It's as important for children to know how to prevent heart disease, cancer and diabetes as it is for children to learn geography, ... These are important life skills that are not intuitively obvious.

It's impressive that Kraft was able to do two 100 percent whole-grain cookies.

The definition is out of date and out of sync with current nutritional concerns for children.

I work in this area, and I don't even know what some of those things are referring to.

It's not enough any more for the government to publish dietary guidelines and point their finger at Americans and say, 'Eat better.' It takes more than that.

[Communities that do step up to reverse poor nutrition trends often face considerable opposition from soda and junk food manufacturers, but while] it used to be that industry always won, that's not always the case now, ... because schools are already in the business of feeding children; it's a matter of changing what's offered, not necessarily taking on new responsibilities.

This is a good step toward reducing artery-clogging fat in french fries, but it doesn't make french fries a health food.

This means that the policy effectively does not address high schools at all because it won't affect the status quo.

Schools can make money without selling junk food.