I did this role in Life Goes On as an HIV positive character and so emotionally that was the most challenging.

Chad Lowe

We continue to see our business and the industry with positive growth over the next two to three years.

Bill Greubel

Teachers have enough problems as it is. It's sure not positive.

Bob Hazel

Lindsay has an amazing way of working with anybody. She brings a positive light to everything she does.

James Thorpe

To our surprise, three of the people that were PIB-positive and had low A-beta 42 levels were clinically normal.

Anne Fagan Niven

Continued fund flow into Hong Kong and positive market performance overseas helped support gains in the market.

Peter Lai

People already have a more positive view of the European economy, so they are not that fussed. The market is a bit tired after all the dollar selling this week.

Niels Christensen

It's really positive and our players are enjoying that attention.

Jamie Mitchell

It's positive news the government didn't come directly into the market to sell its stake.

Yoji Takeda

The ABC is biting the bullet. We see this as a positive statement about where the ABC wants to go over the next few years. It's an opportunity to trade its way out of the doldrums.

Geoff Brown

Any positive thing like that will absolutely create problems. But I thought it was and still is a wonderful thing.

George Carey

The restructuring is positive for Kimberly but it's also facing difficulties that it can't control.

Jim Dorment

I guess it gives people a positive story to look at and maybe take their mind off of Katrina. Or maybe it will inspire people to help with the rescue effort and everything like that.

Jonathan Williams

A negative outcome in this trial is more magnified than a positive one.

David Moskowitz

I think we've heard positive responses from eight different ball manufacturers. Some (prototypes) are on the way and more will be very soon.

Dick Rugge

(The) degree earned online equals that (of a degree earned) on campus. The feedback that I hear from students ... (has) just been very positive.

Crystal Riley

They're getting a lot more positive comments, not only the nurses, but the maintenance person. A patient might notice how wonderful the grounds look.

Rhonda Bright

[The new staff] has been phenomenal. There's a renewed love in the game and a more positive atmosphere.

Amy Mckean

We initially found positive signs but we need further testing because we cannot say it is a positive case before two confirmations.

Siti Fadilah Supari

I would like for them to knock on people's doors and tell them we have positive reading of E. coli.

Melinda Rodgers

Anytime we can grab a good basis, we jump on it and hold it for as long as we can. With the exception for once or twice, we marketed everything with a positive basis last year.

Kelly Robertson

Has given me a more positive outlook about the growth of my business.

Andrea Harris

The Culver-Judge campaign is excited to go to the voters with a positive, optimistic television campaign.

Patrick Dillon

We feel like we're really moving in a positive direction right now.

Anita Gattis

These are people who are alienated and don't really identify with their fellow residents in any positive way. They feel the tragedy is an opportunity for them.

Jack Levin

This is obviously great news for the airline and hotel companies, but travel managers might be less positive, as they are the ones facing potential cost increases next year.

Matthew Davis

After I missed my first three, the boos got really loud, but I stayed positive. [When] I played here, the boos didn't help at all -- they had you second-guessing your ability. It was frustrating, but that was a long time ago.

Juwan Howard

Studies are clear on this. People need a strategy for dealing with stress, but they need a positive one.

Patricia Kyle

Sentiment is not too positive and people are quite cautious ahead of the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on Tuesday.

Alex Wong

While the performance in Cairns wasn't what we wanted, the big positive to come out of the match was that we had no injuries.

Ivan Cleary

Anything can you do to clean up Gary is a positive thing.

Michael Mitchell

It's promising. I'm determined to stay focused and positive.

Sharon Hill

We've talked to Camp and four aldermen and got positive feedback.

Stephen Horn

We have to start getting the breaks. When you're losing close games, it seems like they are going against you. We have to keep these guys' mindset positive because we are playing good baseball.

Tom Scarpinato

There are definitely more positive conversations happening -- with more clients. We know there is going to be a future for the company, which could have been a question before.

Brenda White

The results of the survey were very encouraging. I know the board wouldn't have wanted to go forward without the (positive) results of the survey.

Becky Elam

I guess you can't finish earlier unless you start earlier, so we're positive about that.

Rob Ahola

They're more likely to compare each photo to their original memory and make a positive ID if there's a match, or not make a match. You get many fewer false identifications.

Brian Cutler

Jim Gibbons has continued to run a positive campaign. He's talking about the future of Nevada.

Robert Uithoven

Brings a lot of energy and a good positive attitude.

Morris Hodges

We've taken some positive steps forward since Holiday break, but this evening we took some steps backwards. Our opponents were tough and they took it to us.

Jim Pappas

For both of them, the holidays were positive.

Arun Daniel

Sherry's presence was known. She was always laughing and had a positive attitude. Everybody liked being around her.

Julie Helin

The whole point of the book is to say, 'You're not alone. We get it,' ... For me, a breakup changed my entire life. I was a mess. I really got rocked, and I ended up turning it into a positive thing.

Greg Behrendt

When there is no adversity, he can be a very positive person in the unit. (When there's adversity or trouble), we see a different side. There is a duality.

Harry Adams

There just aren't that many motivated sellers. It makes me think the overview is fairly positive.

Todd Clark

The rate cut was positive, but maybe a little conservative, so the market took some profits after initial gains.

Carlos Hokama

The only thing that was positive today was that there was nothing negative, especially no lousy economic reports that we've had over the last four trading days. The summer doldrums have not appeared so far.

Larry Wachtel

Our offense is a nice rhythm-type offense, and getting yards on first down really helps. I don't know if we even got any positive yards on first down, and when you get behind the chains you struggle.

Tim Brasic

I knew we were more of a second-half team and that we would come out hard and finish the opportunities (we hadn't finished in the first half). Everyone was really positive we could do this.

Matt Loveland

You always go away with a positive attitude. You go over there and you're looking for a book on the witch hazel bush. He knows where to send you ... He knows where it is in the library.

Jean Robertson

When they do return, there is the positive effect of training and ideas and so forth.

Brent Layton

Everything was real, it motivated me to keep a positive attitude.

Gary King

I think (the injury) kind of set her back. She was probably at the top of her game before the injury. She made it through, and a lot of positive things happened.

Matt Kordsmeier

It's helped so much to have this improvement. The reaction we get now from people when they walk into the room is just so positive.

Ron Pitner

It's definitely not positive.

Sena Lund

It's like playing Battleship with the prostate. Every hole that we have has a coordinate, and we can place the needle through that. We have a picture that overlays and shows us the prostate and where that biopsy's being taken from. Then, we can basically look at the picture when we get a positive biopsy back and see exactly where the cancer is in the gland.

Dr. Gary Onik

All I know is I'm positive I killed her. She was like a threat to me. Everything I did she could match. That wasn't right. She made me feel worthless.

Michael Crowe

I really view this as a positive event for this company and the 9,000 employees we have.

Byron Snyder

We've had conversations with the mayor for a room for veterans to meet and it's been very positive.

John Boland

It's positive that Adidas can buy Reebok without any conditions. Adidas is now facing no obstacles in the USA.

Manfred Groeschl

The kids deserve to finish out the season in the most positive light we can give for them.

Tim Tackett

I view that as a very positive thing from the standpoint that it'll be challenging and it'll be a great opportunity for our kids to get to know each other and bond a little bit.

Tony Fasano

Winning makes an experience more positive. We played with some positive energy today, and with some intensity.

Gary Apodaca

Corpus Christi is a notable example of the business efficiency enhancements, return on investment and positive community impact resulting from implementation of a city-owned wireless network.

Hugh Taylor

The government is now in a crisis management mode. So, they may provide us some kind of positive surprise as regards the bad loan issue.

Toshihiro Koizumi

The positive surprise comes from the merchandising operations, which is encouraging.

David Brodie

I see it as very positive.

Mark Webber

A positive attitude is something everyone can work on, and everyone can learn how to employ it.

Joan Lunden

Our players are gonna be in for a shock, ... In a positive way.

Jerry West

This was just a really, really positive move. It shows that they (trustees) are people of integrity.

Jeanne Holland

The numbers are very positive, as they are much stronger than expected. It signals an economic upturn in the coming quarters.

Stefan Bielmeier

You never can forget a guy that you went to the Super Bowl with. It's sort of a connection you'll always have. I wasn't here when things went awry for Kurt in St. Louis. But my memories of him are nothing but positive ones. And I just wish him the best in Arizona.

Roland Williams

We have a lot of games to go. When we are struggling we need someone to be a leader and do something positive.

Mark Jackley

I'm very positive on Europe and the telecoms.

Robert Lovelace

It's a worthy cause, so you don't think about your energy level. This is the kind of stuff that invigorates you. You know you can give something back of a positive nature. If you can be part of anything where you can make an impact and help give back, that's a beautiful cause to be a part of.

Gerald Williams

This is kind of positive from where we are. We will continue to look at the numbers, try to reduce the numbers through attrition and looking at ways to save money.

Melindo Persi

Our problem isn't with the fans who come to the games. Once people come and have the experience it's usually very positive and they return to the games.

John Brunelle

Gold has started 2006 in a positive manner and we suspect that this strength will continue in the near term.

John Reade

This is the last major positive catalyst for the stock. Going forward, shares should track more closely with the fundamentals of the business because now investors will be focused on execution.

Brent Bracelin

We had a team meeting earlier this week and revisited some of our goals. Everything was really positive this week during practice.

Heidi Romer

A park is is a place where people come for positive experiences, and so accidents like this are horrible.

Johnny Medlin

Boys & Girls Clubs across the nation have had a positive impact on the lives of children for the last 100 years. The changes that have taken place in the clubs, even in the past decade, have been amazing to witness, so to think about what these clubs will look like in the next century is hard to imagine. I'm excited to see what our kids have come up with.

James D. Watson

That was great for our guys. We really needed some positive energy.

Bobby April

My time is now. I've stayed positive and hungry and worked hard. Having not done it yet is going to make it more special when I do.

Charles Rogers

This show, by all intents and purposes, should have closed on the 21st. But if we get them in, they will spread the word. I'm positive.

Joseph Brooks

I would be very surprised, given the box office slate, if we won't see positive comps for them in the third quarter.

Marla Backer

They've had lighter [numbers] in the past two quarters. There might have been some inventory fluctuations that would actually help them and have a small impact on sales numbers on the positive side. Otherwise, I'm expecting numbers to be in line with consensus.

Shiv Kapoor

I feel very good about the future. My concern is this month and next month. Everything is positive about the future.

Kevin Drum

It is tense but the fact that we're talking to him is positive. We want him to know that he can end this without anyone getting hurt.

Bill Toohey

I was happy with the way I played. I think everyone was happy about the way everyone played. Overall, it was a positive thing.

Andrew Ladd

You've got to take the most positive thing you can.

Matt Bradley

Palestinian society is responsible for its choices and its future through these elections. We can either go toward positive change, and this is what we hope, or we can go backward.

Talal Oukal

The people who did most of the crimes when I was growing up weren't really into sports. I got around a bunch of people who liked sports, had positive goals and wanted to do something good.

Charles Roberson

The markets are responding to a positive development. The region is sensitive to what happens in the global markets, the U.S. economy in particular.

Teo Chon Kiat

We are in the final leg. I am positive that these countries will help extinguish the debt, which was mostly direct transfers to the Iraqi central bank to finance the war with Iran.

Ali Allawi

The mass information campaign seems to have had a positive impact.

Morgan Morris

Based on preliminary inklings, they are confident that the data is positive.

Jason Zhang

Terry is an amazing guy with a positive outlook, strong focus and competitive juices. We're looking forward to having him back in the weeks ahead.

Rick Greenspan

This has definitely been an interesting season. I can't think of a more stressful season than this one. ... Hopefully, the worst of the negative media is over and we can move forward into the Olympic Games with positive, enjoyable memories.

Kevin Ellis

We had positive plays on offense in the end of the second quarter that carried into the second half. We will continue to work to get better.

William Boyd

Apart from the dividend, there are no positive surprises. The fact that we have no details on the figures doesn't help us get an overall picture.

Carlo Ponfoort

At that age, you want to be the best. It builds their self-esteem and keeps them on a positive track. We provide any assistance we can.

Jiles Smith

This is another positive step in the resurgence of lower Manhattan.

George Pataki

She uses every opportunity an incumbent has in a way I have not seen around here. When a problem comes up, like the (military-base closures) issue, she presents a positive image.

Margaret Kenski

This is a very positive number and it augurs well for economic growth. It's a bright spot.

Brian Redican

When your stock goes up 11 percent on that, I would say the feedback is very positive.

Rob Mcewen

They were both very excited, positive and supportive of each other. They stayed focused and communicated well. Things good doubles partners do.

Tim Kessel

Cesar did a really nice job. I thought it was a positive for him to leave the game in that situation.

Rick Renteria

It's been a very positive quarter so far for tech pre-announcements.

John Butters

The global operating environment has been extremely positive, especially for companies in the technology sector. Earnings aren't disappointing.

Christopher Wong

Detailed planning will follow if the forecast for success in program growth is positive.

Charles Groat

We want to be a real positive force in the community.

Lawrence Smith

We haven't gotten any negative feedback. It's all positive; there's no downside to it. We see the results of husbandry training on a regular basis.

Scott Silver

I think not only myself, but I think the whole team has just learned that it's been so inspirational, the fact that she's never felt bad about herself and has brought that positive outlook. I think as a team, and me as a coach, you just learned that you never take things for granted and cherish what you have.

Mary Burke

If we look at how AMD's microprocessor business has been since Dirk got there, it's very, very positive. I see it as a reward for the technical engineering and operational contributions he has made to the business.

Matthew Wilkins

This is a true positive from a very unfortunate natural disaster.

James Malone

[Hurricane Katrina may be a defining moment, other speakers said, and not necessarily a positive one for the Republicans.] The controlling philosophy in Washington now is to dismiss community and place all the responsibility on the individual, ... It's better if we have both.

Tom Vilsack

The cut in the debt sales is a positive for bonds. The improved fiscal situation with a stricter cap on sales lightens up the sentiment in the market.

Shigeru Endo

There was also a substance recovered from a locked area of the barn, which field-tested positive for methamphetamine.

David Bauer

The market at the moment wants to be positive on Siemens, which has massively underperformed in the last year.

Axel Funhoff

On the whole I think Nationalism has been a very positive force in Scotland over the last two or three decades.

Douglas Dunn

Most don't take time to do that. It was a tremendous, positive, emotional experience to spend time with him.

Richard Zuschlag

The way GM is trading and is going to multi-year lows, that never is a big psychological positive for the market.

Chip Hanlon

He works very hard in practice and wants to be on the floor every second. He doesn't have to come in here and lead he does what he does. He's just a very positive player.

Joe Gaetano

We have at the doorsteps of the European Union positive proof that this business is not just an Asian issue anymore.

Richard Swain

It's frustrating. What can I say? It is disappointing. It's been like that for two weeks. The positive thing is we got a point, at least, tonight but we've got to get better starts and play harder from the start.

Martin Gelinas

Mike, he played his heart out. He and Juan both played great. I am proud of the way we played. Our guys stayed very positive.

John Connell

From my standpoint this is a really healthy, positive, progressive thing that is happening in the community.

Leona Peters

The delay is a positive sign, because I think they will need that much time to achieve a consensus.

Bill Kovacic

It was basically a technical correction with the market going higher from the beginning as it celebrated the positive reaction abroad.

Fabio Lara

I think it sounds like a good, positive move.

John Bingham

Worldwide, inflation is going to be the big story next year. For Japan, that's going to be a big positive.

Hiroshi Arano

The governor is very optimistic that the negotiations will get off on a positive foot. This is a plan B prompted by the interest by business leaders and other community leaders to have a voice if the budget process derails.

Kevin Hall

Each institution maintains its separate identity, but the partnership in terms of space and library and just the cross-pollination of student life and faculty life … has been a very positive thing.

Bill Turner

We're at the point where financial markets could impact economic growth, in which case the bounce we've seen since July 24 could have a positive impact.

Gert De Mesure

We need to find athletes who are determined to play as a team and have positive attitudes. Hopefully these guys can see what we're trying to do.

David Maxwell

Any life in transition, in a positive transition, that seems to be when people make the Internet their own.

Marci Hansen

Would it ruin his career or change the way colleges hire? I don't think so. A guy coaches because he loves coaching so I think he would just do it somewhere else where he could continue to make a positive impact on young men's lives.

Barry Lunney

I'm really truly amazed by the level of interactivity the program provides. It's obvious the kids are taken with the program because there's always maximum attendance; it's become a positive place in the evening.

Jill Dewerdt

Take leadership in sending out positive messages about asylum-seekers.

The Committee

This is as good as it gets. For a high school marching band, it's like going to the Super Bowl. The national and global exposure is very positive public relations for the school.

Andrew Yaracs

She looked at this and saw something positive.

Jim Dalzell

On reforms, the decision has been taken and broad outlines drawn but they now need to be activated ... the speech should be comprehensive and positive on domestic issues.

Haj Ali

It feels like whatever we do, nothing's gone right. We've just got to stay positive and keep working hard.

Stephen Barton

Samsung can continue to generate profit growth, and earnings this quarter will be positive.

Choi Chang Hoon

We'll see what happens. I hear a lot of positive things, and a lot of it is questions. 'How do you think the public's going to react?' I hope it's positive.

Tony Ciriello

It's very positive to have a balance of old and new. There is a lot of individual identity and pride in the heritage of these communities. The parades and festivals really do add up. The next generation is critical to keeping these traditions alive.

Dave Sciamanna

It gave us momentum going into halftime. It gave us a positive edge coming back out.

Camille Little

Your feels may be positive or negative, ... No matter what you're feeling, dealing with change can be hard.

Bill Burns

There was no real breakthrough to the positive side. Each one of these little nicks has been chipping away at investor confidence.

David Darst

The Japanese economy is improving. The outlook for the yen looks positive given Japan's economic backdrop.

Chris Loong

We're just like everyone else: We're nervous. We're thinking positive, but we're realistic.

Gina Rokas

We had expected earnings to be a positive trigger this year and this is taking place.

Rolf Elgeti

Out of all the Express IRA accounts opened between 2001 and 2005, 78 percent have experienced positive net tax savings benefits and interest earnings.

Robert Abrams

I feel positive about this team. These kids won titles as freshmen (frosh championship), sophomores (JV) and juniors (NCL I) so they are used to hanging up a pennant.

Jeff Donaldson

I think it's a very positive move for us. And it's something I think we can get support for.

Tony Diggs

The message this sends I think is when you are HIV-positive you have a positive duty to disclose that fact to any perspective partners that you have.

Andrew Macdonald

The results are better-than-expected and the increase of the sales and margin target is also positive.

Patrick Roquas

We are looking forward to a long relationship with ASU and hope to make a positive contribution to their educational mission.

Douglas Merrill

I think it will be reassuring to the families that the president will be here. I think it's a positive thing and I'm pleased that he's coming.

George Pataki

I think it has left people worried. For many years, people didn't appreciate the positive aspects of defined benefit plans. Now that they might lose them, people are concerned.

Ann Combs

There is probably no one venue in the community, besides the Rock Cats, that draws the people that the museum does to the city of New Britain. Too often we have a lot of negatives tied to our community, and this is a huge positive.

Mayor Timothy Stewart

It's huge. It's such a positive thing for everyone. For the kids involved especially, because they've been through some ups and downs.

Rod Losier

Wine has enjoyed the most positive image it has had in years from consumers, the media and government.

Robert Koch

We've had about 3,500 people sign up for more information since the groundbreaking. The response is overwhelmingly positive. Astonishingly so. We had a couple of calls from people saying they don't agree with this.

Blake Gable

He was elected democratically, but hasn't given any positive results.

Carlos Salinas

If we can continue through winter without a major blizzard, that bodes well for carryover of brood stock. January's weather was nothing but positive for pheasants, and other game animals.

Todd Bogenschutz

I think people respond to it because it's so positive and inspiring. It means different things to different people, but mainly, it's something positive in negative times.

Lee Perry

We received the test results this morning and both victims were positive for bird flu.

Hariadi Wibisono

We won some matches we weren't sure about, so that's a positive for us. Everyone getting a win at the state tournament is good for the program.

Brian Smith

I would say anything with an 8 on the front would be a positive.

Piper Jaffray

I think it's a positive upside for our team that we can play smaller lineups when we have mismatches.

Ray Nixon

Bondholders need more details, but anything that would prevent a bankruptcy certainly would be a positive. It's hard to make this situation more complex than it is.

Jon Cartwright

For me, being tall was very positive because I thought my mom was the most beautiful person ever.

Lisa Leslie

Investors are shifting their money to shares of companies that have positive earnings outlooks this year.

Choi Min Jai

You shall always find what you created in your mind, for instance, a benevolent God or an evil Devil. Between them are countless facets. Therefore, concentrate on the depth of your consciousness and on what you consider to be positive and good.

Hans Bender

This is a dollar-positive move across the board. It puts perhaps additional interest-rate hikes on the table because the housing market is not slowing down.

Greg Salvaggio

By re-establishing the connection between schools and communities, we believe more effective schools and healthier neighborhoods will be created. Being involved in that type of positive action is what Xavier's commitment to community engagement is all about.

Michael Graham

All of the feedback from the coaches was positive. Fallon told us that they hope we keep having the tournament because they'll keep coming.

Jim Nisbet

Ed was quiet, yet he made a powerful and positive impact on everyone he touched. One of the greatest tributes to Ed is to get back and do our job.

Tony Correia

We'll sit down with our schools and gather data and see what their response is. But I expect it to be positive this year.

Chuck Howell

Removing the demand to transfer money into a Russian bank is a positive move. This means that the actual funds can be kept anywhere.

Peter Westin

We are very happy to have someone to help us move the chamber in a positive direction.

Mark Weber

You always have questions in your mind, but I've always been a positive person.

Lynn Seaberg

I was proud to be able to help them and provide a positive ID for the two Oklahoma City bombers.

Pat Livingston

I don't think they are as active as much as the larger gangs. It's a hang out thing more or less. But it doesn't go farther than that. But here, we try to get them out that and try to do something positive by joining the Boys and Girls Club.

Fred Hudson

We've got a different attitude, and I think he's responsible for that. Coach Webster believes in us. He stays positive.

Wesley Holmes

They felt happy, because their voice was heard. Now that they know everyone is going to sit down together, they feel that somebody is listening and there'll be positive changes.

Lydia Munoz

Our objective was to try to make a positive experience out of reduction in payroll, so we proposed a pay cut to majority of our employees, but also gave them an opportunity to take an additional pay cut.

Charles Morgan

Japan turned positive after seven quarters of negative comparisons. That's the story here.

Stacey Widlitz

But there will be no announcements before summer. It is clear that positive results like the one in Bahrain will have a positive effect on any discussions.

Willi Weber

This could be very positive for Durango. What we're doing is stopping the leakage. We have millions of dollars that leave this community because we don't have the services people need.

Bobby Lieb

We played well the first two games. [In the third game] they caught us off guard a little. We just have to stay positive and take it to the rest of the conference.

Holly Brown

There were things Gannett wanted to do and things Knight Ridder wanted to do, ... We decided if we could develop an exit strategy that would leave us whole, it would be a positive thing for both parties.

Tony Ridder

This is a great release for us. It is really a break from [our] norm, and will gauge what we do with this genre. Initial numbers out the door have been very positive.

Michael Atkins

On Monday we have also something to win and it makes the psychological approach a little big different for the team a a little more positive.

Hannu Aravirta

I think as a department, with the personnel and leadership, there will be a few bumps early on but it's a positive all around.

Darrell Vires

So far, the results have been incredibly positive.

Marco Muller

We were devastated when it happened, but as soon as we could we made a positive out of a negative. We had more time to work on more things and new tricks and regroup.

Garrett Lucash