I'm confident that it is in better shape, and I'm confident I can handle the time commitment.

Rose Williams

We achieved our goal with the Ignite ball by offering the serious player easier access to 3-piece performance. This ball is perfect for the player who is looking for lower spin and maximum distance. We also believe that it will instill confidence in players' attempts to shape shots so that they can reach greens in regulation and, ultimately, attack pins.

Rock Ishii

Our chipping and putting is improving, but we're still having some three-shot greens. The greens were a little slick, but overall the course is in good shape.

Margaret Stanley

We will be in good shape when the school year begins.

Charles Alexander

Most of the pieces served a function, such as this bronze oil lamp in the shape of a wrestler. So there's form, function and above all beauty.

Hiroko Koyama

The market looks like it's in good shape.

Mark Pollick

The baseball is going to dictate it. You can't predict not doing well because not everybody's in good shape, so you never know what could happen. We have a good team.

Chairon Isenia

Composing is like driving down a foggy road toward a house. Slowly you see more details of the house-the color of the slates and bricks, the shape of the windows. The notes are the bricks and the mortar of the house.

Benjamin Britten

I'm in no way shape or form worried. He's going to be a phenomenal runner.

Chris Bucknam

Our relationships are in good shape. This is not a trip where the president has to come with a deliverable or an initiative.

Stephen Hadley

We started the game like a house on fire and scored three tries, then we lost our shape in the middle a bit, but brought it back towards the end.

Paul Grayson

We're feeling positive about the Commonwealths and expect to be in better shape than we were in this race.

Marlon Devonish

I think he's informing himself, reaching out and getting ideas and information and advice. I haven't the slightest doubt that internally taking shape in that marvelous brain of his is a philosophy of foreign affairs. But it would be premature to say that one is fully formed.

Theodore C. Sorensen

We simply don't want residents and tourists to see the Royal Mile in this kind of shape.

Donald Anderson

I won a key hand that put me in great shape in a big tournament. If I had been listening to music, I don't think I could have made the call.

Howard Lederer

Exercising during the cold and flu season will help people stay in shape, and most likely fight off colds or reduce the number of days a person is ill. The cold season should not be an excuse for the average person to refrain from exercising - working out at the gym, a brisk walk in the park or a jog through the neighborhood.

Michael Flynn

It's just the second game. We don't feel like we're at our peak yet. But to hold a great offense to 17 points is something you can be proud of. But in no way, shape or form are we satisfied with how we played. We know we can play better.

Patrick Surtain

It is generally recommended that one emergency generator be available for every five [lift stations]. This would put us in very good shape for the upcoming hurricane season.

Jeff Skidmore

Everyone has a 'risk muscle.' You keep it in shape by trying new things. If you don't, it atrophies. Make a point of using it at least once a day.

Roger Von Oech

Beyond various bumps and bruises, lacerations and a few broken bones, we're going to be in miraculous shape.

Larry Guillory

The market is changing shape.

Ron Pinelli

Vinnie is in great physical shape and also in great form.

Marco Bresciano

If they weren't here, then we would really be in bad shape, in terms of our (minority) ratio.

Rebecca Cooper

It's not much different than any other tournament, the main difference is maybe a lot of our policies that the players don't know. But play ran very smooth today and the golf course is in great shape.

Michael Combs

It's in a lot better shape than when we found it. The person coming in is going to have players in every class. We lacked that veteran maturity and you saw that raise its head in close games.

Damon Archibald

When you play eight kids, you tend to get in shape fast. The only time it hurts us is when we get into foul trouble. Tonight was one of those night.

Wendy Bates

We're kind of out of shape and hurt. But I expect the girls to be good this year.

Mike Darby

This early forecast has put us in good shape.

Randy Smith

As I started working out and getting in shape just in case I was coming back I was like, you know what, this is OK. It really came down to whether the toe was going to be able to hold up or not. I was prepared to stay and here I am.

Tom Nutten

The fully extended molecules not only bounce back to their original shape in real time, but they also generate force in the process of this rapid refolding - something that had never been seen before. It's the equivalent of un-boiling an egg.

Vann Bennett

Acting is like going to the gym. You have to keep yourself in shape and concentrate on your core.

Anthony Rapp

To me, one of our biggest accomplishments has been going undefeated (11-0) in our division on the road for the last two seasons. If you do that ? no matter what kind of a league you play in ? you should be in pretty good shape.

Chuck Ramsey

The good devout man first makes inner preparation for the actions he has later to perform. His outward actions do not draw him into lust and vice; rather it is he who bends them into the shape of reason and right judgement. Who has a stiffer battle to fight than the man who is striving to conquer himself.

Thomas a Kempis

We're going to get the French guys back over here, give them some wine and get these courts back in the shape they're supposed to be in.

Jim Mcingvale

It gets the kids outside and allows them to get in shape.

Jerry Malarkey

There is reverence that we owe to everything in human shape.

William Godwin

The owners put a considerable amount of money into redoing it....They keep it in pretty good shape.

Harry Lewis

Jon Corzine did not benefit in any way shape or form from this vote.

Tom Shea

People like the way things are in Winneshiek County, the quality of life and healthy living. There's controversy because we want things to remain the same, but change will happen. We want to see growth, but see smart growth. We want to shape our destiny, not let it shape us.

Brenda Ranum

If we get it over a three- or four-hour period, then we are in pretty good shape. The inlets have time to take it, and it drains off well.

Ron Shindoll

A giant of a man who helped shape the character of the West.

Bob Peck

We would not try to use monetary policy to fix or to determine the shape of the yield curve. That would not be appropriate, nor could that be conducted I think.

Mark Olson

These locks and dams are in such poor shape that any big problem with one of them and the river is shut down. It really affects corn prices and barge trade.

Rob Elliott

If they step up to the plate and play hard we'll be in good shape. I like the early signs of what we're doing.

Dave Banducci

I'm a big fan of Japan. I think Japan is in reasonably decent shape.

Robert Kessler

This is the most remarkable change in the size and shape of the teeth and snout in the history of marine crocs.

Diego Pol

Every game this season has been a learning experience. It's going to be interesting to see how much we continue to grow. There are some future games on our schedule that we can win. With some more experience, we'll be in good shape for the playoffs.

Brian Rosenberger

Many individual business owners aren't waiting, ... but are involved in their own rebuilding projects. Every day I see construction going on. It's ultimately going to give the community a shape for the future.

James Roland

We are at a confluence of events that will shape Dare County for some time. It will take hard work and commitment to solve the problems and it's going to take consensus building.

Scott Leggat

Man shapes himself through decisions that shape his environment.

Rene Dubois

One view says that presidents want to shape the court, and stamp the court with their own ideology. Historically, they don't always do that.

Sean Wilson

I think I need to be able to last a little longer out there. There were a couple of moments where I lost my rhythm and that's usually part of not being completely in game shape.

Miguel Batista

We don't have a long record of going out here shutting businesses down unless we absolutely have to and most of it's complaint-driven and the public is going to let you know if a business is in bad shape and I think that was the case with this business.

Charles J. Givens

There was a musical vision that wasn't locked into one place. It's a musician's band. We weren't necessarily trying to be a household name so much than make a name within the musical community and shape those things that influenced us.

Billy Payne

Don't be surprised if you get muddy. Don't be surprised if you get wet. Be prepared to wear something that can get a bit dirty, work a little bit hard, and we'll be in good shape.

Dan Fink

We are in real good shape to support putting off robotics until tomorrow. We could see that was coming.

Susan Helms

Stock investors have concluded that the economy was in good shape before Hurricane's Katrina and Rita, and that it has come through the storms in reasonably good shape, with the exception of oil.

James Awad

I told Paul he'd need to run a sub-29 to get the record, and it didn't seem to faze him at all. The guy is definitely in race shape.

John Conley

God has neither form nor shape under which we can know Him; when he speaks of Himself in metaphors and similes, He is adapting Himself to our foolishness, our limited capacity.

Christina Of Sweden

Dickerson was very good (last year). I'll be surprised if he's not better. He's come to practice in the best shape he's ever been in. I expect him to do the job.

Steve Mcfall

Fortuitous circumstances constitute the moulds that shape the majority of human lives, and the hasty impress of an accident is too often regarded as the relentless decree of all ordaining fate. . . .

Olympia Brown

In general, you could say our freeways are in much better shape than they used to be. (The California Department of Transportation) has spent $6 billion since 1969. There's been a huge state investment.

Lucy Jones

He noticed the logo on the scoreboard in the boys' gym was in bad shape, so he painted it.

Kelly Callahan

Pumping the water out - that's a lot of water. When the pumping systems are in good shape, it can rain an inch an hour for about four to six hours and the pumps can keep pace. More than that, the city floods.

Shea Penland

In general, they tend to get (up to) one-and-a-half percent of traffic, so you sign up a couple billion-dollar exchanges and you are in good shape.

Bob Austrian

In our system leadership is by consent, not command. To lead a President must persuade. Personal contacts and experiences help shape his thinking. They can be critical to his persuasiveness and thus to his leadership.

Donald H. Rumsfeld

It has been my experience that one cannot, in any shape or form, depend on human relations for lasting reward. It is only work that truly satisfies.

Bette Davis

I knew we were in good shape, but I didn't think we'd be at the top.

Kate Joncas

The U.S. financial industry is in better shape compared with the rest of the United States, and in great shape compared with the rest of the world.

Robert Distefano

Without the dams, we would be in a lot worse shape.

Heidi Helwig

It doesn't matter what size or shape you are. Burlesque is about feeling positive about who you are, about knowing how to shake what you have and being proud of it.

Baby Doe

Louisiana is undergoing a moment of revision and hopefully reconstruction, and by Friday, we will know what the shape of things will be.

Wade Duty

It's all about being in shape, tough as hell, on time and busting your (hump) every day of your life. You can't stop delivering the message. They're going to get that message as hard as they can get it.

Art Kehoe

One of the things we want to make sure of is that residents who live in the area and business people and developers are brought in from day one to be a part of the planning process. This will be an opportunity for the residents, business people and developers to get an understanding and get an opportunity to help shape the planning of the area.

Jeff Hatling

The economy and the budget were in much worse shape than today.

Joshua Freeman

A garden is a complex of aesthetic and plastic intentions; and the plant is, to a landscape artist, not only a plant - rare, unusual, ordinary or doomed to disappearance - but it is also a color, a shape, a volume or an arabesque in itself.

Roberto Burle Marx

We are going to continue to work on hitting and defense. The Page tournament will help shape up our defense.

Heather Earls

Some of our teammates came in with their head down but we were up three. But JT (Julian Terrell) and Mario (Moore) were saying, 'Keep your heads up.' Then coach comes in and said we were in good shape. We just didn't listen.

Demarre Carroll

We are in bad shape here, we really are. Meet these people's demands. We are not military: we came here to work.

Patrick Landry

Kodak is in good shape to continue its growth, ... The majority of camera sales come in the final three months of the year, and its simpler, lower-cost cameras should benefit.

Chris Chute

You shape your own destiny.

Chet Atkins

The trade-off is they are going to have scars. You are trading scars for body shape.

Jeff Kenkel

They are definitely being affected by lower profits on sales of mortgages, and the shape of the yield curve. It's tough to totally offset these factors.

Thane Bublitz

Just getting that lead early is key. Especially out here, because as long as you have the lead, you can keep making pars, you're in pretty good shape.

Dillon Dougherty

The building was in bad shape. It needed a new roof and wiring. It was a monumental event when we got appropriate wiring and cabling. We went from a manual typewriter to a computer.

Joellen Kenney

It seems to me that we're in pretty good shape. We're fairly confident that we can storm the city and take it over on Saturday.

Jim Tarbet

We learned a lot at the Pac-10 tournament. If we implement the changes we introduced at practice this week, particularly on defense, we should be in pretty good shape.

Dave Sitton

They're in pretty good shape actually. They haven't said anything that would make me run up any red flags.

Russell Hall

We were able to take a boat ride to her favorite place, and being able to tell her about that made her very happy. She was in good spirits when we got there, but by Friday she was in pretty bad shape.

Dan Brooks

The way the bad news from Deutsche has been handled by the market shows we're not in bad shape right now. There seems to be sentiment change with the market looking at the good news.

Lex Werkheim

The U.S. economy is still in extremely good shape. They'll probably keep hiking rates, and that's going to support the dollar.

Geoff Kendrick

We almost lost him in that accident. He is having a rough time trying to get back in shape because his leg injuries were pretty severe and he is experiencing a lot of pain.

Lynn Lafree

He had a terrible year last year. Last year, he got into a bad spot, and he couldn't get out of it. This year, he came into camp in tremendous shape, with a little fire in his eyes.

Pat Rice

If we actually get everything that we're being told we'll get, we won't be in horrible shape.

Kay Kell

Jews helped shape the history of Monmouth County, like the other ethnic and religious groups.

Chairwoman Jean Klerman

He's in better shape now. I think everyone was surprised to see him dunk it.

James Rowe

He's taking some time now because he wants to be in top shape for the campaign.

Steve Vetzner

Things are good and getting better. Our streets are safer, our schools are in great shape, essential city services have been preserved, our public is more informed and our grand list is growing. These are the issues that really matter to the general public.

Mayor Timothy Stewart

How well Sterling and Gonzales play, especially shooting the ball, will be a factor. If they can knock down some shots, we'll be in great shape.

Chris Sumrall

I didn't know if he was going to make it or not, to be honest. He was a little bit out of shape, and he had a long way to go.

Steve Jackson

He's not in good shape. The brain started swelling and they were inducing a coma.

Lou Dibella

I don't think I'm in any kind of great shape (physically) but I think I can still contribute to the team.

Michael Kelly

Isaiah came to us and said 'I'm going to California this summer'. He asked us who the best trainer out there was because he wanted to get in shape.

Josh Pastner

I think the game is more mental than physical. You have to be in tremendous shape, but you have to want to do it in your head. At this point in my career I didn't think I could put the mental parts there every day, and that's a big part of playing this game.

Scott Stevens

It comes in about 50 different colors now. Blond tortoise with a moss-green inlay; dark mahogany; red; yellow. Very upbeat. Every shape, every size, everything goes.

Drew Meirow

This is a terrific time for the department. So many things are going well. They're in great shape financially. A lot of teams are doing really well. A lot of new facilities. It should the beginning of another golden age in Wisconsin athletics. That hasn't always been the case.

John Wiley

Some of (my former co-workers) lost their houses and their cars. Some were in a lot worse financial shape than I was. Fortunately, I had help from my family and my spouse and her family, so I was able to manage.

Tim Geagley

We really needed this new school building. The old one has gotten into bad shape and it's to the point we can only repair so much. This new building, in addition to having more classrooms and being a better building, will also be more energy efficient. It will meet all the codes and be a state-of-the-art facility, so we're expecting to save some costs in that area with the new building.

James Mclean

We are now recognizing that it involves his heart, his liver, the kidneys. And so multiple organs are involved, and so he is in critical shape.

Dr. Larry Roberts

We've got to win at home. If you can take care of your home court and get some splits on the road, you'll be in good shape. But you have to protect your home floor.

Jose Fernandez

The relationship between my family and the Mariners' family has been amazing. Our relationship is not over, just changing. I look forward to staying involved in some way, shape or form in the years to come.

Dan Wilson

I love Lewisville and want to do the things that continue to let us be what we've been and move into the future. There is still a lot of opportunity to shape what our community will become.

Thomas Lawson

We?re getting our guys in better shape and polishing things up a bit. The north schools had the advantage with the altitude in the early rounds, now they?re coming closer to our home.

Cain Jagodzinski

Getting them exercise keeps them in shape.

Lyle Johnson

I have gotten bigger and have really worked on my quickness. I have kept my arm in good shape and have tried to get better.

Kitty Kelley

(University Hall) is the same size and shape, and the exterior has not been substantially altered, but it was always being changed over the years.

Robert Emlen

The guys could feel it in the fourth and all they kept talking about was taking the momentum. After that, I knew we were in good shape.

Sal Urso

And without disparaging Rent in any way, shape or form, the best music in all of Rent are the chords taken from Puccini that are echoed through it.

Brian Deedrick

I do think it's a lot of fun. It's a day to come out to go biking and running. I think it's a day someone can have fun and look forward to. It's a good way to keep in shape, be healthy and enjoy recreation.

Matthew Anspach

If I go to Triple-A, I'll be ready. I'm in good shape, I'm ready to throw a lot of innings.

Jung Keun Bong

It was a very rewarding race and gratifying. I could get up to third or fourth but couldn't make those passes to get the rest of the way. Once we did get up front, the car was flying. To be able to drive from 15th all the way to third or fourth, I knew we had a good one. Once we got out front, we were awesome. I knew we were in great shape.

Jeff Gordon

We need to get in better shape. There was some cramping.

Robin Snyder

First thing is, he is a great kid. He worked so hard in the offseason to get that thing back and he came (into camp) in phenomenal shape. We were looking forward to getting him back in there and for that to happen, your heart just goes out to the guy.

Andy Reid

The company's product cycle is in a pre-harvest season now, ... Daihatsu is in real good shape, and its performance will improve later this business year.

Koji Endo

We're hitting that point of the year where we need to be hitting marks and we need to have good performances right now. Like I just told the team in our little team meeting (Thursday) that we're beyond the point of conditioning and getting in shape and things like that.

Scott Lorek

Last year, we had a concern about people in nursing homes who were at high risk and decided to allocate some of our vaccine to them, ... This year, the nursing homes seem to be in very good shape.

Gary Crum

I know people refer to this as Black Friday, but it's probably a Blue Friday. We think it's going to be a season that'll probably be not as strong as last year, but nonetheless we think the consumer is in pretty good shape.

Richard Baum

Coach (Jamie Dixon) said I'm in better shape than the big guys.

Sam Young

We look like we're in great shape for next year. I hope you'll be talking to me here next year, or someplace like it.

Lewis Wolff

We just have too many stretches where we play bad basketball. We started the game in great shape and then things fell apart. We let them get away from us. Those bad stretches have hurt us all season.

Kurt Melton

We love that our kids are healthy and in good shape. But more importantly, they know how to compete, win and lose. They are constantly learning to set goals, work to achieve them and set new goals once one is achieved. They really are learning valuable, lifelong lessons.

Paula Sloan

The bones are all in good shape. They just need more calcium.

David Wasserman

He's still in good shape. He's still the same guy. He could probably play four more years.

Rafael Betancourt

The England management know that we won't overplay them. We want them in the best shape for England and Wasps.

Matt Dawson

We played very good. I believe everything is going to go well. I believe we are in good shape and I have confidence in my team.

Anibal Reluz

The company is in great shape.

Jeffrey Skilling

Everything [Woodson] has instilled, the running, it's going to get you in shape. And guys respond much better when they're going through it if they have a ball in their hand.

Tony Delk

The engines are in fairly good shape considering the fire damage.

Réal Levasseur

Are we going to rebuild the Ninth Ward? ... That's the question in the new battle for New Orleans, which is just beginning to take shape.

Cassandra Wilson

I wish they'd leave it alone, because the area just can't handle that much traffic, and our roads are in terrible shape.

Carolyn Smith

He was in good shape. He was always able to run and do what he needed to do. I don't think that was as much of an issue. I'm interested to see what happened. I think it must have been genetic.

Jordan Gross

I'm really excited about this opportunity. I feel blessed. I've met most of the players and they all have a real good work ethic. Coach Holley left the program in good shape in terms of getting the kids to work together like a family and it shows.

Todd Wertenberger

Under the school policy, they would be able to come back to school. They have to reapply. All of them have been encouraged to do that, and it will just be up to them if they would like to do that. I know some have already made plans to come back to summer school to get their credits and all that, so we will be in good shape for next year.

Jan Mcdonald

We're less than 100 points out of first place going into Indy and that's where we're at right now. If we're a car that's capable of winning the championship, than we're in pretty good shape.

Larry Dixon

My mom was into Kwanzaa when I was growing up. We used to come to the SHAPE Center all the time. Kwanzaa was a big deal. Then, once I got grown, I just stopped coming.

Angela Lindsey

There are some very, very real issues that are true crazies here, ... We're the most dangerously under-policed city in America. All we need is terrorism, civil insurrection, and our police force, in no man or shape or form, can handle it.

Peter Andersen

We really are in good shape for sectionals. It appears that we will advance everyone to the district meet.

Kyle Goodrich

I've seen the building. It's in very nice shape. I think it's a home run for our city expanding.... This is an opportunity to help our services and be more available to people. It's going to open the doors for a lot more opportunity.

Steven Baker

The first trial certainly has trickled back to the industry. Now you look at any jump and they all look pretty much the same. They're in the same safe shape. Not kind of a mongrel jump like this one.

Mike Danko

Donna's mom paid for airfare and a rental car; it would have been a two-day drive. I decided to fly because I wanted to be in good shape to work when I got there. I'm glad I did because flying into the area gave us a great vantage point.

Joe Glaser

If he hadn't been a good guy or in any way, shape or form, given me a reason or an indication or anything that things were negative, then things would be totally different.

Steve Hauser

We didn't play perfect, but we'll take it. We need to get in a little better shape for the bigger floors.

Julie Martin

It was wrong to allow Stalin to shape the European landscape of the 20th century. It would be even more wrong to let him shape the landscape of the 21st century.

Larry Summers

The numbers are very encouraging and put us in very good shape to run the kind of issues-oriented, highly energized campaign that we've planned on.

Ryan Toohey

The coast was in fairly sad shape prior to the casinos. Even Mississippians didn't vacation there anymore. But that had all been reversed, and the lights had come back on.

Marty Wiseman

As it looks, we're in good shape. We'd love to get a home match so the school can come out and see a playoff match in our gym, because it will be a tough place for someone to win.

Rob Haydak

The AOL business has been in terrible shape the last year and a half.

Youssef Squali

I've done my work and I'm in shape.

Raul Mondesi

I am training in California, Pennsylvania, and this is the best training camp I have ever had and I have never looked this good before. I am in great shape and looking forward to the fight on February 25.

Calvin Brock

I'm a little surprised about that. In very good shape considering what's been going on, and what could be. This animal could be dead!

Fred Gordon

The worse shape you're in, the better results you have. You only run for so many minutes per workout, so the fitter you get, the more distance you cover or the more hills you run.

Sean Wade

I think Ravenswood is in better shape than it has been in a long time and I think we are on the cusp of a period of growth and revitalization.

Mark Gorman

He's in the best shape of his life. He's probably going through a little bit of dead-arm.

Tom Holliday

It would be a better building if we went to Samuelson. It will be a much safer environment. It's a newer building in much better shape.

Brian Millard

If everybody could move up one place, Morse would be a good shape. The key would be to beat Waterville and Lewiston swimmers.

Todd Marco

Last year they were freshmen and sometimes they played like freshmen. Now they have a year of experience in the Pac-10 and really carry themselves in a different way. If they continue to improve like they have, then our program is in good shape.

Brad Saindon

We've got our full SRP water allocation and it's in great shape right now. It's been very beneficial for us.

Kevin Rogers

I was afraid I would be a bit out of shape for the match but it (fatigue) did not come my way.

Camille Pin

We were trying to see what the limits were on guys. That's one of the things you do. He's been in good shape.

Vic Koenning

I know I am a lot better this year than I was last year. I'm in a lot better shape. It just feels a lot different, a whole lot better.

Seth Pugh

Fran is a large and brutal storm, and she is not to be trifled with in any shape, way, fashion or form.

David Beasley

Today, fitness is the norm, especially on a team like ours and the style we play, ... You have to be in the best shape you can just to keep up.

Scott Thornton

Human blunders usually do more to shape history than human wickedness.

A. J. P. Taylor

I see definite progress. We are in good shape right now. We just hope to get better. I want us to peak at the right time. make the playoffs and see what happens from there.

Scott Roy

She's an awesome athlete with tremendous power. At the beginning, maybe there was a little fear in the back of her mind. But she's built confidence throughout the year. She's gotten stronger as the season's progressed and is in better shape because she hasn't had to sit out. She's a real competitor. The more competition she's in, the more she rises to it.

Kathy Wilburn

We're in reasonable shape right now. We're still on emergency generators right now, but at least everything else is working.

Dale Werner

He's training real good. When I got him from Leonard Dorfman, he was in good shape and he's trained very well since then.

Patrick Gallagher

We need to do something; this system is in such bad shape.

Melanie Anderson

Montoya was great, and we need that. He had been through a bit of a rough patch, and we hope he's through it now. If he can give us effort like that night in and night out, we're in good shape. That's how you hope a guy bounces back, so you have to give him top marks.

Ken Gernander

For Rafael, his health and fitness is the priority. He is one of the most exciting players in the world and being in peak shape is vital to the type of tennis he plays.

Craig Watson

My goal now is to be fully recovered and to be in great shape I need, at least, six weeks of intense work.

Gustavo Kuerten

They had visited the house and it was in fine shape.

Shirley Lasker

The challenge, which it's aggressively taken on with the Target2010 project, is to shape its explosive growth by generating quality jobs and opportunities for its citizens versus quantity.

Angelos Angelou

Like a transformer toy ? a car that changes its shape and turns into a robot ? the protein changes its shape, going from its normal function to a diseased state.

Rebecca Nelson

Our trails are actually in pretty good shape.

Bob Holloway

China's apprentice period must now come to a close, and China must act as a fully accountable participant and beneficiary in the international trading system. China must find a way to pursue its own self-interest while also adhering to, and helping to shape, the policies and institutions that under gird its own prosperity and the prosperity of its trading partners.

Karan Bhatia

There is some interest in the building from others in the food industry. The building has been kept in good shape. It is certainly marketable.

Pat Topping

Our goal is to get into shape by the time October rolls around so we can be at our best for the CCL meet. Our boys are going to be a Division I team this year, so the competition will be a little bit stronger.

Matt Mcgowan

You can get away with it when you're in great physical shape like us.

Albert Miller

The biggest goal right now would have to be to try to do as well as we can in our home event. We just have to try to get our games back into shape because there are a lot of good teams coming here for that.

Greg Pieczynski

They made the repairs permanent. We're really confident the Elektron is going to be in great shape.

Michael Fincke

We'll take a look at how the provisions mesh with existing law and we'll attempt to shape a bill that does the right things in protecting our troops and, at the same time, ensuring that detainees are treated appropriately.

Duncan Hunter

He's a very competitive guy, he's going to be in good shape and he's going to work hard. That's what we're looking at.

Tom Thompson

Williamson played steady and had a very good rookie season. I think the program is in good shape with better things to come.

Dennis O'keefe

He's obviously shaken. He's with his family. He's in ? I think I can say ? good physical shape. But this is an unimaginable circumstance for any of us and for a young man of 20 years old, I'd have to say he's incredibly brave.

Thomas Gage

This time of year we just need to keep getting in shape, stay healthy, and I think we can get better.

Tim Seislove

It is very important for me to deliver my message to students and faculty at this great institution of American society because it is the ideas and thoughts of these young people that are going to shape society in the future.

Michael Eric Dyson

It's crazy how out of shape I could get in one week of not practicing. I didn't know what to expect, but I figured he had to be decent. As soon as I took him down once, I thought I'd be able to beat him. I just couldn't do anything stupid and give up big points.

Chad Biddle

It was really, really cool. He knows how to shape the diamond, all the chemical compounds, what made each diamond the color it is.

Josh Kaplan

I felt strong going into the third. I felt like I was in good shape and if I kept going strong I'd come out on top.

Todd Mckay