Time will tell, ... but I feel pretty damn good about him being a good player.

Our fertilizer products come from natural gas, so our price of nitrogen fertilizer has gone through the roof in the last six months. And diesel has completely skyrocketed.

Last year, I think it was the icing on the cake just to get to NTN. This year the expectations are higher.

We've got our full SRP water allocation and it's in great shape right now. It's been very beneficial for us.

He's a great student and leader, kind and competitive at the same time. But what makes Bryan Randall really special is his ability to fight the human impulse to be selfish. How can you not root for him?

He's getting better and better each week.

Cotton prices are pretty tough right now.

What he has done -- I mean, we haven't thrown the football 200 times -- but what he has done with the football is really unbelievable for a guy who hadn't played in more than a year. He's a cool customer, probably the coolest guy we've got out there.

Every week that he's played, he's done everything he's been asked to do. I don't know if he's getting better or if he's just good.