Sex is harmful to young adolescents -- to pretend otherwise is foolish.

Steve Alexander

Our approach today is that we're just going to get as many flights off the ground as we possibly can, until the weather tells us otherwise.

Bob Mchugh

These events are a way to open discussion that might not otherwise be talked about.

Tara Fisher

When people make a presentation, I believe the glass is half empty and you have to show me otherwise. That's the nature of planning for an emergency.

Richard Sheirer

We are going to bring the sanitary pads in every month, otherwise it is a pointless exercise.

Wellington Chibebe

We just got some bad bounces. Otherwise I didn't think we played that poorly.

Wade Belak

This is part of the essence of motherhood, watching your kid grow into her own person and not being able to do anything about it. Otherwise children would be nothing more than pets.

Heather Armstrong

The royalties that [Cornell] would otherwise be getting are going to other parties as a result of her animus towards my client.

Martin Singer

The lower that rate goes, the higher our valuation goes. The Legislature put a floor on it of 8.3 percent; otherwise, it would be 7.4 percent.

Don Siebert

They [governing bodies] have to do something, otherwise more and more referees will be forced out of the game.

Urs Meier

We had expected 3,000-4,000 people, however, we think about 10,000 people came. A handful of South Asians like us who are in leadership positions were there, otherwise they are hard to find.

Partha Banerjee

I was used to not having to check the defensive zone. I had to learn to adjust to it, otherwise I was going to be in the minors.

Marian Gaborik

Otherwise, it's smoke damage for sure.

Tim Foskett

We weren't expecting anything that bad. Otherwise I probably would've packed a little differently.

Leslie Pixley

Early in my career I was accused of being overconfident and even cocky, but I really was confident that I had done the training and didn't see any other reason to say otherwise.

Alberto Salazar

Oil prices have fallen lately. We include this news for the benefit of gas stations, which otherwise wouldn't learn of it for six months.

Bill Tammeus

You have to be very fond of men. Very, very fond. You have to be very fond of them to love them. Otherwise they're simply unbearable.

Marguerite Duras

He was not fired, encouraged to leave, or otherwise asked to change duties by the department.

Scott Larrivee

[talking about his new wife, Laura] Angus the Groom: Ignore her. She's drunk. At least I hope she is. Otherwise I'm in real trouble.

Four Weddings And A Funeral

We waited too long to leave. We learned that you have to make the decision to leave 72 hours before landfall. Otherwise, you can't get out.

Carolyn Dineen King

Don't wing it and do the best you can, ... You have to really study a new area and know it inside out. Otherwise you may be missing something you don't even know is there.

Howard Hertz

Otherwise, you just become partners managing the kids and life, and that makes your marriage more vulnerable to problems down the road.

Laura Berman

We try to connect meaning to everything. Otherwise it becomes a practice that's sort of empty, eating pancakes without knowing why.

Diane Archer

Since we have no answer yet, we'll proceed as if he'll be allowed to come back. Till we hear otherwise.

Scott Stricklin

The equipment that is available on the market meets or exceeds all air quality permits in California otherwise they wouldn't be considered.

Tom Amesbury

Public-spirited dialogue with listeners on how best to beat up and otherwise neutralize police officers.

Louis Post

We may pretend that we're basically moral people who make mistakes, but the whole of history proves otherwise.

Terry Hands

Otherwise, she would have died in a Florida state prison.

Kepler Funk

All of these are necessary right now. Otherwise, much of the efforts of the military will be shut down.

Ike Skelton

A big deal with cross country is the mental game. If you begin to doubt yourself, you will fail. One thing I would like to improve is my mentality. I need to tell myself I can do it otherwise I won't do well.

Kirsten Anthony

Regardless of anything, we're going to be working our asses off. Label, no label. Lots of money, no money. Doing our own tour, being put on tour -- we're going to be working to the bone. So we might as well be enjoying it the way we want to. Otherwise, it's no better than a desk job.

Peter Arcuni

It's a good idea to reuse them — otherwise, disposal will always be a problem.

Joe Hinojosa

It's the longest-running shirt design in America -- Western or otherwise.

Steve Weil

All about context and bringing light where there is otherwise heat.

James Goldston

I've seen guys otherwise calm and collected lose it when they are chasing someone. We try to teach officers to recognize they are in a moment, take a deep breath and analyze it.

David Klinger

Because of that you have to pay seven cents-a-gallon more than you would have otherwise. Next week it's almost 30 cents-a-gallon more.

Mark Moses

A process that dooms an otherwise normal embryo to later demise.

Dr George Daley

That was a big play against us, but compared to the game our offence had and Kevin had, it was one setback in an otherwise strong performance.

Jim Daley

Teaching a class is great because I get to meet people I wouldn't otherwise meet. I'm building an emotional base.

Kelly Eaton

We've been building this airline for 12 years to compete against anybody, Southwest or otherwise.

Joe Hodas

I did miss having a shower, particularly to clean my hair up. But otherwise what we did onboard was certainly very workable.

Bill Shepherd

What that final number will be, we're trying to come up with a methodology to estimate that. It could be that several hundred people were either washed out to sea or crushed beneath buildings or otherwise are just not locatable.

Henry Yennie

I should advise anyone coming up to the match to come early and not leave until the end, otherwise they might miss something.

John Toshack

Otherwise, the people will be living on top of each other, under extreme weather conditions, which will eventually lead to disease and other problems.

Kris Janowski

The key is accessibility. We are a state institution with a commitment to serving the students in the state. The Bridge program opens a Clemson education up to more individuals who might not otherwise be accepted.

Debra Jackson

The test of a first-fate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

You gotta be careful if you don't know where you're going, otherwise you might not get there.

Yogi Berra

In the absence of specifics that would throw his nomination into doubt, Democrats will be loath to want to be as combative and confrontational as they might otherwise be.

Doug Schoen

These are high school kids and they make mistakes. Donnie otherwise played a heck of a game for us.

Bill Ballard

It's a blessing because there's no way I could do this [otherwise]. I like food too much.

Jeremy Rose

I said no because I wanted the people close to me to be able to (afford to) go. Otherwise, it becomes more about the trip than the celebration.

Nikki Thompson

I get to know thousands of people in my community who I wouldn't otherwise know. This group has a great feel to it.

Nancy Castleman

You'll find us in a suit and tie if we have to go to the White House, but otherwise we wear what we want.

Joshua King

Michelle is good for golf, just as Tiger was good for golf. There are a lot of people who may not follow golf otherwise, but tune in when you've got Michelle or Tiger out there.

Carolyn Bivens

Unlike most animals - with some exceptions like beavers - we engineer our environment. So that allows us to hang on in places that would otherwise be singularly inhospitable.

Jeffrey Mount

If you look at it as trying to broaden the appeal and kind of get out of the box and maybe reach some people who otherwise don't become exposed to country music, it could turn out to be a really good thing.

Trace Adkins

Otherwise, we will go strike again.

Murphy Hutagalung

Live every day as if it is your last, and you'll be correct sooner than you otherwise would be.

Craig Bruce

We want them to make collective decisions. Otherwise, how can we hold negotiations at all? ... Without them putting their demands in writing, we'll just be confused.

Robert Aventajado

Grace must find expression in life, otherwise it is not grace.

Karl Barth

When he expressed to us that he was considering retirement, we repeatedly tried to convince him otherwise, but completely respect his decision.

Norby Williamson

The purpose of the software is to manage what can't be managed well otherwise. That implies a certain level of complexity.

Jeff Tanner

We feel it's important to visually stimulate people. Otherwise, why not just sit home and listen to the record?

Todd Rutherford

We still have almost three months to try to find an amicable solution, otherwise it will be the International Chamber of Commerce, based in Paris, which will decide.

Ismail Abdel Vetah

Education, when delivered properly, can benefit a lot of people and make productive citizens out of those otherwise given no hope.

John Murray

It is well that war is so terrible - otherwise we would grow too fond of it.

Robert E. Lee

To keep the body in good health is a duty otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.


It's a great way to meet new people and to energize an otherwise monotonous running program.

Lynn Flanagan

That's not all our crops can do. We are also learning how to transform plants into factories. We can now raise plants that will create enzymes that would otherwise be created in chemical factories.

Thomas Carper

We're looking at what a market has to do to seek and find equilibrium. Those sales had to slow; otherwise sellers wouldn't get the message.

Rick Laws

Older folks who might otherwise have left us decided to hang on to life a little longer.

Arialdi Minino

Otherwise, we will be dealing with this for the next 10 years.

Charlie Schaffer

We need to have our own fabric source by then, otherwise all these mushrooming textile factories will close shop.

Susan Muhwezi

Otherwise, it's a cute little building.

Scott Myers

It really feels good. It means the other guys who coach at the big places realize that what we did was an accomplishment. To be coach of the year, you have to have the team of the year, otherwise it doesn't mean much.

Paul Bacsardi

He still retains the ability to use the assets in a way that may return benefit to him, for instance by making investments at a magnitude his fund might not otherwise be able to make. There may very well be a dollar benefit even if no fees are being paid.

Marcus Owens

Declines will continue. There is only one new field of any size - the Buzzard field - set to come online. Otherwise it's just bits and pieces.

Mike Wittner

No rational trier of fact could find that the infringing Flying B logo enabled the defendants to generate more income ... than they would have otherwise done.

Robert King

[Gen. Lord said the nuclear deterrence mission has not changed.] We're with a 500 [missile] day-to-day high-alert force that is our deterrent capability that this nation depends on every day, ... We're proud to do that, until told otherwise.

Lance Lord

Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night.

Hal Borland

This is exposure to technology that these students would not otherwise get.

Tim Hunter

I feel foolish and I feel betrayed, ... I otherwise feel I was being cheated on. She was very convincing when she told me I was the only person who could be the father.

Anthony Flores

Otherwise, they want it to be an easy drive.

Blanche Evans

So he's got an environment in which you don't really have a bonfire burning, a grassroots demand for tax cuts, ... He's going to have to go out and make that case because otherwise Democrats are going to be able to go out and say, 'Look, this will endanger programs that you care about.'

Ron Brownstein

Alternative minimum tax is a misnomer. It isn't an alternative, because you don't have a choice. And it isn't the minimum, because you end up paying higher taxes than you would have otherwise.

Claudia Hill

I must always have a clear image of the form of a work before I begin. Otherwise there is no impulse to create.

Barbara Hepworth

These initiatives are designed to improve the quality of life of the residents, and give them the confidence to go about their lawful business without fear of being shot at or otherwise being intimidated by criminals.

Dcp Shields

They know the difference between right and wrong and what's acceptable and not acceptable, and they just choose to do otherwise.

Anne Covey

Any decision about Matt's contract will have to include something for Matt if there's anything in it for the Vikings. Otherwise, the discussion is moot.

Joe Linta

He believed that there had to be a message to start with, that in the beginning was the Word. Otherwise, he said, "all you have is a lot of wires and lights in a box."

Alexander Kendrick

They just provide some strength in numbers and do a lot of work for us on fire grounds and emergency scenes that otherwise we might not have the manpower for.

Brian Rowe

People need to know that you're versatile, otherwise you don't get the opportunities.

Samantha Morton

This agency is located in a low-income area in Texarkana, Arkansas, and provides day care for children of individuals who are working or going to school and who cannot otherwise afford day care for their children.

Don Capshaw

Fortunately this game was against Dixie. It wouldn't have meant as much otherwise.

Chris Allred

I just filed unemployment today. Hopefully the store will reopen, otherwise I'm going to have to find a new job.

Paul Skinner

It's absolutely critical that we pass this M and O because otherwise we'd be looking at pretty drastic operational and personnel cuts.

Michael Grubbs

I certainly think the door's open. It's up to the city to argue otherwise and a judge to decide it.

Howard Bass

When you have an advantage, you are obliged to attack; otherwise you are endangered to lose the advantage.

Wilhelm Steinitz

It's about discovering the essential qualities. Otherwise, a destination is just a destination.

Gary Sherwin

He's never been in trouble at all or otherwise he wouldn't have had his concealed carry license.

Gabriel Garza

They're onto something; otherwise they wouldn't have the interest from other companies. We're not at the end of the story yet.

Jim Goss

Otherwise, brands will go spend their dollars on Google , and the F.C.C. ain't going to be able to do anything.

Ben Silverman

There?s a very slight shot of it Friday night. Otherwise, temperatures are remaining above normal and the air is dry.

Pete Snyder

The beneficent effects of the regular quarter-hour's exercise before breakfast is more than offset by the mental wear and tear involved in getting out of bed fifteen minutes earlier than one otherwise would.

Simeon Strunsky

Friends are like windows through which you see out into the world and back into yourself... If you don't have friends you see much less than you otherwise might.

Merle Shain

Last year we went to a meet in N.Y. on the same course, so that will be a benefit to us. Otherwise, we won't really approach anything differently. We have a couple of big meets to prepare us for what it's going to be like at the BIG EAST meet.

Dave Uhrich

If players knowingly accept some form of back-hander, I don't care how good they are, we have to get rid of them. Some strong deterrents have to be put in place, otherwise forget the salary cap.

Graham Lowe

To win at the Big East level we all have to be on the same page. It's not an option otherwise.

Jim Carrey

Microsoft has been offering a keyboard and mouse for a long time with the company logo, but people may not be familiar with it. More people may be aware of these technologies through licensing than they otherwise would have.

Sarang Ghatpande

She's just the master chef in the kitchen. When she was measuring out the milk for nine children, she made sure each glass had an equal amount. Otherwise, the kids would get on her about it.

Howard Morton

People on Medicare are going to be getting much more in benefits than they would have otherwise received.

Herb Kuhn

It isn't like an industry group where everyone knows the same industry. The idea is to have diversity of perspective. So what you have in common is your role as the CEO.... And because they come from different industries and different kinds of companies, you tend to get a much wider perspective than you would otherwise.

Dan Barnett

You need to put aside a certain amount of time to book gigs otherwise you inevitably get caught up working on something else.

Noah Taylor

Otherwise, there are landowners in this county who would plow to their house all year long. And they have the resources to do that.

Brian Pettet

That expense is going to reduce the amount of reserves that we would otherwise have accumulated, but because we are ahead of schedule in the accumulation of reserves in this current fiscal year, I believe we are on a schedule I am comfortable with to put the reserves back where they need to be.

Tony Williams

Otherwise, you're leaving money on the table. That's not smart.

Tom Grzymala

Sales look fine, but otherwise the numbers are rather disappointing, also due to higher expenses.

Julius Baer

The reader empowers customers, who otherwise would lose track of how much money was stored in the card.

Carl Fischer

It could be that unemployment is down, people had jobs and they didn't charge up as much as they might have otherwise.

John Penn

You see I don't like to be really too commercial about things but in this business you've just got to be commercial otherwise the films don't make money and you don't make films and as a long as a commodity is selling it's silly to kill it dead.

Peter Cushing

We want to make very sure that before we start touching things, that we are certain that we are not destroying some evidence that we otherwise could get.

Bob Francis

This agency has arisen the last few years to meet the need of low income kids who need a place to go to participate in activities that a lot of kids have available and otherwise may take for granted.

Don Capshaw

Well, something's got to give. Otherwise Germany will be back to the polls in a few weeks' time.

Ashley Davies

I can say unequivocally that we have gotten information through this program that would not otherwise have been available.

Genmichael Hayden

OTHERWISE, adv. No better.

Ambrose Bierce

We had a better schedule last year, otherwise we might have had even better numbers this year. The Classic didn't really hurt us because it was so early in the schedule.

Pat Calhoon

Otherwise, everyone was wearing masks, gowns, gloves, and all of the usual precautions.

Richard Shelley

I'm a bit of an abstract figure that people can project their fantasies on; it's pretty much what we all are, otherwise we wouldn't be stars, and people wouldn't be interested. But people project things on you that have nothing to do with what you really are, or they see a little something and then exaggerate it. And you can't really control that.

Salma Hayek

If a person desires to be a humorist it is necessary that the people around him shall be at least as wise as he is, otherwise his humor will not be comprehended.

James Stephens

Unless the nominating committee of our board of directors decides otherwise in accordance with our corporate governance guidelines.

David Courtney

I think businesses are going to open up jobs they may not have otherwise done.

Barton Smith

I told him we'd come there to play. Otherwise, they could come here.

Roger Herrington

They had huge stockpiles but didn't raise their prices after the earthquake, although believe me, otherwise they would raise prices any chance they got.

Don White

They're happy to get rid of it. Otherwise, they have to pay a waste hauler.

Doug Kujawa

I'm hopeful we can get a solution by Friday. Otherwise, it looks like we'll strike next week.

Peter Callero

In general, we think that nature evolved this function to help us survive DNA damage that would otherwise kill us. It's probably a kind of damage that all cells encounter frequently in life.

Graham Walker

Liverpool has 1,000 per graduating class. Laurens has 25. (The color guard brings) recognition to the school that they wouldn't get otherwise.

Chris Calhoun

It was kind of not publicized very well. Otherwise we may have reacted sooner.

Jim Arnold

Otherwise, it would have been five or six minutes.

Bill Burns

For example, the fact that you can put Navy personnel in an Air Force facility, exploiting information coming from Army sensors, you get a little bit more information than you would otherwise get if it was just the Navy talking to the Navy talking to the Navy, or the Army talking to the Army talking to the Army.

Christopher Jackson

If you had pockets, you were associated with a labor force. It meant you had things to carry yourself. Otherwise, your lady's maid or your manservant would have done it for you.

Tim Gunn

You must register. Otherwise, you will be facing this kind of prison term.

Lori Wada

Being popular is important. Otherwise people might not like you.

Mimi Pond

For those with smaller sums of money, [multi-managers] offer access to a diversified portfolio that would otherwise be hard to access.

Anna Bowes

It is still not enough for language to have clarity and content... it must also have a goal and an imperative. Otherwise from language we descend to chatter, from chatter to babble and from babble to confusion.

Rene Daumal

We can make a door on the side. I'd love for that to happen. Otherwise why is there a little ticket booth there?

Roy Christopher

We're demonstrating how the web can help to distribute all kinds of content that may not have otherwise been available.

Susan Wojcicki

It is something that makes them a normal child while they are here, doing an activity that most children get to do but otherwise wouldn't be able to.

Margaret D'andrea

That's how the system has always been, they [sellers] have become accustomed to it and they can't compete otherwise.

Sid Connor

If people want to walk up there and put memorials, that has a place, if it's important to them. But it has to be managed, otherwise some people would build enormous edifices on the mountain.

Rob Smith

(Then) our daughter said they just opened a PetSmart and we were excited. We live in Grapeland so we'd have to go to Tyler or Conroe (otherwise).

Kathy Smith

Otherwise, it wouldn't get done.

Mary Curry

Being a sex symbol has to do with an attitude, not looks. Most men think it's looks, most women know otherwise.

Kathleen Turner

But the idea of design might open our understanding to some things we never would have considered otherwise.

Dave Freer

We were happy we could build something for Brian that would allow him to pursue something he wouldn't have been able to do otherwise.

Jonathan Lee

If the political alignment in the country were otherwise, impeachment would be a no-brainer.

Laurence H. Tribe

Equities remain ready to run even higher if the metals allow them to. Otherwise a correction is due.

Peter Spina

According to the map he had fallen three miles behind the front. We had therefore brought him down on enemy ground. Otherwise I should have one more victory to my credit. I was very proud of my success. After all, the chief thing is to bring a fellow down. It does not matter at all whether one is credited for it or not.

Manfred Von Richthofen

The individual with a college savings plan is someone who might otherwise be investing in taxable funds for their child's college education and they'd like to be able to put that money in a tax-advantaged savings account.

Joseph Hurley

Otherwise the German media market will become an object of speculation for foreign financial sharks who will ruin the German media system.

Michael Konken

Maple syrup can help you lose weight -- if you eat nothing else and don't have too much! Otherwise, I agree that the whole idea is a little ridiculous.

Mark Hyman

I've said many, many times that people who run the transition exercise shouldn't go into government. To do it otherwise is almost to be in a conflict of interest.

David Zussman

The oil price remains high and that might help energy companies. Otherwise, it's a mixed picture.

Lex Bouwmeester

My art springs from my desire to have things in the world which would otherwise never be there.

Carl Andre

The majority of the members of the Irish parliament are professional politicians, in the sense that otherwise they would not be given jobs minding mice at crossroads.

Flann O'brien

When the ad and the entertainment is combined, you have to be subtle about it because otherwise it's pure commercialism.

Peter Sealey

The first rule of business, is never sell something you love. Otherwise, you may as well be selling your children.

Hugh Macleod

Sometimes we learn about an opportunity from him we wouldn't learn about otherwise.

Nancy Martin

Electric utility output was down a bit because we had such cool August, but otherwise, manufacturing was pretty hot.

Brian Fabbri

We would hope for an improved security environment because otherwise many people who may wish to participate would be deterred.

Ashraf Qazi

We hope they will come to their senses. Otherwise, we have to bring them to face the justice, ... We intend to liberate the people and bring the rule of law to Falluja.

Ayad Allawi

Unless I can convince the bank otherwise, I now have to have the parents of the minors designated as guardians and set up guardianship accounts.

Fred Sanders

Here in Louisville, we are one of the bright spots of prosperity in an otherwise struggling industry.

Skip Miller

Man would be otherwise. That is the essence of the specifically human.

Antonio Machado

I did not urge or encourage any reporter to investigate the private life of any member of Congress. Any suggestions otherwise are completely false.

Sidney Blumenthal

I'll see how it feels when I get up on Sunday, ... If it feels good, I'll go. Otherwise, I won't.

Carlos Emmons

This is a further attempt by the Brooklyn district attorney's office to besmirch Lou's excellent reputation and to discredit an otherwise outstanding and remarkable police career, ... With Lou's career, there is nothing to ever run from.

Bruce Cutler

Here we actually went in, created a war that would otherwise not have occurred and now we see a complete political vacuum.

Malcolm Rifkind

It wasn't much different. We had to shift a few positions, otherwise it was the same. The kids played great. What I expected from them was to come out and do what they do in practice.

Lona Ozrek

This agreement protects acres of old forests that are good for the owl and other animals that would not have had protection otherwise.

Becky Kelley

On a daily basis we're blocking thousands of attacks that would otherwise result in data compromise. All of our clients are under attack 24 hours a day.

Phillip Zakas

There's something about light that's right for these terrible subjects. It's a way of having beauty let you come closer than you might otherwise.

Jenny Holzer

GM could give more money to Isuzu, but the basic fundamental problem is still demand for trucks in Asia, ... The problem is how quickly they can implement all these measures, otherwise demand might continue to slide in Japan and Asia.

Koji Endo

I vote Libertarian, straight ticket. But otherwise, Kinky Friedman, because he's not a politician, even though he's a liberal. I'll forgive him for that.

John Sheffield

These initiatives are designed to improve the quality of life of the residents and give them the confidence to go about their lawful business without fear of being shot at or otherwise being intimidated by armed criminals.

Mark Shields

Otherwise you are just paying rent.

Steve Sell

There is no right by the federal or state constitution to manual recounts. There is no law that says that you must count dimpled ballots, constitutional or otherwise.

Barry Richard

I strongly disagree with that. Clearly, the officials at Fort Huachuca understood Pvt. Lawson was in danger -- otherwise they would not have had him under the drill sergeant's care.

Steve Ralls

Everyone's looking at this to see if it will really reach significant numbers of people who are otherwise not reachable.

David Snyder

But it can't get too close to Jupiter, otherwise it won't have enough fuel to escape the planet's gravitational pull.

Randy Russell

There were times I thought we were going to freeze, but otherwise it was a good start for us.

Keith Louder

No spending reduction is easy, otherwise they would have been done a long time ago.

Pete Sepp

Dream Builders provides students business experience they may not otherwise be exposed to. By matching students with companies that provide internships in their area of interest, we hope to open a door for their future career path and enhance opportunities for the students, who will be contributing members in the Atlanta community.

Art Lucas

To proceed otherwise would result in confusion, duplication and a huge waste of estate resources.

Luc Despins

Let them not make me a stone and let them not spill me, otherwise kill me.

Louis Macneice

Merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative.

W. S. Gilbert

This is one of those kinds of times that anybody connected with any university, athletics or otherwise, dreads the most — and that is when you lose somebody — particularly when it's hard to explain and hard to understand.

Jim Livengood

There are some cracks on it but otherwise it looks a good track.

Rahul Dravid

He complains. ''Otherwise it's offensive to discuss poverty and suicide; they talk about these things as if they happen in a land beyond the civilized world.

Orhan Pamuk

I would like to ask the council to respect my recommendations, ... If the council chooses to do otherwise, I'd like to go on record saying I disagree.

James Perkins