Seat of power.

Candy Crowley

The gang member jumped in the front seat., and as he was exciting the parking lot, he almost pinned one of the officers against his car, and another officer against a brick wall.

Brian Brady

As early as next spring we will be building two fields. One will be a championship stadium field. It will be lit and seat 2,000.

Jim Norris

If I were going to run, this would be the year because it's an open seat.

Gregory Skordas

It was scary. If it wasn't for the seat belt, (the collision) would have killed us.

Richard Gray

[But all of that has changed in just a matter of months.] Lenders don't have people beating down their door for their loan, ... You're more in the captain seat than you were even a week ago.

Keith Gumbinger

We know that material costs have gone up, and I think we can get a 5,000-seat stadium and the 15 courts, ... some of the whistles and bells we looked at might not be there.

Tom Dempsey

The A380 burns a lot less fuel than any other airplane on the seat per mile cost, so it is very favorable.

Noel Forgeard

I have respect for these evangelical leaders, but sometimes they aren't very politically sophisticated. Sometimes they talk more than they should. And sometimes some of them want to leave the impression that they're big shots close to the seat of power.

Charles E. Grassley

Having my seat belt on made all the difference in the world compared to the other people in the car.

Chad Encalade

When we look around the world, we see corruption and morals have taken the back seat. Our own pleasures have taken priority, ... We are examining the Bible to see what it has to say, and we are rejecting political correctness and secularism.

David Brewer

She was sitting in [the car seat] perfectly, like she would normally. The minute I held the baby, she stopped crying. She was as sweet as could be.

Chris Dumond

Though we can't rest until seat belt use is 100 percent in this country, ... I am nevertheless pleased that we've reached another milestone.

Jeffrey Runge

I remembered the gun I had beneath my seat.

Joe White

I look at it as smart growth. Smart marketing. Is there a case to be made that we're too many places and we're too many places too fast? There probably is. But at the same time, there's not a seat to be had in the house, and people are tuning in all over the country. So you can't argue against it, either.

Kyle Petty

Do not go to the garden of flowers!O friend! go not there;In your body is the garden of flowers.Take your seat on the thousand petals of the lotus, and there gaze on the infinite beauty.

K. Ashraful Kabir

The first officer reached over and pulled the thrust reverser switch. He also moved his seat forward to help the captain apply maximum foot-pedal braking.

Keith Holloway

We just saw, basically, body by body until, I think the person in the back seat was the last one to get out.

Patrick Hughes

To say that a crime was committed in Seat Pleasant when it occurred somewhere else is a crime within itself, ... It slanders our good name as a city of excellence.

W. Lee Grant

We have a lot of professional commercial pilots who come here to fly 'seat of the pants' and 'stick and rudder' planes. They like to get back to basics after all the hours in the big planes.

Jim Barclay

It will be a large priority to make sure we have a seat at the table to craft out a policy that allows for bona fide, above-board advocacy and nonprofit organizations to be able to fund congressional travel.

William Daroff

I saw Red at his home (Monday), and he's very excited about the team. We have a red seat reserved for him. When he isn't ill, he comes. And he calls the next day to say what we should do different.

Jack Kvancz

Derek?s been on the hot seat defensively, but it?s not one individual?s job to stop an opponent. We?re collectively supposed to pitch in. He feels right now like he?s on an island.

Patrick Fox

Our evidence shows (Corrine Smith) was not strapped in, ... There was a car seat in the car, but she was not strapped in.

Tom Byrne

The process that we will be going through, we'll be starting that next week. Anything that you hear is truly going to be a rumor. When we bring the man or lady out that takes this seat, that's when you'll know who it is. We expect to do it very professionally.

Ashley Wright

The art of writing is the art of applying the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair.

Mary Heaton Vorse

The most common of all antagonisms arises from a man's taking a seat beside you on the train, a seat to which he is completely entitled.

Robert Benchley

Scott got out of his seat and full-on tackled the guy.

Alicia Mccaslin

My seat belt failed and I ended up on the floor and the impact ripped the cab roof off like a can opener and can.

Michael Tuttle

What Mr. Feld wants is the right facility configured to accommodate a circus. It has to include rigging, elephant doors, a floor piped and plumbed for ice shows, and an arena capable of seating 5,000 to 6,000 people for premieres and shows.

Joan Galvin

It can create a major headache. You can have six or eight people with the same ticket trying to sit in the same seat. At last year's SEC Championship football game, I confiscated around 70-75 counterfeit tickets. I had about 30 with the same seat location.

Craig Mattox

There was no seat location for the spot listed on the ticket.

Kent Brown

[Since his initial nomination in July, Roberts was considered likely to win confirmation for the O'Connor seat and is still expected to be confirmed as chief justice.] Democrats are in open disarray in the Senate, ... This is not the type of fight you win by coming late to it.

Jonathan Turley

I know buddies who are more paying attention to the Suns right now. It seems like baseball's taking a back seat to basketball.

Mike Barrett

Without Chafee, you're going to get an extremely liberal Democrat in that seat.

Dan Ronayne

After a car seat is six years old or if the history of the seat is not known, it should be destroyed to decrease the number of safety seats being used beyond the manufacturers' recommendation. As a potential buyer, you have no assurance of how old the seat is if the labels are missing, or what has happened to it.

Gail Weinholzer

A lot of money is going to come in from around the state and around the country because it's a key seat.

Terry Christensen

For some time I've had my eye on Tom McCall's seat-which is a great deal more than he's had on it.

Grace Hansen

The good news is we're in the driver's seat. We don't have to depend on other teams to get beaten, we can take care of business and be where we want to be.

Wade Stueve

The main game started at 8, but (if) you weren't in the gym at least by 5:30 or 6, you didn't get a seat.

Dr. Henry Johnson

It's a parent's responsibility to make sure a child's car seat is properly installed and adjusted. We're here to show you how.

Alexa Noll

They always have the option to buy a less expensive seat.

David Peart

He was in the drivers seat slumped over.

Tom Dorsa

We're not sure if she was restrained or not, but, nevertheless, she shouldn't have been in the front seat.

Anne E. Schwartz

It's going to be big. I've heard estimates of 5,000 to 10,000 people going to be here. I don't think there will be an empty seat in the house. It's definitely the biggest game in our history.

Kevin Mcconnell

Keeping your seat belt fastened all the time is the best way to protect against injury in case of turbulence, ... I congratulate American for taking this positive safety step and encourage other airlines to do consider doing the same.

Jane Garvey

I used to sit on this board and we have trouble when you refuse to seat someone appointed by three elected officials.

Loren Smith

You look anywhere to gain momentum back, and that's what did it for us. It put us in the driver's seat.

Mike Thaler

His seniority and seat on the Appropriations Committee gives him a direct hand in almost every federal dollar that comes back to Montana.

Jason Klindt

It's big pressure being in first now, but it doesn't bother me. It won't cause me any harm. I think everyone is going to try to knock me off now. I'm in the driver's seat and feeling it. It's just been a great season.

Jamie Bestwick

Flying these days is really bad. Seats are smaller, storage is smaller, flight attendants and gate agents are meaner, and it's hard to get an empty seat next to you.

Wendy Perrin

With student centers, many schools want a building that gives the campus a presence. That's the draw. In those cases, a school might sacrifice some of the program inside — maybe reduce the seating from 700 to 600.

Frank Hayes

We definitely will have a strong contender there. Right now it's an issue of whether we can handle a race against an incumbent war chest, but with the possibility there will be an open seat in the November 2006 election because Cannon might lose in a primary, there is unusual interest among potential candidates.

Wayne Holland

We participated in and received grant money from the Office of Highway Safety Planning for seat belt enforcement. We received a grant for $2,000 to purchase equipment here. We also applied for an OHSP grant for youth alcohol enforcement. We're be participating in the program sometime in 2006.

Larry Sanders

CAPITAL, n. The seat of misgovernment. That which provides the fire, the pot, the dinner, the table and the knife and fork for the anarchist; the part of the repast that himself supplies is the disgrace before meat. _Capital Punishment_, a penalty regarding the justice and expediency of which many worthy persons - including all the assassins - entertain grave misgivings.

Ambrose Bierce

What we do at its very, very best, at its very, very most, will shift us slightly in our seat. If only for two hours, great. If for the rest of our lives, even better.

Campbell Scott

The prime draw is that it's the first time media consumers have been in the driver's seat.

Melinda Messineo

This place turns into a wild scene. It's hard to find a seat.

Chris Watts

It's a really great space to work in. It's got all of the best equipment, it's got very nice and comfortable seating for the audience, and they've got a pit that you can raise and lower which a lot of places don't have. So it has a lot of benefits.

Jeff Shue

A university is a college with a stadium seating over 40,000.

Leonard L. Levinson

The media world is changing out of all recognition. Technology has to have a seat at the table.

Michael Grade

It would drive me insane to overhear the conversation of the guy in the next seat.

Karen Meredith

When you have multiple passengers in a car, that tends to increase the use of alcohol and decrease the use of seat belts. It's not a cool thing to wear a seat belt when you're in the car with all your buddies.

Ted Leonard

There are no rules and regulations for perfect composition. If there were we would be able to put all the information into a computer and would come out with a masterpiece. We know that's impossible. You have to compose by the seat of your pants.

Arnold Newman

This puts Schwarzenegger on the hot seat. I think it's a slam-dunk that he's going to have to veto the bill and hope that the anger in the gay community doesn't spill over into other groups.

Bruce Cain

It's going to be fun watching these two guys go at it because they've been having a good battle all year. I'm going to have the best seat in the house.

Mario Dominguez

We don't want that to happen again. Aside from the semifinal seat, pride is also at stake.

Siot Tanquingcen

This is the largest disaster we've ever been a part of. We're kind of flying by the seat of our pants.

Julie Morris

My can of deodorant I keep to make the car smell good fell off the seat and rolled under the brake. I mashed the brake but it wouldn't go down.

Dorothy Faye Porchia

When they say men should take responsibility, they really mean men should take control ... that men should be heads and masters of their families, and women should take a back seat. That is a very bad message as far as I am concerned.

Patricia Ireland

I'd like to see him again if I could. I think I scared him to death that night. He had just been in a crash, there were flames and smoke all around, and all of a sudden there was a big fat man diving in the back seat at him. It was a scary scene.

Jim Saucier

This is a show that all ages will love. It's one to make you laugh and bounce in your seat.

Jennifer Peterson

Secondly, and probably more important, restaurants always need additional diners. A restaurant's empty seat is its most expensive one.

Barry Kaplan

He's too nervous to kill himself. He wears his seat belt in a drive-in movie.

Neil Simon

The port has often looked at them as a bit of an investment. Once you own the seat license, it's supposed to appreciate in value.

Tina Olson

As we continue our efforts to secure a new ballpark in Oakland, we will take every measure to make the Coliseum a comfortable and fan-friendly facility. Our goal is to create a more intimate ballpark atmosphere and bring our seating capacity in line to what we have proposed for our new venue.

Michael Crowley

You're guaranteed a seat, if that. Sometimes, airlines overbook. There's no such thing as being entitled to an amount of room.

Carol Skornicka

If the second car had been ready this would have given Alex more time in the seat but it isn't and as we have only one car we have to allocate it to Robbie.

Robbie Kerr

I didn't want to see an Assembly seat left open and a Republican walking into office in a solidly Democratic district.

Kevin Clancy

Right now we are not able to supply enough product to meet demand. We are set on achieving a production structure that will not take a back seat to plasma in terms of cost.

Katsuhiko Machida

Although there would be no direct equity relationship between Apple and Disney, Mr. Jobs would be the largest individual shareholder in both, and would be likely to hold at least a board seat at Disney. In the complex and sometimes querulous dynamic between media and technology companies, such a move would no doubt raise questions about the ripples those ties can be expected to cause.

Richard Siklos

It's a lot of money. ... I think it shows that the party is serious about keeping the seat.

George Connor

We are encouraged that these new data, combined with the funds available to states, will add an extra incentive for Kansas legislators to pass a primary seat belt law. It's time for our leaders to heed the call of law enforcement, the safety community, and most importantly, its citizens, to enact a law that has proven to save lives.

Phil Haseltine

When you perform in front of an audience after only two days of rehearsal, you're flying by the seat of your pants - particularly when they're rewriting the show right up to the moment the camera goes on.

Michael Richards

We hear a lot from parents that it was just this time, just a short distance, or they didn't have their seat with them. There are a lot of circumstances, but the fact is parents really need to ensure they properly restrain kids on every trip they take.

Dennis Durbin

But that's not what qualified me for membership. It was the (1963 documentary) film I made, 'The Seat of Your Pants,' which featured a bunch of OX5 pilots -- old-timers flying antique airplanes.

Don Riggs

This is a huge show of support by the community. Filling every seat doesn't happen very often. We're hoping that this is a sign for the future.

Paul Cullinane

There were some signs that alcohol was involved. No one was wearing a seat belt.

Commander Lee Vance

We have written our central leadership to make a final decision because we have a tie on the conflict, but we have made it clear that the seat belongs to the JUP-N and awarding it to the JUI-F would be in violation of the understanding that a seat initially awarded to a party would continue to be given to its candidates.

Hashim Siddiqui

There's a lot that happens (at the state Capitol) and we have a stake in most of it. We covet our seat at the table.

Gene Hall

To cut somebody's risk of death in half, that's huge. That's almost as good as seat belts. You're lucky if a new regulation gets you a 5 or 10 percent reduction in the death rate.

Ricardo Martinez

Why someone would leave $4,000 in their checked luggage is beyond me. Why don't they just take the $4,000 and leave it on the seat at Aloha Stadium during a football game and let somebody pick it up? Because that's essentially what they did.

Nico Melendez

This says everything about this state. That a North Dakota farm boy who at one time didn't know what he wanted to be ­ a fashion designer or a chef ­ can stand up here in front of you and say I am going to bring your seat back home to North Dakota.

Matt Mechtel

When developers would come into the neighborhood they'll understand what the rules of the game are. So we'll be in the driver seat.

Mary Reed

Northeast Ohio is a great place to live and work. I will use the power of the congressional seat to recruit and bring jobs to Ohio. I have passion for this area because of what it has meant to me.

David Mcgrew

Most eBay sellers, until there's another channel that has significant volume, will stay. They may grumble and complain about fee increases but eBay is in the driver's seat.

Martin Pyykkonen

The driver is responsible whether the child is related or not and has to put the child in safety seat until the age of 8.

Dave Druker

While we harbor some anxiety about the direction he may push the court, we would be more alarmed at the long-term implications of denying him a seat.

Washington Post

It seemed like they were ready. We had put up with it for so long. You had to stand up over an empty seat because it was in the white section. They were really fed up with it.

Johnnie Carr

We are very excited to be working hand in hand with Midway to translate this innovative game into an edge-of-your-seat film.

David Gale

I unbuckled the seat belt. I almost got a leg out and water tried to push me back in. That's when he grabbed me and pulled me out.

Connie Kalter

It is an open seat, and that draws interest, and people are focusing earlier because they've got some new people to get to know.

Paulee Lipsman

A lot of guys are heading up departments they know nothing about. They're just managers wondering if they're running it or keeping a seat warm. Before, they had people around them who knew how to get the job done. No more. A lot of those people who ran departments for decades regardless of who the commissioner was are now gone.

Patrick O'connor

A lot of it is the seat-of-your-pants-type thing and a lot of faith and trust in people.

John Allison

Nobody on our side liked (the new version). It was basically a rewrite of the old draft. It's obvious that the movie and the record folks think they're in the driver's seat with this one.

Art Brodsky

The Democrats could do some damage to Republicans in California. But if Democrats swing one seat in Pennsylvania they can stop the Republicans from killing them.

Tim Storey

The government now is completely in the driving seat.

Peter Clateman

If we see numbers go down, it's still not enough. It would be nice to be able to eliminate all crashes. It would be nice to have people slow down, and use seat belts, and make common-sense decisions when they're on the road, and Florida's roads will be safer, even with all the people that are driving.

Frank Penela

They put a gun to the back of my head and said: 'Put your hands on the seat'. That was more scary than anything else.

John Mcalhany

That guy in a twenty-five cent bleacher seat is as much entitled to know a call as the guy in the boxes. He can see my arm signal even if he can't hear my voice.

Bill Klem

I don't like being in the passenger seat when a crazy woman's driving, that's for sure!

Mark Wahlberg

She started the movement, ... She was the mother of the civil rights movement by simply saying, 'I'm tired of giving up my seat.'

Robert Cunningham

The commercial-rated pilot in the right seat was flying the aircraft at the time of the accident. He is the pilot referred to in the probable cause report.

Lauren Peduzzi

Your child is safest in a new child safety seat. A new seat will have a registration form that, when completed and returned to the manufacturer, will be used to notify the owner if there is a potential recall or defect in the future. New seats also have clearly labeled expiration dates.

Mark Bell

I watched how to win - I had the best seat in the house and what I saw was that Phil had fun.

Chris Dimarco

The U.S. ranks behind virtually every other developed country when it comes to seat belt use, and never has mediocrity been so deadly for a nation.

Alan Mcmillan

Even for the best driver, who obeys all the traffic signs and laws, you can't control what other drivers do. Wearing a seat belt is one thing you control.

Jay Ofsanik

We're kind of fastening our seat belts for January. Like all health club facilities, we will be busy in January. We're looking forward to a really busy January.

Kathie Davis

It was a bit dream-like, to be honest, kind of a daze. I was relaxed, I suppose! I think I'm going to sleep with the trophy in my (plane) seat.

Rod Nelson

While there's no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm.

Rick Santorum

A one-seat ride to Penn Station truly makes us a real option for New York City passengers.

Tanya Vanasse

I started in live television and I've done a lot of live TV and that's really the thing that I love best. I love flying by the seat of my pants.

Florence Henderson

We are coming home from the hospital and I'm like, 'I've got to call this guy,' with my 1-day-old baby in the back seat.

Justine Lackey

When I turned to the president and said, `Remember the Astroturf in the back of the pickup?' he had the option of laughing or not laughing. He chose not to laugh and glared at me. He glared at me. Now, the speech is about 25 minutes, that's the bottom of Page 2, I know that I've got 23 minutes to go. . . . I thought, `OK, fatboy, you wanna play hardball? Fine. Here we go, fasten your seat belt.'

Don Imus

The Senate seat in Illinois could very well become the Democrats to lose.

Brad Woodhouse

The day is not far off when the economic problem will take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be occupied or reoccupied, by our real problems / the problems of life and of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion.

John Maynard Keynes

It?s a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of life. It?s a lot of hard work.

Keith Munslow

We're not dying to get into the water business. In fact, we got into it kind of reluctantly with Beverly Beach. To look out for the long-term interests of the county, we feel we need a seat at the table.

Carl Laundrie

I think that people can see the results of everything that's going on and the progress in District 8 during my time in office, ... We've provided everyone a seat at the table.

Mike Johnson

The seat is obvious: Replace the log (Michael) Hatton in Blaxland. A Bankstown boy with ability, we have always done well out of those. In fact John regards him as a future party leader ? a huge wrap.

Mark Latham

Many business people in town drove to our tea house and waited for a seat.

Stan Boland

Having a permanent seat at the table would ensure that the world's largest museum complex and our nation's premier cultural institutions are as truly reflective of the nation's people and achievements, as they should be.

Rep. Xavier Becerra

I had a long time in the hot seat (race lead), and I did kind of hope to hold on. But I'm just happy to be up here with Joane and Karin. I look up to both of them.

Kristin Armstrong

Mandatory seat belt laws save lives. Mark is very well respected and well known for his skills as a driver and with his help we'll work with the legislator to get a primary seat belt law passed next year.

Mike Right

The new data make clear that the difference between states with high seat belt use and states with low seat belt use is a primary seat belt law.

Phil Haseltine

After 20 strokes when they were just a seat up on us, I knew we were going to win. We didn't do anything special; we just executed the plan.

Dan O'shaughnessy

The guys were kidding me that I was upset with Mike because he didn't make his bed in the morning, or that he insisted on the aisle seat on the flight back to Montreal.

Chris Higgins

I'd give you my seat, but I'm sitting in it.

Chico Marx

Things change, so you need people pushing buttons. When the director says 'drop cut seven and insert cut six,' automation can't do that. Sports is a seat-of-the-pants operation. For instance, we don't have a graphic for someone breaking a leg or falling on the ice or sky jump. If that happens, we need a custom graphic. You have to be able to change on the fly.

Phil Paully

We hit the ball pretty well. It kind of got contagious. This put us in the driver's seat.

Dale Lortz

The Office of Traffic Safety and Highway Patrol applaud the 'Responsibility Has Its Rewards' campaign for encouraging safe driving and riding, ... Choosing to always wear a seat belt and never drive while intoxicated will add countless miles to your life.

J. Murphy

We were confident that we could find a qualified candidate, largely because it's a seat we can win.

Kirsten Searer

The last seat of the balcony is still closer to the stage than the last seat of the Historic Mainstage, ... And although there are a few less seats, there are no obstructed views.

Kate Taylor

It was a little tight for our 6-foot engineer, who was sitting in the passenger seat during the driving. And you should know that the rear seats don't fold down because that is where the high-voltage batteries are placed.

Stacy Genovese

It was a very bad result for us, let's make no bones about it. This was a safe seat, we should not have lost it.

Alistair Darling

We kindly tell them we've pulled so many people who were critically injured or killed out of a pickup truck because they weren't wearing a seat belt because the law doesn't require it.

Larry Schnall

All indications are there was no malfunction with the ride. The restraint in the seat the boy was in was still down and locked when the ride came to a stop.

Lynn Wright

This whole game, you were on the edge of your seat. We were up 5-1 and every guy on our bench knew that game wasn't over. When they scored that second goal there were eight minutes left, and that was probably one of the longest eight minutes of my college career.

Josh Ciocco

You could argue that within the GM hierarchy, Saturn was a little out of the mainstream without a seat at the table.

Jeremy Anwyl

I filed the ethics complaint against Tom DeLay not because I'm a Democrat and he's a Republican or even because he drew me out of my congressional seat but because he engaged in corruption to further his plans to disenfranchise voters in Texas.

Chris Bell

It's a little bit of a surprise. I didn't really hear too much heading in as to who was interested, so I was just kind of on the edge of my seat the whole time as to where I'd end up. But I'm excited.

Nathan Sturgis

Seat belts are your best defense against a drunk driver. We want people to drive safe, drive sober and buckle up.

Glynn Birch

More and more people are realizing that seat belts are absolutely the most effective safety device in a car.

Jeffrey Runge

We're trying to find a seat on the bus.

Jon Favreau

I'm the Democratic candidate who can win this seat in the fall.

Valinda Bolton

Nothing grabs their attention like putting them in the driver's seat of the patrol car.

Sgt. Neal Griffin

We've listened to the fans. They want more seating, food additions. All of it is meant to enhance the fans' experience.

Tim Schuldt

On one end, you've got a lot of the providers and small and midsize hospitals flying by the seat of their pants because within HIPAA there are provisions for financial penalties and jail time but no real enforcement mechanism.

Patrick Mcbride

I've put scenery in a lot of odd places in my career, but I do have to say I've never used the balcony as the only seating area before.

Marjorie Kellogg

It was clear we needed to make everything much stronger and stiffer. Which led us to the shorter belts and greater rear support for the seat.

David Lapworth

I've broken every independent candidate record out there, but still can't get people to come off the straight party ballots. I'm looking to run for governor again in 2007 and I think I have a good chance of getting the Democratic seat.

Gatewood Galbraith

Many parents don't know the correct car seat for the developmental stage of their child. For example, infants should ride rear-facing until they are at least 1 year of age and a minimum of 20 pounds.

Michelle Fischer

The elephant in the living room for us is the huge number of seats and the emptiness for great concerts. ... The symphony has to look out for itself. That's what we the trustees are there for. Right now, our first line of defense is a renovation with reduction of seating.

Rick Reynolds

This is 8.6 on the Richter scale. With an open supervisor seat and the GOP organization fighting ... it sounds to me like Islip is Brookhaven 2006.

Richard Schaffer

There have been studies showing seat-belt use rates increase with primary laws.

Melissa Savage

It's unbelievable what's happened in New England, ... We have the best fans there. Every place we've been playing has been selling out. It wasn't that long ago that we'd been playing to 50 people in Boston, and we just headlined a 7,000-seat arena and sold it out.

Sully Erna

I think people will be surprised. We're going to use just the first 23 rows and curtain off the rest of the arena, so we can literally say there will not be a bad seat in the house.

Todd Speer

I thought we played well. The majority of the game was spent in Barstow's end of the field. We played hard and I'm pleased with the outcome. We're in the driver's seat in the league now.

Mike Bradbury

Then, I just watch the rest of the play, ... I get the best seat in the house.

Paul Pinegar

This transaction brings us to the next chapter in the evolution of our business. We are excited to have J.W. Childs and Merrill Lynch Global Private Equity on board to support us in our efforts as we continue to pursue our growth strategy. We are also very pleased that Allied Capital will remain our financial partner and that John Shulman will continue to hold a seat on our Board of Directors.

Sonny King

The local station is kind of in the driver's seat. We have the infrastructure. We have the branding in these local markets no one else can replicate.

Paul Karpowicz

We've been in the driver's seat for so long now, that if we lose this thing, it's not going to be because Barry Bonds came back and the Giants all of a sudden made a run. It's because we gave this thing away. It's ours to win. If we go out night in and night out and play the baseball we're supposed to play, the division is over.

Jake Peavy

Now we're the ones in the driver's seat.

Jim Boone

For whatever reason, these people don't want to wear seat belts, and those are the people you are going to issue citations to.

Sid Gaulden

This is a huge weekend for us. [Winning two out of three] sets us in the driver seat for the rest of the conference.

Julie Jones

I think I got out of my car and looked at my car to see what was going on. I didn't hear nobody yelling, no screaming, no nothing and then all the sudden, it's red lights, cops, I'm in handcuffs in the back seat of a cop car.

Wesley Lynch

On the face of it, Fox [Entertainment Group's] ownership of the Los Angeles Dodgers is not an enormous success economically. But when you take into account their broadcast of baseball games, it gives them a seat at the league's table, which is invaluable.

Christopher Dixon

He was found with a crack pipe in the back seat of his car which was still warm.

Larry Mckinnon

It all depends on how the bankrupt airlines ... utilize the cost savings they achieve. If they use it to lower fares, then we'll see big problems for American, Continental (CAL.N: Quote , Profile , Research ) and even the discount airlines. The cost per seat mile will be lowered fairly significantly.

John Weiss

The storm, yes, it's slowed us down. We've kind of taken a back seat.

Larry Hamilton

You better believe I'm going to have a front-row seat when (Krause) is speaking.

Robert Davenport

Heritage on Wheels will kick off from February 17. We have got the contract for this season till May, which can be renewed. It will make two trips in a week, with a 104 seat capacity.

Vinod Zutshi

But mine is just one seat at the table.

Jim Haslam

The front seat reclined. He put a gun in his mouth and threatened suicide.

Dave Cohen

There wasn't enough room to get us all on a flight or even two or three flights, ... Some of us tried to get out on our own to avoid the bus ride. We couldn't even find one seat.

Matt Lawton

I'm saying this thing could be much bigger than the 10, 15 [seat pickup] I've been talking about for a year, ... Watch everything in Michigan.

John Linder

The car people want to put an entertainment system in your back seat.

Bill Watkins

I have great respect for Ghana ... but what is important now is that we're in the driving seat. It is a strong group and we have to concentrate on the next two games.

Austin Eguavoen

This individual was fortunate he was not ejected from his vehicle due to the fact he was wearing a seat belt, ... We see so many accidents, especially where the vehicle rolls over, where the driver or occupants, who aren't properly restrained, get thrown from the vehicle.

Chuck Allen

I've got to take a back seat while I learn to drive. I'm learning as I go. I'm getting a crash course.

Martha Reeves

Police officers not wearing their seat belts certainly sends the wrong message to members of the public, ... Obviously, for their own safety, it's in the people's best interest to wear their seat belts.

Mark Leonard

We are asking the court to essentially freeze-frame the merger until all seat holders have an opportunity to understand how it was conceived, structured, valued and brokered.

Jay Eisenhofer

Of all the inventions that have helped to unify China perhaps the airplane is the most outstanding. Its ability to annihilate distance has been in direct proportion to its achievements in assisting to annihilate suspicion and misunderstanding among provincial officials far removed from one another or from the officials at the seat of government.

Madame Chiang Kai shek

I was drawn into it, ... I felt I had a ringside seat at this mixture of the theater of the absurd and theater of cruelty.

Bernard Wasserstein

Everything went really well so we didn't have to do a lot of laps. We spent the rest of the day sorting out the new (adjustable) seat we will be using at Sandown and Bathurst.

Paul Morris

If it looks like we're going to lose a seat, that's really going to make everybody's life more difficult.

Tom Gillaspy

I see the student turnout being incredibly important as far as putting me over the threshold for getting a seat on the council.

Jason Baker

I'm not going to lie to you. He was mildly attractive. For a minute there, I didn't know if I should jump out of my seat and go for a make-out session or run for the hills.

Jack Taschner

The typical toilet seat only has 49 germs per square inch versus the desktop that has 21,000. That's problematic because a lot of people like me eat lunch at their desks. A typical office disinfects the toilet every night. Most people don't disinfect their desks.

Allison Janse

Folks are amazed that what looks like a modest home has the seating capacity to provide concert options.

Sally Anderson