Officer Lamb's training and experience allowed him to react without hesitation, and possibly saved the lives of his fellow officers.

Joe Durkin

I think we've been about as inefficient as you could possibly be this year, and that's why we had to take a huge charge.

Harry Stonecipher

After overcoming every obstacle that the leadership could possibly construct, the House will vote on real campaign finance reform.

Martin Meehan

I can't ever forget about him. I can't possibly leave him without any help.

Ann Hill

It's a possibility, but it's also contingent on a few things that we're working on. It could possibly happen, but it also may not.

Rick Vaughn

He demanded and expected excellence, not just in the game of football but in the way you acted in public, the way you went about attacking your academics. He expected you to be the best you possibly could, and you hated to disappoint him.

Chuck Bredlow

Our goal is to make the refinery as safe as we possibly can. We are disappointed by the citations. We disagree with the substance and characterization of many of the alleged violations.

Ronnie Chappell

He was possibly mentally ill, though he had never been diagnosed, inside or outside of prison. He was angry, abusive and hostile for a long while.

Cheryl Wheeler

Thank God that the Bible cannot possibly be the word of God.

Donald Morgan

We have a responsibility to show what (America) can do, the best we possibly can.

Dan Glickman

This is a beginning of a 10-year shift in computing. Everything that can possibly be done on a hand-held will be done on a hand-held.

Danny Shader

He needs to be as active as we possibly can get him to be. Time will tell before we make that decision (to keep him there).

Kevin Donley

Bullfights are hugely popular because you can sit comfortably with a hot dog and possibly watch a man die. It won't be me, but I can sit comfortably and watch it.

Albert Brooks

You cannot possibly invent painting all by yourself.

Pierre Bonnard

He is totally unknown at present, except by historians. He is possibly the greatest unknown photographer.

Lee Brumbaugh

I certainly endorse his policies and his approach, using possibly citizens and National Guard.

Chris Simcox

Some of our agencies are being overloaded with more clothes than they could possibly use. People want to make a difference, and they feel giving money is not enough — but money is the most flexible.

Shelley Borysiewicz

It's hard. I think possibly I have but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be punished.

Ginger Bayless

Wind chills are probably going to be in the teens by the evening Thursday and possibly wind chills into the single digits by later Thursday night and Friday morning.

Danny Mercer

I don't know what I could ever possibly say to them, because 'thank you' is not enough... . As far as my husband and I are concerned, they're the heroes. Liam was lucky. He was given a gift by these people who were able to overcome, in a moment, that tragedy that they went through, and make that decision that they made that a lot of people don't.

Lynn Dooley

We did everything we possibly could to protect her.

Pat Camden

I just lead my life as naturally, as normally as I possibly can. But I can't help it if controversy is hounding me day in and day out. I'm quite amazed sometimes by the way they go about it. I grow a beard and it lands up in the editorial in The Times of India.

Amitabh Bachchan

I'll nurse my lemons along as long as I possibly can. As a last resort, I get out the juice squeezer and freeze the juice.

Wendy Carroll

John is doing the best job that he possibly can do with the situation that he was dealt with. I have great respect for him and I wish him and the Bulls' organization nothing but success.

Isiah Thomas

Get your business cards ready! What we're trying to do is get to know as many people as we possibly can.

Mike Duncan

We have 49 percent left, and we are evaluating how to sell it. We expect to conclude it this year, possibly on the stock exchange.

Rodolfo Salgado

I would say we've made great gains since 1997, 'the flood of the century', and we've taken many measures to make sure that we are protected as much as we possibly can.

Ron Lemieux

As for penalties, it hasn't even been discussed. Our position is we want them to return to work as quickly and as safely as they possibly can.

Phil Ramon

I've been training a lot in Colorado, and I've actually been riding a ton on the mountain bike. I've been climbing up the steepest things I could possibly find in Durango, which is not hard to do. It's good training because it's really hard on the arms.

Chris Wherry

As a ballplayer, I would be delighted to do it again. As an individual, I doubt if I could possibly go through it again.

Roger Maris

People basically and particularly [physically fit young males] are highly likely to become infected and develop complications, possibly even die, ... Why do I say that? In 1918, the people who more frequently died were in their teens to 40s. No one knows why.

Greg Poland

We do as much as we possibly can for our community and church.

Sandy Buerk

From October to December, we expect at least $250 million to possibly as much as $750 million in sales industry-wide.

Steve Nickerson

We have done everything we can possibly do to preserve a fair election in accordance to the laws governing homeowners' associations and to protect the privacy of the members of the association.

Carol Jones

They did everything they possibly could in their way of thinking, their way of disciplining him.

Rufus Earle

We got to lace up our shoes and do the best we can possibly do against four of the greatest players to ever play. If we continue to work hard, play together, come Game 1 we're going to be OK.

Yolanda Griffith

By the time they got the product in Africa to treat their outbreaks, the locusts had moved, possibly to another country. That's why it's important to have the product on hand so treatment can begin early on.

David Hunter

It's music to inspire children to feel the music, in melody and in rhythm. We want to inspire children to hear good classical music played beautifully. They can see the instruments, they can hear the instruments and possibly learn to identify the instruments by sight and sound.

Audrey Mueller

The jacking procedure is anticipated to begin this weekend, possibly as early as Saturday morning.

Peter Graves

Macquarie is firmly in the bull camp, in fact possibly at the front of the herd in terms of our positive take on Hong Kong.

Mark Simpson

If anybody else knows the college-wide ID or has it, they can't do too much. They could possibly log on to the system if they know your PIN and drop and add a bunch of courses, but they couldn't create a credit card.

Kelly Rodrigue

Our workload will double and possibly triple, ... And that means fees are going up.

John Cole

All I can tell you is that we're continuing to gather information. I think Allen's attendance at the meeting reflects the governor's desire to get all the input that he can possibly get.

Chuck Ardo

I just wanted to go play in the big leagues. But possibly playing for the Yankees is very special.

Nick Johnson

[There are people] who can't sleep at night because of what this poor little boy went through, and [from thinking about] what we can possibly do to stop it from happening again.

Jim Cairns

I cannot even begin to think of what possibly can be in the minds of those who would set the woods ablaze and cause so much harm and grief for so many people.

Bob Crawford

The songs are classic Neil Diamond songs. Nobody else could have possibly written them. The sound of the album is very personal, intimate and honest.

Rick Rubin

We are going to have to restructure some of our faculty and possibly bring in some additional staff to help build the new program.

William Pierson

He can get in and out [of cuts], can create some separation, he's a smooth guy. He's got great hands... Quite possibly, his best years are in front of him.

Marty Mornhinweg

I'm not addressing how I feel, how the meeting went. I'm trying to make this as amusing and irrelevant a press conference as I possibly can.

Peter Fleming

I've only scratched the surface of where I want to be in my career, ... And I know one thing, I haven't won anything yet so there's a lot more I can do there. But I'm going to continue to get better and do what I can to help my team be the best it can possibly be.

Dwyane Wade

I want to give them the best they've ever had at a really good price. Everything we do here is done the best we can possibly do it, mostly from scratch.

Melissa Ettinger

Alexander Woollcott did say she (Parker) would be Mrs. Benchley if there wasn't one already. We played that up for the show. You do things you feel could possibly have been true but having not been there, we don't really know.

Ginny Redington

I've always held that in the proportions we're dealing with, the index number is not only irrelevant, but possibly misleading, ... In search, size does not necessarily matter.

Jonathan Spira

Everything is going to happen pretty quickly for the airlines, ... We could be looking at a stampede to Chapter 11 in the next couple of weeks and possibly a total collapse of the entire industry.

Kevin Mitchell

It looks like we may be on schedule, possibly for an Act 34 hearing sometime around December 12, if everything goes well.

Howard Wilson

We're probably a little short on bowls for one year, ... We'll want to do everything we can possibly do to have a home for all of our bowl-eligible teams if at all possible. But that will be a challenge this particular year.

John Swofford

It's a large class, and it's a class full of people that love to play baseball. Five or six position players and possibly two to three pitchers will see playing time for us. That makes the returning players that much better because now they're being pushed.

Shaun Neitzel

We currently have about 700 folks out of the Lansing market that could be travelling and be possibly effected Friday or sometime Monday.

Kevin Hamilton

It's not a surprise. It's something we have really improved in. He (Adami) could possibly reach 50-feet this year.

Dan Winzenried

We did lose possibly as much as two million gallons onto the beaches. We're still doing the estimates on that. We don't know how much could possibly have made it to the ocean. We know some did.

Joe Haworth

(Davis) will provide new leadership and possibly new priorities. He will also provide a fresh look at challenges.

Dorothy Lord

That new treatment offers me new hope to go back to work, to go back to school, to possibly some day have children. That was never an option for me. It gives me my life back.

Toni Smith

I don't want to get behind any more. If we can possibly play, we'll play.

Don Andrews

We're excited, and I'm happy for the kids, because they deserve to win. We hope this can carry us to where we want to be, and it's no secret we have to win out. This was a good start to possibly doing that.

Scott Scudder

It didn't appear to be intentionally set. It was possibly electrical in nature.

Mike Erfert

Possibly the most important phase to recovery is getting the life back to normal again, ... And what we're talking about here in Corvallis is assisting people who want to get their lives back to normal, and who cannot go back to the life that is in the Gulf Coast because of Katrina.

John Hope Franklin

We're in possession of irrefutable documentary evidence that shows Reade was not there when she says she was raped. I don't believe a crime occurred, but if it did, he couldn't possibly have been there.

Kirk Osborn

There is some concern over drugs coming off of patents and the expense of those drugs, and in some cases, such as with Pfizer and Merck, the efficacy issues, ... But we still can't get away from the fact that we're looking at an aging population and drugs are an integral part of keeping us going as long as we possibly can.

Paul Nolte

It's their broadcast in the final analysis, ... I've always taken the position it's our job to make the program as attractive to the audience as we could possibly make it, but there are limits. You don't bring on dancing girls.

Ted Koppel

Feeding ducks and geese is something we've all done, but it's not in their best interest and it's possibly not in yours either.

Sean Hanna

Some growers will have the plantations maintained at a basic level, and if there is a niche, or a lull in the market, they will cut that fruit and put it into the market for high prices. This is as big a lull in the market as you can possibly get.

Tony Heidrich

How can Charles Clarke possibly remain in his job if his department's negligence has led to such appalling crimes?

Nick Clegg

If we are going to advertise this nationwide, three weeks is not enough. Since we've spent this much money on it, I think we should get all the exposure we possibly can.

Larry Parker

I'm not focused on exactly where I want to finish. I'm focused on finishing each week the best I possibly can.

Brent Sherman

This is possibly the best job anywhere.

Charlie Conner

One of the objectives of the Forest Service was to get (the bridge) on the ground so other people could look at it and possibly build one.

Brad Miller

We see this project ending in fall 2007 or possibly spring 2008. We chose to start it (in August) because it misses the major events that happen in the summer, like orientations.

Tony Warner

Possibly one of the best in the world. The Americans have a slightly different handicap system, so it's difficult to tell. But what she's done so far is phenomenal.

Carly Simon

The earliest we could possibly be bidding and constructing that signal would be at some point next year, in 2007.

Mike Coll

They thought that they were possibly going to have to do excavation because they are trying to figure out what the actual source is.

Wendy Rosenbach

I'm not making excuses for the way we played or anything, but the officiating in that game was suspect. It was quite possibly the worst officiated game I have ever been a part of. I think that's more frustrating than anything.

Chris Lepage

I think you are probably going to see the election coming soon, possibly in the first quarter.

Leslie Tang

When you come to giving mobile phones to a 3- to 8-year-old, that can't possibly be right.

William Stewart

Eight wins probably gets you in; seven could possibly get you.

Joe Brady

We want him to live the rest of his life in happiness and we want to be a part of his life as we possibly can. We love him very much.

Mark Richardson

He told me to quit making my shots. I looked at him and said, 'Man, what about you?' He is possibly the best freshman in the league.

Mike Gansey

I knew that if I had an awesome run and everything came together I could possibly get bronze. But that was a bit of a random goal. I can't believe I got silver. That's more than my wildest dreams.

Shelley Rudman

It was very hard for him to accept that, on top of the fact that his parents -- one was in prison, the other possibly being deported -- and it's just a convergence of really bad news that caused Dave Williams to behave in a way he never would have otherwise.

Mike Devine

I think the main evidence is the one he provided to the whole country. I think this is about the most compelling evidence you could possibly have.

John Skrzynski

Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.

Douglas Pagels

By winning the championship it will possibly lead to more support from our university and help funding our program.

Michael Paul

I thought he was done. I thought it might be a broken ankle or possibly his knee.

Joe Rodeghero

[Arizona] gives up something on the defensive end. It's possibly something for us to capitalize on.

Charli Turner Thorne

We're in a good situation. We just try to keep everybody healthy as much as we possibly can. Because everybody deals with that.

Andrew Hudson

He was taking charging fouls, he was diving on the floor for loose balls and taking the ball to the basket and hitting open threes. He looked as relaxed and comfortable out there as he could possibly be.

Gary Turcott

It's up to David (Butt, driver) now. It's quite amazing how well this horse has thrived over here. He couldn't possibly be any better for this race.

Paul Kerr

He went into hiding, which is a good thing. You don't want to confront somebody (who could) possibly apprehend you or hurt you or do whatever.

Ted White

My first thought was that she could have possibly been dead.

Howard Clark

It could be defined as being able to point a finger at somebody or some group, or possibly finding co-conspirators. There's always the possibility we may reach a dead end.

Dennis Norred

We think we're in a good position. We're doing everything that we possibly can to catch him.

Deputy David Linthicum

Possibly he knew, as he wrote this, that he was mad - because inside every madman sits a little sane man saying 'You're mad, you're mad.

Graham Swift

What I was looking for was information that possibly could indicate another person that may be involved in this incident.

Mark White

I would love to play in college and possibly play in the WNBA. But I would also like to be a coach or go into the medical field.

Cherie White

With a bounce here and there we could have gotten a tie or possibly a win. We obviously had our chances. I just think with as little hockey as we have played ... we were in shape, we just weren't in game shape.

Bob Daniels

If we go into the playoffs we could possibly play them.

John Donato

I'd like to meet a lovely man who shares my interests. On the other hand, I possibly will not. It's part of the hand you're dealt. It's a challenge-and I'm not atypical.

Barbara Feldon

This is unexplainable. I just tried to give some energy off the bench, whether it's hitting shots or anything I can possibly do. I was just fortunate that my teammates where able to get me the ball and I was able to make shots.

Tyler Holloway

We're going to do everything we possibly can to make their time here, their visit here, their home here, for as long as they want to be a part of our state, as pleasant and as good as it can be.

Tom Vilsack

To see themselves possibly existing in that environment can be in some ways a little bit foreboding, but in some ways it can be really inspiring.

Michael Rebell

We'd like to get the best people we possibly can. At CNCC, we pride ourselves in having a very personable and caring environment. We want someone to come in and genuinely care about students and fit into the department, too.

Cindy Halcomb

I cannot figure out what Dadaism is. But if the baroness is to be a keystone for it - then I think I can possibly know when it is coming and how to avoid it.

Hart Crane

Jack Brennan is the best person I could possibly have found.

John Bogle

Surfing contests are supposed to be about celebrating the environment, so it's all about balance. In this case I don't think there's anything the organizers can be directly blamed for aside from possibly not expecting such a large crowd.

Matt Mcclain

I was always scheduled to be done Friday. I missed my two girls growing up, so if I have it in my control, I get here if I possibly can.

Joe Montana

We showed that we can play with the big boys. We gave it as good an effort as we possibly could.

Matt Galante

The gift of Peter Pan was the most generous present J.M. Barrie could possibly have given to the hospital, a cause close to his heart.

Jane Collins

Some men go through life absolutely miserable because, despite the most enormous achievement, they just didn't do one thing-like the architect who didn't build St Paul's. I didn't quite build St Paul's, but I stood on more mountaintops than possibly I deserved.

Lord Thorneycroft

I called (Tim) on his way home from work and told him I may have possibly found the rings.

Linda Scatena

We assume father and son were communicating by letter and possibly a third party who may have visited Rodriguez in prison. We believe they had been planning the escape for at least six months and probably longer.

Larry Todd

We will start looking to set up another gallery in the province of New Brunswick, other than in Fredericton, to house works that belong to the Canadian and also possibly the British Beaverbrook foundations.

Lord Beaverbrook

Absolutely, there's no other choices but to cut staff or possibly cut some hours back despite being one of the few shelters that really stay open to make it convenient for the public.

Judy Outlaw

People are putting a lot of emphasis on these is a reflection of what possibly could happen in the future.

Steve Previs

I saw the potential immediately, that she could quite possibly be the best volleyball player to come out of Bradford.

Shari Bishop

We hope to field as many questions as we possibly can. And we hope this will provide that opportunity.

Wiley Dobbs

It has been one of our major objectives to hold the price of tickets. Our mission is to provide affordable, family fun, and we will hold prices as long as we possibly can.

John Swiatek

Real sad, but I think we have to move on, try to move on the best we possibly can.

Tim Mccune

Chris is a guy the offensive coaches fought for the day we walked in the door. He's a guy that could possibly be an NFL offensive lineman, as well.

Ron Zook

The rules would quite possibly prevent their consent to an audit from qualifying if they have a criminal issue.

Richard Breeden

I don't know if there were any others. I'm sure there possibly could have been, but I don't know if there was. I had been there six years and bought our dream house that we moved into two years ago with some land and things that I wanted. We really thought we'd be there.

Dickey Meeks

Luxury may possibly contribute to give bread to the poor; but if there were no luxury, there would be no poor.

Henry Home

That caller said when they came upon it, it looked like a pair of blue jeans and possibly a shirt.

Mark Mitchell

It's just something I thought his supervisors would want to know about, and possibly the public.

Chuck Jordan

If Australia plays as good as it possibly can obviously it can win, no doubt about that.

Dennis Lillee

While I know there are great complexities to this situation, nothing can possibly justify attacks on little children of any denomination.

Robin Eames

They can't possibly police that many profiles.

Allan Kush

We do not intend to encourage higher courts to consider and possibly create legal precedent that would injure everyday women in the workplace, based on the allegations and evidence of a politically charged case.

Patricia Ireland

The situation is intense. But we are determined. Certainly, we are not panicking. We are doing all we possibly can with the resources we have.

Duane Gapinski

You can not possibly have a broader basis for government than that which includes all the people, with all their rights in their hands, and with an equal power to maintain their rights.

William Lloyd Garrison

No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or 'get rich' in business by being a conformist.

J. Paul Getty

He has to be able to relate what the Steelers mean to western Pennsylvania and, possibly, Pennsylvania. It goes deeper than just a football team. There was a connection there.

Larry Ceisler

It's clear that decline couldn't possibly be the new system.

Stephanie Goodman

But I'm not on a mission to overhaul the system in the NFL, ... I'm just trying to do the best job I can possibly do for my clients.

Drew Rosenhaus

I imagine it's going to be a really physical battle like it always is between these teams. But they're just excited, the kids want to go as deep as they possibly can.

Dan Rucker

Nov. 1 will possibly become the deadline for applications because of the level of interest I currently have received.

Charles Dunn

'Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges.'

Carlos Castaneda

You start with yourself and you work backwards. Interview family members and get as much basic information as you possibly can.

Judith Johnson

It has been special to have a season like we have had so far. The team is playing well. We just want to keep this thing going as long as we possibly can.

Craig Nelson

My God. Better than I could possibly explain.

Eugene Nelson

I've punished myself more than anyone could possibly punish me. It's more important the judgement I got from God than anyone else. If I've hurt anyone or offended anyone, I'm truly sorry.

Ernest Mcqueen

We will aggressively evacuate storage by releasing possibly more than 6,000 cubic feet per second of water.

Erik Petersen

We're in the business of rocking. Our idea, ever since the beginning, was we wanted to take this as far as we possibly could, be as big as we can.

Eric Dill

This is a tree frog that's possibly a new species.

Erik Anderson

We are striving, as much as we possibly can, to assist young drivers in advancing to the next level. They are the future of Champ Car racing, and Charles certainly falls into that category.

Eric Bachelart

[The six-month extension] is the best outcome we could possibly imagine. The Senate stood firm, and they refused to be bullied into accepting a law that was not good for America.

Emily Sheketoff

People who don?t sleep well overnight and feel knocked out when they wake up possibly will direct their irritability toward their partner.

Elmar Basse

The mold can possibly be cleaned off. It depends how pervasive it is.

Elizabeth English

This individual had been engaged in flight training in the United States, and the FBI believed he was possibly a radical fundamentalist.

Eleanor Hill

Possibly the flooding was triggered by the cutting down of trees higher up the hill. But we don't know yet for sure.

Edi Susilo

We had to have a star each week... Possibly our program being on Sunday and having a little fun with the Bible was dangerous.

Edgar Bergen

All military events are always free, but there are limited seats. We encourage people to get those picked up as soon as they possibly can.

Ed Colson

When you say that you are a race man, it means that you embrace the entire black community regardless of the hue, whether somebody is very light and could pass for possibly white or someone is very dark.

Fred Smith

Cadmium, possibly lead, certainly lots of iron in the water, you've got systems that are prone to leak.

Fred Schwartz

His first priority is to get the base behind him, even if that produces a nominee that is really fought over in the Senate and possibly defeated.

Earl Black