The blocking on that set up possibly the most amazing run I ever had. Our receivers and our whole left side of the line just stepped it up and it was great communication between them.

Mark Elsaesser

The thinking was that one person on their own could not possibly stay out there for that long on their own. We were wrong there.

Oenone Wood

There are some feelings that possibly live game markets might have been associated with some of the earlier cases, but this is only hypothesis.

C. David Heymann

I have a public defender (Mr. Ken Barker), who is doing everything that he possibly can do. But he has problems understanding me, much as I have problems understanding the legal terms.

Asa Meek

That is why we'd like to complete the transaction as fast as we possibly can.

Julian Roberts

It can be horrendous. There's so much that software cannot possibly know.

David Mellem

Mike is the nicest, most sincere, loyal person you could possibly want to know.

Keith Bridges

Possibly, though we don't know for sure yet, this could be the last CIML Metro tournament like this. I know all of the coaches in the Metro want to get into that big all-CIML tournament. Having what could be the last Metro Conference tournament at home, we're excited about going out there with our possibilities of winning it.

Jay Groth

We're a very new band. We know it could go either way, and we're going to work really, really hard to try and play to as many people as we possibly can.

Charlotte Cooper

We expect the white flags to fly over Madrid and Helsinki in the next two to three days. ... The auction will possibly raise about $35.5 billion, that's just around the U.K. figure. It may just top that.

Nigel Hawkins

I said to myself, ?how can this possibly happen?? I had just gone through all the chemotherapy and now, I have cervical cancer. I guess I just have to laugh about it; because if not, it is just too much for me to handle.

Dorothy Moore

With our new system, we now will be able to look at individual cells and nuclei and possibly identify some classes of cells that could be more dangerous than others.

Sophie Lelièvre

The monster who played God can justify his actions; sometimes he possibly believes he was an angel of mercy.

Dolores Stasienko

He was possibly coming back in (Monday) night, but didn't really feel like it. He feels better today, so we'll see (Wednesday).

Bob Gainey

Although we are over half way through North Sea reserves, substantial quantities of hydrocarbons remain, possibly between 22 and 28 billions barrels of oil equivalent.

Malcolm Wicks

At ISU, we provide more opportunities for our scholars to further their education and to become the best teachers that they can possibly be.

Dakota Pawlicki

I'm glad there are a lot of guitar players pursuing technique as diligently as they possibly can, because it leaves this whole other area open to people like me.

Richard Thompson

They would have been rendered helpless from the smoke, ... We are plagued by the loss of life that possibly -- possibly -- could have been prevented.

Roger Johnson

Some of the individual performances were great. Where was Andy Barron six months ago? It is a long time for us between now and the World Cup. We must use that to prepare as well as we possibly can.

Ricki Herbert

He got me started as young as you possibly can.

Brandon Orr

Our approach today is that we're just going to get as many flights off the ground as we possibly can, until the weather tells us otherwise.

Bob Mchugh

To find that something could slip through, that possibly would not hold up to the test for which it was designed, it's scary.

Tom Kennedy

That's why we're asking to go back and talk to the parishioners. Did he appear to be impaired? How much wine did he drink? ... That would possibly lead to other charges, if he was impaired.

Rick Romley

That was the toughest practice of my career and our best practice of the year. The emphasis was just playing as hard as you possibly could and really defending. That's what we've done and we haven't looked back after that. It's been incredible.

Jordan Farmar

Helping to increase lung capacity, possibly lowering one's blood pressure, heart rate.

Jackie Herbach

It's like nothing you could possibly imagine.

Jeff Duncan

They are trying to spin it the only way they could possibly spin it. I don't think it's likely any time in the future. I really don't.

Peter Alter

I went from as high as I could possibly be to as low as you could possibly be overnight.

Clint Barmes

He tested positive for marijuana ... Possibly he was using it while he was driving. It's not like a falling-down drunk but it definitely impacts the ability to make decisions.

Larry Colagiovanni

I think we've done everything we could possibly do.

Jon Trapp

We don't have the two big guns in the singles, but we are good enough players to possibly snatch one of those singles matches.

Wayne Arthurs

This has attracted much more attention. This is one point that could probably be brought up with the foreign minister in Egypt. Missiles with a far range, possibly even nuclear warheads, can be mounted on these submarines, and this could create difficulties for Germany when it comes to its role as the honest broker.

Udo Steinbach

We want to marry in February, possibly on Valentine's Day, ... It hasn't been easy. We've wanted to marry for some time.

Liz Hurley

I think he's a got a great potential for a complete, possibly complete, recovery.

Dr. Julian Bailes

We wait until all the kittens are adopted before we bring in new ones. The reason why we do this is to lower the risk of spreading infections a kitten might possibly have.

Jack Reif

We're going to resolve as many of these issues as we possibly can.

Jake Brace

I came out of the net after a ball and got jacked in the chin. I think one of my own players, possibly Spencer Harbin, may have made contact with me.

Taylor Hovis

It was good to win some silverware and give game time to some of the players who are likely to be on the bench at Twickenham. We possibly had one eye on the Daily Mail final, but it was good to have the match before going to Twickenham.

Dave Heybrock

People have to balance their consumption with their formation of their nest egg. They have to not sacrifice tomorrow for being able to spend all they possibly can today.

Don Blandin

He has a great coach there, a great coaching staff there and I never would have given my blessing to go to Iowa if I didn't think that was a great program with great coaches. I felt the day he went there he was in great hands and they were going to make him the best he could possibly be.

Greg Mattison

Without a doubt, it's going to be Morse. They look to be KVAC and, possibly, state champions this year.

Bob Johnston

This is without a doubt the biggest win we have had since I've been at Mercer. Our pitchers were as sharp as they possibly could be and really set the tone. We took advantage of the chances we had at the plate and played outstanding defense.

Craig Gibson

Will do everything in his power to root out the drug lords and to halt drug trafficking as best as he possibly can.

Vincente Fox

We have a lot more ideas for what to do with this than we can possibly follow up on.

Roger Meike

From what we have been able to get through communications with the Hercules aircraft and the crew, it seems like it was possibly an electrical life on board.

Mike Bonin

It's out of sight of many adults who might possibly be around the kids or monitoring them, ... We try to keep them in the open.

Connie Collins

We got an e-mail before we got here and the Red Cross needs 300,000 meals a day for 90 days and possibly 500,000 meals a day for 90 days.

Alan Cole

Sadly, football in England has declined since we won the World Cup in 1966. Suddenly we had coaches appearing out of drainpipes and we've got players now who are nowhere near as good as players were in the 1960s and '70s. They're possibly fitter, but that's all.

Tommy Smith

Finding out the religious background of your ancestors will also help you understand their actions and possibly the attitudes that you inherited.

Shirley Sloat

Someone in their 80s, like Mrs. Mack, could not possibly take on the physical, much less the emotional task of clearing out and gutting their own home, that's why we are helping her and hundreds like her through out the city.

Denise Chetta

It is possibly one of the largest thefts in history.

Ali Allawi

Conservation is something we heard over and over again. This is possibly the second largest conservation proposal in history, and we're proud to be part of that history.

Jim Lehner

We're looking at possibly six months of demolition. That's what's giving the people hope, seeing some activity.

Willie Snead

You have to find out everything you possibly can about what their intentions are so you can be prepared.

Dan Brooks

The issue here is we haven't been operating a reliable airline. We have been working as hard as we possibly could to figure out what the issues were and to get them addressed.

Doug Parker

It's in a bad state and, possibly, it won't give us the information we need. Both boxes will be sent to Paris where a French committee will help us and the foreign experts that are here to decode.

Akrivos Tsolakis

It looks like possibly one of the things that's been changing in family is improved cutting of vegetation. But over 11 million years you'd expect some differences in the structures.

Mary Dawson

No bill is perfect. The system that we have right now is so screwed up that we couldn't possibly do anything worse.

Marc Goldstone

Not only did God deliver me from the bondage of alcoholism, he also blessed my family financially because of my commitment to honor what he had done for me and for not doing what I believed could possibly be destructive to others.

Richard Kiel

Once you cartoon for a few years, you can't possibly do anything else. Everything else just feels like work.

Bob Mankoff

I felt I have a lot more potential in baseball. I've done everything I could possibly try to do to get better as a football player. I've invested hours and hours and hours, and I feel that I may have reached my peak with that sport. In baseball, I feel that the ceiling is higher and I have a lot more room to grow.

Gavin Dickey

I knew as I was writing "City of Bones" that this had to be the end of him as a cop and possibly even a character. But the bottom-line feeling when I was finished with that novel was that there was more I could do with Harry, things that would keep me plugged in and interested.

Michael Connelly

Now I can drop (my daughter) off at 7:30 a.m. and go on my way to work. This is very convenient, ... If it wasn't for the program, I would have to possibly rely on a neighbor to get her on the bus.

Van Orden

I knew this game was going to be like this. When we played them down there we shot the ball about as well you could possibly shoot it, so the score was a little deceiving, but Coach Clifford had his kids ready to play and we just made some plays.

Joe Dunlevy

I really believe this possibly could be Mary Lands. My hope is that if the state police have a dog to verify the findings they will get this case solved.

Jim Carlin

If he plays and aggravates the injury, he can possibly miss the rest of the series because the matches are just a few days apart. The plan is to get him fit for the final and most important part of the series.

Shane Jabaar

We know of several kids who possibly will delay it for another month. Their mental capacity is not what they want it to be.

Birdie Harrison

After my mother died in 1994, my brother and I were faced with the task of deciding what to do with her possessions, and after careful consideration, we sold some of them in 1996. In the intervening years, and the death of my brother, I found myself again with more houses and belongings than I could possibly use or enjoy.

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg

He's virtually said he saw it and he was standing behind me and he couldn't have possibly seen it.

Matthew Scarlett

What troubles us is that the automatic pilot was functioning up to a certain point, and then it was disengaged, possibly by human action.

Akrivos Tsolakis

We look at this entire country as an area where he could possibly be as well as Canada and Mexico, ... so, we are not at all looking in one specific area. We are looking where the leads take us.

Brandon Clark

Improve every week and be as good as we possibly can be.

Tim Stowers

I don't know that there could have possibly been a session that could have sent a worse message to business.

Aris Melissaratos

The pilot project to use the funds [allocated for the purpose] will be possibly determined.

Alexei Kudrin

[Layer Cake director Matthew Vaughn was also approached to direct Casino Royale , possibly with Craig as Bond.] They loved him more than me , ... I would have nailed Bond .

Matthew Vaughn

I feel I've prepared as well as I possibly can. The thing about Miami's defense, they are very aggressive, very fast. But big plays are there if you make the right throw.

Drew Weatherford

If anybody feels they may have been exposed and possibly didn't wash their hands before eating, they should discuss it with a doctor.

Jeff Lee

So far what we see are posterior injuries, the part of the brain that would have to do more with sensation and possibly even vision.

Dr. James Valeriano

I just felt if he was going to improve as a bowler he had to learn to get into the pitch and bang that ball into the deck and get as much bounce as he possibly could, even if he had to bowl a little bit short for a while until he got used to it, which is pretty much what he did in England.

Bruce Reid

Mischief just seems to follow wherever Dennis appears, but it is the product of good intentions, misdirected helpfulness, good-hearted generosity, and, possibly, an overactive thyroid, ... The Merchant of Dennis The Menace.

Hank Ketcham

I think the happiest person about this decision could be Darko, ... He's possibly getting a new lease on life.

Tim Legler

Pfeiffer has such an outstanding team. We could have possibly finished second, but I thought it was more important for us to try to beat Mount Olive and St. Andrews.

John Hackney

You will possibly get away with it. What kind of message will that send to America?

Michael E. Capuano

There was no way I could understand our defeat. I had to grieve over our loss before I could look to the future. Where could our lives possibly be as meaningful as they might have been in the White House?

Rosalynn Carter

A lot of people are paying attention now because people are wondering, as we overmedicate our society, is there something else that it could possibly be, that we're missing?

Jason Mills

He's just showing us what could possibly happen if we keep working hard.

Rob Hummel

It'd be a much more expensive venture, because then you're looking at the Department of Public Aid possibly picking up the tab.

Lynda Vogt

Cocaine is possibly involved.

Phil Morris

Our viewpoint is that we fully expected the jury to come back with an amount of money like this. The industry will never pay a dime of this. It will win on appeal, possibly in the Florida Supreme Court or likely the U.S. Supreme Court.

Bill Pecoriello

There can be no doubt the prime minister should seriously consider stepping down -- possibly as prime minister but certainly as home minister.

Karpal Singh

Their bench played a good game. Almost every team we're going to play is going to have more depth than us, so we've got to get the most out of each player as we possibly can.

Adam Houdeshell

Under the circumstances, this was the best we could possibly hope for.

Murray Richman

I feel a bit weird about that, possibly.

Will Gregory

I did everything I possibly could to get back and finish my career the way I would have liked to. My injuries just wouldn't let me do it.

Allan Houston

Google may wish they hadn't embraced that. It's a very long rope on which they could possibly hang themselves.

John Battelle

We have to bring face masks and gloves and had to have tetanus shots before we could be cleared. It just blew my mind, so I don't know if there's anything I can possibly do to prepare myself for what I'm going to see. All I can do is just pray and hope that everything will be okay.

Maurice Kuykendoll

This is as rare as you can possibly get when it comes to perfect games, to do it as a staff and with so few strikeouts. I've never coached a perfect game or been a part of one.

Bob Kittle

ACTUALLY, adv. Perhaps; possibly.

Ambrose Bierce

When I look out in the morning when we get up, I feel like I live in Paris. I look out over the rooftops and it seems like I live in a different city. I can't believe that moving 2 miles from my old home could possibly make me feel this different about my life right now. It's incredible.

Debbie Metz

It appears that America's anti-Biblical feminist movement is at last dying, thank God, and is possibly being replaced by a Christ-centered men's movement which may become the foundation for a desperately needed national spiritual awakening.

Jerry Falwell

I can't see how the U.S. can possibly certify Colombia on human rights grounds or any other grounds.

Carlos Salinas

Both athletic directors and the conference commissioner started talking about the situation beginning on Monday, ... Once the hurricane was predicted to possibly impact the Houston area, we started looking at certain contingency plans.

David Hansen

We have people on the platform and working to restore communication right now. A tanker may dock this afternoon and possibly offload by this evening.

Mark Bugg

Are they going quickly to the roads, or are they slowing down? What are the corridors they travel? There might be certain habitat configurations that funnel them in different directions, possibly in the direction of roads. That's the kind of thing we'll be able to learn about.

Josh Millspaugh

I wish more people were here. We want (the search) to be as public as it can possibly be. I want everybody to be aware of what we're doing and, in this case, give us the input we need.

Keith Crosby

These children need a loving and caring home. They are not for whatever reason receiving it and anybody that could possibly open up their home to these children would be rewarded ten fold.

William Coleman

He was a good dad and a good provider. He'd do anything for you. He'd give you anything he possibly could.

Phyllis Lehman

They played smart. It will be guaranteed that every match will be tough, but I'm looking forward to (possibly facing Stanford). We all are.

Bojana Bobusic

We have no way of knowing how much drugs he consumed, just that he did. En route back, the victim got sick. He [Medina] noticed the boy was having difficulty functioning, so he picked him up and carried him. Then the victim lost consciousness and possibly had a seizure.

Joseph Conti

Might possibly give a little polishing to the tone of the message. However, for political reasons, the substance of the message cannot change very much.

Karsten Voigt

Age discrimination cases have been probably the most common type of discrimination cases for several years and possibly longer, mainly because there are so many people in the protected class.

Sheila Smith

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

Anais Nin

We are going to attack the enemy in the field that could be hidden in tree lines. They could be hidden by buildings. They could be in semi-populated areas, possibly they're harder to find.

Charles Wald

No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or "get rich" in business by being a conformist.

Jean Paul Getty

I think we changed about as much as you can possibly change, so there's a lot to learn.

Will Herring

In their camps they have airstrips, planes ... very sophisticated equipment like computers and satellite transmitters, everything you can possibly imagine that isn't necessary to evangelize indigenous groups.

Jesse Chacon

I don't know what I could ever possibly say to them, because thank you is not enough.

Lynn Dooley

All we know is he's heavily armed; he's got at least some handguns and possibly a rifle.

Kevin Beary

We can't possibly fund them all. The best way to do that is by following a master plan. It's important to specify which objectives we can do.

John Bradley

Had this happened within 10 light-years of us, it would have severely damaged our atmosphere and possibly have triggered a mass extinction.

Bryan Gaensler

The mother, being so holy, could possibly be object of an attack by Satan.

Henry D'souza

The best factor is avoid known mine areas. In Illinois, there have been over 4,000 mines, and we're in the process of trying to get every mine map that we possibly can and eventually those will be available online. Now they can look at the Illinois Geological Survey.

Robert Gibson

I have tried to be as eclectic as I possibly can with my professional life, and so far it's been pretty fun.

Holly Hunter

We've evaluated a bunch of these now, ... We've determined you can't possibly predict how they're going to rule on a certain set of facts in a given case.

Bruce Josten

Possibly the arson was to cover up any evidence in the burglary.

Mike Allen

Right now they're just trying to make as many as fast as they possibly can. We're happy they are. We're getting blanks.

Craig Hollingsworth

We're happy to be here. But, also, we're not just satisfied with staying at this level. We want to keep on going just as far as we possibly can.

Joey Searle

There's a strong possibly of a guy like this being able to stay (with the Nuggets) with the early Bird rule.

Steve Kauffman

A guest from company A could possibly hack into a conference held by company B, their competitor, stealing valuable corporate data and leaving the hotel open to liability.

David Garrison

That doesn't make people feel good when they pull up to the pumps - myself included - but I think they can be assured that they're getting as competitive a price as they can possibly get.

Tim Hearn

I see him possibly doing all four at state this year, but he can handle it.

Gary Heide

We're going to earmark part of our money to help in rebuilding the headquarters of the united Chinese society and possibly to donate funds to the hurricane relief fund.

Alvin Wong

What's happened over the past day will focus minds and possibly just channel their interests that much more toward getting this entity together as one. But political issues, political interference, always hold these things back. It is not going to be something that will be solved in six months.

Chris Partridge

We'll make sure that its operating safely, venting properly and as efficient as it can possibly be.

Charlie Richardson

I think they probably should have done something about possibly helping find another area for a racetrack rather than just saying, 'See you later,' .

Mark Norris

Our trade contacts indicate Reynolds American has already developed a product and will enter the market with Camel, possibly in conjunction with the Daytona 500 in mid-February.

Bonnie Herzog

This would have been the canning cellar or possibly liquor cellar.

Lynn Forres

Our position is that we're not going to stand for what these people are doing. We're going to take every legal means possibly open to us to fight it.

Frank Merriman

Dizziness, some kids complained of headaches, people were coughing, having a little bit of difficulty breathing, there's possibly two kids that vomited but we're not able to confirm that.

Bryan Cheplic

It's probably one of those things where people feel they know the story so well, and to try to get them to come see it again, possibly in a new way, is not the easiest task, ... Oliver Twist.

Rory Bruer

He didn't know exactly where, but he said eventually he would be at a college and he would be looking for me to possibly come play for him, ... I wasn't getting along too well with the program over there at A&T, so I was looking for somewhere to go anyway.

Jason Mitchell

Mitchell is a quality kid. I'm glad that we got to see him this early, because now we know what we have to work on. The next time Logan might possibly see him is at state.

Mike Radke

This one is possibly a gang case. It was in a shopping center, and we did have witnesses to it.

Sgt. Gary Haigh

One layer was certainly 17th century. The 18th century in him is obvious. There was the 19th century, and a large slice, of course, of the 20th century; and another, curious layer which may possibly have been the 21st.

Clement Attlee

Possibly it could be copycat, because it's getting a lot of news coverage.

Kelli Durham

The only downside that I see is possibly a low appraisal.

Jerry Frament

We're working on accession to the WTO very actively. We still have several countries with which we need to conclude agreements and possibly that will happen next year.

Nursultan Nazarbayev

I think that Planned Parenthood is afraid to go to court. If they want to go about it with the ballot, we're ready for that. We knew that this would possibly come up.

Leslee Unruh

We're taking on people who have technical skills who also fit our culture and are excited about our innovation mission as fast as we possibly can.

Douglas Merrill

This could possibly be the worst period of Sino-Japanese relations since World War II.

James Mulvenon

I wanted to open as soon as we possibly could. We've just had a lot of people with stuff to give away that have been after us about when we're going to be open.

Judy Reno

This will possibly save a life.

Dave Sunshine

We do expect Wilma to make landfall somewhere in the Florida peninsula, possibly on Saturday into Sunday, as a Category 3 hurricane.

Jennifer Pralgo

My client couldn't have possibly known who was standing at the bar.

Jennifer Fox

With film pricing possibly becoming more competitive, it could become harder for Kodak's shares to break out of the mid $30 range, despite many positives.

Ben Reitzes

I don't think any white person can possibly understand the culture there. I wouldn't even begin to try.

Bea Fowler

We were worried the milling of the streets might cause that building to possibly come tumbling down.

Mary Jordan

I read a lot of archaeology and early history in a general way, not thinking particularly of this book, and this provided me with the background. It showed me how, possibly, the people lived back then.

Naomi Mitchison

They're carrying all the food and water that they possibly can, ... Also their bedding and their backpacks. They will actually stay where they go. They don't know if it's on the ground or if there will be a tent or anything, they won't know until they get there.

Joe Peel

It's sad when you do everything you can possibly do to try to maintain the quality and try to maintain your ability to . . . and nothing you do works.

James Crawford

People are speculating that this means possibly Rachel was holding the baby in her arms, that the baby was shot first, and perhaps Rachel dropped her on the ground.

Wendy Murphy

One of the things that we kicked around, we moved out of our house in August 2001 and we were in storage until November. Possibly something got mishandled during storage and went someplace else.

Jack Mcguire

You can't do very much with it, ... It's the last resort, because what can you possibly do with that idea? You can't prove it or disprove it, and you can't test it. It doesn't offer an explanation, or any enlightenment, or any answers about why people feel the way they feel.

Susan Greenfield

This is an area that will remain one of the hottest topics for the next several decades. You can't possibly have too many cops on the beat here.

Patricia Struck

Let's take on the most complicated, difficult problem that we could possibly take on in contemporary American political discourse. We'll make an abortion game.

Ian Bogost

We expect to have three, possibly four, new farms, coming on as producers this year.

Stephen Costello

Possibly their lasting appeal is because music hasn't massively changed since then. People have gradually realized over the years that that probably was the best pop music ever written.

Neil Harrison

If they end up doing that, it could possibly lead to good things immediately, but in the long run, you just hope they're going to see the bad in it. I've had some buddies that played in the big leagues, and you see a lot more injuries now. These guys bulk up, and the tendons really can't handle all the muscle tissue that these guys put on.

Brad Myers

Seen everything you could possibly see.

James Robertson

They've got a lot of different guys that can do things. But we're going to get down and guard them and try to do the best we possibly can. ... Probably we're pretty similar in that aspect that it's not just one man's that going to turn a game around all the time.

Ted Young

He could be quite possibly the best freshman I have ever coached.

Scott Benedict

We have done everything we possibly can. I always had the feeling of being able to get a good result.

Aldo Notari

We plan to take this as far as we possibly can to prove our son is innocent.

Chris Oliver

He suffered a high-ankle sprain, possibly a fracture.

Chris Feist

It's a neat way to experience sports and possibly get some new fans for both teams, too.

Nate Skaar

If you've ever been here before or after a race, you know what this means to us. This could possibly be a lifesaving measure.

Jeff Byrd

I got to believe that if those guys wanted to fire on him with the intent of hurting him, they wouldn't have missed. Even if they did shoot, it would have been on the ground or in the air just to scare him possibly. They said they didn't fire. So that's good enough for me.

Larry Jarvela

Apparently there was some confusion at the time of the vote. It was so close that possibly a new vote would be deserved and possibly lead to a different result.

Denis Oswald

We do know people are looking for those deals and discounts, looking to save dollars wherever they possibly can.

Kirsten Borgstrom

We expect there are several seriously injured and possibly also dead.

Fritz Braun

How do you justify spending millions -- possibly billions of dollars -- in a facility that the BRAC Commission and others have said this is not a long-term answer?

John Peyton

My ability to throw a baseball was a gift. It was a God-given gift. And I am truly appreciative of that gift. It took me a while to figure that out... and when I finally did, I dedicated myself to be the best pitcher I possibly could be, for as long as I possibly could be.

Nolan Ryan

We hope to get another shot at either or both teams later in the season, possibly at the state meet.

Aaron O'donnell

It seems that this young man was interested in hurting people, possibly the U.S. or enemies of Islam, but I have not seen any evidence that he actually did anything.

Andrea Clabaugh

[A description of a vehicle possibly driven by the triggerman came over the radio.] The guy's already gone, ... We're just p------ in the wind now.

Tom Coffey

It answers who did it and possibly why they did it, and to that extent, there is closure.

Paul Heath

We also have Loki Crichton in the mix so it doesn't take a mathematician to work out they won't all fit. But we will look at mixing it up a bit and possibly play Mils in the midfield at times. We'll just have to wait and see.

Adrian Foster

They basically had an in-line quarter, but it's the quarter that they needed after the storm damage. It's a company that keeps doing as well as they can possibly do.

David Schanzer

We will start as soon as we get the permits, possibly in late spring or early summer.

Wil Hinson

We are hoping for a second-quarter opening - possibly June.

Jim Newell

The key to this investigation is finding out which no-tell motel that blanket came from. There's trace evidence that he could not possibly have avoided leaving on there.

Vernon Geberth

I've now been adding some of the songs from 'The Last Great Traffic Jam, ... So I cannot possibly play (all) these songs in three hours but I do change the set up every night. We always enjoy playing.

Steve Winwood

These games don't tell (children) once (a gang member) gets caught, he's going to go to jail and possibly be executed.

Rep. Dave Hogue

We're figuring out how to play together. We have awesome potential. Coach is doing the best job she possibly can.

Rachel Wilson

Moved into a luxurious apartment in the capital whose rent he could not possibly afford on his salary.

Miguel de Cervantes

Our funding currently is project finance which is only 12 years and we are building an asset which will last 55, 75 or possibly even 100 years and we would like to match that tenure.

Keith Edelman

Our friends believed in us and in what I was doing. Perhaps they looked at us as some sort of an ideal that could possibly help to make this world a better place. . . . Marrying Joyce was the best thing I ever did in my life.

George Wein

Just hold on to them, because that could cause damage to a lot of equipment and possibly cause some fires.

David Eisenhauer

No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average human beings.

Peter F. Drucker

This very possibly has something to do with the fact that this week the Academy will announce this year's winner.

Horace Engdahl