It's a good opportunity for people to see things they wouldn't otherwise ever see. Ninety-five per cent of people would never otherwise see the Poor Knights.

John Chamberlin

Otherwise, they're looking at all these big people having fun and they can't do anything. They really get into it.

Terry Skorstad

[The Phelps who fought with police that day and the Phelps seen otherwise] are two completely different people, ... behavior won't happen again.

Douglas Roberts

Otherwise it's entirely possible, or plausible, that we never would have found him.

Jason Lewis

It was very hard for him to accept that, on top of the fact that his parents -- one was in prison, the other possibly being deported -- and it's just a convergence of really bad news that caused Dave Williams to behave in a way he never would have otherwise.

Mike Devine

We like to come to America because people here are very hospitable. Those of us that have talent can come here to get opportunities they would not otherwise have in India.

Thupten Chosang

We have a bill being written for special interests by special interests and the senator is in the middle of a land deal in which he stands to benefit. You won't convince me otherwise.

Charles Plancon

I'm so spoiled - I must have a Starbucks vanilla latte every day. Otherwise, it's going to be a bad day. I also love Jelly Bellies. But that's bad. Don't tell my mom.

Katie Holmes

It's a nice price, but there might be some other parts of the business to be knocked off too. The management needs to make a fist of its strategy. Otherwise we'll see some bid activity.

Stuart Fraser

I'd be lying if I said otherwise. This one's going to be special.

Weylan Harding

We would love to start some sort of association of the arts in Haiti to promote the education of children, who can't otherwise afford it.

Charles Marks

As a setup guy, if people are talking to you, obviously you did something bad. Otherwise you go unheard of. I guess that is a good thing.

Bob Howry

I'm amazed at how well she looks. She always was a fit cat, otherwise she wouldn't have survived 14 days in that hole.

Peter Myers

Hixson's top three bowlers were solid. We matched up well with them otherwise, but their top three girls were very good.

Mike Ransom

Many times these firms can bring candidates to the table that otherwise would not have applied, or might not have known about the position.

Donald Lehman

We want to have a good turnout as always and get a lot of material that would otherwise go into the trash and that would be bad for the environment. It's quick and easy.

Jackie Cox

I was under the impression that I was helping people buy a home who couldn't otherwise afford one.

Mark Wallace

No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave.

James Burgh

The yield curve is reflecting too pessimistic an outlook on the economy. The market will just have to be convinced otherwise.

Ted Wieseman

The (trust) structure removes some of the expansion alternatives that would otherwise be available to a corporation.

Jeff Barnes

We still need to protect the resources to cover the community. We don't know if he's committed to that or not. A lot of his history suggests otherwise. We already can't cover the things we once did.

Jack Fischer

If you'd been a fly on a wall in the ladies' restroom, you'd see the women swigging from flasks. Otherwise, they wouldn't have any drinks until midnight.

Richard Oster

It saves nuisance. More companies will probably have an appetite for instruments that otherwise would have triggered bifurcation.

Mark Adelson

There is great pressure to develop on the east side, ... We have to give developers something they can hang their hats on, otherwise it will be very costly and very difficult to get that land back.

Tom Hamilton

It's a different cutting of the company's pie. It means that some creditors get more than they otherwise would, and other creditors will be getting less.

Lynn Lopucki

They better (sign him), otherwise that offense would be totally different, I'm telling you. They've got to keep Edge; I don't care what they say.

Mike Peterson

We have to use turnovers to get easy points on offense. We are not an otherwise strong offensive team.

Dan Dunn

Canceling the tour would have been bad news for everybody. Nothing good would have come out of it. Otherwise the musicians would not have agreed to go on the tour.

David Schoenbrun

If the good Lord could stop the rain just for tomorrow, but only for tomorrow, it would be good. But we need rain otherwise because it's a good omen for our country.

Brigalia Bam

The First Folio preserves 18 of his plays, which otherwise would have been lost for all time. Relatively complete copies of the Folio in contemporary or near contemporary bindings very rarely come to the market.

Peter Selley

Our purpose is to provide positive alternatives to otherwise destructive behaviors.

Kent Castleman

There is no need for biting in the game. I brought it to the attention of the referee and if the authorities can see it on TV, they will see him trying to take a chunk out of my arm, ... otherwise you couldn't have scripted it better.

Brad Davis

Welles was an astute and worldly man about everything but his art. He couldn't afford to be otherwise.

Peter Bogdanovich

If you can get students to listen to something educational for 30 minutes a day on their way to or from school, that's 30 minutes more of their attention you wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

Robert Craven

If gas (prices) keep going up it makes no sense ... The bus is all there is. Otherwise it's riding a bike.

Bonnie Rogers

We advise the offender in advance that unless they otherwise hear from us, at 12:01am, they can cut the bracelet off - it's just a rubber band. Then all monitoring will cease.

Chris Stanton

The federal government will spend $12.7 billion less on student loans in the next five years than they would otherwise have done. It will be felt.

Terry W. Hartle

It depends on who it is. If you don't know the guy, you have to be patient. Otherwise, you can anticipate his move.

Nikolai Khabibulin

It's way too early to determine the long-term impact, financial or otherwise.

Kathy Walt

Having that sense of anger leads people to actually feel some power in what otherwise is a maddening situation.

Dr. Jennifer Lerner

We are not in legal power to do something. We have to take risks, otherwise we cannot do anything.

Bo Kyi

We remain optimistic and hopeful, and until you can prove otherwise, we'll continue to remain hopeful.

Joyce Kesse

There is no professional field hockey. So you better be getting your education. Otherwise, it's a waste of time and money.

Gail Petty

All those who hand over their weapons by dawn will be allowed to leave without consequences. Otherwise, they will be hit with the force of law by the police forces.

Fatos Nano

Otherwise you put more pressure on the kids. It's added pressure that they don't need. You just look at it as an opportunity to go one step further, and then who knows. You've just got to take it game by game.

Mike Tallon

Maybe he is like Detroit, so many sides, some good and nice and some otherwise.

Danialle Karmanos

Take a look around the gym. We are all here playing basketball together. Otherwise, we would be standing on some corner.

Josh Reed

I won't even say that 99 percent have their minds made up. I think it's 99.9 percent. Otherwise they would never find it.

Matt Rexroad

I expect this match to be tight just as our last match was here at home back in February. The final score may have indicated otherwise, but we're not expecting anything but a battle. It should be fun.

George Husack

We don't feel like we have any habitual offenders at the airport. Otherwise they wouldn't be operating at the airport.

Marc Lavorgna

The release of crude oil from Murphy Oil turned a community otherwise contaminated by floodwater into a community contaminated by toxicants. The dominant issue is the necessity of a community-wide cleanup.

Joe Bruno

People don't realize that those with addictions are our own ... our neighbors even, and those who are otherwise successful.

John Driscoll

He was a gentleman in every sense of the word, ... There's not many around anymore. He was a man of integrity. Complete integrity. I've never known him otherwise.

Guy Green

Already the Federal Reserve is indicating an increased degree of inflationary concern and this would only be exacerbated by further depreciation [of the dollar]. That raises the potential for rates in 2005 to be higher than might otherwise be considered optimal.

Louise Purtle

If Virginia Tech is the only one-loss team, then they make the Sugar Bowl. Otherwise, they don't.

Jerry Palm

In this business, you have to have good products, good partners, be nimble as a company, financially sound and hungry to innovate, otherwise you're not going to grow your business.

Jack Friedman

Everyone knows we get paid a lot of money, so why pretend otherwise?

Catherine Zeta Jones

Celebrities can have a positive influence on our life, with positive messages. They can be very helpful in terms of increasing awareness and decreasing stigma about many problems, including health problems, that might otherwise not get the attention they need.

Eric Hollander

If consumers feel it meets the standard of P2P, they'll be willing to try it, ... Otherwise, they won't care.

Eric Garland

We'll be able to give the gift of mobility, especially to children who would otherwise have spent the rest of their lives in their bed[s].

Eric Chambers

Otherwise you're like a three-legged stool on two legs.

Elizabeth Langland

I think it's a little bit of a stretch. The legislative intent clearly was not to incarcerate doctors or execute doctors who are performing abortions, illegal or otherwise.

Elizabeth Graham

Barbarism is needed every four or five hundred years to bring the world back to life. Otherwise it would die of civilization.

Edmond de Goncourt

I never meant to imply U.S. forces acted with ill intent when U.S. forces accidentally killed journalists, and I apologize to anyone who thought I said or believed otherwise.

Eason Jordan

It is clear this is going to trigger a lot of voting that might not have otherwise occurred.

Earl De Berge