Can employees sue for invasion of privacy? The general rule is that if an employer has a clearly written e-mail policy that says the employee has no expectation of privacy, the employer will probably be safe.

Michael Overly

There's already a law in place for speed limits, and that's a safe operating speed. It (a speed limit) doesn't solve a darn thing. We just knew it was a Band-Aid fix to a much larger problem.

Jim Marsh

Sometimes it's youth who are threatening their parents, have already caused some problems, or that the officer just isn't sure the youth is safe to stay where they're at.

Theresa Lee

A growing trend is called safe havens. These are cooperative agreements between shelters for women and shelters for animals.

Nancy Perry

It's something that we thought was necessary, and an officer patrolling would not be invading people's privacy. [We] just want to make sure that everyone and everything is safe. We'll see how everything goes with officers present on Greek Row.

Dujuan Smith

I will tell you right now our airports are not safe.

Benjamin Defensor

I feel safe in white because, deep down inside, I'm an angel.

P. Diddy, Puff Daddy

She was cold and scared, but very happy to be safe.

Jack Gillen

The most immediate (concern) we have is lack of safe drinking water.

Johanna Reese

It takes one incident, one wrong decision, to tank a sport. This is about awareness. This is about protecting and keeping the game safe.

Sue Donohoe

It's safe to say that we will challenge it all the way. This is one battle that we must make a stand on because our financial futures depend on it.

Daniel Brandt

It came down to crunch time, to enter him in a prep race, and there just wasn't enough time. I was very much on the fence. It was a tough decision, but it's better to be safe and just wait.

Patricia Hogan

As any working parent knows, it's hard to find good, safe and loving day care for their children.

Lisa Adams

We want to make people as safe as possible and just let them know that we're reaching out and we care what they're going through.

Becky Miller

We are looking at this seriously, and we are looking for funding sources and committed to providing safe parking places.

Mike Steenburgh

It does happen, but of course, we tighten up, change our procedures, examine our procedures every time that does happen. We do our best to keep our people safe, but they're dangerous places.

Gregory Lagana

All confidence which is not absolute and entire, is dangerous. There are few occasions but where a man ought either to say all, or conceal all; for, how little so ever you have revealed of your secret to a friend, you have already said too much if you think it not safe to make him privy to all particulars.

Francis Beaumont

It's strange. There are more than 1,000 policemen here, but the prime minister doesn't feel safe here.

Chaiwat Sinsuwong

Our buildings are all safe. The changes are nothing big at all. The report reflects well on the maintenance staff.

Sam Roberts

The Ann Arbor line is the clearest opportunity to make the case that safe, modern, convenient and efficient mass transportation can be effective in southeast Michigan. It needs to have a starter line to convince people this can be done and be done well.

Keith Schneider

We provided a safe and legal abortion to a legal adult. This appears to be a very sad case of a breakdown of communication among family members. Clearly, she was a legal adult and wanted to make the decision alone without notifying her parents.

Marta Coursey

As soon as the ball hit the bat I was going. I was lucky it was a chopper. I just ran and hoped to God I was safe. When I saw him get the ball I knew it was going to be close. I was just trying to go as hard as I [could]. I knew he was blocking the plate, so I just tried to go through him.

Joey Gathright

We have to keep it safe. We can't just go out and put it into stocks.

Pat Bennett

Americans have a very high degree of confidence in the safety of their food supply, and we will continue to work with state and federal agencies to ensure that chicken is safe.

Stephen Pretanik

That is obviously not a safe way to do business, and it will be reviewed.

William Mccarthy

It was pretty emotional. The hardest thing was not knowing. That's a parent's worst nightmare. Once we found out he was safe, it was like the weight of the world had been lifted off our shoulders.

Dennis Quesenberry

We are looking at three weeks or more, then the president will declare a disaster and FEMA will begin working with them for permanent arrangements. What the Red Cross is responsible for is immediate mass care. We are a safe harbor until they get homes and lives back together.

Sharon Watson

Without individuals feeling safe and having an environment of safety, they then have reluctance of taking part in the city of being active. They wind up wanting to leave the city. That's more detrimental.

Dick Powell

The carpeting has been removed and all efforts are being made to provide adequate access for customers in a safe manner.

Scott Creel

It's safe to say there was a combination of both.

Scott Burnham

He apparently felt safe enough here to not go to Canada.

Wendell Lauth

Hunting is an extremely safe sport.

Bill Balda

It's always a concern when something like this happens. It's unfortunate, I guess it's safe to say, a few ignorant people can ruin (the fun).

Josh Hemmelman

Those decisions haven't been made yet, but that's probably a safe assumption.

Jim Lites

If you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent; if you believe the military, nothing is safe.

Lord Salisbury

Tell the people of New Orleans that I'm safe, ... I wish I was able to still be there with them, but I hope to see them soon.

Fats Domino

The politically safe thing to would be to do nothing, and then blame the hurricane for any subsequent problems. But that's not leadership.

Dan Mclagan

Basically all schools in the county were invited to attend to hear this message of abstinence and safe sex.

Monica Ramirez

If teams above feel they are safe and we can get a couple of wins, then all of a sudden some pressure comes on that's out of their control. Then who knows what it might do.

Justin Marshall

There is no new news about the hostages. We continue to work closely with the Nigerian authorities and their employers to try to ensure their safe release.

Andy Corrigan

These devices can disrupt normal operations of key cockpit instruments, especially Global Positioning System receivers, which are increasingly vital for safe landings.

Bill Strauss

We have guys who have good instincts. They know when to lay back and make the safe play.

Regg Simon

This is the heritage of this park. This is an old equestrian neighborhood. This is really the only public safe place to ride. And they continue to squeeze us out.

Marilee Ullmann

We implemented the testing so that we could set forth a level playing field for the horsemen and the wagering public and a safe environment for the competing horses and the overall integrity of the sport.

Peter Berube

If the group has the ability to compel an action, some people won't come to the table at all. It has to be a safe place, so you can disclose what your interests are. Generally these groups come up with some recommendation they take to a body, an administrator or legislature. To the extent that they've had all the stakeholders present, every one I've been involved with has been accepted.

Gerald Mueller

I hope there's someone looking at all the health care assets and making sound decisions as the mayor faces overwhelming political pressure to let people back in. The federal government needs to go in there and make sure the hospitals are a safe environment before they're reopened.

Joe Cappiello

We feel it's safe, we feel it's a viable technology and we're supportive of it.

Gary Larsen

Jack himself has been working the phone lines and speaking with shareholders this morning. People's money is safe here, there's no question about that.

John Demming

They felt it was a good ordinance to pass to keep the children in the community safe, that are either at the parks or participating in an activity.

Brent Brown

The three ships have set sail from Somalia, and the crew are all safe.

Michel Lu

It's safe to say that the rest of the [state] ticket really suffers when the top of the ticket is not competing.

Gerald Parsky

I'm going to upgrade it a bit more. All I want to do is take care of my residents and make sure they are safe. I'll do what I have to do to make sure they are safe.

Hannah Watson

Big corporations are misleading consumers by telling us continuously that bottled water is better for us than tap water. But studies have shown that in fact bottled water is sometimes less safe, containing harmful bacteria and other contaminates like arsenic.

Dan Favre

It's safe, easy, and accurate. The error rate of an e-filed return is less than 1 percent. The error rate of paper returns is 20 percent.

Jesse Weller

We want to make sure that the water is safe. Even though we did get the all clear from officials, we just didn't want to chance it.

Teo Clemens

Sometimes the mentality is if it's a safe drug, taking more of it isn't going to be harmful. They take a few more, not intending to harm themselves, but they can. They just don't realize how dangerous acetaminophen is to the liver.

Kathy Jacobitz

We want to reinforce the church sites and let them know the environment is going to be clean and safe.

Debbie Miller

I cannot be certain that the water is of good quality. 'Safe' does not mean 'good'.

Viktor Ishayev

We inspected all terminals and aircraft to ensure everything was safe. We didn't identify anything, and the terminals continued to operate as normal.

Jenny Wedge

I felt safe before it happened. But now I'm more cautious about locking my door.

Angela Johnson

Since this guy said he was armed and threatening to shoot at officers and because of the proximity of the residence to the roadway and homes nearby, we didn't feel it was safe for the school bus to just come driving by or stop out in front to load up kids.

Undersheriff Rick Scott

No government is safe unless fortified by goodwill.

Cornelius Nepos

Water needs to be clean and safe for our citizens. There's no excuse for the problems we've had. I knew there was interest when folks in my ward talked me into running again. There is dissatisfaction with the way the city is being run, with the cost of some employees, with the quality of water.

Mike Todd

She has a lot of social stimulation and she loves music, so she has singing activities, ... She's safe and well-cared for - I know that.

Jennifer Gray

It gives deputies a vehicle that's safe to be on the road. It gives them more response time with newer vehicles than the older ones. It's less maintenance to keep up with than the old ones.

Deron Collins

We're getting better at this. But we still haven't proved we are safe.

Halee Hamilton

We're grateful people are responding to treatment. We'll do everything to make sure things are safe.

Don Gilmore

With supreme irony, the war to "make the world safe for democracy" ended by leaving democracy more unsafe in the world than at any time since the collapse of the revolutions of 1848.

James Harvey Robinson

I felt safe in the hospital, ... trees everywhere, power lines everywhere. The buildings we could see were devastated. It was unreal driving through it. And we saw people and we didn't know if they were going to help us or if they were going to carjack us.

Melissa Cook

It is safe to say that never in its history has this country been so thoroughly policed.

Thomas Gregory

Talk to your child, ask them questions, pay attention to changes in their behavior or types of friends they run around with. This can be a really important endeavor in keeping our children safe.

Vickie Horton

That's what we do best at our fitting stations. We rely on volunteers, we train volunteers, and we help people to provide education to parents and help keep kids safe.

Melinda Howard

I feel sad that this had to happen right at this area. We though this was safe, yeah?

Tatsuko Ogino

Because we found no safe level of ozone, any reduction in ozone has a benefit for human health. Even if [areas] meet the standards, if they lower the ozone levels there will be health benefits.

Michelle Bell

I just try to stress being safe. If I see horseplay or something like that where I see where it presents a dangerous situation, I'm going to say something.

Curtis Hawkins

This is good news for children everywhere. Development of a safe and effective rotavirus vaccine has been a worldwide priority since the virus was discovered in the 1970s.

David Matson

I'm sure the Pentagon has on the shelf plans to invade Canada or Mexico, but they don't have any plans to do so, ... It's very safe to say the chairman has no interest in, and no intention of, introducing legislation that would sell national parks.

Brian Kennedy

This presents the possibility of a whole new environmentally safe tool for controlling sea lamprey in the Great Lakes.

Peter Sorensen

It's fun. I feel safe in a blimp.

Jim Maloney

Insurance, as a means of economic compensation, has always played an important role in ensuring the safe operation of an Olympic Games.

Wang Wei

Woodside has proven supplies of gas and a proven record of safe delivery. We intend to provide a reliable supply of natural gas to curb the spiraling rise in prices. California deserves affordable energy; we can help ensure that happens.

Jane Cutler

The security issue is driven by fear. I don't believe SDMI will come out with any prohibition for playing back the music that's already out there. It's too early to predict how piracy will be minimized. There will be devices with no security that are just as safe as secure ones.

Mark Hardie

It's safe to assume that pupils these days are going to go on to jobs where they're going to be working in an international dimension, and that's reflected in the way we organize things here at Harrow and indeed in the pupils that come here.

Barnaby Lenon

It's safe, people have family values.

Denton Bailey

From a practical policy perspective, there is no safe obtainable level of ozone. If there is any threshold it is at very low levels, nearing background level.

Michelle Bell

The right to a clean and safe environment should be regarded as a basic human right. To effectively guarantee this right, the citizens' right to learn environmental information and to participate in environmental protection should be included in the Constitution.

Jin Zhiguo

Every night when I close my eyes, I ask God to watch over her, keep her safe.

Angela Bryant

This is not your father's bank. There is a whole new range of products out there that earns interest and still keeps money safe.

Janet Eissenstat

Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is in an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob, and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.

Frederick Douglass

It's unfortunate that it has gotten to this point. But if this is what we have to do to make sure the spectators are safe, then that's what we're going to do.

Kevin Charles

The UK can meet its targets for tackling climate change and maintain fuel security by using clean, safe alternatives that are already available.

Tony Juniper

Every diabetic patient needs regular foot exams to check for possible sore spots and assess nerve sensation. And with proper diabetic foot care and the right footwear, most patients can follow an exercise regimen that is safe and appropriate for them.

Sean Wilson

I love my home, and I plan on being a homeowner there until God says different. I want things to be safe for your children to play.

Tim Sanford

I'll wear it today and then put it in a safe deposit box.

John Rooney

I think everyone took deliberate steps to try to do what was necessary to make the buildings as safe as possible.

David Collins

I think they made a very wise choice to get to a safe area.

Andrew Kerr

It's very safe when done properly. A lot of people don't know the right way to ride in traffic. It's different, after all, from what you were taught when you were 6 years old.

Dorie Clark

In the America's Cup, you can't go to your backup quarterback. You can't juggle your batting order. You can't fire the manager either, although Iain Murray might not be safe if George Steinbrenner were the principal owner of the Kookaburra III.

Dave Anderson

It's a safe place for kids to do their homework, while mom and dad do what they need to.

Matthew Mestayer

The real reason to stay away is the weather, not terrorism. Terrorism isn't a threat; this is a safe place.

James Sweeney

The highest-yielding CDs might not be at the bank around the corner, but they are perfectly safe and FDIC-insured.

Laura Bruce

When the worker's safe, the resident's safe. But when the workers are unsafe, it's only a matter of time before a resident gets injured.

Wayne Young

Never go to clubs with metal detectors. Sure it feels safe inside. But what about all those niggas waiting outside with guns? They know you ain't got one.

Chris Rock

I didn't feel safe until we led, 217, and had the ball on our last touchdown drive.

Darrell Royal

A bill like this takes away an employer's right to create a safe working environment.

Nancy Keefer

It's pretty scary. I have two daughters in high school, and they didn't feel safe even with the added security.

Lisa Rose

We keep, I want to say a vigilant eye on it and make sure we keep the roads safe for everyone here, it's a tough job but we do it.

Chris Ball

I think that Nevadans want their government to do what it is supposed to do -- keep people safe and educate them -- and we won't have the tools to do those things if one or both of these initiatives pass.

Richard Perkins

The captain made a distress call and later switched off the radio communication to avoid being traced by the hijackers. He told us that they were safe and were sailing to destination.

Andrew Mwangura

We support the efforts of the law enforcement community to keep our teenagers safe and to make prom memorable for all the right reasons.

Pete Bodyk

It's better to be safe than sorry. I've got a lot of money to lose if this thing goes and water comes tearing down the street.

Brian Bishop

She broke away from the suspect. She's safe and unharmed.

George Kajtsa

We do support the right of students to promote their political views. But . . . we want to maintain a safe learning environment.

Timothy Tait

Pyramid is interested in the development of an attractive and publicly safe commercial corridor on Route 3.

Adam Schultz

She must be sure she wants to come out. It's not always safe to be an out lesbian.

Asanda Mjobo

Everyone's safe, which is great news.

Bill Robertson

On some roads it's realistic to have 70 mph speed limits, just as long as they buckle up and they're using safe following distances.

Ann Belcher

Mexican stocks finished in line with the Dow and the spreads on Mexican debt were almost unchanged. Investors still see Mexico as a safe haven in the region.

Todd Edwards

We are going to start damage assessment this morning and decide how to help families determine whether it's safe to go back home.

Anita Foster

This is a real victory for people in the community. And for moms and dads, and for people who are just trying to live their lives and have a neighborhood that's safe and that they can be proud of.

Ronda Storms

Crack the Safe is proving to be the smash hit we'd thought it would be. In this grand promotion, players try to guess the secret code on a virtual safe in effort to win one of hundreds of prizes.

David Brickman

No one is safe from slander. The best way is to pay no attention to it, but live in innocence and let the world talk.


This guidance will assist individuals, families and health care facilities in making better informed decisions to ensure a safe sleeping environment for people who need these beds.

Larry Kessler

We ask everyone to maintain a safe distance from downed electric lines they may encounter and to report downed lines immediately.

Ron Plank

I couldn't find a bidet to safe my life. But I had short notice.

Cory Raymer

God promises a safe landing but not a calm passage.

Bulgarian Proverb

It's basically providing a safe, nurturing environment for the children.

Tammie Walkowski

We are so pleased Dan was recognized for all of his efforts. He enjoys working with the American Cancer Society staff to ensure the safe and timely delivery of the daffodils.

Laura Peterson

We don't know where all sex offenders and sex predators are. (It is) important to teach kids how to be safe at all times while on the streets.

Brad Dennis

There is no need for a black box warning label. Our drug is very safe.

Bonnie Jacobs

It's just a result of the times. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Lt. Dave Nirode

That means the king is safe, but he can't move anywhere.

Jim Dellaselva

We certainly encourage them to express themselves. There really are no limitations to it other than it has to be safe and respect the rights of everyone in the room.

Joe Powers

With the approval of a pediatric cardiologist, and after careful exercise testing, exercise is generally safe and tolerable for children with congenital heart defects.

Jonathan Rhodes

He had a valid license from Mexico, so I believe he had to learn how to drive safely. There are plenty of people on the road that are not safe drivers. He had been following the rules of the road. My feeling was that he was going to continue to do that.

Rhonda Findling

We're here to remember. We're here to honor America's captives, who endured the worst of war to keep our nation safe. Those who serve today know if they fall this nation will spare no effort to bring them home.

Gordon England

Prices are rising, but I think the message still has to go across that chicken and eggs are safe.

Shashi Kapur

Women feel comfortable here; it's a safe place. That's the greatest thing that we can be.

Jenny Brady

Demand related to inflation and safe-haven fears has been driving gold. I particularly believe numerous gold traders are watching the Iranian situation with great interest, since it has both inflationary and safe haven implications.

Daniel Vaught

This is excellent news, and I am delighted that Maj. Harrison is safe, in good health and is now able to take some well-earned leave. I welcome this decisive action by (the mission), which demonstrates its clear resolve to operate where and when it needs, in order to meet its mandate in Sierra Leone.

Geoffrey Hoon

They are just a great group of kids, and they get a whole week where they can have fun, they can be safe, they can talk with students like them, and no one cares what they look like.

Karen Thatcher

We kept people back for exactly this reason. To me this park is about letting people see the volcano happen. Yet we want everyone to be safe and respectful of the culture.

Jim Gale

We would like to see a safe, a fair and human enforcement system that makes everybody's life easier, more realistic, but makes our country safer.

Ali Noorani

I have one message for those cowards, the killers that actually did what they did last week: There's no place you could hide; there's no place in this region where it's going to be safe for you.

Auday Arabo

This shows us seizure surgery is durable - it remains effective and safe over time.

Aaron Cohen

It's incumbent upon the shooter to assess the situation and make sure it's a safe shot.

Mark Birkhauser

The remainder of the site is now safe. The workforce will be returning to all other areas from tomorrow morning.

Martin Tidd

That's the business of banking, keeping people assured their money is safe. That's why there's vaults and bars and all that stuff. They just have to do the digital equivalent.

Jim Bruene

I discovered that in a story I could safely dream any dream, hope any hope, go anywhere I pleased any time I pleased, fight any foe, win or lose, live or die. My stories created a safe experimental learning place.

Donald Davis

We strongly support efforts to prevent the spread of STDs and HIV through education of safe-sex practices, including the use of condoms.

Michal Fishman

God's children deserving to sleep safe.

Sinead O'connor

Given the fact that we're looking at 17 to 22 year olds, they aren't always as safe as they should be about their personal safety and the security of their items. I think we have a safe campus, but it can never be too safe.

Wayne Silcox

I loved that, because the kids were happy to get that hot dog, plus they were safe. They were doing something right.

Frank Orlando

Continue to provide our students with a quality education, safe learning environment and an excellent football program.

Dan Bailey

It's important for students to feel that they're in a safe, secure environment. This helps us make sure their physiological needs are met, which makes them better able to learn.

Andrew Brooks

I didn't know where she had gone or if she was safe. I was a wreck. Now I feel like I can live again.

Jean Mcdonald

All my experience of the world teaches me that in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, the safe and just side of a question is the generous and merciful side.

Anna Jameson

If a person has a mining claim, they hold a bit of responsibility for keeping their mining claim safe to the public.

Gary Rowell

It was OK once I knew that it was not really safe, but safe enough to get back up.

Danny Way

It's fairly safe to say that the trade deficit may have peaked now that oil prices are falling and the U.S. economy is showing signs of slowing down.

Bernard Baumohl

When people are looking for federal judges, they're looking for people who are safe, sound and reliable. These are criteria that favor people who have chosen conventional careers in the law.

Robert Gordon

This is something people can do in their own backyards, create a wild place for their children to play. It's their own safe haven in the backyard.

Michael Devlin

The cornerstone of safe, stable neighborhoods is good housing.

Anthony Williams

Auction results showed people are feeling safe to buy debt. Results were stronger than I had expected.

Tomohiko Katsu

When motorists see a slow-moving vehicle sign or flashing lights, they need to slow down. Farm machinery can be very wide. Motorists should follow behind until there is a safe place to pass.

Carolyn Hegel

My children will be in a safe neighborhood. Somewhere they can call home.

Sarah Frazier

We are confident we will find ways to train them that will keep them safe and keep the people of the state of Texas safe.

Tela Mange

Every thing secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity.

Lord Acton

If that was to occur, that is going to cause major structural damage and could cause loss of life. It's my responsibility to make sure everyone is safe.

John Sparkman

Sometimes people go the easy way and come up with things that are safe and uncontroversial, ... And the end result is that many times, that doesn't connect with the consumer.

Terry Jicinsky

Yeah, it's going to be tough. I'm going to miss her. But I know she's going to Germany, so for me it feels more safe.

Ken Cox

Why they vote for me is irrelevant, but if they do, they're in safe hands.

Pim Fortuyn

I'm still bullish on the dollar at this point. Foreigners continue to look for a higher-yielding safe haven.

Manfred Wolf

It's not safe, but yeah, I can flip a piano over. You take it on this side where there's not really as much weight.

Ben Folds

Sure, they?re safe. I deal with coaches on a daily basis. The vast majority of them have only the best intentions for kids. Their mission is consistent with our mission, and that is that athletics is a part of the total education of a youngster, and they buy into that concept.

Anthony Mosa

I feel safe there, ... I've never worried about it.

Frank Knight

During this transition period, we will continue to work closely with (Bayer) to enhance the viability and safe operations of our facilities in South Charleston.

Alan Fowler

To play it safe is not to play.

Robert Altman

If you make a mistake, (Jordan) will counter. I got the early takedown and wrestled safe, made him chase after me.

Kurt Backes

The system has been used over hundreds of elections and performed extremely well. It's been consistently found to not only be safe and secure, but also accurate.

David Bear

We had five feet of water. And now our house has a slant to it and it's not safe. So, we're going to rebuild.

Anna Simpson

I've been trying to not dwell on things, ... Anna's safe, and that's all that matters.

Chris Gill

People are always on edge here. Nothing is safe. It's a very dangerous place.

William Jones

Just as prepared travelers check the weather forecast for their destination city, consumers who are online should also have a tool they can use to help them prepare for a safe and productive experience on the Internet.

Arthur Wong

This city runs on tourists, and this marathon could set a tone. People ask me if it's safe down here for running -- of course, it's safe. I don't need a dome to run this race. I just need some roads.

Bill Burke

We want to allow families to return to football stadiums and feel safe. It was about time.

Nicolas Sarkozy

The president has already made it clear that he believes it's very important that we make child care safe, more available and more affordable.

Barry Toiv

Bush's agenda is irresponsible and shows that he lacks the depth of experience to keep America safe and secure.

Douglas Hattaway

It's safe, secure, regular and you never have to worry about it.

Kurt Czarnowski

I just want her to be safe.

Suzanne Gordon

At the high school level, we want to play it safe; we don't want to alienate the audience. We wanted to provide some challenge or something different.

Kristin Hasson

We all have the mutual goal in mind to provide a safe environment for the youth in our care.

Cynthia Lorenzo

We can't discharge him until we know he's at an equally safe environment.

Chief Gary Westphal

You tell me that people are afraid to come to the South Side and I'll tell you it's because people are black down there. It's not fair. It's safe. We can go drinking if you want and you won't get beat up.

Dominic Pacyga

They're unauthorized wells. The order gives us what we want for now. It's keeping the community safe.

Pamala Vazquez

What we're really practicing is risk mitigation. You will not be able to say everywhere every city is safe at all times. What you want to say is, are we continually getting safer?

Marc Short

This just shows that the laws are woefully inadequate. We need to do everything we can to change the laws in this county and in the state so all the kids can feel safe.

Polly Foley

We'll go out and make it safe, electrically. If the orange cones are there, then we have been out there.

Stephen Brady

We need to jointly create an atmosphere, which supports the righteous deeds and frightens thieves. Only in this way, the world can be a safe one without thieves.

Yuan Guodong

The road's a safe road. It's a straight stretch of road, ... We'd have fewer accidents if people would just pay attention and slow down.

Denis Murphy