Our military is being stretched too thin, to the point of being broken for the foreseeable future. We are asking too much and not giving enough, and we are certainly not any safer than before September 11.

Steve Brozak

In order to make that playoff in September, or even to make the top-10, you have to finish races. Last year we focused on being fast and racing hard to win races; this year we are going to take a more conventional approach and improve our package as a whole.

Alan Gustafson

I think September 11th showed very dramatically how first responders are absolutely necessary in a community.

Jim Coleman

We need to check it all out in September. We need a really good exercise to strain the system, so we can be ready to respond during the real thing.

Merle Williams

Until September 11, they really were focusing on keeping their balance sheet rather clean and keeping their leverage modest relative to the other big carriers. Unfortunately, that all changed after 2001.

Bill Warlick

I don't want to be sitting here in August and telling parents that they'll have to pay the fees in September. We should figure this out now.

Nancy Mitchell

Our thanks go to all the volunteers and their organizations for joining us on September 17 to make a difference on our beaches and waterways.

Barbara Cohen

This was the most positive net view of the current job market since September 2001 and bodes well for the upcoming employment report.

Ted Wieseman

These headline figures are ... misleading as most of the acceleration in PPI inflation during September was due to the one-shot cigarette price hike which went into effect at the beginning of the month.

Credit Suisse First Boston

The worst thing (for both retailers) would be if something like this happened in September.

Sucharita Mulpuru

I ate there on September 15. Not knowing where I got sick was bothering me.

Mike Solomon

The idea that's been gaining currency in the market is the Fed pause theory, meaning that the Fed raises rates 25 basis points in September and then, because inflation pressures are contained, they pause for a while, skipping a move in November and maybe even December. The (producer price index) data this morning kind of fed into that theory.

Josh Stiles

I think that's in every player's mind. They call it the salary drive -- September.

Michael Cuddyer

A meeting of the Academic Council (AC) has been scheduled for Monday, while a meeting of the Governing Council (GC) has been scheduled for September 14. We decided to open up the Academic Department for two days - today and tomorrow - to facilitate the meeting of the AC.

Sudeshna Bose

And since September 11 and the war with Iraq, I think people are more attuned to music that's got something to say. It's just a shame that such things have to happen for more people to get into it.

Billy Bragg

There was in September. But October, November, December and January have surprised everyone, and revenues are fantastic. That's despite the fact that three riverboats are closed.

Lana Tramonte

The spread has been widening since the beginning of September in favor of the pound. We have seen a stronger sterling against the euro.

Niels From

Majority Leader Daschle misspoke this morning when he said the Bush administration would dip into Social Security and Medicare funds. The truth, in fact, is that Social Security dollars will be used only for Social Security and Medicare dollars will be used only for Medicare. The only reason for any decline in revenue is due to an economic slowdown that began last September.

Larry Lindsey

Larry has a sister in Florida, and he took a week off in September to visit her.

Baron Davis

We were without power for more than a week after the hurricane in September 2004. The carpet began to buckle, and it was getting worse.

Pamela Boddy

There was an emergency window of opportunity in September that is basically closed. What's needed is to pry open that window again.

Ron Faucheux

They're coming for September 11.

Michael Burke

Our nation was still stunned by the events of September 11 when this crash occurred. ... [The] possibility [of terror] could not be discounted.

Carol Carmody

Market pricing has shifted to a September-December start to the easing cycle. The New Zealand dollar should consolidate further.

Sean Comber

We had a confluence of negative events -- the hurricanes, gas going for over $3 a gallon and a rising death toll in Iraq, all in September. All that combined to create a sense of anxiety.

Melinda Jackson

September is the new October. Everything is moving up in the year, and Toronto is the right festival at the right time.

Dawn Taubin

This memorial garden, designed to spring into life each September, will be a living memorial to the alumni who were lost. It is a quiet place to reflect about the importance of friends, family and life, amidst a turbulent world.

Kevin Mahaney

In September of 2004, the board approved an incentive based increase in salary. Their salary increase is based on membership.

Tracy Hatmaker

We think the economy is in recession, and it looks like October is going to be weaker than September.

Joe Lavorgna

We want to see whether or not the following months follow on up out of here after September gets out of the way. We could be looking at the highs right now.

Frank Lesh

Much of the dollar's move is coming from uncertainty as to what is going to happen with the Fed, ... There is speculation the Fed can pause, or they will raise rates but release a fairly dovish statement, putting rate hikes after September in doubt.

Johan Javeus

I'd say he's well on his way to coming back in September and helping us. It all depends on how he feels. I think he can probably step in there right now and hit. That's how it is for Major Leaguers. He seems to be far ahead of where he was before he had his surgery, but I'm only basing that on batting practice.

Gary Gaetti

Enough schools may have started earlier this year, and, as a result, the increase in employment came in August and not in September.

Howard Roth

It's the impact from Katrina, which in the first few weeks will be at a maximum, and it does increase our confidence that we will see a hit to the other sentiment indexes in September.

Michael Englund

But then I received a September 12 letter from Archives and History telling me they should be notified, and I told the board.

Walter Brown

We should be getting a big pallet of DVD's by the end of September, ... We expect to have all the pre-orders shipped out by the end of the first week.

Ken Bell

It wasn't looking nearly as serious at first. I packed for a few days. I thought school would be opening on September 1.

Jack Curry

It's been extremely gratifying for me. If someone had told me in September that I would be in this position, I definitely would not have believed him.

Freddy Meyer

It will probably hover around $1.50 a gallon, and remain pretty flat for the summer. But I can see the prices dip below $1.50 by late September.

Dave Costello

We will likely hold an international forum for representatives of business circles, civil society and government bodies in Moscow in September. It is our opinion that it is impossible to counter this evil effectively without the assistance of civil society. And we need the support of the business community to cut off international financial aid to terrorist organizations.

Vladimir Ivanov

The public offer is likely to be worked out during July-September 2006.

Ak Purwar

We may spend most of September going sideways.

Richard Mccabe

I was looking forward to him coming home in September for two weeks.

Paul Michaels

Another night, in September, we had eight fires in a row.

Jeff Price

There's no more September. The only September is next year.

Livan Hernandez

It's a big task. They have been working on this since September. It's not one of those things you do in a two-week time period.

Sue Voss

Most of these people, they're from 25 years (ago), from the first invasion of Russians and some are coming (after) the September 11 disaster.

Iqbal Khan

We applied in August, and they visited us in September. They had to make sure we were a real school and that we had the capability to follow their regulations and keep good records. But we couldn't do any recruiting until we received that approval.

Sheryl Stearns

We find ourselves facing this fourth anniversary of the September 11 murders still having to ask permission to travel to a dump site to visit the mortal remains of the people the city calls 'heroes'.

Diane Horning

It turned out that their problems were far more fundamental (than September 11).

Alfred R. Kahn

We look forward to seeing his continued growth as a player. Darko was able to play a lot of minutes during summer league this July, and we are happy that he is on Serbia-Montenegro's roster during the European Championships this September.

Joe Dumars

In the past, we have seen more cases reported to us in September, and that's why it's important to tell people that the risk for West Nile virus is still here.

Michael Finkelstein

(Traders) usually bid the market up in the first week of September and then start clearing the decks for the September quarterly end.

Douglas Davis

September is our slowest month of the year and both are flying with pretty good loads.

Louis Miller

September is a busy time in the rentals market with many people starting new jobs and the new academic year starting in universities and colleges.

John Heron

We have been advised that starting in October of 2006, there will be a 33% reduction in this funding and that beyond September and October 2007, we don't know if we'll have any funding.

Leesa Mcneil

We really started our rollout after September 30.

Bert Holtkamp

That was one of the highlights of the year, really. That dramatic warm spell in September and October is very unusual.

Paul Head

I think the clock is ticking, yes. In fact, I know it is. Frank Sinatra sang about the September of (his) years. I think I'm in the November of my years.

B. B. King

We have conservatively estimated that [The Sun Herald] will generate no revenue from late August until mid-September.

Paul Ginocchio

Parents and staff need time to find alternative plans for September. He has a great spirit, and his letter says an awful lot about St. Cyril's.

Donna Hanover

Next September. That's when we'll see who can play.

Myron Rolle

This group has got the smell of finals and the smell of September in their nostrils.

Mark Williams

We really had a commitment to the firefighters to finally get this movie right. Especially after September 11. We really wanted to put our best foot forward and kind of leave our egos at the door and really be what these guys are, which are a lot of selfless wonderful men and women that want to help.

John Travolta

As El Nino matures, it is expected to first impact the Atlantic hurricane season in late September and October, then U.S. temperatures and precipitation in the fall and winter.

Jim Laver

Whether we knew many who died on September 11 or personally knew none, we all lost something on that day. Innocence. Security. A trust that our homeland would always be safe.

Bob Taft

The Fed is worried about pass-through, and even if they don't see it in the September numbers it won't make them feel secure about the future. This will help the markets remain confident that inflation is low but not necessarily convince the Fed.

Stephen Gallagher

It's important to be mindful of mosquitoes, particularly in late August and September, when West Nile is at its most risky.

Michael Finkelstein

Signs are that the enrollment is shrinking. The February student count was down 23 students from the September count.

Scott Bacon

I am not aware of any warnings or notifications in advance of September 11 concerning specific security threats to any of our airlines.

Michael Wascom

Moore will get the shock of his life on September 23.

Graham Walker

He's had a heck of a year. We knew we had something special when we saw him last September and with what he did in the Minor Leagues last year. He keeps getting better and he'll keep getting better.

John Gibbons

The index has remained in the mid-60s range since September 2003, indicating stable growth in the economy.

Dawn Mclaren

After September 11, we had a downturn. I was getting tired of talking to the press about why a place closed. I feel very happy to be talking to the press about a place that's opening.

Robert Uguccioni

He's always had a good September.

Bill Robinson

We are exponentially better than we were on that dreadful September morning.

Maura Harty

I see no reason to buy banks now. Their fundamentals are shaky with bad loans and companies are stepping up selling of bank shares ahead of the September implementation of mark-to-market accounting rules.

Tsuyoshi Segawa

What do [prosecutors] have now that they didn't have a year ago? I haven't seen any new information from today's papers and from yesterday's press conference by Martha Coakley that I wasn't aware of in September of 2004.

Adam A. Kretowicz

Both our flight schedule and our bookings look like a typical Thursday in September.

Julie King

This is an opportunity to get used to one-day cricket, back to facing the white ball and try to do better than what we did here in September when the ball moved a bit and we lost lot of wickets early.

Dav Whatmore

We will expect that all radio and television advertisements paid in full or in part by soft money will stop running by Monday, September 25, 2000.

Bill Dal Col

We're working toward a peace deal, hopefully by September.

Silvestre Afable

We had extensive talks with law enforcement agencies post-September 11, and the FBI have been aware of people who have gone through our program.

Mark Yates

We've got no plans with regard to recording. Who knows?. Ask us again in September when we finish the tour.

Bryan Ferry

We are facing a large number of Katrina-related warnings, ... The market is just coming to realize that it is going to be a tough September.

Marc Pado

We believe the current range of analyst estimates for the first quarter ended September 30, 2005 and for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006, are reasonable and achievable.

Farooq Kathwari

I think there were some things that needed to be taken from public view after September 11. But we have seen, around the country, a number of cases where information has been taken down in the absence of good public discussion. Those discussions need to take place.

Andy Alexander

This was going to be the follow-up to September 11. We weren't looking in south-east Asia. We were looking at the stereotype of Arab Muslims, so yes it showed creativity on their part.

Vincent Cannistraro

The memorial must capture and convey the heroism that prevailed on September 11th, the selfless courage displayed that morning ... must be conveyed to future generations. Their story must be told.

Kevin Rampe

One guy used up 572 hours in September, ... If you bring a bunch of 500-pound guys into an all-you-can-eat buffet and they devour everything, there's a point at which the management has to come over and say, 'Enough's enough!'

Charles Ardai

I would be surprised if there wasn't a registered traveler project up at one or all of the [New York] airports by September.

Steven Brill

We're already at 800 for September and the month's not over yet.

Marsha Williams

The very fact that the dangerous process, which began with the (IAEA) resolution of September 24, has stopped constitutes a diplomatic victory.

Hossein Entezami

We suffered a dip in the amount of steel come through here right after the hurricane late September and the first few weeks of October. But since then the steel has been coming through at the lame quantities as it had been. There's been very little disruption.

Paul Latture

The whole thing came together from September to December last year. It's amazing to see so many of these kids now, because they're all a year older.

Scott Graham

The Halton Peel Canadian Club was launched in September of 2001.

Preston Manning

The (2005) report comes out on September 7 and yes, Norway is ranked as number 1 on the human development index.

Kemal Dervis

We can only hope that the September 11 tragedy never happens again.

David Travis

After September 11, the federal government found out that the system they had in place for disaster was not working. So now across the country, offices are working to make sure the emergency plans are up to standard for all disasters.

Jerre Hurst

The resolution passed by the IAEA board of governors on 24 September makes clear the depth of international concern at Iran's decision. It remains to be seen how Iran will respond. Iran has an opportunity now to come into line with requests made by the IAEA board; we hope it would choose that constructive path.

Douglas Alexander

I must say I have to be a little skeptical, because Arafat made these statements before. He made it on the 27th of September when he accepted a cease-fire. We buried 67 people since then and 500 more were wounded.

Ra'anan Gissin

Any organization that can pull off what they pulled off on September 11, you think about the organization and the planning and the resources that went into that, clearly, they have some organizational capabilities that aren't going to go away over night.

Victoria Clarke

What happened on September 11 compels us to focus on who we are as Americans, what we stand for, what really matters in our lives - family, friends, faith and freedom.

Bob Taft

Prices have fallen 25 percent since their record highs in September. After the New Year, motorists can expect prices to begin rising as refineries cut back production to conduct their annual maintenance and begin the process of producing the summer blend of gas, which must be completed by the end of February.

Carol Thorp

They will probably commence work on phase one as soon as they can. That's what they started last September before the court stopped them.

Heather Smith

We want to be open for anything. We're open to be there to help, everyone together, Hispanics and Anglos ... for Mexican Independence [in September], or at the Fourth of July or anything.

Andres Perez

You can safely predict, with more accuracy than any TV weatherman, that the first blizzard of the year will be the blizzard of gas price legislation introduced this September when Congress comes back to town.

Stuart Roy

One of the really intriguing things to me is that we actually started this effort in working groups last September, so this was an incredibly quick process. This has got to be one of the fastest, if not the fastest, standard to ever come out of IEEE.

Harry Foster

Despite posting a high-quality September quarter and beating consensus numbers, Yahoo's guidance continues to be cautious due to a challenging near-term business environment.

Jamie Kiggen

We are continuing what we began in September.

Vojislav Kostunica

We went to a modified schedule with Jaws in September, and that means it's open for nighttime events and busier seasons, like the holidays. But shortly after that, our guests began to tell us they missed the attraction, and we realized Jaws is an important part of the Universal experience.

Tom Schroder

This process took place mainly after September 11 and it became the main field of activity at least for propaganda, for indoctrination, for recruitment for al Qaeda.

Reuven Paz

We didn't have a great February. We start out 7-0 (in the SSC), and to end up 11-5 is a little disappointing. But we talked about it (Sunday). The Chicago White Sox didn't have a great September either.

Scott Mcmillin

September was definitely a confidence booster. Having a chance to help the team with some at-bats here and there during a pennant race was nice.

Shane Victorino

We believe that Hurricane Isabel could negatively impact September sales by approximately 0.5 to 1.0 percent. Retail stock prices have historically declined during hurricanes 54 percent of the time but usually recover quickly.

Daniel Barry

This one is the best, ... It's September and we're coming down the stretch, where every game is magnified. Being able to do it in this situation feels pretty sweet.

Ryan Langerhans

We've had KLAQ on the HD1 radio since September, and we'll soon be launching the HD2 channel.

Brad Dubow

The school was opening in September. The budget was set. We went into the dormitory and found kids to play. Were we good? No.

Hank Ford

It's a lot better because we didn't know who the starter was going to be until the Thursday before the first game. Right now, we know who's going to be the guy on September 11, which is Gus, unless something else happens.

Randy Mcmichael

We're going to have to make some modifications to the tank, so that probably puts the September (launch) window into a not very likely possibility.

William Gerstenmaier

September 11, on a global scale, and my mother dying, on a personal level, were the two major things that got me thinking about all of this.

Donald Fagen

The events of September 11 were carried out by people armed not with weapons of mass destruction, but with blades you can buy at a newsagent.

Phillip Adams

We will have our Christmas set-up in stores by early September.

Ursula Moran

The Fed is on hold indefinitely. It doesn't mean they won't make another move this year, but there is too little information to make another rate move in September.

David Resler

A large majority of the focus up until September 11 has been on the information security side of the equation, and there has been a limited focus on infrastructures, particularly physical disruptions and the interdependencies that proved so important during the September 11 attacks.

Paula Scalingi

I have got a warm-up at the end of April and then a rematch for the light heavyweight championship in Chicago, probably in September or October.

Paul Briggs

There's overwhelming evidence bin Laden was behind the attacks of September 11. If the family chooses not to believe that, that's just how families operate.

Peter Bergen

What this administration has done ... is to say that until someone tells us that 19 men are going to hijack four airplanes and fly them into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon at 9 a.m. on September 11, we are not accountable, ... In the Money.

Gary Hart

The logical time to put the pier in would be in September when they draw the water down.

Roy Hamilton

I actually think people out in the country are far more aware of the impact of the events of September 11 than some of the people who write in the newspaper are.

Geoff Hoon

But we don't think this language quarrels with the consensus view of financial markets - and our view - that an easing cycle will most likely begin in September.

Darren Gibbs

The changes imposed on us by Northwest since its filing in September have left us with insufficient revenues to support our cost structure.

John Spanjers

I would not be surprised to see continued price increases at least in the short term. September could be an unpleasant month when it comes to fuel prices.

Sean Comey

As of the September quarter it didn't appear that things were getting any better.

Joseph Beaulieu

Normally we'd expect to see a decline of about 400,000 barrels a day from August to September just for seasonal reasons, as people stop taking vacations.

Doug Macintyre

[During the 6th Annual Americana Music Conference, from September 8-10 in Nashville, an all-star] house band ... explore the linkages between social struggles, respect for fundamental rights and the recognition of personal dignity and community empowerment.

Buddy Miller

I'm really keen to go back and do some theatre, but I can't afford to at the moment because we're getting married in September. And then I'm hoping to direct a film at the end of this year, and that means a year of your life without pay.

Richard Roxburgh

When the first frosts come there, late September and October, it's absolutely tremendous. The larches just turn golden and the hillsides around them -- just above the larch forests -- they're absolutely sparkling with color because of all the shrubbery.

Kev Reynolds

Sometimes it was September or October before we would get the books.

Mary Randolph

September will probably be an extremely unpleasant month at the pump. This goes to show that even if you're far away from where the hurricane hit, there's a ripple effect.

Sean Comey

You are entering a seasonally softer period, so you don't want to have inventory at a worse level in December than where you were exiting the September quarter.

Patrick Ho

I like to win, and I'll do anything possible to win. It's September, it's the last month of the season. I'm ready to do it.

Livan Hernandez

He shouldn't be worried. They knocked everybody else's trial back, so why would they make him come in September? They put Michael Jackson's trial back, and he ain't got a concert anytime soon.

Clinton Portis

The month of September, so far, has not been a good month. There has been quite an increase in both the number and the scale of attacks.

Radhia Achouri

It's not too bad because it's still early in the year. It's not like it's in September.

Carl Crawford

But there's a long way to go until September.

Tim Sheens

It's a shame. So in September, we'll be exactly where we are now, which seems to me to be a real pity.

John Chafee

We're operating on the assumption that we will be pulling together something in September for a vote some time this fall, ... there is no consensus.

Jim Mccrery

There are some shareholders who want BT to hold on to Wireless because they feel the company could lose revenue that a combined company can enjoy, ... I expect the sale to go ahead. BT has called an analysts meeting for September 5 to outline its plans for BT Wireless.

Nigel Hawkins

Our September sales performance was softer than expected. However, when you consider our exceptional sales performance in July and August, lean inventories, and the competitive environment, we expected there would be some weakening in September sales.

Bill Lovejoy

The entire division is going. They'll start going next week and will leave out in regular flights through September, October and November.

George Heath

Understand the causes of terror? Yes, we should try, but let there be no moral ambiguity about this: nothing could ever justify the events of September 11 and it is to turn justice on its head to pretend it could.

Tony Blair

Can we prepare a proposal by September? Yes. But the issue is building a consensus, and making sure we have a smart business plan. We want to make sure the City Council is on board.

Richard Conti

The festival was basically created eight months after September 11 and it was to give our neighborhood something to look forward to and to help the renewal, and to do that you need to laugh.

Jane Rosenthal

Consumer confidence in all major markets has been slipping this year, a trend that has accelerated after the tragic events of September 11.

Gerard Kleisterlee

In September 2004, I had 2,000 tons of inventory; by the first week of September 2005 there was no inventory. We were wiped out.

Matt Allen

September will be challenging for handset makers. We are generally cautious on the group.

Mark Mckechnie

According to the information available to us, September was an extremely bleak month which gave us the biggest collapse in sales in a long time.

Hermann Franzen

Doug always used to hang around with me in those days because he didn't start school until the end of September. He hung out, lined the field, helped coach. He learned how to do it the hard way, but it was also the right way. He definitely knows what he is getting into.

Matt Senffner

He was supposed to fly the fifth plane into the White House on September 11.

David Raskin

Miramax in September and October had a whole bunch of releases put out there. Also, Sony picked up MGM and pushed out some of their older titles. There was a lot of movement in the marketplace . . . and a lot of people entering into the (distribution) field.

Howard Loberfeld

After the end of last business year, Congress passed a new act that split the cap to insure the companies that needed temporary workers in the later half of the year, July, August and September, would have the opportunity to petition and receive them.

Chris Bentley

Last year there were eight versions of the budget (the ninth version was passed by the board of education) ... This is version four. We'll probably do four or more of these (budgets) until it's adopted in September.

Cheryl Crates

My purpose here today is two-fold: I want to remind shoppers, beginning September 1…city sales tax in clothing has been permanently slashed.

Brian Mclaughlin

The BOJ will be slow to end quantitative easing, because it's constrained by the government's deflation-fighting plan. I believe we're not looking at April or May this year, but September.

Paul Sheard

(The six-party talks) looked like a breakthrough in September 2005, but based on the subsequent interpretation of that by the Korean Foreign Ministry, there is a lot of uncertainty as to where we are.

Thomas Byrne

I love playing in September. This is the fun time of the year, what you play the whole season for. You leave it all on the field, because if you don't play in September, there is no October.

Jason Giambi

It assures that the Fed continues to not buck what was built into the futures contract, and will move by 25 basis points in September.

Peter Kretzmer

Everything that we do needs funding from sources, not just a source. And when we get into September we will be going into our after school programs.

Roger Miller

We lived on C-rations. One box a day. You had to put the cans in your pocket and carry them for two or three days before they thawed out. We were at 3,000 feet and winter set in. From September 15 until we got out of there, I was never in a building or tent.

John Richard

We do not believe that strong September sales mark the end of the peak season.

Henry King

On September 1, the water line was at our headquarters, ... Outside our headquarters, the water is gone. It's not until you leave the area to which you're specifically assigned and you go outside that you see the devastation, that you see the water still flooding buildings up to half-way up their length that you realize there's still a lot to do here.

Robert Atkinson

Five state-of-the-art warships equipped with missiles came (to the area) on September 9.

Shoichi Nakagawa

But first it's end of school activities and then it's our holiday, and all of a sudden we're having to plan for the new school year. Plus this September I'm returning to work after maternity leave so I have our six month old, Menna to think about too.

Jill Williams

The Asia Cup, which was to be held next month in Pakistan was postponed and it has now been decided that it will be staged in Pakistan in September 2007.

Sharad Pawar

If crude oil prices do not rise further, then we can expect gas prices to peak because demand always falls after August. Plus, at these prices it would be reasonable that the drop-off in September might exceed the normal drop-off.

Trilby Lundberg

[By SUZANNE KAPNER September 4, 2005 --] Have you seen enough flesh? ... Have you seen flesh that you wish you hadn't seen?

David Wolfe

The September and November 2005 rockslides east of the Snoqualmie Pass highlighted the importance of an open and efficient pass to many industries statewide.

Mike Westbay

We're up 15 or 20 percent off our (July 24) lows. But September is a tricky month historically. We could retest recent lows by as much as 10 percent before we're able to really move higher.

Tom Shrader

We met with them on the 13th of September to give them a proposal. One of the things ... that we could sacrifice was an average of a dollar an hour. Those employees are on the low end of the scale. They're making eight, nine dollars an hour ... so a dollar from them is a lot.

Jan Adams

If this had happened in the third week of September, it would have been sheer chaos.

David Marshall

Looking ahead, the prospects for growth looks exciting, ... We exited the quarter ended September 2005 with the strong tailwind of business momentum. The challenge we have is to sustain and build upon it.

Azim H. Premji

We invite all Lindenhurst residents to join us, ... as we pause to remember the events of September 11th and especially to pay tribute to those we tragically lost and honor those who responded that horrific day and in the weeks and months that followed.

Tom Brennan

This request is designed to protect our rights in the WTO, fully in line with the procedural agreement reached with the U.S. in September. Whilst wishing to de-escalate this dispute, our aim is to see the WTO-incompatible FSC export subsidies removed.

Pascal Lamy

Road accessibility will remain a major challenge, and it is expected that there will be a continued need for a minimum of five or six helicopters until at least September.

Jamie Mcgoldrick

It's a 90-day business, from mid-June to mid-September. The biggest months are July and August. I shut down from February through mid-March.

Joe Snyder

The manufacturing surveys from September confirm that there has been no broad-based deterioration in activity due to the energy price spike in the aftermath of Katrina. This is quite promising for the growth outlook.

Haseeb Ahmed

That's pretty dismal, ... My sense is September is not going to be much better.

Richard Jaffe

I feel like I can steal 10 bases in September. That's how good I feel.

Ivan Rodriguez

We started a policy review in September last year on our entire wildlife policy, looking at a range of issues. The ban on hunting is one of those up for review and discussion.

Julius Kipng'etich

Prime Minister Blair has long felt -- he certainly felt after September 11 -- that there was no moral or strategic advantage to be gained by artificial distance from the U.S.

Dana Allin

They've been working hard since September; the teachers have been doing a great job. I think this extra push toward the last month will put them over the top.

Harry Martin

We have received bids for both of these operations. We expect to make our selection early this summer and have the transactions completed no later than the fiscal year (which is September 30).

Bill Price

The police, firefighters and paramedics do so much for our city. We chose September 11 each year, not only because it is a day of remembrance, but also it is a day to give thanks for all that we have.

Richard Baker

The negative impact associated with the energy shock will be more evident in the fourth quarter even though it hit in September.

David Greenlaw

There was no other reason other than September 11th that I sold the stock. ...Oh, I agonized over it -- absolutely agonized over it!

Jeff Skilling

It says that it's obviously in Jewish interests for America to have invaded Iraq and so the Jews orchestrated the attacks of September 11.

Daniel Greene

We have the challenge of an 18 month integration to go through and when we look at our assumptions it's wise to be more reasonable with regard to those assumptions than more aggressive. The real key to the success of this integration is what we are going to look like after we complete it in the September quarter of 2007.

Joe Moglia

I was surprised it didn't sell out in September.

Tod Kowalczyk

We think it would be better for him to take his break during September and reconvene October 1 for preparation towards Australia.

Tyler Christopher