip if you want. It can be read as a story you will get more out of if you don't skip.

Malcolm Lowry

We're just not throwing it in the ocean right now. We're simply not shooting well and at this point, it's mental.

Sondra Vogel

Simply put, female friendships face more obstacles because they often involve more emotion, more expectations and more potential for conflict.

April Masini

I was going to challenge him into turn one but, to me, it looked like he braked so early. I reacted and hit the brakes, but simply locked up the front wheels and contacted the back of his car. Basically, I couldn't decelerate like I wanted to, so it looked quite big.

Takuma Sato

What we have created over the past year is simply the flexibility to respond to the market demand as it emerges.

Ceo Bryan Bedford

It's more than simply getting bigger. For our investors, it's also a win-win.

Michael Jesanis

I've seen her neutralize people who don't like her, simply by being charming and nice, crossing into their space and being nonthreatening.

John Zogby

It's simply been an ongoing atmosphere for the entire year they have been in office.

David Slipy

Realistically, it is simply not feasible in any time period relevant to our discussion today.

Stuart Mcgill

It isn't simply a relationship affecting the two countries, ... It's one that holds significance for Asian and world economies, so we must cooperate to develop this favorable relationship further.

Sadakazu Tanigaki

It simply says in a letter that your services are no longer required and refers specifically to the new industrial relations laws to justify it.

Greg Combet

That was simply magnificent. We consider you an explorer just as we are.

Bill Mcarthur

There was no dissent because none was allowed. The entire summit was simply a method for those elected and appointed officials who were there to pat themselves on the back. They are not looking for alternatives.

George Taplin

Put some diversity in your final variety list. Don't plant the farm to only one variety. Matching varieties and genetics to specific fields helps you spread your production risk. It's simply good management.

Dr. Randy Boman

This resolution has no legal basis. All it does is simply remove the opportunity for voluntary cooperation between Iran and the agency.

Manouchehr Mottaki

It has been a difficult thing to get off the ground. We are just scratching the surface. There is simply no way we are going to be able to deliver anywhere near 2.5 million gallons.

Tim Searles

All things need watching, working at, caring for and marriage is no exception. Marriage is not something to be treated indifferently, or abused or something that simply takes care of itself. Nothing neglected will remain as it was or is, or will fail to deteriorate. All things need attention care and concern and especially so in this most sensitive of all relationships of life.

Richard L. Evans

There is simply no evidence to suggest that Jose Padilla has ever engaged in any violent actions toward any one in this country or any other country.

Michael Caruso

It is a facade. They will simply use the same analysis but come to different conclusions.

Stephen Tindale

But Jesus, when you don't have any money, the problem is food. When you have money, it's sex. When you have both, it's health, you worry about getting ruptured or something. If everything is simply jake then you're frightened of death.

J. P. Donleavy

I put on some shorts going into the close, ... It seemed like a good idea -- the market had simply gone too far, too fast.

John Bollinger

There are people hell-bent on the idea that we're a Christian band in disguise, and that we have some secret message. We have no spiritual affiliation with this music. It's simply about life experience.

Amy Lee

It's simply a very bad idea for privacy and for free speech for the government to design any technology, much less the Internet, to be surveillance-friendly.

Lee Tien

Direct observation includes the person having knowledge of what is being done and how to do it. It is not simply standing there and looking at someone doing the job.

Denise Lee

The only way we're going to make that money is if we give them spiritual growth. If we got financial gain without giving the spiritual growth, we'd have a real problem both morally, ethically and perhaps in the eyes of God, if you will. But the business simply wouldn't work.

Tony Uphoff

Charlotte Church is our Woman of the Year simply because she is larger than life, ... She might not be to everyone's taste, but the fact that she doesn't care about that makes her even more wonderful.

Dylan Jones

A full investigation was launched and it appears it [the deaths] simply was a coincidence - a sad coincidence - but, needless to say, it was a coincidence.

Donna Sutton

Collectively, we must do more than simply watch, with resignation and a feeling of powerlessness, reports on the evening news about the latest terrorist atrocity.

Michael Jeffery

We will not simply rely on a special fixed model for reform. All practical models are welcome.

Long Xinmin

Sender authentication solutions are very slow to reach maturity, and that is simply a shame on the ISPs, who have not been aggressive enough in developing the specs and deploying them in full force.

Jonathan Penn

We're talking about extraordinary amounts of money simply for a public relations exercise.

Tony Burke

I see myself as a citizen of the planet. Even as a child, I always found it mindless to root for your own team. I was puzzled by the fact that people said their own team was better than other teams simply because it was theirs.

Wallace Shawn

A lot of girls don't love to run, and that's OK. They can skip, hop, jump, dance or do cartwheels. The goal simply is to keep moving.

Julia Stanley

We are not simply saving a historic building, we are creating programming there for the next 100 years.

Kevin Causey

He's a big-time player. He can change the entire level of our play in the back, simply based on his experience and his level of play. He's been a winner everywhere he's been. I hope that's not going to change here.

Russ Fager

People in the U.S. who think of and worry about Russia's nuclear weapons are a fraction of what they were during the Cold War, ... That interest or anxiety is simply not something that drives U.S. policy any more.

Jon Wolfsthal

We had not planned to grandstand on the issue. We simply planned to do the responsible thing with taxpayers' money.

Stacie Temple

We are supposed to charge $4 per ride. But if a train arrived, we simply took them and got them on the train.

Dan Brucker

We didn't have a deal a year ago. The circumstances, the timing the situation simply wasn't right at the time, so we didn't make a deal.

Peter Bijur

Allen was 50 years old when he orchestrated the ... murders. The fact that he faces execution as a senior citizen is his responsibility... Mr Allen has shown that imprisonment is simply no guarantee of public security.

Ward Campbell

I play some golf, but softball is what really gets me going. Golf is an individual sport where softball is more of a team sport. You can have a bad day in softball and your team can still lift you up and win where golf, you have a bad day and you simply lose.

Harold Brown

We all write poems; it is simply that the poets are the ones who write in words.

John Fowles

Where I live is still under water, ... We have nothing. We simply have the clothes on our back.

Kevin Johnson

[Folks will receive two free wings per each donated can of food, up to 12 wings. The limit on wings is simply because] we didn't want to run out, ... We've got lots of chicken wings out there. You never know. Just a few people could come, or all of Bentonville could show.

Paul Nelson

We lost the line of scrimmage battle. Harrisburg's offense had our defense on our heelswe weren't as aggressive as our first two weeks, plus we simply didn't tackle.

Kent Anderson

It is disappointing that elephants live in zoos and circuses, chained for days and months on end, forced to live in restricted spaces with no resemblance of anything natural. They simply exist to entertain the public. The Sanctuary elephants have freedom to do what they want, when they want, where they want. The decisions that are made about their lives are theirs to make.

Carol Buckley

In all honesty, it's absolutely impossible for anyone to accurately predict what gas prices are going to do, even just one week from now, simply because of the many variables that contribute to the overall pricing equation.

Greg Seiter

Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power.

Shirley MacLaine

Sometimes, we just laugh about it knowing that this is a scene they will talk about in 'Premiere' magazine because of its flaws in continuity. I think you have to make movies for the general public and not the details. When you get hung up on continuity, you can't keep the pace and price down. Most people simply consume a movie and they are not even aware of these errors.

Michael Bay

Flamingo is the premier Miami condominium community because, quite frankly, there is nothing like it available anywhere else. It simply exudes the South Beach vibe, which is why interest is already at a fever pitch and reservations are in huge demand.

Michael Lerner

If the sick people cannot make it to that health facility, they simply die.

Abdul Wahid

There must be a tidal change in the attitude towards club funding in the next few years because there is simply no getting away from the fact that ticket prices cannot continue to rise at the rate they have.

Charles Barnett

If you have 900 music albums, you have to see the screen, scroll through menus and selections, or type in the artist's name to find what you want. With the voice control, you can simply say 'Play John Mayer,' and it scans through your collection, makes a match and plays it.

Adam Fitch

The government is going to have to stop looking for an easy fix to our climate change and energy crises. There simply isn't one.

Jonathon Porritt

He's trying to divert away attention from his own incompetence. What we're saying is this is a budgetary situation, it's simply a question of doing the sums right, if they did the sums at all.

David Stanton

We will never prevent environmental degradation until we stabilize our population. We simply must face up to this issue eventually, and it can't be too soon.

Diana Hull

Employers who are trying to follow the law simply are not going to be able to compete with restaurants that are not complying.

Gerald Hall

There is simply no credible evidence that the Minutemen have deterred any Mexicans from leaving home, coming to the border and trying to gain entry until they succeed.

Wayne Cornelius

A poor manager may have been replaced or a skilful manager may have simply had a poor short-term run. But investors need to satisfy themselves that any dog funds they own are worth holding onto.

Justin Modray

Every time there is a humanitarian catastrophe, you hear the same promise: There will be a seamless transition from humanitarian assistance to developmental assistance. In the end it never happens, because these agencies have to go on to put out the next fire, and there is simply not enough funding.

Marina Ottaway

If you think taking care of yourself is selfish, change your mind. If you don't, you're simply ducking your responsibilities.

Ann Richards

It's going to be very hard for children to make sense of this. Young children simply don't comprehend that everything is gone.

Robin Gurwitch

What you had, quite simply, is a waterfall.

Joseph Suhayda

The ad simply talks about President Bush's optimism and how democracy has triumphed over terror. Twenty-five million people in Iraq are free as a result of the actions of the coalition.

Scott Stanzel

Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must do things.

Ray Bradbury

Frankly, I'm surprised. I thought the story would have legs and get much more attention. After all the debate in Congress over the need for the President to keep them in the loop he simply signs away one of the key provisions of the revised act.

George Harleigh

We are going to march on Sunday to simply say to Congress and to the world that we have got to stop this madness. We've got to save our children.

Jaquie Algee

An act of torture by a public official anywhere in the world is an offense under United Kingdom law. It becomes simply facile to argue that these offenses are a matter for Chile and no one else.

Alun Jones

There are a lot of false reports about tornadoes, when people are simply seeing dark clouds.

Alan Moller

Simply filing the motion doesn't change anything.

Lauren Asplen

We do not use cyanide or mercury in our process. Our mine tailings are simply finely ground natural rock and are non-toxic.

Siddharta Moersjid

Thus, there was no point during the evening when it was likely or even possible that voters would decide not to vote simply because of the erroneous projection of the presidential race in Florida.

David Westin

With lucrative industry employment ahead of them, FCC chairs — and most commissioners — have a built-in conflict of interest, ... They simply can't take the independent positions necessary to fulfill their responsibilities to the public and to the public interest.

Jeff Chester

To my knowledge, it has never succeeded that a terrorist group or any group could change the course of events in a country simply by activities that were meant to paralyze the population by inducing fear or anxiety.

David Barlow

The anger of the common citizen is growing as people realize they will soon be caught in this trap for the unwary. This is simply bad policy and must be abolished.

Robert Anderson

The market's outlook is simply bright.

Carlos Hokama

To make democracy work, we must be a notion of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain.

Louis L'Amour

It's a political game, not simply an economic agreement. The Russian government is using this as blackmail.

Bronislaw Geremek

Let that vendor host your Web package for a small monthly fee. Get started quickly and simply. Then watch to see what happens and what customers ask for before making the next investment.

Michael Hugos

He is a tireless worker and creative genius. I am simply amazed at the number of incredible ideas he has, and I am in awe of the products he develops. In one word, he is incredible.

Larry Price

Most men do not mature, they simply grow taller.

Leo Rosten

One of the central allegations in the government's case is that Microsoft was trying to prevent Netscape from developing a browser for Windows and the facts simply don't support that.

Mark Murray

The shark heart slows down in the cold, just as our own heart would, ... But ... where our heart would simply stop, the salmon shark's keeps on ticking.

Barbara Block

These are things that simply happen in the game of baseball. If this were to occur on a frequent basis for Cuba, this would be rather worrisome. But this is not the case.

Higinio Velez

She was just awesome, simply awesome. She's an amazing player and her performance in the second quarter was incredibly impressive.

Lisa Kelley

We need to reduce the fossil fuels we use and travel we do, but simply saying to people 'don't do that' is not effective. We see this as part of a wider picture - at some stage we will all have individual carbon allowances and our schemes are helping people to get used to the idea that they produce a personal carbon footprint.

Tom Morton

They simply don't have the funding to replace all of their existing equipment.

Sarah Johnson

As they could simply revert to bad habits. All bowlers are subject to further reporting if the match officials are of the view that they have concerns about whether a delivery or deliveries conform to the Laws of Cricket when observed with the naked eye.

David Richardson

When did I decide to go into business? Well, it wasn't a business, when I decided. It was simply a need to sing.

David Crosby

One of the greatest gifts of Black feminism to ourselves has been to make it a little easier simply to be Black and female.

Barbara Smith

It was a question of endurance, ... We were extremely keen to win the Ashes, because Australia had held them for a long time, and there were moments in the series when it was vital to last out. Everybody has different ways of doing that sort of thing, and my own was to expect every ball to be a good one. Therefore I would simply keep it out. That was my philosophy.

Trevor Bailey

Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things - with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope.

Corazon Aquino

We are simply honoring these men who died there.

James Barr

You had some of the closest people to Janet Reno in good faith negotiating to try to avert this. And I believe that to send, you know, armed agents with gun point and with a mask on the holiest of weekends is simply something we expect in Castro's Cuba, and not here.

Robert Menendez

We're taking everything he says with a pinch of salt. The explanation could possibly be that he doesn't want to tell us something, that he could be facing some threat, or that he is simply scared.

Thomas Fuxborg

A person who wants to really get a grounding in museum work and see the whole gamut, really gets that in a smaller institution simply because there is not the manpower, and so you have to deal with it all.

Anne Ackerson

But it still wasn't to my liking. We need to continue to play smart and play hard. At times, we simply rushed things.

Dan Finkley

This issue, combined with the lack of public input and the problems with informing the public clearly about meeting agendas simply reinforce the idea that the demolition of this historic building was a foregone conclusion and the numbers were simply manipulated to make it look more expensive.

Bob Mcconnell

At first we had these grandiose ideas about building a multi-functional complex like the one in Westerly. But after seeing what a facility like that would cost, we scaled down our aspirations and decided to simply improve upon the existing pound.

Russ Burgess

A lot of people get scared and simply leave their apartments.

Joe Lamport

Things are being done in the name of religion, but it's not good enough for the media to describe them simply as Islamic.

Phil Harding

Global steel prices are simply unsustainable.

Atul Lele

Congress has taken her opinion -- and they know it's simply opinion -- and dressed it up as fact, and presented it to the American people as fact. And that, in our view, is really irresponsible, because the American people begin believing that someone's unfounded view or opinion is factual, and it causes a lot of confusion.

Bruce Hiler

Characters are pictured very simply in Moebius' drawings, yet they have a sort of atmosphere around them. And the characters themselves exhale all kinds of things, notably solitude and a great nobleness. For me, it is the greatest quality of Moebius' drawings.

Hayao Miyazaki

This is an issue which needs to be taken up. It is a lot of money and I am not happy about simply writing off the debts. We need to get in as quickly as possible as soon as we see there any problems.

Coun Tilsley

He is very focused, committed and determined. The effort that he has put in is simply unparalleled.

Kapil Dev

The Model is a kind of gauge that we use to help us detect trends in the market. Either we are seeing a real increase in the number of space systems being proposed or we are simply getting better at finding information on programs that are out there ... It's probably a little of both.

Marco Caceres

We simply want them brought to justice. So, if anybody knows anything, I would just ask on behalf of my family and the community, please make a call.

Dwight Mayhugh Jr

I think what it makes sense for political people to do is not to get on the stage, not issue press releases ... and not exploit it for political purposes, [but] simply put on a pair of blue jeans and a sweatshirt and go and be part of the crowd.

Promise Keepers

It is always self-defeating to pretend to a generation younger than your own; it simply erases your own experience in history.

Renata Adler

He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up.

Paul Keating

Physicians must be free to make clinical determinations, in accordance with medical standards of care, that best safeguard a woman's life and health. Women and their families, along with their doctors, are simply better than politicians at making decisions about their medical care.

Maria Cantwell

They also failed to save enough money during the good times in the late '90s, when there was plenty of money accumulating in the coffers. Instead of actually sensibly trying to reduce their deficits at that time they simply spent the money.

John Higgins