I think (a park is) going to help out a lot. Maybe then people won't complain we're skating on their property.

Brenda Watson

It's about protecting the average citizen's property rights.

Rep. Kenneth Hodges

The area that it's spreading into is much more remote and further away from any houses, so at this point it's not a threat to any property.

Wendy Rosenbach

All trailers will be removed from the property. It is going to be annexed in and then sold off to a developer.

Lyle Thomas

I'm to the point now if anybody comes on my property I'm going to kill them. Now, if it's law enforcement and they identify themselves that is fine but I'm scared for my life. I have to sleep with guns at my sides.

Curtis Jones

Most of the blood pressure studies assume that differences in outcome are explained by some property of the drug, ... We said an alternative possibility is that what we measure in the arm isn't always giving us information about what's happening in the central arteries.

Bryan Williams

The property is adjacent to one of the most environmentally sensitive areas of Aspen.

Abe Somer

If we had a ceiling cap on appraisals, we would see those tax breaks for landowners and property owners. If I have to go to Austin to lobby for Midland County, I don't mind doing that.

Clay Harris

But there's always the new guy that nobody's familiar with who wants to do something different, ... It is really a good piece of property, one of the best pieces in the Waco area.

Randy Reid

If we are denied access to the property to gain access to the employees then we may have to take other avenues, such as referring this case to the local D.A. or filing a civil case in court.

Dean Fryer

If Time can put up a property that will draw eyeballs in, the advertisers should follow. It's going to be an interesting play -- to see what the traffic is going to be and who the readers are.

Stefanie Smith

We had four buyers lined up for that property.

John Trost

But the price of commercial property on that corner may be beyond our capabilities in the near future.

Jeff Mertz

The elimination of private property is the very first thing in the Communist Manifesto.

Martha Babson

I'm very excited about the opportunity that has been presented for the use of the Malleable property.

Robert Phipps

When heights increase, you are making gold for owners of the property. The question is: How much of that gold will be shared with the public?

Tom Rasmussen

P&G invests heavily in research, development and intellectual property and design, and must protect that investment.

Diane Dietz

This property is a very high priority. We remain open to further discussions.

David N. Leff

We are fortunate in Onslow County that we don't flood very easily, ... We are expecting some minor coastal flooding. We don't expect anything to pose a serious threat to property or people but as always people should be careful driving through ponds on roadways.

Mark Goodman

(Eminent domain) is like using a meat cleaver when you need a scalpel. We've got to work through this with the developers and property owners that exist.

Bill Bovender

We don't have the property.

Linda Lanterman

The property is zoned agricultural-residential. This is not agricultural or residential.

Mike Cohen

The only way I would support a property tax is if the city was going to declare Chapter 9 municipal bankruptcy. We're not there yet.

David Molina

The applications, services, and the ecosystem required also have to be considered as well as the intellectual-property rights and the royalty fees that manufacturers have to pay.

Ali Tabassi

The real hard concern I have is that it could devalue the property. I'd like to see it preserved, but not at the expense of the landowner. I've talked with some of my neighbors who would be affected by this and they have some concerns, too.

William Powers

If they don't have the staying power to be able to carry the property, that will have an effect on single-family home prices.

Terry Feinberg

It's a great day for private-property rights in the state of Arizona.

Jennifer Barnett

The country was founded on the principle that the primary role of government is to protect property from the majority, and so it remains.

Avram Noam Chomsky

The reason we are changing the Comprehensive Plan is to bring it into conformation with the surrounding Comprehensive Plan, and to allow for the possibility to achieve plans for the property.

Lynne Strobel

Demand in the machinery industry is quite strong, stronger than I expected. Higher rents are also a plus for large property developers, indicating that property demand is improving.

Minoru Takada

The current owners decided to sell the property and we weren't included in the deal.

Heather Taylor

That'll catch the runoff from the roof here and the property. It then goes eventually into the canal system.

John Mcconnell

The state needs to improve the support for the existing hurricane centers. Saving lives and saving property. That's our position. They need to expand on that.

Marc Levitan

It's a tough situation. Your heart goes out to the people who stayed and lost property. At least property you can replace it. You can't do that with a life.

Deuce Mcallister

The good news is that many of the property owners have been approached preliminarily and most have expressed support for the trail, ... Not all, but most.

Doug Bennett

The question I have is what alternative does either the county or the state have? ... Does anybody have a better plan for dealing with the 90,000 acres, given the property has to be sold?

Michael Grant

If we can lock down one of these very good, centrally located pieces of property, I don't think money will be that difficult.

Todd Reed

It would have been much easier for me to board up that house and walk away and file bankruptcy. But I am keeping hold of that property until I've turned over every stone.

Nicole Gaunt

Apparently it wasn't that secure and we'll have to work on that. They didn't enter the property, they threw stones and bricks over the fence. They threw whatever was laying on the ground in the open land area behind the lot.

Dennis Summers

Sooner or later, it becomes a property tax issue.

Fred Tilman

Much violence is based on the illusion that life is a property to be defended and not to be shared.

Henri Nouwen

We are now the proud new owners of this property.

Teresa Cowan

That property was vested years ago.

Paul Wieczorek

We have taken residential property, but I can't think of an incident where we have gone through a gated property. We want to avoid going through the middle of a community because it's not economically feasible for us.

Sarah Clarke

All we can do is plead with them to do the right thing. This city is secure. Their property is going to be okay.

Sherry Landry

The development rights of the ... property predate the ordinance.

Mark Gottlieb

I think people don't understand that on private property the circumstances are different than if you are on a public roadway.

Gabe Trevino

Even though it's not the biggest property, it's getting in excess of $300 a night for a room. That's having an impact on the overall total.

Al Parish

There is always a price to every property that God created and so the best way to find out is to evaluate the resources.

Ratu Osea Gavidi

It is the time that the state acquires its values and its proper place, being a guarantee of the law, security, property and freedom of the citizens.

Alfred Moisiu

Corporate America views Texas and San Antonio as property tax heavy.

Mario Hernandez

It's been the best sunflower production in a long time. They are new property and they are there and posted for hunting.

Scott Butterworth

All the property owners met with me last Thursday. The property owners might want to sell so we could consolidate to the corner.

Suzanne Kuehn

I don't believe I'm going to take him down and put him up every night. I believe I'll just stay here all night and watch him from the property.

Tim Reid

There was not a saguaro on this property.

John Marzolf

We need more property, if we are going to consolidate.

Joe Herald

The fact of the matter is that the Williams family has guarded that property, kept trespassers off of that property, had contracts to maintain Coronet property, and when they joined the lawsuit, these types of retaliatory actions began.

Jim Ross

This is the largest (stage) ever put on the property and the largest production the student government has put on in the Union Free Speech Area.

John Lopez

The company vigorously defends its intellectual property because it is the lifeblood of our research and development.

John Skalko

If there are issues, you can't assume the property owner is going to know, even if he's there on a daily basis.

Larry Beck

The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property.

Karl Marx

Property has its duties as well as its rights.

Thomas Brummond

It's so people don't come on the property with those (bad) intentions.

Joey Jaynes

We got this property from the ancestors of the Jewish community of Hebron. This is our land and we agreed to this sort of agreement to calm down the atmosphere in Hebron and to make sure that the Jewish families will return.

Noam Arnon

Because of the information we have of the property in general being an officer safety location, we weren't going to risk anyone getting hurt.

Detective Dawn Neer

They needed to get out of the property because the exchange didn't go through.

Bob Risch

Everybody has to take a deep breath and approach this in a thoughtful way. The developers and the city officials have to approach the community — and especially the affected property owners — with respect, and the public needs to keep an open mind.

Debra Cohen

We are going to have a doggone hard time showing a decrease in property values. We are going to have a doggone hard time showing a decrease in economic activity due to sexually oriented businesses.

Janet Carter

We are very strong believers in central Fairfield County, particularly in the Route 7 corridor. We are very pleased to own the property again.

David Fiore

These tax benefits received by the company will be absorbed by the state, not diminishing the real property tax base.

Sen Dean Skelos

I was willing to live with a lot of things I disagree with on this project if (Pacific Group) would just back away from my property.

Bill Hagemann

All you have have to do is watch the commercials. It's clearly an unfair use of our creative and intellectual property.

Larry Schwartz

What we were able to do, cooperating with Disney security, they spotted him on property and we were able to arrest him.

Crystal Candy

There's no real way to keep it in check. You can't stop someone from buying up six or seven lots and building on the property there.

Bob Fox

A bikini is like a barbed-wire fence. It protects the property without obstructing the view.

Joey Adams

We are going to be very conscious of private property rights. All these cars and houses and boats still belong to somebody, and we can't go in and mass destroy all of them without some kind of order from the governor or the president.

Chuck Brown

If you own property and haven't received a tax bill, please contact our office. By state law, failure to receive a bill doesn't waive penalty and interest.

Gary Barber

There's still a lot of property to develop. We'll be expanding things across the bypass, and we'll be adding things at what you call Broadway at the Beach proper.

Pat Dowling

We have that four to seven minutes that were trying to get on scene to save people and to save property.

Jesse Hodgson

They might need to drive across our property or even cut a road a mile through our property to get to their 40 acres.

Gene Nelson

Costs have escalated, but the revenue hasn't matched it. And people do not want their (property) taxes raised.

David Wesler

Heartfelt thanks to those who have allowed the trails to cross their property over the past 30 years.

Bob Zimmerman

I crunched some numbers. I saw we could look up to $800,000 and above, depending on property taxes.

Michele Morson

That may be a drop in the bucket. People have property rights. If they want to convert, they can convert.

Remar Harvin

Some kind of historical use for the tribe would be ideal, but we don't have the resources, ... We'd probably want the property with the main building, but that'll be very competitive.

Michael Chapman

I personally became aware of this property three years ago, ... It is a rat hole, it is terrible.

Wayne Allen

We are aware that the prospective buyer has stepped down. But there are other parties who are interested in the property. We are very confident that we will have one shortly.

Mayor Perry Barse

There's nobody up here, city senior planner Phil Gardner said of the property.

Phil Gardner

The property is rare. It reminds you of Camelot. It's just perfect.

Peggy Moriarty

As a matter of constitutional interpretation, I think the Constitution is pretty clear that property is to be taken for public use and not private use.

Michael Ramsey

We should protect endangered species, but not at the expense of our property owners.

Henry Brown

The Republicans are more consistently concerned about the land use planning system and encroachment on property rights. The Democrats very much defend the status quo. This will be an issue I will carry to the November election.

Kevin Mannix

I expect the property market in general to keep growing in a healthy and stable manner in the second half of the year.

Victor Li

People have seen their parents do very well out of property here in Britain. And they are frustrated they can't get on the ladder here, so they buy overseas as a first step.

Simon Conn

The province has created a ticking download that will cost Ontario property taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars over time.

Roger Anderson

I know that it's a piece of property important to the county. I would like to see how important. I would like to see if the city can acquire it without having to pay the price.

Mayor Dennis Mulder

They have no right to own property in the United States because they have no right to be here in the first place.

Diana Hull

Sometimes, you can get a really attractive piece of public property by trading it out. So, some land swaps have clearly been in the public interest, and you don't want to have a moratorium too long because you miss out on the ones that would be in the public interest.

Carl Pope

I looked at different alternatives in going forward and we have a very strong presence in this local market and it just made sense to me to continue on an independent path as far as property management.

Steve Turner

It was a work session, architects looked at the property, so they can continue doing their work back at headquarters.

Bill Collins

What we had on site was over 120 unlicensed cars and several piles of scrap metal outdoors on the property.

Wayne Sorensen

This has been the defining property of this Valley for a long time.

Michael Morales

My property value has been stolen from me and my family.

Hank Klumpp

If you have population or businesses moving in, there will be an increase in the tax base. If they do away with property taxes, there will still be more people buying things. The more people, the more businesses, the greater the tax revenue.

Scott Huffmon

We think about the lost lives, lost property and lost jobs. We are in fear. Some of us think it might come again. The weather is the same as it was last year.

Kanagalingan Janenthra

The landlord owns the property and ought to be maintaining it in such a way that it is not depreciating in value. If it needs painted it ought to be painted. If trees need to be trimmed, they are trimmed.

Donald Smith

It definitely hit a nerve with a lot of people, ... I think part of it is the encroachment on our everyday lives, people being afraid that we're losing our right to privacy, our right to control our own property.

Mark Russinovich

It's illegal. Police officers aren't allowed to take other people's property for their own use.

Tim Mcafee

Anything will help to curtail these roadside fires from getting onto private property.

Ron Perry

It seems like a more logical swap. Part of the problem with the beach beyond all the title questions is the value of the property.

Doug Epperhart

Private property does not belong on public property so make it clean cut. Move the hoop onto your side.

Steve Moore

Between the general fund property tax cut and the cut to the energy taxes, people are going to be paying less.

Steve Levy

We believe there are opportunities. It's just a matter of marrying up the property to the potential developer.

Jeff Fleming

The Afghan civilian population nor their homes or property have been targeted.

Geoffrey Hoon

Accidents on or right next to airport property are not all that common.

Paul Turk

The intent of this is to provide as many options as possible. The intent is not to sterilize property.

Michael Hunter

I honestly do not see 8 million square feet on that property, even if something were to happen out at Mecca, ... We still have plenty of land in the city that's undeveloped.

David Levy

This is a very special piece of property, ... It's rare to have a perfect balance of property development and golf in the same project.

Tom Weiskopf

I don't know what it's going to cost; they've got to make the deal. If they let the property owner get away at this stage, there's not going to be another option. There's just not.

Joe Fennel

It does have next committee stops, and we'll be trying to work on it then, trying to preserve property rights for the business community.

Bill Herrle

This includes trees, light poles, buildings, or any other property belonging to the city.

Bill Shelton

My concern is we are singling out an individual property owner.

David Piper

We think it is in the best interests of the property owners, of the city and the entire community to continue dialogue with the property owners in an attempt to achieve resolution, as opposed to exercising eminent domain, ... We defer to a date not yet certain.

Kevin Burns

Lansing is kind of breaking ground here. They almost act like a police department on their own property.

John Steele

We've been down this road before with non-performance of redevelopment property. I don't want to go down that road again. That's a valuable piece of property.

Kathay Lovell

We strongly oppose the pending project. Our family has lived on and ranched this property for 85 years. Our property is not for sale.

Joe Leveroni

First thing is we are going to help provide relief to homeowners property tax relief to the tune of $16 million.

Aaron Gibson

The city's not stealing property. It's paying top dollar for the property on the Boardwalk.

Bill Geary

There are many benefits; permanent drainage, protection against future flooding and property damage, a safer neighborhood, and minimal impact to Mr. Haas' property.

Darryl Colosi

Unless we can do that, we're both buying trouble. The Ports Authority is not going to give us any clear title to the property because the Ports Authority doesn't have any clear title to the property.

Dean Moss

I would like to ask the state legislature and local government and the Boise school district to stop hitting the average property owner in Boise over the head with continued bond issues.

Joe Moran

The occupant had a burn area going in another part of the property and embers caught the ear of the barn.

Dave O'donnell

There is a property right. You just delay one aspect of that right into the future.

Karen Mitchell

The intellectual property developed by AT&T is a core component of MPEG-4 capability. We are actively discussing and working out terms with each company for the licensing of that intellectual property, to enable them to fully take advantage of the technology.

Jason Hillary

It's more difficult for investors to make sense of the market. People are looking at $3,000 a month to own the property, and they can only rent it for $1,800 to $1,900.

Jim Sahnger

The common-law title will set out the premises that are being conveyed. The particulars of the parties, that is, the vendor and the purchaser and the considerations for the property, which is the amount of money that the property is being sold for.

Joan Walker

We will probably sell the property to Habitat for Humanity or the Lincoln County Community Development Corporation.

Keith Richardson

The property is zoned agricultural. As we've seen in the past, we need to be specific in the conditional use as to what's allowed there.

Patsy Christie

The antlers are private property, but the cows (elk) and does are public.

Mike Todd

I don't think anyone should have to go through what we're going through to sell this property for a fair price.

Robert Higgins

They'd say, 'I like what you're doing about property taxes, but let's do something about gas,' .

David Mcintosh

The legislators need to work on property tax relief as vigorously as they worked on their pay increase.

Vic Lawson

In terms of our appraisals, it's increased the value of our property long-term. That was news to me.

Susan Todd

If the fire index is low, during the summer and depending on the weather, fires are allowed, but if it's dangerous, we put out open fire bans. There is no open burning except with a permit that is given by a local fire chief, but any time you're burning on your own property a permit is needed any time of day.

Jay Aron

We feel that the contribution from the booming property market in the form of capital and stamp duties cannot be sustained indefinitely.

Dermot O'leary

We are just all so relieved that nobody got hurt, and no real property damage. We feel real lucky. As far as the daily grind and daily business, we are at a standstill.

Derek Billingsley

The property owner came to use and wanted to see it preserved.

Lisa Brohl

We think that the property is perfectly suited for that audience.

Ross Levinsohn

If he doesn't investigate the property, his leasehold could end up being more expensive than fee simple.

Harvey Shapiro

Some people say we are diminishing the value of their property by increasing restrictiveness and I would say the opposite. That's been the experience of the county up to now.

Paul Rudnick

By including a retail real-estate developer in a partnership to make an offer for HBC, a financial player would avail himself of the expertise to examine every property and store lease and determine alternative strategies for each piece of real estate before making an offer.

David Brodie

Vehicle burglary clearly was the category driving the overall property crime increase.

Gary Spear

There is no rule without revolts and conspiracies, even as there is no property without work and worry.

Ivo Andric

If there are no lives to be saved, if there's not really property in the home, we'll assume less of a risk. It makes it easier on us.

Jason Nelson

I'm extremely pleased that the process has come to this point. We thank the Forest Service for the opportunity to have access to our property as required by federal law.

Bob Honts

Money from the food sold at the concession stand was going toward a building fund to construct a two-story building on the park property.

Jeff Parrill

They're bad. They weren't bored. They're bad. Messing with people's stuff on their property. I think they should make them pay for it.

David Mobley

As the U.S. trade deficit becomes more and more of a concern, the currency issue and intellectual property are both tougher issues to crack than textiles.

Greg Mastel

We weren't to allow him off property without some sort of permission from the supervisor.

Brian Barron

Underage drinking is not only illegal, it is dangerous, and it is up to adults to do the right thing by not allowing their property be used for teen drinking parties.

Sen Judith Freedman

(The grants) are one of many things we're doing to try to revive the downtown. It funnels money received from state or federal government to individual property owners performing restoration or improvements on the fronts of their buildings.

Jim Fisher

We want our community to maintain its quality, ... Manufactured homes devalue property. We wanted to draw a line in the sand that said 'just don't go there.'

Dick Miller

I think that's an admission that they're trying to renegotiate the price or get some kind of concession for what is damaged property.

John Putnam

The tax breaks are significant. The government is subsidizing your mortgage and property taxes.

David Block

They should also consider owning their property as tenants-in-common, rather than jointly, and they could also think about leaving their property in some form of trust.

John Whiting

We constantly talk about how to delegate work on a project and who has more knowledge of a certain property or more synergy with a particular client.

Jag Grewal

Seizing private property for private development or for the expansion of the government¹s tax base does not sit well with small-business owners.

Allen Douglas

We have been looking at other property and financial options so before we move out of here we will know exactly what we want.

Sherri Roberts

I could've been in L.A. and forgot about all this stuff. I could sell my property, move to Las Vegas and just play the slot machines. Why should I be bothered? Because I love Detroit. We have an obligation to hold onto its history.

Martha Reeves

We'd like to make real trails that least impact the property. We want the community to use it, too.

Brian Suter

The opportunities are incredible. We're curing Alzheimer's in mice. That's called a proof-of-concept study that the drug companies would then take on to a clinical trial. They are investing. But there are many things that may work in Alzheimer's patients that don't have intellectual property or patentability.

John Trojanowski

Historically it's a seasonal marsh. We will have to evaluate the property and see what can and cannot be done to restore the marshland or responsibly keep the lake intact.

Rex Norman

There's a lot of advantages to working in the private sector. We can move quickly. We don't have to wait for laws to be passed or appropriations to be passed, and this is an opportunity that came on the market and we acted quickly to preserve this piece of property.

Doug Hall

If you draw a line from Jacksonville south along the beach, that's really where it's happening. It's really waterfront property that's going.

Don Hazelton

They (the school district) couldn't just give the property to us. They would probably be willing to help by reducing the cost.

Stephen Fowler

If they could contain that drainage within that property and not create a mosquito-drawing nuisance, then, yes, that would be a way to dispose of it.

Bryan Wagner

The next step is getting the internal channels dug to get Bahia Grande to connect with Laguna Larga and Little Laguna Madre and then have a large channel dug on Brownsville Navigation District property.

John Wallace

I think it's extremely important that we get these property owners to the table because I'd hate to see somebody build something that nullifies the whole plan just because they don't like something about it.

Ron Oden

One apparently even had a shed built on the property with a driveway to it.

David Knight

I like the idea of getting rid of it, and I also like the idea that it's a very valuable piece of property for the school district, and I wonder why the city doesn't want to buy it.

John Herrmann

It's nice to get checks every month and if there is a problem go down the hall and yell and scream at the property manager.

Anthony Thompson

I hate to see the individual property owner get hurt. People had certain rights when they bought their homes and I don't think we can take those away.

Councilman Hal Martin

Under a mutual use of property, a party has lost an expectation of an exclusive right of privacy.

Paula Smith

It means higher property taxes, period. . . . Whether funding is flat or slightly reduced, it's the community that has to make up for the difference.

Frank Belluscio

You have the opportunity to at least double your money. I think God has blessed you with this property. Think about all the homeless, widows and orphans that could be helped if the land was sold.

Randy Halcomb

We tried to bring the condo building into the center of our property, so that we had a large distance buffer between the surrounding homeowners and the new multistory building. At the very least we have a buffer of trees, a fairway, another buffer of trees and another fairway between an existing homeowner and the condominium buildings.

John Meade

The NHL on OLN is a marquee property, ... We wanted someone who knew the game backwards and forwards, and Mike stood out as the man for the job. His experience and his passion for the game are going to be key as we present this new-generation hockey season on OLN.

John Carter

We were (housed) in a kitchen in a house on the property where the library is now. The first day, two families came in and within a couple of months we outgrew that kitchen and moved into the location we're at now.

Lois Jackson

All they have done is strengthen my resolve, ... I'm going to build a house on that property, and the Georgia Supreme Court will have to say we can't.

Glenn Richardson

We've been very lucky that nobody has been hurt, just minor property damage.

Linda Bowman

It's typical for us Hispanics to fire your weapon to celebrate. Of course, we're not in Mexico anymore, but it's our property. We weren't bothering nobody. Everybody was having fun.

William Estrada

This doesn't solve anything. We are not going to find any solution on golf course property.

Sarah Heard

The whole idea is to require property, building and land-use development decisions to be made with the best practices available to them at the time.

Mayor Michael O'reilly

She's a very attractive property right now. She might have an airline, a beer company, an insurance company, and as those pile up, as her agent pulls it all together, it could be worth a lot of money.

Norman O'reilly

Knowing who will want to rent your vacation home and then buying based on their demands, rather than just your own family's demands, will make it much easier in the long haul when you want to rent that property out.

Christine Karpinski

Some people's lives are affected by what happens to their person or their property; but for others fate is what happens to their feelings and their thoughts -- that and nothing more.

Willa Sibert Cather

The fact that the house was already there was a critical component. It was a residential-looking house. The actual structure on the property that you see every day when you drive by is not going to change.

Jeremy Pate

We do see all these things working together. And we do see (the waterfront property) as an economic catalyst.

Larry White

I think it would behoove the town to acquire the property and continue to look at its potential.

Kathy Hull

We're close to a neighborhood situation, but the property owners have been in favor of it.

Robbie Colombo