I sat Lindsay down and turned Tammy over, and I could hear the air escaping from her lungs and she had already had some discoloration in her lips and started to turn bluish.

Without a doubt, without that inserted in her chest I would have come back from the grocery store and found my wife dead.

Every day I wake up and roll over and there she is and I just thank God for that ability.

I remember distinctly telling my father-in-law, barring a miracle, we're going to have to terminate the pregnancy. Her health has to come first.

But that's when the miracle happened.

Hopefully, we can keep the tradition going.

The guys were kidding me that I was upset with Mike because he didn't make his bed in the morning, or that he insisted on the aisle seat on the flight back to Montreal.

'Just wanted to let you know your wife is four weeks pregnant' -- those were the first words out of the doctor's mouth.