In New York or L.A., it's just a big city thing. People are fascinated by it because it's coming from a small city in the Midwest.

You wonder over and over why you signed up for it.

Every game this season has been a learning experience. It's going to be interesting to see how much we continue to grow. There are some future games on our schedule that we can win. With some more experience, we'll be in good shape for the playoffs.

Yeah, I did lie and cheat and steal my way through this, but that's 'Survivor,'.

We were told, 'If you talk, there are people waiting to take your place,'.

Hole myself up in my room and eat.

When you're 6 years old and you're in my house, you're a scout automatically, ... My dad was involved when he was a kid. I was a tiger cub (at) 6 years old and (I) got started right away.

It's hard to be cynical or jaded about the event when you're a part of it. People ask us if we edited out the bad stuff ... we honestly didn't find anyone who thought it was lame.

Jason has actually played pretty darn good this season.

Watch for someone else to screw up, and then quietly point it out to everyone else.

Being on TV put me out of my comfort zone. It forced me to make choices I wasn't used to making. That's kind of what you guys are doing here.

I did lie and cheat and steal my way through this, but that's 'Survivor,' ... You think it's just a game, but it's not like sitting in your living room playing Monopoly - it's about people and relationships.

May no act of ours be shamed.