It's open to people in the community. There are a lot of potential leaders out there.

Bill represents the spirit of community leadership and involvement exemplified by Charles H. Flynn and the 33 previous winners of this prestigious award. We are very fortunate that he has been so willing to share his time and expertise with so many different groups in the Valley down through the years.

One of the things we always wanted from the beginning was to have more business involvement with the project.

One of our key items of strategic focus is developing the next generation of leaders in the firm and the community.

I think that's an appropriate place for it. It will get a lot of exposure there.

People like to control things themselves. And so if someone wants to do that we're simply giving them the option of doing so and making things more convenient for them.

When was last time you had to take $100 out of your savings account and you walked into a bank and waited in line for a teller to serve you? It's a matter of just going to the ATM and taking care of it, and that's about the way it is with these.

Chess is cool because you really have to get the right moves in your head before you play the game.