896 quotes about presenting follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The future depends on what we do in the present.

Mahatma Gandhi

There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief.


Change is the law of life; and those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.

John F. Kennedy

A gift, with a kind countenance, is a double present.

Dr. Thomas Fuller

Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy.

Sarah Ban Breathnach

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

William Arthur Ward

I know [patriotism] exists, and I know it has done much in the present contest. But a great and lasting war can never be supported on this principle alone. It must be aided by a prospect of interest, or some reward.

George Washington

It is by no means an irrational fancy that, in a future existence, we shall look upon what we think our present existence, as a dream.

Edgar Allan Poe

Each present joy or sorrow seems the chief.

William Shakespeare

Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going.

Tennessee Williams

Every serious-minded person knows that a large part of the effort required in moral discipline consists in the courage needed to acknowledge the unpleasant consequences of one's past and present acts.

John Dewey

Enjoy present pleasures in such a way as not to injure future ones.


The greatest loss of time is delay and expectation, which depend upon the future. We let go the present, which we have in our power, and look forward to that which depends upon chance, and so relinquish a certainty for an uncertainty.


Reflect on your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.

Charles Dickens

When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not guilty.'

Theodore Roosevelt

Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope.

Bill Cosby

All human situations have their inconveniences. We feel those of the present but neither see nor feel those of the future; and hence we often make troublesome changes without amendment, and frequently for the worse.

Benjamin Franklin

The absent are never without fault, nor the present without excuse.

Benjamin Franklin

Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present.

English Proverb

The only use of a knowledge of the past is to equip us for the present. The present contains all that there is. It is holy ground; for it is the past, and it is the future.

Alfred North Whitehead

How paramount the future is to the present when one is surrounded by children.

Charles Darwin

What to do if you find yourself stuck with no hope of rescue: Consider yourself lucky that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your present circumstances seems more likely, consider yourself lucky that it won't be troubling you much longer.

Douglas Adams

A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do you know that his future will not be equal to our present?


The art of life is to live in the present moment, and to make that moment as perfect as we can by the realization that we are the instruments and expression of God Himself.

Emmet Fox

We should, all of us, be filled with gratitude and humility for our present progress and prosperity. We should be filled with awe and joy at what lies over the horizon. And we should be filled with absolute determination to make the most of it.

Bill Clinton

The present contains nothing more than the past, and what is found in the effect was already in the cause.

Henri Bergson

I have never been able, really, to regret anything in all my life. I have always been far much too absorbed in the present moment or the immediate future to think back.

Albert Camus

I believe that individuals can make a difference in society. Since periods of change such as the present one come so rarely in human history, it is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier world.

The Dalai Lama

God is not external to anyone, but is present with all things, though they are ignorant that he is so.


There exists only the present instant... a Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence.

Meister Eckhart

We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provide for the safety of the future.

Joseph Joubert

The only way out is the way through, just as you cannot escape from death except by dying. Being unable to write, you must examine in writing this being unable, which becomes for the present - henceforth? - the subject to which you are condemned.

Howard Nemerov

If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past.

Baruch Spinoza

You have to know the past to understand the present.

Carl Sagan

The fact is that my native land is a prey to barbarism, that in it men's only God is their belly, that they live only for the present, and that the richer a man is the holier he is held to be.

Saint Jerome

The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.

Abraham Maslow

That initial flight to quality bid on the back of softer overseas equity markets has been present all day.

Joe Lavorgna

Passion kept one fully in the present, so that time became a series of mutually exclusive 'nows.'

Sue Halpern

There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past.

George Carlin

Hopefully I can impress the next manager but at the moment I just want to concentrate on the present.

Wayne Bridge

Memory is a giggling sprite and will not be tamed. She takes flight the moment the present becomes the past.

Real Live Preacher

Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.

Albert Einstein

We're not even thinking about (the postseason) right now. We've been in a slump, so we're taking things day by day. We aren't looking to the future because we haven't addressed the present.

Cartier Martin

Yes, we have to divide up our time like that, between our politics and our equations. But to me our equations are far more important, for politics are only a matter of present concern. A mathematical equation stands forever.

Albert Einstein

People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

Albert Einstein

The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge.

Stephen Nachmanovitch

You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.

Henry David Thoreau

In the present, there is only the here and now.For the past is gone and the future has yet to arrive.

Gabriella Goddard

He didn't present as someone who was bitter or hated his wife or kids like 99 percent of the people who come into my office.

Howard Graber

I present myself to you in a form suitable to the relationship I wish to achieve with you.

Luigi Pirandello

The present in New York is so powerful that the past is lost.

John Jay Chapman

It has been the experience at the CBC for deals to be concluded in Ottawa with both the federal mediators there, but also key members of the CBC management team who for the most part have not been present at the bargaining at all.

Lise Lareau

We have found a very common determinant of obesity that's present in populations of different ethnicity ? affects men and women equally and also children.

Alan Herbert

We're planning on presenting some pictures, showing why it is being closed and what kind of condition it's in. It's in pretty bad shape, honestly, and it needs help and needs it soon.

Katy Renfroe

As we look deeply within, we understand our perfect balance. There is no fear of the cycle of birth, life and death. For when you stand in the present moment, you are timeless.

Rodney Yee

DISABUSE, v.t. The present your neighbor with another and better error than the one which he has deemed it advantageous to embrace.

Ambrose Bierce

It was an investigation of the process and the potential funding the first time around. This is a ratification of what we want to present to our delegation.

Nancy Carter

After Murrow, CBS made news much more corporate. They found a new type of journalist who defined the networks. It was now about the anchorman. From '62 to the present, the anchor was the key figure for network news.

Ron Simon

I got a little present. I'm just glad we got the win. It's a big deal in Milton. We have great fans, the people love basketball and we haven't had a team like this in nine years.

Adam Allen

My future is in my past and my past is my present. I must now make the present my future.

Vladimir Horowitz

I believe that the children should be temporarily removed from Mr. Jackson's care and custody because of the history of Michael Jackson with children and his statements that I have outlined, combined with the present criminal allegations.

Gloria Allred

A gentleman has his eyes on all those present; he is tender toward the bashful, gentle toward the distant, and merciful toward the absent.

Lawrence G. Lovasik

My aim is to consolidate the party and make it strong. I will also aim to expose the anti-people policies of the present government.

Rajnath Singh

It's all any reasonable child can expect if the dad is present at the conception.

Joe Orton

I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.

Alan Watts

If we were to select the most intelligent, imaginative, energetic, and emotionally stable third of mankind, all races would be present.

Franz Boas

To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level.

Bertrand Russell

We have agreed. They (Pakistan) have agreed to withdraw troops from the present positions. There is no two opinion about it, both sides have agreed.

Pranab Mukherjee

When the history of the 20th century Congress is written — post-World War I to the present — Tom DeLay will emerge, in the judgment of any honest historian, as one of the more influential leaders of the century. For him to pull back from the leadership will leave a vacuum.

Mike Franc

Your present circumstances don't determine where youcan go; they merely determine where you start.

Nido Qubein

They find out what kind of contamination is present, the concentrations, the extent and whether it poses a risk to people and the environment.

Barbara Jackson

The name change is in the best interest of our corporation. We want to present a new image for the company as we continue to grow in the trucking and logistics business. We believe that the current name presents a limiting impression of the nature of our business.

Michael Alexander

To me this was a shocking (birthday) present, like I was so scared but at least I came through it. This present gave me a lot of bravery now.

Joshelyn Vivas

Life is a culmination of the past, an awareness of the present, an indication of a future beyond knowledge, the quality that gives a touch of divinity to matter.

Charles Lindbergh

My mind to me a kingdom is, Such present joys therein I find, That it excels all other bliss.

Sir Edward Dyer

Unless the rules have changed, we can expand the service area 5 miles from the present boundary.

Ron Mercer

They're not done. They're giving us another present in January. You can't lay off [people at] company after company after company and not stimulate this economy. I think the Fed is scared to death.

Robert Froehlich

It is going to present some challenges. They are probably the only natural trade buyer for the business, so the market is saying, yes, it is good, but there are these issues.

George Clapham

The cultural heritage is what sets us apart. It's present in every boat here.

Jean Paul Richter

They are next-door neighbors with a past of conflict and a present of bitter mistrust.

Madeline Albright

It was the first time we ever had an incident like this here. If the police are present, we won't be having problems like that.

Cindy Jackson

All of these indications have reinforced our notion that we made the right choice by trying something different, trying to make history fun and being innovative in how we were trying to present history.

Tom Schwartz

I am here to work. I will have to work with the present administration because they are in charge.

Sheridan Samuels

Was the head present at the autopsy?

Dave Harris

What we're saying is, 'Give us the opportunity to present our evidence on battering that the jury didn't hear.'

Joe Margulies

We would not have had the ability to regulate these flows, we would have been in real trouble. The downstream impacts would have been much more severe than they are at present.

Jim Beal

Where there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the present.

John C. Maxwell

Genius is present in every age, but the men carrying it within them remain benumbed unless extraordinary events occur to heat up and melt the mass so that it flows forth.

Denis Diderot

What this requires of us is not to rail against the present, not to say it should be different, but to deal with what we've got right now.

Colby Kavanagh

I know what he is like and I know that he will not be satisfied with the present situation at Arsenal for a long time.

Matthias Sammer

United is playing with fire. If this becomes a major bone of contention, then the present United disclosure statement may never be approved.

Anthony Sabino

We want them to pledge not to take action against the paper and all future papers as well, ... It's not appropriate for scientists to have to ask the industry for permission to present research.

Cindy Cohn

The play juxtaposes scenes from the present with scenes that were happening in 1809 and 1812.

Dr. Mira Wiegmann

It is difficult to live in the present, ridiculous to live in the future, and impossible to live in the past. Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.

Jim Bishop

The idea was to present different aspects of the life of Russian Jewry in New York, and in different time periods.

Oleg Budnitskii

You are an extremely valuable, worthwhile, significant person even though your present circumstances may have you feeling otherwise.

James Newman

My role is to be primarily a lead blocker, and I take a lot of pride in what I do, ... I've been fortunate to lead some great backs in the past and even in the present, so it's just a blessing all around.

Daimon Shelton

Connectivity at the home opens the door for a new paradigm in education. We'll be able to link homes and schools like never before through interactive multimedia tools. There are a plethora of applications that make schools more flexible in the present performance of its duties.

Joe Kitchens

A ruling against the industry by the California Supreme Court, coupled with continued individual (verdicts) in the $100 million range, would present a challenge for the industry.

Bill Pecoriello

Just because the situation has been horrid up until present doesn't mean that fixing it up a little bit is going to protect bears. This is delinquent behavior.

Keith Hammer

The archbishop of Canterbury and his advisers are reviewing this matter at the present moment. I prefer not to make any statement.

Robert Williams

Our faith in the present dies out long before our faith in the future.

Ruth Benedict

There was a time when we expected nothing of our children but obedience, as opposed to the present, when we expect everything of them but obedience.

Anatole Broyard

We will present a political program for the [new] government next week and will discuss it with members of the Palestinian movements and political forces represented in parliament.

Abu Marzuk

Existence is no more than the precarious attainment of relevance in an intensely mobile flux of past, present, and future.

Susan Sontag

Climate change is no longer a fringe issue, no longer an issue that can be ignored. These trends present enormous risks and opportunities.

Mindy Lubber

You have to present documentation of how you meet the core areas, ... It then goes through a committee, which evaluates progress of who did best in each overall area.

James Irwin

A preoccupation with the future not only prevents us from seeing the present as it is but often prompts us to rearrange the past.

Eric Hoffer

In this sense, we can't calmly sit down and say, 'Well, there's no promise of large numbers; success isn't one of the names of God; we've done our part, and we'll see who comes and who doesn't.' This inner restlessness that comes from knowing we have a gift that is meant for humanity must always be present in the Church.

Cardinal Ratzinger

I know that there is a God - the God within me that's always present and will protect me. I'm not afraid to climb any mountain, because I know that I'm protected. Even if I fall and die, I'm still protected. My faith is on that level.

Halle Berry

Kurdish politicians have no present intentions to gain independence. But we need self-determination in order to decide our future in case troubles erupt in Iraq in the future.

Mullah Bakhtiyar

It is the third to be found, but the first one that has shown feathers identical to the ones in modern birds. They were probably present on some of those in the past, but the feathers weren't preserved well enough to be able to see the fine structure. On this latest one, feathers are found all over the fossil, and they are best preserved on the back edge of the forearms and hind limbs.

Mark Norell

At present there are such goings-on that everything is at a standstill.

Boyle Roche

One of the greatest achievements of today is getting rid of the present contractor.

Dr. Jim Graham

We want a deal. They're here. They're engaged. There's no time like the present.

Pj Crowley

Most of your reactions are echoes from the past. You do not really live in the present.

Gaelic Proverb

Thinking about the future and thinking about the past is really only a way of ignoring the present.

Billy Corgan

Some of Cheng's teammates also improved noticeably on vault and floor although they can't be compared to her at present.

Lu Shanzhen

The law certainly requires more than mere presence for someone to be guilty of a homicide. Merely being present for someone else doing an act that results in another's death, this is not sufficient to charge them with murder.

Jeremy Kroll

The Dow breaking above 11,000 might be a nice holiday present for the U.S. economy in that it should boost the confidence of both consumers and businesses and lay the basis for a livelier-than-expected 2006.

John Lonski

We won't know exactly what our tax revenues will be until March 25. Until then we'll hold the line and present a lean budget to the board.

Jim Linardos

Starving the future to feed the present is a mistake - it leads to obsolescence and stagnation. Sometimes it is hard to make this understood.

Burton Richter

This ruling upholds California's authority to enforce tough restrictions on handing out free cigarettes, particularly in places where children are present.

Tom Dresslar

The bottom line of this unjust decision is that it will present an opening for increased building of coal-fired power plants in this region. Already there are two new units proposed in Kentucky and one in Indiana, which will impact Evansville.

John Blair

There already is a present law against torture.

Duncan Hunter

If we learn the art of yielding what must be yielded to the changing present, we can save the best of the past.

Dean Acheson

Eight home games can present some issues and challenges. However, it is certainly a plus from a competitive standpoint.

Dave Hart

Hayward Field is hallowed ground in our sport and Eugene's vision for what they can do to connect track's past, present and future won the day.

Craig Masback

Winners live in the present tense. People who come up short are consumed with future or past. I want to be living in the now.

Alex Rodriguez

It is a simple but sometimes forgotten truth that the greatest enemy to present joy and high hopes is the cultivation of retrospective bitterness.

Robert G. Menzies

At present, no decline in housing construction is evident in the data.

Michael Bazdarich

I present myself the best I can.

Celeste Kekoolani

She seems to have had the ability to stand firmly on the rock of her past while living completely and unregretfully in the present.

Madeleine L'Engle

We need to get a group of citizens together to forge ahead. We need to present something such as a vision to PAT. Before we do anything, we must have a comprehensive plan and it must be up to date.

Dorothy Kelly

We've had people come here and not find a parking space and leave. We want to reach more people. In our present form, there's not a whole lot we can do.

Rev Dennis Karaman

Alignment occurs when team members each find opportunity to express their true purpose and achieve their goals through the organization. When alignment is present, I expand my purpose to include the organization's purpose.

Phil Bryson

It's a fun deal for our kids. It's one of our fund-raisers that we do. We'll present the varsity kids with their jerseys, and try to introduce all the kids and give them recognition. It kind of gets your season going a little bit.

Frank Romero

When you can present something to the people wherein the people don't think that something like that can be presented to them, it's very strong.

Burning Spear

[This gives Andersen less than three days to present its defense.] That doesn't leave much time to put on a defense, ... All I want is equal time.

Rusty Hardin

Once interest rates start to rise, the present value of developers' future earnings will start to decrease.

Takashi Kamiya

We are going to keep on following the African market. As well as the countries in which we are already present, we are interested in prospecting other countries, amongst them, Libya.

Clovis Martines

It's not about conquering fear, but learning to stay operational while fear is present. It's a feeling of being alive and very present in the moment.

Peter Gold

You can't treat apparel like underwear and socks, especially if it is fashionable clothing. You've got to present an image, and that's what (Wal-Mart is) not so good at.

Candace Corlett

Man spends his life in reasoning on the past, in complaining of the present, in fearing future.

Antoine Rivarol

The past is only the present become invisible and mute; and because it is invisible and mute, its memorized glances and its murmurs are infinitely precious. We are tomorrow's past.

Mary Webb

Increased business activity and acquisitions present us the opportunity to reconfigure our operations, and we are excited about the opportunities this new facility brings us.

John Deane

Today's statement ups the odds that the Bank of Canada will be back again with a 25 bp (basis point) 'Christmas present' in December.

Avery Shenfeld

Some of these islands are going down fast. If we want this for something beyond our present generation ... we're going to have to take care better care of it.

Stanley Riggs

Basically, anything goes, as long as it's not obscene, doesn't offend or present a safety hazard.

Mark Giuffre

I don't think of the past. The only thing that matters is the everlasting present.

W. Somerset Maugham

It's like a fire. It goes through a journey, and each stage is interesting. I don't regret the passing of time. I try to live in the present, which should mean my life's full.

Francesca Annis

We've had a very nice birthday present. Our mission has been extended for an additional five years, so we should have a total of ten years of operations.

Andrew Weisskopf

We present the best of the independent foreign-language and Hollywood films. We increase the number of films available to the community.

Noel Hazard

How you present yourself to the world is how you're judged. My dad taught me to be unique, to be intentional.

Joseph Pineda

It is important for the international community to make balanced moves in the present situation.

Alexander Kalugin

Columbus East has a lot of very good players, and it will be a challenge (to keep) them down in scoring. They do a nice job of mixing the defense, and that will present a challenge for our offense.

Scott Bowen

We get to present things to kids so that they have a better understanding of life outside of where they are.

Shawn Schofield

If the house is to be set in order, one cannot begin with the present; he must begin with the past.

John Hope Franklin

Eventually, a second runway at the airport needs to be developed. But we don't have a runway constraint at present. We don't have an airspace constraint. We simply need more international gates.

Ben Baldanza

From a policing perspective, our job is to gather evidence, analyze evidence and present evidence. What happens after that in the court system we cannot have any influence on.

Wayne Oakes

The future teaches you to be alone, the present to be afraid and cold.

Manic Street Preachers

Payday lending does not fit with their business plans and the way they present themselves to the public.

Harry Davis

You need not aspire for or get any new state. Get rid of your present thoughts, that is all.

Ramana Maharshi

As for us, we don't have to worry because they can come and check all they want because we have our license here at the shop ready to present to them.

Kathy Parker

The trouble with worrying so much about your security in the future is that you feel so insecure in the present.

Harlan Miller

I committed him on a Friday [to UNC Hospitals] and encountered him again Monday. He was still psychotic, in my book. He was really presenting some big risk to himself.

Matt Sullivan

My own view is that the time for economic reform has ended. At present, Chinese people don't consider more material benefits as a crucial demand, and what seems to be more important is the extreme lack of rights.

Li Shuguang

Choices can present opportunities, but the question is: What will seniors do when they face so many choices? ... Some will comparison shop, others might be heavily influenced by marketing and some may be paralyzed by so many choices. . . . Not everybody should sign up, because some people already have adequate coverage.

Tricia Neuman

Life is divided into three terms - that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present to live better in the future.

William Wordsworth

We're pleased that these cases have been put together in a more efficient manner and look forward to presenting arguments to Judge Motz.

Jim Cullinan

I think she was able to look at it and think, this isn't just one project; I can group these things together, and we can make all these things happen. She was able to present a bigger package, and that's how it was able to work.

Jennifer Antkowiak

Most businesses want fairly open access--you must make it easy for customers to do business with you. It becomes an issue of how much information and credentials a user must present.

Wayne Eckerson

The present reeks of mediocrity and the atom bomb.

Rene Magritte

Photography can only represent the present. Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past.

Berenice Abbott

There is no longer a way out of our present situation except by forging a road toward our objective, violently and by force, over a sea of blood and under a horizon blazing with fire.

Gamal Abdel Nasser

Having humans present did show an increase in [biting] risk, but the number of people did not explain the increase.

Jonathan Patz

Our fans will have to be present in numbers on Saturday.

Mikael Silvestre

An orange on the table, your dress on the rug, and you in my bed, sweet present of the present, cool of night, warmth of my life.

Jacques Prevert

No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in today. No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant.

Fra Giovanni Giocondo

It is my charge, my responsibility ... to present the human face of Terry Nichols, and that's what we're doing.

Michael Tigar

Why, I ask, isn't it possible that advertising as a whole is a fantastic fraud, presenting an image of America taken seriously by no one, least of all by the advertising men who create it?

David Riesman

We just wanted to present a better tone for 'Better Life,' and I had been down to New Orleans and was struck by a combination of things -- how much has been done and how little has been done. We just wanted to bring a little more awareness back to the cause down there.

Keith Urban

The greatest thing that happens to me when I'm skiing is the harmony. The only time I was ever present in my body before was in sex, performing, drugs and with the sea. Skiing became the new and healthy way of being present - although I don't know if it's healthy, I could sever my spinal cord.

Spalding Gray

Colorado is at a crossroads. We can privatize our public universities or we can begin to fund them at a level that continues their present missions.

Larry Penley

Considering the national security significance of said hearing, I believe it is my obligation to be personally present together with the other invited officers when the matters listed in your invitation are deliberated [on].

Generoso Senga

The decision to acquit on the conspiracy charge, a felony, is a huge victory, given the narrow parameters within which the four could present their defense, and given the restrictions on deliberations. This is a major setback in the government's efforts to criminalize dissent.

Bill Quigley

The team is really focused and they are expecting a lot inthe present, ... But asalways, you just never know.

Bob Hammond

If the Bank of Japan decides not to end [its present policy] this week, that may create the impression that the Bank of Japan is surrendering to political pressure and add some additional downward pressure to the yen.

Takashi Kudo

We really try to get present students speaking on our behalf. We have had some fantastic return on that investment.

Richard Herman

Chaucer is incredibly present. He has an extraordinary capacity to remain modern and contemporary. The language is different, but it only takes a bit of work to be able to read it.

James Simpson

Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.

Denis Waitley

Most people live ninety percent in the past, seven percent in the present, and that only leaves three percent for the future.

John Steinbeck

Rich media is now important for the Internet, be it Java animation or audio, ... The time is right and the systems are in place to present rich media.

Michael Henderson

If confirmed, my job will be to present the views of the intelligence community, and my own judgment, unvarnished and unprejudiced, ... We must have an intelligence process of absolute integrity.

Anthony Lake

The program equips small-budget orchestras with everything they need to gain the confidence and skills to present the music of our time.

Henry Fogel

I sincerely feel that the present structure and lines of authority grant me what I need in regards to accomplishing my mission. The secretary and deputy secretary always have their door open to me, and we've had many of discussions.

Scott Charbo

He who never sacrificed a present to a future good or a personal to a general one can speak of happiness only as the blind do of colors.

Olympia Brown

There is a list of evidence we have amassed and are ready to present, and it is not just Mr. Britt's testimony.

Kathy Macdonald

Memory holds together past and present, gives continuity and dignity to human life... the companion... the tutor, the poet, the library, with which you travel.

Mark Van Doren

This was one of the few times where we actually had an issue with them and they were actually present to answer questions [for over an hour].

Christine Chen