The community should be very excited and very proud that the district has stepped up to the plate here and said we are going to provide the most professional feeling theater.

Ron Ranson

The case has just been fascinating, tremendously fascinating to watch, both from a professional standpoint, as well as from a layman's.

Charles Kelly

I have no fear whatsoever about any investigation into me or my personal or professional activities.

Tony Rudy

The technology isn't perfect yet. We have to be 1,000 percent certain that it works perfectly before we can deploy it in professional soccer games.

Jan Runau

We know what gets cut first. It?s going to be the maintenance of the buildings. It?s going to be professional development for teachers, and after that, it?s going to go right on down the line to school staffing.

Anne Miller

They are great guys with great energy and spirit, and for their age, they're extremely professional.

John Spiak

I decided to leave my position as anchor of 'CNN Headline News' after several weeks of careful consideration, ... I have enjoyed anchoring at 'Headline News' but have decided that it is time for me to make a change in my daily professional life.

Andrea Thompson

The information we really need to gather initially is to find out what researchers need and desire in a professional society. In addition, we [ISA Members] can take advantage of our existing contacts in the R&D community to help gather this information.

Howard Nekimken

That's what every professional golfer strives for. It's taken me a little longer than anticipated, but I knew I had the ability to get out there sometime.

Charley Hoffman

It gives consumers the convenience of the Internet, with the peace of mind of working with an ASTA travel professional.

James Ashurst

To get the density we're looking for, we could reduce the number of the single-family homes. It would be more affordable and some could be used for professional offices.

Paul Webster

Once the person knows 'I'm too angry,' then (as a professional) you're trying to help them come up with strategies that will distance them from the angry event.

Dan Johnston

Ms. Huntington has brought a very professional blend of head and heart to Newton North High School, ... She is tremendously intelligent and very compassionate.

Jeff Young

It can be frankly insulting. It can be a kind of backhanded way of saying you have no professional or public status.

Catharine Lumby

Within minutes of information being taken, it can be sent overseas. For a professional thief, it's easy to manufacture a fraudulent debit card. It's what they do for a living.

Tom Unger

The 1930s was the first time the museum had a professional director and paid staff. They helped bring in some really big exhibitions.

Sara Arnold

The novels put advanced students in the shoes of a fictional professional.

Josh Boyd

I'm a little bit disappointed, I suppose, that it came to that because one nice thing the Beardstown Ladies accomplished was telling everybody that you can do it, that it is possible to invest prudently on your own, that you don't necessarily need the hand holding of a professional.

Jason Kelly

Brian has had to come through a lot over the past while. It just seems to have been one knock after another - but I guess that's professional boxing and we're getting used to that.

Harry Hawkins

I told them I play soccer. I was ready to become a professional soccer player.

James Kamte

Basically, we wanted someone more professional, so we need to pay them more.

Jackie Sobas

We're really excited about the company launch and we've received a ton of support from friends and players in the community. I'd love to be a professional player, but I have other things I want to accomplish first.

Christopher Birchby

They're asking us to give them advice on how to become a more mainstream, fully professional news organization.

Terence Smith

We are bringing in nationally-known professional comedians to come in a do a 45 minute to and hour set.

Shaun Harvey

This rink here is phenomenal and the way that the office staff treats us is professional.

Paul Vincent

My wife is a former homicide detective, LAPD. The wonderful thing that I was able to capture is my wife's experiences from human and professional and how do you deal with some of the atrocities that happen in LA and not bring them home. How do you cut off the human side and just maintain being professional?

Ving Rhames

There is certainly a set of people who are looking to become professional developers at some stage.

Dan Fernandez

I have tried to be as eclectic as I possibly can with my professional life, and so far it's been pretty fun.

Holly Hunter

The NPB [Nippon Professional Baseball] is somewhere between the MLB and AAA [in ability].

Robert Whiting

Has been incapable of separating his personal politics from his professional responsibilities.

Tom Reynolds

We know they're not professional guys and we tell our guys to try to remember that. We just have to play the game like it is.

Don Money

It's an active-adult community that's also for the young professional.

Mike Henderson

She told me I had a beautiful voice and could be a professional opera singer.

Victoria Avetisyan

Greg told us he's looking at a terrific professional opportunity. We wish him well.

Lawrence Ellison

Working with both of them has been just amazing because they're both so talented, and they're both so professional.

Dale Shields

I've been a professional artist for more than 20 years. What I saw in Calvin is he's already got the ability. I wanted to expose him to a lot of different techniques.

Harry Hamlin

This equipment allows us to accomplish missions in a safe and professional manner for both our teams and the animal.

Roger Vincent

They're supposed to be unbiased but I'm sure there were a few people hoping, mostly me. But they're a perfect sponsor for the event and it's a pleasure to be a part of a professional group like that.

Mark Dacey

His teammates did not rally around him. At all. They were frustrated, angry, and somewhat sympathetic because they knew what he was going through not only in his professional life but private life.

Ron Rothstein

He's got all the skills. He's talented, he has that work ethic, he's intelligent and methodical. He's professional. He doesn't leave anything to chance.

Trond Nystad

The people, not professional politicians, know best.

Carole Keeton Strayhorn

My best moment in professional baseball? You're looking at it right now. I'm in my hometown and I am a big league player about to play in Yankee Stadium. Does it get better?

Ruddy Lugo

I love the city of Dallas and have been there a few times to visit friends. I'm looking forward to getting there and starting my professional career.

Blake Wagner

Developing a brand name and identity for a professional sports team is a pretty detailed process. It can take a little longer than you expected, especially the legal process.

Dan Courtemanche

Kate looks absolutely fantastic. She is confident and stylish, and she works well with the Cavalli look. She is back working and doing what she does best and, like usual, she was really professional.

Roberto Cavalli

He's a true professional at his power-center game. It doesn't matter where you put him, who you put him with, he always delivers the same thing, and he's a true presence in the locker room. He really gets the guys going.

Ryan Shannon

Professional artists have donated beautifully unique bowls and artwork to the cause.

Kristine Coblentz

Is she qualified? If the leading professional association is either divided or comes in with a negative report, that could be fatal. Strongly positive, that would be helpful.

Sheldon Goldman

I have friends that could probably use more professional counseling.

Miranda Edwards

Staff work hard to promote the mental health of each child and family ... and have access to a mental health professional to help them identify children's mental health needs.

Jacalyn Delich

When it is done, it looks the most professional of any craft I'd ever done.

Sue Wilson

We are very proud of our new facility and detention center. It has helped us deliver the highest caliber of professional services to our community.

Jimmy Ashe

We are upset because we've lost a great professional, a top-class player who was always very positive.

Arrigo Sacchi

She's professional, but not rabid, and that has really given her distinction.

Jack Curry

It's been frustrating for all us because we don't get access to all our best professional players and the guys we got here are amateur players.

Glen Ella

We have no illusions about what somebody like Sharon or any government professional can do without citizens deepening and expanding this public peace process of human relationships.

Len Traubman

This finding gives us one more reason to address steroid use by professional athletes as a matter of societal urgency.

David L. Katz

We know going into it that the WASL is not an appropriate assessment for some students, so to require them to take it is poor professional practice.

Charles Hasse

It was the perfect opportunity to combine my professional experience and volunteer experience in one job.

Stephen Kaufman

It's very frustrating. It's really embarrassing. This is professional football, not high school football. Even in high school, they score a lot of points. We need to score a lot of touchdowns. The defense is holding us in games. We need to hold up our end of the bargain.

Johnnie Morton

We liked her before we ever started her the first time. She's got a lot of class, a lot of heart. This is the most professional race she's run.

Bret Calhoun

We believe we have done this in a way that not only rewards players for their achievements at the highest level of the game, but ensures all players actively contribute to FFA's efforts to establish football in Australia as a fully professional and commercially viable sport.

Craig Foster

Don't accuse each other of lying. That's not professional conduct.

Rodney Melville

As long as you are professional and courteous, you can work it out. Of course, you have to make sure there are no repeat violations.

Michael Dimare

All medical professional personnel should make their availability known to their county health officers, and we are urging people to join the New Jersey Citizens Corps.

Howard Butt

Even for a professional, it's difficult to get your hands around the information. It's difficult for everyone.

David Beard

He (Scott) would expect us to suck it up, be professional and get the job done.

Tom Killian

As a child, I always said I was going to be a professional basketball player like Michael Jordan.

Israel Idonije

He handled himself like he'd been in the league 20, 30 years. He's a professional, goes out and wants to win and plays hard. It was great playing with him.

Jeff Mcinnis

If you look at the list of professional athletes who have squandered their wealth, at the heart of their poor decisions was an adviser with a conflict of interest. Just like companies, athletes need independent objective advice to make financial decisions.

Wilson Hoyle

If it is bad news, then they bring that information to one of us. We then grab a mental health professional before we inform the family member.

Nancy Peterson

This is an outstanding achievement by administrators, coaches and officials at every level of the game and represents a significant boost to not only junior and community-level, but to underpinning the future performance of our national and professional teams.

Chris Moller

I've yet to meet a fighter that went in there 100 percent. As a professional, there's always something.

Brian Adams

SCRIBBLER, n. A professional writer whose views are antagonistic to one's own.

Ambrose Bierce

There were frustrations involved, absolutely. But they were entirely professional in how they handled the matter.

Jen Detwiler

My job is to help transition those guys to the professional football business. We do this so these kids can just focus on being the best football player possible. Everything else is taken care of. They don't have to worry about [anything].

David Canter

About nine out of 12 cases are resolved in favor of the person keeping the pet -- a support or service animal -- based upon the findings of a physician or mental health professional treating the condition.

Harry Lamb

I hope this is another wonderful experience for Jay. Everybody who works with Jay comes away happy. He's professional, he's determined, but at the same time, he does it with a smile.

Chuck Wolfe

It's a fair compensation package, ... It called for very little language change, and the Fire Department was very cooperative. Union members handled themselves in a professional manner, and I hope this is a show of good things to come.

John Barrett

He speaks very good Italian. He's very professional. From the first day he tried to speak Italian and all the players appreciated his effort.

Marco Bortolami

We're professional, but not big time. We're like the minor league of wrestling.

Brutal Bob Evans

At this stage, everyone is a professional. Everyone knows the game, and they know the players. So I think it behooves a coach to be open to asking (us) about certain players. At this level, everyone's adults. Everyone's mature in this game.

Brooke Wyckoff

Most reporters who come to me get their stories directly from press releases. Very few do what one would consider to be their professional duty.

Joey Skaggs

He will sign. He's going to play professional baseball.

Mark Marquess

Whether philosophically you believe in a public subsidization of an arena or a stadium, that's the reality. We can't have professional basketball in this community by the end of our lease in 2010 without subsidization.

Wally Walker

We are a leading provider of travel and other lifestyle services to the lesbian market. Our customer base is very much a professional one, with significant affluence.

Amy Errett

Especially if the players coming in are 21 years old as freshmen. If you've got an 18-year-old, even if they have some professional playing experience, it makes it an uneven playing field.

Lele Forood

The most critical decision homeowners will make when embarking on a remodeling project is choosing the right professional for the job.

Joe Quintana

We were closer to `Let's be professional and knock it out,' ... That bodes well, because there's a lot that I'm expecting from them, maturity-wise and being able to handle adversity a little bit better. I think circumstances will have to present themselves, and we'll judge for ourselves whether we've made that jump.

Geno Auriemma

In this book I challenge today's athlete to do the right thing in the right way, ... Hopefully, my experience and perspective will help others have fulfilling careers in professional sports.

Dale Murphy

The emphasis on 'billable hours' and achieving a potential figure is leading to a belief that the firm doesn't care. The casualties of billable hours are feedback, supervision and time to talk, and all the things that make professional life pleasurable.

Janet Gaymer

During the last months of the German Occupation in 1944, the young man who was to become France's most controversial contemporary philosopher and the woman who was to become its most controversial feminist met the professional criminal who was to become its most controversial playwright.

Otto Friedrich

Law enforcement was fully justified and acted in an efficient, professional and swift manner.

Phill Kline

But he's someone that the networks, the studio, I think, in the past viewed a little dangerously. And I'm hoping that any success we might have with this will change their opinions of that because I've never met someone as committed and professional and intent on making good dramas as he is.

Shawn Ryan

The ambassador must consider himself very lucky that he is dealing with a professional Zimbabwe National Army. Elsewhere, and definitely in America, he would have been a dead man.

George Charamba

She was a professional optimist. She also was a sucker for a hard-luck story ? a very soft touch.

Hugh Kelly

The danger for a computer professional is not about money. It's their knowledge capital. If they don't work for six months or a year, they become, in a sense, obsolete.

Xavier Augustin

This is the largest marijuana bust that anyone can remember in recent history. This was just huge ... and very, very professional, with state-of-the-art equipment.

Officer Ed Galvan

He's got a great background, and he's willing to learn. He was professional all the way, and that was a big thing for us. He works well with everyone here and has the same goals as us.

Dan Pilgrim

If it's a guy, we want them to be attractive and more of a professional person, not somebody who's just hanging out... they have to have something to offer.

Tedd Schermerhorn

In Nortel we had multiple professional services organizations and we are consolidating these. We will be very focused around specific areas of our customers.

Kannankote Srikanth

Countries where women have access to professional life are also those where the birth rate is higher.

Claude Martin

A fair and professional review of the matter as quickly as possible.

Jon Corzine

The bull market of the last 20 years means Americans are increasingly being asked to make big decisions about big sums of money. It pays to get professional advice, which can make a critical difference in how and when one retires. Relying on genes and luck is just an excuse for inaction.

Bridget A. Macaskill

We've got to get the word out that we've really improved things, and we've got to stand out from our competitors, ... We need to reach those professional associations and meeting planners who are based in the (Washington) D.C. area.

Jim Dunn

The team is more professional than back then. We have lots more experience, and lots more quality.

Temuri Ketsbaia

Of all the committees I've ever served on, it's the absolute best professional experience I've ever had. There's just no comparison.

Judy Rose

This is a fun event. Nobody is a professional speller, but neighbors and friends can get together and just have a great time.

Gay Hammond

It's great to see how professional riders do it.

William Walton

I am moving out to Asheville to apprentice with a professional potter. I've got my own cabin in the woods about a half a mile from the studio.

Alex Lissenden

Ivan, ... is a professional, always.

Bjarne Riis

It's an exciting time. I'm mostly excited, and a little nervous in a way. I just feel fortunate that I'm in a position where I'm going to have an opportunity to play professional football. You never know where you're going to go until it happens, but I'm confident that I can play at the next level.

A.j. Nicholson

I think the professional astronomers are always willing to travel no matter how far away it is.

Bruce Goldstein

I'm totally uncomfortable asking my students to fund-raise for my pay, we already fund-raise just for the activities. I can't do it. It's not professional.

Janet Hansen

Most players saw amphetamines as harmless. But the professional athlete does a lot of things to his body that they don't think of as harmful.

Jim Bouton

It gives a small business a professional look without the high cost.

Andrew Williamson

It's not hard for someone to find some kind of work. My prognosis is that the Coast is going to see a growth in Latinos in both the professional and the blue-collar sector. They're not going anywhere.

Andy Guerra

If you want to be an expert in accounting and tax law, then the Internal Revenue Service is the place for you. In fact the IRS is one of the largest single employers of professional accountants.

Bill Brunson

When you get elected into the Hall of Fame, you get elected into a group of elite people who are the top of the top of the game at the professional level. Just to be standing here is an incredible honor for me.

Tab Ramos

When I see professional clowns, mimes, or people who makes ballon animals, I think of their relatives and how disappointed they must be.

Jimmy Fallon

If you have something of value, go to a professional, even if it's just for guidance.

Sandy Schmitz

We didn't have a lot of exteriors and we only had to deal with the media when we were shooting (outside). Jen was incredibly focused and professional.

Nicole Holofcener

I've had patients who have gone on to become professional dancers.

David Harrison

I was showing early symptoms of becoming a professional baseball man. I was lying to the press.

Roger Kahn

Unbeknownst to most historians, Einstein started down the road of professional basketball before an ankle injury diverted him to science.

Gary Larson

He can beat teams in so many ways, whether it be a stolen base, bunt or a homer, or with his glove. I think he'll play professional baseball.

Jim Boehne

I'm glad Reagan is president. Of course, I'm a professional comedian.

Will Durst

Sgt. Rees was not only an outstanding law-enforcement professional who exemplifies the fine history of this department.

William Lawler

[Oddsmakers know] squares, ... We'll make the line as high as we can without the professional players coming back on us.

Robert Walker

But still we will play this match with the same professional responsibility as any other before.

Luis Fernando Suarez

A few things conspired against me. The club (Lierse) got a new coach and I got a knee injury that sidelined me for some time. It put me back and by the time I returned, the coach was not interested in me any more. That's how it goes in professional football.

Archie Thompson

There truly needs to be a lot more professional development in the educational community. One child isn't like the next, so you can't always use the same bag of tricks. Plus, they're constantly changing. You never know; what's going to make them happy one day might set them off tomorrow.

Peggy West

I'm obviously thankful for the opportunity they gave me, ... [But] this is the route we need to take. It's professional.

Toby Hall

It's all about building a base in professional market, ... We have to have a compelling product and a compelling price and it's costing us a little more to get in.

Wayne Inouye

Most people know more about professional poker players than football players. It's amazing.

Tom Keith

In the end it was comfortable, the guys set about things in a thoroughly professional manner and played some good cricket.

Paul Terry

The injury has only helped my decision to retire. I always gave 100 percent to the sport, and after so many years of playing, I can no longer do that. I'm ending my professional career as a player, but I will remain in basketball.

Vlade Divac

If you've racked up serious credit card debt, for example, don't ask your aunt or your best friend what to do - they may have no idea. Call a professional for solid, objective advice.

Gay Abarbanell

It's a great fit. If you look at the amount of professional offices going in around the area, and as residential development grows, I think there is going to be a lot of young families that will be very interested in using LA Fitness.

Michael Mcdonald

I would say they were very heroic. I understand the staff was efficient and professional.

Steve Carr

She's the first young person who began with us and went on to pursue her dream of teaching dance. And we are lucky enough to have her here for her first professional job.

Tom Thayer

As a professional portfolio manager, we are staying far away from these companies. Just because something has China in its name doesn't mean the World Trade Organization deal is going to help them.

Mark Headley

It doesn't surprise me. A few clubs have looked at him. He's six foot four and he's top drawer. But we've offered him a professional contract and we want to keep him here.

Keith Alexander

We did a professional study. There are not going to be any drastic changes.

Yashovardhan Azad

The potential for their personal lives entering in their professional lives is dynamic.

David Boreanaz

Said Burns, who described a year without professional hockey as ''boring.

Kevin Burns

It was a great game for us. We were over our heads against another professional team, but we competed well.

Chris Waterbury

(The draw) presents us with new challenges against attractive teams, both on the professional level and in terms of spectator interest, where our fans will be able to see players of the highest caliber in Europe.

Dror Kashtan

For the sole purpose of financial, professional or personal gain.

Phill Kline

I just give him advice on how he can step his game up and make his work look more professional.

Cory Thomas

There's no good purpose in keeping this dedicated, honorable, committed professional in jail.

Paul Steiger

I can no longer serve as staff when scientific and clinical evidence, fully evaluated and recommended for approval by the professional staff here, has been overruled.

Susan Wood

If somebody told me this is what I'd be doing with my life, I'd have laughed. I always thought he'd be a science teacher or a professional fisherman.

Tony Rowe

We have reporters at every professional game, ... so we have to have people at the office around the clock to handle that data.

Steve Williams

The game is a show of our support and solidarity for those affected by this natural disaster. As professional athletes we've been very privileged and this is one way we can help take care of our own.

Kenny Smith

It's about establishing a collaborative professional learning community.

Gary Snyder

Actually the time has already passed. It's a good idea to come see a tax professional five to six weeks before the end of the year.

Jim Lee

You never expect it, but it's the lows and highs of the NBA. All I can do is continue being a professional, coming to work every day, making it get better.

Jerome James

From Club Court to Center Court: The Evolution of Professional Tennis in Cincinnati.

Phil Smith

I'm thrilled, I'm grateful, I'm blessed. I played for the world's greatest professional sports team in history. Once a Dallas Cowboy, always a Dallas Cowboy.

Bob Hayes

This is an important part of that, both on the professional and interpersonal level.

Susan Whitson

This is my first ever professional writing job, so it's really nice to hear. I've always loved to write, but this is the first time I've ever been paid to do it.

Mark Lisanti

I made a few phone calls to friends, and they hooked me up. I used my professional contacts.

Alex Perez

We expected Mr. Blake to conduct himself in a professional manner.

David Lopez

I'm extremely disappointed to see the machines back there. The people that have lived here for a while feel the city did a non- professional job when they approved this thing.

Matt Fennell

We're very proud of Kate for attaining this certification. She's a true professional who works very hard to do the best job she can for the citizens of Deltona.

Roland Blossom

The majority of the members of the Irish parliament are professional politicians, in the sense that otherwise they would not be given jobs minding mice at crossroads.

Flann O'brien

We're just trying to get people back on a professional level of things.

Andrew Jones

In Manny we are getting a player who has won a couple of MLS championships in San Jose and who is a solid, proven professional.

Greg Andrulis

She's a very professional, straight-up, fact-oriented reporter.

Marshall Ingwerson

We definitely want to make sure that every pregnant woman has access to professional care.

Carrie Godes

It's different as a professional now. Out here, it's all win, win, win.

Dottie Pepper

I thought being a farmer meant milking cows, but through the Peace Corps I learned you could be a professional in agriculture. It gave me a career direction.

Luke Parsch

I learned a lot last year. I learned that you can't get frustrated too often, because that will affect your pitching in a bad way. You have to be a professional.

Kelvim Escobar

I'm not suggesting for one moment that we stop professional football. If I said that, I better leave the country, ... I think more attention should be paid by scientists and biomechanical engineers in coming up with a better helmet.

Cyril Wecht

In the course of this marriage, about 16 years ago, I began to work with a person who became a very close professional colleague and a very good personal friend, .

Roy Romer

Teachers have the right to determine what is professional and appropriate attire. And anyone who supports that right should wear (a pin).

Deborah Platt

The AU force has helped to establish more stability. They have done an admirable job, highly professional, with much dedication.

Jan Pronk

Everyone in professional sports flips their roster from time to time. We've kind of run with the same horses. So, I'm looking forward to the new decade with a new team.

Carol Blazejowski

To me its childish. Things could be handled in a professional cordial manner no matter who you are.

Glen Richardson

We're all professional enough to put that on the shelf but of course there will be emotion because a lot of guys have played a lot of their career with him.

George Gregan

We decided there was merit to the thing, and that your average Canadian doesn't want to see the thing put away and hidden just because of a commercial dispute in a professional hockey league.

Gard Shelley

Employ oneself upon trifling professional matters which others could do.

James Wyatt

Our new HD4000U brings widescreen imaging to business and professional environments to complement the latest presentation tools and laptops.

Frank Anzures

Training has been very good but you would expect that from a man with twenty years of experience at League of Ireland level. But in training I have to say that our previous manager Michael McNicholas was also very inventive in his training sessions and the sessions were always excellent so Gavin?s professional input is not new to us.

Fintan Mchale

Patients have assessment and contact with a medical professional almost immediately when they walk in.

Katrina Otto

He's the consummate professional, played (the game the) right way and lived life the right way. He's not vocal usually, but will say what needs to be said. He was level-headed and everyone sought him out in the clubhouse.

Norm Charlton

They don't have to listen to anybody - except a professional designer, of course.

Douglas Wilson

What you see on TV is not accurate and it gives us a bad image. What they do on TV is simply not conducive to being professional.

Wayne Pollet

He needed some professional organization. Janie really had to get creative. Being female is an easier card to play. But we understood image.

Gabrielle Reece

You need a professional in that field to manage and run the organization.

Bill Bird

Those who said they didn't want anybody with a professional education background didn't have the votes to make their favorite person a finalist.

George Dunlap

In [the New England] region there are only five schools that are active. We're the first professional engineering fraternity in Rhode Island.

Filip Losowski

There are a lot of people who would love to do this as a job. If we find out they are 'professional respondents,' we flag them.

Debbie Tharp

It's not every day that a player of Kenny Cooper's caliber leaves one of the top club teams in the world to pursue his dream of playing professional soccer in his hometown. This is a great day for FC Dallas, Major League Soccer and the entire Dallas Soccer Community.

Michael Hitchcock

The company's goals are just that -- goals. No professional is going to risk lives and his career to meet goals arbitrarily set by the company.

Frank Larkin

It is my opinion that there are too many 'professional bodies' carrying on their business.

Chris Goodman

It is my firm belief that elimination of the exemption would inevitably and significantly reduce the level of professional arts activity in the state.

John O'donoghue

The AGT allows everyday golfers to go 'on tour' and compete against players of their own skill level. If you've ever wanted to experience golf like a professional, now you can.

Larry Lee

Yes. MLS has a chance. I want to play professional ball as soon as possible, and I want to be close to my family too. So that could play a key role in my decision.

Freddy Adu