They can't move until we know they're safe. When the levees broke, it threw us a curve. They can't drive in because roads are out and they can't fly in because airports are closed.

Billie Cathey

Particularly identify the game that you are shooting and particularly identify your surroundings, that it's safe to shoot. Every second, you're adjusting your personal information that it is a safe area to shoot or it's not a safe area to shoot.

Mark Birkhauser

Morocco must do far more to respect the basic human rights of migrants before it can be considered a safe country for returns. This is hardly the time to be discussing an EU returns agreement with Morocco.

Holly Cartner

So the butler is safe?

Danny Sullivan

We're providing to our citizens a right to use fireworks in a safe manner.

Rep. David Frizzell

They're passing legislation against something they don't even understand, which is kind of scary. There were lots of rules and regulations I built into it personally to make it safe and ethical.

John Lockwood

I would like his father to come and pick him up. Because I know he's safe and I know that I put him in good hands. I will not give this little boy to anybody.

Marisleysis Gonzalez

They will ask random cars that are going through the area to pull over into a median, it's a safe area, and answer questions. it should only take one or two minutes.

Teri Pope

You gotta stick your neck out and put out a record that isn't safe... that's the Green Day way!

Tre Cool

They're the safe version of the coral snake. The saying is when red meets yellow, you're a dead fellow. When red meets black, you're OK, Jack.

Pat Howard

You can never make a place 100% safe, but you can do some things to minimize the dangers.

Don Griffin

Our main headquarters and all our top leaders are safe.

Kughalo Mulatonu

Because of that, the prices have been extremely high. It's safe to say that prices are much higher than normal.

Mark Shirley

But more research needs to be done to show the techniques are safe and effective.

Karen Miller

I don't think it's safe anymore having them do that. It would be irresponsible for me to continue.

Felicia Stockford

If he's in for life, he's safe. He can't abuse her. She is in control of the relationship.

Sheila Isenberg

The way we shoot, you're safe anyway. Actually, we always were friends even when we went at each other. Just the competitive nature took over at game time. When that happens coaches don't always see clearly.

Dennis Koester

I didn't carry on very well the first three or four months. Then one day I decided it was time for me to go back to work. And really, I think it's become my safe haven.

Carolyn Maupin

That was typical Bagwell, ... You're never safe, even if he hasn't seen live pitching for two years or two months. He's going to give you a battle. The crowd got into it, and I think that pumped him up.

Lyle Overbay

Falls are the leading cause of death in Rocky Mountain National Park. Jeff?s death reminds us all that the wilderness is not a controlled environment. We have 3 million visitors each year here, and most of them have a safe experience. Still, there are things people need to be aware of.

Kyle Patterson

These houses feel cozy and safe. A lot of love goes into them. People only work with us because they want to.

Barbara Manning

Not everyone has a gun safe, and you don't want to have that one accident that you regret for the rest of your life.

Clint Norred

It is safe to say that an Internet-focused fund launched in 1999 registered a poor performance, because a lot of these firms made investments at peak valuation.

David Snow

We'll continue to educate about that forever. We have culture that affirms alcohol as part of having a good time and we need to think about safe and healthy choices. Our young people need to hear it from caring responsible adults in the community.

Pat Funk

I can hear the accidents as people cut through to get to Henny Penny. They think one way is safe and the other one isn't. You can hear the noise in here.

Karen Moore

What's attractive about it is the drugs are incredibly safe.

Stephen Young

My house is opposite to the mosque and when we heard the first huge blast I ran to make sure that my father, who was praying there, was safe. When I entered the mosque a second huge blast occurred and I saw a big blast with flames. I want to know if my father is alive.

Naba Mohsin

It is a busy line for us. It is an inconvenience but we have to make the safe decision.

Meg Scheu

It gives students an alternative to the run-of-the-mill college atmosphere. It gives them a safe environment, a place to go where they're not going to be placed in jeopardy, whereas other events in the city might not offer that stability.

Matt Bowman

Nuclear power can never be made inherently safe. There is always a danger. But there's also always a danger with any form of electricity generation. The goal is to have that risk managed to an acceptably low level.

David Lochbaum

There has been a perception that the Safe Schools Act provisions (have) uniform application across the province.

Gerard Kennedy

Our ultimate goal is to have all landlords maintain their properties in a safe and sanitary fashion.

Bill Burgess

My neck's doing good. The motion is there. The pain is pretty much wearing away. I want to be safe about it, but I'm ready.

Michael Bennett

The inverted yield curve, which sent the stock market reeling yesterday, made gold one of the few safe havens.

George Gero

Schools are the heart of the community for many throughout Mississippi. FEMA is proud to be able to help in providing the tools and funds through the Public Assistance program so students can have a safe, comfortable environment to continue to learn.

Nick Russo

There is a continuing marginalization, or downright ignoring, of women's sports by the media, ... And a lot of that has to do with the choices that TV producers and newspapers editors keep making, preferring to play it safe rather than lead a gender revolution.

Michael Messner

It is a serious problem. We are being much more aggressive. We want to clean up the city and keep our residents safe.

Margaret Doucet

I guess better safe than sorry.

Chris Hopkins

They interviewed the parents and saw the substance that was mailed. We have to ensure our customers and employees are safe.

Gary Sawtelle

It was difficult at first to approach them, but now we are getting along very well and I have many gay friends. And in this way, we can educate them on safe sex and prevention of AIDS or venereal diseases.

Liu Shujie

We're doing everything we can to make it safe and playable. There's a lot of hard work going into this and I won't be sleeping until Saturday. This was the largest stage ever built and the last of it didn't come out until [yesterday] morning. What we saw then was certainly bad enough for us to try to replace it. I made some phone calls.

Dave Mellor

We need everyone's help to keep our children and young adults safe. Underage drinkers, those who host underage drinking parties, and those who distribute alcohol to minors need to know they are being watched and reported.

Pete Bodyk

This makes them safe to use for driving.

Guoqiang Li

To say that a reasonable man would have realized the grave danger is to say that a reasonable man, under the circumstances, would have more closely inspected the container to make sure it was safe to drink from and detected the label on its handle.

Patrick Riley

The common sense approach to safe-drinking should always be taken.

Patrick Cochrane

We are committed to the development of this project and plan to move ahead to bring this region much needed affordable supplies of natural gas for homes and businesses, in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

Marcia Macclary

We are pleased that guests who visit and experience Hong Kong Disneyland come away happy and satisfied. Our top priority is to continue to bring safe, quality family entertainment to guests from all over the world. We think we have achieved that.

Bill Ernest

This bill is to ensure the safety of all our children, not only in our schools but within our communities. A safe environment is a healthy learning environment, and that is what we are trying to establish.

Kevin Epling

It is a safety issue so we can provide a safe environment for everyone that is out here shopping.

Tim Hill

The mindset is to provide a safe environment for the non-offending parent and the victim. There isn't the stigma of being at the emergency room or Children Services or the police station.

Terri Jacobs

New Orleans will not be safe from another disaster like hurricane Katrina unless we begin to restore this natural hurricane buffer.

Scott Faber

This approval is another example of our agency's endeavor to counter rising health care costs by approving safe and effective generic alternatives as soon as the law permits.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb

The type of debris in different areas that we would clean is large construction debris and is just not safe for volunteers.

Amy King

From a sector point of view, there would be very few 'safe' havens on the Canadian equity landscape if this scenario materialized.

Andrew Pyle

You still have responsibilities as a parent to make sure that your kids are safe and know who they are hanging out with.

Paul Bishop

We know kids are safe when they are in our Clubs. A big concern is what happens to them on their way to and from our facility. This program helps our members become street smart. That means avoiding gangs and resolving disputes with words instead of guns, and leading their peers to do the same.

Frank Sanchez

All of the evidence that we have says that the beaches are as safe now as they were before the sewage spill.

Chiyome Fukino

They're all OK and safe.

Mark Giuffre

The prospect of finding a safe and effective new approach to both prevention and treatment of Alzheimer?s disease is tremendously exciting.

Gregory Cole

A weaker yen, and platinum futures prices trading above Yen 4,000/g, made the commodity 'very safe' to invest, in addition to the bullish sentiment felt across the metal futures complex with speculative funds.

Tatsuo Kageyama

The chemical way of keeping water safe does not work with crypto.

Hugh Pennington

All the preclinical data suggest this is a safe procedure with substantial information suggesting a possible treatment effect.

Charles Cox

A very clean, safe, loving environment to be in.

Kevin Lee

The boy is confirmed as definitely having H5N1. As for his grandmother, we have to keep close watch on her, just to be safe.

Paijit Warachit

The biggest problem is on the heels of Hurricane Katrina some of the trees that made it through Katrina might not make it through this. We just want children to be safe at home.

Ceroy Jefferson

When we saw that drop chute open, we knew we were home safe.

Tom Duxbury

For it is mutual trust, even more than mutual interest that holds human associations together. Our friends seldom profit us but they make us feel safe... Marriage is a scheme to accomplish exactly that same end.

H. L. Mencken

People are asking for a different direction at this time. We want to provide a professional police-organization service to the citizens so they can feel safe. How can we do that when our department is in chaos?

Andrew Pilcher

When so many working parents rely on child care and single parents have no means, no family, safe transportation is our responsibility.

Jennifer Faliero

Tells us that we ought to be importing beef from (a country) where the beef is safe regardless of what that country does.

Keith Collins

Geese are pretty smart creatures. They have a tendency to congregate in areas they know are safe.

Julie Oakes

Chase cards with blink, they're engineered, they're designed to be safe and secure. They have a special set of codes that are embedded in the microchip, and, so every transaction that someone does is unique.

Thomas O'donnell

I'm presuming he will be a safe pair of hands, and they can use him to rebuild the brand and deal with the technical issues on the investigation in America.

Howard Smith

We didn't have any hint of any criminality. This is accidental, and we're going to look into ways to prevent accidents and make all scouting events as safe as possible.

Gregg Shields

When asked if Ken believed in safe sex his answer came: 'Of course I do; I have an Iron Bar around the bed!

Ken Dodd

My house is solid for now, but if this keeps up, I'm going to lose my house. With the amount of material coming down, it's not safe to stay.

Sally Moses

This is why people need to try to enter the U.S. legally by applying for a visa, ... Better to have time go by and be safe than to be taken to the morgue.

Luis Diaz

As long as I knew my family was OK, I felt very safe. When something doesn't affect you (directly), it's sometimes hard to get involved. But when the images come across the screen ... it hits home for everyone. You start to realize that, as a human being, you can do something.

Lance Bass

Clinton said he feels safe in Harlem. It's the only place in the state Hillary is scared to look for him after dark.

Craig Kilborn

That's very scary because I considered myself very safe [out in the country].

Lynn Bailey

Obviously, we are elated that Nicholas is safe.

Bob Doyle

Our water system has submitted the laboratory analysis results to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division in Atlanta and they have authorized us to rescind the advisory, ... Employees of the water system have already been door to door passing out fliers indicating that the water is safe for consumption.

David Cone

If ICE First can lessen that number significantly, it has accomplished one of its primary goals - making people feel more secure and safe by knowing that medical personnel have the information they need to do their jobs more effectively.

Keith Buckley

People need to feel like they're not being attacked, like they're in a safe space where no punches are being pulled.

Sarah Silverman

It was a prudent act to go ahead and do a detailed search just to be on the safe side.

Scott Watson

In short, no banking agency wants capital at any banking organization to fall below a safe and sound level.

Roger Cole

The drilling rigs that we have in the Gulf have basically ceased operations ... and moved to a safe location.

Jeff Moore

It is not critical but we are planning to play it safe at least for the time being until we can stabilize the exodus. It is no point having the aircraft if you don't have the pilots.

Jaime Bautista

The more kids report bullying, the more that is a deterrent. The more young people feel safe, that promotes better learning. It's hard to learn if you don't feel safe.

Stephanie Davis

This was the best one yet. It was a safe ride, and we had the largest crowd.

Jim Pierce

This equipment allows us to accomplish missions in a safe and professional manner for both our teams and the animal.

Roger Vincent

It's important to have a law enforcement presence around residence halls because it creates a safe environment for students. Also, anyone that would want to impose illegal activity in the halls, they will see the area is being protected.

Leah Hardesty

'Safe' is a very bad word in the stock market. There is no such thing as safe. 'Smart' is a good word.

Bob Schmidt

Many shelters conduct behavior-based evaluations on animals they take in, but there are few better descriptions of a dog's temperament than an honest assessment from its owner through a questionnaire. Shelters are not in the business of giving up on the animals they receive, and they need the best information the owner can provide to keep both the animals and potential adopters safe.

James Serpell

Council said they could shore up this pool for $30,000 to make it safe for this year. We're hoping to do that and more.

John Maggio

It's our goal to make polling places available so that the preponderance of that approximately 500,000 would in fact have the opportunity, ... It will be safe. It will be secure.

John Sattler

You have a lot of different chemicals out there and you test for 10 of them? What about the other 90,000? Does this mean the other ones are not there? I can't tell you if it's safe because I don't know what's in it.

Robert Hale

At this point in the countdown, it seems appropriate to say to the crew of Discovery -- good luck, have a safe flight and to say once again 'Godspeed John Glenn,'.

Scott Carpenter

The pain comes from knowing that we have never been safe, and therefore will never be safe again. It comes from knowing we can never be so ignorant again. It comes from knowing we can never be children again. Losing innocence. Remembering heaven. That was the essence of hell.

John Jakes

In safety, it's not going to happen by magic. You have to hold people accountable, for having meetings, doing inspections, and fixing problems you find. You have to pay attention to the tools you use, the equipment, the materials, and the environment. You can't give them broken tools and expect them to be safe. You can't give them toxic materials.

Alan Quilley

Our main priority is to make sure that everyone has an enjoyable time and is kept safe, ... The community has been very much behind the Metropolitan Police after the events of July 7 and July 21, and I think this is a good example of that.

Brian Blair

As we are rebuilding, it seems that the hurricane is so far behind us. But these animals still haven't found the stability they have been lacking for so long. Those animals lived through a horrific situation and were in very bad condition when we got them. Now they need to know that they are safe and cared for. This is why they need a permanent home.

Fmhs President Linda Norman

There's lots of factors that played in here. We were real fortunate that everyone came out safe here.

Jim Lyon

I think it?s safe to assume that he?s rooting for his alma mater.

Baker Dunleavy

Our centers are almost like the emergency room. You're not expected to stay in the ER all your life. You go there, you try to get stable and then you move out to the community where you can live as normal as possible and as safe as possible.

Robert Jennings

It seems to me that the nearest analogue here is that a damaged ship, or in this case an airplane, that makes it into the nearest safe harbor is supposed to be accorded, at least as a matter of custom and general international practice that kind of safety. Medical attention should be provided to anyone who needs it and the ship and the crew should be left unmolested.

James Feinerman

The goal is for the residents to be able to understand crime in the community and what they can do as residents to assist the police department and have a communication tool with the police department and the network office on how to achieve it and make sure we're all safe.

Karen Holland

But then you put things in perspective. My family and I are back home in San Diego -- we're safe.

Rick Pankow

I could have saved the stroke by playing it safe. I must admit I was greedy and hence went for the green.

Vijay Kumar

We can't clear it until it's safe to do so, when the weather lets up and our guys can go up there and clear out the material on the hill. They don't want to go up there and risk more rocks coming down on them.

Lauren Wonder

(Gym etiquette) is really important because it makes it easier for us to keep it a clean and safe environment here. Everyone gets along better when they're considerate of each other.

Justin Schott

Implementation of this policy at the local level will ensure safe and efficient access of public lands while protecting land health. This policy will enable us to engage local people in constructive dialogue about how they want their national forests and grasslands managed.

Mike Dombeck

The schools might want to consider allowing parents to accompany children in the mornings, and to provide a safe place for children to go during the day if they need to take a break.

Catherine Cook

I don't know. Maybe. Probably not. It'd have to be safe . . . in that kind of a situation you never know whether it's going to be safe. We thought it would be safe, but something happened.

Steve Jocz

She called and talked to me. I felt real good. I felt complete. It just felt real good to know she was somewhere safe.

Keith Brown

We are not safe.

Mark Gottdiener

In the end the New South Wales government will do whatever is necessary to make Sydney as safe a place as it can possibly be for the benefit of Australians generally and for our residents.

Michael Knight

My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular.

Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.

Safe Schools: A Security & Loss Prevention Plan.

James Barry

We must be able to recover costs associated with growing and maintaining our infrastructure. Doing so is essential to our ability to continue providing safe, reliable and efficient natural gas service to our customers.

Rusty Harris

I will put (the paintings) on the walls of my house, and in my safe when I leave. I was lax.

Michael Bakwin

To express our sincerest gratitude to everyone who offered their prayers and support concerning the safe return of Erica.

Joseph Moore

I wouldn't feel safe nowhere on this compound as an officer.

Derrick Daniels

Whether we knew many who died on September 11 or personally knew none, we all lost something on that day. Innocence. Security. A trust that our homeland would always be safe.

Bob Taft

Certain amounts of lead are certainly emitted, but there are safe levels of that and there are un-safe levels. Around the plant is safe with a significant margin of safety. It's not even close.

Drew Goddard

It's good to have a country like New Zealand which is seen as safe, sophisticated, no real issues, unlike some countries, maybe Africa, or Eastern Europe.

Alex Tan

They want us to stay put until they know for sure it is safe for us to go back in.

Sharon Scott

We make every effort to ensure that employees are safe and secure in order to bring them back to work as soon as possible to prevent any disruption to our business.

Danny Daniels

Napster disabled lots of people, but told them if they were not sued in 10 days that they could ask that their material be reposted, ... Napster could put them back up and be protected. Safe harbor still applies.

Jonathan Band

We want to make sure if these guy's going to operate his planes, they're safe for everybody.

Keith Moniz

There are a large number of different risks out there right now. The most immediate one we have is lack of safe drinking water.

Johanna Reese

No one community is immune to it. We try to be vigilant and on top of our responsibilities. Fire, police, youth leaders, churches, different civic groups, parents, schools, and the kids themselves all have the responsibility to keep kids safe. We all own it.

Brian Callaghan

We make sure they are safe and living in good conditions.

Adrienne Worthy

Our goal is for them to be safe and not get hurt or kill themselves.

Dale Russell

In 1990, '91, most Americans felt comfortable, a certain sense of complacency, I think they felt safe.

John Weidman

I can only think they're trying to play it safe and they've missed an opportunity to redefine themselves on the weekend.

Peter Kreisky

We don't want to put them out of business, but we owe a duty to the public to ensure we're making it safe.

John Diaz

He's bought a product which is not safe to use as currently sold on the market. He's paying for a product that's defective, and the law is pretty clear that if someone sold you a defective product they have a duty to repair it.

Steve Berman

It's putting a serious dent into the crime problem in San Diego and certainly has made the Meadowbrook Apartments a comfortable and safe place to live.

William Lansdowne

I'm going to be around until the Atomic Energy Commission finds a safe place to bury my liver.

Phil Harris

We expect the local authority to supervise and give technical advice to the beneficiaries to ensure that standards are maintained and, thus, not derail the initial intentions of Operation Restore Order through ensuring that safe, neat and durable houses are built.

Cde Karimanzira

Children and dogs can be wonderful friends, but the potential for problems is huge. I am excited about winning this award and hope that my book will help more parents keep their kids safe from dog bites.

Colleen Pelar

I took Dexter out in the fourth quarter. Better to be safe than sorry.

Rick Rodriguez

They're all safe. The rest of it we can deal with.

Paul Hanson

One really has to wonder if it's safe to live in one's neighborhood anymore.

Poul Hertel

I think it is safe to say that 'Soul Mountain' is one of the most remarkable creations of modern literature, not only in Chinese.

Horace Engdahl

Since I started, I had this vision of creating a safe, comfortable place to seriously explore the thousands of possibilities of mosaic making.

Laurel True

We were skeptical about whether an established brand like PETCO would see any conversion lift from HACKER SAFE but were amazed that it delivered such a strong increase in our conversion rate. HACKER SAFE has proven to be a very worthwhile investment for our online business.

John Lazarchic

I think we need to be prepared. Our goal is to keep it safe again, this year.

Gerry Whitman

They treated me very well, like a guest given good food, kept safe, treated very, very well.

Jill Carroll

It's hard. It's hard. You can't make it through the day not knowing if your child is safe at school where he should be or if a predator has picked him up and kidnapped him.

Helen Mervin

The New York-New Jersey metro area is a very busy airspace, but it's a very safe airspace.

Arlene Murray

Our troopers will take a proactive stance in our effort to make the roads safe for residents and those who are traveling.

Lt. Michael Darcy

This means that the Kenya Wildlife Service organisation believes Meru is safe.

Mark Jenkins

FEMA is committed to helping provide a clean, safe learning environment so students in the impacted areas of the state can move forward with their educational experience. We will continue to work with local and state officials and our federal partners to ensure local communities have the facilities needed to help instruct Mississippi 's future leaders.

Nick Russo

It does not matter what share of the market it covers but how good the composition is, and for someone like MasterCard, it is safe to assume this condition is satisfied.

Lena Komileva

The campaign is nonsense. Florida's crime rate is the lowest in 34 years and the 17 million residents and 80 million visitors are testament that it is safe place to live and vacation.

Deena Reppen

It is estimated that half of all sports-related injuries among children can be prevented. Protective equipment, safe playing conditions and the development and enforcement of safety rules help reduce the number and severity of sports injuries.

Sarah Cox

As an attack firefighter, I am capable of all risks; but I am always moved at the way a family can rejoice over their safety when faced with great personal loss. I remember a family that literally lost everything they own but were still so appreciative that all of their family members were safe. It really puts everything in perspective for you.

Patrick Hughes

The first thing people want is to be safe. We ask people to dedicate their lives to protect and keep the community and the state safe. You can't expect to get them for nothing.

Ron Ruff

Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and be great?

Jimmy Johnson

Compared to most people in New Orleans, what we're going through is minute. It's not so much of a nightmare for us. We all got out safe, moved somewhere else, and were taken care of. Not much compared to what most people have to deal with.

Brian Young

You're never safe - No. 4 can do some amazing things back there. I've seen him do it many times.

Mike Wahle

When I saw it was you, I felt safe. Before I knew it, you charged at me.

Amy Wright

What Clinton did reinforced the perception that there's a lot of harm and not a lot of good to be done with the use of this power. There's a lot of political harm that you risk by pardoning the wrong person. ... Bush's pardons are extraordinarily safe.

Douglas Berman

I'll pray for you, that you stay safe.

Lindsay Smith

This is probably the most distressing of all, because there was a great deal of hope throughout the department that we were going to be able to find this child safe and sound.

James Lewis

They're family. Right now it's just a shock of everything's gone, and they need a safe place to stay.

Diana Brown

With today's decision, no one's property is safe, since any time a government official thinks someone else can make better use of your property than you're doing, he can order it condemned and transferred.

Roger Pilon

John Hammond is a renowned international trainer and he now just has to get the mare here safe and sound.

Greg Childs

He's seen and done it all. If Allen said it was safe, I took it to the bank. He educated us about the culture and let me put my effort into making the movie the best I could.

Chris Patterson

We want to raise awareness. For those who find out they are positive, we want to get them into care. For those who are negative, but are involved in high-risk behavior, we want to get them into prevention programs so that they learn to keep themselves safe. Unfortunately, there are too many people out there who don't think they are at risk.

Deborah Levine

There won't be a lot of police patrols. Runners will be out there with their teams and hopefully acting in a safe manner.

Mary Anderson

Events like this really help promote a safe environment. We're trying to prepare students for what can happen.

Jenny Mckenzie

People don't, in general, have a full understanding of what is required and needed to keep consumer foods safe and the practices that are involved in the industry. That is key to make sure people understand.

Terry Hall

I still pray for the people who lost their stuff, but I'm just happy I have my daughter, and we are safe.

Tameka Hollomon

It's a sad thing that you think this would happen in your own neighborhood. You think you're safe and everything. It's just sad.

Heather Johnson

Not only do parents provide the safe harbor teenagers need in an era of increasing violence and chaos, but evidence suggests this generation is more comfortable and trusting in authority.

Chip Walker

That is how we can do our part in keeping our youth safe and sober.

Jane Alleva

We want to keep the children safe. We are not there all the time, so we don't know everything that goes on. If we can develop a working relationship with the parent things will run a lot smoother.

Barbara Tyler

It's a very safe area, that's why it's all so surprising and upsetting to us.

Jack Dunn

We're very much in need of a more safe and healthy building.

Lee Lauber

It is your personal decision when you are establishing management goals. It depends on how safe or how close to the edge you want to be. You can hit it hard, but you are not going to see many critters or you play it close to the edge, close to carrying capacity.

Clayton Wolf

If you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent; if you believe the military, nothing is safe.

Richard Cecil

I don't think you play it safe. I think you try to be very natural and lay out in a forward way the compelling reasons for the election going your way.

William Daley

A play-it-safe-redesign of the Camry was out of the question. The market, and the segment in which Camry competes, is just too competitive.

Don Esmond

The whole neighborhood was close-knit. It always was safe. It was for me.

Donna Norris

It is safe to say that the Major Thoroughfare Program has been an economic driver to the city of Tupelo.

Chuck Imbler Jr

Water should be safe to drink throughout the city. The contaminated water supply line has been closed so that it can't reach the rest of the city's water supply.

Matt Rhodes

I am very thankful to be home and safe, and I am looking forward to going back to school and moving on. Thank you to everyone who was concerned about my safety.

Farris Hassan

People out there killing dolphins can actually label [their tuna] as dolphin-safe.

Mark Palmer

We need to put you in another camp where it's safe, She says she'll go if everyone else goes.

Dennis Mcnamara

When investors start to look for safe havens to put money into, they'll look to energy. Domestic integrated oil companies will do really well. Most likely, the companies that will get a bigger push are the more diverse International integrated oil companies like Exxon-Mobil. That sector is probably going to outperform the market, irrespective of what the market does.

Bruce Lanni

It was a matter of making sure they were all educated. We need to do whatever it takes to keep kids safe.

Jan Stegelman

With so much foot traffic, there wasn't much accumulation downtown. Crews would come behind us and put down salt. I think we managed to get everybody home safe and sound.

Jason Clark

It's up to you to decide now, and what you choose to do about it will affect the rest of your life, and theirs. Enjoy your child as he is and make sure that he feels totally comfortable and safe and loved in his own home.

Rosaleen Dickson

It's not so safe or drivable, this one. Step on the gas, and you'll do nothing but donuts.

Michael Prichinello

Greenwich real estate still astounds most people and continues to be a safe haven for would-be investors.

John Goodkind

This ain't safe. It ain't safe at all. I feel like we're back in New Orleans.

Josh Jones

Guidelines simply aren't enough to keep us safe.

Gary Arthur